
By Peter J Beamish

Published on Sep 17, 2002



Christian was having the time of his life. The beer had been flowing freely all night and he was feeling no pain whatsoever. This was easily the best party of the year and it was still early on in the evening. He had floated from group to group, flirting his cute, innocent way that always charmed the ladies, and delivering jokes and snappy one- liners to the guys in the style that had easily made him one of the most popular kids at school. And even though this party marked the end of summer vacation, he was eager to see it come, along with it, the start of his senior year.

He had even broken up with his girlfriend for what he knew was only the selfish reason that he didn't want to be tied down to someone, he was only going to leave next year when he went to college anyways. Kirsten had been great and he felt sorry for her, that he had been unable to give her any real solid reason for ending the relationship, but she had been more serious about it then Chris from the start. He had realistic plans for after graduation and they did not include a marriage, so he had cut his looses and ended it the best he could, knowing that there was no way to avoid hurt feelings.

As captain of both the swim team and baseball team, Christian had worked hard to earn both the scholarship that was sending him to college and the body that had most girls eyeing him appreciatively at the party. His smooth, nearly hairless chest coupled with a thin waist and what he humbly knew was an extremely nice butt, he was proud of what the years of exercise and sports had produced. His green eyes, dark brown, almost black hair, and his quick, sincere smile made him stand out almost anywhere and with the natural exuberance of youth, he was ready to start his senior year a demi-god.

He made his way up the stairs in search of a bathroom stopping to chat here and there with one group or another. The house was huge, belonging to some kid's parents that he didn't even know, but had come in response to the word of mouth invite that had borne a number of great parties in the manner that they do. Both bathrooms downstairs had been occupied and Christian didn't want to fight the crowd outside by the pool to use the cabana, especially as time was growing short. The upstairs was practically deserted, and he stopped at the first open door he came two. Three guys and two girls were hanging out talking in what was obviously the host's room.

"Excuse me," he said starting to fidget from the urgency with which the three beers he had drank seemed to demand release. "Sorry to interrupt but is there a bathroom up here some where?"

One of the guys, a slim Asian guy looked up from the conversation and nodded his head to a door across the room. "There's one in there guy. You can use that one." He said before returning his attention to the girls.

"Thanks," Chris half mumbled as he headed towards the bathroom. Closing the door behind him he knew he had made it just in time. He couldn't help but be impressed as he looked around the large bathroom that the kid had to himself. Christian's own parents weren't exactly poor, but it was a pain in the ass sharing the one with his younger brother that connected their two rooms. There was a huge walk-in shower with three showerheads on one side, and a huge counter and sink complete with designer toilet on the other. He wasn't sure but he thought the counter was pure marble. He unzipped his Levi's and pulled his manhood out in time just narrowly missing the bowl as he relieved himself. He and groaned slightly with relief as the pressure was relieved from his bladder. After what seemed an eternity he finished and washed up.

Entering the room he saw that another girl had joined the group. After a second he realized it was Sally Griffin, one of the cheerleaders that had had an eye on him at the games. The beautiful blonde looked up and seeing that it was he, smiled and beckoned him to join them. It had been two months since he had broken up with Kirsten and he was ready to dip his toe, along with other things, back in the dating pool. Gladly he stepped over to join the small group.

"Hey guys," Sally said interrupting the others low conversation. "I want you to meet a friend of mine. This is Christian Jacobs from my school braniac and star athlete extraordinaire" she said introducing him with a flourish. Chris was welcomed with a bunch of nods and half mumbled `hay's. Pushing the guy that had guided him to his salvation forward, she said, "Chris, this is Kim. It's his hellacool party."

"Hey Christian. Having a good time." Kim asked sticking out his hand.

"Extremely dude," he said shaking his host's hand in appreciation. Great party and really great house, man. You could get lost in this place."

"Yeah my dad owns a computer company and bunch of others. Takes a lot of his time but the perks are great for me. Hell, a good tip to the housekeepers and when my parents get back next week they'll never even know there was a couple hundred kids here tonight."

"Cool man. That rocks." Christian thought he had the world on a plate but he couldn't help but be a little jealous of his new acquaintance. Kim was a good-looking guy, the sharpness of his Asian features and short spiky haircut, along with a beautiful mansion and what was probably a huge allowance, the guy must do at least as good as him if not better with the girls. The room spoke of his fathers calling, with the most modern gadgets and electronics available all over the place.

"C'mon meet the gang. This is Rico." He said nodding towards a slightly Spanish looking kid with dark good looks and wavy brown hair. Kim was obviously the alpha male of this group of friends and seeing his unspoken leader welcome the new comer to the midst, with a smile and an acknowledging nod, he was a lot more welcoming than at first. "Next to him is Teri and Sheri, affectionately known as the tempting twins'," the two girls, hearing their misnomer, lifted their raven-haired heads and smiled coyly in perfect unison. Christian hadn't noticed in his hurried state earlier that the two girls were a mirror of the same beautiful face and body. The left one winked at him before Kim forced his attention to the next person. Dressed very GQ, with dark good looks and a smoldering stare that seemed to suggest that wasn't as quick as their leader to make new friends, he was introduced to Kyle. He looked as if he could be the triplet brother to the tempting twins', but by the way his gaze strayed to one of their chests he was pretty sure there was no family relationship, or at least he hoped so. You never can tell out here in California though. He looked familiar somehow but Chris was pretty sure that they had never met. "And of course you already know Sally who we just met through Kyle here."

Christian quickly joined the conversation and found himself glad to meet this new group of prospective friends. He did notice that Kyle remained cool toward him, but the others treated Christian's sudden inclusion to their circle as if he was a long lost friend. He quickly learned that Kim, who usually went to private school, would be staying home and attending Chris' own school as a senior. Rico was a friend from Kim's old school that was spending a couple weeks with his friend whilst his parents toured Europe. Kyle would be attending UCLA for his sophomore year. He was indeed seeing Sally, cutting off that chance for Chris, and this was only their second date. The twins lived nearby but went to a different school. Apparently, their father was partner with Kim's dad and had been left on their own as the two partners went on a business trip.

"I have an idea," Teri said suddenly, her voice low and sultry. "Let's play `Top That'."

"Can't, uneven teams." Rico said quietly.

"So we'll play girls against the guys then. Lighten the fuck up Kyle, you've been brooding since this afternoon." She smoothly shot back arching an eyebrow at her target.

"Whatever. I'm game."

Chris was relieved to learn that he wasn't the sole cause of Kyle's dark mood, he was also curious as too what in the hell they were talking about. "What's top that?" he asked nudging Kim who was sitting on the floor next to him.

Kim smiled and started to explain. "Top That is kind of this game we play sometimes when were drinking. Usually we pair up boy girl but if it's uneven we go guy vs. girl. It's kind like truth or dare, without the truth part." He got up and got a couple of beers from the mini fridge and handed one to Christian as he continued. "The rules are simple. A dare is given to one person on the team and they have to do it or lose. Their partner also can't say no. So it gets quite interesting. After they do the dare then they have to have a shot and dare an opponent."

"Huh," uneasy about the sudden turn of events Chris started to try to think of a way out of it when Sally suddenly proclaimed how much fun it sounded like to her and that she was in. Not wanting to seem afraid and wanting to impress his new friends, Chris shrugged. "Um, sounds great let's play."

"There is one other thing also, the losing part. There's kind of a penalty to the losing team."

"That's right," Sheri said, her own tone matching that of her sister's "and I have the perfect one tonight. The losing team either it be the guys or the girls have to spend the rest of the night in their underwear. And they have to mingle for at least two beers before they can go back upstairs."

"Good one, well let's play."

Christian was feeling less and less positive about this whole game idea but let him be guided into a line on floor next to the other three boys. The three girls sat opposite them. Christian faced one of twins whom he was pretty sure was Sheri. Kim went and closed the bedroom door and flipped the lock before returning and sitting cross-legged next to Christian.

"Okay, since we have less people we'll go first." One of the twins said. Hearing no objection she forged on. "For the first round let's start things off right. Each of you guys have to take off an article of clothes." She paused for a second for dramatic effect and then said, "The catch is that we get to choose which article."

Chris didn't say anything, just downed half his beer. His fellow `teammates' also remained quiet and the girls took the silence as ascent. "Okay Rico, since you're shoeless, you can lose the socks. And CJ seeing as how you're new we'll go easy on you. Lose the shoes." It took Chris a second before he realized he had been given a new nickname, relieved to only lose his shoes, he kicked them off and did his shot. "Now for Kim, how about the shirt." Out of the corner of his eye he could see his new friend throwing his shirt to the growing pile of clothing.

"And for Kyle, seeing as how you need to cool off the most," Teri picked up where her sister left off "As they say `drop trou'" Christian watched as the older guy stood and unceremoniously undid his belt and pants and threw them in the corner. He sat back down in his t-shirt and a tight pair of sheer white shorts. Of course he had to take his leather loafers off to get the slacks down and smiling at the girls he tossed them with his pants.

Still smiling, but his gaze still dark. He pulled the t-shirt over his head and stood there in just his underwear and small shell necklace around his neck. "Your turn." He said cocking his head and throwing back his shot.

Kim seemed to be getting ready to say something which as just as well as something about Kyle's necklace nagged at Chris's mind. Through the alcohol buzz that was starting to form, then sudden dreaded realization came over him as he recognized the necklace as the twin to the one Kirsten had always worn. She had told him once that it was like the two half heart pendants, of which you kept one and gave the other to someone, only not as dorky looking. He also realized at the exact same moment, as his mind flashed back to a picture on her desk. The only one he had seen of her and her brother. The brother had of course given her the necklace and kept one for himself before he had gone to college the year before. It was definitely the same guy except in the picture he had been wearing more than just some designer underwear. At least it seemed to Chris as though he maybe didn't know him as the guy who broke his sister's heart, as they had never met. Kyle had supposedly spent the summers working at a resort in another state and spent the school year in a private prep school somewhere in Vermont.

He buried his worry as he watched the girls fulfill their dare by kissing opened mouth while removing the other's blouse. The twin's were especially interesting as they kissed long and hard before Teri took off Sheri's blouse before she started kissing sally and her take off her top and throw it with the increasing pile of discarded wardrobe. Christian was surprised by Sally's sudden vehemence for this and as she made out with the second twin and let her top be taken off to reveal that she had gone braless this evening, Chris was already half hard and sat a little straighter to hide the growing bulge in his pants. He wasn't sure but he thought that maybe Kim had noticed the guy next to him getting excited at the little show. With a start he realized that the girls had already started the next round and he was suddenly extremely nervous again though his dick had remained still excited despite his mounting tension.

"Since we had help you can too. Time to shed some more clothes boys. Since Kyle seems so restless to strip off the rest of you can join him. Except that somebody else does the stripping for you. First off, up and center Kim," Kim stood up and went to the middle of the room. "Kyle why don't you do the honor for us." Chris watched in growing trepidation as Kyle walked over to Kim and started undoing the other young man's pants. In just a minute Kim had been stripped to a pair of knit see through boxers with only a thin black fabric hiding his modesty. He did a little spin and showed that the fabric was only in the front and Christian was treated to a view of his new oriental friend's naked ass. He didn't know if it was the alcohol or what but his dick still remained semi hard. There was no turning back now as he stood as beckoned in the same place Kim had a moment ago. Rico came up to him and helped him pull the shirt over his head. The guy then knelt and started undoing his pants. Being unused to unbuckling someone's pants the young Spanish boy's hands grazed constantly against Chris' growing bulge only making him harder. By the time it was undone and his jeans were being taken off he knew there was no way to hide the fact that he was fully excited from the rest of the people in the room. His now hard dick was straining against his white Calvin Klein boxer briefs. Surprisingly nobody said anything and there wasn't even a snicker heard as he did a little spin before heading back to his seat.

"Where you going, `big guy'," Sally asked snickering at her little joke. "Rico's turn, one good strip deserves another. You got a job to do Christian, if you're up to it, that is." Her last little dig got a snort of laughter from Kim that died quickly.

"Sorry dude," he said trying to keep his face straight only to be ruined by another quick snort.

Rolling his eyes, Christian went back to the middle of the room where Rico now stood and helped him off with his shirt. Throwing it on top of his own pants, that crowned the now large pile of clothes, he knelt just as Rico had with him, his face for the first time just inches from another man's crotch. Fumbling with the button fly on Rico's jeans he knew the guy had not purposely stroked him to fullness as he now had felt Rico's own pride through the fabric. He couldn't take his eyes from the natural tan skin where it met the white band of gray briefs that came into view as he lowered his jeans. He had half hoped that the guy would be as hard as he was and had even tried to apply a little extra pressure to his unmeant grazes, but even though the briefs were quite full he surely wasn't hard. Without even thinking his hands went to the briefs and grabbed them at the hips.

"Hold on there buddy," Rico said casually but making no effort to stop him. "There's nothing under there."

Shaking off the haze over his head Chris caught himself and blushed murmuring an apology to him, removed his hands from Rico's hips and move back to his place. This time sat hugging his knees, so as not to advertise his state any longer. Rico did his little turn to the crowd catching Chris' eye and giving him a small wink before returning to his own seat. Chris welcomed the shot that was poured for him and even asked for another in trying to calm his nerves.

"Are you driving, C.J.?," Kim asked turning slightly to face him. Chris blinked and nodded his head slowly. "Well, you can stay here tonight. You know, friends don't let friends and all that." He got up and moved past Christian to fumble in his pants pocket as the same time his own crotch less than a foot away at eye level. He finally found Chris' keys and put them in a drawer of his computer desk.

The next few rounds of the game were pretty mundane except for the fact that he had almost backed out and given up the game when he had been paired with Rico for a two minute French kiss between the two of them. If he hadn't been any drunker than he already was, he would've called it quits and after watching Kim and Kyle go at it for the allotted time, he resigned himself to his fate and had made out with another guy. With their bodies pressed close together he could feel that Rico's cock was slightly hard and he was sure he felt the guy's hand snack down to his ass at least twice. Nonetheless, he completed the task and staggered back to his place. He thought nothing of it as he watched the three girls finish stripping each other proving that Sally was a real blonde and that the twins were indeed identical.

"So the coup de grace as they say." Teri said as she smiled. "It's time to see how far the spirit of helping one other goes. Why don't we start with Rico and CJ this time. C'mon Rico front and center." Rico stood up in his briefs in front of the three naked co-eds. "C'mon Chris, come on down." Chris stood and took his place next to Rico. "Ok Chris, on your knees as you are going to help him without using your hands or your eyes." With that they blindfolded him and helped him to his knees. He sensed the other young man stepping in front of him and moving close. Without conscious thought he parted his lips and moved his head forward until he felt fabric. He felt along for a second searching for the waistband and when he felt Rico's cock give a jerk beneath his lips before he suddenly sobered up a good bit and jerked his head back.

"That's it I'm done." Chris said reaching up and removing his blindfold. "Sorry guys, can't do it."

"I would've balked at the dare dude, I'm surprised you went that far." Kyle said raising an eyebrow. Chris blushed and made to grab for his pants before a suddenly clothed Sheri was in front of him tucking in her blouse.

"Whatcha doin' handsome?" she asked. "You guys lose. It's party time. Sally grab the clothes and stash em. We'll meet you at the bottom of the stairs with your beers and tell you where she hides the clothes before we leave. But until that time it's long overdue to join the celebration downstairs. One of you joins the party every two minutes. As host, we expect you first Kim." With that she slipped out the door taking his clothes and any hope of Christian's further modesty with her.

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