Christmas at Hilltop

Published on Dec 28, 2019


Christmas at Hilltop 2

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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The plows got to Hilltop at 8:00 AM so we were all able to get home. When I got home, all was well in my house, but the rest of the block was dark. I live in an old house I inherited from my Grandfather. It had been the first house in the street and had a separate electric line. It survived the ice while the rest of the street lost power.

My neighbors had small children, so I asked them over. Three families came, two had children. They came with their presents and Christmas dinner. Everyone did what they could to make things cheerful and festive. The television said it would be late in the day until electrical was restored, so one group worked on breakfast and another worked on Christmas dinner.

My house isn 't child proof, but the kids were so excited with their new toys, they didn 't look at the house or the knickknacks. The food was good and the I got to know my neighbors much better. I had six bedrooms, so there were places for the kids to nap.

The lights returned at 7:30 that night so everyone went home. All the dishes were washed and dried before they left. I later noticed that my walks and drive were cleared of snow the next morning.

Boxing day was quiet, and I expected a day of rest. Just before lunch Gus and Tommy came by with the leftovers from the party. It had been prepared earlier but had stayed in the freezer during the storm.

"Did you have a good time at the Christmas Eve party? " Gus asked.

I told him it had been unexpectedly great. "I wouldn 't have expected that wild and crazy sex with men I had never met or didn 't know well would be that good, " I added.

"I though just fucking and sucking without emotional attachment would be tacky. It was wonderful. It may have been meaningless sex, but I liked it, " Gus said. "It was wild and free. "

"I thought Tommy was opposed to free things? " I joked.

Gus laughed. "He told me he was opposed to giving away things, but he didn 't mind if they were heavily discounted. " We both laughed. "Tommy figured that a load of sperm made up for the low cost, " Gus said.

"Man 's ability to justify his own sexual quirks can be astounding, " I said.

"I was talking with several of the men and they want to do it again, " Tommy added. "Would you be interested? "

I said I would be interested. "When would they[BW1] like to do it? " I asked.

"Johnson and Duddy said today or earlier, " Tommy replied. "They really liked it. "

It turned out that Duddy lived a few blocks away, and Johnson ,Todd, John and Max and Ralph had breakfast there. Gus made a few phone calls and the guys said they could be over in an hour. Gus set about preparing the food and I talked with Tommy. I didn 't exactly say yes, but thee knew me well.

"I don 't think I had ever taken a cock up the ass just for fun before. " Tommy said. "I took it to please Gus, and it was good. I thought having a stranger fucking me would be vulgar or degrading. I loved it. "

"There is nothing wrong with plain old fun, " I said. "Let your hair down and enjoy it. "

Tommy smiled. "There 's a big difference between getting a new hair doo and taking a cock in your behind, " he said. "I have always been uneasy with one-night stands or quickies at a rest stop. They seemed so superficial. I had a few when I was younger, but I had real sex when I met Gus. Gus was experienced and skilled. I had never been with a man who knew what he was doing before. "

"Our night before Christmas was a revelation to me. I had known most of the men by sight, and through business, but not personally. I may have seen Johnson before, but that was all. It didn 't seem possible that a man I didn 't know would work his cock into my ass and stay there until he shot off, " he continued. "Strangely, I could tell he enjoyed himself. More strangely I loved it. He had a large knob, and I could feel it exploring my ass. It was wonderful. "

"When Gus is in me, I want to please him and am afraid I might do something wrong, " he continued "Since I didn 't know Johnson, I wasn 't worried. It was pure, unadulterated pleasure for him and for me. When he shot off, I felt as if I had won the Olympics medal for sperm. He told me I had a great ass and was wonderfully responsive. "

"I didn 't know it, but Gus had been watching. When Johnson pulled out, Gus said that he loved a sperm filled hole, and shoved his cock in me.

"Damn, it feels like your ass is shrink wrapped to my cock! " Gus exclaimed. "Are you okay taking a second load? "

Tommy said yes. "I felt close to his cock. It belonged to me. He shot off and I felt empty. " An hour later Rufus fucked me. "It was as good as with Johnson, and again Gus joined us. He pushed Rufus 's cum deeper into me and added his own. It was lovely. "

"When we were alone after you all went home Gus and I talked, " Tommy said. "I was afraid he would be mad at me taking other guys cocks. He said it was good for him. Gus said we have been together for years. Gus thinks that sex is a bit like spices. Spices zip up the taste of a dish, but the nutritional value in the meat and potatoes. He enjoyed it; I enjoyed it. All was well. "

"I didn 't know Gus was that openminded, " I remarked.

Tommy laughed and said, "I think it was a combination of open-minded and horny as hell! "

"You are okay with that " I asked.

"I am more than okay with it, " he replied. "I found out some things about myself that were unexpected and intensely pleasurable. "

The doorbell rang. It was Johnson and a man I didn 't know, Martin. He was an older man who Johnson introduced as the best bottom in town.

"Johnson has a knack for elevating the conversation to a higher level, " Martin said. "I assure you am falsely accused. I am not the best bottom in town. I am the best bottom in the state! "

The doorbell rang again. It was Duddy, Todd, John, Max and Ralph. "The gangs all here, " Johnson said, "Let 's go somewhere not as public, get naked and go at it. " We went to my bedroom. I had changed the adjacent bedroom into an exercise area and an oversized bath with a whirlpool.

As we stripped. Johnson told us his cock, ass and mouth were available for uses. "I 'm full service, but I love to fuck. I love my bare cock in a tight ass. I like your balls ' special sauce. I like the taste and I like it as lube. Are any of you uneasy about that? "

"I 've never done anything like this before, but I 'm excited and willing, " John said.

"Just take your time, " Max remarked.

"It isn 't a ladies Bridge Club or a Sunday School Picnic, " Johnson remarked.

"I think we all know that, " I said. Todd was sucking my cock by then and the conversation ended as mouths enveloped cocks.

We had been together two days earlier, but the Christmas Eve had been unplanned. This was a fuck party. We were going to fuck each other. I was not that experienced, but I knew Johnson, Gus and probably some of the others were experienced and they had plans for me and my asshole. I told myself it might be interesting, but I knew it was something else. I didn 't know if I would just become more experienced, be ravaged or become a plain old slut.

I was surprised that I couldn 't decide which alternative was preferable. Being more experienced was nice, but I wondered if being a slut would be more desirable. I didn 't thought that since I was over fifty, it was unlikely that I could play a virgin ravaged by a crude barbarians.

Todd, the auto mechanic was the closest to be a barbarian in the group. He wasn 't educated or cultured, and he wasn 't even the sort of man I would defend in a court action. My clients were wealthy businessmen.

I soon discovered that your status in life is unrelated to sex. An auto mechanic can have a sensitive cock and may have a delicate approach to fucking and sucking. Todd was uncut and his cock head was sensitive to every movement of my tongue. He soon loved rubbing it against the lining of my ass, and he enjoyed gently poking his cock head against my prostate.

If cocks reflected the profession of their owners, John, the librarian should have been a boxer. He was a crude ass pounder. That could have been unpleasant, but the cock is the ultimate blunt instrument. Every contour is rounded; there are no hard edges. His cock was self-lubricating. While we say it rock hard, it isn 't granite like. It can 't stay consistently hard. No one has ever been killed by being beaten by a hard cock.

I assumed it would be a wild romp. The intention was to be all fun, but mother nature had other plans. There is nothing more intimate than having a guy 's penis in your ass, probing and exploring. I found myself hoping it would go deeper and find something new. I also discovered that your ass and prostate react differently to multiple penetrations by multiple cocks.

I had thought that all assholes were essentially the same. Todd 's ass was relaxed and seemed to take each cock in stride. Max 's ass was tight, and he fought penetration. I was the third or fourth man to fuck him and had been told the fight turned him on. He had an orgasm as my cock forced its way past his sphincter.

Johnson was mostly a top. He bottomed only to be polite. He was pounding me and had spread his legs when Ralph poked his cock into Johnson 's behind. Johnson was unaware that his ass opened when he was fucking another man. Ralph went deep into Johnson as he went deep into me. Johnson discovered his inner bottom. I think he would have been shocked if he could think straight.

Ralph found every untouched, hot button in Johnson 's ass and turned them on. I later found out that there was a consensus that I had the best and most receptive ass and that Ralph had a cock designed for fucking. I could feel Johnson shooting off in my ass as Ralph cried out that he was shooting.

Ralph and Johnson were near 10 out of 10 on the masculinity scale. Johnson discovered that you feel more masculine when a hot stud is using your prostate as a punching bag for his bloated cock.

I connected with Duddy, John and Max next. Thye weren 't as attractive and Johnston and Ralph, and I expected them to be a bit of a letdown. John was reserved, but Duddy and Max didn 't seem to have a shy bone in their bodies. Excited, interested and willing are good traits for sexual partners.

I knew that cocks didn 't need to be big. They just needed to be big enough. Duddy has a thin, six incher with a big knob and a downward bend. That bend rubbed my prostate. His cock head provided a cushion for his ridged shaft. He went in doggy style and rammed my prostate with every thrust.

Max was small and slight. I was on my hands and knees, so he slipped under so he could suck me as I sucked him. I think he wanted to watch Duddy 's cock fuck me up-close-and-personal. Max had big balls and his cock served enough precum to keep me happy, very happy.

I was a little worried that Johnson 's cum was dripping from my ass as Duddy fucked me. That was a problem, but not for Max. Max discovered he liked second had sperm. He loved the creamy stuff Johnson had deposited it in my ass, and he was able to lick it up as Duddy 's cock fucked it out me.

Max lost control and fed me his load, but he did not lose his erection. Duddy shot off, pulled out and Gus took his place. Gus was a slow and almost stately fucker. He seemed to savor the sperm soup in my ass.

"I love a slow fuck. It 's warm, tight and juicy in you. Do you mind if I take my time? " he asked. I said that was fine with me. He laughed pushing his cock deeper into me. Gus didn 't thrust or pound, he massaged my rectum. He was a big man and no part of my ass was neglected.

Max shot off a second time, and this time he got soft. Gus put his arms around me and lifted my torso. Max got up and left. Tommy came over and sucked my cock as his partner, Gus, fucked my ass.

"Eventually, I 'm going to cum in Will 's ass, " Gus said. "Is that a problem for you Tommy? "

"Nope, it 's fine with me, Tommy replied. "I wouldn 't mind fucking him after you 're done. That is, if Will is willing. "

"I think I would like that, " I said. Gus soon shot off and Tommy took his place. Tommy was in no hurry, so we had a pleasant interlude. When he finally shot off, we had all been at it for two hours and were getting tired. We decided to call it a day.

I had a nice quiet dinner alone, watched a little television and went to bed. I slept well. The next few days were busy. one of my older clients called me about some forms he had forgotten to mail. That was not 100% true. He had forgotten to mail them after he forgot to full them in. We had to collect a lot of financial information, get it in order and file it in before New Year 's Eve or face a major penalty. My accountant and I did it and made the deadline. I went to a friend 's New Year 's Eve party but went home before midnight.

That night I dreamed about my Christmas Eve adventures. I was involved in a lawsuit about a sex party in which one party claimed he became engaged to a stranger who had fucked him. The stranger claimed his was a no-fault sex party, and that any and all exchange of sperm was free and unencumbered. I had a sexual interlude with the Judge who ruled that any cock below six and a half inches was recreational. Meaningful commitments required bigger cocks.

The judge said he was had a cock meter in his ass, and he would be glad to measure the defendant and the plaintiff to make a judgement. We were all striping when my morning alarm rang.

I had spent three days without thinking of my recent escapades. I had never been involved in no-fault sex before, and I was much better than I expected. During the parties my ass and cock had clearly enjoyed the experience. Five days later my mind caught up with my cock 's reaction. I also realized I had been a lawyer too long when I had invented the court case about gay orgies and sperm.

The phone rang. It was Johnson. He wished me a happy New Year and then he asked me to party. "This is an odd situation. I will tell you about it but if you are offended please forget I said anything. I have some old friends coming over his afternoon. We were close years ago. They want to party. Let 's just say their ideas about a party are a bit wild and they are open minded men. "

"There is a quirk. They are a lot of fun, but they tend to prefer the top, " he added.

"You are looking for a bottom? " I asked.

"I was hoping that my needs and your preferences would match up, " he said. "They are old friends and a lot of fun. As I recall, fun is an understatement. " We chatted a while and I agreed to stop in at the party. If I felt uneasy, I would make my excuses.

I told myself I was just being polite. I thought about calling Johnson and saying I couldn 't make it. A little later reality struck. I was interested; meaningless, no strings attached sex had some appeal to me.

I knocked on Johnson 's door at two in the afternoon. He lived in an impressive, restored farmhouse on the edge of the town. Much of the property was wooded, but there were barns behind the house and part of the property was an active farm. It was clear that Johnson had done well.

Johnson greeted me and introduced me to his friends. Johnson had not mentioned that two of his old pals, Tony and Bruce, had been High School football players, one of whom had played professionally, another, Marty had been an Olympic wrestler. The fourth man, Gregory was a college coach.

I am six feet tall and 180 pounds, but I felt like a dwarf next to them. They pleasant and cordial. A little later Ralph and Todd joined the group.

"Well, the gang 's all here, " Johnson announced. "Let 's adjourn to the rec room and see if we can have some fun. While some of you don 't know all the guys here, I can assure you all that all of us are with the program, and no one is shy about some serious man play. "

We went to a room on the side of the house which was furnished as an exercise-rec room. Through an open door I could see a bathroom with showers. Johnson, Tony and Gregory were already naked. We were all naked two minutes later.

I 'm not in bad shape, but his pals were impressive. I felt slightly uneasy, but my cock came to the rescue. It 's on the high side of average, and no one was looking for an exercise partner.

Gregory came over to me. "We are all pretty reserved in public, " he said, "Johnson said you are with the program and there is no need for us to hold back. Is that right? "

"For years I was looking for Mr. Right, but when I met Johnson at a recent party, I discovered that Mr., Right Now, is a lot of fun too, " I said. "To tell you the truth, everyone here is a near perfect candidate for Mr. Right now. "

Gregory laughed. "Is the Now in Mr. Right Now, today or is it in a few seconds, " he asked. I looked at his cock which was semi erect. So, I dropped to my knees and sucked it. He was uncut, and I tasted precum as soon as the foreskin retracted. Gregory was ready.

"Shit, I have died and gone to fucking heaven, " Gregory said in response. It seemed as if Gregory and I shot the starting signal. All the men we soon fondling or sucking.

After a short while, I stood up. "Are you the guy Johnson said was a bottom? " he whispered. I nodded. "Can I be the first? " he asked. I nodded again.

Gregory was a skilled top. I knew exactly what he wanted, but he was not in a rush to get here. He seemed like a connoisseur. He savored each inch of my ass as he pushed deeper. He spent a while massaging my sphincter, and then made a hard thrust to open it. His cock head caressed my prostate, and then pushed deeper. There is little romance in shoving a cock deep into a gas ass and then thrusting until you shoot off. It felt as if Gregory was taking a trip through a beautiful land, and he was enjoying the scenery.

Marty was wrestling with Todd. Johnson was playing referee. From the look on Todd 's face, naked wrestling with a professional was a dream come true for him. I didn 't think Todd was much of a bottom, but somehow, I guessed Marty 's cock would fit in Todd 's ass as would anything Marty 's cock ejaculated.

Ralph was sucking Tony while Bruce sucked him. Bruce 's finger was straying toward Ralph 's ass. it was clear that Ralph would be a good sport.

Next: Chapter 3

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