Chris Walsh Fall from Grace

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 29, 2023


Chris lay on the bed, face down, naked, and shivering. He wasn't cold: far from it. The room seemed temperature controlled, and it was very comfortable. He was shaking because he was scared. What was Will going to do to him? He had a general idea, but ... "I can take anything for one night," he told himself, as he heard Will's footsteps coming to the bedroom.

"LOOK AT THAT BEAUTIFUL ASS. LIKE TWO PERFECT HONEYDEW MELONS." Chris felt Will's finger touch the base of his spine, and then move down his ass crack very, very lightly. Chris' muscles flinched at the odd sensation. "Please Dr. Winks. Please. Please don't hurt me" Chris began to whine. He heard Winks laugh. "YOU. You of all people are asking not to get hurt. I should have you take a look at your personnel file: all the reports of harassment, of people saying you took advantage of them, the suggestions of... shall we say dalliances. " He laughed again. "Do not think I'm not aware of you and my secretary. Sharon was in tears for a day when you wouldn't return her calls. "Sir. I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I was wrong. I was wrong on all of it. " That's when he felt the folded belt SMACK against his ass. "OW. SIR. OW!" He felt it again. "Keep complaining, and you may just get gagged, fucker. You wanna get gagged? " "NNNNN.... NNNNo Sir. NO." Chris winced when another shot came down. "THEN STOP COMPLAINING. I WANT TO HEAR EITHER NOTHING OR A THANK YOU FOR EACH SHOT." "Yes sir. Thank you Sir. Thank you Sir." Chris was trying not to cry. He began to think that if he hadn't pleaded with Will not to hurt him, this wouldn't be happening. "How many was that? Did you count, chris? Was it 20?" "I don't know Sir. I don't know..." chris couldn't hold it in anymore, and he began to sob. He got no sympathy from Winks. "Poor, poor baby. Poor little chrissy. Sweet chrissy with the honeydew ass. Is it as sweet as honeydew? Let me see." Chris winced because the welts on his ass were so sore, as he felt Winks pull those cheeks apart. Then... "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH FUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCK" he screamed. No one had ever put a tongue up chris' ass. The new sensation, magnified by the tenderness from the beating, gave him a grade A boner. He couldn't stop moaning. He moaned so loud that he couldn't hear the lapping noises Winks was making as he dove deeper, and deeper into chris' ass. "I hope when you fucked Sharon you were courteous enough to use lube. DID YOU?" chris struggled to answer "yes sir. yes sir. I did. I did. " "Well, you just got your lube. It's ALL you're gonna get." chris froze. What was this going to feel like? He knew in a few seconds. "Something you and your buds didn't know, chrissy." Will was gloating as he began to slide his cock into chris. "I didn't get much in the looks department.... but I got a cock bigger than any of yours. " He whispered "10 full cut inches bitch boy. And you're gonna take it all. Go big or go home. RIGHT CHRISSY?" chris felt Will RAM his cock in. "Yyyyyyyyyes sir. Yes sir. " chris closed his eyes, and clenched his teeth. How much more was there? Was Will all the way in? Half in? It seemed to take forever, but then he felt something soft against his ass. "Will's balls" he thought. "he's all the way in. Thank God." Chris' relief was short lived, though, as Will slid back and rammed back in. "This is the best part of it chrissy. When I KNOW I'm making you feel it. When I know...." He snickered. "I'm hurting you. When I know... that I'll never have you in this position again. "YOU'RE LOSING YOUR CHERRY BITCH BOY." chris wanted it to stop so badly, but he couldn't do anything. Will was surprisingly strong, and he had his hands on chris' side, holding him stably on the bed. "If he tickles me, I'm doomed" chris thought. Will wasn't interested in tickling the stud that night. Instead, he continued to pound him. At one point, he reached under chris and pulled his hips up. "Lets me get in MUCH deeper than with you just laying there, BOTTOM BOY" It did. If chris had gotten used to the hurt from the rough fuck, he wasn't used to this. "I could fuck this ass every night, chris. It is SO FUCKING PERFECT." chris felt Will pull back, one time, and then spear him hard. He felt liquid dripping down his balls, his thighs, and then he realized: he had shot too. "What the fuck?" he thought. "What the fucking fuck?" He stopped thinking when he got a smack across his ass from Will. "Great beginning studmuffin. Now go get cleaned up I don't want you stinking in bed. And sometimes, just so you know, I get horny very early in the morning. " "It's only one time, it's only one time" chris said to himself in the shower. Much to his surprise, he slept very well that night xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

"Bad form if we go to work together," Will said over coffee the next morning. His housekeeper was used to Will's "guests" and smiled. "Would you like more coffee Sir?" chris saw Will smile when she called him "Sir." "At least ONE person respects me" he thought. "Thank you. That'd be great. " Sarah, I'll call you this afternoon about dinner. I'm not sure what I'd like, or how many, but I'll give you as much notice as possible. "Very good Dr. Winks. So as you know, there was fine turbot at the market yesterday. " "Ah, turbot. Farmed probably." "Yes sir. My apologies. I forgot that farmed fish isn't acceptable." Will sighed. "I DO like a well cooked turbot though." He looked at chris. "Do you like turbot, chris?" "I don't know Sir. I've never had it." "Hmmm. Good to know." Will looked at his watch. "Let me give you a half hour head start. " He smiled. "If you need to requisition a standing desk, I'm sure supplies can help you. As he drove, chris fumed. "THAT BASTARD. THAT BASTARD. He sexually assaulted me. He, he....." he began thinking "I hated the spanking but the fuck? That felt kinda GOOD." Was he getting wood in his car? FUCK NO. He wasn't queer. NO WAY. As chris was driving, Will called his office. Sharon was already there. "Sharon, Dr Winks here. Can you do me two favors? First, can you call a general staff meeting at 11:30 today? Make sure you tell everyone it won't be more than half hour. Second, please let Chris Walsh know that he should come to my office at 2 for a meeting to 'continue our discussions.' "YES SIR! I'll be sure to take care of everything."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx At 11:31, Will walked to the podium in the auditorium. There were.. how many people out there? 200? 300? Where was chris? AH, there he was. Will laughed to himself. "He's standing in the back. Not sitting. Looks good in that shirt but... too big. " "GOOD MORNING EVERYONE AND THANK YOU FOR INTERRUPTING YOUR BUSY, PRODUCTIVE DAY. I just want to thank all of you for your continued work and cooperation during this transition . Now, former management was, as we can see, rather formal. I am not. To that end... he paused." This company is going to business casual, effective immediately. I would like every single one of you gentlemen to take off your neckties, roll up your sleeves if you like, and ..." he laughed. "I realize some of you may need an allowance for business casual clothes. Please put the request in through Sharon. She'll delete your name, and all I'll see is the request. Then I'll decide. Any questions? " He saw a hand go up "Yes? And I apologize. I DID say I would learn everyone's name, but I haven't. You are..." "Yes sir. Thank you. I'm Don Alford. " "OH YES. OF COURSE I should know you. We need to talk soon, but please, your question?" "Does casual clothing include jeans?" Will put his chin on his fist. "GOOD QUESTION. I hadn't considered that. Why don't we do this for now? Jeans are ok on Friday and after we see how the policy works, maybe we'll extend it generally. Of course, I'm sure I don't need to say it with a group of professionals: you dress for a meeting. If a client is coming, dress up, not down. " He smiled. "Any other questions?" There weren't any. "And I'll just tell you that I've made all my promotion decisions, based on your files. I will be speaking to each of you about why you got a yes or no in the next few days. Thank you."

"He couldn't remember Alford's name. He should forget mine," chris was thinking. He knew Alford. Alford had a crush on him. He knew it. And he exploited it. Don was in his department. chris wasn't the head of the department, but he had enough seniority to assign and re-assign work. He gave all his crap to Alford, because he knew, he'd do it. One time, he had put his hand on Alford's shoulder, and he thought the man was going to liquefy. He wondered: are those days gone? And why the fuck does Winks want to see me this afternoon?

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"HI CHRIS!!!!! TWO DAYS IN A ROW . HAHAHAHAHAHA" Sharon had a very high, piercing voice, and chris tried not to wince in front of her. "It's been FOREVER since I saw you, and now... WOW. HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHA. A benefit of this job. Dr Winks likes you." chris reddened. Did she know? "I mean.. he's very busy and he doesn't have time to meet with a lot of people. These meetings over the next few days... How he does it, I don't know. I mean, is he drinking lamb blood? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." chris saw Will in the doorway of his office. "No Sharon, no lamb blood for me. I prefer mutton." He smiled. "chris, please come in." "Yes sir," chris grunted. Will closed the door as he went in. "Have a seat. If you like." Will was running his finger down a long number 2 pencil as he teased chris. "Look, Dr Winks, what happened last night... .It can't happen again." "Why not, chris? You didn't enjoy yourself?" Sir, that's not. that's not.." "You know, I normally use restraints and bondage, blind folds, gags, the whole nine yards, but I thought you'd prefer it... raw." He smiled. "But if you'd prefer toys next time." "Sir, there isn't going to be a next time." "Oh, but that's where you're wrong chris. There are going to be MANY next times. " Will got up, and walked to where chris was sitting. "See, here's how I look at the situation. I've spoken with the former president. Mr. Shaw... you may not know him, but I know you knew his daughter. " chris reddened. "I saw last night how you might 'persuade a woman, or a gay man, to do what you want, or... oh I don't know, to get a job." "Sir I..." "Save it chris. Save it . You know, perhaps you don't know this. In fact, I'm SURE you don't know this, but every single time you harassed someone at this company, every time you bullied someone, they reported it. Or if they didn't, you're in much deeper shit than I thought." Will picked up a pile of about 60 pages. "All complaints about your behavior. SIXTY? SEVENTY? That's how many a year? How many DIDN'T get reported?" "Are you asking me to resign Sir?" "Ho ho ho. No way, studmuffin. No way. And you'd best be glad I'm not. With THAT kind of record, who do you think will hire you? You may get a job in, oh, I don't know, Moldovia, but even there, I suspect trying to blackmail gay guys and women , trying to coerce them sexually, not cool chrissy, not cool. If I were you, I'd be happy to stay where I am and keep quiet." Will went back to his chair, sat down, picked up the pencil and smiled. "So, what are you going to do Sir? You won't fire me, you sort of have me over a barrel with quitting. What's going to happen?" Will smiled the way he smiled when he defeated an opponent at chess. "I think you need major rehabilitation chris. See, I believe that all of this behavior comes out of some very confused ideas you have about yourself. " "Like what Sir?" "Well, let me start with the ones that are true. You clearly think you're good looking. You are. You're one of the handsomest men at this company." "THE handsomest man" chris thought, but said nothing. "And you're ridiculously charming. Sharon is no fool, but she fell for you. That can certainly be an asset." "Sir, excuse me, but.. I'm not hearing anything negative." Will smiled and said nothing for a minute. Then he spoke, and the blood drained from chris' face. "You somehow have this idea that you're straight. You're not. And you have this idea that you're an alpha male. Wrong again. And a TRUE alpha male is going to show you... the error of your ways." Now chris was boiling. "And who's that going to be.... SIR?" Will began to laugh. "You know, that behavior? I saw it in my primate evolution class. It's neanderthal. I love it. It's time for rehabilitation to begin. GET OVER HERE. IN FRONT OF ME. AND GET ON YOUR KNEES." "FUCK YOU." "No, YOU'RE the one who got fucked. Do I need to remind you of that? " chris' voice dropped. "No Sir." "And... you're gonna get fucked again. Later this week. But for now... You're going to get on your knees, take my cock in your mouth, and give me a FAR better blow job than you tried to give me earlier this week." Will paused. "And if you don't... then I WILL have to let the field know about your errant behavior." chris gulped, and began thinking very fast. He was a good coder. Better than good. But he wasn't at the top of his game. The kids coming out of school knew more about the new stuff than he did. He made a good salary at this company. The boss seemed to have a thing for him. Could he... could he? He felt the wood in his pants. "Yes sir." chris got on his knees and began taking the ten inch cock in his mouth. He got down to about five inches before he began to choke. "Easy does it sweetpea. Easy does it." Will began rubbing chris' earlobes. It felt so good. He played with chris' hair, and bent down to kiss the top of his head. chris got two more inches in before he looked up beseechingly. "Can't take more than that? " chris shook his head slowly. 'no." "Well, we'll work up to it. But you've got me hard enough.. " Will began the motion he had used when he had fucked chris, and in a few minutes, he was hissing like a snake, as his cum spilled into chris' mouth. "Not bad for a second try chris. Not bad." chris didn't even realize he said "thank you Sir." "I have a private bathroom. Right next to the office. You can clean yourself up in there. I'll expect you at my home tomorrow. 8pm. " "Yes sir. Should I bring a change of clothes." "Not necessary chris. You have a superb body, and your clothes don't show it. I've taken care of that. You'll be dressing more... appropriately from now on." chris didn't know what that meant. "I'm sorry Sir. Can you explain?" "You should be wearing fitted clothing chris. It will suit your persona better, and it will make me even more excited to know that under what you're wearing is the body I'll be sleeping with." chris was still not clear on what was happening, but he felt like his brain was going to explode. "You can return to work now chris. I will be very busy tomorrow, but I expect you at 8. And we WILL be using toys." "Yes sir."

After chris returned to his own office, he took a detour to the men's room. Once he was in a locked stall, he jerked off. Thoughts of being Wink's bitch... it was hot. "What did that bastard wake up in me?" he thought, when he was done. Back at Dr. Winks' office, Sharon came in. "Dr Winks? The haberdasher called. They've delivered your order. And I have the paperwork for you. For making Don Alford head of the coding department." Will smiled. A gay guy at the top of the company, and a gay guy in charge of his division. OH, the pain he was gonna cause superstar chris!


Next: Chapter 3

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