Christopher Answers

By ed swanky

Published on May 15, 2023


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Christopher Answers

Chapter 9

Christopher said his good-byes, he and Justin wouldn't be seeing each other until History, the last class of the day, where they sit next to each other. As Chris got up from the table to leave, he noticed Gary and Tim talking together. He turned to say something to Justin but he was already walking to his next class in the opposite direction. He thought it was strange. Tim obviously knew who Gary was but Chris didn't think that Gary knew him, certainly not well enough to be chatting.

Chris was a little worried because Justin and Gary were in the next class together. He hoped that Justin wouldn't confront him. If they got into a fight in school it would mean certain suspension for both. Justin would have to exercise some restraint, a quality that for him was usually in short supply.

Justin sat two seats behind Gary in the next row. Gary could feel his eyes staring at him through most of the class. He turned around once to look and saw a half-smile that was definitely not friendly. He wished that he had asked Tim more about the content of his conversation with Justin. He was sure now that Justin suspected something.

He didn't like making those phone calls but his Dad had insisted. If Dave would have died as a result of his call, he wasn't sure if he could have handled that. His Dad surely would feel the same, he was almost certain. What Dave, Tom, Justin and Christopher do with each other is an abomination. They need to recognize that and get straight with God before it is too late. His Dad was just trying to help, is all. He knows things about the Devil and wants to free them from his control. His Dad's motives are pure. He couldn't have anticipated that Dave would attempt suicide as a result, otherwise he wouldn't have insisted that he make the calls. God was using both he and his Dad as instruments to save their immortal souls, is all.

Timothy would need some additional special kind of training that God had revealed to Gary. He was younger and in particular need of a disciplined hand to rid him of the demons that had taken control of his life.

His boy butt would have to be bared before God and slapped. Even now, God was sending detailed images of his lesson plans into Gary's mind. Tim would need possibly several reinforcements per day. Gary, at God's direction, would anoint Tim's body with his seed and make him worthy. His seed would provide Tim with oral sustenance and at times an anal inoculate to immunize his body from evil. Gary was willing to give himself totally to the restoration of this boy by following God's outline. If only his Father could bear witness to God's plan he would give it his blessing too. For now though he would keep it among God, Tim and himself. It would be better that way so as not to be misunderstood. God certainly does work in mysterious ways.

Justin stood uncomfortably close behind him as they filed out of class. He whispered to Gary that they needed to talk and then went down the hall to his next class. Yes, Justin suspected something, there was no question about that now. Gary would spend his last two classes trying to figure out what that was.

Christopher and Justin had a difficult time concentrating in History Class. Their separation of even a few hours was more than either one wanted at this early stage in their relationship. It was all they could do to keep their hands off each other when they met again for the first time since lunch break. They were like two newly weds who needed to be in constant physical contact with each other. History class seemed to drone on forever as they continued to make eye contact. The two were hopelessly in love.

Christopher's thoughts drifted back to this morning.


Justin woke up at six fifteen. His cock was rigid with the underside, just above his balls, partially covered in the uppermost crevice of Christopher's bubble butt. Most of the 9 inch shaft was pressed firmly between his abdomen and the bottom of Chris' spine. Realizing that Chris was awake, he kissed his ear and whispered his desire to make love.

Christopher answered by arching his back providing a few inches of space between. Justin grabbed his pole with his left hand and directed the tip into Chris' now quivering, receptive pucker. He needed several attempts to break through the tiny muscle ring. Christopher moaned with pleasure and pain as the massive helmet disappeared inside the clutching muscle tissue that closed over and held it tightly inside.

With his left hand now free again, Justin placed both his palms on Christopher's hips. He arched his back and plunged forward while firmly pulling back with his hands. Christopher gasped as he felt the nine inch rod massaging his prostate gland. In successive short strokes, Justin continued his relentless drilling into the warm love tunnel.

The palm and fingers of Christopher's left hand formed an equally tight tunnel around his own cock, now mimicking the movements of his lover's pistoning strokes. Justin got into a metronome-like rhythm back and forth until his balls released its pent-up store of seed deep inside. Christopher's own balls delivered at the same time, spewing onto his stomach and the bedsheet.

Justin lay there for a few minutes savoring the wonderful feeling of his release and the smoothness of Christopher's tiny naked body. Then he rolled the boy onto his back and lapped up the white creamy pools of Chris' seed on his soft stomach. Chris worked his fingers into Justin's hair as his body was being vacuumed clean.

Justin worked lower and took Chris' limp cock into his mouth. In a few minutes, Christopher was hard again and delivered a second load into the back of Justin's throat. Justin didn't spill a drop, swallowing several times before pulling out and sucking the boy's balls into his hungry mouth.

Chris could do little more than groan his approval to the sensual feelings that enveloped him. Justin wanted to do everything to please this boy who had so selflessly given himself to Justin. Justin hooked his arms under the boy's legs and rolled him up to reveal the object of his earlier exploration. He licked the rim of the beautiful pink aperture that provided his cock with such pleasure only minutes before.

Forming his tongue into a wide flat brush, he swabbed both ass cheeks and the puckered middle. Christopher literally cried out responding to the incredible waves of pleasure that gripped him. Justin lowered his legs and used the broad tongue-brush to make one long wet pass from the top of his anus over his balls, up his limp cock and onto his stomach. He continued straight up the middle of his chest, neck and finally locked their mouths together. Christopher submissively relaxed his jaw allowing Justin's tongue to invade his mouth in an act of total surrender to the master he loved so dearly.


Almost as if on cue, the bell sounded as Christopher returned from his pleasant flashback. Classes were finished for the day. Justin placed his hands on Christopher's shoulders as they neared the door. This was their first touch since early this morning about one block from school.

Justin looked around for Gary but he was nowhere to be found. When they walked outside he saw Craig standing next to his car and asked him if he had seen Gary. Craig said that he just saw Gary leaving in his car and he thought he recognized Timothy sitting in the passenger seat. Craig said he was surprised because he didn't think they knew each other. Christopher chimed-in that he saw them talking together at lunch and had forgotten to say something about it.

"Craig, did you see which way they went", Justin asked.

"No, I really wasn't paying that much attention. Why, are you worried about Tim?"

Justin said that he was a little concerned. "I don't know what Gary is capable of doing. I know one thing, if he harms a hair on that kid's head, he won't be harming anyone else for a long, long time. I'll break both arms on the son-of-a-bitch."

Craig said that they should get in his car and maybe they can find them. Justin climbed in front, Christopher in back and they took off down the road. Justin suggested that they follow the route toward Gary's house. Without any other clues as to where they were went, Justin thought that Gary would head toward familiar territory.

"I'm sure glad we could get together again, Gary. Like I said, I was afraid maybe I did something you didn't like when you left in such a hurry. Was your Dad mad at you for being late? You know I can get you a free pass to that movie since you couldn't stay long enough to see much of it. Wasn't that something about Dave trying to commit suicide?"

Tim was nervous, he mostly rambled when he was nervous. To this point, Gary hadn't said a word. He hadn't even really looked at Tim. He wanted to get as far away from school and Justin as he could.

"Look Tim, I know this place where we can park and talk a little. Get to know each other better, you'd like that wouldn't you?"

"Yes...I would like that, as I said I really enjoyed what we did on Saturday. I think you're one of the hottest guys at school. I didn't even know you were gay until I saw you watching the guys from the back of the theater. I didn't tell them anything except that Justin asked if I'd seen anybody in the theater that I knew. I told him you were there but left early. I didn't say anything about us though since you told me to keep it a secret."

The impact of what Tim said was starting to make sense. Justin must suspect him of making those phone calls. He needed a cover story. Maybe he could get Tim to say that he remembered that he came back for the next show that evening. That would put him in the movie theater at the time the two phone calls were made. He had to work on this kid...make him do just about anything he asked. Gary's mind was working overtime. He thought since the kid mistakenly thinks that he's gay, he could pretend that he is. He was going to have to act like he loves this little faggot boy that God has planned for him to reform and make righteous.

Gary pulled off the main road onto a fire trail that he knew. He drove for about two miles before He pulled the car behind a clump of thick bushes and shut off the engine. Tim was nervous. Gary was a great looking guy but he was a acting strange and him being a senior and all, this was new territory for Tim.

"So tell me Tim, do you like sucking other boy's cocks. I bet you've never seen one as big as mine before, huh. Would you like to see it, I doubt if you got a good look at it in the theater, being dark as it was. I really liked the way you worked your tongue on my foreskin. Have you had much practice before, how many different guys have you sucked?"

Now Gary was rambling, he was just as nervous as Tim. Tim started to answer his questions but Gary stopped him, shifted until his back was on the driver side door. He splayed open his legs and just pointed to his crotch.

Tim shut up and leaned down with his nose only inches from Gary's belt line. He undid the top button and started to pull down his zipper. He could see the outline of Gary's 8 inch cock down the left pants leg. He laid open his pants and fished his hands inside bringing the sheathed monster into view. Tim gasped as it sprang upward, the pink tip was just barely visible. Tim leaned down and kissed it, working his tongue into the piss slit and using his fingers to milk more of the helmet into view. Gary's cock seemed to be pleasantly free of odor indicating that he must give it his thorough attention every day.

Gary put his hands around the back of Timothy's head and held him close as he paid homage to his cock. This little infidel knew what he was doing. His mouth and tongue wrapped the covered head in a moist embrace. Gary imagined he felt two separate sides of his tongue almost like it was forked like a viper. Yes, he was going to have his work cut out for him in saving this boy. Obviously he has laid down with other men and boys. Gary felt like he was out of control. He needed to regain that if he was to make this boy his faithful servant.

Gary pulled the startled boy's head out from his lap. Get out of the car!, he ordered. This is going to be done my way!

Tim exited out the passenger side with Gary right behind him. Tim stood with his back toward him. Gary saw the cute ass cheeks that had turned him on twice before at school.

"Drop those pants around your ankles," Gary said in a rough voice.

Tim did as he was ordered. He wasn't wearing briefs and the soft, round globes of his ass were partially covered by the tail of his shirt. Gary rolled the shirt up and sighed as the uncovered ass was even better than he had imagined. Surely God must have made a boy's ass look this good for a reason. Gary pushed the frightened boy toward the front of the car and told him to bend down against the hood. He rolled the boy's shirt up his back but then decided that it should come off along with the rest of clothes.

"Step away from the car and take off all your clothes. I want to see what God has created. You must be immunized boy, God has directed me to save you. You must take my communion so that you can rejoin his flock. He has directed me to take you under my wing and bring you back to the path. The path leading to him instead of the path you've chosen that leads to the eternal fires of hell.

This kind of talk had Tim extremely nervous. He felt like he should start running, get away, as far away as possible. His pants were down to his ankles. He wouldn't get more than a step before he would fall flat on his face. He had no choice but to obey.

Gary leaned back on the car and watched as Tim stripped off his shirt. Tim bent down and pulled his pants over his sneakers, kicking them free. He stood up and watched Gary's eyes roam over his young body, drinking in the vision of his perfect proportions. His smallish uncircumcised cock was like eye candy to Gary.

'God had indeed provided', Gary thought. "Off with the sneakers and socks you little slut, he commanded."

Tim leaned down and then abruptly decided that he had to get out of there while he could. He sprung forward and ran toward the main road, completely naked except for his feet.

Gary was surprised but took off running after the boy. The boy was too fast for him and he was widening the gap between them. Gary stopped and ran back to get his car. Tim ran like a sleek gazelle, he stayed on the fire trail hurdling small undergrowth as he ran headlong not looking back to see if Gary was behind him. He was terrified. He never heard anyone talk crazy like that before. Being naked and running free was strangely exhilarating, almost like in a dream.

Then he heard the terrifying sound of the car's engine about 200 yards, he guessed, behind him. He had to be close to the main road now but he was tiring fast. In a car, Gary couldn't go too fast because the trail was rough. He could see the young boy ahead of him, he had to catch up before he made it all the way back to the main road. He was only ten yards behind when Tim jumped out onto the macadam. He was exhausted but continued to run back down the road, hoping that someone would see him and stop to help.

Craig, Justin and Christopher had back-tracked and saw Gary's car pull onto the road from the woods. Once the car's tires hit the solid surface, the wheels spun and quickly made up the distance between him and the naked boy. Craig speeded up and was about 300 yards behind. Justin spotted Tim running up ahead and saw Gary swerve in front of him and stop. Tim was exhausted and literally collapsed on the side of the road. Gary leaned down and started slapping him across the face. Then he tried picking him up until he heard Craig's car coming. He recognized the car immediately.

Craig slammed to a stop and Justin was out in a flash. Gary dropped the boy to the ground and started to run to his car. Justin grabbed him by the collar as he was getting inside and hurled him down on the side of the road. He looked back at Tim who was being helped to his feet by both Craig and Christopher.

Justin reached down and grabbed a clump of Gary's hair in his right hand, pulling him up to a half standing position.

"Excuse me Tim, but could I be wrong, or is this guy bothering you?"

end chapter 9

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