Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Jan 24, 2011



This is a sequel to an earlier story "Christian's Induction" (see High School 20 January 2011).

Usual disclaimers apply. This is a work of fiction. All rights reserved by the author. If you are underage, object to gay erotic fiction, or it's illegal where you are, please leave now!

Part One.

Matt, driving home after having spoken with Jose at the ABC Amusement Arcade that evening, was in an optimistic frame of mind. He knew that what he planned still had some groundwork to be done but what had already been achieved in the past few days was really encouraging. The chief obstacle, Mark Nesbit, who had had this stranglehold over his brother Christian, had been sidelined. Matt knew that the events that had led up to that had been fortuitous and had luckily worked in his favor, but who was he to look a gift horse in the mouth? He, Matt, had thought the party which Mark had arranged was a brilliant idea, but in hindsight, there had been too many complications not to present problems of some sort. He had learnt some lessons that night and he knew that he himself would not have had the experience to stage an event of that nature previously. He now felt more confident on that score. Principally, he had learned that such a "party" would require the availability of booze and drugs and thus he would need the appropriate connections to score those items. He had since forged some kind of relationship with both Randy and Jose, who were friends or neighbors or something of the sort, and he would have to nurture those. He had no plans at present to try to organize any event such as Mark had done but he knew he had to look to the future.

Matt had now come to recognize the submissive nature of his older brother and, although the fact that he apparently thrived on sucking cock and swallowing cum was really beyond his comprehension, he accepted it as a fact and didn't think it was his job to figure out why. He enjoyed the fruits of it on a personal level and knew for sure that Mark, Randy and his own friend Larry had enjoyed it. He was willing to bet there had been others. Larry had in fact, to Matt's amusement, been looking for the opportunity for a repeat performance ever since. He promised himself he would arrange it for Larry asap. What horny young teenager, having had his first blowjob, would not be wanting a repeat? Understanding these urges himself, he saw an opportunity to augment his meager allowance. Jesus, how was he expected to buy clothes, a flat screen computer monitor, DVDs, and stuff, plus finance dates with his new girl friend Cindy, on the crap allowance he received from his father. The old man was living in the fifties, for fuck's sake! On top of it, he now had almost exclusive use of Matt's car, and the cost of gas was a constant problem. Chris' proclivity for sucking cock and being humiliated wasn't going to go away; why then should he not take advantage of it?

He had to be careful though. If his parents ever found evidence of what he was doing he would be literally fucked. He knew he could rely on Chris' discretion but he decided that he needed to keep this whole new scene as far away from their school as possible. Mark, of course, was the obvious danger but he believed he had enough stuff over Mark to ensure his silence. As things now stood, he maintained an uneasy peace with Mark. They acknowledged each other's presence but the previous situation was studiously avoided. Fortunately, although they were in the same grade, they were in different classes. Chris, being one grade ahead of them only saw them in passing and Mark made a point of ignoring him. Fucking great! thought Matt.

If Matt was gonna sell Chris' mouth and, who knows, his ass to guys, he knew he would have to concentrate on the younger guys. Few juniors and virtually no seniors would be likely to fork out dough when they had probably found an outlet with their girl friends. Maybe the occasional need for release, that would be about it. It had to be more frequent. So, what to do? Randy attended a different high school and, with his street smarts, was the obvious connection to the kids at his school. He and Randy, on that first day after Mark's party, had already agreed "to co-operate", although that hadn't really been defined. And, Jose had quite clearly agreed, for a still to be defined cut, to source guys at the video arcade. That had been a coup! He was still congratulating himself on that one!

Then, of course, there was the question of Chris himself. How would he react to being made virtually into a cock whore? Wow, Matt thought, this was not gonna be as easy as he had previously thought.

That afternoon, while he and Chris were ostensibly in their own rooms doing homework, the doorbell rang downstairs. "I'll get it" shouted Matt through to Chris' room. He opened the door and there stood Larry. "Hiya dude" said Matt "how are things? Come in, don't stand there lookin like a fuckin statue!" They went up to Matt's room and, after pushing each other around in the obligatory fashion, they sat down at the computer.

After a while Larry said: "Matt, you won't believe what I stumbled on! It's this porn site, free dude free!, that is really so hot. All these white chicks, suckin and getting fucked by these black dudes with the most enormous cocks! You wanna see it?"

"Well, OK, Larry if you really want me to look. You know I ain't really into that kinda thing." They enjoyed a good laugh over that. Larry found the site and Matt had to admit that it was very hot indeed. He boned up almost instantly and he guessed Larry had too.

He went over to the door and shouted through to Chris. "You busy dude?" "Not really Matt. What's up?" Chris replied.

"Come through here a minute. Wanna show you sumthin."

Chris went through to Matt's room, greeted Larry, and said "So, what's so important?"

"Take a gander at that dude" Mark said indicating the computer monitor.

"Jesus" said Chris, "how fuckin gross!" Matt couldn't stop laughing. He replied "Well, it's certainly got Larry boned up. Take a feel".

Larry sat stock still, hoping for the best. Chris thought what the fuck and went over to where Larry was sitting and felt his bulge. He was as hard as a rock and Chris had pleasant memories of the day Matt had inveigled him into sucking Larry off.

Matt said "Go for it Chris. He needs it bad. Get over to the bed Larry and make sure you two don't get cum on my bedspread." Fat chance of that thought Chris.

Larry and Chris moved over to the bed where Chris proceeded to give Larry one of his expert blowjobs. Larry nearly went nuts when Chris gave him tongue, particularly on the sensitive underside of the head of his dick.

Matt meanwhile sat in his easy chair and watched the action, thinking to himself "That little bastard should be paying me for that!"

Matt decided that he would postpone until the next day approaching Chris with his new proposal. It would go over better if Chris was in a horny state of mind.

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 23: Christians Induction II 2

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