Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Dec 8, 2011



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Part Six.

When Chris heard who it was who was calling him on his cell phone he quickly moved back from Matt's room into his own.

After closing the interleading door, he replied: "Oh hi Casey. Andy did mention to me that he had given you my number. How are things going? Settled in yet?"

Chris was really pissed at this new development. Having Andy move out of town had been somewhat of a relief to him as Andy and his brothers were encroaching more and more on his time. Andy knew that he had him by the balls, having in his possession as he did those incriminating pictures of him. Andy was flaky and immature and thus Chris never knew what he was likely to do next. He therefore succumbed to all Andy's demands hoping to stave off any reckless action on his part. His relationship with Pauly too was such that he didn't want to antagonize him. To top it all, the youngest brother George had recently been making it pretty obvious that he knew what was going on with Andy and Pauly, and wouldn't be averse to Chris giving him head too. The news of the family's imminent departure from the town had therefore been welcome. But, true to form, Andy had played a final trump card by giving the new kid Casey his cell number.

Casey replied: "Well yeah, Chris, things are workin out OK I guess. The old girl has been organizing all the shit that needs to be done and me and Teddy are settled in our new surroundings. I gathered from Andy that you had been a visitor so you will know the layout." Laughing he continued: "It's kinda cool having our rooms detached from the house; gives us a lot more freedom if you know what I mean. I hope you will be able to visit. You have a standing invitation."

Chris replied: "Thanks Casey. OK then, let's meet up after school on Monday. We can have a soda or sumthin." With that, Chris described his car to Casey and gave him the tag number.

Chris was now in somewhat of a quandary; what exactly had Andy told Casey about their relationship? The fact that Casey, a mere sophomore, had interacted with Chris, a senior, on clearly a level footing made Chris suspect that Andy had put him fully in the picture. It would have been true to form if Andy had told him Chris was a pussyboy fag, there to be taken advantage of, and available to suck cock on demand. And what about those pictures? Did he know about them? And that Andy was extorting money from him in exchange for his silence?

Chris foresaw problems ahead and began to wonder whether he didn't need the collaboration of someone like Steve to hold them at bay. Steve certainly brooked no shit. Well, he would play it by ear and see what developed with Casey. And Matt thought he had problems!!


On Monday after school Chris waited for Casey in his car in the parking lot and he still had not appeared after 10 minutes. Chris's car was one of only six left in the lot so by now he surely would not have trouble identifying it. A couple more minutes passed and then he saw a kid he didn't recognize sauntering over to his car. At first glance he looked as though he might fit in well at the amusement arcade in town; he was nice enough looking, about 5.8", 140lbs, and with a buff nicely put together body, and sporting a spiky haircut with short sides. He wore the obligatory faded blue jeans, and a tee shirt with a print of one or other rock band on it. His sneakers were scuffed but blended in well with the overall look. Chris found it difficult to associate this guy with the polite voice he had heard on the phone. The kid walked up to the car and stuck his head through the passenger side window.

"You must be Chris right?" When Chris nodded yeah, he continued: "Well, I'm Casey. How you doin?"

Chris replied "Just fine." and leaned over and unlocked and opened the passenger side door.

Casey climbed in and said: "Seems like I'm a little late but I got involved in a convo with a coupla guys on the swim team. I excused myself saying I had to meet someone. This one guy, a senior, asked who it was considering it was only my first day at school, and when I told him, he said he knew you well. I think he said his name was Mark."

Jesus Christ! thought Chris. This is going from bad to worse. For sure it had to be Mark Nesbit.

"Yeah we know each other." Chris confirmed. "So what you got in mind. You feel like going for a soda or sumthin?"

Casey looked towards Chris, turned his lip up and laughed.

"Well, after the trauma of a first day at school maybe sumthin a little stronger might be in order. If you got time why don't we go to my place. The rents are at work and I'm pretty sure I can filch a coupla beers from the basement."

Chris said he had school stuff to do that afternoon but agreed figuring one beer would do no harm.

When they were ascending the steps to the apartment above the garages, Chris couldn't help but notice what a cute ass Casey had on him. And he could swear the kid was swinging it in as provocative a way as possible. Chris dismissed the idea as ridiculous.

When Casey had dumped his stuff, he informed Chris he would go fetch the beer and added: "If you need to go to the john, I'm sure you know where it is."

Casey soon returned and Chris flopped down in the one easy chair in the room while Casey lay back across the bed. The beer tasted real good.

When he thought Casey wasn't looking he checked him out and had to admit he was pretty hot. Casey turned around suddenly and caught Chris in the act. He smiled and said: "Like what you see dude?

"Sorry Casey, I didn't mean to stare. It's just that you remind me a lot of some guy I know."

Casey laughed softly and said: "Yeah! Yeah! I'm sure that's it. But even if you were starin, I'm kinda used to it and it don't faze me."

Casey continued: "That Andy dude seems like a cool cat. From the little he told me, it seemed like he knows what he wants and knows how to get it. He told me he had a good thing goin here with you and was mightily pissed when his old man had to take this new job."

Chris replied: "Yeah, that's what he told me. But that's the way the cookie crumbles right."

"Right. But we all gotta move on so no use mopin about it. You gotta just tackle the next challenge."

Casey continued: "Apparently you spent a lot of time here with the Nystrom boys. Is that true?"

"Yeah, I did. They were all kinda slobbish and so I used to give them a hand cleanin up the place. Especially after their mom took this job. I was happy to help out."

"Wow! I'd say that was sorta extreme but creditable nevertheless. Me and Teddy are probably the biggest slobs in the state so who knows you might wanna help us out sometime.

"Well, I gotta lot of school stuff goin on right now but maybe I might find some time to help. No promises though."

"That's way cool man. I'd be willing to reciprocate somehow of course and the way you been lookin at my crotch gives me an idea how we could come to some arrangement."

He looked over at Chris and smiled.

Casey continued: "Look dude, lets cut to the chase. Andy told me you were gay and also a bit of a cock hound. And I'm not one of these guys who likes beatin about the bush. If I misjudged the situation, just walk out and it won't go no further. On the other hand............" Casey cocked his head and smiled.

"Can we see how it goes?" Chris asked.

"Sure dude. Neither of us is goin anywhere after all. Want another beer?"

"No thanks Casey. I better get my ass home. Got a fair amount of work to do for school tomorrow."

As Chris was about to leave, there was a clattering on the outside steps and a kid of about 14 burst into the room.

"Jesus, Casey, what a fuckin day!" He pulled up short when he saw Chris and apologized for the intrusion.

"Not a problem bro." Turning to Chris he said: "This is my bro Teddy who I mentioned earlier. He just started at the junior high today. He's in grade eight."

"Hi Teddy. How did it go today?" asked Chris.

"OK I guess." Teddy replied and excused himself.

Casey turned to Chris: "Fuckin hot little stud huh?"

Chris saw no point in denying it and said laughing "Sure is."

"I knew you would approve. Still lookin for his first blowjob too. Maybe we could discuss that sometime."

Casey continued: "Lemme show you sumthin dude." He went over to his cupboard and after rummaging around brought out an envelope. He handed it to Chris and said: "Take a gander boy. I got these sent to me last week courtesy of your buddy Andy." Chris opened the envelope and out slid a series of photos which he recognized instantly. They were the ones Andy and Pauly had taken of him sucking Andy's dick and licking up Andy's cum. His heart sank.

Casey laughed and said: "Don't look so distraught boy. No one is gonna see these provided of course you co-operate."

"What do you want?" asked Chris in a strangled voice.

"Well boy, you might as well know I don't have all that much time for faggots. They can be useful though. Like for sucking cock, getting fucked and doin what they are told. So let's just say it looks like I got the upper hand here and that you are gonna be doin the stuff that fags are famous for. And you better remember I don't take shit from nobody. I may be a lowly soph in your eyes but I figure I could take you if it came to a confrontation."

Casey walked over to the door and locked it. "I think we might as well get to know each other a little better seein as you are here. Get stripped dude. It's been some time since I had me some ass and I figure you might just fit the bill."

Chris's mind was in turmoil and he stood transfixed.

Casey walked over to him and, with his face shoved up against Chris's, hissed: "Did you hear me boy? I said strip; now do it!!" With that he gave Chris a stinging slap across the face.

Chris did as he was told and shamefacedly sat on the edge of the bed. Casey kicked off his sneakers and slipped off his jeans and boxers. He went to the nightstand and retrieved a tube of lube and a condom. Then standing in front of Chris, he handed them to him and told him to roll the condom on his already hard dick and to lube it up. "Better lube up your ass too boy. Unless pain is your thing."

Chris complied and Casey pushed him back on the bed. Then lifting Chris legs on to his shoulders, he proceeded to push his dick against Chris's butthole and slowly entered him. The kid may have been only sixteen but he was quite well endowed and Chris gritted his teeth as Casey entered him. Casey fucked him first slowly then fast in turn and after about ten minutes gave a series of grunts and blew what was obviously a huge load.

He withdraw his dick from Chris's ass and told him to get dressed. "Now get the fuck out of here dude. Ain't you got homework to attend to? No doubt I'll be seein ya at school in the morning. Maybe we can have another little chat then."

Chris gathered up his clothes and quickly got dressed. As he was about to leave, Casey slipped the used condom into his hand and said: "Take this with you boy. We don't wanna clutter up the room any, do we?"


Driving home Chris was in tears. He hadn't foreseen anything like this happening and wondered how he was going to cope with Casey from now on.

To be continued.......

Next: Chapter 65: Christians Induction IV 7

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