Christopher Answers

By ed swanky

Published on Aug 24, 2023


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Christopher Answers

Chapter 29

Justin held Christopher tight to his chest and told him how he had arrived at the conclusion that Russell Watkins was his biological father. Chris pictured Russell's face in his mind and knew that Justin was right. He felt Justin's hands move to his hips, hook his thumbs in the elastic band of his briefs, sliding them down to his ankles. The now naked Christopher kicked them free and turned around to face Justin. He sensed a new vulnerability in his lover that was very appealing. Justin's confident, always-in-control look was gone. Tonight it was Christopher's turn to provide nurturing and protection.

"Stand up and take off your clothes.", Christopher ordered. Justin silently obeyed.

Chris turned down the bedspread and Justin slipped under the covers. He rolled on his side as Christopher got behind him in the dominant spoon position that was always Justin's place before. Justin drew up his knees into a modified fetal position as Christopher hugged him to his chest. He could feel the stiffness of Christopher's penis on the small of his back. He closed his eyes as Chris whispered in his ear that everything was going to be OK. In what seemed like only a matter of minutes, the morning sun woke him. Sometime during the night, little Christopher had moved down to where his cock was touching the cleft in his taut asscheeks. Christopher was still asleep with one arm draped across his hip. The dream of his mother and Russell making love was fresh in his mind. He hoped that his mother would be able to tell him more about the night that he was conceived and why she decided not to tell Russell about being pregnant.

His temporary loss of confidence was gone as he found himself wanting to make tender love to his sleeping bedpartner. He pulled away from Christopher's grasp and turned to face him. Christopher stirred as Justin leaned over and kissed his lips.

"Good morning, little guy", he said when Christopher opened his eyes.

"Good morning, big guy", Christopher said with a sly grin.

Justin rolled on top of him, his weight pinning Chris tight to the bed. He licked his tongue from Christopher's chin to the tip of his nose and inserted it inside his mouth when Chris parted his lips. They held for a few minutes until Justin pushed himself to a kneeling position, drawing Chris' legs up to rest on his shoulders. His hands locked on Chris' hips and pulled the pert little ass toward his stiff cock that was probing the center of the tiny, quivering rosebud. The smile on Christopher's face was enough for Justin to know that he was willing. Justin carefully eased inside, slowly moving his hips toward him until his full length was buried deep inside. Chris moaned as the familiar feeling of fullness overtook him and a wave of pleasure emanated from the massage of his prostate gland. His man was taking him ...... proof positive of his love. 'What a great way to start the day', Christopher thought to himself.

Justin slid back and then forward in a slow, pleasurable motion as he looked directly into Christopher's eyes. Any hint of pain seen there was his signal to stop and wait on his little lover to adjust. Copious amounts of pre-cum provided the lubricant needed to make each slow plunge easier. All hint of pain was gone as Christopher's eyes glazed over in lustful bliss. Five, ten minutes went by as the rhythmic action continued. The heat of passion built up in Justin's balls and the race to the finish began. Six or seven quick plunges and Christopher felt the hot manseed coating his insides. On the last volcanic spurt, Justin felt Chris' ejaculate hit him on his stomach and chest. His fingers scooped it onto his tongue then leaned over to share the precious milky-white seed with his lover. They both swallowed, each with a satisfied grin, before sealing their love with a passionate embrace.

Justin pulled out and sensuously licked Christopher's inner thighs before allowing his legs down on either side of his knees. Justin slid off the end of the bed and easily lifted tiny Christopher into his arms, draping him over his right shoulder. He playfully slapped his butt and announced that it was time for a shower. He carried him down the hall to the bathroom and put him on his feet. Justin turned on the shower and joined his little friend as they both emptied their bladders into the commode.

Steam escaped from the shower as the curtain was drawn open and they quickly stepped inside, closing it behind them. Justin soaped his little friend's body and then his own. The cascading hot water rinsed away all evidence of their love making. Today was Sunday, a day to relax and enjoy just being together. Justin's mom walked past the bathroom and went downstairs to make some breakfast. She would tell Justin and Christopher about the phone call she received last night. The secret she guarded for seventeen years was about to be revealed.

Russell sat at the kitchen table as Martha poured him a second cup of steaming hot coffee. She saw a look of concern on his face.

"I have something I must tell you about Sarah Parker and her son, Justin", he said. "When you told me that she had to get married to Jim Parker, I knew that he was not the father of her son. The night before I left for the army, we had intercourse and it was her first time. I looked at the picture of Justin on Gary's dresser and I could see myself in his face. I called Sarah last night and she confirmed it. Justin is my son. I always wondered why she stopped writing to me. She said that she didn't want to force me into marrying her and ruin my life. If I had only known, I would have married her. She told Jim Parker about it and he asked her to marry because he said he loved her and would raise her son as his own. When they found out that she could not conceive again, he became very unhappy and she told him the best thing for both of them was to divorce. I feel so sad for her and Justin. I just had no idea of the hardship I caused them."

Martha didn't know what to say. She covered Russell's hand with hers and finally admitted to herself that she was in love with him.

"Oh Russell, I am so sorry for you. You've had such a sad life and it could have been so much different. I only wish that I'd have known how my marriage was going to turn out with your brother John. You are such a kind and loving man, I wish that I had met you instead of John, I have to confess that I've always felt something special for you. If I'd have been honest with myself, I would have understood that it was love that I felt. It wasn't that I didn't love John. We were happy until he changed and seemed to care more for the bible and the church than he did for Gary and me. But now I feel embarrassed for telling you that."

Russell felt her pulling away and put his other hand on top of hers. "I have something else to tell you. I've been in love with you from the first day we met! You are the reason I moved away. I couldn't stay for fear that I would do or say something that I would regret. You are my brother's wife and I was sinning by having those thoughts for you. God forgive me! I still cannot look at you without wanting to hold you in my arms, dear, sweet Martha. I am going to pack my things right now and go home. I've said too much and hope that you will forgive me."

"Please don't go. I made up my mind that I will divorce John. I only stayed in my marriage because of Gary. Now that he is gone, there is no reason for me to remain. Your brother John is incapable of love. I could never forgive him for what he's done. I love you, not him! God will have to forgive us both!"

Russell stood up from the table and walked around to where Martha was sitting. He reached down and gently pulled her to her feet. Their eyes met and they kissed.

"I will tell my brother.", he said.

Justin came into the kitchen first and gave his mother a good morning kiss. Christopher followed him and did the same. Sarah served breakfast and then sat down at the table with them.

"I had a phone call last night from Russell Watkins. He is your real father, Justin. He figured it out from something Gary's mother said to him. He wants to talk to you and get to know you better. I said that it is completely your decision. I've done enough harm to you already and I won't ask you to do anything that you don't want to do. Oh Justin, my decision not to tell Russell about you seventeen years ago was so very wrong. I wish that I wouldn't have been so stupid. All these years without a father to love you ...... how can you ever forgive me?"

Sarah started to cry softly. Justin went over and put his arms around her.

"Oh Mom, there is nothing to forgive. I love you and I will meet with my new Dad. I don't blame anybody, I'm actually happy now that I have a father again. I'm not too thrilled with my new Uncle but you can't have everything I guess. You know I talked to Chris about how our relationship started back in kindergarten. I think because Dad left, it enabled me to love Christopher. So you see, it was probably meant to be. You and him are the two people in the world that I love with all my heart. So I won't have any more of this talk."

On hearing Justin's words, Christopher started to cry too. He moved to stand on the other side of Justin. Justin kissed his Mom and then kissed Christopher. He was happier at that moment than he ever was in his entire life.

After church services, Russell went downstairs to John's basement apartment. He rapped on the door several times before his brother opened it. Russell asked if he could come in, but John refused. They stood in the doorway, just like a few nights ago. Russell began by saying how disappointed he was that John did not show up at the funeral. John ignored his remark but seemed to become more agitated.

"Martha wants a divorce from you, John. She said that she cannot live with you anymore after what happened."

"She can have it! Is there anything else you wanted?"

Russell was shocked at the lack of caring that his brother showed.

"John, what the hell is wrong with you? Don't you have any feelings at all. She's your wife for godssake, the mother of your only son! Doesn't that mean anything to you?"

"I have no son! Tell her to mail me the divorce papers. Is there anything else?"

"Yes, I would like to start seeing Martha, we both love each other and I want to marry her after the divorce is final. It just happened between us in the last few days. She is lonely and so am I. I hope you will forgive me!"

"You're forgiven! Is that all?"

"Yes, I guess so. John, I'm worried about you. I think you should see someone for help. This isn't normal behavior, can't you see that!"

"Look, I've got work to do ..... thanks for stopping by. I hope the two of you will be happy."

With that said, he closed the door and locked it. Russell just stood there for a moment. He couldn't believe what just happened. He shook his head in disbelief and walked up the stairs to his car where Martha was waiting. He got inside and kissed her on the cheek.

"Wait till I tell you what he said, you're not going to believe it!"

Ed Jordan offered Ray another cup of coffee. They were just finishing their talk about what to expect at tomorrow night's school board meeting. Ray had a legal pad nearly filled with notes and had copies of every memo and letter that Principal Jordan had issued on the subject of gay students. He decided not to bring up the subject of race unless one of the school board members mentioned it. He made it clear to Ed that even though race was probably a big factor in their desire to get rid of him as Principal, it would not play very well to a partisan group like the School Board and members of the audience.

Ray told Ed about the possibility that Elder John had paid the three guys to incite the incident in the stadium. He said if that can be proven, the School Board would have no choice but to drop all charges. Ray said that he didn't hold out much hope that the guy Justin talked to would ever show. He had all the police reports with the names and addresses of the three but since it was not a trial, he had no subpoena power.

His assessment of the case was that Ed's chances were not very good unless a good size crowd showed up in his defense. He knew that the elected School Board would bend if they thought there was sufficient support to make them lose in their bids for re-election. He reiterated that their only real chance was if Elder John could be tied to the three who started the riot at the baseball game.

"How did an Afro-American like you ever land a job as Principal in a southern, mostly white community anyway?", Ray asked.

"I don't exactly know, Ed answered truthfully. They say it had something to do with Federal funds for the school. I suspect it had more to do with luck than anything else. There was an ugly incident in this town involving some treatment of blacks that made the national news. I guess they wanted to prove that they weren't prejudiced by hiring me. My first week in school made them realize that they made a mistake. That's when I put a stop to a gay bashing incident and issued a policy statement against it. I've been in the gunsights ever since.

Bob and his younger brother Dave sat on the patio together, getting to know each other again. Ray had dropped him off on his way over to see Principal Jordan. This was the first real opportunity they had to be alone. They were about as different as two brothers could be in both size and their perceptions of life. Bob had made some great strides during the past week following his son Dave's attempted suicide. Their conversation was strained at first, not having much in the way of common ground. Then the subject turned to David and his relationship with Tom. Bob listened attentively as his brother told him about the special needs of a gay son. Dave told him about the hurt he felt at being shut out of the family all those years. Bob Arnett felt so ashamed of himself and asked his brother to forgive him.

Dave simply said.... "Bob, I forgave you years ago, you just never allowed me to tell you."

Tears streamed down the big man's face. His transformation was now complete.

end chapter 29

Please let me know what your thoughts are? What do you like/dislike about Christopher-answers?

My thanks to those who continue to respond and help to shape this story, I appreciate it more than you may realize. ed swanky

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Next: Chapter 24

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