Chris Pratts Great Day

By L Stone

Published on Oct 13, 2020


Thank you for reading my stories. Questions and comments are always welcome at This story is fiction regarding intimate relations regarding celebrities. Other than public identity, all other locations and parties are fictional, any similarities are coincidental. Thanks for reader comments to continue hot ideas.

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Chris Pratt's Great Day

Chapter 9 .

Matt woke up with a start as he felt the bed move. He was about to doze back but he realized that his arm was still draped around Chris' body and Chris was still lightly snoring. Matt tensed up. He lifted his head and looked over to see that Channing had entered the master bedroom and had climbed on the bed with them. Matt relaxed with a sigh, alerting Chan that he was awake.

Chan moved in closer to Matt, they embraced and locked their lips in a deep kiss. Their bodies were almost the same, though Chan had more defined muscles. Chan had rolled Matt on to his back and had moved his hands to pull Matt's over their heads. Chan then brought his face down into Matt's pit and began licking. A shiver ran up Matt's spine as Chan's tongue wet and sucked every crevasse. Chan then moved his attention to Matt's nipple that was already starting to get hard. Matt groaned as Chan's teeth closed on his pointy nipple and ground lightly.

Chan then moved to Matt's other pit and gave it a through tongue bath. The attachment of Chan's mouth on Matt's other nipple caused Matt to gasp in air as Chan's teeth ground harder. Matt could feel that his cock was fully hard and with Chan's treatment of his chest and pits, it was writhing across Chan's hard cock as well.  

Still holding Matt's hands over his head, Chan began to lower his mouth down the massage tech's body. Chan traced his tongue over Matt's belly and abs, kissed along his waist line while avoiding Matt's cock that was pulsing with his heart beat. Chan went down lower and then took Matt's balls in his mouth, slowing sucking and exploring them with his mouth. Matt began a low moan of appreciation.

Chan released his grip on Matt's hands to slide lower down Matt's body, pushing Matt's legs apart to allow him to sink between them. Chan then began to run his fingers up and down Matt's spread legs, taking care to trace lightly and sensuously up Matt's inner thighs to his taint. With each trace of his hands, Chan was widening and lifting Matt's legs while still sucking and teasing Matt's balls.

When Chan had Matt's legs pushed up higher, he released his mouth from Matt's balls and pushed the raised legs up to tilt Matt's ass higher. Matt grabbed the back of his knees as Chan lowered his mouth to Matt's now exposed crack. Matt moaned loudly as Chan's tongue slid up and down his crack. Chan used his hands to pull Matt's cheeks wider apart and dove his tongue right on Matt's pucker.

Matt stifled a yip as Chan's tongue speared his open pucker and began to move in and out of it. Chan was moving his face around and pushing his tongue deeper into Matt's hole. Matt was moaning more and more, his body started to thrash around some. Matt closed his eyes letting his mind go wild as Chan continued to work his hole.

Matt's eyes shot open as he felt a leaking cock enter his mouth, his lips had been open as he was moaning from Chan's rim job. Chris' hand turned Matt's head as Chris pushed his cock deeper in Matt's mouth. Matt hummed around Chris' cock as it began to slide in and out of his mouth, he looked up into Chris' eyes.

"You are not very quiet when you are being serviced." Chris chuckled as his hips were pushing in and out.

Matt smiled his lips around Chris' cock at the sound. Matt relaxed his throat and started to try and bob his head down on Chris' cock as Chris thrust in. Chris sighed as he felt his cock head push in and out of Matt's tight throat. Chris began to pick up his pace, slapping his balls against Matt's face with each new thrust.

Matt missed that Chan had stopped licking and kissing his pucker, but had replaced his tongue with two fingers that had been fucking in and out of his hole. Matt groaned around Chris' cock as Chan added a third finger in his ass. Matt's body was writhing between Chan and Chris as they pushed him to a higher level of sexual awareness.

Chan pulled his fingers from Matt's ass, scooting up he positioned his cock head at the entrance. Gripping Matt's legs tighter up to Matt's chest, Chan slid his hips forward and pushed his cock deep in Matt's hole. Chan started to pump his hips back and forth, pushing his cock in and out of Matt's hot ass. Chan started to moan at the velvet tight pulsing against his cock as Matt was squeezing the thrusting cock.

Chris pulled his cock out of Matt's mouth. Matt gasped for air as Chris moved to straddle Matt's face and then lowering his ass down onto Matt's waiting lips and tongue. Reaching forward, Chris pulled Chan's face in closer and they began to kiss. Chan was still thrusting in Matt's ass and now Chris' ass grinding onto Matt's tongue.

Chris broke his kiss with Chan, leaning back he moved Chan's face down his body and guided it to his cock. Chan opened his mouth and started to swallow Chris' cock all while he was bucking his hips against Matt's ass. Chris began to move his hips up and down, sliding his cock in and out of Chan's mouth and allowing Matt's mouth and tongue to suck on his ass.

Chan started to thrust more strongly as he felt his climax build. He bounced his face harder against Chris' cock, slapping it into Chris' pube covered pelvis. With a muffled yell, Chan started to shoot his load up Matt's ass. Matt felt the hot liquid start to pump into him and he was using his ass muscles to grip and pulse as hard as he could. Chan kept shooting jet after jet into Matt's waiting ass, with a final thrust in he pushed deep for the last few volleys of cum.

Chris pulled out of Chan's mouth, his cock dripping with spit as he stood up. Chris went around and pulled Chan free of Matt's hole. Chan's cock left a trail of cum as he was moved back from Matt's ass embrace. Chris leaned down and thrust directly into Matt's open hole. As it was slicked with Chan's load, Chris started to pump his cock in hard, making his balls slap Matt's ass.

Matt started to moan and groan as Chris was steadily plowing into his ass. Chris pulled back and used his hands to help roll Matt onto his hands and knees. Chan was still on the bed and had flipped around so that Matt was straddling Chan's body. Chan guided Matt's hard cock into his mouth as Matt's lips took in Chan's cock in a 69 position. They started sucking each other's cocks.  

Chris moved on his knees behind Matt's hips and thrust his cock back into Matt's ass. Chris resumed his hard thrusting in and out, every once and awhile he would slap Matt's ass cheek with a wide spread palm of his hand. Each time he would slap Matt's ass, Matt would involuntarily pulse ass muscles around Chris' cock. Chris was groaning as he continued to pump away.

Chris felt a fire race up his legs, channeling in it balls before shooting out into Matt's still tight ass. Chris yelled as he began pumping his load in to meet Chan's deep in Matt's chute. Chan pulled his mouth off Matt's cock and moved back to lick Chris' balls and shaft as they were still pumping Matt full of cum. Chris slumped forward as his last jet of cum sprayed out, breathing heavy. Chris then pulled out, dropping on the bed next to Chan.

Matt's hole was leaking the combined loads but he had still not shot off yet. Matt leaned back and began to beat his cock sliding his fist up and down furiously. Matt could feel that he was getting closer, he looked down and Chris and Chan had moved either heads close to Matt's cock with open mouths. After just a few more pumps, Matt yelled as he cock began to spit out rope and rope of cum. Matt's load shots were coating both Chris and Chan in the face. Matt had aimed for some to shoot directly into the open mouths, landing on the waiting tongues. Cum was now streaking off the actors faces, dripping off their noses and into their mouths. Matt fell back on the bed when he was done shooting, spent.

Chris leaned over and began to kiss Chan's open mouth, they spread Matt's cum between them. Then they crawled up to Matt and began a hot three way kiss, letting Matt taste his cum from both their tongues. When they were finished making out, the three of them laid back on the bed in a close embrace.

"Fuck dudes that is a crazy, cool alarm clock to wake up to." Chris said he playfully tapped both Matt and Chan's shoulders. He continued, "Really dude, you are not quiet."

Matt blushed before he could answer, "Well, when I have a hot mouth working me over, I should think not."

Chan was just chuckling at both of them, letting his hands rub over Matt and Chris' bodies. His cock was starting to recharge and was getting hard again. Chan grabbed hold of Chris' cock, jacking it a bit more. Chris and Chan were now both sporting fully hard cocks. Matt looked down and a sexy smile reached across his face.

"I think I want you both a little more, but I will need each of your help. You game?" Matt asked, still smiling like a Cheshire cat.

"Fuck yea dude." Chris answered.

"What do you need us to do?" Chan inquired.

"I want both of you at once." Matt said pausing, "I need you to lay down ass to ass, with your cocks pointing up. I want to ride you."

Chan moved around and positioned himself as Matt had requested. His legs were over Chris' and their cocks and balls were resting right up against each other. Matt crawled down to where they were touching, Matt got up to a squat as he positioned his hole over the two cocks. Deepening his squat, Matt reached back and placed the cock heads at his cum slicked hole. Taking a large breath in, Matt paused and as he let out his breath he lowered onto the pair of dicks.

Chris and Chan both started to moan as their cocks were being forced together and plunged into Matt's tight hole. Matt continued to take deep breaths in and on the exhale moved further down the twin fuck poles. After several breaths Matt had taken both cocks fully in his cum soaked ass, he rested a few moments feeling both actor's heartbeats through the respective cocks in his ass. Matt slowly began to clench and release his ass muscles around the dicks to get himself ready.

Matt decided he was ready, he reached down and grabbed Chris' hand and Chan's hand is each of his. Using the hand holds to keep him steady, Matt lifted up only a few centimeters before dropping back down. As he dropped Matt let out a loud moan that started to match the sounds coming from Chris and Chan under him. Matt lifted higher and dropped harder each time. Matt's head was flung back and his hard cock was flapping as he continued to fuck himself.

There was like an electric charge that ran between Chan and Chris as their cocks were being pressed together and fucked by Matt's tight hole. They could do little more than help support Matt's weight through the clasped arms as Matt worked them over. Chris began to swear as he felt his balls start to churn. Chan felt the movement of Chris' balls against his and could feel himself start to get close. The tight velvety feeling vise that gripped their cocks was pushing them closer to their next climaxes.

Matt had raised up until just the pair's cock heads were still in his ass. Pausing there he clenched his pucker tight as he could around the actor's mushroom heads being forced together. Chan and Chris started to try and push up together as they were so close to going off. Matt clamped down but dropped his body down, impaling himself on the cocks. The fullness and his extra squeezing were making his climax start to rise.

Matt lifted up again and did the same clench and drop pattern. His body was shaking as he was delaying his climax as long as he could. When he dropped this last time, Matt began to yell as he could hold back no longer. His cock was spewing out cum, shooting out over the bed, then over the bodies below him.  

Matt's ass started to twitch and quake around the men's cocks as he shot off. Chan yelled as he started to shoot up into Matt's quaking ass. Chris began to yell too as he was now shooting as well. Matt was dropped down still with his ass surrounding the men's shooting cocks, he could feel more and more cum splash up into him.

Shaking heavily, Matt lifted off Chris and Chan after they had all been still for a few minutes. As the cocks exited Matt's hole, trails of cum dripped out of his gaping hole pooling on the cocks underneath. The actors helped move Matt to the bed, pulling him between them in a tight hug. Soon they drifted off to an exhausted slumber, with sated smiles on each of the men's faces.

Some time later, Matt awoke slowly and realized that he was still in the arms of both Chris and Chan. Matt looked to each face in turn and received a smile from each. Matt enjoyed the feeling of the closeness of commoraradity as they lounged in the bed. He tried to sit up and felt the stickiness of dried cum and sweat, then the slight dizziness of overexertion. Matt laid back down, allowing the dizziness to pass.

"We need to get cleaned up, but you need something in your system." Chris said smiling at Matt.

"You get the two of you up and in a shower." Chan started, "I will make a smoothie and bring it in. Matt can have it as he soaks in the tub after the shower."

Chris nodded and mouthed 'Thank you' to Chan as Chan got up and headed towards the kitchen.

"Thanks Chris. I think a shower then a soak will be good for me." Matt said.

"No problems dude." Chris said, "We each shot twice from that hot session, but I have never been a part of a double quite like that before. That was fucking hot!"

"The two of you together just get me so turned on." Matt confided as Chris helped him stand up. He continued, "That is not something I could or really should do on a regular basis, but it was hot."

"Absolutely dude." Chris answered.

The pair had made it to the bathroom and Chris started the water in the shower. Once the temperature was right he brought Matt in and began washing him off with shower gel. Matt let Chris sudds his body, cleaning away the dried cum and sweat from their fun. Chris put shampoo in both of their hair and was in the process of rinsing them both off when Chan came into the bathroom.  

Chan put two large smoothies on the back edge of the separate garden tub and he started the water. Chan grabbed some epsom salts and added them to the tub before turning off the water. Chan then went to the shower and nodded to Chris. They helped Matt over to the tub and lifted him up and then down into the warm water. Matt let the warm water cover over him, he could feel his tender ass lips appreciated the bath.

"Here drink both of these. You could use it for the energy and for healing of the body." Chan said as he handed Matt the first smoothie.

"Thank Chan." Matt said as he took a sip. Then he said, "This is great. I needed that."

"You are welcome. It is not everyday that I get to be a part of something as hot as this morning." Chan said, "I need to get cleaned up though, I have an appointment to get to."

Chan stood up and walked back to the shower. As he showered, Chris sat on the edge of the tub keeping Matt company, they both starred in the shower as the water was spraying and rolling down Chan's body. The soap and shampoo were applied and rinsed off, but the effect of the hot actor was evident in both Matt and Chris. Matt looked over and saw that Chris was chubbing up just like he was. Chris glanced down and they both chuckled.

"Dude's damn hot!" Chris said softly directly to Matt.

"Un-fucking-believable." Matt replied as they shared a hot exchange with their eyes.

Chan finished with his shower, for the most part unaware of the excess ogling from Chris and Matt. He dried off and threw the towel in the hamper. He walked over to the tub, still naked and just a few drops of water that the towel missed. A true sight to the eyes. Chan retrieved the empty first glass of smoothie as he got hugs from both Matt and Chris.

"I will take this on my way out. I have my clothes in the gym." Chan said, "I will see the two of you later."

Chan turned and walked out of the bathroom towards the kitchen. Two sets of eyes followed his tight ass out of the room. Both Chris and Matt chuckled as they realized they did the same thing, but damn Chan's ass was hot.

Matt was drinking the second smoothie and had leaned back letting the water soak over him. Chris reached down and rubbed Matt's chest and shoulders, bringing handfuls of water over them. Matt sighed at the treatment. Chris chuckled as the next time he poured the water over Matt's chest he turned his hand and pinched Matt's nipple hard. Matt groaned and swatted Chris' hand away.

"Hey I need to be resting and that is not going to lead to resting." Matt chided.

"Ok, Ok Dude!" Chris answered, "I get it."

"So what do you have planned for today? With our fun, we do not have a workout to do. Especially with Chan already headed out." Matt inquired.

"I just need to check my work schedule. I need to head into the office. I have a conference call with Tom and some movie execs." Chris started. "We can head in after lunch and I can take care of that. Are you wanting to spend some time in your office?"

"Yes that would be nice. I do have some things to follow up on. Then I can do some sauna time as well. After lunch it is then." Matt agreed.

Chris helped Matt stand and get out of the tub. They dried off the rest of the way. Matt was feeling better all around now. Chris quickly dressed and headed to the kitchen to put together lunch. Matt took his time in getting dressed. He also pulled the sheets as the cleaning crew was coming in today and those sheets needed to be changed for sure.

Matt walked into the kitchen as Chris was plating up some large salads with lightly seared tuna on them. They ate at the kitchen bar, enjoying each other's company. After eating they put the dishes away and headed towards the garage. Chris pulled out on to the road in one of his favorite rides, putting his hand down on Matt's thigh as he drove - a smile spread across his face.

They arrived at the office without issue. In the elevator Chris gave Matt a hug as Matt got out on the floor with his massage suite and office. Matt smiled as the doors closed and Chris went to his office suite on the top floor.  

Matt walked to his suite and used his keycard to enter. He did a walk through to make sure that the cleaning crew for the building had not changed anything important. It was strange to his thoughts that he now had a cleaning crew to be conscious of. Back in his studio in Oklahoma he was the responsible party for all cleaning and upkeep. Such a change in a short time.

Matt was satisfied with the service, even more so that they had folded and put away the laundry. He turned on the sauna to allow it to warm up as he headed into his office. He quickly reviewed his upcoming calendar and made the appropriate notes. He confirmed what massage products that he needed and placed the request for purchase.

Happy with his preparations for in-the-office visits, he looked at what the previous tech had for on-location work. Matt remembered that Chris said that he would travel to some locations with principles or clients as the need was there. In looking at the supplies he realized that his supply order was now not complete. He quickly decided on what additional items that he needed to make his traveling kit complete. He submitted an additional supply order.

Matt looked at the time and wanted to spend a little time doing some meditation. Turning on some appropriate music and dimming the lights for the massage studio, Matt went to the ensuite and undressed. On the spur of the moment he decided to just keep on a jockstrap. His thought was he could go directly after into the sauna.

Matt walked into the studio and pulled a yoga mat out. He settled down and went into half lotus position. Relaxing his mind and letting his body rest, Matt quickly entered his meditative state. After his preferred time of meditation, the ringing of the temple bells - his gentle alarm sounded. Matt opened his eyes feeling more centered and his mind having more clarity.

Matt stood and picked up his yoga mat, then checked his phone. He did not have any pressing emails or messages. He walked back and put up his yoga items and grabbed a towel. He returned to the sauna and entered. In no time, his body was sweating, releasing the toxins, and the heat entering his muscles and joints.

After 30 minutes Matt was ready to move on. He exited the sauna and turned it off on the way back into the office ensuite to clean up. He took a quick shower and redressed. He was glad that the ensuite was so well appointed, it made his life easier for sure. He sat down at his desk and had pulled up his computer again.

A message came up on his scheduling program and an email popped up at the same time. Matt was about to open the first email, when a second one popped up from Chris. He clicked on the email to find out that in a few days time, he would be accompanying Chris and Tom to a film site on the Mediteraian sea some distance outside of Cairo, Egypt. Matt checked the scheduling message and it gave some important details he needed. Glad that he had ordered his traveling supplies, he started making his packing list.

Matt looked up at a knock on the office door as Chris walked in. He smiled and finished his note. Chris was excited as he sat down in the chair across from Matt.

"I know that you saw the email. I can't wait to get Egypt. This is going to be such fun dude. You will love it." Chris started, "I know the emails only gave the cursory details, but I will let you know the rest. Tom and I have been working to get this project pulled together for some time. The movie execs we spoke with today gave it a go ahead to start. As the time frame is close, both Tom and I will need some assistance in preparing for the physical demands and the recovery. That is where you come in."

"This will be exciting. I have not been to that part of Northern Africa." Matt said, "I will be happy to do all that I can to help out you and Tom. Also I am glad I came in, I now have my gear on order that should cover all of our needs."

"Great dude." Chris said, "We should probably head out soon to avoid the most traffic. You ok to head out?"

"Sure, not a problem." Matt said as he closed down his computer.

They headed to the garage and Chris drove them back home. Chris' smile and attitude were infectious at his excitement for travel. They both were laughing by the time Chris pulled the car into it's parking space in the large garage at the house. This laughter followed them into the house and out on the patio with a glass of wine for each of them.

They planned on what they wanted for dinner and decided to eat in. They worked together to fix the food, Matt took the filled plates out and Chris followed with refreshed drinks. They enjoyed the simple dinner and shared some stories of international travel with each other. The stories caused both Matt and Chris to laugh some more, each having anecdotes of lost luggage, long customs lines and taxi/hotel problems.

The pair had eaten by the pool, the evening was starting to turn towards twilight and the heat was still holding on. Since they started cooking they had progressively shed their clothes, so that by the time they sat down to eat the men were both naked. The lights for the pool were starting to sparkle up on the deck, splaying moving patches of light and dark across the naked bodies. After sitting for a few moments of quiet at the end of the meal, Matt looked to to see Chris gazing at him. Their eyes locked and a spark jumped between them.

"Dude you know that I am a bit jealous of the water massage that Mai got last night." Chris said, "It looked like it could be relaxing and hot."

"Does a Monkeyboy need some water time?" Matt chided in a deep, lower voice. He continued, "Do you need a relaxing, hot time in the pool with me?"

"Fuck, dude!" Chris started, then continued with a smirky grin, "Yes, Monkeyboy needs some wet attention."

They stood up from the table and Matt grabbed Chris' hand as they walked closer to the pool. They got to the edge and Matt sharply tugged on Chris' arm. Chris was slightly off balanced giving Matt the chance to push Chris into the pool. Chris splashed and sputtered when he broke the surface.

"Dude!!!" Chris hollered, "Not cool man!"

"Keep your cool, Monkeyboy." Matt said with a laughing voice as he jumped in beside Chris.

Matt pulled them so they were just over waist deep in the water. Switching into a professional manner, Matt directed Chris into the starting position he wanted to work on with the water massage. Chris settled down, but only after he reached under the water and tugged on Matt's cock and balls. They both chuckled.

Matt then led them through the stretching and manipulation that he used with the active form of massage. In contrast to Mai's massage from the previous night, Matt was using some different techniques that grayed the lines between professional and sensual massage. The touch had a more sexually charged energy to it and it was evident by both of the hard cocks in the water. Matt had finished what he wanted with the professional aspect.

Chris was floating on his back in the water supported lightly by Matt's hands. Matt dipped his fingers in the water and brought it to Chris' head. As Chris was reclined in the water, Matt let the water drip from his fingers down onto Chris' forehead. Chris closed his eyes, relaxing into the float and the dripping water on his face. Matt continued making steady droplets run over Chris' closed eyes, cheeks, chin, and forehead. Then Matt took and lightly ran his fingers down Chris' face starting at the hairline and slowly tracing down the strong features of the actor.

Matt allowed the tracing fingers to move from Chris' jawline down his neck. Soon the fingers were tracing, brushing over Chris' chest, slowing circling around Chris' nipples in a large figure eight. Chris' breath got shallower as Matt's fingers closed to a tighter pattern, brushing the nipples directly. Just after the fingers had run directly over the center of Chris' nipples, Matt leaned over and blew on them lightly. Chris uttered a low moan as the moisture and the air movement across his nipples had brought them to hard points. In addition his cock was starting to get hard again after having been slightly softened during the relaxation ending of the massage.

Matt, still lightly supporting Chris in the water, moved his supporting hand lower down Chris' back, exposing more of Chris' chest and abs just above the water. Matt's tracing hand now moved down from Chris' nipples to his abs. Matt's touch was light and flowy, keeping close contact between the finger and skin. Chris moaned again as Matt's fingers closed and traced around Chris' belly button, dipping in and out. Chris' body shivered again, sending ring waves outward from his body in the water.

Matt's hand traced down lower, lightly gliding down the v in Chris' abs careful to avoid Chris' now throbbing cock. Matt did swipe his finger under the leaking cock head and collected the pre-cum that had dripped out. He took his finger and placed it on Chris' lips. Chris sucked in the sticky finger and sucked the sweet, salty liquid before releasing Matt's finger. Matt leaned his head over Chris' pulsing cock head, sticking out his tongue he licked from the head down the shaft.

At the touch of Matt's tongue on Chris' member, Chris began to moan wildly, getting louder when Matt's tongue slid back up his cock and Matt's mouth sealed around his cock head. Matt had moved both of his arms down in the water to support Chris' body as he slid his mouth down the hard cock. Matt was slightly pulling Chris' body up as his face was moving down Chris' shaft in slow even strokes. Taking his time, Matt was using his tongue to swirl around Chris cock head and shaft as he moved with the fluid bobbing.

Matt used one of his hands to push Chris' legs apart, allowing Matt more access to Chris' lower body. Matt moved his fingers in and began brushing up and down Chris' crack, causing a shudder when his finger brushed over Chris' pucker. After several strokes up and down, Matt settled his fingers to circle just around Chris' pucker. Matt's fingers circled around the pucker edges, then the center, then back to the edges again. Matt kept this pattern for some time while he was slowly bobbing his head up and down on Chris' cock.

Matt was working Chris' cock with precision, monitoring Chris' condition, taking him to the edge and then backing off. Chris would start to breathe shallowly as he would get close to his climax and then would shout when Matt backed off. Matt was edging Chris time and again, building a sexual charge in the actor.

After about the seventh time that Matt backed off and Chris yelped, Matt decided that he would let Chris get off. Matt changed his finger circles to begin to push in and out of Chris' pucker, making some circles stretching Chris' pucker wider and wider. Chris' body was almost vibrating as Matt's change in ass play was paired with the harder and faster bobbing of Matt's head on Chris' cock.

Chris could feel an electric energy build starting in the soles of his feet, traveling up his legs - curling and tightening up his muscles and joints as it went up. The current made it to his ass muscled that gripped hand held Matt's fingers that were pushed in him. Chris felt his chest and abs start to constrict, pulling his body in tight as he got closer and closer to his release. Chris' breath started coming out in quick puffs and he was grunting on the exhales.  

With a slap, Chris' ball pulled up tight to his body just as Matt dropped his head down hard, pushing Chris' cock head into his throat. That was the final sensation that triggered Chris' cock to begin shooting his load. Matt kept Chris' cock buried as deep in his throat as he could, as well as punching in and out with his fingers in Chris' ass. Chris was yelling in short bursts as his climax pulsing his body in quick succession. Chris shot six or seven ropes of cum directly down Matt's throat before Matt pulled his head up some and caught the remaining cum shooting on his tongue.

Matt was still supporting Chris' body as he flailed in his massive climax. Chris felt like this was the largest load that he had ever shot. Chris could feel zips of energy spark out and down his nerves, making his body twitch. As Chris shot his last bit of cum, his system overloaded and he briefly lost consciousness. Chris opened his eyes to see some spots and stars swirling around in his vision. He relaxed into Matt's supportive arms.

Matt had sucked his lips up and collected the last drops of Chris' cum as he straightened up. Matt tilted Chris' body, raising Chris' head out of the water. Moving closer Matt brought his lips to Chris' and sealed their lips together. Chris responded with passion as his mind was coming back from his huge release. Chris' tongue darted in and sucked as much of his cum from Matt's mouth as he could.

Matt floated them closer to the side of the pool, pushing Chris' back and shoulders to the ledge with a towel draped over it. Matt maneuvered to be between Chris' legs. Chris felt Matt widen his legs as Matt pushed in closer. With a moan Chris felt Matt's rigid cock head as Matt placed it on Chris' pucker. The finger work that Matt had done, had loosened Chris' hole so when Matt pushed forward his cock slid in Chris' chute. Still recovering from his climax, Chris' body was relaxed and took Matt's full cock up to the hilt in the first push.

Chris started moaning low as he thrust back his head. Matt began to push back and forth, sliding his cock in and out of Chris' still tight ass. Matt moved his hands down to grab Chris' hips as he picked up his pace. The position in the water and the agle from being propped up against the side of the pool, created a perfect angle for Matt's thrusts to jab and brush against Chris' prostate gland. Even though Chris had had the climax of his life, his cock was starting to firm up with the stimulation on his gland.

Matt felt Chris' body start to respond to his thrusts, Chris was tightening up his ass muscles as Matt thrust in and only letting up as Matt started to pull back out. Matt threw back his head to yell as Chris' actions were bringing him closer to his own climax. Matt changed his pounding to be harder and faster, bouncing Chris' body against him.  

Matt reached a hand and closed it around Chris' hard cock, allowing his thrusting to make it jack against Matt's closed fist. Now Matt and Chris were both groaning, Matt kept increasing his power and pace. Chris could not believe that he was feeling his cock preparing to fire another round of cum as his second climax was approaching like a lightning strike. Chris yelled and grunted as his dick started to shoot new ropes of cum on his face, chest and abs. His shots were in time with Matt's continued thrusts into his ass.

Chris' climax and subsequent clamping and convulsing around Matt's cock was enough to release Matt's climax that he was holding off for as long as he could. Matt's yell was the loudest yet for the evening as he began pumping Chris' hole full of his hot essence. Chris could feel the hot liquid reach deeper than he had ever before. Matt kept pushing in as his climax was still pulsing more and more cum into the actor.

With a final and solid thrust, Matt lodged his cock deep in Chris' ass and dropped his hold on Chris' legs. Pushing forward Matt slumped onto Chris' pool edge supported back and shoulders. Both men were breathing hard, trying to catch their breaths, bodies shuddering every now and then as they came back down from their sexual high. Matt's cock had softened enough to pop out of Chris' hole, Chris' body was able to release down into the water. Matt and Chris joined in a tight embrace, lips meeting in another intense kiss.

Matt led Chris to the stairs and they exited the pool. Walking hand in hand the two naked men wandered up the path to the master bedroom letting the breeze dry their bodies. The moon had risen at this time giving them enough light to see the way. They entered the master suite leaving the floor to ceiling sliding windows open, drapes fluttering in the breeze. Collapsing on the bed and pulling up a sheet around them, they settled in face to face still embracing.

"Gods man! I have never had it like that before." Chris confided. He went on, "I am so glad I made a trip to Oklahoma. You are my body-man for sure."

"Me too, Monkeyboy. Me too." Matt said quietly as they drifted off to sleep.

Next: Chapter 10

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