Chris Walsh Fall from Grace

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 4, 2023


"This was a dumb thing to do" Will was second guessing himself the third day of the "geekathon" as he called it. Having other men whom chris had abused or treated badly was a good idea in the abstract, but hey: "I'M" the one who brought him down, he's MINE." Will was thinking. He tried thinking ahead to what would happen after this final day: he smiled to himself, and began to squeeze his own cock: the tattooing, and then the eventual exit from the company. "Consulting:" another word for saying "getting paid without working." chris as his boy. Life was going to get VERY good.

But for now, he had to get things in motion for the third spit roast: Morris and Louis would finish it off, and then: OH, Will was looking forward to the "taste test." Was he going to cancel the third night of someone getting chris in bed? It turned out he didn't have to do anything about that: all of these guys had serious jobs, and some had traveled a bit to get here. The guys were sidling up to him while Morris and Louis had possession of chris: Morris taking his ass and Louis taking his mouth (Louis had been one of the lucky winners who had a full night with chris, so he was fine with just letting Morris have him) - thanking him for the weekend, but indicating that they really weren't going to be able to stay for the third night. Louis and Shawn had already had their nights with chris, and when the other four all begged off, Will breathed a sigh of relief.

After the spit roast was finished, and both Louis and Morris had shot their loads, Will gave chris a chance to rest up, and to clean up. "We're going to have closing ceremonies, chrissy. You need to be fresh for that." Will laughed. "Here's a hint: get your mouth nice and clean. No residual tastes." "yes sir..." chris was catching his breath. "And I have some news for you boy. The guys have decided to pass on the third night. After the closing ceremony, you come back to my bed: PERMANENTLY." "Yes sir. Thank you Sir." chris was sincere for one of the few times in his life: if this was going to be his life, he wanted to be with Will: Will seemed to actually have some care about his pleasure: he remembered the prostate "massage" he had gotten the night before. Some of these guys were so brutal, they made Will seem like a lenient lover.

The "lenient lover" was waiting in the bedroom area when chris came out of the bathroom, cleaned up, smelling good, as Will put it, and holding two things: a blindfold, and an anal hook. "OH SHIT" chris thought to himself. "What's going on now?" "ON ALL FOURS BOY. It'll make it MUCH easier for me to get this up your butt, if you relax." "Yes sir," chris didn't need to 'relax'. His hole had been opened so often that weekend, the three balls went in easily. He felt Will slip the blindfold over his eyes, and then, he heard but didn't see, the collar and leash get put on his neck. "Let's go, cur. OH, is this going to be fun..." Will led chris into the playroom with the anal hook attached to the leash. Waiting there for him were the six: Seymour, Shawn, Elvin, Morris, Louis, and Franklin. All had their pants down and all were hard. Will pulled chris up to where they were lined up. "Ok, it's TASTE TEST TIME, gang." He yanked on chris' leash. "Dogs are supposed to hae a good sense of smell, bitchboi. What do you smell?" There was some giggling when chris crunched up his nose. "Uh, I don't know Sir. " There was more laughing. Will unzipped his pants and put his cock in front of chris' nose. "What's THAT smell, bitch?" "That's your cock Sir." "DAMN RIGHT. And what you're gonna do now, is you're gonna sniff, and taste each man's cock. You sucked each one of them this weekend, let's see how many you remember because..." Will stopped and chuckled. "I'm gonna paddle you ten times for each one you get wrong." And if you go 0 for 6... you'll get an extra ten. UNDERSTAND? " "yes sir." "GENTLEMEN, LET'S BEGIN..." He led chris from cock to cock like a show dog. chris was scared: he had never gotten more than 30 swats from Will, and so much had happened during the weekend... how could he remember what cocks tasted like? He thought back. Louis' cock had a distinctive funk about it. It wasn't the first one he tasted, but it had almost a "baby powder" feel to it, which suggested Elvin. That was his guess. He heard the bell ring. "CORRECT. One down, five to go." Next one was definitely Louis. DEFINITELY. And it was. He got the next four wrong. "I want you to see this, chrissy, and I want you to see what you do to my friends. Why I'm so goddamned jealous all the time." He pulled the hook out of chris' ass, and took off the blindfold. He signaled to Seymour, who put handcuffs on chris' wrists as they brought him over to the pommel. The six of them surrounded chris in a circle, while Will pulled out the big paddle, and showed it to chris , grinning all the while. Will had attached a leash to the pommel, and he slipped that through chris' collar. He couldn't move his head and the first THWACK came down. Then the second. chris stopped counting after 18. He stopped feeling pain after 21. And the first lash of one of the six jerking off on him came at 23. They kept on coming. He began crying at 33, and at 40 , he was sobbing. "DO ANY OF YOU FEEL SORRY FOR THIS PRIVILEGED BASTARD?" Will yelled. There was a resounding answer of "NO WAY." Will moved back to the front and held up chris' head. He looked in his eye. "You learn your lesson, chris?" "YES SIR. I DID. I DID." "What did you learn?" "I'm scum Sir. I'm the lowest of the low. I'm honored that you've taken me as your bitch. I... I apologize to all you gentlement. I tried to make it up to you. I hope I did." Will had NOT written any lines for chris, and he was impressed by what he heard. He began to formulate an idea for a combined reward and test for his boy. It would come soon. For now, he was rubbing an aloe balm on chris' ass to help ease the pain: he planned to fuck that ass tonight, and he wanted it ready. During the massage, chris fell asleep over the pommel. Will escorted his guests out. In the living room, he whispered "You'll all be seeing stuff about me in the press soon. It will all be true, so I'll tell you ahead of time: I'm going to sell the company. " They began looking at each other. "chris is going to quit his job. He doesn't know it yet, and he'll become my live in bitch. " He snickered. "He's going to be marked, and I'll send you all photos. For now, any of you are welcome to visit. I plan to travel and if you're in town and I'm not, just let me know. You're always welcome."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "WAKE UP BOY. Time for your to service your Master." "Yes sir," chris felt Will's cock smacking his mouth. Will had a handful of his hair, and was pulling chris' head up. By now, chris knew enough to open his mouth to suck Will. Will smiled. "Nope. Not interested in that. I haven't had enough of my boy's ass this weekend. " He looked at chris. "Can you stand up?" "I don't know Sir" "Well, your options are to walk, or to get dragged by the leash. Up to you." "I'll... I'll try to stand sir.." It WAS a struggle, but chris got to his feet. His hands were still cuffed in front of him, and he was still collared. The leash hung down in front of him. Will took his arm. "Time for some familiar fucking stud. I can't wait."

"Better understand something chrissy. I can have something like that arranged any fucking time I want." Will was speaking as he tied down chris' wrists. chris was face up, and there were clamps on his nipples. "So... if I ever wanted to, oh , I don't know, get in touch with your old football buddies... " He grinned. "A little beer will make any straight guy gay for a night. Understand me?" "Yes sir. I understand." chris gulped. "Is there anything I can do to make sure you're the only one filling my ass, Sir?" Again, Will was impressed. He was still going to go through with his next "trial" of this fine specimen, but he began to think he knew how it would go. "We'll see, chrissy. We'll see. There's only so much you can do and since I own your ass, I can do what I want to it. Maybe... maybe you'll need to research techniques to make you a better bottom." "Yes sir. I can do that.." chris stopped talking as Will shoved his legs in the air. His ass was sore, and maybe inflammed, but he found his cock getting fatter as he saw Will's approaching his ass. "GOD, I was so fucking jealous of each of those guys. SO FUCKING JEALOUS as they fucked MY boy. Well..." Will was about to smack chris' ass, but thought better of it. Instead he pulled the clamps. "YOU UNDERSTAND IT'S MINE?" "YES SIR! ONE HUNDRED PERCENT." When chris said that, he took a HARD plunge from Will. Will smiled and kept his cock in, unmoving. "I'm gonna have to get a dildo, I think, cut to the shape of my cock. That way.. you'll be getting fucked by me constantly... THE WAY THINGS SHOULD BE." "Yes sir. Thank you Sir.. NNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGG" The stress of the weekend was getting to chris now, and he was glad when he heard the exhalation that indicated Will was cumming. He felt the familiar temperature, the familiar texture of Will's jizz. He was with his Master. His own cock was bursting against the cage, but ... it didn't matter. What mattered is what Will wanted.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Will had arranged for chris to have the day off on Monday, and he had the appointment with Jana. This job was going to take several hours, and it would be stressful again, so he let chris sleep as he got up. He smiled as he thought about what chris' ass was going to look like. When chris woke up, he realized Will wasn't in the bed. That wasn't surprising: Will got up before he did on weekends. He seemed to always be on a work schedule. He figured Will was probably in the kitchen drinking coffee, because he smelled it. He could use some himself. He looked around for his clothes for the day. "That's odd," he thought. There were a pair of red shorts, VERY short and tight, chris knew, and a sheer tank top, socks and sneakers, nothing else. Will usually wanted him in "preppy clothes" when they were together. He shrugged his shoulders thinking "I'm never gonna figure out this man," and got the clothes on. He had a full blown hard on and needed to cum. He'd have to be happy with a good piss for now. He took care of that, and walked out to the main part of the house. "Morning, bottom. " Will smiled. "Sit down. I'm not as good a cook as Sarah, but I can knock out eggs. Help yourself. " "Thank you Sir. I'm going to start with just coffee today. I'll eat before workout." Will shook his head. "No workout today, chrissy boy. We're taking a trip. You shouldn't eat too much, but put something in your stomach besides cum. You're not Rod Stewart." chris found himself smiling. He remembered the rumors about the stomach pumping. He could probably have produced more than Stewart after this weekend. He filled a plate. "So, chrissy boy, I think you need to hear it first. Actually, you don't need to hear it, but I'm telling you. I'm selling the company." chris put down his fork. "There were rumors Sir. I didn't really pay much attention to them but..." "Yeah, it's true. You're the reason I'm selling." He smiled and chris reddened. "I don't understand, I...." "I have a relationship with you, chrissy boy. However you wanna slice it, it's a relationship . And corporate rules, are corporate rules. So.... I COULD try to find you another job, but... instead, we're both gonna be leaving. " "SIR?!? What will I do...?" Then it dawned on chris. "OH SHIT. I'm...." He saw the smile on Will's face. "Now it's making sense, isn't it, chrissy? Too many football injuries I guess. You couldn't think clearly. " Will held up his coffee cup. "Here's a toast to my new kept man. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." chris didn't know what to say. He had a feeling something like this would be happening, and while he probably COULD fight it, he'd lose. He had lost every conflict with Will: he had nothing left to fight with. "Thank you Sir. I'll try not to disappoint you." "I won't let you dickwad. Because if you do... Let me tell you... Four of the six guys offered to take you off my hands anytime I got tired of you. " "Only four?" chris thought. He swallowed the words before he said them. "And I think you realized this weekend... however rigorous I am as your Master, it could be worse." "It's not worse Sir. Just tougher. " "Well, I'm gonna make it tougher. And that's why we're heading out now. " He pulled out his cell. "Hey Jana. Will here. Yeah, we're on our way. I know, it's your whole day so I won't tarry. We'll be there soon." He put away the phone and smiled. "chrissy, you saw it. You are about to get a major tat job."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx chris had seen the designs and he knew that it was inevitable. He HOPED: GOD he hoped, that Will was going to retire REAL soon, because if any of the guys saw anything about what was about to happen.... "Sir, have you a retirement date?" "Oh, maybe 3 months, maybe 4. Soon. These things take time." Will grinned. "It's not like breaking a closet case jock." They were in the waiting area of Jana's shop. She came out in a lab coat and chris felt a pit in his stomach. "Ok, guys, you ready?" "All set. " Will answered. She looked at chris. "How about you, handsome? You look a little green. You wanna barf before we start?" chris thought about it before he said "Thank you, but I'll be ok." She looked at Will. "Now this is gonna take about five hours, maybe six. Halfway through, I can start and give your boy a break, but he's gonna have to stay in position. You guys good with that?" "Yup. We are, " said Will. "Can we start?" "One more thing. Will, you can stay if you want, but you have to stay out of the working field. I have to keep it sanitary and..." "So I can't hold his hand or anything?" "Nothing physical, but you can talk him through it. And you'll be able to see the work as it happens. "Then LETS DO IT!" Will proclaimed, and chris felt another pit in his stomach. For the first time in a long time, he didn't feel a need to cum." Jana was efficient. She had him dressed and in stirrups on his stomach, in fifteen minutes. "Ok, this is gonna smell a little bad, and it'll sting, but it'll make the needling process much easier to take, Chris. I wish I could give you anethesia, because this is a LONG process, but I'm not licensed for that. I'll just try to keep you as numb as possible. " "Thank you Jana. I appreciate it." She smiled. "GOD YOU'RE HOT, CHRIS." She shook her head. "If you weren't gay and even if you were and you didn't belong to Will, I'd make a play for you." She laughed at Will. "Better hope I don't tat him with 'Jana's Bitch.' "But.. but.... I'm .. not... Am I? I don't know. OH SHIT WHAT AM I? " chris was thinking as he felt the numbing solution sprayed over his buttocks. "You keep them in great shape Chris. Most men your age are beginning to sag. These are nice and firm.. " She whispered, teasing him. "I bet Will REALLY likes them." Then he heard the whizzing of the electric needle. The first stab was cold. After awhile, he stopped feeling it and then, anesthesia or not, he fell asleep.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "Hey, chrissy boy. Time to wake up. " chris heard Will's voice and woke up to see him crouching in front of his face, his big glasses staring at him, smiling. "He's actually pretty cute," chris thought, and then reddened when Will said "Well, thank you. And Jana's right. You're really hot. Even hotter now. " He kissed chris. Let me see if I can adjust the mirrors so you can see it. chris looked up. He wanted to groan. The words were reversed and his head was still in sleep mode, but he could tell "Will's" was on one cheek, and "bitch" was on the other. Big letters. Black. "Good reminder for you chrissy." "Yes sir." "So according to Jana, here's the deal. I can't go near that ass of yours for a few days: four or five. You can work out after two days, but we're gonna be taking it easy. This is LONG TERM baby." "yes sir. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. It feels worse than the spanking." Will laughed. "Think how much you'd hurt if you didn't have that as a reference. So, given what happened, we're gonna take a nice, slow walk home so you don't have to sit on that. And I've got everything at home set up so that you'll heel quickly. But you're gonna get even better at blow jobs than you are. Because Will needs his bitch." chris was beginning to wake up. "I understand Sir. I understand my role much better now." "I made sure Don knows you need some accommodations with your office, chrissy, and you'll have them. " He ran his finger around chris' lips. "Now, understand something, and I want you to understand this really, REALLY well." The smile that always played over Will's face was gone. "In my view, this made it absolutely official. I'm giving up a company I love for you. That means... I feel a stronger obligation to protect you. You get ANY shit from anyone at that office, I wanna know about it. "Sir... Don?" "Don is under the impression that you needed surgery. Which is kinda true. He'll act accordingly. Remember, he's gonna be the new CEO of the company." "You hadn't said that Sir. " "Oh, I guess I didn't. Silly me. But he is. Once I leave. I like Don, but he's as responsible for keeping you safe as anyone else is. You'll be back at work tomorrow. I'll be checking in frequently. Now, let's get home. I want you rested because... I am gonna be fucking your face tomorrow like nobody's business." He was too exhausted to pop a boner, but that thought gave chris much more comfort than he thought it ever would.

Next: Chapter 11

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