Christopher Answers

By ed swanky

Published on Jul 15, 2023


If you are underage or graphic sexual stories are prohibited in your not read this. This story is completely fictional. I would appreciate all comments especially those of a constructive or encouraging nature. My e-mail address:

Christopher Answers

Chapter 24

Thursday morning came too early for Tom and Dave. The naked boys were partially covered with a sheet, when Carlos Papson rapped on the bedroom door. Their sated expressions gave testimony to the night of lovemaking that ended only a few short hours ago. "OK Dad", Tom replied to the intrusion into his early morning dream of a naked David running along the beach in pursuit of him. David didn't wake, he was dreaming of Tom asking him to dance at their prom. All eyes were on them. Two boys in love, fearless of the consequences surrounding their spontaneous decision to pair up and slow dance together. Their dates walked out and David heaved a sigh of relief. Now he had the date he wanted all along. The music played as Tom whispered in his ear, telling him how handsome he looked in his blue tuxedo. David answered by turning his head and locking on to Tom's lips. The spotlight shone on them as other boys paired off and joined the forbidden public display of male to male love.

Tom saw the contented smile on Dave's face as he lay there asleep. He gently removed the sheet from Dave's body and lightly traced the back of his hand along the spine of his beautiful, naked body. Dave stirred awake and turned on his back as Tom leaned in and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Time to get up Davey, Pop will be making his Greek-style breakfast for us so I hope you're hungry?" Dave smiled and said something to the effect that he would prefer eating the Greek's son..... they both laughed, got up and headed for the shower.

Tim and Tay had their 2 AM rendezvous in the clubhouse behind their homes. Tay's parents were reluctant to allow same-bedroom sleepovers at least until the boys are a little older. Tim's parents didn't feel that way but respected their decision. This time it was Tay who made the phone call but he left it ring until Tim answered instead of using the two-ring code. "I just had to hear your voice." Tay said. Tim had been sound asleep and dreaming.

His dream was of seven year old Gary walking between him and Tay, his little hands firmly held onto theirs.

"I'm going to be leaving you very soon.", Gary said as he looked in Tim's eyes. "I just wanted to make sure that you are happy. You and Tay were meant to be together. You rescued me Tim and I'm happy now. Someday you and Tay will be here with me, it is a wonderful place filled with pure love. It will only be a blink of an eye for me but not before you and Tay live a long and full life together." Tim was now fully awake listening to Tay and agreeing to meet at the clubhouse. Tay was waiting for him as he opened the door. Tim was naked except for his robe and sneakers. Tay peeled it back off his shoulders and let it fall to the floor. He led him by the hand to the makeshift bed and they made passionate love in the flickering candlelight.

Justin's mom was so glad to see them when they got home from the mall. He told her about how Christopher stood up to him. "The little guy packs one hell of a wallop", he said with a huge smile. He made me understand how stupid it would be to fight him. We saw Gary's Dad in the parking lot when we were about to leave. "I didn't lay a hand on him Mom, you'd have been proud of me." He looked at Christopher and they both smiled knowingly. "I'm glad you used your head, Justin", his mom said. She didn't understand what was so funny as both boys laughed at her remark.

Sarah was particularly interested in John's brother, Russell. Both Justin and Christopher remarked about what a nice guy he seemed to be. They retold some of his stories about young Gary. Sarah was happy that Martha had some company at least for a little while. She assumed that he would be staying somewhere and attending the funeral on Saturday.

After the three of them watched TV together until 10PM , Sarah kissed them both goodnight and went on up to bed. Christopher snuggled close to Justin on the sofa and lay his head in the crook of his arm. Justin stroked his hair, telling him how proud he was of him. "I'm glad you gave me hell tonight, otherwise I'd probably be sitting in jail on a felony charge. I owe you little buddy but I'm still hurt by the 'big dumb jock' remark you made."

Christopher took Justin's hand in his and held it tight to his chest.

"I love 'big dumb jocks' especially when they carry me upstairs and make love to me. Are you going to do it or must I get on the phone and make a date with that hunky football player who shook your hand in the cafeteria."

Justin laughed, stood up with little Christopher in his strong arms and headed toward the stairs. Christopher could only smile in anticipation of what was to come.

Russell got undressed and drew back the covers on Gary's bed. Looking at the framed pictures of the baseball team on the dresser, he thought to himself how much his nephew Gary looked like his little brother Michael. He regretted not being around when his brother John changed so drastically. 'I could have made a difference.' He got under the covers and thought of Martha asleep in the room down the hall. He wondered about his brother John all alone and apparently so filled with hatred. 'How did he get to the point in his life where the death of his only son had no effect on him?' God could not have wanted that to happen, at least not the God that he once knew.

Russell lay there thinking about his brother John's transition and what thought processes he must have gone through:

In the first seven years of his son Gary's life, John carried the guilt of Michael's death repressed within his mind. He was able to behave in a normal father/son relationship with Gary. As Gary became older, the physical and emotional similarities that Gary shared with Michael must have had the effect of bringing this guilt to the surface.

John might have believed he was given a second chance. In his warped thinking, Gary at age seven was young enough to be transformed into a 'straight'. In order to accomplish this he needed to be less nurturing. His nurturing was likely the reason that Michael became gay. His second chance was his son. He would cease this kind of attention and tell Gary the Biblical reasons why homosexuality is wrong.

John after this revelation, probably began to glean through the bible and prepare a philosophy to support his case. He bought into the reasons that homosexuality is wrong as presented in biblical quotations and references. He went far beyond his original reason for researching this. He actually believed with all his heart that the bible was correct and that being gay was a sin, punishable by eternal damnation.

Gary at the tender age of seven only saw that his father apparently didn't love him anymore. He enjoyed a close/loving relationship with his Dad that abruptly ended. His reaction was to try to regain this lost love and hang on every word that his father was teaching him. At that young age, he didn't think in terms of being gay or straight. From his perspective, he must have done something to make his father turn away from him. His natural reaction was to transform himself into what his father wanted him to be.

John must have taken his new philosophy to the farthest extreme. He now believed firmly that homosexuality was a sin that even God would not forgive. This mantra was reinforced and transformed to where he thought that God had given him a renewed purpose in life. He took on the job of actively seeking to root out this evil wherever he found it. His agonizing guilt over his perceived contribution to his brother's death was driven back into his mind but probably still remains. After investing 10 years, his zeal to expose this type of behavior became so strong as to completely alter himself. After 10 years of preaching this philosophy to his son, the announcement by Gary that he was gay, completely invalidated his theory. This is what might have made him snap, turn on Martha and force him to deny the very existence of his son. 'How sad and so very wrong', Russell thought. Sleep did not come easily to him this night.

Coach Walters spent most of the evening on the phone. His first call was to Craig Allwein. He knew that Craig would spread the word among the students that Principal Jordan was in real danger of being fired at the School Board meeting on Monday evening. The real key though was other faculty members. If he could garner enough support among them, the Board would have to reconsider their position. The last thing they'd want is a walk-out by faculty members in support of their Principal.

Doug Walters got very little in the way of commitment from the other faculty. Their self-survival seemed to be the major concern. This was a small town in the south, prejudice is not so easily set aside. Many of the faculty agreed with him but were unwilling to stand up in defense of Ed Jordan. The appointment of a black northerner to the highest position in the school was something that they didn't understand. The previous School Board selected him because of the threatened loss of federal funding. They hadn't anticipated that Ed Jordan would actively seek to change the core principles that governed them for more than a century. Ed Jordan was a marked man and they weren't ready to walk the plank with him.

Ed Jordan didn't know about the efforts of Doug Walters. He thought that he would be fighting this battle alone and was certain that it was one that he could not win. The fact that he had a year's experience as a Principal would help his resume immensely. He would spend the weekend mailing them out to school districts, mainly in the north. He was confident that it would at least get him some interviews. His main regret was that he would be uprooting his family again. It had taken his daughter quite a while to adjust to life in the south and she finally seemed happy again. He wasn't looking forward to giving her the bad news. His wife would be fine with it. She was always supportive of him in his career and would make the best of it, as usual. He was sorry that the meeting was pushed out to Monday. He would have preferred to deal with and get on with his life.

It was just after 11 PM, Ed and his wife were in bed and just about to turn off the light. "I knew better than to push that gay issue" he told her. "It was only a matter of time before the payback. If you mess with the status quo down here, you get burned."

"You are a brave man, Ed Jordan, that's one of the reasons, I married you. You did the right thing, somebody has to stand up to hatred and say, no more! Now turn off the light and let's get some sleep, there are more dragons for you to slay tomorrow."

Ed smiled and kissed her on the cheek. He thought how lucky he was to have married such a beautiful and understanding woman.

end chapter 24

Please let me know what your thoughts are? What do you like/dislike about Christopher-answers?

My thanks to those who continue to respond and help to shape this story, I appreciate it more than you may realize. ed swanky

E-mails to:


I have some personal health problems to deal with and probably won't be

posting the next chapter for at least two weeks. I apologize to all of

you for the inconvenience. Be assured that I will finish this story

as soon as I'm able to get back to my computer. Thanks for your kind


ed swanky

Next: Chapter 19

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