Christopher Answers

By ed swanky

Published on Jun 17, 2023


If you are underage or graphic sexual stories are prohibited in your not read this. This story is completely fictional. I would appreciate all comments especially those of a constructive or encouraging nature. My e-mail address:

Christopher Answers

Chapter 18

Justin woke up at 6:15 AM, one half hour before the alarm clock was set to ring. His arm was draped across Tim with his hand on Christopher's left hip. He didn't take it away for fear of waking them. The two boys were very similar in stature, 5 feet 6 inches and around 120 lbs each. Justin's eyes focused on Tim's face. He was a handsome little guy, despite the lump and small cut on his forehead. His gaze shifted to his little Christopher. A more perfect face, he just couldn't imagine. How gentle and innocent they both appeared to be. Christopher's left arm lay on Tim's chest, his fingers touching the small nubbin in the center of Tim's right breast. At over 6 feet tall and 190 lbs, Justin dwarfed the two boys who lay there beside him.

His thoughts then turned to Gary and the fearful look he had when he stood astride him trying to make him get up and fight. He remembered his eyes, how frightened they were for such a big man. That was the seven year old trapped inside, confused as to why Justin was hitting him. The tiny boy who was looking for affection but receiving a beating instead. Justin felt so ashamed of himself. If he had only known the torment that this tiny seven year old had endured. Had he known, he would have held him in his strong arms instead of beating him with his fists. Now poor Gary was gone, along with the opportunity for him to make amends.

For the briefest of time, Gary had become his friend. His friend was now dead. Justin thought of Gary's father. He was the one. The one that has to pay. Justin wanted to meet this man, size him up, figure out why a father would so cruelly ignore the emotional needs of his only son. Yes, he thought, I must meet this bastard and make him pay for harming Gary.

As he lay there looking at the two beautiful naked boys beside him, his thoughts turned to some of the things that Timmy told he and Chris about the events leading up to Gary's death. He remembered Tim describing how frightened he was when the three guys called them names in the parking lot. They were looking for an old man who paid them money to yell anti-gay shit at him and Tom. 'Who the fuck would do that', he thought to himself. He'd like to find that son-of-a-bitch too, the old man with the smirk on his face that the big guy talked about to Gary and Tim.

Then his thoughts turned to Taylor West. He knew Taylor from the baseball team, but little else about him. He was kind of surprised that he and Tim used to be boyfriends. He was also surprised at the way he had been treating Tim in the last couple months of their relationship. To him Taylor didn't seem like that kind of guy. Justin could see the physical attraction that Tim had for him, Taylor was cute with his long hair and everything. 'Cute or not' he thought, 'I need to have a chat with that boy'. 'He won't be so cute if he ever tries that shit with Tim again'. 'I'll take care of that problem at school today' he thought to himself.

Justin Parker was fully into his protector role now. His adrenaline was pumping as he thought about righting some more wrongs. He looked at the clock, it was 6:44 AM, one minute before the irritating alarm would start ringing. He shut it off and playfully grabbed the two naked little boys in his powerful arms.

"Time to get up, sleepy heads! you can't stay in bed all day, we have to shower, get some breakfast and go to school."

Tim and Chris fought to free themselves from the powerful arms that held them pinned against each other. They smiled as Justin rolled on top of them making it impossible for them to move much less escape. The pain of Gary's death was ever so briefly forgotten as Justin greeted them both with a wet, sloppy kiss. Tim smiled broadly and kissed him in return.

Justin decided to shower first. He thought that Tim and Chris could get in together and he could towel them off afterwards. He finished quickly and was drying himself as he walked back to the bedroom. Tim and Chris were still in bed clinging to each other. The frightened look had returned to Timmy's eyes. They both looked up at Justin and without saying a word, asked his permission if they could have sex together.

Justin nodded his head, his smile confirmed his approval. Tim assumed the aggressor role by centering himself on his knees between Christopher's legs. Both boys were hard and Tim took Christopher's cock in his mouth. Chris lay back submissively as Tim worked his tongue on the tip and then took the entire length into his mouth. Christopher moaned as his boyseed jettisoned into Timmy's mouth with a greater force than Tim had expected. Tim kept his mouth on it and drank the sweet nectar from the diminutive senior's 5 inch penis. Tim then quickly got on his haunches and positioned the tip of his uncircumcised cock to the small rosebud that twitched in anticipation of his entry. He lifted Chris' legs on his shoulders and plunged his five inches easily into the chute that was accustomed to Justin's 9 inch pole. A couple of movements back and forth was all it took for Tim to discharge his seed.

Justin was content to just watch. The sight of his Christopher and Timmy enjoying each other's bodies was very pleasing to him. Christopher was happy to give himself to Tim and help him on his road to recovery. He looked up at Justin knowing what a selfless act that he too had performed by giving his permission for their little friend Tim to enter him. Chris belonged to Justin, and he would never be with anyone else unless Justin gave him permission.

Tim knew this too and when he and Chris got out of bed, he hugged Justin and whispered in his ear. "Thank you Justin, you and Christopher are the greatest friends anyone could ever have. I don't know how I would have gotten through last night without the two of you. I guess I'll always miss Gary but I have to get on with my life. When I called you, I was thinking of ending it and joining Gary. I was pitying myself and couldn't see too many alternatives. I'll be fine now, I just need some time to deal with this and find someone who wants me for me."

Justin didn't say anything, he just opened his arms to the two little boys in his charge, kissed both and told them to hit the showers. He decided to finish dressing and tell his Mom about all that happened. He could hear her downstairs preparing breakfast.

The two boys stepped into the hot spray together and soaped each other's bodies. Christopher was caught off guard when Tim kissed him on the cheek and thanked him for everything that he had done. Chris found himself wishing that Tim could somehow become part of his and Justin's life but knew that was not going to happen. Tim, despite all that happened to him, was going to find his own way. He admired the strength that he had and knew that he would do just fine on his own.

Justin's Mom heard the news of Gary's death on the radio before her son walked into the kitchen. She didn't really know much about Gary or his family. Justin kissed her and they talked. Tim was a boy she knew nothing about. Justin did his best to explain how Tim was in the car with Gary when he was killed. He talked about the troubled life that Gary had, the confrontation with his father and how he had left to live on his own. Sarah Parker pictured Martha Watkins in her mind. She remembered her now from their school days. They were a year apart, Martha was a year younger and quite popular as Sarah recalled. She decided that since she has the day off from work, she would call and offer to visit if she needed company. 'She must be devastated', Sarah thought to herself.

Breakfast was ready just as Christopher and Tim walked into the kitchen. Chris kissed her good morning as always. Chris introduced her to Tim. She opened her arms to him and hugged him tight to her. Sarah Parker had always been very open to new people she met. Knowing the story that Justin told her about Tim served only to make her more receptive to the hurt that he was feeling. Tim hugged her in return and felt like he had known her all his life.

While they ate breakfast, Tim filled in with more details of what happened to them yesterday. Justin was particularly interested in what Tim remembered about their conversation with the three guys in the parking lot. Tim remembered the description given of the old man who had hired them to cause the disturbance. He remembered also how Gary reacted very strangely, quickly answering 'No', when asked if he might have an idea who the old man was. Justin's mind was starting to make some connections. He never met Gary's father and had no idea what he looked like but he held the description Tim gave him in his mind. I wonder.... he thought.

Tim called his parents and said that he would be home soon to change his clothes. He told them that he wanted to go to school instead of taking the day off. He decided that the best thing for him would be to spend the day with his friends rather than brooding alone at home. Justin drove him home and waited outside while he talked to his parents, changed clothes and returned back to the car. They drove back to Justin's house and the three of them would walk to school together.

The news of Gary's death rocked the highschool. Groups of students in the hallways and in their homerooms talked of little else. His death combined with his unexpected defense of the homosexual cause at the game had rumors flying. In a day he had gone from a staunch enemy of gays to their hero. The friends that he had, felt betrayed. He was the unofficial leader of the anti-gay forces at school and his death cheated them of the opportunity to disengage themselves from him. If their leader was a gay masquerading as a straight, could there be more like him among their ranks. One of them would have to step to the front and pick up their fallen banner. They wanted to hate him but how could they, he was dead.

Principal Jordan was certain that he would be removed as the principal of the school. The meeting was tomorrow, a vote would be taken and he would be gone. He knew it would be best to wait a few days and then call the students to assembly to deal with the grief that comes with the untimely death of one of their own. He didn't have the luxury of waiting for a few days. If he were going to be fired anyway he decided to give them all the ammunition they needed to finish him off. He had an announcement made over the school's intercom that regular classes were suspended and the students should report to the auditorium instead.

He planned to discuss Gary's death along with the incident at the game. He knew that the students needed to talk about their feelings. Gary's tragic death would be a springboard for them to discuss their prejudices in an open and honest way with each other.

The gymnasium/auditorium was filled to capacity. Principal Jordan was going to act as a moderator and set the agenda by talking about the kind of prejudice that he had experienced when he went to school. Racial prejudice was his lead-in to the prejudice of sexual preference.

A hush fell over the crowd as Principal Ed Jordan stepped up to the microphone.

"Let me see a show of hands. I want you to be honest, how many of you look at me and the first thought that enters your mind is that I am a black man."

A few brave students, less than 20 among a population of about 800, tentatively raised their hands.

"I can wait. Remember that I asked you to be honest."

A few more hands went up. Principal Jordan just stood there. A few more.... until finally about 90 percent of the students had a hand raised.

"That's a good start" he said.

end chapter 18

Please let me know what your thoughts are? What do you like/dislike about Christopher-answers?

My thanks to those who continue to respond and help to shape this story, I appreciate it more than you may realize. ed swanky

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Next: Chapter 13

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