Chris Walsh Fall from Grace

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 26, 2023


Will gets a fuck into his preppy bitch, chris' brother Martin comes over, gets it too

chris was exhausted from the night with Louis: Will could be ravenous, and fuck him brutally, but there was usually one brutal fuck and then just playing. Louis had fucked him HARD, three times. He could barely stand up. "Too bad it's done, chrissy. If I had gotten up sooner, you'd be on your knees right now," Louis smiled. "DAMN, Will is a lucky guy. You've got one fucking hot ass. " "I suppose I should be thanking him," chris thought, but he picked himself up. "I need to excuse myself, Louis. Sir Will wants me to report to him the morning after each day this weekend." "Ha ha. Probably has a list of things to do, men to do, yadda yadda. Hey cutie... I hope I get the draw on the spit roast. Maybe I'll get a second chance in you. "Please, God, no..." chris thought to himself as he walked, naked, to the bedroom where Will was sleeping that weekend. He was already up, and at his computer. chris stood in front of Will, naked, his hands behind his back, his legs spread. Will looked up. "My my, you two boys spent a fair piece in bed didn't you?" "yes sir. " "You keep my friend happy, studmuffin?" "I think so Sir. I had no complaints and I did everything he told me to" "Well, I'll check with him. For now, you should probably get yourself cleaned up, including upstairs." He pointed to chris' ass. "And then get dressed." chris saw the clothes laid out on the bed and moaned internally: will was dressing him in a pink oxford, and tight jeans. He HATED that outfit. Will knew it too. chris knew Will well enough by now to assume: he had something planned. "By the way, chrissy.... your cell phone... ringing all night. Who's Martin?" chris gulped. "That's my brother Sir." "HO! HO!" Will smiled. "That's right. How did I forget that? He did turn up when I was doing my research." He pulled out chris' phone and pulled up the photo. "He's cute. Sort of a black haired, thinner version of you.." Then he smiled very broadly. "This weekend is kind of busy of course, but... I just wonder what it would be like to fuck you in front of him, and him in front of you." chris' hands were behind his back so Will didn't see him ball them into fists. He DID see chris' cage twitch. "OH, you like that idea. You two ever fool around, chrissy?" "Yes sir." "Well, well, well! We may have to bring that up for discussion this afternoon. But for now, get cleaned and dressed. We're gonna decide who does what when you come to join us. " Will took the phone and locked it in his desk. chris knew that the lock was activated by a finger print mechanism and a seven digit code. There was no way he was getting that phone. He sighed. He thought about the times that he and Martin had jerked off together. His cock got so hard it began to hurt. He hoped cold water would bring him down.

"HOT! DAMN WILL. YOU KNOW HOW TO DRESS THIS BITCH." it was Seymour yelling out when chris came into the dining room. Will grinned as he stood up and went over to chris. He stood behind him and gently, but firmly pulled his wrists behind him. "He's got such a perfect body for showing off that it seems a shame not to." He nibbled chris' ear. "Don't you agree, fuckboi?" chris blushed. Will was very dominant, but compared to what he was going through, this was gentle, and almost loving. "Yes sir. Thank you Sir..." Will's hand went down to chris' ass and palmed it. He whispered: "I think I'm gonna have me some of that later on." Then he spoke up. "Go have some breakfast, stud. You're gonna need your strength today because... OH, boybitch, do YOU have a full day in front of you." chris knew that there would be another spit roast, and he knew that someone else would be taking him in bed that night, but he didn't know what else Will had in mind. "So gents, first, we're gonna pass around the spit roast lotto. Now, Seymour, Franklin, you gotta sit this one out, but you come back for the next ones. " Elvin shrieked: he got the oral part of the spit roast, and Shawn got the anal part. Shawn began licking his lips. "What time are we doing this this afternoon?" "Oh, probably about four. To give everyone a chance to recover and.... to give us time for a special treat. But first...who's gonna get my boy tonight? " Another set of chances went around the room, and Shawn smiled. "Guess you're gonna be feeling a LOT of me, chrissy boy." And FINALLY, now here's one that I've been keeping a secret: any of you notice how hairy my bitch's cunt is? WELL... tonight, someone's gonna get a chance to take care of that. Sometime after the roast, but before bed, one of you is gonna get to 'take it off. take it all of'. Will was very proud of his next set of chances: he had a small box with six disposable razors, each a different color. One of these has "WINNER stamped on the bottom. Gents, please pass it around and pick your chance. Now, Morris, IF you win, you're gonna have to give it up because.. you had a turn already." "MMMMM. Yellow always WAS my favorite color and I like it more." Seymour had the yellow razor and it had "WINNER " stamped on the bottom. "THERE WE GO. So, chrissy, you know what's gonna happen. Let's get a schedule set up ... " Will laughed. "You KNOW how we geeks are about planning. We have a spit roast, a ball shaving and a night, so ... let's scehdule everything starting at about 3. That way, we can all have our fun. You gents are welcome to hang out at the house, or take a car into town, however you like. Sarah has agreed to come in and set up a lunch buffet, and it'll be available if you like. " He smiled. "Shawn, Elvin, you're the only ones who need to be back by 3, but ..." "I'm not missing this! Louis yelled. "Me either" came from Morris, and everyone chimed in. Will looked up. "chris, over here...." "Yes sir." chris came over to where Will was sitting. "On the floor, between my legs." "Yes sir." chris folded up his legs and sat, as Will snuck his hands back and forth over chris' shirt, teasing his nipples. He tensed, and came close to moaning: whatever else these guys did, it didn't measure up to how Will made him feel. "You and I are gonna have some together time..." He rubbed chris ear. "Don't spoil him for me," Seymour joked. "I spoiled him for everyone, didn't I, bitch? " Will pulled chris' head back . He grunted out. "yes sir." xxxxx

An hour and a half later, chris sat in a chair in Will's study. His hands were tied behind his back and his ankles tied back to the chair so that his crotch was spread wide open. "Sir, PLEASE? I'm gonna have so much stuff in my ass tonight..." "If you're not quiet chrissy, you're gonna have stuff in your mouth, too. A big, nasty gag. One I haven't washed yet. Understand me?" chris sighed. "Yes Sir." "So, we're gonna play with a new toy today, something called a violet wand. That's between us. And then... before the roast, I'm pulling out the anal hook and it's gonna be MY chance to walk my boy around the room." He got up and put his thumbs on chris' nipples. "And when this is all over, we're gonna invite your brother. You think I didn't see you twitch when I said he was handsome?" Will knew exactly how to work chris' nips, and he moaned as he struggled. "PLEASE SIR. Leave Martin out of this PLEASE" "Will just went ahead with the nip work. "Is he older or younger than you chris? You can choose not to tell me, but I'll find out, and... there WILL BE consequences." "tttttt two years older than me Sir. But.. I used to kick his ass. He's more artistic and musical." "Not a geek though. Looks handsome." "No Sir. Not a geek." "Interesting. You kicked your brother's ass, and I kicked yours... And now, I'm gonna fuck it. Let's go, studbottom." Will undid the ropework on chris' ankles and brought him into the bedroom. He secured chris to the bed, and opened his shirt and jeans. He ran his hand over chris' smooth torso. "You know, chrissy, it's too bad you are such an awful human being because you are SUCH a pretty boy. " "I... I can change Sir." "No, I don't want you to chrissy. I enjoy it more when I put you in your place knowing what I'm dealing with." He leaned down and whispered in chris' ear "I am fully aware that if you could choke me to death and run, you would. But you won't get a chance." He paused, and said 'manbitch'. He began to chuckle as he pulled over a device chris hadn't seen. "This isn't too bad. More to stimulate you for what's to come, my fine straight boy. Just sort of charge up your body.. ALL OVER." Will began slowly moving the want over chris' upper torso. He smiled as he saw chris flinch, and heard him whimper. "You know, I've never used it on someone in a cock cage. Hmmmmm. Metal and electricity. "NO SIR. NO. PLEASE. AGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH." "OOOOOH, let's remember that big boy. Yet another way to keep you in line. " Will began pulling chris' jeans off. He was already naked. He shoved chris' legs in the air. "Got to make sure you step up the gym next week chrissy. We may be taking a trip and I want my boy to look BUFF." chris winced when he saw Will's head disappear. He hated, and loved, when chris ate his ass. He was sensitive from everything that had happened to him that weekend, and Will's quick, feline tongue motions were driving him crazy. "GOD DO I HAVE TO CUM" he thought. chris caught a quick look of the expression that flitted across Will's face. He had SOMETHING new in mind: chris knew it, but it got pushed out of his head, as he felt Will penetrate him for the first time in a few days. He recognized the thrusts, the motion and the way Will leaned into his prostate, causing him to scream a "THANK YOU SIR" into the air. "You KNOW you're my bitch, don't you chris?" "YES SIR! I BELONG TO YOU. ONE HUNDRED PERCENT. FUCK ME SIR. PLEASE. PLEASE..." It seemed that Will had been holding back until he had this chance. The hard final thrust was followed by a pull back so that Will could cum while his dick leaned against chris' prostate. chris just wanted to faint, to die... something. If this was his future well, then, so be it. At least Will paid attention to what he liked. When Will was done, he untied chris' wrists, but... he pulled out some wide leather ankle and wrist restraints. He put all four of them on chris, and then he linked them with handcuffs: wrist to ankle. Then, chris saw him pull out a big roll of black duct tape. Soon, two pieces of it were fixed, securely, to his mouth. "The boys'll be back soon. We'll let Seymour and Shawn come and get you. For now.... " He bent down and kissed chris on his forehead. "Think about how much fun we're gonna have when we're alone again, you big studly bottom."

A few hours later, Elvin and Shawn were in the bedroom, undoing the restraints. "I have an idea" Elvin whispered to Shawn and Shawn smiled. "It's a GREAT idea." They found some of the thin leather strips Will used when he played "cowboy capture" with chris, and they wrapped a long one around chris' cock, above the cage. Then they tied his wrists, and put more tape on his mouth. Finally, a collar and a leash went on chris. "PIG COMING THROUGH. GET READY FOR A SPIT ROAST." Elvin yelled, and a very redfaced, mortified chris got led through the rooms to the playroom. "I'll save the anal hook for tomorrow" Will thought. "These guys are getting into it. They put chris on the platform, but they kept him face up: Elvin was very small: people said his name should have been 'elFin", and he was sitting on chris' chest to fuck his face, while Shawn took his ass. chris tried to moan, but no sounds were coming out: Elvin may have been small but "he was big where it counted" as one guy had told him once. chris' mouth was so full, no one heard the moans of pleasure and pain he was getting from Shawn fucking his sore ass. Shawn clearly didn't have much experience and it was a rough, nasty fuck. In the middle of it, chris realized that Shawn had him for the night. He thought he would die. At least Shawn didn't linger: the ejaculation was hard, and huge, and it gave chris' ass at least a little bit of cooling. Elvin's orgasm was small, just like him. But he smiled, and he actually told chris he was "damn good" at what he did. "OK BOYS," Will called out, since everyone was there. "Shaving: before or after dinner." "DO IT NOW/DO IT NOW/DO IT NOW" came the chants. Will smiled. "So be it." He tossed a set of keys to Seymour. "Have at it bro." "Thanks. Can anyone help me cuff him to the cross? Seymour had no trouble with volunteers. Morris was the extra set of hands , so Will tossed him a penis gag to put into chris. When they were done, Seymour unlocked the cage. chris' cock - his beautiful now obsolete cock - popped out. Seymour didn't want to use any lubricant or creme to do the shaving, but Will insisted. "I don't want him marred. He's too pretty for that." Seymour agreed, and took the can of creme. He sprayed enough of it on chris' pubes to get them covered. The spray did nothing to get chris' erection down. "I'm gonna shoot," he said to himself. "I'm gonna shoot in front of all these guys, and Sir Will is gonna be PISSED." He closed his eyes to try to think of something, ANYTHING other than what was happening to him. The only thing that came up in his mind, though, were the jerk off sessions with Martin. "Keep still, girlie boy," Seymour said to chris as he began shaving around the upper part of the pubes. Seymour could tell something was going on in chris' head. He saw the erection and he knew as did everybody... it was a matter of time. "You don't have permission chris... you don't have permission." Will intoned, as the shaving went on. chris couldn't help it. As Seymour took chris' balls in his hands, a loud squeal came out of the gag, and jizz started flying across the floor. "HOW MORE HUMILIATED AM I GONNA BE? " chris thought as he saw the cum flying through the air. He knew: it was gonna be his job to clean it. Right after Seymour finished his quick, expert strokes around chris' eggs. "It's like shaving a tennis ball" he joked. "You probably feel good now, boy..." He laughed, taking as much time as he could to make chris suffer even more. With the final stroke, he showed his work to the other guys, and got roundly applauded. Will stepped up. "Ok, now because of what happened, we're gonna have a special treat." He tweaked chris' left nip. "chrissy knows who's job it is to clean up when we make a mess, don't you?" "mmmmmmmph" a very exhausted chris squeaked out, as he shook his head yes. "So, normally I l eave the room, but... y'all are welcome to watch chrissy clean up his own mess. We'll relock him after he gets a little cleaned up." The restraints went off chris and Will pointed. "You know what to do." "Yes sir," chris answered weakly as he got down on all fours, and began licking up his cum. "HEY YOU MISSED A SPOT!" Someone yelled, and chris looked. He realized it wasn't his, but someone else had climaxed during the scene. He had no choice. He licked up that too. And when someone else shot watching him, he cleaned that. "Is that sufficient Sir?" He looked up at Will, almost pleading for it to be over." "It's sufficient. You'll take a mop to it tomorrow. For now, you need to get cleaned up, get dressed again, and then join us in the dining room. " "Yes sir. I understand." chris left to clean off the creme, the jizz, the sweat, everything from the scene. His body ached but his ass ached more. "PLEASE LET HIM BE MORE GENTLE TONIGHT," he thought, not knowing that Will had just asked Shawn to use nothing other than the small vibrator he had just given him. He cleaned up, came out of the bathroom and got back into the clothes Will had picked for him. His cock felt odd in his pants: not locked for the first time in a few weeks. It didn't feel good or bad: just odd. chris was surprised that there was an empty chair next to Will at the table. "Sit boy. You earned your dinner today. " "Thank you Sir," chris answered as he took a seat. "Let's give these boys ONE MORE THING to talk about muffin." Will leaned over and shoved his tongue into chris' mouth while the geeks hit their glasses with their forks for "MORE MORE MORE" "I'm getting hard," chris thought. "It'.. it's happening. DAMN. I'm becoming his. One hundred percent."


Next: Chapter 10

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