Christopher Answers

By ed swanky

Published on Aug 8, 2023


If you are underage or graphic sexual stories are prohibited in your not read this. This story is completely fictional. I would appreciate all comments especially those of a constructive or encouraging nature. My e-mail address:

Christopher Answers

Chapter 27

It was very close to midnight when they fell asleep. The passionate love they made when Taylor came up to Tim's room ended and the rest of the time they lay cuddled together and talked. Tim was so glad to have his lover there to comfort him as the grieving process for Gary played itself out. For the first time Tim explained in detail how his very brief encounter with the little boy inside Gary had so deeply touched his soul. Tay listened intently as Tim described the spiritual presence of Gary that he saw leaving his body and the sense of joy he felt that Gary was finally free from his torment.

6:00, 6:01, Tim lay watching the alarm clock digital display on his nightstand just behind Taylor's head. Taylor was sleeping, his long hair shielding part of his face from view. The morning light was beginning to illuminate the bedroom. They were facing each other with Taylor's right arm draped across Tim at waist level. A sheet was drawn over both of them, crossing diagonally at their thighs. Taylor's semi-hard penis was visible with the tip pointing at Tim invitingly. Tim pulled the sheet down exposing Tay's milky white thigh to the light from the window. He let his hand rest on Tay's hip momentarily, then lifted his leg on top, inching his way closer until their cocks were dueling tip-to-tip. Taylor stirred and opened his eyes. Tim rolled him on his back and got on top. He used his tongue to part Tay's sensuous lips. Taylor responded by wrapping Tim in his arms, one hand gently massaged his smooth, round asscheeks while the other held the back of his neck as he sucked Tim's probing tongue inside.

"I love you Timothy Rohrer," he said as he traced his fingers up and down Tim's spine.

"I love you more," Tim said as he molded his body into Taylor's. The light touch on his backbone sent shivers through his whole body. Taylor knew Tim's pleasure points and stroked his body like a musician playing a delicate violin.

The aroma of flowers was everywhere. Martha was standing with Russell at her side as the crowd of people formed a file in the receiving line that began just inside the church. Justin and Christopher were the first of the pallbearers to arrive. Sarah was with them and when she recognized Russell Watkins, she thought about bypassing the line.

Her mind wandered back to the last time she saw him about eighteen years ago. He was such a handsome man and she had a crush on him since she was a freshman and he was a senior. After she graduated high school, they met through a mutual friend and started to date secretly. She knew that her father would not approve, he didn't approve of anyone she dated. They managed to keep their romance hidden even from his brother John and Martha. It lasted only one week. Russell had been drafted by the Army and on the night before he left, things got out of control and they made intimate love for the first time.

A few weeks later, Sarah realized that she was pregnant and stopped writing to him. She had a job at a local clothing factory and was being romantically pursued by a young man named Jim Parker. They had several dates before she met Russell and he had fallen in love with her. He was persistent to the point that she had to reveal the fact of her pregnancy. He was very supportive and made an offer of marriage to preserve her good name. She accepted and they eloped, much to her father's great disappointment.

The line was moving rapidly and in just a few minutes they would be next to talk with Martha and express their sympathy. Martha and Russell greeted Justin and Christopher as Sarah waited her turn. Justin and Russell gripped each other's hand with a firm pressure that would have hurt a normal person. Justin was a bit surprised at the strength that Russell exhibited. He liked a firm handshake and stared straight into his eyes. There was a familiarity about this man, he liked him. It was Sarah's turn as she first greeted Martha. Martha introduced her to Russell and for the first time he recognized who she was.

Excuse me he said, are you Sarah Wagner from Elm Street. Sarah acknowledged that she was and demurely looked toward the ground. Russell turned to Martha and explained that he and Sarah had dated some before he went into the service. "If you don't mind my asking, why did you stop writing to me? I found out that a few weeks later you were married to someone you worked with at the factory. Oh well, I guess distance doesn't always make the heart grow fonder, he kidded."

Justin observed their exchange from a little distance away and did not recognize the strange look on his mother's face. She seemed very nervous. Then it hit him. He took a harder look at Russell's features. It was his nose and the chin ...... that was his chin. This was his father, there was no mistaking it.

For his mother's sake, he wasn't prepared to pursue this but now the realization came that the boy lying in the casket was his biological cousin. Elder John was his uncle, a thought that wasn't very appealing to him. He was happy to have Martha as his aunt but soon dismissed all this as premature. His mother would have to make the decision to tell Russell about him. At this time he wasn't sure if that would be such a good idea.

Justin returned from his reverie. He felt Christopher's hand slip into his as they stood against the far wall. His little friend needed him to be strong. This morning in bed, all he wanted to do was be held by Justin. The stark reality of having to say goodbye to Gary was upon them.

Tom pulled into the parking lot just in time to see Tim and Taylor getting out of Craig's car. He had forgotten that the boys were not old enough to drive and was glad that Craig was there for them. He saw Craig put his hands on Tim's shoulders from behind, directing him toward the entrance to the church. He and Dave sat there for a few minutes to gather the courage needed to face the task ahead of them. It was a comforting scene just observing Tay and Tim holding hands as Craig put his arm around Tim's sagging shoulders. This would be especially rough on Tim and as always, Craig was there doing what he could to lighten the burden of his friends.

Dave sat watching as the three of them walked up the path toward the doors to the church. No words were spoken between them as Tom leaned over and gently gave him a peck on the cheek. Dave was thinking that this could have been him inside the church instead of Gary. A tear rolled down the same cheek that Tom had just kissed. He momentarily touched his hand to Tom's leg and then opened the passenger door to step out. The two of them walked slowly up the same long path, each with personal thoughts of Gary and the finality that death represents. Tom put his arm around Dave's shoulder as his thoughts now turned to what might have been had he not awakened in time to save his friend from suicide. It was that thought that brought tears to his eyes. What would he have done then? He shuddered at the impossible grief that he would have felt if he had lost his sweet David.

They went inside and stopped directly behind Craig and the two younger boys. Craig turned and gently pressed his hand on Tom's forearm. He put his other hand on the side of Dave's neck and squeezed ever so slightly. There was no need for words. Words would only have gotten in the way of the tenderness that they felt toward each other at that moment. The line moved forward until young Taylor and Timothy were in front of Gary's mother. She kissed Timothy knowing the special bond he had with her son. Taylor continued to hold Tim's hand in an open display of their love for each other. He had no reservations in his love for him and didn't care if the whole world knew. Russell extended his hand to both and they walked over to where Justin and Christopher stood. Craig took the initiative and kissed Gary's mother. He whispered something in her ear that brought a smile to her face. No one would know what he said, it was a secret that will remain between them. Craig always knew the right words to say.

Tom and Dave shared their thoughts with Gary's mom and Russell then went over to join their friends. They made some small talk as we all do to avoid the harsh reality of death. Tim looked toward the closed casket at the other side of the foyer. In the course of the next half hour, each one managed to touch him in a reassuring way. A squeeze on his arm, a momentary brush of a hand to wipe a tear from his cheek. This group of friends were closer now than they would probably ever be in their lives... the death of a friend has a way of doing that.

The funeral director instructed the pallbearers what to do as the time came for the service to start. They lined up, three on each side of the casket with a hand on the metal bars attached. The funeral director was at the back end, steering the wheeled cart down the carpeted main aisle toward the altar in the center of the church. Every seat was filled with a large number of people left to stand around the outer walls of the circular chamber. The choir began to sing as the service began.

Up in a small maintenance loft at the back of the huge church, a lone figure stood unseen, hidden behind a pillar. Gary's father had made it to the service after all. The dark recess where he stood would not reveal his face. A face that was cold with the same lifeless eyes that so upset Russell when he visited him for those few brief minutes several days ago. His stare was directed toward the seats occupied by Principal Jordan, his wife and daughter. His deeply disturbed mind had placed the blame for all that happened on this man and his family. Ed Jordan felt a chill on the back of his neck even though it was rather warm in the overcrowded church.

The congregation hushed as Reverend Paul stepped to the pulpit.

"Why does God allow a person so young to die? Why does God allow disease and suffering to visit so many good people until death becomes a welcome friend, no longer to be feared, but to be embraced as the only means to escape their pain. I don't have the answers to these questions. God has a plan for each of us and sometimes it seems cruel and so very, very unfair. I do know one thing, God loves us! I think that God loved Gary so much that he called him home. His family and friends remain behind, each continuing their own struggle to achieve the eternal happiness that Gary now enjoys. This was Gary's time, ours will surely follow but not until our work is completed here on earth."

And so his sermon went on for the better part of 30 minutes. His words were comforting to some, deeply disturbing to others, as each examined their own lives and their relationship with God. Tears were shed more for themselves than for Gary. No tears were shed in the loft however. Reverend Paul's words did not penetrate the hard shell that encased Elder John. His hatred was too deep to allow that. His mission in life was clear to him, part of God's Plan that the preacher spoke to earlier.

The long procession of cars, with their lights on and funeral flags attached, drove to the cemetery about five miles away. A small green tent marked the spot where Gary's earthly remains would stay. This was the moment they all dreaded. Reverend Paul said a short prayer as the soft sounds of crying could be heard throughout the crowd. The graveside service was drawing to a close and the final song was one that Martha found in Gary's bureau drawer. The male tenor from the choir sang the haunting words to the old Irish tune:

Oh, Danny Boy, the pipes... the pipes are calling,

From glen to glen and down the mountain side.

The summer's gone and all the leaves are falling,

Tis you, Tis you must go and I must bide.

But come ye back, when summer's in the meadow,

and all the valley's hushed and white with snow.

And I'll be here in sunshine or in shadow,

Oh, Danny Boy, Oh, Danny Boy, I love you so!

But when ye come, and all the flowers are dying

If I be dead, as dead I well may be.

Then come and find the place where I am lying,

And kneel and say an Ave there for me.

And I shall hear, though soft your tread above me,

And all my grave will warmer, sweeter be.

And you shall bend, and tell me that you love me,

And I shall rest in peace until you come to me.

end chapter 27

Please let me know what your thoughts are? What do you like/dislike about Christopher-answers?

My thanks to those who continue to respond and help to shape this story, I appreciate it more than you may realize. ed swanky

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Next: Chapter 22

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