Christmas Cocks

By R Ranger

Published on Oct 14, 2009


Warning! This story is a work of fiction and was written for the purpose of pure erotic entertainment. The story contains sexually explicit behavior between consenting male adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material or are offended by this type of writing do not read any further.

To contact the author cut and paste the following e-mail address making appropriate corrections: E-mail: bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com Subject line: Christmas Cocks.

Christmas Cocks By The Rumpranger

Chapter 22: Chance Meeting

After a pleasant Sunday dinner at one of our favorite restaurants in San Antonio Mike and I returned to the apartment for a nightcap. On weekends we tried to splurge, pampering ourselves with nice meals. The other five days found us taking our meals at the mess hall on post, preparing something light at the apartment or picking up a Subway on the way home and then splitting it. We'd learned to live a somewhat frugal lifestyle considering my E-4 and Mike's E-5 pay, trying to save our money for weekend getaways and other things. My paper was done, printed out and ready to be turned-in, and Mike was confident he was ready for his big exam on Tuesday. The only thing we needed to do was lay out our uniforms for Monday morning before taking our bath.

As I began laying out my uniform for Monday morning Mike was pouring a couple glasses of bubbly for us to take into the bathroom where we would relax, soaking in a bubble bath. In the bath we would play with each other sexually while consuming our drink. We attempted to incorporate bathing or showering into our foreplay repertoire. After a sensuous bubble bath where we caressed each other caringly and drank champagne we made love until around ten before kissing goodnight. Mike fell asleep almost immediately. I on the other hand was tossing and turning, having a fitful night reliving how Mike and I met weeks earlier, but moreover how I was going to break the Christmas leave thing with my family to him.

I knew Mike wanted me to do Christmas with his family, but I felt there was unfinished business with my cousins from last Christmas. I needed to make a decision soon to have enough time to get dates confirmed. There was a leave request to be turned in, and searching for affordable airfare. Although I'd been e-mailing and phoning family members since I arrived at Fort Sam I hadn't been home since arriving. My family was very close-knit, especially me and my cousins. I'd also discovered that Mike and his family were close.

Mike and I were learning more and more about each other everyday we were together since we met. The fact is that both of us were family oriented souls. We shared many things in common, but we were different in many ways too. The two of us met simply by chance in early June at a convenience store off post after I'd graduated from AIT in May 2009 and then we ran into each other by accident the next morning: almost as if it was divine intervention. For some unknown reason we seemed to click at that meeting.

I'd finished my initial Six-Eight Whiskey Military Occupational Skill AIT program and was immersed in an advance medical MOS program at Fort Sam as well as college courses at Baylor University when Mike and I first met. I would soon learn that the stranger who stood ahead of me in the check out line at the small San Antonio neighborhood market that afternoon in early June was also Sergeant in the Army as well as a classmate at Baylor University.

Sergeant Miguel Alvarez had been assigned, after recovering from wounds, as an assistant instructor in the Department of Combat Medic Training at Fort Sam. A couple weeks after our chance meeting we were sharing Mike's apartment, our lives and making love as often as time would permit.

The stunning stranger with rich olive complexion and close cropped raven black hair had caught my attention for some unknown reason on that Wednesday afternoon. Maybe it was the way he was standing, dressed, the way his hair was cut, his infectious smile or the seductive look he gave me. I knew instinctively when he turned towards me smiling he had to be military and more than likely Army by the close cropped black hair. For some reason I also knew I wanted him, but could I have him if he was in the Army?

If he was in fact in the Army that posed an immediate problem for me: the don't ask, don't tell policy. For many in the Army, especially gay and lesbian personnel DADT as it was known made no sense. In part the policy stated that superiors should initiate investigation of a service member's sexual orientation in the absence of disallowed behaviors, though mere suspicion of homosexual behavior can trigger and investigation. In short, Mike and I couldn't openly discuss or engage in a homosexual relationship while in the Army. And then there was the obstacle of the Army's Fraternization Policy.

Basically, if Mike was of a higher pay grade than me the Army policy might stand in our way of an ongoing relationship. The only thing I knew for sure was that I was a horny GI and when the stranger turned his head smiling at me with that radiant smile of his I kind of melted. The second thing about him that caught my attention was the stranger's alluring green eyes. I had never seen eyes so green, so seductive before. The way he was smiling I thought for sure that maybe our paths might have crossed days or weeks earlier; maybe the, book store, gas station, coffee shop, I couldn't remember, maybe some place on post.

The stranger with the stunning green eyes turned his head back towards the cashier as she counted back his change. He stuffed the folded bills and coins into the front pocket of his skin tight blue jeans before he picked up the white plastic bag of groceries and walked out of the market. I lived on post, and had simply stopped by the convenience store after class that afternoon to get a couple gallons of gas for my bike and pickup a pack of gum on my way back to my quarters.

I paid the checker and walked through the exit door of the convenience store towards my motorcycle parked at the service island. I looked around for the stranger who had been ahead of me in the check out line as I put the gas in my bike, but the stranger had vanished after walking out of the market.

After securing the gas cap on my bike I started it, pulling on my helmet and gloves, before riding off towards my quarters. As I rode towards the building where I lived on-post I couldn't get the mental image of the ravishing stranger out of my head. Who was he, where did he live, what did he do and where had I seen him before? My head was whirring with unanswered questions, questions that needed to be answered for me. On second thought why bother thinking about any of that bullshit information floating around in my anyway. In all probabilities I was never going to see the stranger again. I tried to dismiss the thoughts to concentrate on my riding. The answer to why was that I was horny and I thought I'd sure like to fuck the stranger. I turned into the parking area where I parked, locked and covered my motorcycle for the night before walking towards the building where my quarters was located.

I turned in and tried to get some sleep, but there was no way I could get the stranger's face out of my head. His image was haunting me. I needed to jack off and go take a shower before I was going to get any sleep. The next morning I awoke with a raging hard-on. I'd probably been dreaming about the stranger at the convenience store. I got up and pissed off my morning wood; showered, shaved, got dressed in my uniform before heading to the mess hall for breakfast. After breakfast I had a class over at the hospital.

I finished breakfast, got on my bike and rode over to the hospital where I parked and locked it before I began walking towards the area of the hospital where I was to report for class. I was at least forty-five minutes early. As I rounded the corner of the hospital building there was the stranger again. This time he was in uniform standing on the concrete landing leaning against the steel railing, talking to a couple of other soldiers. The stranger was in uniform, wearing Sergeant Stripes. Big problem I thought to myself as I began walking up the steps. As I reached the landing the two other soldiers walked inside the building I took a chance and said, "Hello Sergeant. Remember me?"

"Hey," The Sergeant replied back smiling, "Should I, Specialist?"

"You were in line just ahead of me in the check out line at the convenience store last night. You bought some groceries and I bought some gas and a pack of gum."

"Oh yeah, now I remember, Juicy Fruit," The Sergeant replied.

"That's right."

"We weren't in uniform, so I didn't recognize you right away," The Sergeant with the alluring green eyes and brilliant smile said. "So, what are you doing here at the hospital today, Specialist?" The Sergeant asked as we stood on the landing talking.

"Got an advance medical class here until noon today," I replied.

"How long you been at Fort Sam, Specialist?"

"I finished my 68 Whiskey course in May. Now, I'm on my second cycle, doing an advance medical MOS course and enrolled at Baylor."

"I'm goin to Baylor also. Maybe we should get together for lunch at noon, so we can exchange notes and see what we're studying," The Sergeant said.

"Cool. I pretty much stay to myself and study when not going to classes. I'm not a village rat like a lot of the guys that run around at night cruisin for pussy."

"So, the Specialist isn't into pussy?"

"No, it's not that. I just have better things to do with my time and don't have the coin to pursue quality pussy."

"Ah, so the Specialist a quality pussy chaser," The Sergeant said chuckling at my remark, "Then it's a date for lunch. Let's meet out here and walk over to the mess hall. We can check things out and compare notes on classes we're takin."

The only comparing I wanted to do was compare cocks. "See ya later Sergeant," I said as I headed off for my class.

Chapter 23: Initial Flirting

I met Sergeant Alvarez for lunch as planned. We ordered a light meal and began chatting each other up as we ate, mostly Army and Baylor stuff. I was surprised how easy Sergeant Alvarez was to talk with, being he was permanent party NCO and I was a Specialist in training. I discovered over lunch that Sergeant Alvarez lived off post and was an instructor at Fort Sam. He told me if I wasn't doing anything over the weekend to drop by his apartment for a visit on Saturday where we could talk more about Fort Sam and college. He gave me his phone number, telling me to call first and he'd give me directions. Once we finished our lunch we said our goodbyes and went our separate way.

The rest of the day was occupied with classes as was the next, something for which I was grateful. I had duty Thursday night and attended class the next day, instead of taking comp time, to fully occupy my time. As of Friday afternoon I was off for the full weekend with no weekend duty. I turned in after taking in a movie at the post theater; however, sleep didn't come easy that night. I couldn't get to sleep thinking about the upcoming meeting with Sergeant Alvarez the next day.

After breakfast on Saturday morning I decided give Sergeant Alvarez a call. He said for me to come on over and spend a few hours. I rode my Yamaha Virago over for a visit Sergeant Alvarez with a hard-on the whole trip over. I was proud of my bike: a 1989 year model with less than fifteen thousand miles on it. I had no problems finding his apartment complex. I parked my bike securing it to a large steel post before walking to the apartment building.

Once inside the building I found the elevator. Hit the call button, the doors opened, I stepped inside and pressed the button marked three. In a matter of seconds the lift stopped on the third floor and I got out. As I stepped out of the elevator there were those signs pointing up and down the hallway listing room numbers and directions. I was looking for room 309, so I made a right turn and walked down the hallway to apartment 309. I found the door marked 309 and knocked. Sergeant Alvarez answered inviting me inside.

His apartment was immaculate. It was beautifully decorated compared to the drab ass quarters I lived in on base. The furniture was simple yet tasteful and the artwork hung just so on the walls. There appeared to be no television visible, but there was a nice organ and sound system along one wall.

"Nice place Sergeant."

"Thanks," Sergeant Alvarez said reaching out to shake hands he introduced himself and I reciprocated. "Now we're no longer strangers who pass each other at the check-out isle at the market," Sergeant Alvarez said smiling at me, "Just call me Mike when were off duty and off post. Oh by the way, one request, would you please take off your boots and hang your jacket in the closet."

"Sure," I said, "Just call me Don."

"I just don't want my white carpet soiled, that's why the no shoes rule past the entryway," Mike said.

As I removed my boots and the black leather jacket I'd had been wearing for the ride over I continued appraising the interior of the apartment. I hung my jacket in the entryway closet, fully exposing my black designer Biketoberfest T-shirt, black jeans, and socks I was wearing. I bought the shirt at a used clothing store locally. I thought I caught Mike covertly checking out my junk as I was surreptitiously sizing him up.

I was guessing Mike to be about twenty-one or two, five foot ten and weighing in at approximately one hundred forty maybe hundred fifty pounds. As we shook hands I couldn't help but notice what soft beautiful hands Mike had. His fingers were long and slender with all the nails on each finger perfectly manicured, very sensuous looking hands and fingers.

Fingers that surely could make me squirm under their touch. Mike's skimpy T-shirt rode high exposing the lower portion of his midriff. I guessed his waist size at twenty-eight inches no more than thirty. His stomach was flat and toned; no six packs or body fat. His belly button was an innie with a soft looking dark treasure trail that disappeared beneath the cover of Mike's waistline. Oh My God! My eyes widened gazing at the crotch of his tight jeans, concealing the outline of a nice looking package.

My eyes quickly retreat back to eye level to find Mike smiling that beautiful smile at me with a perfect set of pearly white teeth: a smile that was enhanced by his stunning green eyes. Mike wasn't the macho handsome type, but more of a softer attractive young man. A young man if given the opportunity I would seduce in a minute.

Mike invited me to be seated at the kitchen table where I could look out upon the center piece of the complex, the recreational area. He grabbed a longneck bottle of beer from the fridge, twisting the cap off the beer he handed it to me and then he began pouring a glass of wine for himself. We sat talking about our lives, families, goals in life for more than an hour. All the normal stuff people talk about getting to know each other.

I discovered that Mike's family for the most part was old line Texans with a little Cajun and South American blood sprinkled in. "My great-great-grandmother emigrated from Ireland to America. She married an Italian in New York. He died and she eventually settled in Louisiana where she married a Cajun. Another grandmother was from Brazil, but everyone else was born in the United States," Mike explained.

"So, your Irish roots might explain your green eyes and your Mexican and Brazilian heritage would explain your rich olive skin and dark hair," I said.

"Yeah, there are a few who have green eyes in the family, but my brother has a fairer complexion, blondish hair and hazel eyes," Mike said, "Maybe he belongs to the milkman."

"I think your green eyes are the most extraordinary thing about you," I blurted out. I felt like a fool making such comment, but it was out on the table.

"Thanks." Mike said blushing, "Would you care for another beer or would you prefer wine?"

"Oh yeah, here I am drinking beer and I thought that you invited me to come over for a glass of wine with you," I said.

"I guess you didn't look like a wine person to me when I offered the beer," Mike said.

"Why is that if I may ask?"

"You are so ruggedly handsome, ride a motorcycle, you know, I guess you project the manly blue-collar beer drinking type. I just assumed that you would prefer beer over wine."

"I'm not picky. Hell, I'll drink anything with alcohol, whatever you're having," I said with a chuckle.

Was Mike flirting with me or was that just his southern nature? I sure wanted to know more about Mike and what he was up to as far as the invitation to his apartment that Saturday morning.

Mike jogged me back to reality when he said, "I have an open bottle of room temp wine or a couple more chilled bottles of beer in the fridge, your choice. I'm going to have a glass of wine. Here have a sip."

"Thanks," I said as I took a sip of Mike's wine. I guess I made a face that expressed I wasn't taken with the wine and said, "I'd prefer the beer."

Mike, smiling began pouring some more wine into his stemmed wine glass and then unscrewed the cap on the bottle of beer. He handed me the bottle and a glass. He suggested we adjourn to the living room whereby Mike took a seat on the earth tone couch. I sat down across from him on the matching loveseat with the cold beer bottle in hand. I noticed that Mike drew his feet up beneath his buttocks similar to the way a girl or some gay men might sit. The two of us began engaging in small talk about this and that all the while my mind was whirring in overdrive trying to figure out who and what the guy sitting across from me was all about.

Again, I felt Mike's stunning green eyes berning into me as if he were flirting with me as the two of us began exchanging small talk. From the conversation and what I had learned earlier Mike lived by himself. He had no live-in girlfriend or significant other.

"So, now that I've told you some things about me what about you, Don?" Mike asked, "by the way do you want another beer?"

Yeah, that'd be great."

Mike got up pouring another glass of wine for himself and opening another bottle of beer for me. He handed me the beer and reseated himself on the loveseat again drawing his feet up beneath him.

"So, you ever been married or are you seeing anyone?" Mike asked coyly.

"Nope, no wife or girlfriend," I replied.

"Wow! That sure answers the question succinctly," Mike said, "I figured a handsome guy like you would at least be spoken for by now."

"Not yet. What about you, Mike?"

"Too damn young for a wife. I just go to work on post everyday, come home after work go to school and try to relax, drink a little wine and go to sleep, then get up the next day and repeat the process all over again," Mike said, "hopeful I don't get orders for another deployment.

"Sounds pretty mundane to me, I said.

"I do try to get out and enjoy the arts and culture of the area, anything to fill the void," Mike stated, "What about you. What do you do for recreational leisure and pleasure?"

I ride my motorcycle, play some sports and hit the exercise room," I said.

"Yeah, I generally ride my mountain bike to work and go down to the exercise room early most mornings, and on weekends try to go to my folk's ranch to ride my horse."

"Cool," I replied, "Must be nice to have family so close."

"Yeah, it's only a two and half hours drive, so I try to get down a couple times a month."

"Where bouts do your family live?"

"South of here around the Corpus Christi area. The ranch has been in the family for well over one hundred and fifty years."

"My family lives up north around the Illinois area. Some of them have farms," I said, "In fact, I spent my last Christmas with my aunt and uncle and cousins."

"I also dabble in acting, dancing and music. I'm also part of the local theater group when I have the time. I like to dance and have a good time and enjoy life. You know, life should be enjoyed; it's much too short," Mike said with a big smile, "I discovered that on my last deployment."

I could tell that Mike was a disciplined person who appeared to be fit and trim and enjoyed all of life's gifts. Although Mike didn't appear to be a body builder or gym rat type he was a person with a trim body and no body fat.

"Do you ride horses?" Mike asked.

"I've ridden up on the farm in Illinois."

"You'll have to go with me to my family's ranch some weekend and ride."

"I'd like that," I said, "Hey, it's gettin late I gotta go. I don't want to dominate all your time. It's been great visiting, Mike."

"Yeah, I got to study for a test. You gonna be okay to ride back to Fort Sam, Don?"


"Here's my Army business card with my private cell phone number and private e-mail address on the back," He said handing me the card and giving me a hug, "Thanks for coming by, Don. Give me a call or e-mail me if ya need anything."

After the two of us shook hands, hugged, and exchanged good-byes. I rode back to my quarters with a bodacious boner. Once there I began to prepare for dinner at the mess hall. Before I turned in for the night I sent Mike an e-mail message thanking him for the invitation to visit and his hospitality.

Note To My Readers

[Hello to all my faithful readers. As fall sets in I'm back to work writing as time permits after an eventful summer at home. A vacation filled with everything from illness to great pleasures of sex and recreation time. I appreciate all the e-mails I've received requesting that certain stories not be abandon and to continue writing; thus, I want to thank all my faithful readers for sticking by me as well as Nifty for posting my work online.

I still need some feedback, letting me know what you, the readers, think of the story Christmas Cocks and the direction it's going as well as my other ongoing stories posted on Nifty under alter egos. I've received many responses to the story CC both positive and negative; everything from there is far too much sex in the story. There have been other negative comments about racial and interracial characters I've introduced into stories as well as certain sexual acts.

We live in a country of diversity. Although there may be some truths and certain facts sprinkled throughout my stories, remember these are fictional stories and fictional characters. Yes, I do draw from my personal experiences in life when I write. We each have our personal preferences regarding the issues of types of sexual acts in which we engage or like to read about and people who share our lives. I try not to offend; however, if I offend a reader with my personal preferences then may I suggest that the reader not read any further.

Other negative responses I've received relate to circumcision and penis size. Throughout my life I've preferred male partners who are average size as well as circumcised lovers; however, I am open to and have engaged in sexual activity with uncut guys. I've enjoyed a couple of beautiful uncut cocks back in the day and I try to work these characters into some of my stories. In the story Christmas Cocks I have just introduced a new partner (Mike) who is Hispanic with a modified circumcision as the new lover for Donny the main character.

I do not write stories about pedophilia, sex with children, parents or siblings. I do write about cousins. I don't write about sex with animals, Bondage, Golden Showers, SCAT, poppers or any other crap that I consider distasteful. Another thing I don't care for and don't write about is characters with disfigured, ugly, bent or twisted dicks. I guess I am pretty much a vanilla author and truly a snob when it comes to my preference for male equipment as well as sexual acts in my stories.

I try to keep the size of my character's penises believable. That is an average size range from five to seven inches in length and five to six inches girth. Yes, a couple of my characters have possessed the illusive eight or nine inch cock with girth's the size of beer cans or baseball bats, but most of my characters are endowed of average size manhood.

As for anal sex I can't speak for others, but I believe two people can enjoy safe anal sex with the right person. I write from the heart about male to male lovemaking. Yes, I served in the military. I draw from that well of military service information to influence my writing, especially the military stories. I enjoy hearing from others who have served.

I've been asked why I go so long between posting new chapters and why I cease writing a particular story. I'm not a professional writer. I have a real job that many times is time consuming; thus, I am beat at the end of the day and have no desire to write. Other days I sit down and enjoy writing, sometimes going for hours. Certain stories have been discontinued for many reasons; mostly due to a complete lack of interest on the part of readership, that is no response or in some cases very negative or even threatening feedback; therefore, as the author I have chosen to cease writing a particular story and start a new one.

Finally, I do not have any part in Nifty's decision making process as to where my stories are positioned. They are submitted to Nifty and the editor positions them under the category they see fit.]

The following are ongoing stories that I have authored under different pen names and posted on Nifty. The top two stories are ones that I try to keep updated on a somewhat regular basis:

Marine Home on Leave by Randall Rumper -- Gay/Military (ongoing); Christmas Cocks by The Rumpranger -- Gay/Military (ongoing); Anal Awakening by Randy Rumper -- Gay/Adult Friends last post 09/11/07 (on hiatus. I lost the file with all the story material on it.); College Brothers by Randy -- Gay/Military last post 20/07/07 (in limbo until I can resurrect the corrupt file); Cock Snob by Dick Lickerish -- Gay/College (ongoing); Bi Cousin's Summer by Dick Licker -- Bi/Incest (ongoing).

The above-cited stories have received favorable feedback and are continuing as time permits. If you read or have read these stories give me some feedback. Remember the only paycheck we as authors who write and post on Nifty get is in the form of responses from you the reader.

Next: Chapter 16: Christmas Cocks 24 25

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