Christmas Cocks

By R Ranger

Published on Apr 7, 2010


Warning! This story is a work of erotic fiction written for the purpose of pure entertainment. The story contains sexually explicit behavior between consenting males. If you are not of legal age to read such material or are offended by this type of writing do not read any further.

To contact the author cut and paste the following e-mail addresses making appropriate corrections:

E-mail: bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com Subject line: Christmas Cocks.

Christmas Cocks By The Rumpranger

Chapter 35: Gunshots

Even after a good bowel movement and a long warm shower I was still exhausted and aching. Those early morning nightmares had taken their toll on me -- my muscles were sore and my head was throbbing. God, I wanted this day to get started and then be over as quickly as possible. I wanted and needed to get on with my life. Mike was gone and there was nothing I could do to change that: I had to move on. A smiling Corey returned to the room carrying a tray of coffee, juice, cold cereal, milk and other goodies to start the morning off.

God, I thought to myself he was cute. My guardian sat the food tray down on the dresser and said, "Dig in."

The two of us sat quietly eating our cold cereal and drinking coffee while awaiting the senior MP detail to arrive. I sat wondering, would I be allowed to stay in the Army to finish my advanced medical training, or would I be booted out. Hours ago the Army was ready to give me a General Discharge to get rid of me, but that was put on hold. There were many questions that remained unanswered.

Suddenly, there came a knocking on the door. Corey got up to unlock the door and told the MPs to enter. The older Sergeants entered and immediately began explaining the morning itinerary, outlining exactly where and what stops would be made before we ended up in San Antonio. These guys were stoic no nonsense military cops. Corey asked if he could accompany the detail. The Staff Sergeant stiffly told Corey that he was technically off and on comp time as he had worked his shift.

I asked, "If he is on his own time couldn't he go with us, maybe in civilian clothes?"

"Masten, I'll ask the PM's staff when we get over to the office. If it's okay with them I'll call Specialist Pender and he can join us there."

"Cool," Corey and I answered in unison.

I felt more comfortable with Corey as a bodyguard than the older Sergeants; besides, we had something in common. I guess I knew the answer to my earlier thoughts about him trying to set me up for a bust by Army CID.

The Staff Sergeant dismissed Corey. Before Corey left he turned asking, "Can I change into civvies in the room before I go?"

"Sure," the older Sergeant said.

We shook hands and he departed the room. After he was gone the Staff Sergeant asked me, "You want more to eat we got time?

"Not really, Specialist Pender and I had the continental breakfast earlier,"

"We still got about forty-five minutes before we have to leave for the meeting at headquarters. You want some more coffee?" The guard asked.


The Staff Sergeant left the room and was back in a matter of minutes with a big thermos of coffee, cups, creamers and a plate of pastry. We all sat pretty much in awkward silence drinking coffee, eating pastry and watching television.

Finally, the senior MP said, "Okay, get your jacket and beret on, we're off to the Provost Marshall's office."

The senior sergeant threw me a bullet and stab proof vest to wear beneath my uniform jacket. We all exited the room at the lodge and drove to the PM's office in silence. There were a group of reporters with television cameras waiting outside the main entrance. The Staff Sergeant behind the wheel drove around to an alternative entrance free of press where two other MP's met us, taking charge of me and ushering me inside. Once inside Major Winters met me with a smile on his face saying, "Your attorney is waiting for us down at the Bexar County DA's office. Come on let's go. The post commander and Provost Marshall want to brief you before the news conference."

After the briefing I asked Major Winters, "Will it be okay of Specialist Pender comes with us?" He's waiting for a call," I said giving the Major his cell number.

The Major made a phone call. Once off the phone he said, "Okay, he's on the way."

Within five minutes after the call was made Corey was standing in the room with us in civilian clothing. Introductions were made and we all got ready for the trip downtown. The senior detail Sergeant said, "We'll use two Suburbans. One will carry the Major and Specialist Masten. The other will carry Specialist Pender and the other MPs. We'll take two different routes and converge on the secure entrance and drive right inside."

Major Winters agreed with the deceptive move planned by the MP detail. Major Winters and I got into the back seat of the first vehicle. Two MPs got into the front of the first nondescript Suburban with tinted windows and headed for the DA's office in downtown San Antonio. Corey and two other MPs fell in behind us in another Suburban. Once we left the PM office the two vehicles split up taking different directions out of Fort Sam heading towards downtown.

The plan worked well. Over the radio the MPs in the decoy SUV called in saying that the media was following them. As I rode in silence for some reason I knew this was going to be a good day, everything was going right.

I knew in my gut today was my day: the first day of the rest of my life. I would be set free of all charges by Bexar County DA, but would there be any type of apology. I felt that was doubtful. I also was wondering what my fate would be with the Army. I was hopeful that I would discover the true story behind Mike's murder.

Once we arrived at the DA's office I was shielded from the media by the two MPs and Corey. They whisk me inside where I was met by my attorney saying, "Congratulations Specialist Masten, you're a free man."

All I could do was say in a weak voice, "Thanks," as I hugged the big Texan that I grown to respect over the weeks.

As we moved along the corridor I caught sight of Mike's sister. She made tearful eye contact with me, mouthing what I took as, I'm sorry Donny. We all entered a big conference room and were seated. The DA and investigators entered and began presenting their findings from the investigation thus far. We were told that we would not be privy to certain aspects of the pending prosecution as the DA didn't want that info leaked to the press.

The man in custody was in fact a former soldier that had been released from active duty a few months earlier. We weren't told why or exactly when. He was a Caucasian male approximately the same age as me as well as the same build. The alleged murder had been caught during a high speed chase on the Interstate in the area of Tucumcari, New Mexico, where he crashed the motorcycle he was riding, suffering major road rash but no broken bones.

At that point the DA stopped briefing, looking at me he said, "Specialist Masten the motorcycle the alleged murder was riding at the time of the accident on I-40 has been traced back by way of VIN number to you as the owner. There were stolen plates on the motorcycle. At some point the suspect repainted it black by way of cans of spray paint. After we're done today one of my investigators will get with you to show you photos and see if you want the bike back."

Well, at least the mystery of my bike had been solved. The DA having said that continued his briefing about the capture, incarceration and prosecution of Sergeant Miguel Alvarez's alleged killer. Once he was done he told everyone not to answer any specific questions from the media but redirect them to the Sheriff and the DA's office.

We all adjourned the conference room following the DA and his team outside onto the steps of the courthouse where the podium and microphones were setup to conduct the press conference. The Sheriff spoke first giving details of the ongoing investigation and capture of the alleged suspect. He assured the crowd the early suspect or person of interest in the investigation, naming me, was no longer an active suspect and had been cleared of all charges. He took a few questions and then turned the podium over to the DA.

The District Attorney told the crowd that it would be his pleasure to prosecute the suspect in custody and would be asking for the death penalty. Once again, he pointed out that I was no longer a suspect, and his investigation did not prove I'd been not romantically involved with Sergeant Alvarez as had previously been reported. I was simply his off post roommate for a short period of time.

There were some sexual slurs from the crowd as well as boos. I didn't care. I was a free man and couldn't wait to get the hell out of town and possibly out of the Army. I'd previously through my attorney told the DA that I didn't want to answer questions. Finally, the DA apologized to me for any inconvenience caused by the investigation and my incarceration.

As the news conference was breaking up I heard the scream, "GUN," a crack and bullet zip past my left ear as I felt an impact to my body all at the same instant; my head was spinning, had I been hit by the bullet? I was on the ground and couldn't see anything. I think I pissed my pants. Finally, Corey began unwrapping his arms and body from mine. He was rolling me onto my back looking for gunshot wounds telling me, "Stay down, you're okay Don."

"What the fuck happened?" I asked my voice still trembling and body shaking.

People were screaming and running. Police and fire rescue started flocking around congratulating Corey for his quick action and making sure I was okay. Before I knew it I was on my feet being hustled into an awaiting SUV. The windows were dark. I couldn't see a thing. In a matter of seconds the vehicle was moving. We were on the way back to Fort Sam with lights flashing and radios crackling instructions. Corey was holding me in his arms with a couple of flack vest surrounding me.

Next: Chapter 27

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