Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Jun 22, 2011



Usual disclaimers apply. This is a work of fiction. All rights reserved by the author. If you are underage, object to gay erotic fiction, or it's illegal where you are, please leave now.

Part Fifteen

Virtually since grade school, Matt had been friends with Larry, Doug and Will and the three others had spent many hours in his room hanging out. Chris had always referred to them as the "gang of four". Matt had a decent computer and, apart from playing games, Chris had his suspicions that they and theirs peers traded the addresses of free porn sites. Whenever Chris went through to Matt's room to fetch something Matt had borrowed and not returned, there had always been this sudden hush in proceedings. He knew that something had to be up.

After Matt had discovered that Chris was giving head to guys in his grade at school (the information having come from Larry "on good authority") and subsequently had coerced Chris into servicing him as well, it was inevitable that the other two would also find out about it. But initially it was Larry who was completely obsessed by the idea of having Chris suck his cock; by then Matt was regularly being serviced and Larry figured that if strange dudes from school were benefiting from Chris's largesse then why the hell should he as a friend of Chris's brother miss out? He kept on about it with Matt, dropping none to subtle hints at regular intervals. Just for hell of it Matt kept him on a string but eventually got Chris to agree to do Larry. Matt knew that Chris would agree without being pushed too hard as Larry was kinda cute.

Will, the youngest, meantime found out about what was going on. He and Doug attended the same junior high school as Andy and Pauly and he overheard Andy bragging about the fact that a junior from one of the two high schools was sucking his dick. He wheedled the identity of the cocksucker out of Pauly, who like his bro had a loose mouth. Amazingly the facts all pointed to Chris. Basically through veiled intimidation he soon had Chris embroiled in a relationship based on his own interest in bdsm type sex about which he had been avidly educating himself via the internet. Chris regarded him as a complete psycho and when he broached the subject of making Chris his slave, the latter decided enough was enough and told Matt what was going on. Matt was outraged, although of course he had his own interests much at heart, and Will was quickly put in his place under all sorts of dire threats.

Doug thus became the sole survivor of the four who had not enjoyed Chris's favors. Matt magnanimously thought it was a situation that needed to be put to rights. Thus a "cock and pot" party had been arranged. Matt figured that Chris wouldn't need much encouragement to attend as the guest of honor if he informed him Doug, who Matt had no doubt was a virgin, would be there. He knew that Chris had a penchant for sucking off "first-timers". Doug, too, had suddenly blossomed and taken on this cool slim buffed-out look. Even Matt thought he looked pretty hot. When arrangements for the party had been finalized, Doug could barely contain his excitement. The party turned out to be a huge success.

Both Larry and Doug had been away on family vacations and had returned the weekend before school resumed. Larry's family had been to Florida where his father had a seaside cottage, while Doug's family had been on a boat tour around the Mediterranean. On the Sunday afternoon Chris was alone at home, his parents having gone to visit friends and Matt was visiting his new girl friend. He was surprised therefore when the front doorbell rang. He went to see who it was and there stood Larry and Doug. This really surprised him because he knew Matt had seen them both the previous evening and none of them was able to go to the bathroom without the others knowing about it. This was no coincidence he figured; he was pretty sure they knew Matt's whereabouts.

"Hiya fellas, welcome back." Chris greeted them. They returned the greeting and asked whether Matt was at home.

Chris informed them he was visiting this new chick he had hooked up with. Doug looked at Larry and they surmised that it must be Cindy, who Matt had mentioned.

Chris continued "If you are at a loose end, why not come in. I'm just having a look at this new game I bought yesterday."

Larry said "Cool, I could do with a coke or somethin." They went upstairs to Chris's bedroom and, after getting some sodas, Chris sat down on the typist's chair he used at his computer with the other two flanking him. He began to explain the intricacies of the game and soon felt Larry's leg subtly pushing up against his.

"So guys," Chris enquired, "did you get any while on vacation?"

It was apparently a sore point with Doug since he had had his younger sister tagging along wherever he went. "Saw some pretty cool looking chicks though." he informed them. "And they make no secret of their interest if you are foreign and they like your looks."

Apparently Larry had been looking forward to seeing a girl who lived close to his family's place but discovered on arrival that she now had a boy friend. So he had also struck out. "Which means of course that we are both pretty horny." he laughed.

"So I see." said Chris turning towards Larry and slipping his hand over the bulge in his jeans. He started to rub it slowly and could feel Larry's dick harden. He turned towards Doug and asked "How about you Doug?" Doug had been standing with his hands in front of him but he now moved them aside and clearly offered Chris the opportunity to feel for himself. Chris groped him and it was obvious that he was erect.

"Larry, you wanna take it out dude?" asked Chris. "You help yourself man." replied Larry. Chris unzipped Larry's jeans, fished inside and soon had his almost erect dick out in the open. He took it in his mouth and at the same time felt for Doug's cock. Doug unzipped his jeans and soon had his dick in Chris's hand.

Larry asked Chris: "You ever do two guys at the same time?"

"You mean like service two dicks at the same time? Actually no." replied Chris, lying through his front teeth.

"You wanna try it dude? I'm sure Doug will be up for it. Not so, Doug?" Doug giggled and said he was game.

"OK then, let's try it." said Chris.

Larry took over. "Turn your chair around and Doug and I will stand next to each other in front of you so that you can suck on our dicks in turn. While you are sucking the one cock you can stroke the other." Chris followed Larry's instructions and soon had either Larry's or Doug's dick in his mouth while gently stroking the other one.

Larry continued: "Try to take as much of it in your mouth as possible dude, keeping your lips tight around it and giving it a lotta tongue."

Chris went to work and it was soon obvious that both boys were not too far from shooting their loads.

"Tell you what," said Larry, addressing Chris. "See if you can take both cocks in your mouth at the same time. Doug and I will stand closer together so that you can do it and while you give the heads tongue, we will slowly jack ourselves."

Addressing Doug he said: "When the first of us is close, the other one must pull out so that Chris can give full attention to the cock in his mouth. When the first guy has unloaded then we must trade positions so that Chrissie boy can take care of the second dick. OK?" Doug nodded, wide-eyed with anticipation. When they had both orgasmed they collapsed on the bed. "Jesus," said Larry, "that was fucking awesome." "I gotta second that." said Doug laughing.

At about the same time they heard Matt's car in the driveway. He pounded up the stairs and, as usual, entered Chris's room without knocking. The other three were making out that they were discussing the new computer game but Matt was on to them.

"Well, well, well, what have we here? A religious get-together maybe? Or perhaps some collaboration over a homework assignment?" Matt continued: "Don't for a moment think I can't recognize the smell of cock." They all looked at each other and burst out laughing. "I should charge you little bastards." said Matt.

Matt's two friends disappeared with him into his room but shortly thereafter Chris heard someone enter the bathroom which separated the two bedrooms. Larry stuck his head through the door to Chris's room and said softly: "Chris babe, Matt is gonna be tied up with baseball one afternoon a week. How about we agree to hook up on that afternoon each week. If it's OK with you, I'll chat Doug about it."

Chris admitted to himself that he had enjoyed the threesome with Larry and Doug, so he told Larry it sounded good but that they would have to play it by ear.

"Cool, cool." replied Larry, a wide grin on his face.


On the evening of the first day of school, Andy called Chris and said that he was going to meet his bud Joey at the Arcade. Apparently Joey's school was due to reopen only the following week. Andy told Chris he would like him to join them and would he pick him up in say fifteen minutes. Chris was busy looking over his new schedule and stuff and was reluctant but Andy insisted that it was kinda important.

When they arrived at the Arcade they found Joey busy on one of the machines so they had to wait until he finished his game. Andy suggested to Chris that he get a couple of cokes from the dispenser in the meanwhile. It wasn't long before Joey joined them and they greeted each other with high fives.

Andy soon got down to business. "Like I said to you before dude," he said to Chris, "Joey is kinda keen on joining us when we get together. I've shown him the pics Pauly took of us except for one which I've discarded since it shows my face."

"Fucking hot pics man." Joey interjected addressing Chris.

"Yea well," Andy continued, "they are gonna remain a secret between the three of us and Pauly of course. I don't think Chris is very keen to have them circulated. But to keep it that way Chris is gonna have to help me out a little." Addressing Chris he continued: "The bucks you let me have each week is really helpful coz my old man is so fuckin mean when it comes to my allowance. Also transport to school is gonna be a problem. Since you now have wheels, I figured you wouldn't mind giving me a ride each day. It ain't that far outta your way after all. So whadda you say dude?"

Chris knew that as things stood Andy had him by the balls so he nodded his agreement. Andy said "I knew I could depend on you dude."

Joey smiled and said: "I figure it's a cool arrangement all around for you guys. And we all know Chris here likes a bit of cock, so I'll be happy to do my part and contribute to that." he laughed.

Just then Tonio, the young latino guy who was Mark's connection for weed, entered and, when he saw Chris, came over. "How you doin man? Long time no see." Andy, whispering, asked him whether he could let them have a couple of joints. Tonio told him to meet him in the alley at the back of the Arcade and Andy asked Chris to let him have a few bucks to pay for them.

Chris told Andy he had to get back home as he still had some stuff to prepare for school the following day to which Andy replied: "Jesus man you shoulda said so earlier. Don't wanna mess your schedule up." With that they departed for home.

They arranged on the way that Chris would pick Andy up at seven the next morning for his ride to school.

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 49: Christians Induction III 16

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