Christmas at Hilltop

Published on Dec 15, 2019


Christmas Eve at Hilltop Place

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Hilltop Place is the best restaurant in town. It was a big house built on a mountain top in the 1920s, becoming a restaurant in the 1970. Under new management it became of great restaurant in 2006. Gus Tarkanian was the chef, and Tommy Jones ran the business end of the operation. Tommy was related to half the town, but the food was the selling point. Gus knew how to make ordinary dishes special and he introduced new, more daring dishes that became popular.

At Christmas they had a thank you celebration for old customers on the 23rd. On Christmas Eve they had a dinner for their personal friends. The restaurant was an unofficial refuge for gay men in the area. There was nothing overt. It was a nice place to visit or work if you had nonstandard sexual tastes. Everyone knew about the thank you dinner. No one knew of the private party.

I am Will Barnfeld, their lawyer and a friend. I have a special friend who lives 40 miles to the west and spends the holidays with his elderly parents. I know many of the men who come to the party, socially but not sexually. The party wasn 't wild, but the men 's room was busy. The party began at 7:30 and was over by 10:00.

I knew there was a chance of snow on Christmas day, but the bad weather arrived at 8:30 PM on Christmas Eve. It took the form of an ice storm and turned to snow an hour later. There were 180 accidents on I-81 in fifteen minutes. The State Police recommended against any travel, especially in high elevations. We were trapped in the restaurant. We lost electricity, but the restaurant featured a large stone fireplace and stacks of firewood under shelter just outside the restaurant.

"Well guys, I am afraid you are trapped here until the morning, " Gus announced. "The police say the morning might be a bit iffy too. The snow is covering the ice. So, we can 't see it. We have food and drink enough to feed an army. The electricity is out, but we can cook in the fireplace. We have a generator, so the well is working, so it 's no more than inconvenient if you keep off the roads. Try to save your cell phones. Make the calls you need, but the land lines are down. We have no official entertainment. Make yourself as comfortable as you can, we are here for the night. "

"You might jump to conclusions as to what 30 gay men might do when they are stranded in a fully equipped restaurant, " Tommy, Gus 's partner added. "Let 's just say the restaurant will relax our dress code, and if you can 't entertain yourselves with fifteen feet of cumulative cock according to my estimate, you should get out of the Gay Union! " There was general laughter.

I was at a table with John Williams, the town librarian; Todd, an automobile mechanic; Duddy, a music teacher, and Max who sold men 's clothes on Main Street. We slightly knew each other but we weren 't exactly friends.

"I don 't know you men well, but I am willing to know you better, " Duddy said.

"Well, I 'm into guys, " Todd said. "When I say into them, I mean physically into them. "

"You mean into literally? " John asked.

"I never shove my dick where it 's not wanted, but that hasn 't been much of a problem, " Todd said. "Maybe I 'm being too open about this? "

John reached over and cupped my crotch. "I was thinking this might be a long, uncomfortable night, " he said. "It seems it might be fun. "

"Well, I do know a number of suspect versions of Christmas music, " Duddy said and then sang. "I saw daddy fucking Santa Claus underneath the Christmas Tree last night, " in a deep bass voice. "Does anyone here look like Santa? " he asked.

Another deep voice came from the other side of the room. "Bend over and I 'll deliver your presents where the sun doesn 't shine, " he growled. "I can give you a thick creamy present straight from the heart, I mean balls! " the room erupted in laughter.

"If you don 't like the present, I wouldn 't mind licking it up from your ass. " Todd said. "It 's best when served from a tender, well stretched ass. " There was more laughter. The ribald repartee seemed to relax the men in the room. The concern over spending the night at the restaurant dissipated.

The man who looked like Santa, was Johnson Miller. He owned a construction company and sported a bushy, white beard. He was normally bearded but grew it long for Christmas. He played Santa at hospitals and children 's homes. He was tall, brawny but not fat. Tonight, he was wearing a long fur coat open to expose his furry chest and leather halter.

"Was someone asking Santa for a fuck? " he asked.

"It was me, " Duddy said.

"You have a great voice, " Santa said, "Does it get higher with a cock in your ass? "

"I don 't think so, " Duddy said.

"Would you like to do a duet? " Santa asked. "I can fuck you later, if you 're interested in that. "

"A duet would be fine. It 's a bit early for fucking, " Duddy replied.

"How early? " Santa asked.

"Is a month or two too much? " Duddy asked.

Santa burst out laughing. "Let 's sing! " he said. The two men formed an impressive duo. Their voices merged perfectly. They did a combination of regular Christmas music and alternative versions. It alternated between beautiful and rolling on the floor funny. Duddy was wearing a suit with an electrified tie. Santa 's fur coat fell open to expose his leather jack strap in addition to his halter. It was a stunning contrast.

As they sang, you could tell they were increasingly attracted to the other and they turned the event into a sing along. This became quite festive fueled by good attitude and beer. I was dazzled by the number of sexual lyrics substituted for popular Christmas songs.

After a half hour of this, Conway Victor took the stage. He had been a local radio personality known as ConVict. He retired but still did advertisements and Master of Ceremonies gigs at weddings. He was popular, but it was said he lost his job due to his sexual preferences.

"As you all know, I have no talent that matches Santa and Duddy 's singing abilities, but I am good at running beauty pageants. These include beauty pageants, academic quiz 's and once and a while I get a best cow, dog, cat or baby at the county fair gig. They have picked a new man to do that next year, so I am retiring, " he said. The crowd moaned.

"Tonight, I would like to do something I have always wanted to do. I would like to be the master of ceremonies a contest selecting the Best Naked Man of Hilltop Place 2019! We don 't have a cash prize or gifts, but the winner get 's an all expenses paid trip up my ass, " he said. The men burst out laughing. "Now a know some of you like to show off, so this is your opportunity. "

"What do the losers ' get out of it? " a man bellowed.

"I can take any and all cock, including Mr. Congeniality! " ConVict cried. "This may seem odd, but I know one or two of you have visited my ass before. "

"Come on ConVict, I think you could round that off to a dozen, " a man yelled.

"I think of myself as a virgin. My mind his pure, " ConVict replied.

There was more laughter followed by murmured conversation. I didn 't think anyone would rise to the occasion, but I misjudged the audience, or perhaps the effectiveness of the beer.

Santa said, "I 'm fucking game! " He came forward without his fur coat and undoing his leather jockstrap. Todd came forward, as did Oliver, a young man who worked at a florists and Ralph, an oversized barber. I was surprised when Rufus, a park ranger joined the group.

Unlike conventional beauty contests, the men were varied. Santa was big and beefy; Todd was short and stocky; Oliver was small, delicate and hairy; Ralph was six-four and shaped like a brick. Rufus was a body builder and shaved.

"Is Oliver big enough to take your cock? " a man asked ConVict.

"I am big enough, and I can tell you that is water under the bridge! " Oliver said.

"I don 't kiss and tell, " ConVict said. "But I have fucked and given recommendations to friends. "

"You are a humanitarian, " someone murmured.

The fireplace was working well, and the room was getting warm. A few men stripped to get in the mood. John remarked that semi-erect seemed to be the new semi-formal. I didn 't realize John had a sense of humor.

ConVict and the contestants huddled in a corner to work out the details of the "Beauty Pageant. " The contestants were exhibitionists and enjoyed the attention. I knew Oliver and Todd were very openly gay and did not appear to have a shy bone in their bodies. I assumed the festive and tipsy guest were into it too. I tend to be conservative and even I felt inspired.

Santa and Duddy sang a call to order. The men quieted down. ConVict announced the rules. "All pageants like this have multiple categories, like bathing suit, formal dress, meaningful questions and talent. We want our contestants excel across the board. We have gathered some volunteer judges. "

"Category One is to select the man with the most suck able cock and the sweetest precum. Our Judge for most suck able cock will be Walter, the oldest man attending tonight. Gus the gifted chef of Hilltop Place will select the best precum. Walter came forward, with Gus slightly behind. Walter wore a bikini with a hole so his cock could swing free. Gus was wearing his chef 's hat and nothing else. He was Greek, hairy and muscular. Walter gave Rufus high marks for his generous foreskin. Gus gave Todd good marks because his precum didn 't taste like motor oil.

Since they were all nude, they all got high marks for the non-swimsuit competition. The formal dress was more complicated. Santa had a diamond studded cock ring. Oliver had a bouquet of flowers poking out of his ass. Todd had a pierced piss slit with a thick ring. It has a little LED light that he said was a head light. That appealed to the more tech-oriented people. Ralph had a fox tail inserted in his ass and Rufus wore a Smoky hat, and carried a sign urging you to "Stamp out all Flaming Bigots. " Ralph got points because the holder of the tail had a compartment hold toothpicks, so it was functional in addition to being pretty.

The question period was wide ranging and form the audience. The first question was, "What advice would you give a young gay man? "

Santa said he had advice from his Grandfather about voting. "Vote Early and vote often. I would tell America 's youth, suck early and really suck a lot! " That got a round of applause. Todd said, "When you work with oil and grease, keep it off your cock. Lube in the ass is a different matter all-together. " That advice received applause.

Oliver said that if you are an over the top flaming faggot, make sure your ass can take any and all cocks. "No one like false advertising. " Ralph the barber said that while scissors where essential for his livelihood, keep them away from your playmate 's cock. Rufus said that sometimes you need to play it straight but remember to turn gay when you and your partner are shooting half your body weight through your cocks. Everyone in the audience thought each man had good advice.

The second question asked what special sexual skills they possessed. "A lot of guys think getting fucked by Santa is hot stuff. I just make a fantasy come true, " our Santa said. Oliver said he liked threesomes. "My cock is thin and if things go well, we double fuck. My moto is, "There 's always room for my cock! "

"I tell a guy anything I can do to him, he can do to me, " Ralph explained.

"The final part of our pageant selection is to have our contestants prove they can suck and fuck, " ConVict announced. I had planned to do this by myself, but I think I need some helper. Does any one in the audience have an itchy ass that needs to be scratched? "

"Since I play Santa, anyone here who wants to sit on my lap and tell me what he wants for Christmas can do it, " our Santa said.

"Anyone can say that, " Rufus complained. "Will he get what he wants? "

"As long as he wants an ass filled with cum, he will get it! " Santa said without batting an eye. Everyone laughed including Rufus. The room was cozy, warm and filled with semi nude men. Most were pairing off, some were coupled, but there were several threesomes and foursomes.

Tommy, Gus ' business partner had joined us. He had unbuttoned his shirt. "Gus is a lot more open about this sort of thing that I am, " Tommy said. "I 'm not exactly a body builder type, or a beach bunny. "

"I tend to do whatever I 'm told. That seems to mean I bottom a lot. " Max said. "I was in a threesome once. It wasn 't that comfortable with it, but it wasn 't bad. I do think about it. "

"I tend to go with the flow. If I get to top, I 'm a happy man. that 's not a requirement, " John said.

"Gus liked to top, so I like to bottom, " Tommy said.

"Well, let 's all get naked and make a run for the Mr. Congeniality position. I tend to think I 'm the most careful man to set foot on earth. Let 's have some fun, " I said. "I have on confession to make. I get turned on when I get fucked by a new man, especially if he shoots off in me. Does that sound odd? "

"Shit, it is Christmas already! " Max said.

"Damn Will, you are in danger of getting overused! " Tommy said.

"That 's sort of a turn on too, " I said as we all stripped. Of course, Max, John, Tommy were all normal looking men. We tend to see beach bunnies in movies and on tv. They aren 't anymore normal than Vegas showgirls or Mr. Universe contestants. They devote their lived to looking good. we were all ordinary men with friends, families, jobs and obligations.

Max was a short, small man with an uncut cock and low hangers. John was tall, bald, and hairy. His uncut cock peeked out from his thick bush. Tommy was a beefy, big man, hairy and sporting a thick, uncut tool. I sat on a chair as Max sucked me. I leaned over and snagged John 's cock. I sucked his foreskin into my mouth and used my tongue to find his cock head. It soon encountered the tip and his oozing slit.

John is reserved and standoffish. I realize his cock was a party animal. It was ready to boogie. Tommy had come up behind Max, who was on his hands and knees sucking me. When his cock touched Max 's behind, Max moved his legs to open his hole.

"I 've got a thick one, do you think you can take it? " Tommy asked.

"Just take your time, my ass is tight for the first fuck of the night, " Max replied as he returned to sucking me. I felt Max twitch when Tommy popped past his sphincter. A second later Max relaxed and spread his legs wider. I knew the feeling; all was well. Maybe ten minutes later we rearranged ourselves. I sat on Max 's cock. John was slow fucking Tommy.

Max 's cock was average in length and thin. I had no great expectations of it, but I was surprised. Max 's cock made a direct hit on my prostate. It was wonderful. I wiggled but every place it hit was spectacular. It was almost too good, but after three minutes or so, he began to shoot off, fire hose style. I felt every ejaculation. When I got off, John had pulled out of Tommy after he shot off. Tommy was still fully loaded, so he came to me and slipped his cock into my sperm filled ass.

Tommy 's cock was shaped like a fire hydrant. It was thick and stubby. He stretched my hole and then rammed my prostate in the same place Max had hit moments earlier.

"Damn, it 's warm and juicy in there, " Tommy whispered. "Is it okay for you? "

"It sure is. Thank Max for the juicy part, " I replied.

"Is it okay if I cum in you? " he asked. "I haven 't done that in years. "

"I 'm haven 't taken two loads before. It feels good, " I said. Tommy made a deep thrust. He was still thrusting when Gus came over and rubbed Tommy 's back.

"I didn 't know you enjoyed the top so much, " he said. "Will looks happy, but you look happier. "

"A little variety is nice sometimes, " Tommy said as he shot off. His body twitched each time he ejaculated, so it was obvious. Tommy pulled out and rolled over. Much to my surprise Gus slid his cock into my overloaded ass.

"Damn, this is wonderful, " Gus exclaimed.

"Is it my ass or Tommy 's cum that feels so good? " I asked.

"My guess is Tommy sperm 's is the icing on a tasty cake. Is there room for one more load? " Gus asked. Gus was just being polite. He was already ejaculating deep in my body. I had taken three cocks and three loads and enjoyed them all. Somehow, I thought that Max, Tommy and Gus all had been memorable.

I wondered if they thought I was a slut. Shit, I thought to myself. It was just an orgasmic expression of Christmas spirit. An hour later John, Todd, Santa and ConVict enjoyed my Christmas ass too. I discovered I was suited for marathons, not just sprints. I had guessed that gangbang like experiences would become mechanical and I might metaphorically begin to just mail it in.

That wasn 't at all the case. Each man and cock were new, exciting and more than welcome. There were brief lulls, but Oliver and Duddy had a taste for used cum, and they were willing to lick it as it drooled from my overused hole. It was friendly and almost relaxing except for the excitement of multiple orgasms. I didn 't feel used; I felt filled. I felt gratified that we could share my ass, their cocks and their sperm. I was able to watch Tommy fuck Gus, and John opened his body for Santa.

When it was late, we got our coats to use as blankets and slept on the floor. Several of the men snored, but that wasn 't a problem. I woke a few times during the night when someone unloaded their balls into a mouth or ass. once it was my ass. I was dark and I couldn 't tell who it was at first. It was Santa who was back from delivering presents and now shot a final present into my ass. It hadn 't been a traditional Christmas Eve, but there surely was a lot of goodwill for all men at Hilltop Place.

Next: Chapter 2

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