Christopher Answers

By ed swanky

Published on Aug 1, 2023


If you are underage or graphic sexual stories are prohibited in your not read this. This story is completely fictional. I would appreciate all comments especially those of a constructive or encouraging nature. My e-mail address:

Christopher Answers

Chapter 26

Craig's mom and dad had gone to bed at least an hour ago. His seven year old brother had begged them to stay up a little longer with Craig. They agreed only because Craig said that he didn't mind. Actually he was glad for the company. Craig was starting to realize how lonely he was. He longed for the day when he would find that special someone, a girl to share his dreams and aspirations. The pairings of Justin and Christopher, Tom and Dave and now Tim and Taylor served to make him realize that life was not meant to be lived alone.

His pajama-clad little brother sat beside him on the sofa and had fallen asleep with his head resting against Craig's arm. Little Michael was a pain sometimes but Craig loved him dearly. He remembered back to when he was ten years old and his mother came home from the hospital with his new baby brother. He spent hours just watching him breathe after overhearing his parents concern about Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. He became his brother's protector and an unusually strong bond formed between them.

Craig wondered if the love he had for his brother was the reason he was so comfortable around his gay friends. Not that there was anything else but brotherly love between them, it was just that he could understand how two boys could love each other in a physical way. He found nothing wrong or disgusting with it at all. For his part though, he was 'hopelessly heterosexual'. He smiled at this new description of himself that just seemed to pop into his head. He wondered if he just coined a new phrase or if he heard it somewhere before. Either way it was a good line that he hoped to use if the right occasion presented itself.

Craig gently put one arm under Michael's knees and the other around his back. He lifted him from the sofa and carried him up the stairs to his bed. He drew back the covers and slipped his little brother between the sheets. He kissed his forehead, watched him breathe just for a moment or two and turned off the light. He went down the hall to his own bedroom, undressed and got into bed. He held his favorite pillow tight to his chest, fell asleep and dreamed of pretty young girls and happier times to come.

Tom Papson was a little nervous as he sat on the sofa alone. Dave had gone to the kitchen for cokes and seemed to be taking a long time. Across from him, Bob Arnett eased up the leg rest on his lounge chair while continuing to shoot at the TV with the remote control hidden in his beefy hand. Dave's mother seemed to be a little irritated as her husband flipped through the channels in rapid succession. The movie they were watching was in the final break before the end. and Bob used the opportunity to channel-surf, seeking relief from the replay of the same mindless commercials.

Earlier in the evening they talked to Dave's parents about the new club they joined, principal Jordan's problems with the School Board and Gary's funeral. His parents promised to be there on Monday night to show their support for Ed Jordan. In the course of the conversation, Dave said that he wouldn't be spending the night at Tom's house because Tom's aunt and uncle were visiting them this weekend. Tom always gives up his bedroom and sleeps on the couch whenever they stay over.

To Dave and Tom's surprise, Bob said, "Why don't you both stay here tonight. Tom, you will be more comfortable than sleeping on a couch. Dave has a nice sized bed and I don't think he'd mind sharing it with you."

Ruth looked at her husband with the same shocked expression as Dave and Tom. Finally her husband had come to terms with David's love for his friend Tom. Obviously he knew that his son slept in Tom's bed when he stayed with his family. Dave had never asked his parents if Tom could sleep here with him. He was sure that they would allow it but thought that his Dad would be uncomfortable with that arrangement.

The movie ended at 11 PM, Ruth and Bob said that it was time for them to go on up to bed. Dave and Tom both got up from the sofa to bid them goodnight. Ruth kissed the two of them and went upstairs. Bob had gone into the kitchen and called to the boys that he would see them in the morning. Halfway up the stairs he stopped and came back down into the living room. Dave was still standing there with Tom when his Dad walked up and kissed him goodnight. Then he turned and kissed Tom on the cheek.

"Now don't stay up too late, you have a big day ahead of you with the funeral and everything." Without warning he put an arm around each of their waists and drew them tight to his huge body.

"You boys know that I love you, don't you?" Instinctively, they both put their arms around his back to complete the awkward hug. Dave's eyes misted over as he said, "Sure Dad, we know." Bob released them from his powerful grip but as he turned to walk away, the light from the TV reflected off the moisture forming in his eyes. Tom took Dave's hand in his as they just stood watching this huge bear of a man lumber his way up the stairs. They turned and embraced, both with tears streaming down their cheeks. Dave's father had blessed their union in his own unique way. The memory of this moment would never be forgotten.

"You know the way I think about this Taylor, I love Tim also but you are too young, maybe next year when you're sixteen. If you and Tim still have the same feelings for each other, we can talk about it again."

The total resolve showing in his son's face was a look that he had not seen before. His answer to his son's inquiry about sleeping at Tim's house tonight was not received by a normal look of teenage disappointment. His son had never defied him before, at least not like this. He recognized that Taylor had undergone a transition. This was not a little boy anymore. Sitting across from him at the kitchen table was a young man who had made a decision.

He recognized that his son Taylor was not asking his permission so much as seeking his affirmation of a decision already made. Taylor wanted to be with his friend to comfort him during the night before Gary's funeral. He had taken his first step to becoming a man and his father knew it was time for him to loosen the reins.

Before Taylor had a chance to speak, his father said, "I've changed my mind, go be with your friend tonight. We need to talk more about this but not now. Tim needs you and I'm not going to stand in the way."

The defiance on Taylor's face vanished. He never had more respect for his father than he did at that moment. "Thank you Dad." He stood up and was on his way to the door when he stopped and walked back to where his father sat. Taylor leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. Tears welled up in their eyes when his Dad hugged him and returned his kiss.

This was one of those special moments in the lives of a father and a son. Somehow Taylor recognized that and held onto his Dad, reluctant to let it pass. Sights, sounds and smells were recorded in his brain to be replayed in those quiet, reflective times when a son fondly remembers his long departed Dad. No recriminations would haunt this moment. No wishing that it could be changed, a word not said that should have been, an opportunity missed. A father and son were firmly locked in an embrace that would last a lifetime.

"You can go on up Taylor, Tim is in his room," Mr. Rohrer said. "He really seems to be down right now. I tried to get him to watch television with us but he said that he'd rather not. I think Gary's funeral tomorrow really has him upset."

"Hey, Tim!"

"Hey, Tay!"

Tim was laying on his bed wearing only a pair of briefs. The moment he saw Taylor his eyes lit up and he swung his legs off the side of the bed to a sitting position. "How long can you stay? Does you Dad know that you're here?"

Taylor told him about the conversation he had with his Dad, then said, "I can stay as long as you want me to." He closed the door behind him, unbuttoned his shirt and pants, dropped them to the floor and leaned down to hastily remove his sneakers and socks. He knelt on the carpet in the same state of undress as Tim. The material of his white cotton briefs tented with the instant passion and love he felt for friend.

Tim stood and walked toward the door to meet him. Taylor opened his arms to receive him and yanked on the elastic waist band of Tim's briefs, pulling them sharply downward and let them fall to his ankles. Tim kicked them free as Taylor cupped the fleshy mounds of his little round butt. His penis rose majestically between them, free of the cotton material that had confined it.

Kneeling there, Tay licked the tip of his friend's cock. Tim put his hands on his shoulders and shuddered as the moist wetness of Taylor's tongue swabbed up and down his stiffening member. He moved them to the back of Tay's head, entwining his fingers in the shoulder-length hair that framed his face. Taylor expertly laved at his balls and drew them into his eager mouth. Ecstasy overtook Tim's brain as he closed his eyes, giving himself totally to the ministrations of his lover's hot tongue. Tim could not hold on when Taylor trailed up his shaft and captured the head between his lips. His ass muscles twitched in Taylor's firm grip as ropy streams of his boycum exploded down his lover's throat. Taylor drew back off his cock, swallowed, then covered the tip again to receive the second eruption of his lover's seed.

Temporarily spent, Tim pulled out and covered Tay's mouth with his. His passion was still unabated as he whispered in Tay's ear that he wanted to be taken. Taylor stood and lifted his little lover in his arms. He laid him on his back, quickly shucked off his briefs and positioned his cock on the tiny ass pucker. Tim opened up allowing Tay to plunge forward, burying himself inside. Tay held momentarily then drew back only to plow forward again. Three strokes was all it took to spend the first load of his seed. Pure passion ruled as the young teen lovers braced for the second explosion. Both were quiet now as Tay pressed his body on top of Tim. Tim's legs relaxed on Tay's shoulders as their mouths met to seal the love that they shared for each other. Hot, steamy sex was over for the moment replaced by tender kisses that would define a relationship destined to last a lifetime.

Christopher was tired but knew that Justin wanted to make love to him. Justin sensed that his little friend was not in the mood and was content just to hold him in his arms. The funeral was tomorrow morning and his thoughts turned to Gary. He wondered if Gary's father would be there to bid farewell and see the final resting place of his only son.

The thought occurred to him that he would never experience the love between a father and his son. His own father left when he was five years old. He didn't have any clear memories of him. His mother rarely talked about it as time went on and Justin didn't even think of him at all. Even though they were less than a year apart in age, Justin sometimes thought of little Christopher as his son. He remembered back to their days in kindergarten. It was just prior to that when his father must have decided to leave. Maybe what he felt for Christopher at the time was a form of love that was missing from his own life. He felt a need to protect his young friend just as a father protects his son.

Christopher was now sound asleep. Justin untangled himself from their spoon-fashion embrace. His mind was racing and decided to go downstairs for a little while. He slipped into his robe and quietly padded downstairs. He saw the light on in the kitchen and found his mother sitting at the kitchen table drinking a glass of milk.

"Hi honey, what's the matter, couldn't you sleep either?" Justin sat down across from her. He told her that for some reason he got to thinking about his father. Sarah reached over and put her hand on top of his. She became very nervous but said, "You can ask me anything you want to dear, I guess we never talked much about him."

"Why did he leave us mom?"

"He left because I asked him. He married me when I was pregnant with you. He wasn't your natural father but he wanted to marry me anyway. After you were born, we found out that I couldn't have any more children. He thought that he could handle it but it turned out that it wound up making him miserable. He loved you in his own way but I saw early on that he was distant and I was concerned how that might affect you. I decided that it would be better for both me and you if he left. I loved him enough to let him go. I knew he wanted to have his own children and I wasn't able to provide that for him. Please don't ask me who your real father is right now. He doesn't know and it would hurt him badly if he found out. I will tell you eventually but I first have to tell him. I can only say that it was a brief affair and he is a fine, fine man. You remind me so much of him. I know that he would be proud to have you as his son. Please don't be angry with me Justin. I don't know what I'd do if you stopped loving me."

Justin was shocked. He never expected anything like this. When he saw that his mother was crying, he got up and put his arms around her. "How could you think that I'd ever stop loving you, you're my mom." He kissed her and not another word was said.

end chapter 26

Please let me know what your thoughts are? What do you like/dislike about Christopher-answers?

My thanks to those who continue to respond and help to shape this story, I appreciate it more than you may realize. ed swanky

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Next: Chapter 21

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