Christmas Party December 2019, TG Story

By Joyce Devries

Published on Apr 9, 2020



Company Christmas Party December 7th, 2019

Note, this a true story, some of the names have been changed, but certainly not the events of the days!, this is taken right from my diary entry of the time.

My (email) name is Joyce Devries and it was a real life adventure that was fun and exciting My husband offered me an adventure of a lifetime. I am 5'2", TV, live near Toronto, Ont., Canada, pass quite well as a woman and have done tons of "real life" things as a woman, but this was really a fun and exciting time. The following is taken from my diary entry at the time.

So on my bucket list was to go to a company Christmas party in one of my many formal dresses. Well, after a while I realized that was not going to happen, but as an alternative, my husband, Sharon suggested that we dress like we are going to one and go out for drinks one Saturday afternoon, pretending before the party. Then come home and have a GNI and watch a movie and then go to the hot tub. Well, any chance I could get wearing one of my many formal dresses out in public, I jumped at it.

Sharon emailed me and told me that she had gone into one of my many closets and picked out one of my long formal dresses and was making sure I was fine with and I told her I was, she then told me she and put into her closet. Then the planning fun started and I had to pick out my dress. I chose a new dress, crushed velvet, wine coloured, almost floor length and off the shoulder and a thigh high slit.

Then the emails started back and forth and Sharon told me that the date was going to be December 7th, and that she would be ready for 4pm, and was expecting me to be as well. She also went on and told me that she would be doing her hair and makeup as if we were going to a company Christmas party, and was expecting the same from me so we would look the part when we went to the restaurant from drinks. She also told me that we would be going to our usual restaurant, Kelsey's near Square One in Mississauga. Then finally told me to wear our matching lipstick, nail polish and asked me to leave out my Obsession perfume for her and some of my sparkly jewellery, and she would like me to wear my Fantasy perfume, and lastly not to wear my Wedding band set. All struck me as a bit odd, but went along with the plan as the main goal was to wear a formal dress in my collection out in public, which I was excited about.

So the Saturday came and around 2pm, I headed to the shower after dropping off my Obsession perfume for Sharon, and got nice and clean and then retired to my room to start getting dressed. As I started I heard the shower running and it was Sharon's turn. Now, due to my dress the bra I was going to be wearing was a white padded strapless bra, with my natural girls, and then the panty selection was a pair of purple lace and satin ones. nylons were going to be sheer toe to the waist hose, as the slit on my dress was so high, and I opened a new package and put on satin gloves so they would not run, then a thin gold anklet, then slipped on my heels for the evening that were new 4" black Mary Jane patent stilettos. I put on the lingerie, along with my latex vagina and foundation garment. I slipped into my comfy blue terri cloth robe and then went and put on my long hair and then started my makeup.

Makeup was going to be different than my usual GDO/GNO's application, so I started with my black eyeliner and put on a formal looking application, much more than the office look. Eye shadow was dark blue, upper and lower lids (circa 1980's), then a very healthy application of last blast Mascara. Blush was going to be a more formal darker application, after that Renee and I's matching lipstick. I then doused myself in Fantasy perfume from head to toe, then I sat down and put on Sharon and I's matching deep red nail polish. The final touches were one of my matching sparkly earring and necklace sets and then my formal silver watch and wide silver bracelet.

I checked the time, and heard Sharon walking around upstairs her heels clicking and slipped into my dress I could do it all up by myself so did not need her. I then grabbed my usual black patent clutch purse and packed the things I needed from my other normal purse. I went upstairs and Sharon was standing there and checking her clutch purse and I was stunned by what I saw. Sharon had gone all out, she was in a long deep blue velvet dress, sweetheart neckline, thigh high slit like mine, makeup done as dramatic as mine and her hair pile up in a bun to show off her earrings and was in 3" black patent heels that I bought for her, and ultra sheer nude hose like mine. Quite frankly she looked stunning and smelled amazing with the Obsession perfume, I noticed she had done her nails to match mine. she smiled at me and turned around and asked me to finish zipping her up and I did.

She then said, "someone is ready for a Christmas party, and 4" CFM heels, bet you will have fun dancing in those", which I found to be an odd statement, but relevant to the theme. I told her she was as well, ready for a Christmas party, she then said, "ready to go?", I told her I was. Then she the said to make it more real we should be in our faux furs, mine black and hers sand. We put on our coats and both grabbed our clutch purses and headed out to the car.

What I eventually wore:

No Wedding ring set Crushed long velvet burgundy dress. New 4" black patent Mary Jane stiletto heels Ultra sheer nude to toe pantyhose small gold anklet Formal silver watch Silver wide stretch bracelet, right wrist sparkly necklace and matching earrings Makeup, blue dark blue, upper and lower lids, Renee and I's matcking lipstick, Renee and I's matching nail polish Fantasy perfume Black patent clutch purse Black faux fur coat

So the ride to the restaurant was a little strange as Sharon was playing it up as it was real and asked me what I thought my date was going to be like for the Christmas party. I played along and said, "I am sure he will be a gentleman". She told me, "I cannot wait for the evening with my date". At that point I dismissed it as fantasy and playing around. We eventually got to the Kelsey's in Mississauga and exited the car and walked to the entrance our heels clicking and I was loving it.

Now the sequence of events are a blur as they came fast and never knew what hit me. We entered the restaurant and the hostess that greeted us had a "what the heck?" look on her face, and Sharon spoke up and said we wanted a booth. She lead us to a booth and said, "your waitress will by in a bit ladies, and said as she left, you both look amazing". I loved the comment, then we both took our coats off and slid in and about a minute later our waitress came. She introduced herself as Bonnie, and looked us over, and said, "what is the occasion ladies?". I was about to say something, but Renee spoke up first and explained we were stopping in for a drink before going to our company Christmas party as we were a little early. Renee again spoke up and said we both would like a glass of the house wine, and she smiled and said she would be right back after picking up the menus. Now I had to use the ladies room, and grabbed my clutch purse and headed towards it, and a little disappointed the place was practically empty, so I could not show off, but entered the ladies room and picked the middle stall and put down my clutch purse and moved things around and sat down and did my business. Then cleaned up and tugged everything back down into place. I then left the stall and headed to the sinks to wash up and one of the staff came in and looked at me and said, "what a lovely dress, you look amazing!". I thanked her and she asked what the occasion was and I told her and she said, "have a great evening and again, I love both of your dresses", I thanked her as she entered a stall. I finished up and saw my lips were fine and then headed back to the booth to meet Sharon.

Our wine had arrived and we started to sip on the wine and Sharon was making comments, "it is going to be a fun night", and in my brain I was thinking about the time we were going to have at home with pictures and the hot tub, but I was very wrong about that and what transpired next. We were both done our wine and the dinner crowd started coming in, I checked my watch and it was almost 5pm. Then in the distance I saw the hostess that seated us walking two men in suits towards us, and then "it happened".

The hostess came and said, "here are the ladies, gentlemen", then smiled and left. At this I was floored and had no clue what going on and Sharon said, "Cory so nice to see you!", he slid in next to Sharon and said, "my Sharon, you look and smell so wonderful", and leaned in and gave her a light kiss on the lips. Then looked at his friend and said, "Joyce you look lovely as well, and this is Andrew". Andrew slid in next to me and gave me a light kiss on the cheek and told me how pretty and sexy I looked and smelled, and told me he was so looking forward to the evening with me.

Well lets just say, I was stunned and had no clue what was going on and Sharon saw this and grabbed her clutch purse and held it up (universal signal for a tag team ladies room visit), and said "excuse us gentlemen, Joyce and I have to freshen up and do order us more wine". Both of the men slid out and I followed Sharon to the ladies room. I did not have to use a stall, and obviously Sharon did not either and we were both alone in the ladies room, and I am sure I looked shocked, and she was smiling and said, "you wanted to go to a Christmas party in one of your formal dresses as a date, well tonight is the night, and again, have fun dancing in those 4" heels". I was floored and asked, "how and why?" and who were the two guys?. She explained that when I went to the ladies room the first time she went and told the hostess we were expecting dates for the Christmas party. She then explained Cory was a guy she met at the gym, and started flirting with and was totally sexually turned on by him. He was divorced and she agreed to go to his company Christmas party (no they had never had sex). He asked her if she knew another girl that was available as a friend needed a date for the same party, so she volunteered me, he was also divorced. She told me and he "has no clue you are not a real woman, so have fun", but, "he certainly has seen your pictures and is very turned on by you, so I have been told". We had opened our clutch purses and pulled out our lipsticks and I literally dropped mine when she said that. She then said, "again enjoy the evening as a single female just like I will", and she showed me her ring finger and she had taken off her Wedding rings. Again I was floored, and she said, "fix your lipstick dear and let's not keep our dates waiting, they are expecting two single divorced women with proper makeup all the time and to make it to the Christmas party on time". We both fixed our lipstick and packed our clutch purses and headed back to the booth. I literally was in a daze as we walked back to the table.

We got to the table and the guys got out and Sharon and I slid in, and our new drinks were there and both the guys had gotten draft beer. I was lost as to what to expect, but Sharon and Colin were certainly sharing some PDA with light kisses and I could see his hand under the table, probably caressing Sharon's silky leg, exposed by the slit in the dress. Andrew on the other hand kept telling me how he loved my dress and how pretty and attractive I was. I looked into his eyes and he reached out to hold my hand, which I did. There was small talk about the Christmas party, and that seating arrangements had been decided and that the meal was going to be served at 6pm, and then after, speeches and then dancing till midnight.

We finished our drinks and then Sharon again held up her clutch purse and said, "gentlemen, Joyce and I need to freshen up before we go and we slid out of the seats and headed to the ladies room, and this time I had to pee, and so did Sharon so we both went into a stall. I put down my purse and moved things around after hiking up my skirt and did my business and cleaned up and Sharon had already left her stall and was at the sinks and I joined her. We both opened our clutch purses and pulled out our lipstick and touched up. As we packed up our clutch purses, Sharon then said, "Colin and I will be driving together and you and Andrew separately to the party", I had yet again stunned look on my face and she casually said, "my panties are already moist, I am so hot and cannot wait for this evening". Again, I was shocked and she said, "play your cards right dear, maybe you will get lucky". She quickly walked away and I was still standing there stunned and she said, "come on dear, do not leave your date waiting", and left the ladies room, and was still stunned.

It literally took 2 minutes staring in the mirror to realize what was about to happen, and I composed myself, checked in the full length mirror if I looked alright and left. When I got back to the booth, Sharon and Colin had already left and Andrew was standing there with my faux fur coat and I walked up to him, and he was smiling, and helped me put it on and made a comment, "those heels are so sexy", I thanked him. Then we left the restaurant and the hostess said as we were walking out, "have a great time at the Christmas party". I thanked her and Andrew gently grabbed my hand and lead me to his car, and opened the passenger door for me and I slid in. I did not realize it, but with my dress, and sitting down, my left silky left leg was almost totally exposed. As Andrew got in the car, he wasted no time to start the flirting and said, "those heels definitely compliment those sexy legs". I blushed but thanked him, and then we were off to the party. I had no clue where it was but it was about 10 minutes away, thus the reason Sharon picked the location for drinks and meeting our dates.

We pulled up and parked and Andrew came and opened my door and offered me his hand to help me out, which was fun trying to stay modest due to the dress, but I kept my knees together and slid out. Andrew held my hand as we walk to the entrance of the hall, and I literally was in heaven, hearing the clicks of so many other women walking and as we got to the door, Andrew held it open for me. There was a sign for a coat check and Andrew lead me to it and helped me off with my coat and check and checked it in. He then grabbed my hand again and we went to the entrance of the banquet hall.

Andrew took the lead and found out from the greeting party what table we were to be seated at and it was table 21. Unlike the formal NYE gala setup this was tables of 6 people, not 12. I held onto Andrew's hand and let him take the lead. We got to the table, and I do not think Andrew knew the protocol, but I certainly did and told him where to sit. So as always it is female next to female and male next to male around the table. Andrew pulled out my chair and I sat down and put my clutch purse on the table, now of the 6 people at the table, there was only 4 of us at the time. These were people Andrew worked with so I took my time to find out who was a spouse and who was a co worker. As always with being in a crowd with other GG's and their spouses, and I am terrible with names, I just pick a few to remember. Andrew asked if I wanted a drink I told him just a pop, gingerale, and he went away, leaving me sitting next to a very attractive 30 something year old woman, dressed in a short black lace over satin dress, almost identical to a few of mine in the closet. She smiled and introduced herself as Bonnie, and told me that she loved my dress. I complimented her back. Then the small talked started between Bonnie and I and found she was a wife of one of one of the employees, and she was working as a secretary for a law firm and asked me about my job at the Bridal Salon, and I told her and I got back, "that sounds exciting". Well the small talk continued and I started to look around and see if I could see Sharon, but the room was pretty packed and I could not, but did enjoy looking at what the tons of other females were wearing, I felt so "fitting in". The last couple came to our table and it was a younger couple, and she was wearing a lovely spaghetti strapped green satin dress and silver sparkly sandals. They introduced themselves and her name was Angeie. About that time, Andrew came back with the drinks, and sat in next to me.

Andrew, definitely was aggressive in his PDA with me and was always holding my hand and leaning in and gently kissing my cheek and quietly telling me how lovely I looked and smelled. Bonnie would from time to time tell me how handsome my boyfriend was, I smiled to her and thanked her. Dinner started to come to be served and as usual the men started talk amongst themselves and the three of us females started chatting, and it was all light conversation, and I was loving the female to female interaction. Dinner was the usual fair, soup then salad and a roast beef dinner. I did have a glass of wine at dinner but that was about it, I wanted to keep my senses about me as the evening went on, as I had a funny feeling Andrew was told more about me than I wanted him to know.

Dessert was being cleaned up and I knew that meant and so did the other girls and I do not know who was first to pick up their clutch purse (a signal for a ladies room visit), but I certainly had to pee and grabbed mine and the three of us kissed our dates and headed to the ladies washroom, along with a ton of other women, and the line up filled quickly out the door, much like Stage West, I was loving every minute of checking out the other females very formally dressed up close and seeing what they were wearing. The 3 of us waited our turn and I was the first to go in and when a stall came open (all 4 of them), I went in passing a woman leaving with the usual female to female smile. I put my clutch purse on the toilet paper dispenser and carefully moved things around make sure not to put a run in the pantyhose and did my business making the usual "tinkling" sounds". I then cleaned up and then tugged everything into place taking care with the pantyhose and grabbed my black patent clutch purse and headed out of the stall to be met by another female going in and we again exchanged the usual female to female smile and then went and stood in line for the sinks. I looked for Bonnie and Angie and they obviously had gone into a stall already, and the line up for the sinks moved fast. I went and washed up and dried my hands and pulled out my lipstick from my clutch purse and touched up my lipstick then packed my lipstick back up, and headed to the door of the ladies washroom and waited for Bonnie and Angie. They both joined me and we walked back to the table and both Bonnie and Angie said, "how can you walk in those heels?". I smiled back and told them I had absolutely no issues. Like Sharon they rolled their eyes and said they could never do that, I just smiled back at them.

We got back to the table and Andrew held out my chair, and I thanked him and he surprised me with a light kiss on the lips and told me how lovely I looked freshened up, I smiled and thanked him. Dessert was on the table and as we at as we ate, Andrew was getting a little more physical and the huge slit exposing my silky leg, I found his hand wandering to it and smiling at me as he gently caressed it under the table. I smiled back at him and teased him back by licking my lipstick covered lips in a sexy way. At one point he leaned in and whispered in my ear, "my such silky legs", I said nothing other than stare back at him, and again licked my freshly lipstick covered lips in a sexy way, the tease and flirting was definitely on, on both sides.

Dessert was over and the speeches were about to begin, and Bonnie held up her clutch purse and I saw the signal and grabbed mine, and I slid out of my chair and gave Andrew a kiss on the lips and he caressed my velvet backside and we were off to the ladies washroom. As we walked along Bonnie made a comment again about my heels and said "I cannot get over how easily you walk in those". I smiled and told her that I had no issues, and she just shook her head. We went into the ladies washroom, and no surprise there was not a line up for the 4 stalls and Bonnie and I went into one of the stalls, her beside me, I put my clutch purse on the back of the toilet and hiked up my dress and carefully moved down my pantyhose and foundation garment and did my business. Well I guess Bonnie really needed to pee, as she made a loud sound when doing so, I on the other hand, made the usual quieter sounds. I cleaned up and carefully pulled up my pantyhose and tugged everything back in place and went and joined Bonne at the sinks. She was finishing washing up and I started to and then, we both opened our clutch purses and touched up our lipstick, and then packed them back and left the ladies washroom to go back to the main hall.

We got back to the table and the speeches had started and Andrew saw me coming and pulled out my chair as I sat down and he leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek and told me how lovely my lips looked. The speeches ended and the music started and the dancing, and Andrew grabbed my hand and lead me to the dance floor, not before I put my clutch purse on my chair and pushed it in. Andrew lead me to the floor and the dancing started, it was a combination of slow songs and fast songs. The slow songs, Andrew pulled me in tight and I could tell he was getting excited as I could feel his hard cock on my belly. After each slow song he gave me a kiss, and as the songs went on the kiss got more and more passionate, and I reciprocated and was very much enjoying it. About 8 songs in I deficiently had to use the washroom, and told Andrew and we went back to the table and I grabbed my clutch purse and as I did Bonnie saw me and grabbed hers and we headed to the ladies washroom, but not before I gave Andrew a long and passionate kiss.

Bonnie and I walked along to the ladies washroom, and she made a comment about how I was enjoying my date and I told her I was. We entered the ladies washroom, and were pretty much alone and both entered a stall. I put my clutch purse down and then moved things around and did my business as quietly as I could then cleaned up and adjusted my dress and grabbed my clutch purse and headed to the skinks to wash up. Bonnie was just ahead of me and after she dried her hands it was about my turn, and we both opened our clutch purses and touched up our lipstick, fluffed our hair and packed our purses and headed back to the party.

Andrew was waiting at the table and had got me another pop and as I approached the table he stood up and gave me a light kiss then pulled out my chair and I sat down. I told him I was (but for me it was enjoying checking out all the other formally dressed women). Andrew wanted to dance more and after tucking my clutch purse away and pushed in my chair we were off. We danced to about 6 songs and the last one I noticed my husband Sharon, and she saw me. We got back to the table and I was about to sit down and saw my husband Sharon coming to the table holding up her clutch purse with a wicked smile, and I grabbed mine and after giving Andrew a little kiss, we headed to the ladies washroom. I checked the time and it was a little after 11pm. nothing much was said other than "I see you and Andrew are hitting it off". I said nothing and just smiled. as we walked into the ladies washroom. We both needed a stall, and grabbed the two available ones, I put my purse on the back of the toilet and moved things around and did my business, then cleaned up and stood up and left the stall, and about that time my husband Sharon came and joined me and she was smiling and "glowing". We both opened our clutch purses and pulled out our lipsticks and touched up and Sharon was still smiling wildly. She put on a thick coat of our matching lipstick and she packed it away in her clutch purse and then looked over to me and I was putting on my lipstick and she looked in the mirror and said, "Troy is taking me back to his place, I may not be home tonight, so the house is yours and Andrew's, to enjoy", said it n matter of fact way. And she packed her clutch purse and said nothing more and left the ladies bathroom with me all alone.

Well the party was winding down and quite frankly I wanted to be intimate with Andrew, and I walked back to the table and in the distance saw Troy and Sharon leaving hand in hand and told Andrew I was ready to go. He grabbed my hand and said, "let's get your coat". As we walked along hand in hand he looked at me and said, "I take it I am driving you home?". I smiled in a sexy way and said, "yes".

Andrew took me took me to the coat check and got my coat and a put it on me, and then held my hand and lead my out to the car, held my door for me to get in the car and then and drove me home, all the while holding my hand and caressing my exposed sheer leg at every traffic stop. We got home and, he came and opened my door and we went in, I told him I had wine on chill, and told him to relax and I would take care of it and him to sit down and make himself at home in the living room. I went to the kitchen and poured two glasses of wine and went into the living room, and sat next to Andrew and not much was said as we sipped in our wine.

As we sat, Andrew was caressing my silky exposed leg and then "it" happened, Andrew moved his lips to mine and we went into a very passionate embrace. The kissing was hard and heavy and I was loving it, and so was he. The heavy kissing and petting went on for a good 15 minutes and Andrew broke the embrace and looked me in the eyes and said, "I so want to make love to you". I told him, "it was that time of the month". He look obviously disappointed, but I gently caressed his bulging crotch and licked my lips in a sexy way and said, "but I can take care of this another way".

Nothing more was said, and I undid his belt, and unzipped his fly and reached into his pants and pulled out his cock from his underwear and then lowered my lips to his fairly erect member and started licking and sucking on it and Andrew started moaning and groaning. He must have been very aroused as it took less than 10 minutes of me bobbing up and down, he blew his load in my mouth, and I swallowed it all down and loved it. I sat back up and he was breathing hard and told me how incredible the experience was and I said, "that was the preview, not the main feature". I took a sip of my wine and told him when he was ready, I would really show him a good time. When I said that I could see hiss cock getting hard again, and he told me he could not wait.

I finished my glass of wine and told him to follow me to my bedroom where it would be more comfortable. so we went downstairs and sat on the edge of my bed and again started making out, this time very heavy, and about 15 minutes later I stopped him, and told him, I needed to "get comfortable". Then went into the office and grabbed my book of my lingerie shoots and handed it to him, and told him, to enjoy and get undressed. I on the other hand went and slipped out of my dress, left on the garter belt and ultra sheer nude stockings and panties and foundation garment and slipped on the matching black silk and lace matching peignoirs for Sharon and I. I put on more Obsession perfume and touched up my makeup and then slipped on my 5" black patent heels, then elbow length black silk gloves. I went into the room and Andrew was stroking his cock, and was moaning as I walked into the room. He was completely naked and had one of my lingerie picture books opened to what most men focus on and it was a red lace sequined teddy and a chiffon wrap, one of my all time favourite lingerie pictures.

I smiled as I walked in the room and said, "I can see you like what most men like as a favourite, I do like that teddy, but it is not designed for staying on, and since I am on the rag your will have to settle for this". but with his bare cock solid I reached down and tugged it and teased him and said, "but I would like that in my pussy". As I leaned into him and we went into a passionate kissing session. He told me how sexy I looked and smelled and love the new heels I put on and was caressing me through my silk peignoir. I broke the kiss and told him to lie back and enjoy the experience. He laid back and I pulled out my lipstick and put on a slow thick coat of lipstick and then modelled around for a bit in the lingerie and heels and then slipped off my robe and crawled into bed with Andrew.

I gave him a light kiss, then moved my lips to his neck and started stroking his very hard cock. I started sucking hard on his neck as I wanted him to have a memory of the evening. He was moaning and I could feel the head of his cock getting, wet, and I sucked even harder on his neck, as I did not want him to cum before I got down to sucking him off. I broke of sucking on his neck and said in a sexy way, "you will never forget this".

I licked and sucked on his nipples and all the while stroking his rock hard cock and then moved down and started sucking on his cock, using all my usual techniques and Andrew was moaning and I took my time, and was really enjoying the experience and I got Andrew to a point of orgasm, and I pushed down on the base of his cock and stopped and slowly licked his balls and stroked him until he got soft. I then started the sucking routine over and over and over again, getting him to the point of orgasm at least 6 times, after the 6th time Andrew was begging for release, and I took my hand off the base of his cock and started bobbing up and down heavily and he exploded into my mouth and was grunting and grabbing my hair. He calmed down after I cleaned him up and I got off the bed and he was moaning how incredible the experience was.

I smiled and looked at him, and told him, I had as much fun as he did. and then sipped on some wine and told him I had to use the bathroom, and put on my robe and went to the bathroom, and did my business and cleaned up and then came back into the living room. Andrew was already fully dressed and I came and gave him a long goodbye kiss and he thanked me for the evening and left the house.

I was in the middle of hanging up my faux fur coat in the front hall closet when I heard the back door open and my husband Sharon walked in and saw me and smiled and said, "someone got lucky". I just smiled at her and she took her faux fur coat and put it on one of the dining room table chairs and came and kissed me. She then said, "I can taste you have enjoyed Andrew". I smiled and said nothing and then she said, "come help me out of my dress and I have special treat for you". I knew exactly what she was talking about and followed her into her bedroom and she turned around and I unzipped her dress and it dropped to the ground. I saw she was not wearing panties and she noticed it and said, "I gave Cory a present for the lovely evening". She then said "lie down on the bed dear".

I laid down and then she straddled my face and said, "find my clit dear and then open wide", I did and then she opened her pussy muscles and gobs of cum started coming out and she said, "that was two loads of Troy all for you". I gobbled it all down, when she was done, told me to lick her pussy out to get it all out, and make her cum. It took about 5 minutes and then she shuddered and came, and then laid down beside me and told me she totally enjoyed the evening. She then helped me off the bed put on a white terri cloth robe and lead me down to my room and had in her hand had a vibrator and told me to lie down on my bed and then said, "now your turn for satisfaction". She came and laid bedside me and then turned on the vibrator and told me how wonderful I was and gently moved the vibrator around under my peignoir, and gently kissed me and when I jolted, she knew she hit the right spot. She stop kissing me and told me how incredible I looked all evening and how sexy I looked, and how impressed she was with me and then started licking and sucking on my nipples until I exploded into the latex vagina. When I was done I knew I had to run to the washroom and dump the contents of the latex vagina. Which I did and came back to my bedroom and my husband came and kissed me and told me "sweet dreams my wife". and left and I crawled into bed and went to sleep, dreaming of a wonderful evening.


So here is the proposal:

First off, I AM NOT A PRO. This petite, passable TV, would love to meet you if you are in my area, Toronto Ontario, as described in the diary entry above. I love to be the girl of your dreams, and as long as I can remain the girl at all times, I would love to hear from you. I am not interested in being a TV/TS "girlfriend" and "BI" sex, but rather I will be the woman of your dreams for a wonderful and possible formal evening, I promise, you will not go home frustrated. If you are a NON-smoking male or female, or couple, please contact me, and who knows?

Joyce Devries,

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