Christopher Answers

By ed swanky

Published on Aug 16, 2023


If you are underage or graphic sexual stories are prohibited in your not read this. This story is completely fictional. I would appreciate all comments especially those of a constructive or encouraging nature. My e-mail address:

Christopher Answers

Chapter 28

Justin told his mother that he and Christopher would drive back with Tom and Dave. Dave's uncles, Ray and Dave were coming up this afternoon and Dave invited all the boys to his house.

Craig stopped his car at a spot high on a hill about a hundred yards from the graveside. Tom pulled his car along side of him. Craig sensed that Tim needed to remain a little bit longer to deal with his grief. There were two benches there under a large shade tree, the seven boys sat together watching as the last of the mourners left and the cemetery workers moved in to seal Gary's final resting place. When the last piece of sod was laid and the trucks drove away, they walked down the hill to Gary's grave and stood huddled together around Tim who wept openly, secure in the arms of Taylor and the circle of his friends.

Craig knew when Tim had finally made his peace and decided it was time to lighten the moment.

"You know I read somewhere that its a proven fact: gay guys can't run up hills. It has to do with a missing chromosome or something. I know I'm always at the rear of the pack when we run windsprints in baseball practice but that is on a straightaway. Running uphill to the tree by our cars is called a gayaway. I always wanted to test that theory and now is the perfect time. Get ready because I'm about to kick some gay butt."

Justin's ears perked up, he was never one to back down from a challenge. The others just kind of looked at Craig and wondered what the hell he was talking about. Craig put his toe up to some imaginary line and said, 'On your marks!' Justin stepped to the line, Christopher joined him, followed by Tom, Dave, Tim and Taylor. 'Get set! ........... Go!' Craig took off when he said, 'get set' and yelled 'go' when he was a full stride ahead of the startled pack.

The boys took off after him. Craig only held the lead for about twenty yards until Justin passed him. At fifty yards, Tom and Dave caught up and zoomed by with Taylor and Tim right on their heels. Christopher, who was not used to much physical activity was trailing behind. Craig slowed to allow Chris to catch and pass him at the finish line. They collapsed on the ground next to the others who were sprawled there catching their breath from the physical challenge of the steep hill. After a few minutes Craig announced that they cheated because they all took off before he yelled 'go'. The six gay boys jumped on top of Craig, laughing out loud as they pinned him to the ground and tickled him unmercifully. Craig yelled "Rape!" from somewhere on the bottom of the pile as the seven of them lay in one giggling heap. They untangled with huge smiles on their faces. No one said anything but each of them realized that Craig had managed to work his magic again.

Driving on the way to Dave's house, Justin spotted the big guy who was one of the instigators of the fight in the stadium. He was standing outside of a bar by himself. Justin asked Tom to pull over to the curb and Craig stopped his car right behind them.

Justin got out of the car alone and started to talk to him. They were far enough away that their conversation couldn't be heard by any of the boys. After about five minutes, Justin walked back to the car. Tom asked him what they talked about. Justin would only say that he wanted to confirm something and that it had to do with the school board meeting on Monday evening. Tim was the only one who had an idea what they talked about. Knowing Justin the way he did, Tom knew better than to press him for details and dropped the subject.

When they pulled into Dave's driveway, they saw Ray's car parked there. They all got out and heard voices from the rear of the house. Dave's parents and his two uncles were sitting on the patio. Dave took the lead and the rest of the boys followed him around to the back. Ray and Dave stood up as their nephew tentatively walked toward them. Ray was the first to receive him, giving him a big hug and kiss on the cheek before releasing him to the waiting arms of his Uncle Dave. Ray gave the same open arm invitation to the other boys he knew. Tom was next followed by Christopher and then Justin. Tom introduced Tim, Taylor and Craig to Uncle Ray. They were somewhat surprised that Ray was a black man because no one had thought to mention it. They only knew that he was Uncle Dave's lover since their college days. Ray greeted Tim and Taylor in the same way, giving each of them a warm embrace. Ray knew that Craig was their 'straight friend' and offered him his hand to shake. It was somewhat awkward until Craig's body language told him that he welcomed the same outward show of affection. Ray pulled Craig toward him and put his free arm around his shoulder. Uncle Dave followed by meeting the others in a similar manner.

Dave's dad was less affectionate with his greeting but equally glad to to see all of them. His mom of course kissed each one in turn. She had not met Tim or Taylor before now but kissed both with the same affection afforded to the others. As Moms do, she asked her son about the grass stains that were on his pants and shirt. Dave told her not to worry about it and seemed somewhat embarrassed that she would even mention it. Justin however was proud of the fact that he won the race and told them all about Craig's challenge. They all had a good laugh as he retold the story about the missing chromosome and its effect on uphill running.

What followed was an afternoon of storytelling similar to the session they had in the hospital. Most of the funnier stories were retold for Tim, Taylor and Craig's benefit since they weren't there to hear them the first time. Those stories and many new ones were told. Each one seemed to be more hilarious than the previous. Tim and the others laughed so hard at times that their stomachs hurt. The sadness of death was replaced by the sheer joy of living. It was a glorious afternoon that would never be forgotten.

Toward the end of the evening, Ray said that he had an opportunity to talk to Principal Jordan on the phone. He offered to represent him as his counsel for no fee and he accepted. They were going to meet tomorrow afternoon to discuss the case and prepare a defense. When Justin heard this, he talked to Ray privately about his suspicions that Gary's father was the man who paid money to have the three guys disrupt the game. He told him about the big guy he talked to earlier in the day and that he confirmed that Gary's father fit the description of the man who paid them. Justin said that the guy might attend the school board meeting at least long enough to take a look at Gary's father and tell Justin if it was him or not. Ray seemed very interested in this piece of information.

The impromptu gathering ended about 7 o'clock that evening. Bob was cleaning the grill that he used to feed two meals to the hungry crowd that day. Young Dave helped his mother with the dishes. Tom would be staying another night with him. He left temporarily to take Justin and Christopher home and then would visit with his relatives a little while since he hadn't seen much of them and they were planning to leave on Sunday morning after church service. The two uncles went back to the motel where they would be staying through Monday. Craig dropped off Tim and Taylor on his way home. As they were walking up to his front door, Tim suddenly turned around and signaled Craig to wait a minute before he drove away. Craig opened the window and Tim leaned in and kissed him on the cheek.

"Thanks for everything Craig. You've been a great friend to all of us, especially me. I just needed to tell you that."

Tim turned and walked back to Taylor who was waiting for him. Craig drove about a half block before he pulled off to the side and wiped the tears from his eyes so he could continue driving. His tears were partly from the nice gesture that Tim made but mostly from the thought of spending another night alone with no one to share all the good things that happened today. Tim was with Taylor, Justin with Christopher and Dave was with Tom. He made up his mind that he was going to find that special girl who would love him like his friends loved each other.

Martha and Russell sat talking in the kitchen. She asked him about the time when he dated Sarah. Russell admitted that he liked her very much but that he only knew her for about a week. He explained how the relationship was terminated after a few weeks when he went into the army. "We wrote to each other every day and suddenly she stopped writing and my letters where returned. I heard from the friend who introduced us that she eloped with a fellow who worked with her at the same factory. I remember she told me about dating him before we met but thought she didn't care for him all that much. It was quite a shock when I heard they got married.

Martha told him that she didn't know Sarah very well but remembered her from school. "She always seemed so nice but you know how small towns are, especially this one. I heard that she and Jim Parker had to get married. I remember that their baby was born about eight months later. Things like that don't go unnoticed in this town. Anyway their son certainly turned out nice. You remember Justin, he was here the other night when you arrived and he was at the funeral. He and young Christopher Harris are both gay and came out at school about a week ago.

Russell suddenly got a shocked look on his face. He remembered his last night before he left for the army. He and Sarah had sexual intercourse and knew that it was her first time. He tried to remember Justin's face. Oh God! It suddenly dawned on him that Justin was his son. He remembered when he first saw Justin, there was a strange feeling of familiarity that came over him. He saw himself in Justin's face. It all made sense now. Sarah must have realized she was pregnant and stopped writing to him rather than tell him about it.

Martha saw the faraway look in Russell's eyes. "Are you OK Russell, you look a little pale and your eyes seem a bit glazed. Maybe you should lie down and rest for a while."

By the look on Martha's face, Russell could tell that she was waiting for him to respond. He stammered a little until he remembered what she asked him. "No, no, I'm fine but it was a tiring day and I just might hit the sack early tonight if you don't mind."

Martha said that it was probably a good idea that they both get some rest. It was only a few minutes before ten o'clock when they said goodnight. Russell went back to Gary's room and picked up the team photo on the dresser. His eyes fixed on Justin who was standing in the last row next to Gary. "My God, he is my son! Why didn't she tell me, I would have gladly married her!"

Unusual as it was, Justin and Christopher decided that they were tired and went to bed before Sarah. Just after they went upstairs, the phone rang. Justin could hear his mother talking to someone but didn't know who it was. His mother never got phone calls this late at night. He silently stood at the top of the stairs and told Christopher to go ahead and get ready for bed. He could only hear a few words that his mother said before her voice descended into a whisper. He distinctly heard her say the name Russell followed by muffled sounds. The other word he heard her say was his name.

He went to the bathroom and started to brush his teeth when Chris walked in dressed only in his cotton briefs. Justin had just finished, and stepped away. Christopher moved to the basin and started to brush his teeth. Justin stood there and watched his little lover perform the nightly ritual. "Is there something wrong, Justin? You are really acting strange since we got home. Did you and your Mom have a fight or something? You hardly said a word to her all evening."

"C'mere little guy", Justin said. "I have something I need to tell you but you have to promise to keep it a secret between us."

Christopher walked over to Justin and put his hand in the one that Justin extended to him. They walked down the hall and into their bedroom. Justin sat on the bed turning Christopher so that his back was resting against his chest. He put his huge arms around him and whispered in Christopher's ear. "I think Russell Watkins is my Dad!"

end chapter 28

Please let me know what your thoughts are? What do you like/dislike about Christopher-answers?

My thanks to those who continue to respond and help to shape this story, I appreciate it more than you may realize. ed swanky

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Next: Chapter 23

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