Chris Walsh Fall from Grace

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 22, 2023


"Hey, can someone toss me the collar and leash?" Morris was on the other side of the room from where that was located. It got passed from hand to hand until he had it. He looked at chris. "ON ALL FOURS BITCH. I'm gonna treat you like a bitch and you're gonna walk like one." "AMEN," someone from the group called out. chris looked at Will, who was smiling. He gulped and got on all fours, as Morris clipped the leash to the collar, then slipped the collar around chris' neck. "How about parading him like a show dog? One circle of the room." "Great idea. Let me ante that. " chris' hands were untied. "Get the shorts off bitch. That way anyone who wants to take a quick swat... Remember how big you were on towel slaps, studmuffin? " chris looked down. He DID remember. He never towel swiped anyone bigger than him, or anyone who had a chance of giving him a fight: it was always the Morris types, the Will types. Now... He felt the first WHACK on his butt as Morris led him around the room, slowly. "I'm not sure that round showed him off well enough. How about one more? " Morris laughed. "I wonder how hard he is in that cage?" "Pretty hard" Will answered. "He hasn't been out of it for about a week. "I need to cum. Badly," chris thought, and realized he was going to have to deal with it. Will was smiling broadly: he had something with spanking planned to end the weekend, but for now... seeing his friends get into this simpler version of his scheme, he mentally patted himself on the back for his planning. "We're off guys. See ya later." Morris yanked on the leash. "DON'T PEEPEE ON THE CARPET BITCHBOI." Off they went. "Drinks, cards, whatever you guys want" Will spoke to the group after Morris had pulled chris out. "Louis, I hope you're gonna show him who's boss." Louis smiled: "You're his boss, Will, I'm just gonna make him realize that in the food chain, he's lower than algae." (Louis had started a molecular biology start up. He thought about algae all the time).

In the playroom, Morris took off the leash. "Get outta the rest of your clothes. Then get up against the cross." He pointed to the St Andrew in the corner. Realizing that he had no chance of escape, chris sighed and got naked. He could feel the blood in his cock, and he saw that there was a key to the cage on the table with the toys. Maybe, just maybe. "Now, Will was kind enough to give us a list of potential games, chrissy, and of course, he provided all these toys. I got something REAL sweet for you. Something to remind you of the time you embarrassed me by squeezing my nipples until I bulged in gym class. "I... I'm sorry I did that.. I.." "SHUT UP CUNT. I KNOW WHERE THE GAGS ARE. Just get your wrists up at the corners." Morris tied tight restraints around each of chris' wrists. He did the same to chris' ankles. "I had never seen one of these toys before Will showed it to me. " Morris picked up the vibrator attached to the ball spreader. "When I asked where your prostate was, he smiled and said "think of it as a treasure hunt. I think we will." chris gulped. Will had used that on him and had found his prostate. The sensations were so strong, he thought he would pass out. Now, as Morris pushed the vibrator in him, he gasped: he was close. Putting the cock ring around his balls, brought him closer. Morris smiled. "Not quite there, huh stud? Well, I'm gonna get there, and you're gonna tell me." Morris pulled out a pair of nipple clamps, and chris didn't react: Will had used them on him so often, he knew he could handle them. He wasn't ready for Morris' little "twist " to it. Morris moved the vibrator: "which direction stud?" chris was quiet, except for his moaning. Morris opened the box in front of him OH SHIT! Weights. "Yeah, I'm gonna use these. Every time you don't tell me, you're gonna get two more." Morris pulled out two small weights. He put them next to each other in the links that were furthest from chris' nipples. chris slumped forward. "Now, maybe we need to push this up just a bit..." chris felt the vibrations get faster . "PLEASE. PLEASE STOP IT MORRIS. PLEASE. I'M SORRY." chris screamed when the vibrator got kicked up three levels. "MORRIS? DID YOU JUST CALL ME MORRIS, BITCH. MY NAME IS SIR." chris gritted his teeth. "I.. have.. a... Sir. He's outside. AGGGGGGGGGGGGH" Morris had just added two more weights. "And for the next hour and a half, he's given ME his Sir powers. Understand that? " Another set of weights went on chris' chain. "AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH. Yes... Yes sir. Sorry Sir. ." Morris smiled as he twisted the vibrator. "Which direction? " chris was defiant, and then he got a fourth set of weights. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGH" "You know I have ten pair in here chrissy. And if you think they hurt now, wait until I take them off and reattach them." He turned the vibrator. "WHICH DIRECTION." chris thought his cock was going to break out through the cage. "To the... to the left a little Sir. Just a little further in. OH GOD THAT'S THE SPOT SIR. OH... OH GOD...." Morris smiled. He left the vibrator leaning against chris' prostate, and he left the weights on. "I bet you want some relief don't you bitch?" "Yes sir. Yes sir. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG" Morris went up to him. "You're getting no relief until you kiss me FUCKTOI. Or do you prefer FUCKBOI?" "Which.. whichever you want Sir...." Morris pushed his mouth onto chris' and shoved his tongue down his mouth. As he did, he pinched the tips of chris' nipples, already weighed down by the chain. chris tried to get more tongue: he wanted ANYTHING that might end the torment he was feeling. Could he get a prostate orgasm, or just cum in the cage? The prostate orgasm was out of the question: after Morris got his kiss, he turned it off, and took the contraption out of, and off of, chris. He wasn't done with him yet though. "I have some good news for you chris, and some bad news. First, the good news. I'm gonna use this." He picked up the key to the cock cage. "OH GOD. THANK YOU SIR." Morris unlocked it and chris' dick shot out stiff. "Now, for some bad news." He picked up the flesh light. "You remember fucking cunt chrissy? Before you BECAME a fucking cunt? You're gonna show me how you did it." Morris began sliding the fleshlight on chris cock. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. YES SIR. YES. " chris tried to push his cock back and forth. He found that when he did it, the weights moved, and pushed even more sensation through his nipples. Every now and then, Morris would reach up and twist one of the clamps. It only go chris harder. His moans were so loud they were laughing in the next room: both Morris and chris could hear. Then chris went silent. Morris knew what that meant: chris was close to orgasm. Slowly, he pulled the flesh light off of his cock. "NOOOOOOOOOOOO! PLEASE SIR. PLEASE. PLEASE. I WAS SO CLOSE." "Close but no cigar big man.... " Morris began to take the weights off the chain. He took the chain off next, and chris burst into tears. "Oh, we got a lot more to do chris. A lot more. A five minute break, and we're repeating the whole thing again.

Morris looked at his watch. "DAMN. Only fifteen minutes to go. " He smiled. "You know, I'll get to spit you, but which end? Who knows? I can't fuck you in fifteen minutes, but... " He took out a paddle. "First, we're gonna get that cock down to size so it can get locked up again. Better hope it shrinks fast enough to leave you time to blow me, bitchboi." The WHACK Morris gave chris' balls was effective in "getting him to size. It only took one, as chris whimpered. He felt the cage lock back up. Then he felt the leash and collar back on his neck. Morris undid the restraints. "On all fours. SUCK ME " Sweaty, smelling, and hurting, chris had no choice. He covered Morris' dick with his mouth and got a slap. "SLOWLY. I WANNA CUM JUST AS MY TIME RUNS OUT." chris did his best. He sucked slowly and, when he saw the sand on the hourglass running out, he sped up. He felt Morris' juice filling his throat just as the sand ran out . Morris was smiling as he led a naked chris on his leash into the den. "You have trained this bitch SO well, Will, my compliments. " He looked at chris. "Did you ever think you'd be serving six guys at a geek fest, studmuffin?" chris gulped. "No Sir. Never." "I probably should rent him out shouldn't I?" Will laughed, and came over, ruffling chris' hair. "NAH. After this weekend, chris is gonna become ONE MAN'S BITCH. And that man is gonna be ME." chris heard the words and didn't understand. Wasn't he already? "Time to turn over the reins, so to speak, Morris. Gents, I wish you all a good night. Especially you Louis. " Will smiled. "Word is, you're gifted." Louis smiled. "I won't deny it. " He looked at chris on all fours. "Hey sweet stuff. You remember when you made me jerk in front of the football team?" "It was... I was kidding. You didn't have to.... " "I bet you were wishing, just wishing you had that cock up your ass, sweet boy." "NO. I never... I never..." Louis pulled down his pants. "I bet you want it now." chris was silent for a minute before he gasped out "yes sir. " "Well, you're gonna get it. You're gonna get it ALL NIGHT." "You gonna make him too sore for the next guy, Louis?" Seymour asked. Will smiled and answered. "Not Louis' problem. Enjoy."

Louis did. He was impressed with the guest bedroom, especially the restraints everywhere he looked. "We are not gonna need any of that chrissy, because... " Louis pumped out his chest. "On your best day, you couldn't take me, and this , bitch boy, is not your best day." "No Sir, it's not. I'm sorry about that, that time..." "Not as sorry as you're gonna be. GET ON THAT BED AND PULL UP YOUR KNEES." Louis threw the first of what would be three fucks into chris that night. Three fucks would have been a lot in any case. Louis had a soft 11, and a hard 12. By the third one, chris was begging for mercy: or at least that's what Louis THOUGHT he was saying : he had found the ball gag and shoved it into chris' mouth.

Want to know about the raffle? The blindfolded cock taste? And what happened AFTER Will's guests went home? Stay tuned and come back.


Next: Chapter 9

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