Chris Walsh Fall from Grace

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 11, 2023


WHOA! Has straight boy Chris gone FAG on us? Several of the other coders were already in when Chris walked in. Don wasn't there otherwise Fred (the coder with the big mouth wouldn't have said it). Chris blushed. "Nah. Just trying to look better, that's all." "Well, it LOOKS like you're trying to sell it downtown Chris. You not making enough money here?" Fred and his buddy Matt started laughing. "Who's not making enough money?" Don had just walked in. "NONE of us are making enough money, but...." He stopped when he saw Chris. "Well, well, well. It looks like jock boy has gone high fashion on us. " He turned to whoever was around. "Hey, just be careful guys. At some point today, Chris is gonna pop at least one button and that gut is gonna put someone's eye out." Chris was red. He was angry, he was embarrassed, and he felt completely helpless. All he wanted to do at that moment was try to adjust the string on the thong that was cutting into his ass, but that was the LAST thing he wanted to do at that moment. "I just bought some new clothes this weekend. What's wrong with that?"

He heard someone whispering, loud: "with a gay boss and a gay president. Mr. Walsh ALWAYS knows how to work the angles. " "Well, Chris, it looks good on you ." Don was trying not to laugh. "You may need to toss a few more crunches in your workout, but... hey, that's just me. OK gang, let's get back to work. No more ragging on our new fashion plate." chris sat down at his desk and he realized that what Don had said, and what Will had said, was correct. If he didn't pull in his gut, he WAS going to pop a button. He inhaled , and when he did, he could see that his chest expanded in front of him. It already outlined his nipples, and now... "GEEZ," he thought. "Why don't I just wear a sign saying 'come and twist them?' Then he thought about how it felt when Will twisted them and he realized "OH SHIT. I can't pop a boner in these pants. FUCK."

He wanted to THROTTLE Will, but he knew: this was how it was gonna be. He stayed at his desk until it wouldn't be obvious why he was getting up, and then he went off to the bathroom. He went into a stall, pulled down the pants, and tried to readjust himself. He WAS hard, and there was pre-cum staining the thong. "Thank God he didn't put me in white pants," he thought, as he tried to adjust the butt plug so that it didn't irritate him as much. That resulted in more juice coming out. "FUCK." he looked down. The thong was soaked. What the hell was he going to do? His problems got bigger when he tried to get back into his outfit. "OH SHIT. " All the adjusting had made things hard to get back into place. He could leave the shirt untucked, but if he did that, there'd be more hell to pay from the department. "I SWEAR. I SWEAR. I NEVER MEANT TO CAUSE SO MUCH TROUBLE," he thought, as he thought back to what he had done to Will, and to Don, and how he was paying for it now. Please let me pull it together. PLEASE." It took longer than it should have, and by the time he did, chris was showing sweat lines under his arms, but he got back to the section. When he got there, Don was gone, and so were three other coders. "Hey, where is everybody? he asked. Fred looked up, amused. "Seems Dr. Winks called a meeting. " "Without everyone?" "NOPE. He specifically said gay bait should stay." Fred started laughing again. chris wanted to punch him, but that would mean his job, which he suspected was already "on the line," would definitely be gone.

He just sat down and before he started working again, called the gym. He worked out on his own, but if this was the future, he was going to need help. Time to get a trainer.

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Will had called the meeting to discuss new projects for the coding department. He had asked Don to pick the three "sharpest" coders he had in the group, but he had specifically asked him to exclude chris. Don did what he was asked, but wondered why. For all of his faults, chris was smart, and if you kept at him, he produced more than just about anyone in the department, certainly that laggard Fred and some of his buddies. It might be the wrong thing to do, but he knew Will would tell him. After the meeting was over, Don lingered. "Dr. Winks, if I may?" "Sure, Don. I have a feeling I know what you're gonna ask. Close the door please, then have a seat." Before Don could say anything, Will began speaking. "First, Don, let me say you're managing the department at the level I expected you would. That's not to damn with faint praise, it's just that I had VERY high expectations, and you're meeting them. " Don blushed. "Well... thank you Sir. I didn't want to make you regret giving me the opportunity." "Not at all Don, not at all. Now, for the question that you're dying to ask: why did I exclude chris?" "Well, yes Sir. I mean, I know he's been a problem with harassment, etc, but.. he seems to be coming around and.." "I'm sleeping with chris, Don. " Don was silent. "Oh. Oh. Well, yeah, I see. Ok. Now things begin to make more sense. The way chris dressed today, his behavior changes..." "There's more Don. Please this MUST be kept between us. Normally, given the situation, I would have to ask chris to leave the company, and that WILL happen soon, but not the way you would expect." "Now I'm confused Sir." "I'm selling the company Don. When I sell it, I'll be leaving." "AND CHRIS IS STAYING?" Will laughed. "No, that's part of what you have to keep quiet. See, chris is pretty much unemployable across the field, because of his.. history. I'm going to move him in with me. " "I see...." Will began to smile. "Perhaps you don't, Don. See, chris and I went to college together. "

Will laughed. "I'm not going to go into details but... suffice it to say, his behavior started in college. I experienced it directly." A pause, and then a smile. "And now, chris is reaping what he sowed." Don paused. Will could tell he was having trouble getting the words out. "So it would be more correct to say he's your bitch than just that he's sleeping with you Sir?" Will broke into a big guffaw that started Sharon outside his office. "It was the clothes Sir. That shirt...everyone in the department has been teasing him about trying to get in with me or you." "AH! Then it's working. See, I'm wondering if he'll last until the deal goes through - it's probably going to be 4-6 months. " Then Will stopped. "DON! I forgot one thing that is the most important thing. I couldn't say it in front of everyone in the meeting, and I DID intend to have you stay afterward anyway: one non negotiable part of the sale, is that you sit in this chair when I'm gone." "Sir, I... I don't know what to say. Thank you is hardly enough." "Thank you is MORE than enough Don. You know, I read EVERY personnel file when I bought the company. EVERY SINGLE ONE. I saw every positive recommendation , every positive evaluation you received, and I began asking... why is he still just a coder?" Don was looking down at his shoes. "Yup. I found out. Frat boy culture means gay boy out. Well.. as they say, the future is lavender. " Don laughed. "You think more of them are going to dress like chris is dressed?" "OH GEEZ I hope not. Give me some credit, Don. chris is hot. Some of the other guys..." "I hear you Sir. " Will stood up. "I think you probably need to get back. I could dish with you all day, but by now, at least one person is saying we're having sex here. " He smiled. "Maybe chris is jealous." Don began to laugh. "I bet he's been up here begging Sharon to see you." "Ha ha. Sharon's on to him. So... a small wager Don... if the deal takes six months, do you think chris will last that long?" "Having to dress that way and people talking? I doubt it Sir." "I do too. How long? I give it two months." "I think a little longer. I'd say three." "You're on. Congratulations Don. You stuck with it. I'll make sure you get your reward."

Back in the department, chris was getting HIS reward. The butt plug had gone from uncomfortable to stimulating. He looked at his watch: 3pm. Soon, he'd be going back to Will's place. He wondered what Will had in store for him that night. At about 4, he had some idea. Will sent him a text with a photo. It was of a football player, tied in a chair, clamps on his nipples, a cloth gag in his mouth. chris popped wood. And made his second run to the bathroom that day. He had far less trouble getting dressed this time, and his thong didn't get much wetter, but his cock shrunk after he jerked off.

chris got the text at 6:15: "I'm leaving now. I expect you at my house by 6:45. There will be penalties for being late." He gulped. He knew he was going to be in trouble for not holding back from jerking off already. What else would Will come up with. All he could do was text back "yes sir. "

"SHIT. It's 6:47" chris was out of breath as he hurtled through the door of Will's house. "SIR! SIR! I'M SORRY SIR. THE TRAFFIC. THE..." He stopped. Will walked into the living room. He was wearing a leather harness. And chaps. And he looked ridiculous: too skinny, not at all like a Master. chris didn't realize that Will was VERY much aware of how silly he looked. By the time he was done with chris tonight, chris would realize how much MORE ridiculous HE was going to look: big, strapping jockboy with a skinny leather Master, when they went out. "GET IN THE DEN. SIT. THE CHAIR IS RIGHT THERE." "Yes sir" chris started to walk off. He went into the den and saw the pile of bright blue rope, the gag with what looked like a bone, a hitachi, and a few other things including what looked like a fly swatter. He heard Will's steps behind him. "HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK DOGBOY." chris did what he was told, and felt his wrists being bound behind him. Then, Will looped rope around each of his thighs, and tied them to the chair. He followed that by kicking chris' legs apart and tying his ankles. More rope went around the top, and bottom of chris' pecs, and then around his waist. The rope made chris' nipples point out even more, and Will attacked them immediately. "You're late, bitch." "I know Sir. Sorry. OUCH." He took a slap from Will right to his cock. "I DID NOT GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO SPEAK FUCK TOI. I guess I have to make sure you don't." Will picked up what looked like a bone. There were two long leather straps attached to the ends of it. "OPEN YOUR MOUTH CUR" . chris wasn't sure what a 'cur' was, but he knew that he'd better do what he was told. The bone went into his mouth and then the gag was tied behind his head. Will then returned to his nipples. "How'd it feel, pretty boy? Everyone thinking what you and I know? That you're a COCKSUCKER" This particular gag let chris get some words out. "It was awful Sir. I was uncomfortable all day. " "GOOD. How about the butt plug?" He was twisting chris' nipples as if he were tuning in a short wave radio. "MMMMMMMMMGGGGGG. It was hot Sir. It felt... it felt a little like getting fucked." "Well, you're gonna feel a LOT more like you were getting fucked tonight." Will stepped behind chris and put his mouth around chris' ear. He whispered "CUNT". chris wished he hadn't jerked off that afternoon. The word was a trigger, but he couldn't trigger much so soon after a climax. Will began nibbling his ear, and he noticed that chris wasn't responding the way he usually did. "I have a suspicion." He opened chris' pants, and slid them down just far enough so he could get the shrunken cock out of his thong. "FUCK BITCH! YOU JERKED OFF TODAY, DIDN'T YOU?" chris didn't want to say anything. He was in trouble, and he knew it. "I ASKED YOU IF YOU JERKED OFF. DID YOU??" "yes sir. It was the butt plug Sir.." chris nearly whispered. "IT WAS YOUR FUCKING LACK OF SELF CONTROL BITCH. THAT'S WHAT IT WAS. " Will was furious . "I HAD A WHOLE FUCKING SCENE WORKED OUT AND THEN YOU SPOIL IT BECAUSE YOU'RE A SELFISH FUCK" He picked up the "fly swatter" and smacked chris' cock and balls about five times. chris began to moan after the third one. He wanted to beg Will not to hit him anymore, but he knew that would just result in an increase. "YOU ARE A FUCKING SELF INDULGENT BITCH. BUT THAT'S OK. WE'RE STILL GOING TO DO CERTAIN THINGS." Will picked up the hitachi. He slipped it through the ropes around chris' body so that the head was touching chris' cock. "There's supposed to be something in between the rod and your cock, like cloth, to avoid potential injury." Will picked up chris' chin and stared at him. "LIKE I GIVE A FUCK IF YOUR WORTHLESS COCK GETS INJURED? I OUGHT TO PUT THIS ON FULL STRENGTH, BUT... WE'LL START WITH THIS." He turned the hitachi on low. chris felt it right away. He saw Will pull up a chair, and sit far enough from him so that he could spread his leg out horizontally. He pressed his heel up against the lower part of chris' balls. "Hitachi, plug and shoe... And this is part 1, fucktoi." "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmgggggggg. please sir. PLEASE." "PLEASE WHAT BITCH? " Will dug his heel into chris' balls. "I'm... I'm sorry Sir. I...." "YOU'LL DO WHAT YOU'RE TOLD. And as of tomorrow, heh heh...." After about ten minutes, Will got up. chris looked up and said "thank you Sir," and got a smack across his face. "You're gonna get your fucking clothes off, and then, you're gonna pull out the butt plug and come into the bedroom. Remember how I tied off your balls?" "Yes sir." "OH, that's gonna be child's play now."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Naked, with the plug out, chris was kneeling on the floor of the bedroom. Will had retied his hands behind his back and had put a collar on him. He had attached a leash to the collar, and then there was a loop around the end of the leash, that went around the base of chris' balls. The leash was not long enough, and if chris tried to move to take pressure off his balls, he'd fall over and REALLY pull them. That's when Will took out the clamps. "THIS is your punishment for being late, fucktoi." He rubbed the clamps over chris' nips before he attached them. "HELL, you're not gagged. You can hold this. OPEN YOUR MOUTH." chris took the chain in his mouth. "LIFT UP YOUR FUCKING HEAD." When he did, chris felt the leash pull his balls. FUCK! He had never been in so much pain before. That was until Will began to flick his nipples too. The pain was so intense, chris dropped the chain. "PLEASE SIR PLEASE! I WON'T DISAPPOINT YOU AGAIN. EVER. EVER. " He felt the fly swatter under his chin. "You're gonna do what you're told?" "YES SIR. YES SIR. ABSOLUTELY. " "EVERYTHING?" ' "EVERYTHING SIR. NO QUESTIONS. NO ARGUMENTS. NO SIR. I PROMISE." "You'll get one chance, bitch. ONE CHANCE TOMORROW. And if you spoil it.... " Will took the clamps off chris' tits, and undid the leash tied to his balls. He untied the wrist restraints. "GET ON THE BED. GET YOUR WRISTS SPREAD OUT." "YES SIR. YES SIR. " While chris was hurrying to the bedroom, Will dropped the leather and followed him in, naked. He tied chris' wrists to the corners of the bed, his cock just out of the reach of chris' mouth. "Yeah, I bet you think a blow job is gonna fix this, cocksucker. WRONG." After Will had chris secured to the bed, he took out a blind fold. It went over chris' eyes. chris heard noises, but he didn't recognize the sound as Will putting on a pair of soft leather gloves, with velcro'd fingertips. He felt one slowly run down his torso. "OH FUCK. OH FUCK. AAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGH" The glove had moved down to his balls, and the velcro was running over them, as the second hand began to move over his lips. chris automatically opened his mouth, but he felt nothing go in. "I OUGHTTA SPIT IN THAT WORTHLESS MOUTH OF YOURS, BUT YOU DON'T DESERVE IT." Will paused. "How would you like it if I just edged you, with this glove, until you finally did get a hard on? " "If that's what you want to do Sir. You own my cock. " "Or... how about one or two fingers, going up your ass. " "OH SHIT NO" chris thought. He didnt' know if he could handle the pain. "Yes sir. If you wanted that. " "Ha ha. You're gonna find out what I want. You can't keep your hands out of your pants, I'm gonna make it impossible for you to do what you did today." chris couldn't see what was happening because of the blindfold, as Will pulled out a chastity cage, and locked it on chris' cock. "You try to play with yourself now, boy. That's gonna be a mistake. Now... DAMN I should use the 13 incher, but I want your ass so bad, jockboy." chris felt Will's cock entering him. As he did, Will muttered. "Every fucking day from now on. EVERY FUCKING DAY. TIGHTEN THAT ASS JOCKBOI. GIMME A NICE TIGHT PUSSY TO FUCK. YOU KNOW. THE KIND YOU WANTED BEFORE YOU BECAME A ... MANCUNT." "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG" Every time Will called him a "cunt" in any form, chris felt more and more submissive. He couldn't do anything: normally, he'd punch out a guy who called him that. Now, this man OWNED him. He WAS a cunt. He was being FUCKED like a cunt, and.... chris felt Will's jizz pouring into his ass. He was being filled like a cunt. "SAY IT FUCKTOI. I'M A CUNT. I'M A MANCUNT. I'M A PUSSY." chris gulped. "I'M A CUNT SIR. I'M A MANCUNT SIR. I'M A PUSSY SIR" "WHO'S PUSSY?" "YOURS SIR. I'M YOUR PUSSY. I'M YOUR HOLE. YOUR BITCH." "Damn right you are." chris felt the pressure on both of his cheeks forcing his mouth open, and then Will's long, almost reptilian tongue forcing its way down his throat . It stayed down there for a while. When Will stopped, he pulled off the blindfold. "Take a look at your precious cock, christopher. The cock that you thought was gonna make you the top man everywhere. USELESS. Might as well have it cut off." Will smiled as fear swept across chris' face. He knew Will could do it. Would he? "Physical castration, chemical castration, not nearly as effective as letting a man feel his cock grow and then get blocked. That's your life from now on. " He paused. "Maybe tomorrow I'll put you in light pants. So people can wonder: what's going on ? What's that outline? You'd DIE of embarrassment. Think of the fun Fred'll have at your expense. " chris began to cry. "AWWWWWWWWWWW POOR BABY CHRIS. " "SIR I'M SORRY FOR ALL I DID. PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME WEAR PANTS THAT SHOW IT OFF. PLEASE." "We'll think about it. For now, you better get on the casual clothes and make dinner. Cook's night off." chris changed into the too tight college t shirt and the white shorts that Will had laid out for him. He saw the outline of the cock cage. "OH SHIT. NO ONE CAN SEE THIS" he thought. "Seems tomorrow you're gonna need a shave, bitchboi. Some of that hair is coming in. " "Yes sir. " chris walked into the kitchen to get to work. When he did, Will looked at his messages. There was one from Jana. "HEY WILL. Sorry it took me so long. How about Saturday at 2? " It was Wednesday. "Saturday at 2 it is," Will texted back. He smiled. THIS was gonna be FUN.

Next: Chapter 6

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