Chris Walsh Fall from Grace

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 7, 2023


"Sarah, you did a WONDERFUL job with that turbot" Will turned to his housekeeper. "Don't you agree chris?" "Yes sir. It's very good," chris swallowed another mouthful. He wasn't a big fan of fish, but he knew he was going to have to learn to like it. "Sarah, this is so good, why don't you just head home for the night? You worked too hard today." Sarah looked at him. "Oh, but Dr. Winks, I haven't cleaned up yet." Will smiled. "It's ok, we've got it covered." He looked at chris, and Sarah smiled. "You'll let us know, of course, if we're not up to your standards." Sarah blushed and laughed. "I'm sure it will be fine. Let me get my bag and I'll be on my way. Thank you again Dr. Winks and have a pleasant evening. You too chris." "Not very likely" chris thought, shifting in his chair. The fuck that Will had thrown in him made him sore, and he was trying to find a position where it didn't aggravate him as much. After Sarah left and they heard the door slam, Will looked at chris, smiling. "Well, I think you better get started." chris looked at him. "Started on what, Sir?" Will spread his hand through the kitchen "It's a mess. This is going to be one of your new jobs. " "WHAT? FUCK THAT. " Will sat back and laughed. "Only things that are gonna get fucked are your ass and mouth. Get used to it chrissy bitch. " He laughed. "Hey, maybe that's an idea for some kind of doll: "chrissy bitch. The hunky guy who bottoms for you and cleans your house." When he finished laughing, he continued. "I'd prefer it if you took of your shirt so it doesn't get stained. There's a dishwasher that will help things. I'll check up on you in half an hour or so... I have to take care of some things in the bedroom...." Will got up and walked off, leaving chris in the kitchen. chris sat there, trying to figure out what to do. Then, he got up, took off his shirt, and started clearing the table.

Will had already fucked chris and he hadn't recovered yet. No matter. He had some other fun planned for the two of them that night. First, he took the painting above the bed, off the wall. There was a substantial hook there, and it would come in very, VERY handy for tonight. Then, he checked to make sure the corner restraints were nice and secure. He pulled out toys: a big gag, his shaving kit, and then he looked for clamps, until he realized that he had used them already that day. No law said he couldn't use them twice, but chances are, they were nice and sensitive... Perfect for hand work. And then... the vibrator. If he weren't ready to fuck that bitch, old faithful always was.

chris didn't feel Will's hand on his shoulder when he came back into the kitchen: he was scrubbing the fish pan because he knew that it wouldn't fit in the dishwasher. The machine had started, and chris had held out the pan for that reason. "That beautiful fucking ass of yours." chris felt Will's second hand pawing his left buttock. "MMM. Only thing better than seeing it is knowing it belongs to you." "It doesn't...." chris started, then he stopped. "It doesn't, chris? It doesn't belong to me?" "I..i misspoke Sir. Yes, it does." "DAMN RIGHT IT DOES. You may be pretty and you may be clever, chrissy, but I'm smarter, and I'm meaner, and MONEY ALWAYS TRUMPS PRETTY. " "Yes sir. You're right of course. " Will's hand had moved from chris' shoulder to the back of his neck. "Now it's your turn to get in the bedroom. Get naked. EVERYTHING. Except the thong. OFF. I'll finish this pan, and then I'll be in there." When chris walked off, Will looked around his kitchen. The man had done an excellent job. Sure, Will didn't need an excuse to punish him, but he hadn't given him any. Still, Will smiled. He recalled a line he had read in a porn novel once: "Fuck him like you hate him." He didn't HATE chris, but there was a certain part of this that was revenge, but Will had admitted to himself: he had a thing for chris, and he couldn't get enough of him. "He's moving in. No question about that. Job? Still gotta figure it out" he thought to himself.

When Will went into the bedroom, chris was sitting at the foot of the bed, naked as instructed, in nothing but his silver white thong. Will smiled. "GOOD. You're learning to take orders. Spread out on the bed." "Yes sir." Will wanted to remove chris' thong before he got to work with his plan. If he surmised correctly.... He slipped a finger into the string at the left side of the thong, and slowly worked it off of chris. chris blushed, and Will smiled: long and hard. "Someone's got a bone, studmuffin..." Will ran his finger back and forth on the back of chris' penis. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. " Climaxing was not in the cards for chris, however. Instead, Will took the coil of rope he kept at the foot of the bed and his scissor. He cut a long strand of it. Then he came over to the bed, and he looped one end through the hook that once had held the painting. Once he secured that, he took the other end of the rope and looped it around the base of chris' balls. chris winced as he tightened it. "Sir, what are you....." "I'm making sure you understand the rules around here chris. And... the rest is a surprise." Will had used only enough rope so that there was no slack in it. If chris moved, the rope pulled back and his cock felt it. And each time he did, he could feel pre-cum welling up in his cock.

"Now, for the rest.... " Will yanked each of chris' ankles to the corners of the bed, and restrained them. He did the same to his wrists. He picked up the gag, and smiled at Will. "What does the dentist say? Open big?" "Yes sir mmmmmmmmmmmph" Will laughed. "There's more than one way of opening you big chris. You're gonna get them all." Now, chris was restrained tightly, gagged, and his balls were tied by a rope that held them tightly to the wall. Will wasn't done. "Not as much as would make it a shit load of fun, chrissy, but... you're gonna be welcomed to the world of male bitchery with a good, clean, shave. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!!" chris shook his head no, and Will smiled. "THAT'S RIGHT. I FORGOT..." He went to a side drawer, and pulled out a leather collar. Soon, it was locked around chris' neck. "I wasn't PLANNING on using Mr. Nipple Clamps, chrissy, but if you give me trouble...." chris whined behind the gag, and gently shook his head no. "GOOD. Now, let's get you done right. This will be quick . You're a smooth mother fucker. In so many ways." He turned on the clippers, and ran them up and down chris' torso. "Please don't do my head hair. Please don't do my head hair," chris was thinking . He was very proud of his locks. He whimpered. He wanted to plead. But he knew that if Will wanted him bald, he'd be a cue ball soon. Will didn't touch chris' hair. He did go over chris' chest three times, more to humiliate chris than out of any need. Then... chris felt the blades taking out his pit hair. They tickled. "Calm down stud. I'm not stopping if I cut you.... " Will laughed and he bent down and kissed each of chris' nipples. "DAMN, I didn't think it were possible for you to be prettier. YOU ARE. But we're not done yet.... " he laughed evilly. chris was wondering what was left. Then, he felt Will take his balls in his hands. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" he squirmed, and then realized he had forgotten about the rope. "Now, now chrissy. You don't wanna get cut HERE, do you ? " chris whimpered a no. He closed his eyes. He didn't want to even look at what Will was doing to him. Then he stopped. "ALL DONE YOU HANDSOME STUD." Will was smiling. He reached down and played with chris' nipples. "Wait till you get a chance to see what a good looking smooth boy you are. DAMN. Now, let me get... Nah. don't need it for this. " chris saw Will pull out his phone. "Took the picture down from over the bed chrissy. A new one is gonna go up. My boy in repose. Heh heh. "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph" chris squirmed and felt the pain. And each time the rope pulled, he got harder. Will took about ten photos. "Looks like you got into it chrissy. " "mmmmmmmmmph." "I'm glad, because..." Will started sliding his hand up and down chris' bound cock. "I want you to be as happy as possible.. " chris gave him a look. "Ha ha. Not really." He squeezed and chris tried to yell. "What I WANT, is for you to understand: you are now my SUB. 100 percent. I have a big slab of prime quality American beef, and I FUCK him. He does what I tell him. " chris knew Will was right. He just wasn't accepting it, but.... he DID need to cum. Will turned away and he came back with a small vibrator. "This is a good one, chrissy. Nothing but the best for my boy. Holds the charge for about three hours. Velcro strips too, so I can position it... just where we want it. How about... HERE." Will put the tip of the vibrator on chris' ass hole, and attached the Velcro strips to his balls. He turned it on. chris' moans went from distress to pleasure. He felt his cock swelling and then.. after 15 minutes, he bucked his hips up and shot a huge load. Will clapped his hands. "NOW I can take off that gag. Because I'm gonna be going into my study. And every time you think you're gonna shoot, you better call me. " "Please SIr.. Did you say... three hours." "I did. And I got another one if we want it. I think I may be recharged by then, so...." "FUCKER!!!!! FUCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!! " chris yelled, but Will turned and walked out.

The hum of the vibrator and the constant, low level moaning from chris were amusing Will mightily. "SIR. I'M CLOSE" chris yelled after about 20 minutes. Will came in to watch, and perhaps to help. "You're looking pretty rigid there, stud. Less than half an hour. I'm impressed. " Will ran his finger along the back of chris' cock, and elicted more moans. "Please Sir. It.. it. OH MY GOD..." The intensity of that "mini orgasm" was greater than the first one, even if the "payload" was much, much less. "NICE. You're quite the milk cow, chris." "Sir. Please. Can we do something else?" "No." Will smiled. "Trust me. The next one will take longer. " It did. It was about 45 minutes before chris was screaming SIR again. And this time, there were maybe 7 or 8 drops that didn't shoot very far. "NICE. You came three times so far. Still got plenty of battery power left. "SIR PLEASE. My cock. It's sore.. SO SORE" "But you're getting to use it chris," Will smiled. "I know it's not some woman's cunt, but you're getting to use it. You know, most guys in your position, are locked up, and NEVER get to use it. " "OOOOOOOOOOH. PLEASE SIR. I'LL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT." "Yes, you're right, you will. Now, I've got to get back to work. Call me when you're ready. I bet it's another hour." Will walked back to his study. He was looking at financial figures because he needed to consider some big decisions. He pretty much had chris exactly where he wanted him. The man didn't know he was broken, but he was. And Will didn't want to move on: he wanted chris, maybe more than he did in school. But... running a company where one of your key coders is your bottom sub? He couldn't do that in good conscience. He knew Larissa worked, essentially 24/7, so he gave her a call. "William. I'm surprised it took you this long to call. How is your boyfriend?" "You knew?" Larissa started laughing. "William, when are you going to realize that you are NOT the only one who has more than one set of eyes. Yes, of course I knew. " She paused. "Your absolutely lovely and hot secretary has been telling me everything. "SHARON? Wait. wait. Explain to me Larissa. Pretend I'm four." She laughed. "Well, in many ways you are, William. It's rather simple. I happened to call to go over some financials with you the day chris dumped her the second time. She was a wreck, and I heard her. Now, William, let me be honest with you: a math genius, you are. A skilled strategist, you are. A warm and comforting boss, you're not. Sharon told me. I took her to dinner. And I began thinking "this is a really pretty girl." So, in my typical shy way. " Will laughed at that. "As I said, William, in my typical shy way, I asked her if she had ever been with a woman before. She almost fainted at the table. I simply smiled and said, 'well, if you want to be, there's no time like the present." "So you've been boffing my secretary." "Yes. And I don't even work with her. HAHAHAHAHAHAAHA." "Ah, Larissa, always getting to the core of things in an indirect way." "Indeed William indeed. No, you cannot sustain being the head of the company and fucking one of your workers to filth. So , you're welcome: I DID crunch the numbers. You've made that company rather profitable William. I believe it's value has gone up by about 2.5 times since you took over. " "Early retirement?" he asked. "Yes indeed, for anyone but you. You won't retire. I think what we need to do is find someone to buy the company and offer you a consulting deal. Then you can work when you want, fuck your boytoy all you want, you'll be, as Ms. Mitchell once said ' a free man in Paris." "I DO like Paris," Will mused. "And I'm sure chris will too - if you ever let him out of the hotel room, hahahahahahahahahaha." "So.." "Yes, William. We will start looking for a buyer tomorrow. Now, you must excuse me. " She paused. "Sharon, would you like to say good night to Dr. Winks." She didn't. And the next day Will gave her a 20% raise

It was more than an hour before chris began calling out again. This time, he wasn't close to cumming. He was in a very severe state of blue ball. "PLEASE SIR. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE." Will had been becoming turgid in his study, and he was ready. "You're going to be very sore tomorrow, chris. Very sore." He left chris' balls tied, as he undid the ankle restraints. Then Will dropped his pants. "oh no. oh no...." chris muttered under his breath. He closed his eyes. He WAS sore. The vibrator was gone, replaced by Will's cock. "I am so fucked." chris thought. "I am so fucking fucked. I am ... I am a bitch." "Yes. Yes you are. a mancunt bitch" Will said. chris had spoken inadvertently, and his saying he was a bitch, set Will off. His second orgasm, like chris', was not nearly as big as the first one. Nonetheless, chris felt the jizz filling his ass. He realized that, for the first time in his adult life, he had absolutely NO desire to jerk off.

"I think you've had a long night, chris. It's time for us to get some sleep. " Will released the cock restraint. chris sighed. "Thank you Sir." "We'll be using it again. Rest assured." He loosened all of the restraints. He sent chris to wash off, and then when he was done, they got into bed. While chris was getting cleaned up, Will pulled out the clothes he wanted chris to wear the next day.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "FUCK. Am I getting fat or...." chris was struggling to button the slim cut white shirt Will had laid out for him. "Nope, stud. You're just not used to dressing like a manbitch. Suck in the gut, point out the tits, and get ready to carry it off all day." chris sighed. He could do this. He COULD. When he had the shirt on, even with his body bulging from all corners, Will handed him a bright red thong. "Someday I'm gonna make you wear that with white pants. Not today though." "Thank God for small favors," thought chris. "But before you put them on, bitchboy.... Bend over." "You're gonna fuck me AGAIN SIR?" "Yes, but not this morning. This morning, you're taking a memory of me with you." Will twisted a butt plug into chris' ass. "I know, I know stud. If you need to take it out for a bathroom break, feel free. Just make sure you put it back in." "I'm... I'm not sure ..." "Then come by the presidential suite, and I'll do it for you. Of course, you may actually have to do a little "under the table work" if you do." "Yes sir." chris pulled on the thong, then the medium blue pants that showed his ass off beautifully. "I will let you know when it's time to go home, chris. For now, be off with you." "Yes sir. Thank you Sir." As chris sat in his car, the plug moved. And he felt his cock jump.

After chris had gone, Will made a call. He got the answering tape. "Jana? Hi, Will Winks here. I know you get busy so I wanted to see when you were available. Not for me, but for my boy. I want his ass tattooed. Two words, one on each cheek: "Will's Bitch." Let me know when you can do it. Have a great day." And now, Will was hard too.

Next: Chapter 5

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