Christmas at Hilltop

Published on Jan 1, 2020


Christmas at Hilltop 3

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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I had worried the party would turn into a gangbang, with me as the sole bottom. That wasn 't a problem. Sex was rare and far between for most of us at the party. Everyone wanted a long lasting and intimate session, not a quick poke followed by an orgasm. Marty told me he hadn 't been with his pals in years, and his only friend back home came by every few months.

"You 're the first new ass I 've poked in years, " he told me.

"Am I okay? " I asked.

"I 'm ready to give you the gold metal in fucking, " Marty said. "I didn 't know an ass could be both tight and welcoming. " He leaned close to me and whispered, "The other guys will love you. I want to cum in you. Do you have a problem with that? " I said no. "The other guys also want to seed you. Is that too much? "

"I don 't know, but I kind of doubt it, " I replied. "Are they into it as much as you? "

"We have only shared a bottom once before. It was great, " he said.

"When was that? " I asked.

"It was with old Coach Robbins the year we won the regional championships. He asked us to his fishing camp for a victory picnic, " Marty said. "It was a hot day and Coach lost his trunks while swimming. Looking back, I 'm nor sure it was accidental. We all went bare and later he asked Johnson if he could give him a souvenir to remember us him by. He wanted Johnson 's load in his ass. We all had a crush on Coach, so Johnson was willing, but he said he didn 't want to leave his pals out of it. "

"Coach said it might be a bit messy, but he was willing. We had all done our best. We were all more than willing. Coach was a demanding and hard man, but his ass was soft and welcoming. I kind of doubt this was his first time, but it was my first time fucking an older man, " Marty explained. "His ass was soft as silk and caressed my cock. I was excited and thought I would shoot off immediately. I fucked him for fifteen minutes before I popped. It was beautiful. He died in a car crash a year later. "

He was a gentle fucker. As Marty finished his story, he shot off. It felt like a firehose let loose in my ass. When he pulled out, Tony was next. His cock was long like Marty 's was, but thicker.

"They called it the ass stretcher, " Tony said. "I hope it fits. "

"Me too, " I replied.

"I 'll take my time. I 'm not in a rush, " he said as his tool pushed at my sphincter. He gave a slightly harder thrust and pushed deeper. "Damn! Marty has lubricated the way. It 's nice and juicy. " Once Tony was in, he was more vigorous than Marty, but he seemed to locate the sensitive places in my ass. I had been taking cocks doggy style. Tony flipped me over on my back. with my legs on his shoulders, my ass was open and defenseless.

"I haven 't fucked a cum filled ass in years, " Tony said. "I forgot how good it is. "

"You have Marty to thank for that, " I said.

"I can 't tell if it 's your ass or Marty 's cum that is turning me on so much. It 's wonderful, " Tony said. Bruce came up behind Tony and tapped him on the shoulder. "Can I cut in? " he asked. "I 'm horny as shit! "

Tony pulled out and Bruce pushed his over sized cock into me in one continuous movement. I don 't think my sphincter had time to close before Bruce 's cock was deep into me.

As each cock entered my ass, each was different and distinctive. The cocks were varied as was the men 's fucking style. Now that I was getting used to the emotional storm of anal sex, I could savor the individuality of each man. Since they were big muscular men, I thought they would be the slam-bang-thankyou-ma 'am types. no matter how big a man may be his genitals are delicate and sensitive. The balls and cock exposed and hanging outside the body. The asshole is tender, the prostate is ultra-sensitive.

"Where did Johnson find you? " Bruce asked. "I must have been looking in the wrong places. Johnson was raised on a farm and we always said he was a hood judge of horse flesh. No one knew he was good at finding fuckable asses. "

"Did Johnson always share his discoveries? "

"Looking back, Johnson tended to share his finds, " Bruce replied. "When I was a Pro, I tended to look for movie star beauties. Johnson liked average Joes who really loved a jock 's cock up their ass. When I got injured and dropped out of the pros, the movie stars went looking for the more recent models and I was left behind. It is lucky that the average Joe 's asses can 't see, so they don 't realize a washed-up pro 's cock is ringing their chimes. "

"As far as I can tell your cock is in tip-top operating condition, " I said.

Bruce laughed. "I 've reached the point that I don 't care if you are telling the truth. " He was thrusting and reached a crescendo. He calmed down and relaxed.

"Are you edging? " I asked.

"I am trying too edge. I don 't know how long I can keep it up, " he said. I tightened my sphincter grabbing his cock. He pulled out a little and then lost it. He then pushed his spurting cock deep into me.

"You did that on purpose! " he whined when he stopped shooting.

"Are you complaining or thanking me? " I asked.

Bruce laughed. His cock was still in me and he gave a few additional thrusts. He leaned over, pushing his cock deeper. "You seem like a nice guy, but your ass is a total slut, " he whispered. "Do you like it when a complete stranger is giving your ass a sperm bath? "

"I don 't mind it when nature takes it course, " I said. He began slowly pumping his cock. I could feel his cockhead massaging my ass again.

"If I told you I can shoot off three or four times in a session, would you be shocked? " Bruce asked.

"Probably not. It sounds more like an opportunity to me, " I replied. "Sometimes a hard cock is better than true love. "

Our fun was interrupted by Johnson, "I think it 's time for same refreshment. Let 's take some time to catch our breath. By the way, I have a collection of little blue pills if any of you might like a boost. If you are taking something avoid them. Coach Gregory knows all the meds that don 't mix, so talk to him if you have questions. "

Johnson open the doors on a cabinet and revealed drinks and got trays of sandwiches out of a refrigerator. The drinks were all non-alcoholic, and the food was good, imaginative and interesting. Most of the men were big guys and food was always good. I suspected that someone in the group had a drinking problem. Johnson seemed to think of everything.

I chatted with the men who were amiable and used to meeting new people. Johnson asked if any of us were new to man sex.

"I first played with a guy at summer football camp thirty years ago. Dad sent me there because he wanted me to be a star player. " Tony said. "I never made it to the big time, but I met an associate coach in the showers. He liked what he saw, and I really like what was dangling between his legs. "

"How did you get away from the group? " Johnson asked. "Those football camps were run like prison camp. "

"I had sprained my ankle, and Bobby had been called away for a family emergency. The bus with the rest of the guys broke down and they couldn 't get back until noon the next day, " Tony explained. "Bobby returned and we connected. He was in college, but he was shy and timid sexually. "

"Just like you! " Bruce said. The men laughed. Apparently, Tony was shyness challenged.

"Bobby played with my cock and balls. I sucked him. It was his first time, but it seemed like cock sucking teaches itself. I had heard about fucking, and Bobby was willing, " Tony continued. "We were lucky, my cock and his ass were made for each other. It was perfect. Bobby would have had my children it was so good. I fucked him three or four times before the rest of the guys came back. My next fuck was Dirty Delbert, the camp slut. I think you all had a poke at him. "

"Delbert made up for his bad looks by taking any guy who was interested, " Bruce said. "My first adventure was with our music teacher 's brother. Mr. Tingle was strait as an arrow, but his brother, Julian, was into man play big time. "

"How did you meet him? " Johnson asked.

"I was at a movie and I ran into him in the men 's room. He was really interested. After the movie he was looking for me and he said he was at nearby motel. It turned out he was Mr. Tingle 's bad boy brother, Tim. Naming your kid Tim Tingle was a curse. It turned out he was a guest artist at the college and openly gay. Back then. that was way bad. He sucked me and then I sucked him. He sucked me a second time and took my load. I loved that but was too uptight to take his. "

"I had a game that weekend and my folks were out of town. Tim had mentioned fucking, so I visited him after the game. We got naked and he did a beautiful sketch of me. I fucked him and paid for the sketch with a rear delivery of cum. He went home to New York, but it was good for me. "

"I know you guys wouldn 't guess it, but I come from a long line of trailer trash, " Todd said. "Dad was in jail and I was finishing high school when Mom got six months for picking pockets. That was just before the trailer was repossessed. I was working after school and on weekends for a garage. One of the guys there, Buster, took me in. Buster was a real piece of work, but he wasn 't violent, and he had a heart of off- brand gold. "

"He was gay as a goose as were his pals. He was strictly hands-off of me. He wanted to do good, but he wasn 't that used to being virtuous, if you get my drift. His pals would come over and frolic, I would watch; it looked like fun, " he explained. "I had one thing they all wanted. "

"Your ass? " Bruce suggested.

"Hell no, I could stay hard, " Todd replied. "They hadn 't had a rock-hard cock up their asses in years. " We all laughed. "I shoot a good load and they loved that. One guys, Willie liked to eat fresh cum from an ass. I would shoot off a big load. He would suck it up from the guys ass and then make out with his pals. They got triple use out of a single orgasm. "

"Where was Buster during all of this? " Mitch asked.

"He was eating it as he kissed Willie, " Todd explained. "In his own way he was a nice guy. That Christmas I fed him directly. He loved it. I got my own place after high school. Every time he made it three or four days sober, he would come over and I would feed him a load. "

Todd hadn 't seemed to be that into bottoming, but I assume Bruce 's cock had considerable appeal. Ralph seemed comfortable in the group. The pills took effect and the lust level in the room began to rise again. Gregory and Tony came over to me.

"Will are you feeling overused? " Tony asked.

"It 's been more than I am used to, but that seems to be fine, " I said. "I hope you don 't think I 'm a slut. "

"Shit, I was hoping you were a slut! " Tony said. We laughed.

"Does it seem that when a guy opens his ass for your cock, he might be a slut, but a man who shoves his cock into you and then drains his balls deep in your ass is just a guy being a guy? " Gregory asked.

"I tend to be a johnny-one-note sexually, " Tony said. "I don 't know if that 's because I had no imagination or because I lack the opportunity. " Todd was listening to our conversation.

"You guys may not have noticed, but you have the opportunity here to spread your wings, " Todd said.

"You like the bottom? " Tony asked.

"Let 's just say I like it on a cock by cock basis, " Todd replied. "I don 't was to sound desperate, but your cocks all look good to me. Marty just fucked me and shot off in me. I wasn 't too sure about that, but when I felt him squirting in my ass I went to the moon! "

The afternoon turned into a mellow orgy. There was a lot of sex both oral and anal. Everyone had a chance to do what they liked and to experiment some. It was low stress but high pleasure. While the orgasms were good, the paths we took to reach the orgasms were good too. My ass was well used. I thought my ass was getting less tight as more cocks entered me, but no one else mentioned that.

The first cocks stretched my ass. They didn 't hurt, but they were on the edge, after a few loads of man seed all was well. My ass was slippery, and cocks entered freely. Once they shoved his cock into my hard to reach places, we all got friendly. I thought that was due to my sparkly personality, but I came to think it was because they were using their pals ' cum as lubricant.

Guys tend to be reserved, but it was easier to say your pal 's cum felt wonderful, than admit you had feelings for him. My ass became the receptacle for understated sperm love letters shared with their pals. I hadn 't realized that my body could feel affection.

At one point I was 69ing with Ralph as Mitch was fucking me. Ralph was a handsome and his cock struck me as beautiful. His increasing flow of precum assure me he was enjoying me. I knew he was watching Mitch 's tool slide in my ass. I couldn 't tell if he was excited by my cock, Mitch 's tool or my reaction to him sucking my cock. I should have laughed since it didn 't make any difference, but I did have a cock in my mouth making laughter impossible.

Johnson came over and poked his drooling cock into Ralph 's ass. Ralph pumped an extra gob of precum into my mouth, and a still bigger one when Johnson 's knob pushed pass his sphincter. It was the sexual equivalent of surround sound and 3d video except it was real.

I was surprised at Johnston 's reaction. He and Ralph got along well. Ralph was basically uptight, but he managed to relax with Johnson as he brought out Ralph 's inner bottom. They were macho jocks and I suspected Ralph felt at ease with them. I am not sure that having your ass explored by a jock is less gay than taking a florist 's cock, but if it works for you, who cares.

When Mitch shot off and pulled out, Todd was waiting to lick my puckered ass. Johnson pulled out of Ralph and went to Mitch. Mitch 's cock was still dribbling from his orgasm and was covered in the sperm from the previous men who deposited cum in my ass. Johnson dropped to his knees and began suckling Mitch 's cock.

Johnson clearly liked what he was doing as did Mitch. Mitch had just ejaculated his balls ' content into me, and his cock was beginning to droop. Orgasms take a lot out of a guy, but Johnson 's mouth and tongue seemed to reinvigorate the tender organ. Johnson obviously wanted every drop of the sperm soup coating Mitch 's ass.

Todd came over and licked my ass while it was drooling sperm. I wondered if wrestler and football player cum was for Todd the High-Test of Man Seed. Todd usually looked like something the cat dragged even after he showered and cleaned up. I had noticed his cock head was delicate and responsive when I sucked him. His tongue treated my well used asshole as a delicate flower as the cum of five men drooled from it. It was tender and loving. The contrast between that and the oversize cocks pounding my ass was lovely.

When Todd finished with my ass, Ralph slipped his cock into me and Todd fed me his cock. The game of musical cocks and asses continued. Ralph was gentle as first, but as lust rose, he began more vigorous. I was tasting the dribble from Todd cock, and noted it increased as he became more excited. Ralph and Todd reached the point of no return simultaneously, so sperm flooded my ass and mouth at the same time. This inspired my cock and I shot off. Johnson was watching us, and he bent over and took my cum.

Whatever you say about fucking, delicate is not the right word. Even the best intentions tend to vanish as the drive to an orgasm gains speed. Everyone was good. I also had to admit that I had moved past the virgin, to the novice stages of gay sex. I also admitted to myself that while my ass wasn 't callused yet, I was becoming more experienced by the hour.

The part was a new experience for Johnson 's friends. As middle-aged men, their glory days as studs were behind them. I had greatly underestimated the possible combinations of cock, ass and mouth possible with eight men. I think I was the most versatile and accommodating in the group, but Johnson, Todd and Tony were adaptable too.

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