Christians March Madness

By niftystories

Published on Apr 4, 2022


Christian's March Madness-2

This is a fictional story featuring Kansas Jayhawks men's basketball players Mitch Lightfoot and Christian Braun, and Villanova Wildcat's Collin Gillespie. I have no knowledge of their personal lives or sexual orientation, this story is a complete fantasy. A fantasy I hope you enjoy!

Christian and Mitch walked up to the front desk of their New Orleans hotel. The young male clerk smiled and greeted them. "May I help you?" "Yes, checking in" Mitch replied. "I believe the reservation is under my name, Mitch Lightfoot, and this is Christian Braun". "Yes," the clerk smiled brightly. I recognize you both! I watched your games in the Sweet Sixteen and the Elite Eight. Welcome to Nawlins' and the Final Four!". The clerk peered into his computer as he brought up their reservation, and then frowned. "Um, there seems to be a mistake with your reservation". "Oh?" Mitch said, "What seems to be the problem?". "Well," the clerk began nervously, "Your reservation has you both in the same room". Mitch smiled brightly "Yes?". "Well" the clerk began nervously, "It . . . it only has one bed". "That's fine" Mitch assured him, "I'm sure we'll manage just fine". The clerk studied their face carefully for any sign, and then broke into a large smile. "Well," he began cheerfully. "It is a very nice room. They've booked you into our Embassy Suite. It has a nice king size bed, jacuzzi, and a very nice view of the Mississippi River". "Sounds great!" Mitch replied. "I'm sure it will do just fine," as he put his arm around Christian. The clerk beamed brightly, and then turned to make their room key cards. "Here you are" he said as he handed them their room cards. "I hope you have a wonderful time here in Nawlins, and good luck in the game, I hope you score big tonight . . . er, I mean tomorrow," the clerk chuckled. "I'm sure we'll score just fine", Mitch replied as he gave the clerk a wink.

Mitch inserted his card in the door lock and they walked into the room. They pulled their carry-ons into the bedroom and placed them on the luggage racks. "Wow! This is really nice!" Christian whistled as he looked around the bedroom. "What an enormous fucking bed!". He walked into the bathroom. "Mitch! Come check this out! Look at the size of that jacuzzi! That will be great after the game tomorrow!".

They walked out into the living room, and noted the well stocked wet bar. They walked over to the large window and looked down at the streets of New Orleans below, and the glistening water of the Mississippi off in the distance. "How in the hell did you manage this?" Christian quizzed. Mitch leaned over and kissed Christian lightly. "I know the lady who handles the team travel plans" he told him. "She's a really sweet lesbian. I told her what was up between you and I, and she said she'd take care of us". Christian nodded. "I think of this as our Honeymoon Suite" Mitch continued, "And this is our Honeymoon". Christian put his arms around Mitch and hugged him tightly, and kissed him. Mitch opened his mouth to accept Christian's tongue. "Well, let's get started on that Honeymoon part" Christian whispered as they broke off their kiss. "It was a long plane ride, I want you, I need you". They walked quickly to the bedroom, ripping off their shirts and tossing them on the floor. They quickly ripped off the rest of their clothes, and Christian jumped on the bed and spread his long, pale white legs widely. "Come and get it, babe" he whispered hoarsely. "I need you, I need it, bad". Mitch climbed into bed with him. "Yeah?" he teased, how bad?" "Real bad" Christian assured him. "Do you want me to beg you for it? C'mon, you bastard, fuck me!".

Christian and Mitch were sitting on the couch in the suite living room when Mitch reached for his phone in response to the buzz of an incoming text message. "Oh, it's Collin" he said as he typed out a reply. "Collin?" Christian questioned. "Collin Gillespie, on the Villanova team" Mitch replied. "You and Collin Gillespie are friends?" Christian asked in surprise. "Yeah, we met a couple years ago at a spring training camp" Mitch replied. "And we've stayed in touch, he's a really nice guy. He's at our hotel visiting a cousin who's here for the game. I gave him our room number and invited him up for a beer". "You invited him up?" Christian blurted out. He looked around the room, their shirts lay on the floor where they had tossed them; they were wearing only boxer briefs. "Jesus! We'd better get some clothes on, and straighten up the place!" "No need,' Mitch said, shaking his head. "But, but . . ." Christian stuttered, "he'll figure things out in a second". Mitch leaned over and kissed Christian lightly. "It won't be a problem, trust me". Christian looked at Mitch questioningly.

"Hey, Collin!" Mitch greeted him as he answered the knock at the door. Collin looked down at Mitch's boxer shorts. "Well, um, you look comfortable". He closed the door behind him and then saw Christian. "Oh, hey Christian!". He looked around the room, eyeing the clothes on the floor, and then the rumpled bedding on the bed in the bedroom. "Um, are you guys rooming together?" Mitch nodded. "Geez" Collin laughed, "KU Athletics must have a tight budget!". He looked around the room, and then the view out the window. "Geez, nice room and all, but . . . well, it must be a little tight for privacy when you have your girlfriends over'. "No girlfriends" Mitch answered simply. "Christian and I are boyfriends". Collin's eyes widened, and he was silent for a few seconds as he took it in. "Cool!" he said suddenly. "I'm happy for both of you". Mitch smiled. "Good, I knew you'd be cool with it. How about that beer? Why don't you sit over there,", motioning toward an upholstered chair.

Mitch walked over to the minibar, grabbed three beers, and handed one to Collin and sat down next to Christian. He put his arm around Christian and kissed him. Collin popped open his beer and took a long drink. "Jeez, I'd be lying if I didn't admit I am a bit shocked". He took another drink of his beer. "I would have never have suspected you guys were gay, you're such studs on the court". "Well," Mitch began, "I'm not sure Christian or I realized we were gay until about a week ago. We got really drunk together after the Miami game and ended up in each other's arms. And we've been in each other's arms every night since". He squeezed his arm around Christian's shoulders. "I am so in love with this man". Christian leaned in and kissed him.

"Well, I'm really happy for both of you" Collin said as he took another drink of his beer. "Really, I'm happy for both of you. You're both such great guys, I wish nothing but happiness for both of you". "Thanks, we appreciate that' Mitch replied. "Say, Collin?" he asked suddenly, "Do you ever play on our team?". "Huh?" Collin answered, confused. "Oh! You mean do I ever mess around with guys?" He looked down at the floor, avoiding Mitch's gaze. "No, no, not my thing". "Oh really?" Mitch questioned as he reached for his phone. He thumbed through text messages until he found it. "Then I guess you don't remember sending me this text last spring?" He handed Collin his phone, and Collin stared at the text.

Hey Mitch, drunk as hell, just got home after an excellent blow job.

Who's the lucky girl?

Naw, it was a dude, gay guys give the best head.

Collin shook his head. "Jeez, I must have been really drunk when I sent that". "Yeah, obviously" Mitch replied evenly. "But what's up with that? You seemed to have enjoyed head from a guy, you do that often?". Collin blushed bright red. "Well, Villanova is a private Catholic University, we're not exactly known for our wild drunken orgies. And Catholic girls are pretty protective of their reputations". Mitch nodded. Yeah, and so . . ?" "Well' Collin continued, "jerking off only cuts it for so long. And I'd heard about this bathroom in the basement of the library, heard that gay guys hang out there, and they'll suck you off. So, I tried it one night, I wore a baseball cap and sunglasses to make sure no one could recognize me. There was a guy there, and I knew right away that he wanted it. So, I went into a stall and stuck my dick in the hole someone had cut in the partition. He came in right away and started sucking me off. It was great, I must have cum buckets down his throat. He was a nice looking guy and gave great head. So we have a standing date, every Tuesday evening, 7.30". "Interesting" Mitch said casually. "And? Anything else?". "Well, lately he's been wanting me to fuck him. He has a private dorm room, so we went there and fucked, he loves it. Now I just go to his dorm room, and he gets me hard by sucking me and then I fuck him". "Interesting" Mitch said. "But I thought you said that messing around' with guys wasn't your thing?". "It's not!" Collin insisted. "As long as I don't do anything in return it doesn't mean I'm gay, it just means I really enjoy getting my rocks off. And I don't, I've never sucked him or anyone. I just fuck him, and I'd sure as hell never let anyone fuck me." "Interesting" Mitch observed. "As long as you don't do anything in return that means you're not gay?". Collin nodded. "Well" Mitch said evenly, "you sure offered your ass up to me easily enough". "WHAT???" Collin sputtered. Mitch thumbed through the text messages on his phone until he found it, and handed his phone to Collin.

Hey Collin, if our teams meet up in the tournament who do you think will win?

'Nova will kick your asses, you can bet your ass on it!

OK, done deal!


If `Nova wins you get my ass. We win, I get your ass

Ok, done deal!

Collin stared at the text with a blank expression. "Jesus! I can't believe I wrote that! I must have been really wasted. And horny. Well, you're not going to hold me to that bet . . . are you?" he added with concern in his voice. "I sure am!" Mitch assured him. "A bet is a bet". "A crazy fucking bet!" Collin sputtered. "And totally one sided, I don't want to fuck you!" "Yeah you do" Mitch insisted. "You've been fucking your fuck buddy, and loving it. And I've got a really nice tight ass, no one has ever been up there. Yet. But it's me that's gonna love fucking your tight virgin ass. You have a really nice, big fine ass, I can tell through your uniform shorts. Because we're going to kick your asses tomorrow". "Fuck you!" Collin shouted defiantly. He chugged down the last of his beer and stood up. "Well, I gotta be going". "See you tomorrow at the game, bud" Mitch said smiling innocently. "And be here tomorrow evening after the game, one of us will have a bet to pay off". Collin scowled and hurried out the door.

"Well, that was completely insane" Christian laughed. "I had no idea you and Collin had that kind of . . . thing going on". Mitch shrugged. "Well, usually it was just sports banter back and forth. But when he got wasted he'd let things slip". "Do you really want to fuck him?" Christian asked softly. `Fuck yeah, he's got a really nice ass, and I bet he's a really hot fuck" Mitch assured him. "Well, what am I supposed to do?" Christian asked, dejection evident in his voice. "Go for a walk?". Mitch leaned in and kissed him tenderly. "Hell no! I want you here in the middle of things, I think it would be pretty hot to have a three-way". "A three-way?" Christian repeated. "That does sound kind of hot". He rubbed his crotch. "Yeah" Mitch said smiling. "I was thinking we'll make Collin play sandwich in the middle, him sucking you off while I fuck his sweet ass." "That does sound hot" Christian agreed. He continued rubbing his crotch. "Thinking about that is making me horny, let's do a quicky before we go out for dinner". "Sheesh" Mitch replied with feigned exasperation. "I'm beginning to think I've fallen in love with a nymphomaniac". "Is that a problem?" Christian asked innocently. "Nope", Mitch replied as he leaned in to kiss him. "No problem at all". He pulled Christian up by his hand and they hurried to the bedroom.

It was six minutes into the second half of the game. The Jayhawks led the entire time; they led by 10-2 before the first commercial break, and led 40-29 at the half. Villanova clawed back within 6 points early in the second half, but then Kansas surged ahead; Christian sunk a 3 pointer, putting Kansas ahead 75-59. "Looks like you're going to be on the receiving end of my cock tonight" Mitch whispered as Collin dribbled past him. Collin stumbled and lost the ball. Christian recovered it and ran down for a 2 point dunk shot. "Bastard!" Collin whispered hoarsely, glaring at Mitch. Mitch shrugged "a bet's a bet" he whispered back with a smile. The final score was 81-65.

Mitch and Christian slipped away from the wild celebration after the game and caught a taxi to the hotel. They were surprised to see Collin waiting in the lobby, he was pretty drunk. "Been drowning my sorrows" he explained. "You guys really kicked our ass today". "Well, you guys played a good game" Mitch assured him. "We could tell that you guys were really missing Justin Moore, and we took advantage of that". They led Collin to the elevator. The clerk who checked Mitch and Christian in watched, smiling broadly. "Lucky bastards!" he muttered under his breath.

"Christian, why don't you fill the jacuzzi with hot water and get it going" Mitch said as he unlocked the door. He pushed Collin inside; Collin stood submissively in the middle. "C'mon, Mitch" Collin said submissively. "You're not really gonna make me go through with this . . . are you?". "You bet your ass I am" Mitch assured him. "Oh wait, you already did bet your ass" he chuckled. "Strip!" he ordered abruptly. Collin pulled off his polo shirt and tossed it on the floor. "No!" Mitch said firmly. "Put your shirt back on" he ordered. Collin was totally confused, but did what he was told and pulled his shirt back on. "I said strip'; I meant like a strip dancer. Tease me, make me want it. Take your shirt off and twirl it around". Collin slowly pulled his shirt off and began twirling it around. "That's it" Mitch encouraged. "Now turn around, bend over, and wiggle your ass". Collin did as he was told. "That's it, shake that ass" Mitch ordered. "Now, pull your pants down and show me that ass". Collin unbuckled his pants and quickly and pulled them down to his knees. "No, damnit!" Mitch corrected. Pull your pants down slowly, and wiggle that ass, tease me. You know I want that ass, make me want it bad". Collin pulled his pants back up and then slowly pulled them down, twisting his ass, and thrusting it back at Mitch. Mitch saw Christian come out of the bedroom and get a bemused expression on his face. Christian began to massage his crotch as he enjoyed the show in front of him. "That's it" Mitch encouraged, "move that ass. Your ass is better than I even imagined, such a fine bubble butt boy pussy. That ass was just made for fucking". Mitch began massaging his crotch.

"Ok, now you can take the rest of your clothes off". Collin did as he was told. "Now turn around" Mitch commanded; Collin did as he was told. "Nice cock," Mitch complimented as he observed Collin's 7" beer bottle thick cock. "I can see why your fuck buddy enjoys being the receiving end of that. And you really have a nice body. Really nice firm muscles, and your skin is so smooth. Now, come over here and take my clothes off. But, slowly". Collin stepped up to Mitch and pulled off his shirt, and then unbuckled his pants and slowly pulled them down. "Jesus, that thing is a monster" Collin gasped as he stared at Mitch's rock hard cock inches from his face. "That thing is going to hurt like hell!". "I promise I'll be gentle" Mitch assured him. "Now suck it, you know you want it. Time for you to pay back for all those blow jobs you've gotten without giving anything back in return. Suck my cock!". Collin leaned forward and licked the tip of Mitch's cock. He liked the taste, and took it in his mouth. Mitch put his hand on the back of Collin's head and pulled him in until his cock pressed into Collin's throat. Collin coughed and gagged and pulled back. "Damnit, that thing is just so big!" "That's Ok," Mitch reassured him. We'll have you learning to be a champion cocksucker by the end of tonight". Mitch motioned for Christian to come over. "Now take Christian's clothes off. And then give him some decent head".

Collin slowly took Christian's clothes off. "Wow, nice ass" he complemented as he pulled Christian's pants down around his firm, large ass. "Thanks" Christian replied appreciatively. "Mitch is the only one to have it. So far". "What's this `so far' bullshit?" Mitch said sharply. "Your ass has my name on it, your ass is mine!". Christian smiled. "Calm down, I was only joking. Of course it's your ass, and yours only". Mitch nodded. "Now suck Christian's cock, Collin, and suck it like you really mean it". Collin plunged Christian's cock down his throat. He backed off and licked the head, and then licked his way down his shaft, and then took it back in his mouth and sucked greedily. Christian looked up at Mitch and nodded. "Ok, good job Collin. Now it's jacuzzi time".

They led Colin to the jacuzzi. Mitch got in first, and then Collin got in, his back leaning against Mitch. Christian got in and leaned in to kiss Collin. Collin resisted at first, and then opened his mouth to accept Christian's tongue. Mitch twisted and pinched Collin's nipples; Collin moaned loudly. Christian broke off their kiss, took a deep breath, and ducked underwater an began sucking Collin's cock. "Oh wow" Collin gasped, "my first underwater blow job". "Going to be a lot of firsts for you tonight" Mitch assured him. Christian sucked Collin's cock as long as he could, and then came up and gasped for air.

"Christian" he commanded, "go sit on that ledge". He pushed Collin forward. "Now Collin, go give Christian the best blow job he's ever had" he ordered firmly. Collin leaned forward and licked the head of Christian's cock, licked his way down the shaft, back up to the tip, took it in his mouth and plunged down on it as far as he could take it, and then pushed down even further, taking it down his throat. He sucked lustfully. Collin's large, round ass stuck out in front of Mitch, and his cock twitched in anticipation. He got up on his knees, grabbed the bottle of lotion on the side of the jacuzzi, and smeared it generously on his throbbing cock. He spread more lotion around his hand, and pushed a finger inside him. Collin made no sound except his greedy sucking on Christian's cock, so he pushed his finger full length inside. Collin continued sucking lustfully, so Mitch pushed a second finger in, and then a third; Collin continued to suck hungrily. Mitch pulled his fingers out and pressed the tip of his cock against Collin's hole, and then his cock slipped inside. Collin only groaned, so Mitch pressed on slowly, until he bottomed out full length inside. Collin moaned loudly. "Phuk me" Collin mumbled, his mouth full of cock. "Phuk me hard, Mitch, phuk the shit outta me!". Mitch fucked him mercilessly, pulling his cock almost out and then slamming it back in. Collin moaned loudly with every thrust. `Oh god, oh god! I wuv it, I wuv it. Phuk me, phuk me!" Collin mumbled around the rock hard cock in his mouth. He was only silent when he pressed forward, thrusting Christian's cock deep down his throat. "Jeez, he moans like a two bit whore" Christian whispered hoarsely. "And he's sure sucking the hell out of my cock". "Yeah' Mitch agreed. "I think he's needed this for a long time, but couldn't let himself do it". "Uh, Collin?" Christian said suddenly. "You'd better pull off, I'm really close to cuming". "Blow your load in my mouth" Collin insisted, "I want your load". As Mitch's cock battered Collin's prostate he moaned ever more loudly. "I'm going to blow my load, I can feel it in my nuts". Christian cried out as he shot his load in Collin's mouth, and Collin gasped as his untouched cock spurted load after load. Mitch cried out as his cock twitched and shot his load, coating Collin's guts with his cum.

They lay in the jacuzzi, Collin's back against Mitch, Christian's chest pressed against him as he hugged both Collin and Mitch tightly. "Jesus fucking Christ!" Collin whispered at length, hoarsely. "That was the wildest, best thing I've ever felt in my life. I loved every second of it". "It was really fucking hot" Mitch murmured in agreement. "Both Christian and I loved it, you're a real hottie". Christian nodded in agreement. "Well, I'd better be going" Collin sighed. "But maybe I should shower first, I'm covered in cum, inside and out". "Do you really have to go?" Mitch questioned. "Christian and I would love for you to spend the night, sleeping with us". Collin looked at Christian, who nodded. "Please spend the night with us" Christian whispered. "Mitch and I would really love it if you would stay the night with us". Collin smiled. "Ok, I'd really enjoy that." "You get the middle" Mitch said softly. "But you'll have to be careful which side you lay on. Either side you'll likely have a hard cock pressing at your ass or your mouth". "Not a problem" Collin laughed, "I'd love some more of this".

They lay in bed, both Mitch and Christian hugging Collin tightly. "You know, Collin" Mitch whispered softly. "Tonight, you're our winner, tonight you are our champ". "But we lost the game, and I lost my bet" Collin protested. "You win some, you lose some" Mitch countered. "That's why we play the game, and love playing the game. Yeah, today we won the game and go on to face North Carolina Monday night. But tonight, you are our winner, you are our champion". Christian murmured in agreement, and they drifted off to sleep.



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