Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Jun 7, 2012



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Part Two.

The Summer vacation was now in full swing and Casey's demands on Chris were reasonably minimal. He might call at an ungodly hour requiring a ride to somewhere or other but usually it was a ride home late at night from a date he had had with his new ratty girlfriend. On such occasions Casey would often demand a blowjob from Chris while parked in some quiet spot if he had not scored with Clair, his girlfriend. Chris found these late night trips difficult to explain to family members particularly to his bro Matt who of course had an inkling of what might be going on. When Matt taxed him about it, he brushed it off as a favor he was performing on behalf of a friend or acquaintance. Matt figured he knew better and he had hoped that now that Chris was out of high school, all this crap would cease. This was pretty hypocritical of course considering the use he himself had made of Chris and still did from time to time. Nevertheless he vowed to do what he could to end this continuous advantage being taken of his bro by all and sundry. He knew it wouldn't be an easy task because the guys in question knew when they were on to a good thing and, guys being guys, informed their friends of Chris's leanings and they in turn chanced their arm with him.

Casey had been invited to visit with two of his cousins who lived in a neighboring state. The invitation was extended to Teddy as well but, as the others were a few years older than him, he declined the offer, much to Casey's relief. Teddy informed his parents he would prefer to stay at home and chill with his buddies. Teddy had remained in touch with Pauly who had been instrumental in setting him up originally with Chris and, when he heard that Andy would be visiting his friend Joey in town, he asked his father whether Pauly could perhaps visit with him while Casey was away. His father agreed and Teddy was pleased because he really got on well with Pauly, who was always a source of fun suggestions, and he also knew that Pauly would otherwise be stuck at home, considering his family's circumstances.

Teddy called Chris when all these arrangements had fallen into place and asked him to meet with him at the junior high playing field that night. They arranged to meet up at 9pm as by then it would be dark and they would not be seen by prying eyes. Chris parked as usual under some remote trees about a block from the school, wandered down to the gate which he jumped without difficulty, then slunk along the side of the school buildings until he reached the playing field. He went around to the back of the stand and knocked twice as was usual on the door of the restroom. It immediately opened and Teddy peered first left then right then let Chris into the restroom and locked the door. Despite the fact that the kids were on vacation the restroom had that unmistakeable smell about it, a mixture of piss and disinfectant. Chris's dick stiffened slightly. Inside everything was quite visible as the lights from the parking lot at the rear of the stand penetrated the high windows. Those lights were left burning at all times; if they had not been, the parking lot would have become a magnet for kids with cars wanting to make out.

Chris was surprised to find that Teddy was alone; he had expected that Anthony would be there as well. He had been under the impression that Teddy was wanting to hook up in order to get sucked off; that being the case, Anthony would surely have been there as well. He didn't however let on to Teddy that he had noticed Anthony's absence.

Teddy immediately got to the point.

"It's kinda late so I can't stay too long. I got some news dude; you want the bad news or the good news first?" he asked with a smile.

"Better the bad news I guess." replied Chris.

"OK. The bad news is that Casey is gonna be away visiting our cousins outta state for a coupla weeks."

Chris couldn't resist replying: "Jesus, I woulda thought that was the good news."

Teddy laughed: "I thought you might say that dude. Aww come on. He ain't that bad a guy. Treats me good. I know he keeps you kinda on the hop but I figure you ain't too put out by that. Maybe you even get off on it."

Chris asked: "So, tell me, what's the good news?"

"You gonna love this dude." Teddy continued. "Both Andy and Pauly are gonna be visiting for a coupla weeks. Andy is gonna be visiting with his bud Joey, you know him right?, and so I invited Pauly to come stay at our place while Casey is away."

The news took Chris by complete surprise but he had to admit the idea of hooking up with the Nystrom bros had it's attractions. He said to Teddy: "Sounds great Ted. Those guys need a bit of a break. I guess you will be givin Pauly back his key to this place huh?"

Teddy laughed and said: "No fuckin way. Until such time as I got my own wheels, that key for me is kinda the key to paradise." He stuck out his tongue at Chris.

Teddy looked at his watch. "Wow, not even 10 o'clock. I got at least a half hour before they start lookin for me. You feel like a taste of my dick dude? I could do with getting off before bedtime."

Teddy walked over to the other side of the bathroom and one by one checked the four stalls. They were all locked.

"Jesus, dude, can you get a handle on that? They lock the fuckin stalls during vacation time. I mean who the fuck do they think is gonna use them anyway?"

Chris surmised: "I guess it's the cleaners Ted. Now they don't have to do nuthin until school starts."

Teddy continued: "Well, there's more than one way to skin a cat dude! Or should I say more than one way to get a cock sucked!" He turned to Chris and said: "Looks like we gonna have to do it there dude." indicating with his head that portion of the restroom taken up by the urinals. They moved over to the elevated step in front of the urinals and Chris went down on his knees in front of it. Teddy stood in front of Chris on the step and Chris cupped his hands around the boy's ass and drew him towards him nuzzling his face in his crotch. He thought he could smell the faint odor of piss from Teddy's jeans, but figured that it might in fact have come from the urinals behind him. He found it very erotic either way. Teddy was already half way hard.

Teddy instructed Chris: "Take it out dude and get your mouth around it. I ain't but pissed with it since last night; never had a chance to jerk myself off this morning. So you can imagine I'm kinda horny. I want you to keep your mouth tight around it dude and use your tongue around the head. I love that! I remember that you did a real good job of tonguing the head the first time you sucked me off in Casey's room. I'm kinda envious of Anthony since he ain't cut. He told me that the feel of your tongue lickin the head of his dick under his foreskin is fuckin awesome!"

Chris was only half listening to Teddy's ramblings and lost himself in the act of sucking his dick. The boy's dick had a satin feel to it and in truth he would have loved to suckle on it gently for longer. However, instead, Teddy began to fuck his mouth with vigor and he choked on his cock more than once. Teddy kept his hands laced behind Chris's head and Chris found it impossible to avoid the boy's depredations. It wasn't too long before Teddy gave a shudder and Chris felt his not inconsiderable load spew on to his tongue. Teddy allowed him to suck on his dick for another minute or so, then pulled out and indicated that that they had better make tracks or he would have some explaining to do at home.


The following day Teddy called Chris and asked if they could meet up at the Mall to discuss something that had come up. Chris was curious and agreed.

When Chris arrived at the food court at the Mall there was no sign of Teddy so he took a seat at a table. After about ten minutes he caught sight of Teddy ambling towards him, late as usual, and he beckoned him over. Teddy ordered a soda, took a sip, smiled, and asked Chris if he had enjoyed their interlude the previous evening.

Chris smiled back at him and said: "Yeah, it was awesome Ted."

Teddy replied with a wink: "Plenty more where that came from dude."

Teddy continued: "Listen dude, a slight problem has come up. I chatted with Pauly this morning and they have a problem with dough. As usual. Pauly wanted to know whether it would be possible for you and me to go and pick them up in your car. What do you say?"

Chris didn't know what to say. It was a three hour drive either way and he had doubts about whether his car was up for the journey. He expressed these doubts to Teddy who wasn't about to give up that easily.

"Jesus, dude, it ain't really that far and we got all day to do the return trip. We can take our time about it. Any fuckin car should be able to handle it! And I hope you realize that if we don't fetch them, Andy and Pauly are gonna be real disappointed. And we are gonna miss out on a good time. Think about that!"

It was against his better judgment that Chris finally agreed. Teddy punched him on the shoulder and said: "I knew you would see it my way dude! And anyway I already told Pauly we would do it!"

To be continued.........

Next: Chapter 79: Christians Induction V 3

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