Christmas Shopping Adventure

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Jan 10, 2009


G'day its Jake again; I thought I'd fill you in on the next adventure after I met Steven, the little Asian bloke that I'd had fun with on Christmas eve. Aaron my boyfriend arrived home late on Christmas eve and I was bursting to tell him about my adventure, he came through the door and there I was arms out waiting for him. We hugged and snogged like newly weds, you'd think after over 10 years we'd be more laid back wouldn't you? As Aaron is away 5 days a week working at his Sales job so we miss one another like crazy this keeps the love fires white hot, I can tell you.

We snogged and ground our groins together, our boners rubbing like crazy as we devoured each other's tongues, we broke for air and he looked at me and asked, "Ok what's happened?"

Aaron knew me inside out as I did him, I chuckled and led him through to the kitchen saying hi to my folks in the lounge room as we passed holding hands, in the kitchen I put the kettle on dragging out the suspense. Aaron sat there looking tired and rubbed his eyes wearily, "its been a long day bubs, I had a 4hour drive home tonight so I'm a little buggered."

I walked across wrapping him in my arms as I bent over him from behind, I nuzzled his ear and tongued him; Aaron moaned and squirmed as my wet appendage squiggled in his ear hole, "Aaargh! You know that gets me excited bubs."

I giggled and reached a hand down to grope his big 8 inch stiffy, Aaron growled deep in his chest like a hungry lion as he pulled my face to his and we kissed furiously swapping spittle. The wail of the boiling kettle shattered the scene and I pulled reluctantly away from my lover to fill the teapot, I called out to my folks asking if they wanted a cuppa, they replied negatively. I made the tea and poured two steaming hot mugs then plonked some Tim Tam biscuits on a plate setting them in front of Aaron before sitting on his lap. I could feel his pole prodding into my crack as I settled gently on him, he kissed my ear and sighed, "Aaah it's so good to be home bubs and Father Christmas will be calling tonight."

We kissed and cuddled while the tea cooled enough to drink, my wriggling buttocks kept him hard the whole time until he croaked, "Bubs if you don't sit still I'll cum in my pants."

I looked into his blue orbs and grinned mischievously, "That wouldn't be a first hehehehe."

Aaron playfully bit the tip of my nose growling ferociously as he grasped my eager erection through my cargoes, I gurgled that I too was close to blowing so we called a truce. Aaron looked into my gray eyes and again asked, "What happened that you are so excited apart from me coming home?"

I picked up my mug to increase the drama and took a long slow sip of tea before placing the mug carefully on the table, "Well its like this babe, I met a guy today and wanked him in the car."

He looked at me and said, "Well?"

I laughed and continued telling him of the adventure and the climax at the end, Aaron listened a half smile on his lips but his cock was stiffer than ever throbbing through my pants pressing into my crack. I described Steven the little Asian and Aaron was nodding eagerly, he said, "Of course you got his phone number or address?"

I shook my head and said, "No he took off like a rocket after he climaxed I didn't get a chance to get it even though I asked where he lived."

Aaron frowned, "Damn what a plonker you are bubs, fancy letting him escape without getting a contact number, now what can we do? I'd like to meet him he sounds sexy."

I thought for a minute, "Maybe we can hang out at Chadstone and see if he reappears there?"

Aaron shrugged and replied, "I suppose so but its aq faint chance he'll return and even if he does its such a huge place it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack."

I felt sad that I'd stuffed up but hoped against hope we'd hook up with Steven again, I d love to see his diminutive little deep brown body with Aaron's paler larger body and hear his whimpers as my lover's big pale pink pole impaling his tight muscular little arse. The picture ran in my brain as we drank our tea then rinsed the mugs and plate before saying goodnight to my folks and heading off to get ready for bed. Teeth cleaned, bladders emptied we then shared the shower washing each other. I love the feel of Aaron's smooth firm flesh as my soap slippery hands move over him, his big bone wagging side to side like a dog's tail. I washed that monolithic monster gently, pulling back his foreskin then cupping and washing his big cum filled nuts in their low hanging sack while he bathed and fingered my eager arse, finished bathing we dried each other off and padded naked to our bed where he lubed my tight ring.

We lay together snogging and fondling each other before Aaron took me, he rolled me onto my back and lifted my legs rolling me up, my stretched crack was nearly vertical and my hole was twitching in anticipation of his dong splitting me and filling me to the maximum. Aaron is a real stallion in bed; his incredibly fit athlete's body just seems unstoppable when he's horny. I suppose it has a lot to do with his celibacy during the week, oh he wanks daily but we all know that a hand job can't compare to real sex don't we hehehe?

Aaron seemed rejuvenated after his shower and he was aroused and raring to go, he pushed against my slippery ring and I grunted as I pushed out, my ring slid up and over his moist cock head and he was in like Flynn. I moaned happily as he stretched my chute, his big thick dick slowly grinding and sliding deep into my accepting guts until his black pubes tickled my hot flesh. Aaron paused and bent down his pink lips puckered as he moved in to pash me, I opened up ready to suck on his probing pink saliva drenched tongue. We frantically French kissed moaning and slurping, slobbering in our frenzy, Aaron was thrusting hard and deep, plunging his pud as far up my innards as he could while grinding his swaying hips into my buttocks. We sang a song of love and lust our duet of moans filled the room, sweat flew and dripped, his feeling like molten lead on my sensitive flesh.

I felt him growing, swelling straining my innards as he plunged in and out pummeling me harder and faster, then the hot gush of sperm discharged in powerful spurts coated and painted my crimson silky lining, his juice mixing with mine deep in my body creating a cocktail of sensuous delight. I cried out in pure ecstasy as my own balls drew tight, my lungs seemed empty as I bucked back onto Aaron's still throbbing stiffy, my head reeled as my belly tightened and toes curled. Cum exploded from my jerking joy stick, it fired off under its own power, the feel of my lover's horn and scraping on my excited gland triggered a huge spontaneous climax. We lay on the claggy sheets stained with my copious cum, Aaron's heavier body pressed down on top of me as we panted together.

Aaron recovered and kissed me saying, "Whew! Bubs that was totally awesome I've missed you like crazy all week."

I snuggled into his neck licking his salty sweat before dabbling my tongue tip in his ear making him gurgle, Aaron rolled off me his now soft dick slipped from my battered slack hole. He crawled around and began lapping at my anus eating the tasty nectar as it drooled from my innards while I sucked and licked his cock clean. We changed the sheets and lay together holding hands as we relaxed, Aaron asked me to tell him more of my adventure so I went on to describe Steven in minute detail. He listened quietly then he said, "He sounds totally cute bubs, I hope we can hook up with him again before I return to work."

I rubbed his gorgeous abs and licked his pointy nipple, "Yeah it would be totally molten babe, I'd love to see him pinned down and rooted with that monster of yours."

We drifted off to sleep and I awoke early in the morning, slipping down under the sheet to lick my lover's morning wood, aaron slept on but he moaned softly and squirmed his hips as I made oral love to his manhood. My mouth soon awoke Aaron who moaned and reached down clutching my head pushing me down as I swallowed him deep, in no time the big A erupted giving me my so tasty morning snack, which I gulped down hungrily. Aaron reciprocated sucking me and using his agile tongue to stimulate my eruption which he swallowed not missing a drop. We licked our lips and arose heading for the bathroom hand in hand after pulling on our underpants, my dad was just leaving the bathroom as we arrived he grinned at us and gave us both a quick hug before heading to the master bedroom to get dressed.

A quick piss followed by a quick shower, 4 minutes duration to save water under the drought conditions we were suffering, bathed we dried off and headed back to our room to dress before going to breakfast, the aroma of cooking bacon making us feel ravenous. We exchanged Christmas greetings with my parents before we polished off a bowl of cereal each, mum set the plates of bacon and eggs in front of us and away we went eating to replace the calories lost last night in bed. Mum told us that Aaron's parents would join us at 7pm to celebrate the festive season along with my uncles, aunts and 5 of my 6 cousins. Aaron grinned happily as he heard the news, I told him the presents were bought and any he had could join the rest under the tree in the lounge room.

The day passed quickly as we all worked preparing the garden and house for the invasion, mum cooked the pork roast and other goodies like a beautiful Pavlova for desert along with a Christmas pudding that she'd made some weeks ago that had been hanging in a calico bag in the pantry, maturing she called it. I know it tasted great when it was served up on Christmas day. All the relatives rocked up around 7pm, I gave Aaron's mum and dad a big hug & kiss and they returned them then I was mobbed by three cousins and wrestled to the floor where a melee developed. They were the hottest guys other than my lover, all three wore short shorts and t-shirts, the wrestling soon seemed to change into a gentler caressing and grasping as the initial excitement wore off and I didn't mind the contact at all. Aaron joined in and we all ended up aroused and panting before their dad called them to join the family in the lounge room. We all tidied ourselves up and playfully scuffled with red faces in to join the mob. Aaron grinned at me and whispered, "Wow that was fun bubs wasn't it?"

Sandy, the eldest cousin looked over his shoulder and grinned at Aaron's words as he gave Jack, the youngest, a playful head knuckling which in turn egged him giggling to retaliate by tickling his oldest brother. I wrapped an arm around Leon's waist, the middle cousin, and my other around Aaron as we laughed and made our way to flop on the couch. I asked the guys if they'd like a drink and took their orders for two bottles of Crown Lager and two Cokes I got these and a cup of mum's fruit punch for myself and rejoined Aaron and Leon on the couch as the buzz of conversation built in the room. There was a ring on the door bell and I hurried to answer it to find my other aunt and uncle with their three sons standing there bearing gifts and other stuff for the festive feast. After lots of hugs and kisses they made their way to the lounge room putting the presents under the tree and the foodstuff on the table.

We adjourned outside into the garden to enjoy the mild evening sitting around a huge circular table with a big umbrella over the top, nibbles were provided and the drinks flowed free. I was watching my cousins hitting the beer and thought that they seemed to enjoy it, Aaron and I didn't drink alcohol but we weren't wowsers about others drinking. The boys all relaxed and Aaron and I enjoyed the display of their hot bodies, I felt inadequate comparing my bulge to theirs, even my youngest cousin seemed well endowed.

We sat outside till the mossies put in an appearance, inside we went and we adjourned to the poolroom where we set up the table for a game, much fun and laughter, billiard balls thudding to the floor from the table and sarcastic comments stirred us all up till another bigger melee began with eight hot guys all wrestling about giggling and panting. Rock hard rods seemed the rule for the game but apart from gropes nothing further developed. We were called to eat and after stuffing ourselves then collapsing satiated the presents were distributed. An hour or so later the party broke up and much hugging and kissing started as the guests departed, all told a very enjoyable Christmas evening. That night in bed Aaron lay spooned behind me as we kissed, he asked, "Do you thing Sandy, Leon and Jack are messing around together bubs?"

I wriggled against his big firm prong and replied, "I think maybe they are they certainly love wrestling and there seems to be a huge amount of openly expressed of love between them which isn't usual between brothers."

Aaron nodded licking my neck, "Mmmm I think you are right bubs, there more going on than meets the eye."

We enjoyed each other before dropping off to sleep, we both topped and I loved hearing Aaron moan as I pronged his firm muscular arse, being a total jock he was so muscular and firm, it was totally awesome having sex with him. Next morning I awoke to him giving me a head job, I stretched and arched my hips up as he sucked and licked me to an unreal climax, my dick throbbed and spat copious spurts of sperm down his gulping gullet. When I recuperated I did the same to him and loved caressing his flexing abs as he moaned and humped up into my mouth. A nice hot fresh delivery of little Aarons gushed creamily into my vacuuming mouth. We lay there and began talking about Steven my little Asian adventure, Aaron asked what I was going to do, I replied that after he left for the cricket I'd go to Chadstone and see if I could find him. Aaron laughed and wished me luck, "Good luck bubs but do you realize how many people will be there today for the Boxing Day sales?"

I suddenly realized how right he was but still if I didn't try we might never meet up with that so horny little guy again. Aaron left to go to the cricket at the MCG (Melbourne Cricket ground) and I walked to catch the bus to the mall, no way was I going to try to get a park in the frantic scrum there. I disembarked outside the center almost at the same spot I'd first seen Steven, I looked around in vain hope that he might be there but no sign of him to be seen. The center was chaotic it was like a raging torrent of living flesh, people milled about rushing hither and thither from store to store in the frantic search for bargains, I was buffeted about as I wandered aimlessly looking for the diminutive figure of Steven.

There was an incredible amount of eye candy amongst the shoppers both Aussie and Asian, my head swung about watching sexy boy after sexy boy, talk about sensual overload my brain reeled with the incredible assortment of youthful males in light summer clothing mainly board shorts or cargos and t- shirts or similar upper coverings. I browsed through store after store until in Target I found a DVD of Clint Eastwood's film Flags of Our Fathers, it was on special for $12 so I grabbed it then searched for the second film Letters from Iwo Jima but couldn't locate it so I gave up and took the DVD to the registers and paid for it.

I prowled the huge packed floors of the mall in vain not a sign of that little guy could I find and at five o'clock I left and caught the bus home. When Aaron got home he looked at me and said, "No success I see."

I shook my head and said, "God you can read me like a book can't you babes?"

He chuckled and replied, "Yep bubs after all these years I can tell by a glance just what you're feeling or thinking."

I grumbled, "Darn it means I have no secrets from you."

Aaron nodded and said, "Yeah bubs but the same applies to you I know you can sense my feelings too."

With these words we both moved together and hugged and snogged together, I thought that proved the point we both moved at the same instant we really are connected. A night of fulfilling sex and deep sleep, my mind filled with the scenes of my search of the mall, hot spunky blokes and my so sexy boy friend. Next day Aaron took off for the cricket and I to the mall again, the crowds were nowhere near as bad the place almost felt empty compared to Christmas Eve and Boxing Day. The talent was thinner on the ground until I decided to go to a DVD/Music store; I thought I 'd see if I could get the second Film by Clint.

I browsed the racks and this absolutely gorgeous Asian guy came up, a huge smile on his cute face as he asked if he could help me. I'd spotted at him as I'd walked in, he was folding t-shirts standing side on to me, he was dressed in all black, tight trousers that fitted him like a glove and showed off his cute bubble bum and the interesting bulge in the front, he looked exceptionally fit and very sexy. When he approached and I got the full view my heart thundered in my chest he was ravishingly attractive and his looks matched his personality he was exceptionally friendly and helpful. I asked if they had Letters from Iwo Jima , he thought for a minute then led me to one of the long racks filled with DVD cases, he bent over affording me a good look at his tight arse in those tight trousers, I could make out the edges of his briefs under the stretched material. I was so tempted to fondle those luscious orbs of flesh and muscle but controlled my urge somehow; he pulled out a case and looked up at me smiling triumphantly, "Here it is. I was sure we had it somewhere, I remembered the picture on the case."

I offered my hand to help him to his feet and he took it in his sending a high voltage sexual charge zapping through me, it was as if he was electric, his eyes widened as he looked into my eyes a puzzled expression flashed across his face momentarily then his beaming smile reappeared as he still held my hand in his. I was trembling from his touch and his close proximity; I could feel his warmth as he stood beside me, his sweet breath wafted across my face. I had a desire to kiss him there and then right in the middle of the store in front of everyone. Of course common sense prevailed and I held my yearning in check but I wanted to prolong the experience so I asked about a Mel Brooks film called Space Balls, he chuckled and finally let my hand slip from his as he nodded saying, "Oh yes we have that in stock."

I thought hard and picked another film of the WW11 genre, "Do you have a DVD of U157?"

He thought hard, his cute face showed the concentration as he mentally ran through the stock, then he led me to another rack and pointed to a case, I picked it u-p and saw that it was the film I requested. I looked at him amazed, "You have an incredible memory for the contents of this huge store, I'm dumbfounded at your ability."

He blushed so cutely and my heart went pitter patter, he asked if I wanted anything else, I nearly bit my tongue before asking, "How about having lunch with me? What time do you get a break?"

He tilted his head to one side and I watched his lustrous black hair brush across his broad forehead, then his dark eyes sparkled, "That would be very nice I have an hour off at noon, that's in an hour. Is that ok with you?"

I nodded happily my tummy doing flip flops, I thought of introducing this stunning guy to Aaron and the fun of watching his face when he saw him, I knew he would flip out with lust to get him into our bed. I now asked him his name and he giggled charmingly and turned his torso to show me his name badge pinned to the left breast of his shirt, Calvin was printed in black on the gold badge. I laughed saying I hadn't even noticed his badge as my eyes had been busy elsewhere. He blushed at my words and became flustered as we walked to the counter to get the DVDs of the films to put in the cases, he want out of sight to find them in the storage area and I waited my eyes fastened on the doorway he'd gone through.

I waited impatiently for him to reappear, my eyes and mind needed to be reassured that Calvin really existed and wasn't just a figment of my imagination, finally after what seemed like hours but was only a few minutes he reappeared in front of me still beaming that devastating angelic smile. I relaxed and tried to memorize every nuance of his being, the longish floppy black hair, the fine eyebrows above those devastating dark brown almost black eyes surrounded by the longest most luxuriant eyelashes, the small button nove and those incredible soft smiling lips, the whole package wrapped up in smooth unblemished golden brown skin that positively glowed with his inner being. I wanted to crush him in my arms and kiss those lips passionately as I ground my eager cock against his sweet hidden package.

Calvin sorted out my purchases and rang them up on the till before popping them into the small black bag with the stores name in blood red on the outside, he put my receipt and a flyer with specials in with the DVDs and handed it to me as I paid him. Our hands touched again and that exciting tingle raced through my arm into my body centering in my cock and my pounding heart. He squeezed my hand ans said softly, "I'll meet you for lunch in the Pancake Parlour in 55 minutes is that a date?"

I nodded vehemently unable to speak due to the huge lump that had suddenly formed blocking my throat, he gave my hand another squeeze as a woman approached asking him for a CD she wanted. I glanced across at his workmate behind the counter who had been watching us, he was a typical EMO guy, pale skin, longish black hair hanging in bangs across his forehead, he was tall and thin such a contrast to Calvin. He winked at me and licked his lips as he whispered, "Half your luck mate. I've been trying to get together with Calvin for months without any success, you're a lucky bugger."

I wandered from the store looking back at where Calvin was assisting the lady and he glanced across at me as I stopped and stood just outside watching him, he beamed at me then turned back to the customer as he rang up her purchase and gave her the bag and change. I was thinking of Calvin when suddenly I thought I saw Steven in the distance; I hurried after the figure and lost sight of him when he turned a corner. I almost ran to the corner and looked about biut he'd vanished from sight, I shrugged my shoulders and went window-shopping to pass the time while I waited for Calvin to join me for lunch. The time dragged by on leaden hooves but eventually it was time to go meet him, he was just coming out of the shop as I arrived he beamed at me and we walked close together our arms just touching as we walked the short distance to the restaurant. We were shown to a cozy booth and we sat opposite each other across the table, we read the menus and made our choice the cute Asian waiter took our orders then left us. I sat there just drinking in Calvin's beauty, he was looking at me quizzically, "what's wrong have I got a smudge on my face or something?"

I shook myself and blushed embarrassed by his words, I realized I'd been staring at him, I cleared my throat nervously then croaked, "No your face is perfection Calvin, awesomely perfect."

He blushed and reached a hand across to mine taking it gently in his, "Thank you for saying that it makes me blush but I really enjoyed your compliment even if it is untrue; I'm not good looking at all."

I just gawped at him unable to speak, how could this living dream think he wasn't beautiful? Then I realized Calvin was totally unassuming and didn't regard himself narcissistically he just considered himself to be ordinary. This put him even higher in my estimation and I thought he was totally mind blowingly cute. Dinner arrived and we chatted as we ate, I found out he thought he might be gay but hadn't been with a bloke so far. I asked him if he liked me and he blushed and nodded, I told him about my relationship with Aaron and how I'd love him to meet him and we could all have fun together. Calvin was somewhat taken aback by this development, but I explained that we had been together for ten years and now we had agreed to see if we could find a special bloke to join us. While I'd been explaining this under the table I removed my sandals then I began gently rubbing my right foot on his shin, Calvin gasped and squirmed as he dropped his forkful of pancake back onto the plate.

He looked at me in astonishment as my foot slid up to his knee before inching along his soft inner thigh towards his tight package, I smiled at him to reassure him I was not going to hurt him. He squirmed but opened his legs wider as my foot reached the crotch of his so tight pants, the heat of his genitals baked the sole of my foot as I rubbed him. His cock bent and being strangled by his tight pants was swelling fast and must have been so uncomfortable as his erection firmed. A low guttural groan issued from his throat as he sat head tossed back, eyes closed and his pink tongue licking his sweet lips while his chest heaved and his nostrils flared sucking air.

I felt his hot hardness under my foot then he humped against it and moaned as he obviously climaxed spontaneously, Calvin slumped quivering and jerking as he gasped for breath, I felt the dampness soaking through his tight black trousers. My own cock was throbbing hot and hard in my cargo shorts and I was close to joining Calvin messing my briefs big time, I bit my lip and thought of the meal cooling in front of us to regain my equilibrium. I watched Calvin slowly come back from that special place we all know after a blinding climax, his body calmed and his eye lids fluttered before opening to stare blankly at first as he sorted out his feelings.

Calvin's face flushed and he looked down at his crotch seeing the damp patch where his sweet sperm had erupted, he shook his head in wonder before slowly looking up at me, "Oh my God! I've messed my pants Jake, you made me ejaculate in my pants. What am I going to do now?"

I apologized and took one of his shaking hands in mine, "Its ok Calvin the stuff will soon dry and it will hardly be visible."

He frowned, "You think so Jake? Maybe I should go and buy a new pair of pants before I go back to work."

I nodded, "Maybe that would be wise Calvin, I'll pay for them as I caused the mess."

We finished our meal giving the semen a little time to dry then I paid the bill and with Calvin walking close behind we walked to the David Jones store to buy a new pair of trousers. Calvin selected an identical pair to those he had on and a pair of bikini briefs and we headed for the fitting rooms, once inside he removed his shoes then shyly dropped his cum coated trousers turning his back to me to hide the stained briefs, he slipped the briefs off and dropped them on the carpet as he pulled the new briefs out of their wrapping pulling them up his slender but muscular legs. I managed a brief view of Calvin's dark but delightful little anus before he pulled on his new briefs and covered his firm buttocks, I scooped up the discarded briefs and lifted them to my nose inhaling the aroma of his essence before folding them and putting them in my pocket.

I helped Calvin dress making sure I had a good feel of his awesome body, he almost purred as I stroked his flesh running my hands all over his torso and back not forgetting his beautiful firm buttocks and his still sticky genitalia. The scent of his sperm sent my olfactory nerves crazy, the pheromones attacking my brain and I just had to suck on his perfect penis to clean it before he donned the fresh briefs. Calvin nearly collapsed as he felt my warm wet orifice envelope his juicy prick, his knees turned to jelly and I held him against the wall to steady him as I gobbled on his sweet schlong. Eventually I retreated and let his now firm tool to slip wetly from my lips kissing his bared cock head as I held it lovingly.

Calvin's moans filled the small cubical and I rose to my feet and pressed my lips to his kissing him sensuously, Calvin responded eagerly and our tongues danced together sinuously. His frantic hands clutched my face pulling us together as he sucked and slobbered on my tongue, our bodies burned with the heat of lust as our crotches met in a sensuous grinding rhythm. I pulled back and said, "Calvin what time do you have to return to work?"

He looked confused momentarily then he looked panicky as he glanced at his watch, "Oh I'm sorry Jake but I'm 10 minutes late I've got to hurry."

We dressed him and tidied up his mussed hair, he was still red faced and his lips looked puffy but he had to get back, as we hurried and paid for the clothes and headed back through the mall. I asked him if he enjoyed our brief sexual contact and he blushed nodding his head, "Very much it's a great pity I have to return to work, I'd like to experience more with you Jake, I find what happened very exciting and disturbing because I feel the desire to experience much more."

I smiled and gave his hand a squeeze, "Maybe we can hook up later and you can come home with me and meet Aaron my lover, he will go crazy when he meets you I guarantee that. You two will get on like a house on fire."

Calvin looked dubiously at me pouting those sensuous lips a little, "I'd like it to be just us Jake but maybe it might be interesting to meet Aaron."

I grinned at him and said, "Oh you will definitely enjoy Aaron, he is very sexy and I'll be there with you both, I wouldn't miss your meeting for anything."

I gave Calvin my phone number and after a quick hug and a groin hump he went back into the store to work carrying the shopping bag with his cum stained clothing, I stood there watching him dreaming of seeing him in our bed naked and aroused with Aaron. I slowly walked away, my head in the clouds day dreaming, I needed a piss so I headed for the nearest toilets walking down the long passageway with its overhead security camera dome, no way you could get up to mischief here. I entered the toilets and emptied my bladder washed my hands and departed, no sign or sound of anyone else being in there.

I decided on one more prowl in search of Steven and spent another hour wandering aimlessly through the huge sprawling mall, no success so I headed for the car park after checking the bus stop on the way. I drove home and wondered if Calvin would contact me and I was bursting to see Aaron and fill him in on the latest development.

To be continued ?

Next: Chapter 3

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