Christopher Answers

By ed swanky

Published on Jun 29, 2023


If you are underage or graphic sexual stories are prohibited in your not read this. This story is completely fictional. I would appreciate all comments especially those of a constructive or encouraging nature. My e-mail address:

Christopher Answers

Chapter 21

Tay and Tim had a lot of catching up to do as they cuddled together on Tay's bed. Tim talked about Gary, tears streamed down his cheeks as he told about the small boy who tried to emerge but never made it.

Tay listened for over an hour as Tim talked through the grief that he felt. Tay cried along with him, the contrived version of himself was now completely gone. His heart ached for Tim and the pain he was experiencing. They lay in spoon fashion with Tay's arms wrapped around Timmy's chest.

Tay could feel his cock stir and was a bit ashamed. He wanted so much to enter Tim but was reluctant to assume that role again. Tim sensed that and told Tay that he wanted to feel him inside. Tay kissed him and helped Tim to roll on his back. He hoisted Tim's legs over his shoulders and pressed his body forward. Tim groaned as the feeling of fullness enveloped him. His thoughts were of Tay but interspersed with thoughts of Gary. Tay was so gentle that there was no pain. He eased himself slowly inside his little friend, gone was the rough taking that resulted in the break-up of their relationship.

The significance of this moment was not lost on Tay. His Timmy was allowing him to become a full partner in their lovemaking. Tay had been prepared to play the other role exclusively for as long as Tim thought necessary to repair the damage he had done.

Tay tried to make his love last as long as he could. He drove forward and retreated again and again. He was mesmerized. Both boys locked their gazes together and seemed to be reading each other for any sign of a need not being met. This was how it used to be between them. The primary concern of both was the attainment of the other's joy and satisfaction.

After ten minutes of coupling, Tay's balls released it's treasure into Tim's hot rectum. He held inside as the last pleasurable wave overtook his body. Their eyes disengaged as Tay lowered his mouth onto Tim's. His long hair fell forward and shrouded Tim's face as he sealed their physical love with a kiss.

Tay pulled back and allowed his softening cock to plop out. He lifted Tim's legs off his shoulders and snuggled his way back into the same spoon position as before. They lay that way for another half hour before they decided to take a shower and get cleaned up. Tay soaped Tim completely, he marveled at the feel of his firm body. His hands roamed all over as Tim stood there luxuriating in his ministrations. Tay was reluctant for it to end but changed places as Tim took his turn and began to soap his taut body in the same thorough manner.

The ripe melons on both shimmered with wetness as they stepped out and toweled each other dry. Tim spent a long time using the blow dryer on Tay's shoulder length hair. It needed special attention as well as the thick patch of pubic hair above his uncut cock. Tay returned the favor but included his armpit hairs to Tim's giggling delight. The heat from the blow dryer tickled him and Tay took full advantage of the moment. It was so good to hear his friend laugh again.

When they finished, the two naked boys padded back to the bed and lay down just to rest for a few minutes. The alarm clock turned to 3PM. They fell asleep in each other's arms and woke up around six. The sounds of his parents coming in the front door awakened them. Tim was anxious to get dressed so Tay would not be caught in a compromising relationship that his parents knew nothing about. Tay didn't experience the same reaction. He got up, calmly put on his robe and bedroom slippers and walked downstairs to meet them. Tim heard him say:

"Dad and Mom, I have something I need to talk to you about."

Tim knew then that everything was going to be just fine. He had a feeling that Gary was there whispering in his ear. Tim smiled and said:

"Thanks Gary, I love you too."

Sarah Parker was about to knock on the kitchen door. She could see Martha sitting at the table with someone else and decided to come back at another time. She turned to leave when she heard a loud thump. Martha was on the floor, a man about Justin's size was standing over her. He reached down and grabbed her by the hair. Sarah saw his open hand raise up and acting on pure instinct, opened the door and yelled at him to stop.

He turned to face her and momentarily seemed ashamed at what he had done. He released his grip on Martha and literally shoved Justin's mother aside as he swiftly made his exit. Sarah fell against the wall and bruised her jaw. No real damage done but the impact was severe enough to cause her a good deal of pain.

She got up and assisted Martha who was still laying on the kitchen floor. The look on Martha's face was heart-wrenching. She seemed confused as Sarah helped her to her feet and back into a chair. Brochures on the table were a stark indication of what was being discussed. Lace-lined coffins were pictured on several, others had pictures of bronze cemetery markers.

Martha's eyes were sunken, dark and lifeless as she aimlessly stacked them in a neat pile. Her thoughts were of Sarah and how she might think that she was a sloppy housekeeper. Then the realization that her husband had hit her for the second time in their marriage made her feel deeply ashamed that Sarah was a witness to it.

Sarah had called her a few hours earlier and asked if there was anything she might do for her. She talked about their days in school and wasn't sure if Martha even remembered her. Martha virtually had been alone since Reverend Paul left. Several neighbors stopped by with food but were reluctant to stay because they had never formed a bond with the Watkins family. Elder John was a difficult man to befriend. He was constantly quoting from the bible. That made most people nervous and so they just stayed away. Martha had been a vibrant, outgoing person when she married him. The last ten years had taken their toll on her. She had withdrawn from former friends and was ultimately left with just her son and her husband as her only social contacts.

Sarah's kind heart went out to Martha. She sat on a chair next to her and drew Martha's hand into hers. Martha was only able to give her a few nervous glances before she stood up and busied herself with making coffee. She apologized profusely for her husband when she saw the swelling that appeared on Sarah's jaw. She put some ice in a freezer bag and wrapped it in a dish cloth. Sarah sat there holding the makeshift icepack to her face while trying to get Martha to open up about her feelings. She was determined not to leave there until Martha showed her some sign of dropping the stoic defense mechanism she had adopted to hide her complete and utter devastation.

Small talk consumed most of their first hour together. Martha finally gave in to the despair she was feeling by stopping in mid-sentence and sobbing uncontrollably. Sarah wrapped her arms around her as she broke down and softly cried:

"Oh God, why did you have to take my Gary from me."

Sarah cried with her. She pictured herself and the feelings she would have if it had been her son Justin, or his dear, little friend, Christopher. Martha clung to her as the finality of her son's death hit for the first time. She had no one to share her grief until this dear, compassionate woman came to see her.

Her husband stopped by only to attend to some necessary paperwork. He still had not shown any signs of softening his position. Martha incurred his wrath by continuing to refer to Gary as 'our son'. His anger came swiftly, without warning, a sign that Gary's death meant more to him than he was willing to acknowledge. One minute they were talking and the next minute Martha was on the floor. He didn't remember striking her or grabbing her hair until he heard Sarah yell for him to stop.

Sarah stayed with her for the whole afternoon. Martha told her things that she had repressed for years. Her loveless marriage to a man gone stone cold, a son who loved his father but received no love in return.

Her relationship with Gary was loving but only civil at best. He didn't seem to be able to confide in her and finally she just gave up trying. The night that her husband left, she said, was the first time that she and Gary ever had a meaningful conversation.

When Sarah left to go home it was nearing six o'clock. She looked at her face in the rear-view mirror of her car. The puffiness on her jaw had receded but was replaced by an angry, purple-red mark that marred her otherwise smooth face. Knowing her son Justin and his temper, she decided not to tell him what happened. If asked, she would tell him a half-truth and say that she slipped on the kitchen floor and fell against the wall. If Justin knew the whole truth, he would be out the door in a instant to hunt down Gary's father. She certainly didn't want that to happen.

Justin and Christopher had gotten there a few minutes before she pulled into the driveway. She heard the TV in the family room, peeked in and said hello to her two boys sitting together on the sofa.

"I'll have supper ready shortly, sorry I'm late, I spent the afternoon with Gary's mother."

She was standing at the stove when Justin came up behind her and put his arm around her waist. She leaned back for her customary peck on the cheek when Justin saw the angry red welt. He showed immediate concern and she went right into the rehearsed version she had decided to tell him. Christopher walked into the kitchen, kissed her and sat down. He asked Sarah about Gary's mom and how she was coping.

Justin sat down and listened as Sarah related how lonely Martha was and that her heart went out to her. Christopher offered that maybe he and Justin should go there after supper to let her know how sad they felt. Sarah agreed that it would be wonderful if they did.

After supper, Justin and Chris drove there and tentatively rang the doorbell. Martha opened the door to the two teens, recognizing Justin from the team photos that were in Gary's room. They sat in the living room, Christopher did most of the talking, which was unusual. He was very careful to paint all his impressions of Gary in a positive light.

Gary's mom seemed happy that her son was so thought of so highly. She remembered the conversation she had with Gary that night which included his description of Justin and Christopher's relationship.

How nice, she thought, that the two of them could be so open about their love for each other. They sat there chatting for about a half hour before Martha told Justin what a wonderful thing his mother did by spending the afternoon with her. She asked Justin if his mother was in any pain from the welt on her jaw. She went into the same apology for her husband's actions that she had given to Sarah immediately after it happened.

Justin's whole body stiffened. Christopher realized what the impact of Martha's words had on Justin. He tried to delay their departure but Justin insisted that they must leave now. He knew better than to argue and made some polite excuse to Martha for the two of them.

Sarah was sitting at home and suddenly remembered her half-lie to her son. She picked up the phone and fumbled for the pad that had Martha's number written on it. Martha heard it ring while she was at the front door watching the two nice boys drive away.

Justin drove fast, Christopher tried his best to calm him down.

"I don't want to hear it Chris! that son of a ......

His words trailed off as the car came to a screeching halt in front of the church. Justin jumped out and walked swiftly to the side entrance leading down to the basement apartment.

end chapter 21

Please let me know what your thoughts are? What do you like/dislike about Christopher-answers?

My thanks to those who continue to respond and help to shape this story, I appreciate it more than you may realize. ed swanky

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Next: Chapter 16

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