Christopher Answers

By ed swanky

Published on Jun 26, 2023


If you are underage or graphic sexual stories are prohibited in your not read this. This story is completely fictional. I would appreciate all comments especially those of a constructive or encouraging nature. My e-mail address:

Christopher Answers

Chapter 20

Justin and Christopher walked home after lunch, this time, hand in hand. The glow of the assembly's positive effect was still with Christopher but Justin was unusually quiet and preoccupied.

"What's wrong Justin? You seem to be bothered by something ever since you had that talk with Taylor."

"I don't know, Chrissy. I guess I can see how Taylor got so screwed up with Tim. I don't have the same problem that he had with being gay but I understand how he could have let that top/bottom thing take control of him. I worry about our relationship and how I'm always the one who dominates you. I said before you answered yes to my question, that I am a control freak. I hope that you never start to feel like Tim did. I don't ever want to forget about your needs while I'm satisfying my own. It would kill me if you began to hate me because I treat you like my love slave. You mean so much more to me than that, but I'm afraid you may not completely understand that yourself and one day you'll wake up despising me for what I've done to you."

"Oh Justin, please don't even think about that. I love being submissive to you. I need to have somebody strong to take care of me. You are so kind and considerate of my feelings, I've never had to worry that you'd hurt me in any way. You've allowed me to have a lot more control than you may realize. Never once in our relationship have I felt that you wouldn't stop if I asked you. I love it sometimes when you just take me. It makes me feel wanted and needed by you. I'm not Tim. Tim has different needs than I do. The way you treat me is exactly the way I want to be treated. Maybe someday that might change, but for now I couldn't ask for anything better than what we have together. God, I love you so much Justin. You make me feel all safe and warm. Ever since that first day we met in kindergarten, I knew that I wanted you to watch over me. I was so scared being there, you sensed that and selected me as your friend. You somehow knew that I was frightened and you wanted me to know that you'd protect me. I've never forgotten that moment."

"I remember that day too. You were so small compared to the rest of the kids. I was the biggest one in the class and I never had the same kind of doubts or fears that I could tell you felt. Even at that young age, I somehow knew that you and me were meant for each other. Remember when that one kid took away the crayons you were using. It looked like you were going to cry and I just couldn't stand to see that happen. I wrestled him to the ground and made him give them back to you. At that moment I decided that nobody would ever make you cry as long as I was around. I remember feeling that I wanted to just hold you in my arms and kiss you. I was only about 5 years old but I knew that you were destined to be mine forever."

"Justin, do you remember when we were in seventh grade and I avoided you for about three weeks. Robert Bailor and a few other boys in our class started to call me 'Justin's girl'. They used to make kissing sounds when I passed by them when you weren't around. I loved you and wouldn't have minded being anyone you wanted me to be. You never made me feel like your girlfriend but their taunting kinda got to me. We never did anything sexually together but I wouldn't have resisted you if that's what you wanted from me. I dreamed about you every night in those three weeks. I hoped that you would sweep me up in your strong arms and make love to me. The whole thing was very confusing. I was a boy and you were a boy. I didn't know anything about gay love but I knew I loved you. I never felt like a girl but I was starting to believe that they might be right about me. I never meant for us to be apart and I could see the hurt in your eyes when you looked at me."

"I will never forget that. I kept trying to figure out what I had done to make you hate me. You were in my dreams too. I think you've always been in my dreams. If only you would have told me about Bailor and the others. I'd have taken care of them. They would have been making kissing sounds because their jaws would have been wired shut. Please promise that you'll never keep something like that from me again. I was never more miserable in my life than during that three week period."

Christopher stopped walking and kissed Justin on the cheek. No words were spoken but volumes were said. Justin returned his kiss and wrapped his strong arms around him in a protective bearhug. Christopher wanted Justin to take him at that moment, on the sidewalk, in broad daylight but they continued walking until they got to his house and went inside. Chris' parents wouldn't be home until after 6 PM.

When the door closed behind them, Justin saw the passion in Chris' eyes. His Christopher wanted to be taken by him and no permission was necessary. Justin kneeled down and undid the buckle at his thin waist. In less than a minute his tiny body was completely naked, a vision of boy beauty that had Justin's blood hot with pure passion and lust. Justin gently laid Chris' naked body prone on top of the coffee table while he stripped off his own clothes.

For the longest time, Justin stood and just looked at his Chrissy laying there naked and vulnerable. If he had his way, this was how he would keep Chris every moment of the day. Justin couldn't imagine anyone who was more beautiful. As he drank his fill of the naked boy, Chris rolled on his side allowing the soft globes of his perfect bubble butt to come into view. Justin kneeled down and tousled his hair. Chris cooed, the love that Justin had for him could be felt through his mere touch. Justin ran his hand down Chris' bony spine and cupped the fleshy mounds that were begging to be caressed. Chris stayed on his side as Justin ran his other hand down his chest and settled on his cock that was stretched to its firm limit. With one hand on his cock and the other on his ass, Justin turned the boy on his back and then kissed his full lips. His tongue left there and laved his unprotected Adam's apple. His teeth opened around it as if to bite the exposed throat like a predator with his prey. Christopher made no move to turn away. He willingly placed his life completely in Justin's control, resigned that if Justin decided to end it, that is what he wanted also. Instead, Justin covered his teeth and sucked the lump with his lips. There is something very primal about an Adam's apple laid bare. Justin had used it many times to assert his dominance.

Christopher seductively opened his arms to receive his boy master who was kneeling beside him. Justin opened his mouth to suck the nipple on his left breast. His wet tongue slid across to the right breast and drew that taut little nubbin between his teeth. He swabbed his way down to the sparse patch of pubic hair that he knew so well. Three swipes with his broad tongue had the hairs sparkling with his spittle. Chris' penis was rock-hard now as Justin promptly sucked it in to the back of his throat. He stood, moved to the end of the coffee table and placed the palms of his hands on the underside of Chris' knees. He lifted him up and buried his nose against the pink pucker that quivered there. He formed his tongue into a tight little poker and pushed it through the anal ring of muscle tissue.

Chris moaned as waves of incredible passion swept through his slender body. Justin's cock ached with fullness as he pulled out his tongue and raised up to position his cock at the entrance to his lover's pleasure door. His nine inches broke through and skewered its way to the hilt. Balls slapped ass cheeks and coffee table as he slammed in and out, his hips drove forward as he pulled Chris toward him and jerked backward as he pushed him away. Chris' eyes glazed over in response to the pain and pleasure that he had pleaded for earlier with his eyes. Justin was giving him exactly what he needed at that moment.

Justin released a flood of seed that literally splashed the inside walls of Chris' receptive rectum. Justin held himself fully inside as the last spurts jolted his body in spastic lurches. He withdrew and stood up, his cock was still erect but spent of ammunition. He leaned down and picked up little Christopher in his arms. He supported his weight with clasped hands under the magnificent boy buns and anus that was still leaking his love seed. Justin threw him over his right shoulder and walked up the stairs toward Christopher's bedroom.

He stood Chris on the carpet at the foot of his bed. Justin leaned over the end of the bed on his stomach and arched his butt toward Chris. Chris just stood there naked and confused as to what Justin wanted him to do next. Justin's smile made him understand. His love for Christopher was deep enough that he was prepared to give himself over to him. Chris' cock was at full mast because he had anticipated that Justin was ready for a second helping of his pert little ass. He never dreamed that Justin would ever offer himself to be mounted.

Justin's huge legs were spread and his firm buttocks were at the perfect height for Christopher to walk right up and insert his penis inside his big friend. This was new territory for both of them. Justin never ceased to amaze Christopher but this was something totally out of character for him. The smallest, most timid senior in the class was going to lay claim to the virgin ass of senior stud, Justin Parker. Christopher wrapped his arms around Justin's waist and held on as his cock stabbed at the tight, resistant pink orifice. Justin knew he had to relax his sphincter but wasn't sure how to do it. Finally the head broke through and Justin was surprised at the pain he was experiencing. He grimaced as the hips of his little boy lover gyrated and plowed forward, sinking five inches deep inside his hot ass. Chris knew to hold it there long enough for Justin to accommodate the intruder and the pain. He pulled back slowly and jammed his cock once again into the now deflowered ass of his generous master. Justin's unselfish act of allowing Chris to fuck his ass was the final consummate act that had been missing up to that point in their sexual relationship. Six rapid strokes later and Chris had released his boy seed. He leaned on Justin's back as his cock gave the last few spurts and softened.

Chris pulled out and stood between Justin's legs again. He suddenly became playful as he smacked Justin's ass twice with his open palm, once on each cheek. Surprised at the unfamiliar stinging on his asscheeks, Justin turned and drew Christopher to him. Justin broke into a huge smile as he saw the devilish grin that was on Christopher's face.

Chris knew that he would be paying for this indiscretion. Justin sat on the end of the bed with his legs on the carpet and laid Chris across his lap. It was time to reassert his dominance.

"So you want to play, do you!", he said as he lightly slapped the pert little ass of his non-repentant little boy. "You're a naughty little guy who needs some discipline." Christopher smiled as his asscheeks became hotter with each successive slap. For him it was the reassurance he needed that Justin still loved him. He was once again in the place where he most wanted to be, stretched across his master's lap vulnerable, submissive and content.

After 20 repetitions, Justin stopped and allowed Christopher to stand between his knees. Chris slid down and began a slow, reverential laving of the cock and balls that have given him so much pleasure in the past week. Justin put his head back and enjoyed the pleasurable feeling of Chris' tongue. His balls were licked clean and the shaft of his re-energized love pole was the recipient of light kisses up and down both sides. Christopher would have been happy to continue but Justin pulled him up to cradle his head against his chest.

"I want you to know Chrissy that if you feel the need, my body is yours for the asking. I doubt if any other man will get that permission from me. You were my first and probably the only one who I'll allow inside me."

Chris looked at him and said he was grateful but prefers to be the bottom boy to him. "I feel so privileged to have been given this special gift from you." Chris raised his head and looked at Justin as Justin looked down at him.

"I love you, Justin."

"I love you too, Christopher."

end chapter 20

Please let me know what your thoughts are? What do you like/dislike about Christopher-answers?

My thanks to those who continue to respond and help to shape this story, I appreciate it more than you may realize. ed swanky

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Next: Chapter 15

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