Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Oct 9, 2011



This is a work of fiction.

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Part Two.

After supper that night Chris made his way along the sea-front until he reached "the strip", about three of four blocks of restaurants, fast food outlets and shops catering to tourists, and of course had no problem in finding McDonalds. Along the way he passed two or three arcades chock-a-block full of teenagers and he resolved to check them out in due course. He took up a position outside McDonalds as had been arranged but at eight there was no sign of the guy he had spoken to earlier. He had half expected to be stood up but after about ten minutes, his "date" did put in an appearance. He merely said "hi" and made no effort to apologize for being late. He continued: "I'm fuckin starvin man. Could do with a cheeseburger and a shake." Chris said OK and they entered McDonalds and grabbed a table near the rear. They introduced each other; the guy's name was Steve.

Chris, having already eaten, merely ordered a coke for himself and, when the food arrived, watched Steve as he scarfed down the cheeseburger and fries. Looking the guy over, it was clear he had not changed since they had spoken earlier, but Chris rationalized that everyone here was on vacation, so what the hell!

When Steve had finished eating he leaned back and stretched out his legs, commenting "Jesus, I needed that! It's bound to put some extra lead in my pencil too." He laughed at his own witticism.

He wanted to know from where Chris came and when Chris demurred saying "Just some small town you ain't never heard of." he looked a bit pissed and said "Jesus, dude, it's a simple enough question!"

Chris then told him.

Steve sat up and said "No shit! Me too." Chris thought to himself Yeah! Yeah! so decided to ask him a couple of questions which might validate his claim.

It turned out that the guy did in fact emanate from the same town and had attended a school in the same school district as Chris's school. Jesus, thought Chris, there ain't no escaping it, even here!

Steve informed Chris that he had dropped out of school after Grade Ten, and had made his way to Florida. He had lived with his father, who didn't give a fuck, but still went back home for a few months in the Summer. "Florida is just too fuckin hot n humid man!"

When Steve suggested that they leave, he let Chris pick up the check. Outside again, he informed Chris that just ten minutes away there was a deserted rest room and that they could go there. By now Chris was having second thoughts about the whole deal but Steve appeared to be a combustible type of guy so he decided to go through with things.

As Steve had said the rest room was truly deserted at this time of night and when they entered, he made directly for a "handicapped" stall. "Bit more room." he explained. They entered and Steve slid the bolt in order to lock the door.

Chris looked around and made as if to sit on the toilet seat. He had done this many times previously, having the other guy stand in front of him.

Steve gave him a dismissive look and said: "I don't think so dude. I figure you've sucked plenty dick before now and you should know that a cocksucker's place is on his knees. In any case, that's where I want you, so do it."

Chris by now was keen to avoid any confrontation with this guy, so got down on his knees on the dirty piss-strewn floor. Fortunately he was wearing his shorts so would avoid fucking up his good jeans.

"OK bitch," said Steve, "let's see what the Mid-West cocksuckers are made of. Take out my dick and get to work on it."

Chris unbuttoned the front of Steve's bathing suit and slid his dick out into the open. "Take it in your mouth fucker, and get it hard." Steve instructed him.

Chris had caught just a glimpse of Steve's dick earlier but was now surprised at the length and girth of it. He had a thick 7.5 incher on him. Chris took it in his mouth and could taste the dried remains of piss and cum. He swirled his tongue around the head and stuck his tongue into Steve's generous-sized piss slit. Steve encouraged him: "That's it man. I want that slit nice and clean. Now go down on it all the way. Keep your lips nice and tight around it as you suck." Chris was having difficulty in swallowing the full length of it, so Steve grabbed his hair and forced him down on it all the way until his face was in his pubes. "Keep it there fucker until I say you can come up for air. Then I wanna feel lotsa tongue as you lick back to the head." Chris was allowed to work slowly on Steve's dick at his own pace, making sure he kept giving it tongue. He felt Steve's dick start to stiffen more and more until it was rock hard; suddenly it was pulled from his mouth and Steve blew a huge wad of cum all over his face and in his mouth. Steve visibly relaxed and Chris took his dick back into his mouth and sucked it clean.

Steve slipped his dick back in his bathing suit and said: "OK fucker, clean yourself up and let's make a move."

On the way back, Steve asked Chris where he was staying and for how long and Chris, not knowing how to avoid the question, told him. Steve asked him the number of the condo and again Chris complied.

When they reached one of the arcades, Steve said: "I'm gonna leave you here dude. Can you perhaps spare me a ten-spot?" Chris gave him the money and made his way back to the condo. He reflected that the kid was hot, but there was a menacing undertone to the encounter which he would have preferred to avoid. Perhaps it would be better not to see him again.


The following morning Chris thought back on the events of the previous evening and chastised himself mentally for what had happened. He knew that Florida was a magnet for hustlers, runaways and drifters and he should have exercised more care. This was their turf after all. He decided to put it behind him and to enjoy the sun and surf.

He spent some time on the beach in order to work on the obligatory tan and after lunch decided to check out one of the arcades he had seen the day before. As he entered no one paid the slightest attention to him (unlike the arcade at home) and he soon felt comfortable in his surroundings. As was to be expected the place was full of teenagers of all ages and they seemed to be engrossed in playing the machines. Most of them wore only long-legged swim suits and sandals or flip flops, and it really was a feast for the eyes.

He had been there about half an hour when to his dismay he saw Steve enter. He was with two other guys about the same age as himself and they were laughing their asses off at something or other. Chris sat at one of the tables and tried to appear as inconspicuous as possible. After about ten minutes Steve spotted him and with a huge grin on his face wandered over to his table.

"Well, well, well. If it ain't my friend from up north. How you doin dude?"

"Oh, pretty good." replied Chris. "Been workin on my tan."

"Didn't you see me enter?" asked Steve.

"Yea, I did, but I didn't want to intrude as you were with those friends of yours."

"Ahhh. I see." replied Steve. "I thought for a moment you might have been wantin to avoid me. That wouldn't have been cool. Anyway I'm sure they would like to meet you too. Lemme give em a call."

Steve walked over to the other two and said something to them. They looked over towards Chris and shared a joke among themselves. All three then walked over to Chris's table, the two strangers all smiles, and Steve introduced them. At close quarters Chris could see that one was about Steve's age, or slightly older, and the other one slightly younger. They were clearly Latinos. They were introduced as Carlos and Ramone and were brothers.

"Guys would you believe that Chris here is from the same hick town as me?" Steve laughed and the others joined in. "I told you we got some hot tail in that town!" They all laughed again. "Anyway, Chris here is gonna be around for two more weeks, workin on his tan, and I figure we'll get to know each other better during that time. Not so, Chris?"

"Yeah, I guess so." replied Chris.

Steve assured Chris: "No doubt about it dude."

"Anyway," Steve continued, "we gonna meet up later tonite, maybe smoke a little weed. You are invited to join us Chris."

Chris demurred: "Not sure if I can make it Steve. The folks said sumthin about goin out to dinner some place."

Steve replied: "No ifs and buts dude. You are invited and that means you will join us. Capiche? Be outside here at about eight, OK?"

They started to leave and Chris called Steve back. "Listen, Steve, I gotta tell you I don't have bucks apart from a little spending dough."

Steve looked insulted: "Who said anything about money dude? We ain't interested in your fuckin money. Just be here, or we may come lookin for you." With that he turned on his heel and walked out.


That night Chris made sure that he arrived before the arranged time. The last thing he wanted was for these guys to come knocking at the door of the condo. Soon after eight a clunker pulled up outside the arcade and he heard his name being called. He saw that it was his Steve and his two buddies and he went over to it and was told to climb in the back. Carlos, the older guy was at the wheel, with Steve in the passenger seat, and Ramone in the rear next to Chris. They had all changed although they were still wearing shorts. Chris had to admit they looked pretty hot.

Carlos drove slowly along the road running along the edge of the beach and whenever they passed any girls, they would hang out of the windows of the car whistling and making lewd comments. All the while they would laugh their asses off.

Steve suggested to Carlos that he look for the track that ran from the road down to the sand dunes, where they had obviously parked previously. Once they had found a deserted spot Carlos parked the car and everyone relaxed and, checking out the scene, waited for about ten minutes before Steve produced a bag of weed. He started to roll a couple of joints and meanwhile they each had a beer from a six-pack that Ramone produced. The joints were passed around from one to the other, Chris included, and it wasn't long before they had a buzz on. The conversation became sillier and Ramone, in particular, was having fits of giggling.

"Dunno what it is guys," said Ramone giggling, "but after a few drags of weed I immediately pop a boner."

"Well," said Steve, "I figure you may just be in luck tonite. What you think Chris?" Chris just nodded, knowing what was now expected of him.

"Cool." continued Steve. "Why not take his dick out and give him one of your expert blowjobs then."

Ramone slid forward in the seat stretching out and opening his legs, giving Chris the silent go-ahead. Chris bent over and rubbed Ramone's crotch discovering that he did indeed have an erection. He undid the buttons of Ramone's shorts, slipped his hand inside them and lowering the waistband of his briefs took in hand Ramone's hard throbbing five-incher. The other two were looking on from over the backrests of the front seats.

Steve instructed Chris: "Well, dude, don't just look at it. Take it in your mouth and start suckin it." Steve clearly intended to run the show.

Chris did as he was told and, giving Ramone's dick plenty of tongue, went down all the way on it and started to suck it, keeping his lips tight around the shaft. He heard Steve say to Carlos: "Told you he wasn't your average cocksucker dude."

Slowly but surely Ramone's dick started to stiffen and Chris knew he was getting close. Steve instructed Ramone: "When you ready to cum, make sure it's in his mouth dude. He's gonna swallow all three of us tonite."

Almost immediately Ramone lifted his ass and, holding Chris's head tightly, shot his load into his mouth. Chris, who by now was high on the weed, was completely into it and sucked on the kid's dick until he had squeezed the last drops of his cum on to his tongue and swallowed it.

"Fuckin awesome!" said Ramone. "Can't wait until tomorrow for a repeat." The other two laughed.

Steve and Ramone traded places and, as soon as Steve was settled in the seat, he grabbed Chris's head and forced it down on to his engorged dick. If anything, it looked longer and thicker than yesterday, Chris thought. He started to gag slightly as Steve forced his dick into his throat and Steve instructed him: "Open up bitch, you gonna take it all the way." With much effort Chris managed to control his gag reflex and when he had his face in Steve's pubes, Steve started to slowly fuck his face. Chris was battling for air but Steve kept his head in position until finally he blew his load into Chris's throat. He released his hold and Chris came up gasping for air. "Not bad." Steve informed Chris, "you are learning fast. But you still got a way to go to match some of the expert cocksuckers we have in this part of the world."

Chris proceeded to blow Carlos in turn and he proved to be quite gentle in comparison. Steve told him: "No need to hold back dude. These fuckers like it a bit rough. And if they don't, that's tough."

After smoking another joint they drove back and Chris was let out at the entrance to "Casa Vista". Steve informed him: "Lookin forward to seeing you soon bitch." and Carlos drove off.

Chris was beginning to wonder what he had got himself into.

To be continued........

Next: Chapter 61: Christians Induction IV 3

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