Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Apr 15, 2011



Usual disclaimers apply. This is a work of fiction. All rights reserved by the author. If you are underage, object to gay erotic fiction, or it's illegal where you are, please leave now.

Part Five

Matt was sitting in front of his computer playing Solitaire and mulling over the fact that it was he who had missed out the most when all the chips had fallen regarding Chris's sexual availability. It was true that Chris was at his disposal just a shout away when he felt the need for sexual release and, hey, that was a major fucking plus considering his appetite for sex. He figured that there were not many guys who had the luxury of having a bro in the next room willing to cater to their needs on an ongoing basis. And Chris had never refused him; so it was clear that his bro was very into him. Matt was confident about the sexual aura he put out and that he would be able pretty much to attach himself to a lot of the hot girls at school and in the neighborhood; in fact a new chick had recently moved into their street and she had been coming on to him in a big way. And fuck man! she was nineteen years old! Obviously she was craving some sixteen year old cock! But all the preliminary seduction crap was a drag. It still riled him that Chris now seemed to be under the control and influence of that asshole Mark Nesbit. The problem had been that matters had become so complicated that he. Matt, had begun to fear that the whole fucking situation would blow up and that the rents would become aware of what was going on. Jesus, just imagine if they had become aware of the fact that he had been pimping Chris out! His ass woulda been toast. That was why he had for once listened to Chris, rather than the other way around, and cut his losses.

More annoying than most things was the fact that Larry and that little upstart Will, two of his gang, had had the opportunity to savor Chris sexually. It somehow reflected on him he thought. On reflection though he had to admit that that it was he who had considered setting up a "party" at which the gang of four would use his bro. He still thought it was a hot idea and couldn't quite rid himself of the thought. The other three guys still spent a lot of time at his house and they fucked about in his room as if nothing untoward had taken place. The latest fad had been to access porn sites, many of which were free, and Matt knew that one day soon four hard dicks would burst from their confines and he couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of who would be doing what to whom. Larry had never yet got over being blown my Chris and was always harping on the fact to him that he would give an arm and a leg for a repeat. (The pig actually imparted the news that he loved to have Chris suck on his balls.) Fuck!! Will held his peace as he didn't want to antagonize Matt, but Matt was certain that that little asshole had had his baby fuckstick in Chris's mouth. He looked upon it as a personal affront.

Out of the blue, Matt got the shock of his life. Doug, who was the second youngest of them, but in view of recent developments with Will, the most na‹ve, privately told him that one of the guys in his grade was bragging about the fact that he and his younger bro Pauly, were getting head from an older guy named Chris. Doug had asked this guy Andy where Chris lived and the street he described appeared to be Matt and Chris's one. Despite being kinda dumb, Doug had put two and two together and asked Matt what the fuck was going on. Matt told him he really didn't wanna know. However that night Matt confronted Chris and slyly asked him whether he knew two bros named Andy and Pauly. Chris replied: "Err, err, lemme think. Oh yea, Andy was one of the guys I met down at the Arcade." Matt thought to himself that nothing had changed for Chris. He was still doing Mark's bidding at every turn, sucking Matt himself off every day, and now quite clearly was looking for every dick he could find on the side. Matt didn't object in principle but there was no way he was any longer going to curb his own inclinations. Matt therefore told Chris to cut out all the bullshit and that henceforth he would be acceding to all Matt's demands like before. He told Chris: "Dude, I know you have this thing going on with Mark but from now on you are going to have to accommodate me too. Got it?" Chris meekly agreed but told Matt that he would have to continue seeing certain guys, like Andy and Pauly, if only to keep their mouths shut. Matt thought to himself that the problem lay in the fact that Chris couldn't keep his own mouth shut when there was a dick in the vicinity.

That night Larry, Will and Doug were again at the house and they were horsing around as usual. Chris came through from his room to fetch one of his DVDs that Matt had borrowed but, as usual, had not returned. As he entered Matt's room there was a sudden hush and then all of a sudden the four of them burst out laughing. Chris had an idea that it probably had to do with him but ignored them and went back to his room. He was beyond caring.

Matt decided then and there that he was going to put the fact that Chris was his bro out of his mind. He would continue to take advantage of the situation which that relationship provided but in future he would have no compunction in accepting the fact that Chris was a cockwhore and was there to serve. If that meant that Chris would be called through to his room when Larry needed to get off so be it, or even if Will, as young as he was, wanted to exercise his desire to boss Chris around, that too would be OK.

After Chris had left the room, he said to his three friends: "Listen assholes, Larry and Will already know about Chris's leanings towards being submissive to other guys and we have been skirting around that for a while now. But I've decided that if Chris wants to serve other dudes, who the fuck am I to object? In future, if you guys wanna use him and he is OK with it, it's all systems go as far as I am concerned. Larry dude if he is willing to suck you off then go for it. And Will, I don't really know what you lookin for from Chris, but I'll look the other way whatever it is." Young Will felt his dick begin to stiffen in his jeans and Matt's words were like music to his ears. Matt continued: "And Doug, it looks like you been left behind in this race." Larry and Will chuckled. "I think we need to see that you lose your cock virginity as soon as possible." They all had a laugh and Doug's eyes sparkled. Doug said: "Well, if he is doin that little punk Andy and even worse his younger bro Pauly, I figure I definitely should be getting some too."

Matt continued: "All I'm askin is that you keep a lid on things. Don't get tempted to open your mouth to anyone. If our rents, mine or yours, get word of what's goin on, we will all be fucked big time. I think what we need to do to release the tension is have a fuckin party with big bro and get our balls drained. But we are gonna have to wait until one of us has the house to himself, like if the rents are away or something. Shall I get Chris to come through and put it to him?" There were excited replies of "Fuck yea!" and "Let's do it." and such like.

Matt stuck his head though the door into Chris's room and asked him: "Dude you wanna come through here for a moment?" Chris replied "Sure Matt." and they all gathered in Matt's room.

Matt addressed Chris: "Listen, dude, we all know the score here so don't let's fuck about. Me and the guys here thought it would be a cool idea to have a guys only party one night, just the five of us. If you could arrange with one of your connections, maybe not Randy though, to score some beers and weed we could have a rare old time. Maybe you could get Jose down at the Arcade to help. What do you say dude? How does the thought of four young horny guys sound to you?"

Chris, despite all his misgivings, knew that he would like nothing more. He hesitated and Matt said impatiently: "Well??" Chris replied: "Sounds like fun Matt. But everyone has to seriously undertake to keep the whole deal under wraps. Otherwise all hell could break loose."

Matt assured him that they had that covered. "OK guys, the first step is get a venue decided and then to put the plan into action."

The three visitors left for home in a state of excitement, especially Doug who could barely contain himself.

To be continued......

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Next: Chapter 39: Christians Induction III 6

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