Chris Walsh Fall from Grace

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 12, 2023


Chris was hoping no one had seen an outline of the chastity cage. Will had dressed him in a tight fitting, light green button down shirt, and pale tan pants. chris wasn't sure if HE saw the outline: he thought he did. He'd figure out how to hide it in the men's room and at the company gym.

He thought Don had seen it. Don saw him come into the office, and he remembered Don looking at him and making a wry smile: was it because of another "show it all" outfit, or the cage? He thought he saw Don focus down below his waist, but ... was this just fucking with his head?

Will had told chris that his career in IT was essentially over because of what he had done. Maybe he was right, he didn't know. chris thought he'd spend a few minutes that morning working on his resume'. He entered his password and pulled up the file.


"FUCK!" he yelled loud enough for people in the department to hear, and for Don to come running, with a look of concern on his face. "chris, you scared the shit outta me. What's wrong." "Don... I just went to look for a file and... it's gone." "OH SHIT. Let's hope it's not the project file." Don began pushing buttons and then let out a deep breath. "Everything's here. What do you think was lost?" chris hesitated. "Uh.. it was a personal file Don" Don shook his head. "Ok, yeah. I haven't gotten around to circulating a memo, or calling a meeting or anything. Order came from up high: Dr. Winks doesn't want personal files on work computers. He feels that if you want to do something personal, you should be doing it on YOUR computer, and not on work space. That's what happened." He looked at chris, who looked stunned. "And really chris? Do you need a folder of photos of naked women? AT WORK?" He turned and walked away. "SHIT" thought chris. He couldn't remember if he had duplicated the file to his home computer. Even if he did, he'd have to get home to work on it. He pulled out his cell phone to try to get access to his computer. It took a while, but he did. "PHEW" he thought. "It's there." Will had computers at his house, of course, but chris had never gotten to them: he was almost always tied up, or Will was around, and he couldn't do anything like that. The office computers were so much more sophisticated than his that, he just liked working on them. He realized he was sweating. The pale color of his shirt showed his perspiration through his pits. He thought about Will's fingers in them a few nights ago, and how he tickled him without any mercy: sort of the way he had tickled Will when they were younger. He thought of how he had bullied Will by shoving his face into one of his sweaty pits after a workout. Those memories... he felt aroused until his growing cock bumped up against the cage. That's when he realized that it was WAY more likely that HIS face was gonna be in Will's pit, than the other way around.

Meanwhile, Will was working on two projects. One was a "reunion." Will had a very sharp memory, and he recalled that he wasn't the only guy whom chris had bullied. He folded his arms, and licked his lips: he wondered if any of them, or anyone else that had been bullied by chris would be interested in...." Now HIS cock was growing, and Will's was NOT trapped by a cage. He had to keep it down though: tonight was a scheduled shaving for chris, and shaving chris always brought out his urges. He tried. His thoughts kept on going back to how uncomfortable chris must be in the chastity cage. He laughed to himself some more about the mind games chris was probably playing on himself, on whether or not the cage could show. Then his phone rang. It was Sarah.

"Good morning Sarah. Something wrong?" Sarah never wasted his time at work. She was very efficient. "Oh, no Dr. Winks, not at all. I just wanted to call to let you know that the workmen have finished. They asked for you to inspect the reno as soon as you could to see if it met your standards." "EXCELLENT Sarah. Thank you. I will check it tonight. Oh, lest I forget, what is on for dinner tonight?" "That chicken you like so much, Sir." "The one where you flatten it under a brick." "Exactly Sir." "Bravissima Sarah. chris and I will see you tonight." He chuckled. Wasn't chris sort of like a chicken under a brick? If he wasn't, he would be soon. The renovation Sarah had called him about was a hidden room in the house: yes, old house that it was, there was a secret room that could only be accessed by removing a certain set of books from library shelves in a specified order. At some point in the past, someone had used that room for.. secret pleasures. Now that chris was in his power, Will thought that it would be ideal to have a playroom, separate from the den, the study, and the bedroom, where he could do whatever he wanted to chris, without worry of Sarah or anyone else . He couldn't wait to take a look at it. And to use it.

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"Leaving early today to check something at home. Let me know when you're leaving. Not too late." chris read the message before he got up to go to the men's room. "Yes sir," he answered, and as he got up, he realized that his action was automatic: it was about this time, every day, that he had gone off to the men's to jerk off. That wasn't happening today. He wanted to. In chris' mind, he NEEDED to. It wasn't gonna happen. He looked at his work flow: could HE leave early? Yeah, it meant Winks would have more time to torment him before he fucked him, but maybe he'd get unlocked. He had about 90 minutes more of work he HAD to do, and Don had just snickered when he saw chris get up and sit down. "Uncomfortable chris? Need a cushion or something?" "I'm fine Don. Thanks. Anyway I could sneak out early today? " "You're WAY past the size to sneak out, chris, but if you wanted to leave early, that's fine. Just make sure that you can get everything done this week. "Understood Sir. It will be. Thank you." As he stood, he felt his lowest button begin to strain. "PLEASE NO. NO. DON'T POP PLEASE." He sucked his gut in as hard as he could. Of course, it made his tits pop. "By the way chris, whatever you're doing on your chest workouts, it's working." Don couldn't help but razz chris. He didn't know the details of what Will was doing to him, but he knew from experience that clothes cut the way chris was wearing, could sometimes... embarrass you. And was that the slightest frame of a cock cage he saw? He shook his head and went back to work. chris texted Will from his car before he started driving. "Sir, I left early today. I'll be home soon." "Most excellent," came a reply. "Ask Sarah to bring you back to where I'm working. It's a new area in the house." That intrigued chris. He wondered what the new area was. He also wondered what Will had planned for him. He knew today was a shaving day, which meant that... YES! The cage would HAVE to come off for the pubes. Maybe he'd leave it off. After he thought that, chris shook his head. Who would have EVER guessed that he'd be looking forward to a crotch shaving? As he drove, he saw someone on the street who looked vaguely familiar. SEYMOUR! That's who he looks like! chris thought. Seymour had been Will before Will, and if Will thought HE got tormented, Seymour could tell stories that would've curled what little hair Will had left. Seymour stopped for a minute and texted Will. "Just got in town. Looking forward to the weekend."

"This way chris. Dr Winks left the door opened, so you can just go in." Sarah led chris to the library. He had only been in this room once or twice, and he had no idea... He saw the fake wall slightly ajar. "Come in chris. Come see our new playroom." chris walked in. "Shut the door." "Yes sir." He looked around. "SHIT!" All the stuff that Will had used on him was in this room. There was an X cross in the center, and he saw restraints at the corner. There was a weights bench, a pommel, and also a platform like a massage table. In the corner, he saw a small "squared circle": a little wrestling ring. "SHIT. There's something I could kick his ass at." chris thought. "I'd like to say I built this for you, but that's wrong." chris felt Will's hand on his shoulder kneading it. "I built it so that I could use it ON you. And we're gonna start right away." "yes sir," chris answered softly. "On your back on the palette. It's time for a shave." Restrained at his ankles and wrists, chris tried to regulate his breathing as Will opened his shirt. "I may get this wet or some foam on it, but that's ok. You got plenty of sexy clothes to wear studboy." Will turned on the barber's clippers, and began to work down chris' chest. Then he stopped. "You know, it'll be MUCH more fun if I do this with the straight edge. ALL of it." He smiled and chris gulped. The creme, when it hit his chest, gave him a bit of a jolt and he banged up against the cage again. It happened a second time when he felt the sharp edge of the steel, as Will expertly moved it down his chest. "You know, a sub always looks better when he's clean. Don't you think so, chris bitch?" chris sighed. "yes sir." He knew that if Will were calling him a bitch, that meant ass sex, not mouth sex. "We haven't had a REALLY good tickling session in a while either, stud. " Will moved to chris' pits. "I think maybe soon. Maybe even tomorrow." chris gulped. He HATED being tickled, and he knew that Will knew that. He also knew that Will loved to see him uncomfortable. One, then the other pit got cleaned. Then Will stopped. "Do we need to do this? Hmmm. Your pube hair may be short enough to not need shaving. " He held chris balls. "I wonder... " He smiled. "You know, everytime I hold these, chrissy, I think of the old way they castrated animals. They'd tie rawhide, or something else around them, and as it dried, the blood would get cut off, and eventually, the organs would just atrophy and... fall off." chris squirmed as Will handled his balls. "A total bottom like you really doesn't need these. I just wonder." "GULP. Please Sir. Don't take them. PLEASE." "Ha ha ha. NAH. Not gonna do that. Love seeing you suffer when I do something like THIS.." Will smacked chris' balls. An "OUCH" came out of chris. Then another one. "NOPE. Gonna keep it up till I hear THANK YOU SIR" "I'll be damned if I'm gonna give him that satisfaction," chris thought. Then, at smack 16, he spat out. "THANK YOU SIR." "You're very welcome. Now... what do you think babycakes. You think a shave is in order down here?" "Yes sir. I do. I feel... well, today I felt very manly thinking about how it tickled in the cage." "Hmmm. That's interesting. You know, if I take it off, and you get hard, it's still gonna have to go back on. I'm not gonna empty you tonight. " chris felt like a deflated balloon. "Maybe we should wait, Sir." Will smiled. Part of the weekend's entertainment was going to include a raffle to see who got to shave chris' balls, so this was perfect. "GOOD. Then we can just proceed to one of us emptying himself. " chris felt Will pull off his loafers, and then undo the ankle restraints. He could barely make out Will dropping his pants, and then chris felt his legs going up in the air. Will's first thrust was HARD: harder than usual. And the rest of them were, too. As he pushed, he reached up and grabbed chris' nipples. "When was the last time you looked at your porn stash, Miss Walsh." "UGH!" chris grunted from the thrust. "More than three weeks ago Sir." Another thrush. "Interesting resume'. I found five lies in it. Good thing I saw it before you sent it out." He shoved his cock in further. "You're not leaving the company chris. Not until I say so. Eventually, you're gonna have to realize: you are COMPLETELY under my control." "yes sir," chris answered, knowing it was true, but not wanting to believe it. "My fuck bitch, my mancunt, my overall BOTTOM BITCH" He began to pump harder. "No jizzing for you today, tomorrow, and maybe the next day. Gonna have to save it all for the weekend." Will had an edging contest planned too. He saw chris looking at the anal hook in the corner. chris had no idea what it was: it looked like the kind of gaffe he used when he went deep sea fishing, but his ended in a hook: this had three balls on it. "Ever hear the reggae song "Ride your Donkey," chris?" "No Sir. Never did. OH SHIT." Will had just pushed in REALLY far. "Ha ha. You're gonna learn it soon. Got lots of surprises for you this weekend. That song is one of them." chris said nothing as he felt Will getting closer, and closer. Then... there was a spurt and he felt Will's cum seeping into him. When Will was done, he said to chris: "Your job, is keeping this room clean. Immaculate. There are cleaning solvents over in the corner, in that side drawer. Get the place immaculate. Then we'll have dinner." "Yes sir." Will left. As he was cleaning, he saw a list on a side table. Seymour's name was on it. So was Shawn. And Morris. And Elvin. chris felt blood drain from his face. All the names were people he had tormented over his school years. What was going on? Then, he saw the photo: it was a naked butt - HIS. Will must have taken it while he was sleeping. In fact, there were four of them, and each had the words "Will's Bitch" written on them, in different styles. "SHIT. He's gonna tat me. I gotta figure out how to get away." chris also knew that he couldn't let Will know he had seen the stuff. He continued cleaning, and when he was done, tucked in his shirt, adjusted everything and came to the living area, where Will had his feet up, reading. "All done Sir." "Not quite... I need a foot massage." "Yes sir. Hands or mouth?" "Hmmm. Maybe both. But first.... lay on the floor. On your back. Right here. " Will pointed to a space right at the edge of the sofa. "Yes sir." chris wondered what was going on. Then he felt Will's heel begin to knead his crotch. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH FUCK. SIR. PLEASE SIR NO." chris was at the edge. He needed to jizz so badly, and Will was making it worse. "You really want to shoot don't you stud?" "Yes sir. PLEASE. PLEASE. " "Well, let's see. I'm gonna film this one. Start to finish. And then... this weekend. ANYTHING I tell you to do, you're gonna do it. No arguments. Otherwise... remember what I told you about old school and cattle?" "Uh.. yes sir. I couldn't forget that. " Will smiled. "You saw the pictures didn't you? And you found the list." chris was silent. "There's a camera in the room idiot! And I left them out for you to see. I should leave this as a surprise, but NAH. More fun to have you STEAM thinking about it. You're getting a tattoo later this week. Just as you saw. And that list of guys you tormented? They're all in town.

They're coming by to meet 'chris the bitch'. I have a whole weekend planned. And you're the star. " Suddenly, chris didn't feel like he needed to cum anymore. "We can go right to the foot massage Sir." Will laughed. He might even be hard enough to fuck chris a second time that night. He was

Next: Chapter 7

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