Christmas Shopping Adventure

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Jan 3, 2009


Christmas Shopping Adventure by justjames17

G'day my name is Jake, I'm a 22 year old Aussie bloke, I have a boy friend but we do enjoy a lil variety in our relationship so this is what happened to me this evening. I had just a few things to buy for Christmas and I decided to go by bus instead of trying to battle through the chaotic traffic then find a parking spot in the huge Chadstone Shopping Complex. I parked in the huge shopping complex at Office Works aqnd caught the bus from just outside the car park. The trip to Chadstone was relaxed and I dismounted outside the Eastern entrance, the place was jumping with frantic shoppers many of them young spunkies. I was amazed at how many Asian twinks were there in their tight jeans mingling with the young Aussies all searching for their gifts. I thought my head might fall off it was swivelling about so much trying to perv on all the talent.

I had a gift card to spend so I headed for Target and bought myself a cool new shirt and a hot studded belt before heading for JB HIFI to purchase a gift voucher to give to my cousin at the family Christmas get together. JB's was packed to the rafters with people but I was soon on my way out with the voucher tucked away in my shopping bag. I had completed my shopping and made my way out of the centre to catch the bus back to Office Works where I'd parked my car as I had one more thing to buy a ream of paper to print out the stories as I down loaded them from Jottings and Nifty to read in bed later. The bus stop was almost empty except for a few girls giggling on the seat in the shelter so I stood outside, I suddenly noticed a young Asian guy approaching, he was staring at my crotch as he walked up. He was cute as all get out, about 5 ft tall, very short close cropped hair that nestled like a shiny black cap on his scalp, he was very good looking and although short seemed built to the max.

I looked into his dark fathomless eyes as he moved past me and went behind to sit on the brick surround of the shelter, I glanced at him and saw he was again looking fixedly at my crotch, then looking up at me before dropping his eyes back down. I felt a tingle as he suddenly groped himself looking up at me expectantly. I didn't know what to do but I wanted to get it on with him somehow, but out in the open in a busy shopping mall didn't seem the brightest thing to do. He kept playing with his now rigid rod in his track pants, he would grasp it and squeeze it making it stand out clearly. Cars moved past in a steady stream and I was so tempted to reach out and feel him but was petrified I'd be seen and we'd be arrested.

He got to his feet and showed me his delicious bulge then moved away a few yards before returning and groping himself as he kept staring at my crotch which by now was showing a little excitement. This went on for ten minutes until the bus arrived, we climbed aboard and validated our tickets, I sat on the left side near the front and he sat opposite me. He kept looking down at my crotch and I couldn't keep my eyes off him either, he was such a molten hot little guy. He was obviously horny as hell and he'd set his desires on me, I was flattered and getting hornier by the minute as he continued fumbling in his pocket rubbing his cute cock.

The bus pulled into the stop outside Office works and I got off glancing over my shoulder to see him standing on the footpath watching me walk towards Office Works. He soon followed me hands in pockets playing pocket billiards, into the huge warehouse I walked and in he came behind me then branched off in one direction and I went the other to get the A4 paper. I walked about watching him as he cruised the aisles feigning non-interest. I thought stuff you and headed for the cashier, I paid for the paper and left the store walking slowly back through the car park to where I'd parked the car. He appeared following me again still playing with himself quite openly, I couldn't believe how brazen he was yet he seemed shy in approaching me directly.

I reached the car, feeling truly randy by now, my cock was straining in my briefs and I knew I was leaking as there was a cool damp spot in my undies, he was close behind as I unlocked the car then put my purchases in the back seat. I glanced at him and smiled and said G'day, he looked at me a desperate expression on his cute face but didn't smile back, I thought this bloke is either a major cock teaser or he's as painfully shy as me. I opened the car door and sat inside watching him, he prowled back and forth looking across at me still playing with his hot horn, I was damn near cumming in my pants I'd never felt so hot and horny. This stand off went on for around twenty minutes before I said fuck him I'm heading home, I'd given him the nod when I smiled and spoken. I wondered just how he expected me to react, did he think I would grab him and bodily put him in my car?

I started the car and began to drive off looking back at him as he stood on the footpath just outside the car park; he began walking away towards the intersection so I drove through the car park slowly. I reached the Southern exit to see him walking up the hill towards me, I couldn't stay there as a car was behind me so I pulled out into Waverly Road and headed up the hill watching him in my mirrors. I was now getting blue balls and needed to get relief so I thought I'll give you one last chance and turned into a side street ans waited. Sure enough he followed and walked slowly past the car openly playing with himself again, I smiled at him again but he kept walking, I groaned as I rubbed my incredibly hard cock through my pants. Damn this guy was randy as a rabbit but wouldn't make the move after I had showed him I was interested.

In utter frustration I turned the car and followed him then turned and pulled up as he walked towards me I reached across and opened the passenger door he hesitated hopping from one foot to the other then I asked if he needed a lift. He walked to the car and opened the door finally sliding into the passenger seat, I could see his pointy pants poking up towards the roof as he spread his short muscular legs. I reached out and felt his thigh, it was hard muscled from there I moved up to feel him, oh it was so stiff and as hard as mine. He mumbled very quietly, "You live alone?"

I shook my head, "Sorry no but I'll give you a ride home if you'd like."

He pulled down his track pants and briefs hooking them under his excited balls, there was the most delicious 5inch dark brown dick foreskin fully retracted and the dark red knob glistening with his juices. He whispered something but I couldn't hear him he squeezed himself and whispered, "Feel me oh please feel me."

I was overcome with lust at the sight of that beautiful little brown bone standing stiff and proud from his crazy black thatch, I grasped him and felt how vibrant and alive he was, it throbbed and jerked in my fingers. I lifted my hand to my mouth and spat a large dollop of spit into my palm before reaching back and rubbing my wet palm over his hot bone. He gasped and pushed up into my hand mumbling incoherently, I began masturbating him then he said, "Let's go you can drive me home and play with me as you drive."

We drove off and I was wanking his hot hard horn as I drove, we ended up parked in a car park where he pulled his cock and balls out fully exposing himself and I began jacking him hard and fast. After a few minutes he mumbled, "Fuck me, fuck my bum."

I began poking his hot little arse through his pants and he wanked like fury, he was soon grinding himself on my fingers as his hand slapped up and down in a fury. He panted, "I'm cumming."

He grabbed my hand and held it on his belly palm up as he wanked to a huge climax, his pearly sperm spurted out into my hand in four gouts, he collapsed back onto the seat and I licked his sweet juice from my palm. It was the sweetest sperm I've tasted in ages, with that he pulled up his trackies and bolted from the car. I wonder if I'll ever see him again we didn't exchange phone numbers or addresses but I'd love to get him together with my boy friend and I because I'm sure he'd love to sink his 8inches into his tight little muscular bum.

The end or is it who knows?

Next: Chapter 2

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