Christmas Shopping Adventure

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Jan 25, 2009


Christmas Shopping Adventure, Part 4 by justjames17.

Calvin left us after breakfast and headed home but not before some heavy pashing and cuddling, he walked out the door with his trousers pointing the way, so different to his shy attitude before he'd come visiting. We had awoken the beast within this quiet beautiful lad; he now was crazy about sex and had proved how versatile he was in bed as we all played tops and bottoms. Aaron had his arm about my shoulders as we stood together on the veranda watching Calvin leave, as he reached the gate he turned and smiled at us, his white teeth contrasting with his golden skin tones, a wave goodbye then he turned the corner onto the footpath vanishing behind the camellia bushes along the driveway.

Aaron rested his head against mine and sighed, "Ooooh bubs, there goes a perfect guy, who would have guessed that Calvin could come out of his shell in such an awesome way?"

I snuggled alongside him and nodded, "Yeah babe he was totally molten in bed and he is so beautiful a person into the bargain isn't he?"

Aaron nodded and dropped his arm from my shoulder running his fingers down the nobs of my spine making me shiver and tingle before he grasped my right buttock through my cargos giving it a squeeze. Instant boner time as my cargos went pointy pants, my cock throbbing as he continued to fondle my arse cheek. My lover was one molten sexy stud and his merest touch made me hard as a steel spike while my brain went into overdrive. Aaron knew just what to do with me he'd been the light of my young life from when we were very young boys, we grew up together as our parents were friends and lived but a couple of houses apart. Aaron and I had experimented and then developed to become lifelong lovers; well at least so far we were. I'd always looked up to Aaron as he was two years older and we were both only children, we felt equally at home in either house as both sets of parents treated us equally as sons. I guess we were very lucky boys to have such understanding and accepting parents who not only allowed us to be together but actually encouraged us from when we were little guys. We could both share a single bed when we slept over but as we grew our parents bought us double beds.

Anyway enough of our history you guys aren't interested in hearing about our early years, I'll leave it to your imaginations what hi jinx we got up to during our frequent sleep overs. After Calvin disappeared and Aaron had turned me on He picked me up in his strong arms and carried me across the threshold like a newly wed and we went inside, Aaron kissed me and we swapped spit as our tongues threshed about in each others' mouths. It was off to bed again with Aaron removing my clothes then standing beside the bed looking down as he removed his giving me the wondrous sight of his incredible body slowly appearing little by little as he teased me.

As you would guess we had riotous sex, Calvin's departure had made us both ravenous for each other, Aaron's big fat 8 inch bone was glistening it was so swollen and engorged, while pearls of pre cum forming at his flexing piss hole, of course I had to clean it off before it drooled onto the bed even though the bed was a shambles from our night of torrid sex, the satin sheets were stained all over with our residues, laundry coming up sigh. Before laundry though Aaron needed sex and I was just as eager to experience that awesome monster sliding in and stretching my innards. Before I knew it my knees were pinned beside my ears as he folded me over and lunged his long log into my sensitive entrance, I gasped at the sudden impact then as it filled my wanton arse I moaned and pulled his face to mine kissing him hotly.

A frenetic session developed with Aaron slamming in and out of my ravaged raving ring, his cock stroked and massaged every nerve in my sphincter while pressing on my love button with every movement. My cock was leaking like a washer less tap, pre cum dribbled all over my chest and face as Aaron arched his back muscles flexing pounding my burning bum. I felt him shudder then his huge pole swelled and spat sperm, hot delicious dick juice flooded my tummy as Aaron emptied his big jock balls into my chute. The pressure of his pumping prick sent me off and sperm sprayed over my sweaty torso, face and up onto Aaron's as he looked down his handsome face twisted in his climax. He folded down on top of me our hot messy torsos pressed together as we breathed each other's air panting desperate for oxygen.

Once we recovered we arose and I headed for the toilet to abort Aaron's babies, I cleaned up and we stripped the bed and while I began doing the washing Aaron did his part and remade the bed. We relaxed and recuperated after doing the chores lunchtime arrived and we couldn't be bothered cooking so I rang the local La Porchetta and ordered one of their supreme pizzas. We took our time driving there and it was ready when we arrived, Aaron collected it and we sat at a table in the restaurant section and munched away on the tasty meal. My eyes as always were surveying the talent and there was a table across from us where four guys in their teens were feeding; use the word to describe how these hotties devoured their food. They were pure eating machines and obviously enjoyed the pasta dishes and pizzas set in front of them.

My eyes settled on one in particular he had a mop of curly blond hair, fair complexion with pink glowing cheeks, his eyes were a stunning bright blue and his smile was to die for. He seemed to be younger than his mates but it could have been his unblemished fair features making him look younger, he must have felt my eyes on him because he glanced across to where Aaron and I were sitting, he looked at me and we locked eyes for at least a minute before one of his mates jibed him for not paying attention. He already pink cheeks blushed even brighter as he squirmed under the attention, suddenly he spoke to the guy next to him and they stood up the guy on the outside stepped aside allowing the blond to move past, he headed to the rear of the restaurant where the toilets were.

Aaron nudged me and whispered, "Go on follow him bubs I bet he wants to get to know you."

I chuckled and replied, "Gees babes he looks too young and innocent to be into sex."

Aaron sniggered and said, "Want to bet on it bubs? Off you go and investigate what he's up to back there."

I sighed and nonchalantly got to my feet walking slowly to the rear, I found the toilets and entered the mens, there was the cute blond standing at the small two position urinal, I couldn't see or hear any piss so I walked over unzipping my fly and stepped up beside him. He had his cock out in his hand but he certainly wasn't pissing, it was hard and standing tall, a perfect 6inches of pale pink penis pointing at the ceiling. I looked at it then slowly raised my eyes as I pulled out my semi hard horn; I looked at his cute face to see his incredibly blue eyes staring down at my cock. I grinned and said, "That looks edible mate its perfect."

He dragged his eyes up and looked at me, fear obvious in his eyes he was biting his bottom lip nervously and I could see him trembling; he seemed as if he'd not heard what I said so I reached across and felt his hot incredibly hard cock, he gasped loudly but his cock throbbed at my touch. I gently took his arm, "Come on sexy let's go into a stall so we can't be disturbed."

I led him to the second stall furthest from the entrance and guided him inside holding onto his beaut bone, he was behaving as if he was in a trance and still visibly trembling as I closed the door and locked it with my other hand before I squatted down and blew warm air on his beautiful hot pink cock head as it protruded from his drawn back hood. He quivered and gasped while his dick danced excitedly, I bent in and opened my mouth taking his smooth pink prick into my warm wet mouth licking his sensitive knob as I did tasting the small jewel of his juice. The lad shivered from head to toe as he moaned softly his hands clutched my ears pulling me excitedly onto his pulsating prong.

I took him in fully, his slick cock head rubbing the soft silky back of my throat, luckily my gag reflex was non-existent after so many years swallowing Aaron's horny howitzer. His delicate dick slipped in sweetly and I began to suck him off bobbing and licking hungrily drawing him fast towards his climax, I didn't want to take too long in case his mates came looking for him. His grip on my head tightened almost painfully as he humped my face hard and fast, the feel of his sweet schlong slipping in and out was a real turn on then he gasped and stiffened, his prick swelled and with a mewling whimper he offloaded his cum cargo flooding my mouth with delicious dollops of tasty creamy desert. Once I'd drained his smooth balls I stood up and gave him a big wet smooch on his perfect pink lips then pushed my tongue between his white teeth and let him taste his sweet spoof.

He was startled and recoiled a little but then the sexual high he was still influenced by had him sucking on my tongue hungrily until I gently pushed him back breaking our pash, I smiled at his flushed face and said, "Thanks mate that was both molten hot and delicious I hope you enjoyed it?"

He nodded silently looking a little guilty at what he'd done but I gave his dick a grope then tucked it back in his boxers zipping him up and patting his pride and joy before saying, "You'd best head back before your mates come searching for you."

He blushed cutely and thanked me then fled back to his friends, I dawdled giving him time to settle back before I wandered out and joined my boy friend. Aaron looked at me a huge smirk on his face and an eyebrow raised questioningly, I nodded and grinned saying quietly, "Yes and he was delicious."

Aaron laughed and said, "I told you didn't I? I knew he was horny and needing sex, I should have joined you in there."

I chuckled looking across at the sexy lad and saw him looking at us so I gave him a big wink and a smile then turned back to Aaron saying, "I think he'd have run like a rabbit if you had, he was so scared and shy, I'm certain it was his first time with a stranger."

Aaron said, "I wouldn't mind the guy on the opposite side nearest to us, the dark haired swarthy spunk that looks like a Greek, he's hot and built but he hasn't looked across at all so I guess he's straight."

We finished eating and stood up to leave, the blond guy looked across and I blew him a kiss then laughed as he turned bright red, we then left heading back to Chadstone to search for the elusive Steven, an hours touring again failed to locate him and I was fast giving up the hope of running into him again. We headed home and spent a few hours in the garden, mowing lawns and pulling weeds, this chore done Aaron suggested we take the boat out fishing, "Cool," I replied, " We haven't been out for ages, lets pack the gear and head off now."

We raced about loading the fishing tackle and Aaron said we'd get bait on the way as he hooked the boat up to his car; we were soon bowling along happily when I spotted a figure ahead walking along the footpath. I did a quick double take and realized it was the elusive Steven or if not him it was his twin brother, I tols Aaron to drive past him so I could check him out then to pull over and stop if it was him. As we passed I checked out the guy and was positive it was him so Aaron stopped a few yards up the road and I got out walking back towards Steven.

He suddenly looked up at me and I saw recognition flash across his face, I smiled at him and closed with him giving him a hug and grinding my goodies against his belly. Steven seemed ready to flee but I spoke quietly to him as I held his arm leading him towards the car. He was a strange and complicated being, the first time I met him he was openly playing with himself yet was timid about actually coming close, now he was seemingly afraid of me. We reached the car and I opened the back door gesturing he get in, he hesitated looking at Aaron who was sitting skewed on the driver's seat looking at us through the gap between the two front seats. He smiled at Steven and extended his hand to shake hands as he said, "Hi Steven, I'm Aaron, Jake's boy friend I'm pleased to meet you mate."

Steven gingerly extended his hand to Aaron who grasped it and gave him an extended but gentle greeting, I could see Steven beginning to relax and I sat beside him and began rubbing his soft noodle through his loose fitting trackie pants. In almost the blink of an eye I felt his dick firm up and stiffen under my fingers, that small fleshy tube jumped erect and filled out amazingly fast till it was jutting aggressively towards the roof of the car. I couldn't help moaning softly, "Ooooh that is so beautiful it gets so stiff so quickly Steven."

He too moaned as he squirmed on the seat while Aaron continued holding his hand, I just had to tug down his sweat pants exposing his tiny tented white briefs that bulged under the stress of his incredibly stiff meat. Aaron watched the show grinning and licking his lips seductively, "Wow Steven that is a really sweet schlong you have there mate."

He turned around and restarted the car and drove off with me playing with Steven's spike as he drove, I brought him close innumerable times till his dick head was crimson and dribbling freely but I wouldn't let him cum. Steven was whimpering and begging me to bring him off, I just chuckled and said, "Not yet mate you'll have to wait until we are out on the water, Aaron wants to suck you off. He's been fantasizing about that since I first told him about meeting you."

I toyed with Steven's sexy full nuts cupping them, squeezing them and rolling them in his soft ball bag, his little hard on bounced and drooled juice that I licked off eagerly making him wince as my tongue teased his incredibly excited slippery cherry red knob. Steven was soon reduced to a quivering mass in the back seat as we pulled into the marina, I tugged up his trackies and he sat up looking both stunned and confused. I explained we were taking him out in the boat if he was willing and once we were out there the sexy fun would begin. Steven thought for a minute before smiling his self depreciating smile something that in my brief acquaintance was rare to see and he nodded whispering in his so quiet voice that he'd like that he'd never been in a boat before. We launched the boat and set off out of the marina, once clear we opened up the throttle and sped off on the plane heading out deep on the bay, the water was calm and the glare of the sun on the rippling surface was like myriads of tiny mirrors flashing and winking as we cruised along enjoying the breeze of our passage. I watched Steven's reaction to the boat and at first his knuckles were white as he clutched the railing but after a short time he realized it was smooth and safe and I could see him relaxing.

I sat next to him and began feeling his compact bulge arousing him rapidly as his dick filled out and hardened, he opened his muscular legs allowing me complete access and I clasped his tight round ball bag feeling his quite large firm eggs while stroking his stiffy. Steven lay back on the cushions and began to breath heavily as I worked on his sweet package, Aaron kept watching with a glance now and then to ensure our course was clear of dangers. I could see his shorts tented and his cock standing tall under the helm, the spokes of the wheel just missing his cock head. We were soon well out and away from the majority of boats, out deep there was a scattering of fishing boats spread out on the bay with vast distances between them. Out here we could play happily with out a problem as any boat approaching would be heard long before it was close enough to see what we were up to.

Aaron and I rigged the lines and cast out setting the rods in the holders then we removed our shorts and exposed our tight speedos, Steven's dark eyes leapt from one to the other as he ogled our bulges, our cocks had softened while getting the rods in. I could see his bulge was still prominent in his trackie pants, Aaron decided it was his turn and he knelt on the deck between Steven's spread knees as he began massaging Steven's hard muscular thighs gradually working closer and closer to that delicious dick as I reached out and began to remove our guest's shirt.

His dark tanned torso appeared and he was as smooth as a baby's bum, not a hair on his chest but below there was a tantalizing trail disappearing into his waistband. Aaron by now was fully involved with Steven's genitals nuzzling his sexy face into the hot crotch as his hands began to tug at the waistband of Steven's daks. Steven was lying back across the soft cream cushions his chest heaving with his breathing as he became more and more excited, Aaron began tugging down the trackie pants and soon freed them from under his squirming bum. Steven was almost naked, only his tiny white briefs covered his arousal and his small but incredibly hard prick was lifting the waistband of that cute cotton covering.

I could see Aaron's eyes burning with lust as he again buried his face into the crotch of Steven's underpants, loud moans from my lover told me he loved the scent of our guest's crotch and Steven too was moaning in unison with him as I sucked on his hard nipples. Aaron quickly pulled off those tiny almost boy sized briefs baring that sweet mahogany coloured cock, it jerked and bounced excitedly as Aaron watched from inches away then he bent in and kissed each ball and the exposed tip of that sexy little penis. Steven groaned and squirmed his hips lifting as he tried to push his eager erection into Aaron's mouth. Aaron toyed with him teasing him as he dabbled his tongue here and there around Steven's goolies, finally as Steven seemed about to pass out he took that steely spike into his gob while driving his tongue tip into the full rubbery foreskin.

Aaron rolled his baby blue eyes at me indicating he loved the flavour of Steven's cock and he began sucking and bobbing up and down erotically, The constant moans from Steven's gaping mouth made me move up and press my lips to his and send my tongue into his saliva filled mouth. The feel of his silky inner mouth contrasting with the hardness of his white teeth and the agility of his tongue all made the kiss incredibly erotic we snogged and pashed while Aaron was working on Steven's hot horn. Steven's moans and body movements were a real turn on as we both played his horny body like a musical instrument.

I looked down to see Aaron's face pressed under Steven's tight round sack, he was working on the tight muscle guarding his core and Steven was going crazy, his diminutive but wiry muscular body bucking and bouncing on the cushions as we held on to him stopping him landing on the deck or going overboard. The rim job Aaron was doing obviously was something he hadn't experienced before and the effects were unbelievable. Aaron having crammed spit inside that tight back passage was now ready to plunge his big bone up Steven's anus.


Hey its Aaron again, Steven is everything Jake said and more, I got the impression he was very shy and reticent but in fact he is like a fire cracker once the fuse is lit look out he explodes. Once I started licking and sucking his delicious little dick he began to really burn, his small body was like an over wound spring just waiting to uncoil. My tongue on his tight pucker really sent him into orbit and the taste of him was incredible, salty and tart, his muscle squeezed my tongue so tight I thought it would trap me forever in his hot hole. It began to spasm after a short time when his body bucked and squirmed ferociously, so much energy was being expended Jake had to hold him down on the cushions.

Steven's gurgles and grunts, howls and whimpers were so sexy and his dick was jerking and wagging in time to the contractions of his ring, I felt he was primed and ready for the next step, my saliva was drooling from his spasming ring glistening in his spread crack. My cock was aching to feel his hot tightness envelope it and I moved up as Jake pulled Steven's legs up raising his sexy arse in readiness for my entry. I rested my cock head against his slick tingling ring and gently leaned into him, my knob squashed against his clenched muscle but a continued pressure eventually broke down his resistance. I gasped as his muscle grudgingly opened to let me through, sliding excruciatingly on my sensitive glans then clamped tightly on my throbbing shaft. I shuddered at the feel of his molten hot flesh quivering on my embedded cock head, the urge to push further was irresistible and I gradually pressed on into his living furnace.

Jake was kissing Steven muffling his cries of pain I knew he was hurting my cock was big and his small arse was small almost child like, I felt his body shuddering and heaving as I slowly inch by inch slid in through that so tight muscle. Minutes passed before I eventually felt his firm flesh press against my pubes, I was fully inserted and there I rested letting Steven acclimatize to the situation. He was clamped tightly for a while and all I did was just flex my cock feeling his insides trying to expel me, the sensation was mind blowing, it felt like a myriad of tiny fingers rippling on my excited cock. Slowly he relaxed, Jake was working wonders kissing and stroking his muscular torso and wanking his now flaccid dick trying to arouse him once more.

Jake licked and slobbered down Steven's dark tanned torso, nipping his nips as he slowly worked towards that limp little noodle, I pulled slowly back relishing the sensation of that hot satiny sheath on my cock as Steven moaned loudly and arched his back. Jake's mouth reached that shrunken spike and I watched him use his agile tongue to lift it and pull it into his sexy mouth before he began sucking. Steven was writhing about and Jake's weight kept him pinned to the cushions as I slipped my schlong back into his clinging chute. His tightness wrapped about my cock was dragging me quickly towards a gigantic cum, and I noticed Steven's dick too was now hard and glistening as it slid in and out of Jake's tight lips.

My cock thrusting back and forth stroking his innards and that wondrous gland along with Jake's mouth and tongue brought Steven rushing to his climax, his body thrashed and flexed on my prong stirred me to the core and my big full balls erupted. Cum gushed and spurted from both our bodies, Jake sucked and gulped down Steven's sperm while mine coated his hot quaking tunnel with creamy slime. My body went into orbit my brain a whirling mish mash of lust and emotions, my body jerked and bucked driving my tool hard and deep into that quaking clinging mushy sperm filled cavity. I collapsed on top of Jake as he guzzled Steven's sperm, all three of us a sweaty panting conglomerate on the cushions.


This is Steven, I never thought I'd feel such pain as Aaron lunged his monstrous cock inside my small body; my poor anal muscle was ripped apart by his big fleshy torpedo as he took my virginity. The instant he breeched my ring it felt as though a smoldering tree trunk had rammed up my arse, my poor entrance burned as if his cock was red hot and the pain of his further pushing nearly made me pass out. Jake did all he could to make me feel better by distracting me from what his lover was doing, the pain and fright made my previously rigid rod instantly droop and turn to jelly even though every muscle in my body fought against what was happening. It took time but slowly my abused bum got used to the plundering prick and something inside me became more and more stimulated making my dick stiffen in Jake's hot wet mouth and soon my balls were on fire matching my bum. I felt my sperm erupt and soon it was pumping out into Jake's mouth while deep inside my body I felt Aaron's big boner going crazy. I felt my head spinning, bright shapes and colours exploded in my head I felt woozy and lost control of my senses.

When I recovered, my exhausted body was covered in sweat and sperm, Jake had obviously cum on me and my bruised achingly sore bum was leaking fluid, we were all overheated puffing and sweaty. The hot sun burned down on us and the boat rocked gently on the sparkling sun dappled sea, I could hear playful little waves slapped against the white twin hulls as we separated. Jake flopped down beside me while Aaron pushed himself up to stand but was hanging on to the shiny handrail to steady himself. I felt so soiled and dirty with my sticky sweaty body and craved a good bath but of course we were a long way from any bathing facilities. I moaned my misery to the cloudless blue sky above and Jake moved in to kiss my parched lips as he whispered, "Its ok Steven your sweet arse will recover soon."

With that he moved and knelt on the deck before he buried his good looking face between my still shaking legs and unbelievably began licking the cum drooling from my aching sore hole. The feel of his wet tongue seemed to alleviate the dull ache and I began to feel better, in fact the sensation was getting my penis hard once again. My anus began to tingle as his tongue worked around my hole and his mouth sucked the sperm from inside me. Aaron sat on the seat he used when steering and watched Jake while he idly played with himself a dreamy look on his handsome smooth face. Jake finished with my arse and looked up grinning when he saw my stiffy, he said, "Ah Steven now its my turn do you think you are up to another round?"

I groaned shaking my head, "No my bum is too sore Jake even though you are smaller in the penis department."

Jake laughed and rubbed my hard on, "No Steven I want that sexy little dick up my bum if you think you can cope with that."

I couldn't believe my ears, I'd received my first sexual intercourse now here was the sexy Jake asking if I could do him, could I ever. The thought of sinking my chocolate brown dick up that alabaster white bum was all I had dreamt of since I met him; Jake was a total spunk, slim, softly muscular, and so hot looking with his light brown and streaky blond hair, his gray eyes were cool but exciting too. He and Aaron were both totally mind blowing and complete opposites in build, colouring and even personality, Jake was quiet and gentle while Aaron was more assertive and took what he wanted; although I'm sure if I'd objected to his advances he would have backed off but even though I was scared and it hurt I secretly desired to be taken. It was only the size of his cock that freaked me out, maybe I should have stopped him and asked Jake to take my cherry but I just didn't want to seem eager and a slut.

Now my cherry had been popped Jake wanted me to do the dirty with him, how crazy a day this was turning out, my choice of walking direction today was incredibly lucky. Jake rearranged my legs pulling them together then he straddled my hips taking my stiffy in his fingers and pressing his hot bum down on it. My penis speared inside his hole easily and I nearly swooned at the feel of his hot slick insides working on my tingling glans, Jake moaned as he tossed his head back exposing his longish neck I could see his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as he slid down to sit on my groin. I moaned as I clutched his narrow waist and felt his sharp pelvic bones under his tanned flesh. Jake squirmed about on my hard on working his bowel muscles on my already raging throbbing penis, I was in paradise I never knew this could be so good.

After a while Jake began lifting up clenching his anus on my dick before halting with my excited knob throbbing in the grip of his tight clenched ring, then he slid back to sit on my crotch again, up and down he bobbed tightening annd relaxing his muscles, caressing and massaging my excited willy. I watched his stomach as he rose and fell entranced at how his abdominal muscles tensed and relaxed, his head rocked and rolled as his mouth gaped moaning. His body glistened with perspiration and his half closed eyes glazed with his building lust. The action continued while I bit my lip trying to stop my balls erupting, I could see Jakes cock throbbing as he bobbed and I knew he was close.

The pace increased Jake was pistoning like those in a Formula 1 racing car, his head tossing about mouth agape and drooling as he neared his climax dragging me along with him until he yelled loudly and a fountain of pearly essence spurted up coating his straining torso with strings of sperm. My balls joined in and I spewed cum up his tightened spasming arse chute, we fired off in unison our voices announcing to the world our rapturous pleasure. Jake slumped against me pushing me back against the soft cushions as his climax ebbed we clung to each other panting and pressing our cum covered torsos together as we slowly came back to reality. I kissed Jake's lips tasting his sperm that had spattered there as I showed my utter delight with what he had done for me; I was no longer a virgin in either giving or taking but I must admit I liked the giving much more than the taking. I snuggled with Jake hugging him to me and licked his smooth face searching for the scattered deposits of his essence.

Jake began pashing back with me and soon we were both sucking tongue together, his arse still clenched on my noodle that hadn't gone soft even though I'd enjoyed such a massive climax. I could feel my slime oozing down my shaft onto my balls and I flexed my sex muscle inside Jake who moaned and slurred out, "Go on Steve do me again."

I felt like a king at his words and I moved straining my muscles to lift Jake's weight pushing him onto his back on the seat, my rigid dick stayed firm in his clamped ring as we moved. I humped his arse and came a second time depleting my gonads completely then we separated to lie there in the hot sun , while a gentle breeze wafted across our satiated but sweaty bodies. Some time later we retrieved the untouched lines and Aaron suggested a swim so we headed inshore and anchored off a secluded cove surrounded by high sandstone cliffs and we dived into the crystal clear water and washed the sex and sweat off our bodies.

That day changed me I became a lot more outgoing, Aaron and Jake introduced me to Calvin a hot guy they had met and enjoyed so next thing I knew we were having four way sex and swapping partners. Aaron still frightened me but gradually I became used to his monster and began to actually enjoy sex with him although I still preferred Jake or Calvin's smaller cocks.

The end.


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