Christopher Answers

By ed swanky

Published on Jul 9, 2023


If you are underage or graphic sexual stories are prohibited in your not read this. This story is completely fictional. I would appreciate all comments especially those of a constructive or encouraging nature. My e-mail address:

Christopher Answers

Chapter 23

Martha explained to Russell that John wasn't living with her anymore. He listened intently as she told him about the events preceding her husband's decision to leave. He learned about Gary 'coming out' and how John had reacted so violently toward her when she intervened. The ugly scene flooded back and tears welled-up in her eyes. Russell pitied Martha, he remembered how vibrant she was when she started dating his brother John. Russell liked her from the first day they met. He envied his brother, wishing that he had found Martha first, she seemed so perfect in every way.

Here he was some twenty years later, divorced for almost five years now. He was lonely and seeing Martha again made him look at her the same way he did the first time. His eyes ignored the effect the years had, to him she is as beautiful now as she was then. Russell isn't very religious but he remembered the part about coveting another man's wife. He felt ashamed because he found himself coveting his brother's wife, surely that must be an even greater sin!

For her part, Martha always liked Russell. He had a sad life with a wife who never took her marriage vows seriously. He was married rather late in life and the union only lasted a little over three years. She remembered how devoted Gary was to his Uncle Russ when he was a small boy. Russell moved away just around the same time that John changed. She often thought that had he not moved, he could have become a surrogate father to her son Gary, but it was not meant to be. She didn't know that Russell left because his love for her was getting stronger everyday. He decided that the only option for him was to live far enough away to avoid any further temptation.

Russell put his arm around Martha to comfort her. Tears were streaming down her cheeks as she thought of Gary and the last ten years of her loveless marriage. She took Russell's strong hand in hers and somehow everything seemed OK again.

Martha introduced John's brother to the five boys sitting around her kitchen table. Russell felt the uneasiness that his sudden appearance had on the group. Justin wasn't hostile toward him but he sensed that of the five, he was the least likely to warm up to him. Russ listened to the last of the 'Gary Stories' and found himself being proud that Gary had friends who were thoughtful enough to visit his mother and try to relieve the great burden she was shouldering.

He told a few stories himself about the Gary that he knew best. The young Gary from birth to age seven. It was obvious to the boys that this uncle was totally different from Gary's father. They spent the better part of an hour together before the boys decided to head for the Mall. Martha enlisted the five of them to be pall-bearers with Timmy to be the sixth. The funeral was set for Saturday morning.

Russell and Martha would spend the next four hours just sitting and talking. The light in Martha's eyes was getting brighter. She hadn't engaged in conversation like this for many years. There wasn't much of a resemblance between Russ and her husband but the voice and mannerisms were undeniable. Not once in the course of the four hours did she hear a quote from the bible. She thoroughly enjoyed herself and invited Russ to spend the night in Gary's room rather than go to a motel somewhere. She was glad to have someone else in the house. She was able to sleep for the first time since she returned from the awful task of identifying her son's body in the morgue.

Elder John's sleep was less restful. He awoke several times during the night. The pain from the skirmish he had with that clumsy boy in the parking lot combined with some nagging doubts he was having about a lot of recent events made for a fitful night.

The boys sat at the outdoor cafe and had sodas and several large plates of french fries. Their talk after a bit turned from Gary's Mom to the motivating school assembly they had earlier that morning.

They listened intently as Craig told them about a phone call he got from Coach Walters earlier that evening. A meeting of the School board was changed from tomorrow until Monday evening. The purpose of the special meeting was to hear a case prepared against Principal Jordan. All of the recent problems with the gay issue were being blamed on his unconventional views regarding it.

"Coach Walters told me that unless something is done to counter the subcommittee findings, Principal Jordan will most likely be fired on Monday. Gary's father, and others like him, have concluded that Principal Jordan is far too liberal for our school. The result of his policies culminated with the riot that occurred at the baseball game. Coach Walters told how Gary's father directed the shunning of Justin in hopes that Justin would quit the team after he 'came out'. He claims that Justin and Christopher would never have publicly announced their homosexuality if it hadn't been for the relaxed policies of Principal Jordan and the memo he issued on gay harassment. When you two 'came out' everything else that followed was a direct result."

Justin was visibly upset. "That's bullshit! That was our decision and had nothing to do with the Principal."

Christopher spoke up. "I think he's right Justin. If things were still the same way as before Principal Jordan took over, I might have never said anything to you until after we both graduated from high school. Principal Jordan's memo back in the beginning of the year had a lot to do with me finally getting the courage to admit that I've loved you for many years. Justin, I believe that it probably didn't have the same effect on you but it had a great effect on me. It got me to thinking that there was nothing wrong with me loving you. Principal Jordan is responsible for that and I'll always be grateful to him because he gave me the courage to tell you."

For the second time tonight, Christopher surprised Justin. He started to realize just how strong his shy little friend had become. Justin looked at Christopher in a whole new way. His little friend may not need as much protection from him as he thought. Christopher was growing up right before his eyes and he beamed with new found pride. Justin briefly thought to himself that he would miss his role of being in total control of his little Christopher. That was replaced quickly by the knowledge that his friend was finally standing up for himself. He liked what he saw. Chris at 5 feet 6 inches never looked taller than he did at this moment. His love for him was never stronger and he couldn't wait until they were alone to show him how proud he was.

Dave spoke up. "Justin and Chris, you led the way for us to publicly 'come out' after a year of hiding our love for each other. Me and Tom lived in fear of being discovered. Principal Jordan made that happen but the courage that the two of you showed, made us realize that we couldn't live a lie any longer. We were both going to wait until after we graduated and went off to college together. We owe the two of you and Principal Jordan our thanks for making our love stronger than it could ever have been hidden away in the closet."

Craig was next as he jokingly outlined why he hated the whole thing:

"Principal Jordan ruined everything. After that assembly there are bound to be other 'straight guys' who will start talking to the four of you. A lot of the girls might think that I'm straight too and not even try to reform me. Damn! just when things were looking up for me, the Principal had to go and ruin it."

Justin laughed and placed his two hands on the back of Craig's head. "We can fix that," he said. Right there in the middle of the Mall, Justin kissed him on the lips. The others stood up and did the same thing, one by one. It was almost impossible to embarrass Craig but he turned a deep shade of red. Just as quickly he laughed at his own reaction.

"Thanks guys! I knew I could count on you to help me. I've never been more certain in my life that I'm straight. You are the four worst kissers that I've ever known."

All five of them laughed so hard that even the shocked onlookers sensed that they had witnessed a special moment among friends. A moment that would be remembered for all their lives.

Tom and Dave had'nt had much time together recently. Dave asked and received permission from his parents to stay over at Tom's house tonight. Earlier they stopped at Dave's to pick up his clothes for school tomorrow. They spent some time talking to Dave's parents about the assembly and the movement to oust the Principal. Dave's Dad and Mom were very much concerned about this and promised to be at the meeting on Monday. They told Dave that there was a good possibility that his Uncles Dave and Ray might be here for a visit this weekend. Ray wanted to meet with the District Attorney and see if he could have all the charges formally dropped that resulted from the fight in the stands. Ruth suggested that maybe Principal Jordan should enlist counsel for the meeting. She hoped that possibly he and Ray could talk together about what would be his best course of action.

Later that night, Tom and Dave were sitting on the couch as Tom's parents said goodnight and went upstairs to bed. Tom looked at his lover's beautiful freckled face and proceeded to undress him right there in the living room. The low light from a table lamp shown on Dave's body. The red hair above his penis matched the hair on his head. His pale, pink oval shaped protruding nipples and slender white dick were highlighted by the strawberry blond hair covering his arms, legs and tops of his feet.

Dave at 17, looked much younger. He was Huck Finn personified. Tom leaned over and brushed the wispy hair with the back of his hand. The touch was electrifying to Dave. He settled into the corner of the sofa and allowed Tom to explore his body in the gentle, adoring way that he had perfected. It was exciting to Dave to be nude while Tom was still fully clothed. Tom slipped to the floor between his legs and tickled the light covering of hair just below his ankles with his tongue. He alternated between both legs and slowly traced his way up both calves, onto his knees and inner thighs. Dave's cock was tight to his belly when Tom arrived at the strawberry and copper colored hair covering his ball sacs. With one fell swoop, his eggs were fully inside Tom's wet mouth. His tongue swirled around, swabbing and massaging them until Dave felt he was going to explode. Tom sensed the effect he was having and released them to tongue up the pinkish-white shaft over the piss slit and onto his stomach.

He stopped to savor the sweet pre-cum before poking his tongue inside the concave belly button. He licked around the outside and laved his way upward between the two pectoral muscles. He moved his mouth onto Dave's left breast and sucked on the perfectly oval shaped and taut nipple. He continued nursing at the boy teat until Dave groaned in ecstasy. Only then did Tom move to the other one, sucking it inside and then broad tonguing the entire right breast. He returned and wet down the other crimson hairs that ever so lightly grew there.

For the first time, Dave abandoned his passive posture and put his hands on the sides of Tom's head. He allowed Tom to lick up to his throat and then pulled his head up to lock their mouths in a wet embrace. They explored each other's mouths with pressing tongues until Tom chose to stand up and strip out of his clothes.

Dave pressed back in the cushions and enjoyed the sight of light reflecting off his lover's sweaty olive tinted skin. The last piece of clothing was his white briefs tenting obscenely to the left. Tom stood sideways and slipped them down his thighs, then dropped them to his ankles. He stood up as seven inches proudly slapped against his abdomen. His bubble butt arched outward from his firmly muscled back. He turned and faced his lover David, a look of sexual anticipation coming over his face.

Dave leaned forward, grasped Tom's boy melons and drew him into a kiss to the exposed underside of his cockshaft. Dave licked his low hanging balls and continued straight up to the underside of the helmet cap. He closed his lips around the tip and vacuumed it clean of the freely flowing pre-cum. Dave placed his hands on Tom's hips and turned him so that his ass mounds were only inches from his lips. He palmed the fleshy cheeks outward to expose the pink pucker and dove on it with his probing tongue. Tom groaned as Dave's hot tongue reamed its way inside. Tom wanted Dave to continue but not there in the living room. The boys gathered up their clothes and went upstairs to Tom's bedroom. They would have to be quiet at least for awhile until Tom's parents fell asleep. In the meantime, they lay naked on the bed enjoying the touch of their hot bodies and the promise of pleasures that would last late into the night.

end chapter 23

Please let me know what your thoughts are? What do you like/dislike about Christopher-answers?

My thanks to those who continue to respond and help to shape this story, I appreciate it more than you may realize. ed swanky

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Next: Chapter 18

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