Christopher Answers

By ed swanky

Published on Sep 10, 2023


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Christopher Answers

Chapter 32 - Final

=========================================================================== From the Previous Chapter: ===========================================================================

He was so very, very tired. He reached in the drawer of the small table that held the lamp next to his TV set. His fingers found the 45 caliber pistol that he had purchased for protection many years earlier. He picked it up and jammed the clip into the handle.

Outside his apartment door, John heard the sound of footsteps.

"God forgive me", he said as he put the gun to his temple.

BANG! =========================================================================== ===========================================================================

BANG!! BANG!!! John jumped to the sound of three loud raps on his front door. He put the loaded pistol down on the table and slowly eased himself out of his chair.

"Open this door John! It's Russell, your brother!"

"What do you want! Go away!!, I'm busy."

"Not until you open this door!

John reluctantly walked over, opened it and stood blocking the entrance as he had done on the two previous occasions when his brother visited him. This time however, Russell pushed his way inside. The lamp was the only source of light in the room and drew Russell's eyes toward it and the gun that lay along side.

"I don't want you here! Please leave!"

"Not until we've talked. You are my brother, I love you. Sarah Parker called me from the school and told me what happened at the meeting. She was concerned about how you reacted after the vote was taken."

"You are not alone John. There are people who care what happens to you. Martha is with me, she is sitting in the car and is deeply concerned for you. I see the gun sitting on the table. Do you think that Michael and Gary would want you to kill yourself? They are here watching over you John. You can't do this to the people who love you."

John covered his eyes and started to weep uncontrollably. His older brother took him in his strong arms and held him tight to his chest.

"I feel that God has forsaken me just as I had forsaken my son," he managed to say quietly between body wrenching sobs.

Russell said nothing as he held on to him for dear life. Tears cascaded down his cheeks as memories of his brother Michael's funeral and this same scene replayed itself. John was distraught that time also and sought comfort in the arms of his big brother. Michael and Gary, both dead, destined to remain teenagers forever. Russell's fervent hope was that they met each other in some ethereal place. Uncle and Nephew struck down at the same tender age of seventeen. Russell could almost feel the ghostly apparitions, their arms encircling him and his brother John. Perhaps it was only the eerie dim light in the apartment and the high level of emotion, but at that moment he sensed their presence.

John sensed it too. He felt wrapped in a cocoon, two brothers and his son surrounding him in a warm embrace of forgiving love. He wept for the wasted years and the love he denied his wife and son.

Martha appeared in the doorway and joined their embrace. The pain of the last ten years seemed to fade away. She remembered only the caring and love that John had given her and their young son before then.

"It's time John. Time for you to finally come home."

Russell left him in Martha's arms, picked up the 45, ejected the clip and cleared the chamber. He watched them walk out arm-in-arm and start up the steps. The gun was put away in the drawer and the clip in his pocket. He turned off the lamp and stood there for a few minutes in the cold, dark apartment. He knew that it was over. Martha and he had shared the briefest of time together but their love would never be consummated. It was the way it had to be.

In the shadowy light of the church parking lot he saw two figures helping Martha and John into the front seat of his car. When they turned toward him as he approached, his mind played a trick on him. He thought he saw himself with a familiar young girl from his past.

"Hello Russell, I'd like you to meet our son."

Justin extended his hand to shake but Russell embraced him instead, pressing his lips to his cheek. Christopher got out of their car and stood a few feet from them. He was witness to a rare moment: Justin was crying. Then he looked toward Justin's mom. He had never seen her more radiant. After several minutes, Russell let go with one arm and motioned Chris to join them. Little Christopher appeared to be swallowed up as he was drawn into the middle of the big men. When they separated, Justin stood with his hands protectively on Christopher's shoulders and made plans to meet tomorrow after school. Russell volunteered to pick them up, then leaned over to kiss Justin once more. Christopher was momentarily sandwiched in between until Russell pulled back, leaned down, and gave him a kiss on the forehead. He squeezed Sarah's hand and smiled at her before getting into his car.

As they drove away, Justin kept his grip firmly on Christopher's shoulders, he didn't allow him to turn around and see the tears in his eyes. Justin's Mom stood next to them.

Justin managed to resume his macho image as he turned Christopher toward the car and playfully swatted him on the bottom. "Time to go home", he said.

Back at the highschool, Ed Jordan thanked Ray for his help in prepping him for the meeting. Ray and Dave promised to call him the next time they were in town and take him up on his offer of dinner with his family.

"Well big guy," Dave said to his brother Bob, "it's time that Ray and I hit the road. Promise me that you'll try to keep your temper in check. We are used to those kind of remarks, so try not to let them bother you too much. I am proud that you stuck up for me though, it reminded me of when we were young. You never let anybody get away with pushing around your little brother."

Bob did something that surprised both of them. In front of his longshoremen friends, he not only kissed his brother goodbye but he kissed Ray too. Tom and young Dave were a bit more openly affectionate to both uncles. Uncle Dave invited them and their friends to visit after the school year was over. "We'll have a big party that will last for a couple of days. It will give you a chance to meet our friends and we can take you on a grand tour of the city."

The School Board meeting had finished more than a hour ago but most of the students lingered there. Other gay and lesbian singles and couples chose this time to 'come out' to their friends including two complete surprise couples from the football team. The atmosphere of openness and freedom from repression generated at the meeting was nothing short of a miracle. The few students who remained critical of gays were afraid to speak up for fear of being rebuked by their friends.

Craig was viewed as the conquering hero. He was the organizer of the athlete silent demonstration that effectively ended the meeting in favor of Principal Jordan. He even wrote the short speech that John Gulley gave. Coach Walters had called a combined meeting of the football and baseball teams after school and turned it over to Craig. His combination of common sense and wit convinced them that it was the right thing to do.

He and Kathy held hands as parents, faculty and students came by to congratulate him. The look of love in her eyes was undeniable. She had fallen for him in a big way. Craig finally found the same love that his friends had and would never be lonely again.

Taylor and Tim refused a number of ride offers to take them home. It was a beautiful evening and they decided to walk. The future was bright for them. The love that they shared need not be hidden. Their parents and friends all knew. The school policy against gay bashing was upheld. The next two years held the promise of the freedom of driving a car and the freedom to love each other unabashedly. The pain of Gary's death was now behind Tim. Taylor was to become his life partner, this he knew from Gary's revelation to him in a dream. A dream so real that he did not doubt it. They lazily walked under the moonlit sky, arms around each other in the age-old embrace of two people in love.

Christopher and Justin were finally alone. Sarah had gone up to bed and they were nestled comfortably together on the couch. Christopher suggested that they get naked. "I want to feel your skin next to mine", he said.

They stripped off their clothes and moved to the lounge chair. Justin sat passively with his feet on the carpet and opened his knees to allow Christopher enough room to stand facing him. He began by leaving a trail of spittle from his belly button to the middle of his pecs using his flat tongue to lave the hair trail that was growing there. The aroma of Justin was pure heaven to him. A manly, athletic smell that entered his nose and stiffened his penis.

Christopher moved his mouth onto his right nipple and twirled the left one with his index finger and thumb. Justin groaned with the pleasure his little lover was giving to him. Chris' mouth stimulated his nubbin from a rubbery softness to a taut pencil eraser hardness. The salty taste of mansweat make him thirst for more. He switched to the left breast and tasted the sweet, sweaty nectar. A treasure cave awaited his exploration. Moving his mouth along the left pectoral muscle, he licked the skin and buried his nose in the hairy recess of Justin's armpit. It opened up to him when Justin raised his arm. Chris closed his eyes, not wanting the sense of sight to interfere with that of taste and smell. It was a delicious heady mixture of glandular secretions and deodorant that clung to the soft luxurious matting of hair. The smell and taste made his mind reel with desire. This was his man, the man he loved, the man who loved him.

Justin put his left hand on the back of Christopher's thigh and ran it lightly over the soft round mounds of flesh that hid the puckered entrance to paradise. He so loved this sweet, sweet boy who had stolen his heart. Justin's cock was at full hardness supporting the boy as if he were perched on a tree limb. He could feel Christopher's own penis, hard and flat against his stomach. The wetness of his precum, cold and sticky, bound them together. They were both tired and Christopher chose to stay in that position to rest and regain his strength. Justin's arm ached from holding it upright and lowered it as Chris moved his head back to the center of his chest. His lowered hand joined the other and massaged buttocks and lower back in unison. His hands stroked up and down the boys spine causing Christopher to coo with primal contentment. He was safe and warm and loved.

Justin coaxed Christopher to stand, he had something that he wanted to give him. He reached into the drawer on the end table and took out an item that he purchased last week. When Christopher saw what it was his heart raced and a smile lit up his face.

He slipped a ring on Christopher's finger and asked:

"Will you marry me?"

Christopher answered, "Yes."

The End

Note: I am considering writing a sequel or related stories at some point

in the future if there is sufficient interest among the readers.

My thanks to everyone who contributed their ideas and encouragement

along the way. I am in your debt. Sincerely, ed

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