Christians March Madness

By niftystories

Published on Mar 29, 2022


This is a fictional story between Kansas Jayhawks men's basketball player Mitch Lightfoot and Christian Braun. As I suspect more than a few Nifty readers may not be familiar with them: Both are in their early 20s, and both are tall as you might suspect of a basketball player; Mitch is 6'8",Christian is 6'7'. Both are white, and both are smooth skinned and very handsome. I have no idea of their sexual orientation, this work is a complete fantasy. I hope you enjoy it!

Christian Braun was relaxing in his Chicago hotel room after his team's demolition of Miami in the NCAA Elite Eight basketball game. He took another gulp of tequila he'd grabbed from the well-stocked minibar when the phone rang.

"Whatcha doin', bro" asked his teammate Mitch Lightfoot, "Wanna go out to a bar and get soused?" "Naw" Christian replied, "I'm beat after the game today. And there's plenty of booze in the minibar. Why don't you come up and we can get blitzed together?" "Sounds good to me" Mitch quickly agreed.

In a few minutes Christian answered the knock at the door to let Mitch in; they greeted each other with a hearty hug. They broke off their embrace and sat next to each other on the couch. Christian pushed a miniature bottle of tequila across the coffee table toward Mitch. "Drink up, bro!" Mitch eyed the several empty minitures of tequila on the table. "Looks like you've already got a pretty good start on me" Christian took another swig of tequila. "Yep!" he nodded. "Great win today, so I'm celebrating. And no practice tomorrow, we don't play until next Saturday. So, drink up, bro!"

They made small talk about the game, and some the moves they had made. Mitch noticed the more drunk Christian became the more he seemed to be checking him out. "Say, Christian" Mitch began, "I've been meaning to ask you -- why do you always wear leggings for our games?" "Huh?" Christian questioned. "Well, they're good protection against skin burns if you get knocked down on the hardwood floor". Mitch shrugged. "Yeah, I guess. I've never worried about that too much, I just make sure I don't get knocked down".

"Well" Christian began slowly, "the other thing is a couple years ago when I was a freshman, before I started wearing leggings, a smart ass on the other team made a crack that I had `girly looking' legs". Mitch burst out laughing. "Girly looking legs???" he repeated. Christian blushed in embarrassment. "Well" he began sheepishly, "I don't have much body hair, maybe that's what he meant. But I almost slugged him, what a faggoty thing to say. But I didn't want to get thrown out of the game."

Mitch took a swig of tequila, considering. "Well, let's see?" he said suddenly. "Whaat???" Christian asked in surprise, "see what?". "Your legs" Mitch replied simply. "Whaat???" Christian repeated. He took a hasty hit of tequila. "You've seen my legs before, in the locker room. Hell, you've seen me naked in the showers!". Mitch shrugged. "Well yeah, but I wasn't really paying much attention, I didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea."

Christian studied Mitch's face closely. "What `wrong idea'?" he began carefully. "You're not gay or anything . . . are you?". "Not yet" Mitch replied with a shrug. "Not yet?" Christian repeated. "What the hell does that mean?". "It means not yet" Mitch replied. "It means I like girls and all, but I don't completely rule it out, doing it with a guy." He shrugged. "If the right guy came along at the right time, I could see myself maybe giving it a try".

Christian shook his head. "Dude, that's so wrong. It's a sin" he said firmly. "Who says it's a sin?" Mitch asked. "The Bible!" Christian replied forcibly. "It says that's a sin in the Bible". Mitch snorted. "It only says that in half the Bible". He saw the confusion on Christian's face. "Only the Old Testament claims being gay is a `sin'", he began. "The other half, the New Testament doesn't say anything about being gay, Jesus never said anything about being gay. And the Old Testament was written thousands of years ago by some old men. I think it's the 21st century, and we can figure out what's wrong or right all on our own, and not care about what some old men who have been dead for thousands of years thought."

Christian frowned. "Well, if it's right or wrong, I could never ever mess around with a guy, I'm totally into women! Even the thought of kissing another dude, or touching his junk makes me want to puke". Mitch nodded. "So, what's up with your girlfriend?". Christian scowled. "Nadine? The bitch broke up with me, she said I don't make enough time for her. Fuck! We were in the Sweet Sixteen, and then the Elite Eight, and now the Final Four! Duh! I'm kinda busy! We're going to go to the national championship, I just know it!". Mitch nodded. "Yeah, women don't seem to understand what's important to us guys, it always has to be all about them".

Christian nodded. "Well, maybe you guys can get back together after the championship game" Mitch continued, "how was she in the sack? She a good fuck?". Christian's face reddened. "Um, we never did that". Mitch's eyes widened in surprise. `You guys never fucked?". "Um, no" Christian began slowly. "Nadine wanted to, but I explained that I think it's important to save your self for marriage.". "Save yourself for marriage?" Mitch repeated. "Do you mean you're a virgin?" "Yes, damnit!" Christian hissed defiantly. "Yes, I'm a virgin! Do you think that's a bad thing?" "No, no," Mitch began softly. "No, I don't think it's a bad thing at all. Actually, I think it's kind of cute". "Cute?" Christian repeated. "Sometimes you say the weirdest shit. Let's talk about something else, this is making me uncomfortable".

"Fine," Mitch agreed. "What do you think our chances are next Saturday against Villanova?". "Ah, I think we win by at least 10 points" Christian replied. "We gotta watch out for Colin Gillespie, he's really good. But stop him from making too many three pointers and we got him and the game'. Mitch nodded. "Did you hear that Justin Moore got injured in the game against Houston and will be out for next week?" Christian's eyes widened. "No, I didn't hear that". "Yep," Mitch nodded. "I caught it on the TV news. Tore his Achilles tendon, he's definitely out. Tough break for the guy, but I think it helps tip things our way".

Christian nodded. They continued talking about basketball and taking swigs of tequila. "So, are you going to let me see them?" Mitch asked suddenly. "See what?" Christian retorted. "See your legs" Mitch said evenly. "I'm really curious now why some guy would think you have girly looking' legs". "Dude, I told you he was probably just trying to get into my head" Christian brushed if off. Mitch said nothing, with an expectant look in his eyes. Christian blushed. Dude, I'm only wearing a jockstrap underneath. Mitch smiled. "Fine, I won't have to look at your junk, then." Christian snorted. "I'm beginning to think you want to see my junk". Mitch said nothing, he just looked at Christian, smiling.

"Fine!" Christian said with a smirk on his face. He kicked off his shoes, unbuckled his pants and pulled them off, and stood up. Mitch studied Christian's legs carefully. `Turn around" he commanded, waving his hand. Christian complied. "Well, your legs are pretty muscular, but they're also really . . . shapely. And so hairless. I can see why someone would say they're kinda girly looking. But your ass! Lord, you really have a big old bubble butt!". Christian spun around. "Wait, you're checking out my ass now?" Mitch shrugged. "Well, it's kinda right there in front of me". Christian blushed. "Well, I've always been kind of self-conscious of my butt, actually, it is pretty big. It makes me uncomfortable sometimes thinking some gay guy is checking out my ass, thinking about how much he'd like to bone me". Mitch looked at Christian curiously. "Do you think about gay guys wanting to bone you very often?". Christian shrugged. "Well, it's what they like to do'. Mitch chuckled. "Well, not all of them, I hear some gay guys like to be on the receiving end of things. But anyways, I like your legs, and I think your big old butt is kinda sexy."

Christian's eyes held a concerned look. "Dude, did you just tell me you think my ass is sexy?". Mitch ignored the question. "Do you want to see my legs?" he asked. Without waiting for a reply, he kicked off his shoes, unbuckled his pants and then pulled them off, and stood up. Christian checked out his legs carefully as Mitch turned around for him. "Well, definitely looks like a dude's legs" Christian observed casually. "I kind of like the fine dark hair, I wish I wasn't so hairless". "What do you think of my chest?" Mitch asked, ripping off his shirt. Christian couldn't help looking admiringly at Mitch's fine chest hair, and the treasure trail of dark hair going down in a fine line down to where it disappeared under his boxer briefs. "Take off your shirt" Mitch said softly. Christian hesitated, and then pulled off his shirt. Mitch gazed admiringly. "You sure are a hairless wonder" he said softly. He pulled down his briefs, let them drop, and kicked them off. "Might as well check out the whole package". Christian's eyes widened. "Dude! You're hard as a rock!". "Yeah, I guess I'm pretty horny" Mitch admitted. Christian stared at Mitch's dick. "God, that thing is huge! How did you get such a huge dick?". Mitch shrugged. "It kinda came with the whole package. Take off your jock". Christian hesitated. "I dunno . . . I'm pretty average down there. And this is getting kinda weird, the two of us getting naked together. Where is this going?". Mitch stepped forward and put his arms around Christian, rubbing his chest against him, grinding his groin against him. He kissed him softly on his neck, and then his ear, thrusting his tongue into it. He made his way slowly down Christian's cheek and then kissed him on the mouth. Christian resisted at first, and then opened his mouth to accept Mitch's tongue.

At length Mitch broke off the kiss. "Come on, Christian" he whispered. "We've gone this far, let's mess around together. We're both pretty drunk, we can both swear in the morning that we were so drunk we don't remember a thing." Christian remained silent, and Mitch pulled down his jock strap. He kneeled down, gripped Christian's hard cock with his hand and took it in his mouth, swirling his tongue around, and then pressed forward, plunging Christian's dick deeply in his mouth. Christian moaned in pleasure. Mitch sucked lustfully, and with his had began to kneed and softly pull at his testicles. He pulled back his mouth and nibbled gently on the tip, swirled his tongue around it, and then thrust down, pushing his dick against the back of his throat. Christian's sighs and moans let him know he was pleasing him.

Mitch stood up and kissed Christian on the mouth; this time Christian opened his mouth and eagerly accepted his tongue, and thrust his into Mitch's mouth. Mitch broke off the kiss and slapped Christian lightly on his butt. "Come on, let's go to the bedroom". The lack of resistance in Christian's eyes gave him his answer, as Christian turned and walked to the bedroom. Mitch paused at the bathroom, turned on the light, rummaged around, and then turned off the light and walked to the bed where Christian awaited him. He held a small bottle in his hand. "What's that?" Christian asked. Mitch placed the bottle on the nightstand. "Body lotion" he replied. "I really, really want to fuck you". "I . . I'm not sure I can do that" Christian replied nervously. "We'll never remember a thing in the morning" Mitch assured him.

He straddled on top of Christian, his cock in front of Christian's mouth. Christian hesitated, but gave in to temptation, he knew he wanted to try it. He licked the head tentatively, and then took more of it into his mouth, and sucked eagerly. After several minutes he pulled off, and wiped the saliva off his lips. "Well, that's not nearly as disgusting as I thought it would be". Mitch broke into laughter. "What?" Christian quizzed. "Well, `not nearly as disgusting as I thought it would be' isn't exactly the nicest compliment I've ever received". "But I didn't mean it that way!" Christian protested. "I just mean I can't believe I'm sucking dick . . . and liking it." "Well, suck some more" Mitch urged, pressing his cock into Christian's mouth. He pressed his cock against the back of Christian's mouth, and then pressed it down his throat. Christian coughed and gagged, and pulled back. "God, you almost choked me!" he gasped. "Your cock is just so big!". "You can control your gag reflex, and take a deep breath first" Mitch assured him. Christian nodded and opened his mouth and Mitch pressed his cock into it, and then down Christian's throat. Christian did much better this time, suppressing his gag reflex, and welcomed Mitch big cock down his throat. Mitch made gentle thrusting motions down his throat, but then abruptly pulled out.

"God!" he said as he exhaled sharply. "I almost came, but I don't want to cum that way. Not on our first time". "Our first time?" Christian repeated. "So, you think we're going to do this again?" He shook his head. "I'm NOT going to be your bitch". Mitch gave Christian an exasperated look. "You're not my bitch. You're my best bud, my bro, it just feels so . . . natural to make each other feel good."

Mitch got off Christian's chest and kissed his way down to his cock and sucked it. Then he lifted up Christian's legs and swirled his tongue around his hole, and then thrust his tongue inside it. "Oh my God!' Christian hissed. "What are you doing?". I think it's called rimming" Mitch replied. I've heard about guys doing it to each other. Kinda like eating pussy, only different". "Eating pussy?" Christian quipped. "Yeah, I imagine it's real different. Well, eat my pussy some more, I like it". "Wait, did you just call your ass `pussy'?" Mitch quizzed. "Yeah, whatever' Christian hissed. "Just keep eating my ass . . . my pussy. I really like it."

Mitch reached for the bottle of lotion, opened it, and smeared it around Christin's hole. He pressed his finger against it, and then inside. Christian gasped. "You OK?" Mitch whispered. "Yeah" Christian hissed. "Just feels a bit weird, but it doesn't hurt. Keep going". Mitch pressed his finger in further, and then explored around. And then he found it, and poked his finger around the hard, round knob. "Oh my God!" Christian gasped. What the hell was that". "Your prostate". I've read that the prostate really likes being massaged. I've read that a medical person can get you to cum by just sticking their finger up your butt and massaging your prostate." "Well, massage that sucker some more" Christian sighed, "I really like it".

"I think you're ready" Mitch assured him. He coated his cock generously with lotion. "I really should wear a condom for us to be safe. But you've never been with anyone, and I haven't been with anyone since basketball season started, so we'll be OK." He pressed his cock against Christian's hole, and pushed it gently inside". "Wait, stop" Christian pleaded. "Give me a minute, it hurts!" "Ok, Ok" Mitch whispered. "Just let me know when it's Ok for you". After a few seconds Christian nodded. "Ok, I can take a little more." Mitch pressed in another inch, until Christian held up his hand again. This time it was only a few seconds before Christian nodded to go further. "Fuck it!" Mitch hissed, "I can't hold off any longer, take it like a man", and pressed himself inside Christian full length until he bottomed out. `Oh my God!" Christian moaned, "Oh my God! Just hold still for a second and let me get used to it, it's so big! It's the only thing I can feel, your big cock buried in my ass!". "And you're so tight" Mitch whispered. "My cock never felt so good, it loves being inside your tight ass. Pussy never felt this good."

Mitch began a gentle thrusting motion, careful at first to not hurt Christian, but then Christian's moans of pleasure encouraged him to go faster. "Oh my God' Christian moaned. "That feels so good. Fuck me, Mitch, fuck me, please! I guess if something is worth doing, it's worth doing right. Fuck me hard, Mitch! Fuck the liivin' daylights outta me!"

Mitch began a furious assault on Christian's ass; Christian grunted and groaned with every thrust of Mitch's cock. Mitch had a fantasy that he was a ventriloquist and Christian was his puppet, Christian's moans of pleasure and desire with each thrust of his cock deep inside him were his own. They were as one together, one spirit, united in bliss.

"I'm going to cum" Christian gasped, his arms gripped around Mitch's back. "But you're not touching yourself" Mitch said softly as he fucked, and fucked. "I don't need to" Christian assured him. "Just keep fucking me like this and I'm going to blow my load". "I'm ready to blow my load too" Mitch whispered hoarsely. "Let's cum together, I'm going to breed you and make you cum when I blow my load inside you." Christian began to whimper as his cock erupted into ropes of cum on his stomach; Mitch cried out as his cock spasmed inside Christian.

They lay side by side, Mitch's finger tracing gently across Christian's cheek. "That was the most amazing thing I've ever felt in my life" Christian sighed. "Yeah, the same for me" Mitch agreed. "When I came inside you I almost passed out, it was so . . . great." "I'm pretty sure I'm going to remember this in the morning" Christian said with a soft chuckle. "And for a very long time afterward". Mitch smiled. "Good, I was hoping you would enjoy it."

Christian frowned as he considered. "Wait, did you plan this? Were you planning this to see if you could seduce me?". "Yes' Mitch answered simply. Christian frowned "Why? Why would you do that?"

Mitch leaned over and kissed him lightly on the cheek. "I've always had this kind of `special gift'. I can look into a person's eyes and see past any . . . façade they try to put up, and see who they really are. When I looked into your eyes I was pretty sure I saw a frightened gay boy inside. And I didn't want you to be afraid anymore. You're such a stud on the court, and everywhere you are. You shouldn't be afraid of anything".

Christian smiled. "Well, you seem to be pretty good at this looking into people's eyes thing. You were right, my deepest, darkest fear for such a long time was that I might be gay. I so didn't want to be gay, it would disappoint so many people, my family, my fans, my . . ." "Fuck them!" Mitch cut in, almost shouting. "They will be however they will be, they will think whatever they will think. The only thing that is really important is how you feel, how you feel about yourself. The only thing that is important is that you are happy, happy, confident and proud of who you are".

They were silent for a few moments. "So, are you still afraid anymore?" Mitch asked softly. "Fuck no!' Christian replied confidently. "I'm not afraid of anything or anyone!". Mitch smiled. "Good! Now you are truly free, free to be anyone or anything you want to be!" Christian considered it. "But, Mitch . . .' he began slowly, "What if the thing I want to be is to always be with you? To always be by your side, to be your partner in life, your lover, or whatever. I think I'm in love with you. How would you feel about that?"

Mitch's eyes moistened. "Do you know what my deepest, darkest fear was?" Christian shook his head. "When I saw that fear in your eyes, and how much I cared about you, and how much I wanted to take away that fear, I realized that I was falling in love with you. My deepest, darkest fear was that you would reject how I felt about you, or even be disgusted by how I felt about you".

Christian's eyes also moistened. "So, are you still afraid anymore?". "Fuck no!" Mitch replied confidently. "I'm not afraid of anything or anyone!". Christian smiled. "Good. Now we are both truly free. Free to be anything we want, and free to be with each other. The two of us are a team now, and now the two of us are really going to kick Villanova's ass!" They embraced each other tightly and drifted off to sleep.

Next: Chapter 2

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