Christmas Cocks

By R Ranger

Published on Mar 28, 2010


Warning! This story is a work of erotic fiction written for the purpose of pure entertainment. The story contains sexually explicit behavior between consenting males. If you are not of legal age to read such material or are offended by this type of writing do not read any further.

To contact the author cut and paste the following e-mail addresses making appropriate corrections:

E-mail: bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com Subject line: Christmas Cocks.

Christmas Cocks By The Rumpranger

Chapter 34: Nightmare

The pizza Corey ordered hit the spot. We sat eat, drinking our sodas and making small talk between bites. Corey ask me before we started eating if it was okay for him to remove his ACU jacket and pants. He sat across from me wearing briefs, socks and a T-shirt. As we ate I was secretly checking my guardian out. God, he was good-looking. We were about the same height and weight and near the same age. I didn't know if he was married or paired with someone, so I ask, "What does your wife think about this assignment, me accused of bein a gay killer and all?"

"Not married," Corey mumbled his mouth half full of pizza.

"So not married you got to have a girlfriend," I said, "cause of a good-lookin Dude like you got to have a girlfriend."

"Nope, no girlfriend. I'm single and enjoy things that way."

"Not even a girl back home," I asked.

"Nope," Corey said looking at me somewhat annoyed by my questioning.

"Sorry for the interrogation," I said, "just trying to make conversation."

We finished our meal. Corey refilled our plastic glasses with ice and soda before resuming our get acquainted conversation.

"Where you from if you don't mind telling me," I asked.

"A little place south of Sacramento, California on Highway 99 called Galt. Born and lived there all my life."

"Cool," I replied, "I've never been to California. Born and raised in southern Illinois."

"California is really cool. I can go to the beach and surf and in the same day go snowboarding if I want," Corey said.

"Wow!" I exclaimed, "Never been snowboarding or surfing."

We continued talking about our lives. I told him about my life growing up in Illinois. After I finished Corey began telling me about his heritage and life in California. I discovered that Corey was multiracial. His great-grandfather who was black had married a Korean woman while stationed in Korea. They in turn had children. His grandfather married a girl who lived in Leesville, Louisiana while he was stationed at Fort Polk. His dad married a girl from California.

The young MP had been a super star athlete in high school and could have gone on to play at a number of colleges, but felt that due to his heritage he had to sign-up for the Army. We both had similar backgrounds that brought us into the Army; however, Corey's next statement would floor me.

"If I tell you something will it be completely off the record and no one will ever know."

"Scouts Honor," I said holding up my right hand with three fingers fully extended and then made a crisscross with my hand across my heart.

"Okay, I trust you, don't let me down Don."

"I won't."

"I guess you better know, `cause I'm gonna be sleepin in the bed next to you tonight, I'm gay."

I sat there in shock disbelief. I took a long drink of my soda while contemplating what Corey had told me. I was wondering if he was setting me up. Was he just saying that with the hope of enticing me into a sexual tryst with him and then the two Staff Sergeants or CID investigators would bust down the door arresting me with Corey's cock in my mouth. Or maybe he was really gay and just needed to tell me.

"Your secret will not go beyond these walls Corey," once that was said again I gave the Scouts Honor and crossed my heart gesture, "I only hope that the room isn't bugged."

With the television on we felt that we could discuss things without being recorded. Of course neither one of us gave thought that there might be a video camera hidden in the room. Corey went on explaining to me that although he thought he was gay he'd never act on his feeling. He'd never had a homosexual encounter, but he'd thought about it. He said he had feelings for boys since high school and after he got out of the Army he wanted to explore his feeling, giving the lifestyle a try to see if he was really gay. From what he told me he was drawn to men, especially athletic men with beautiful bodies who were decently hung.

Well duh, the two of us appeared to have something in common, we were covert cock watcher. Corey told me that he would secretly read erotic gay literature and watch and gay films and videos. All of which aroused him sexually. As the clock approached midnight we began undressing, getting ready for our showers. Corey stood up pulling off his T-shirt, admiring his body in the mirror on the dresser. Damn, he had a great physique.

The soldier's body was lean and ripped. Not necessarily a body builder's physique, just fucking buff, a guy who worked out and took care of his body. Corey stood profiling in front of the mirror. Below the well-defined abs I could see a very revealing bulge beneath the blue Puma boxer briefs. I could tell looking at the reflection in the mirror he was circumcised and his soft cock hung at least four inches flaccid inside those briefs.

Corey turned to me asking, "So, what do you think of my body?"

"Hella great body Dude!"

"Would it turn you on if you were gay," Corey asked.

Again, I hesitated before answering. Was this another test or signal to his cohorts in the next room or hallway to bust in and bust us. I took the chance and answered. "If I was gay you would definitely be on my radar Dude."

Corey smiled as he turned back to admire his body some more asking, "Who showers first?"

I decided to take my shower first as I was becoming aroused viewing Corey's body in the mirror. I took my shower, put on my clean white boxer briefs and eased into the bed closest to the bathroom. I thought I might score a peek when Corey took his shower. No such luck.

Once Corey finished showering he was out parading around the bedroom with a white bath towel wrapped around his waist. I suspected his waist to be 28 inches no more than 30 inches. There didn't appear to be an ounce of fat on his body and there was a black treasure trail leading into the towel surrounding his waist. Again there was that noticeable bulge hiding beneath the towel. He turned away from me, dropping the towel. That got my attention.

When he bent over to pull his drawers on I got a good view of his backside with a blemish free ass. What a lovely sight those buns were with his balls dangling in view between his legs. I wasn't sure if he was trying to give me an eye full or trying to entice me into some type of sexual situation. I wanted to take him right there, but knew better. He crawled into his bed after the show.

I tired to sleep after the show, but was having a fitful time trying for many reasons. Of course I was thinking about Corey body and nice ass. What he might look like all boned up and what we might do with each other sexually. I decided to put those thoughts out of my head before I got myself into trouble. Just about the time I'd doze off I would suddenly awaken from a dream that I was being executed.

First I was being taken to the gallows for hanging and then I was being prepared for execution by an Army firing squad. The most surreal thing about the dreams was where and how the executions were taking place: in the Quadrangle below the clock tower.

The final dream was me being racked where MPs were trying to pull my body apart for my sins against God, humanity and the Army. All I had to do was beg for forgiveness. That final segment of the nightmare was reminiscent from the epic film Braveheart where in the last scenes William Wallace was lying strapped to a table being torn apart by a sadistic executioner.

Just before the executioner in my dream, who was none other that the CID agent who originally questioned me, was preparing to disembowel and dismember my body the post commander stood at attention issuing the order of execution in front of a full field of military personnel assembled for the execution. From what I could see in my dream every soldier at Fort Sam was in assembled in attendance as well as many military dignitaries on a reviewing stand to witness my execution.

Yes, my execution had drawn a large crowd. As the commander finished reading the execution order he said, "Let this be a lesson to all soldiers under my command, I will not tolerate homosexuality in the military, especially not at Fort Sam Houston."

Damn, I thought myself in those last seconds of my life is this an execution for being found guilty of murder or being gay and in the military. Of course I awakened before I was disemboweled in a sweat, flailing about on my bed.

In a flash Corey was next to me restraining and comforting me trying to calm me. As he held me in his arms I was crying uncontrollably. My guard asked me, "What's wrong Donny, what's wrong?"

That was the first time Corey had called me Donny. Only family and a few people close to me and Mike called me Donny. We held each other for what seemed like eternity, but in fact were probably only a few minutes. I was enjoying his warm body pressed against mine. God, his manly scent smelled so good to me I didn't want him to let me go or Cory let me go. I wanted him in the worst way, but not yet. I began explaining to Corey what had happened: the nightmares.

He said to me in an assuring way, "You know, you're probably gonna need some mental health help after all this was over Donny."

"Ya think."

The clock showed a little before four in the morning. We collapsed into my bed together. Corey held me as I slowly drifted off to sleep. The next thing I remember was phone on the little table ringing. Corey was already up answering it. It was the desk with a reminder wake up call, telling Corey that Continental Breakfast was being served. We got up took showers and dressed in preparation for the first day of the rest of my life.

Next: Chapter 26

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