Chris Pratts Great Day

By L Stone

Published on Sep 9, 2020


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Chris Pratt's Great Day

Chapter 8

Matt was just finishing up adding his notes file to Ryan's file. He smiled as he mused that he was bringing it up to his standards. In his private shorthand, Matt noted what extra activities they had done as well. Not that it was for anyone else, but Matt liked to keep an accurate log of his exploits. That thought jogged Matt's memory to make appropriate notes in Tom's, Channing's and lastly Chris' client files.  

Matt was more than disappointed at the lack of professional records that his predecessor had left. His afternoon went by quickly as he was making general file updates. He set a reminder on his calendar to find out who he needed to get better details before he worked on the new clients. Matt had run his massage business in Oklahoma very successfully and had ideas for pre-appointment surveys that would need to be filled out before Matt laid hands on them.

The door tone to his waiting room door sounded and shortly Chris came walking in. Matt stood up and Chris gave him a bro hug. Matt hit the auto save on his laptop and closed it down. Then joined Chris on the couch in the back of his office.

"How did your appointment go?" Chris asked with a mischievous smile.

"It went very well. As I am sure that Ryan already told you." Matt laughed.

"Guilty." Chris replied, "Ryan called me as he left the building. Said he had never had that through of a massage and gave compliments to the additional stretching exercises."

"He did seem to be in the know." Matt concluded, "There did not seem to be any disappointment from the ending of our time."

"I'll bet!" Chris chided, "Dude, I know that you do not have any other appointments lined up for today. Would you be willing to work on my back? I think that my desk work today got me kinked up."

"You know that is not a problem." Matt said, "Let me get the doors. You can change out of your clothes here in the office if you like."

Matt stepped out into the waiting room and secured the outer doors, He had already closed the doors into the massage studio earlier, so he was able to return to his office - locking that door behind him. As he turned around he saw Chris walking out of the office changing area without a stitch of clothing on. Matt chuckled as he was now so used to seeing Chris in his natural state that it was almost weird to see him with clothing on. Chris looked up and saw Matt watching him, Chris turned on his 1000 kilowatt smile and used the office entrance to enter the studio.

Matt was still dressed in his body work clothes and he had not bothered to put on any shoes, so he was ready to get to work on Chris. Matt had made it a point to reset his linens immediately after each client, so when he walked into the massage studio, he could see Chris face down on the table. Chris chuckled as he heard Matt get closer and wiggled his hips. Matt chuckled as well, but quickly brought the flat of his palm to slap the moving ass flesh.

"Ouch!" Chris jumped, "I am not sure that is part of the program, dude."

Chris was waiting for an answer, but Matt raised his hand and landed another swat with a bit more force. Chris grunted, but when Matt's hand then rubbed the slightly reddened mark he let out a moan.

"Don't be so sure, mister." Matt whispered in Chris' ear, "You never know what I have in mind for your treatment."

Chris squirmed at Matt's response, but did not make a reply back. Matt chuckled as he moved over to where the oils were, sliding a hand along Chris' body always staying in contact. Matt usually just kept a firm, casual touch when he did this just to stay grounded and connected to his client. This time when his fingers moved along Chris' body, he kept the pressure light and feathery knowing that would turn Chris on.

Matt lifted off his hands to apply oil to them. Taking a deep cleansing breath, he placed his hands onto Chris' back and began to glide them down. Matt used a firm pressure to explore for knots, working them out as he came across them. True to Chris' word his back did have to knots that were consistent to office work strain. Also knowing that Chris did not do this type of work each day answered why Chris noticed the tension so quickly.

Matt continued with the massage after he worked out the upper back tension. He enjoyed working on people who he knew and was intimate with. There was a stronger connection when that was the case and the body knowledge and intuitive touch made the experience better for both Matt and the client. Matt knew where Chris was ticklish or tender and made adjustments to pressure and strokes as needed. His goal was to be able to make his modifications before Chris was even aware of the difference.

Matt moved his massage down to Chris' legs and feet, skipping for the moment his quads and glutes. Matt liked to rub on Chris' feet. They were manly looking without being marred with calluses. Chris' toes were sensitive as Matt already knew, he made sure to up his pressure so as not to tickle yet.  

Matt chuckled lightly to himself at the thought of Chris bound up and just tickling his feet. Maybe for another time he mused before he continued working up Chris' legs.  

Chris' legs had some tension from his exercise routines so Matt did not have to work too hard to relax the muscles. Matt only had Chris' glutes to finish before he flipped over. Being a little mischievous, Matt positioned his hands to have a globe in each hand before he squeezed Chris' ass tight, separating them slightly. Chris moaned lightly, but got louder when Matt leaned down and blew a stream of air right across Chris' pucker.

Matt kept Chris' ass opened up as he pushed closer and slid his tongue up Chris exposed crack. Chris moaned more loudly and tried to arch his back, raising his hips off the table. Matt released a hand and swatted Chris' cheek smartly, receiving an 'oaf' sound before Chris lowered his hips.

Matt resumed his hold on Chris' ass cheeks and spread them wide again. He licked and blew up and down Chris' crack. Chris was moaning and pushing his hips forward, almost grinding them into the table. Matt slid his fingers deeper in Chris' crack, opening the actor up more. Using the tips of his index fingers, Matt began to tease Chris' pucker.  

Chris tried to repress a shiver as he felt Matt's fingers briefly dip in and out of his hole. Try as he could Chris could not help his hips coming off the table when Matt sunk one finger up to the knuckle in him. Matt kept the one finger still in Chris' hole and lifted and swatted Chris' ass cheek hard.

"Someone needs to be reminded to be a good boy." Matt whispered in Chris' ear while his finger was still in Chris. Matt wiggled his finger tip in Chris' ass.  

"I have been a naughty boy." Chris moaned into the table. Again he tried to lift his hips off the table when Matt's finger pushed further in.

Matt forced his finger deeper still, then quickly pulled it out. His other hand ready, Matt swatted Chris' ass cheek harder and repeated it a few times. Chris lowered his hips while he was being swatted and his ass cheek was starting to show a pinkish tinge.

"Seems like you need more help staying in control of yourself." Matt again hoarsely whispered in Chris' ear, "Stay where you are and do not move."

"Yes, sir." Chris moaned as Matt grazed Chris' tender spot with his fingers.

Matt went back into the supply room. Quickly opening a few drawers he found what he was looking for. He returned to find Chris still supine on the table. Matt moved around the table dropping his retrieved items on the floor by each of the corners of the table. He kept a few finger tips tracing on Chris' body as he moved around.

"I have some things to help you stay in control. Do you trust me?" Matt said in a low voice near Chris' head.

"Yes." Chris replied.

"Good." Matt purred. He took one finger and began to trace it down from the ear he was speaking into and slid it down Chris' body as he moved to the foot of the table.

Matt lifted off his hands and reached down to pick up a yoga strap that he retrieved from the storage area. It had sturdy webbing and had a ring on the end of it. Matt took the strap and wrapped it once around Chris' ankle, then around the sturdy wooden table leg, back up to the ring. Threading the strap through the ring, he then pulled the strap tighter before slipping it back through the ring to secure the strap.

Chris went to lift his head up and Matt stood up, pushing Chris' head back down into the table and then swatting Chris' exposed ass cheek.

"Trust me and relax." Matt said again in the low voice.

Matt moved to the other corner at the foot of the table and repeated the process on Chris' other leg. Matt had them secure but not too tight - just wanting light restraint. Matt took both his hands and began to trace up Chris's legs starting at the feet, with light and floating touch. When he reached Chris ass, he rubbed with more pressure and then began moving the tracing touch up Chris' back.

Matt reached down and lifted Chris' left arm from resting at his side on the table to place it on Chris' back. Matt then moved and repeated the action on Chris' right side. When Chris' right arm was resting, Matt reached down and grabbed another strap, he quickly secured it around Chris' wrists.

"Hey Dude!" Chris started as Matt pulled the strap tighter together. "I'm not sure about this."

"Relax and enjoy." Matt said, "I know it might be different than what you have done before, but just let it happen. I know you will enjoy it. This will help you learn about control."

Matt leaned down and began to lick and suck on Chris' ear. He dipped his tongue in and out of the ear canal and nibbled on the lobe. Chris relaxed into the table and began to moan.  

"When someone has been a naughty boy, he needs a Sir to come and help him get better." Matt spoke softly into the wet ear. "I will be your Sir today to help you out. You want to be a good boy don't you?"

Chris only nodded his head and Matt had resumed suckling and teasing the ear. Matt nibbled harder and ground the earlobe between his teeth a moment.

"When a Sir asks a question, it is polite to answer with your words." Matt instructed in a darker tone, continuing, "The response "Yes Sir" is almost always acceptable. I think you need to try that again. You want to be a good boy, right?"

"Yes sir." Chris said softly and then tensed when Matt sunk his teeth a little harder into the sensitive earlobe. "Yes Sir!" more loudly this time.

Matt let off his hard nibble when Chris replied the second time. He lifted his mouth away and began to run his hands up and down Chris' toned back and arms. Matt squeezed and toyed with the actor's upper body muscles. Moving down the table, Matt continued rubbing and squeezing Chris' lower back and ass muscles. Chris moaned when Matt's fingers danced around his ass crack but did not go deeper in. Matt worked lower again, going down Chris' legs to his secured feet.

Matt then began to lightly stroke and tease the underside of each of Chris' feet with both his fingers and his tongue. Matt even used his whiskers from his 5 o'clock shadow on Chris' feet. At the beginning, Chris was just moaning but as Matt continued Chris started to laugh, then gasp. Chris tried to move his feet out of Matt's reach as the tickling became more intense.

"Oh god Dude! This is killing me. Oh. Oh, no." Chris finally gasped loudly.

Matt stopped tickling Chris' feet, but made a disappointed sound. Matt reached over and gave Chris four quick swats on the exposed ass cheeks. Chris reacted and tightened up his muscles, pulling on his leg restraints a bit. Matt leaned down to Chris' ear again.

"What Was That, BOY!" Matt almost yelled in Chris' ear.

Chris jumped, surprised at the loud volume change. "Sorry Sir!" Chris quickly replied.

In a lower voice, "That is better, Boy." Matt said.

Matt moved back down and resumed to tickle and tease Chris' feet. Chris was still lightly struggling to try and avoid the teasing. Matt leaned over and took his tongue and licked from the big toe up to the heel on Chris' foot. Chris stopped struggling and resumed his moaning. Matt licked back down to Chris' toes, when he reached them he sucked the toes into his mouth one at a time. Matt moved over and repeated this Chris' other foot.

Chris had relaxed and was enjoying the licking and sucking on his toes and feet. He was no longer struggling, but he was clearly turned on as he was grinding his hips into the table.

Matt decided it was time to change it up again. He stepped around the end of the table, leaning forward between Chris' restrained legs. Matt grabbed ahold of Chris' hips and began to pull them back toward the end of the table. As Chris was moving down, Matt was guiding him to slide up his hips but keep his shins on the table. Soon Chris' ass was sticking up and out, but his chest and forehead were still against the table.

Matt reached out and stroked a hand up Chris' legs from the knee to up and over Chris' ass. On the stroke down, Matt reached under and pulled Chris' erect cock down. It had been dripping with pre-cum and was pulsing occasionally as a reaction to Matt's work. Matt gave it a quick tug down, but then released it. He heard a frustrated grunt from Chris when his hand released the dripping cock.

"Have you been a bad boy and need some straightening out?" Matt whispered in Chris' ear while he was stroking up and down on Chris' ass.

"Yes, Sir" Chris answered in a husky tone, "I have been a very bad boy."

"You think that you deserve to have me touch you like this, boy?" Matt asked as he moved his hand to trail between Chris' ass cheeks down to his hanging cock.

"Yes, Sir." Chris answered again.

Matt lifted his hand away and swatted Chris raised ass, four hard swats on each cheek. Chris grunted with each swat as he exhaled his breath.

"I am not sure if you have earned my touch yet, boy." Matt said to Chris' ear as Chris was breathing raggedly. "You do not want to disappoint me do you, Boy?"

"No, Sir" Chris forced out.

"Good, boy. That is what I wanted to hear." Matt replied as he was rubbing his hands over the rosy colored ass cheeks in his hands. Bringing a hand up to Chris' mouth, "Suck!" Matt said.

Chris tried to answer, "Yefh, Thur!" but Matt shoved three fingers deep into the open mouth.

"Get them wet, boy!" Matt ordered. Again Chris tried to answer but his mouth was busy. Matt used his other hand to rub and tease Chris' hole. Matt pulled his wet fingers from Chris' mouth.

Using the dry hand to spread Chris' cheeks apart, Matt pushed two wet fingers in past Matt's knuckles in a quick jab. Chris made exhalled a big breath.

Leaning over, "What do you say, Boy?" Matt leaned over to Chris' ear.

"Thank you, Sir!" Chris grunted, loudly as Matt began to plunge his fingers in and out of Chris' quickly loosening pucker.

Matt slid the third finger in on the next thrust. Chris grunted loudly as the extra finger filled him up more.

"Thank you, Sir!" Chris yelled without being prompted. Chris started moaning as the three fingers were brushing past his p-nut.

"I want you to start to count for me now, Boy!" Matt said sternly.

Before Chris could open his mouth to respond, Matt used his dry hand to swat one of Chris' ass cheeks, while Matt was still plunging his wet fingers in and out of Chris' pucker.

"Oh! Yes, Sir!" Chris exclaimed, "One!"

"One! What?" Matt questioned.

"One! Sir!" Chris yelled out.

"Better, Boy!" Matt said as he then swatted the other ass cheek.

"Two! Sir!" Chris yelled again.

Swat, Swat

"Three! Sir! and Four! Sir!" Chris cried.

Swat, Swat, Swat, Swat

"Five! Sir! Six! Sir! Seven! Sir! Eight! Sir!" Chris yelled again.

Swat, Swat, Swat (This time to only one cheek.)

"Nine! Sir! Ten! Sir! Eleven! Sir!" Chris hollered then moaned as Matt's fingers started to massage Chris' gland in small circles.

Swat, Swat, Swat (The other cheek this time.)

"Twelve! Sir! Thirteen! Sir! Fourteen! Sir!" Chris panted between his moaning.

Swat, Swat

"Fifteen! Sir! Sixteen! Sir!" Chris moaned loudly, Matt's other fingers were now jabbing his gland.

"I think you have now earned the pleasure of my body, Boy!" Matt said in Chris' ear.

Matt pulled his hand out of Chris quickly.

"Thank you! Sir!" Chris said panting, ass up on the table with his legs strapped down and his arms locked behind his back.

Matt pulled his shirt off and tossed it to the floor. Then he pulled the waistband down to his shorts and his straining jockstrap. His cock slapped up to his belly after being pulled down with the elastic fabric. He stepped out of his clothes and walked toward the middle of the table where Chris' head was resting. Pulling Chris' head over to the side of the table with a grip on Chris' bound arms.

"Get it wet, Boy!" Matt ordered.

"Yes, Sir!" Chris yelled then opened his mouth wide.

Matt pushed his cock into Chris' open mouth, with a hand on the back of Chris' head he began to push it in further. Matt then began to thrust in and out while Chris was using his tongue to slick down the cock invading his mouth.

Matt pulled his cock out of Chris' mouth and walked to the foot of the table.

"Thank you! Sir!" was Chris' reply.

"That is a good boy!" Matt said with a dark chuckle.

Matt crawled up on the table between Chris' bound legs. Sitting up on his knees, he set his cock on Chris' exposed pucker. He pushed just so the tip was partly entering in Chris' pucker. Chris was writhing around wanting to have more of Matt's cock in him. Matt was moving with him, keeping them together but not allowing his cock to go in any further.

Swat, Swat

Chris moaned then yelled, "Shit! Ugh! Seventeen! Sir! Eighteen Sir!"

"That is better, Boy!" Matt growled.

With a firm grip on Chris' hips, Matt rocked forward plunging his cock deep in Chris' ass. He did not stop until his balls were resting against Chris'.

"Fuck! Urh! Thank You SIR!" Chris yelped as Matt started to pull almost all the way out before plunging back in.  

Matt's balls were slapping hard against Chris'. Chris was muttering and moaning with each thrust, his cock and balls were being bounced around with each hard contact. Matt continued to rock his cock back and forth into Chris' tight hole.

Matt reached forward and pulled Chris' chest off the table by Matt's grip on his bound arms. The position change by the movement was now making each hard thrust go up instead of in Chris and Matt's cock head was now ramming Chris prostate.

The change in pounding on Chris was making his cock leak more pre-cum. It had been dripping down and pooling on the massage table linens, but now his hard cock was bouncing back and forth, leaving strings of the sticky liquid trailing all over.

Chris was groaning with each thrust. Shock waves seemed to be rippling through his body at the concert of sensations he was feeling. Chris began to feel his body start to tighten up, the building of his climax. Matt could feel the change starting to occur as well.

"A BOY does not Cum before his SIR does!" Matt yelled as he pumped away.

"Fuck! Matt! I mean, Yes SIR!" Chris called back. "Hurry Sir, I am getting close."

Swat, Swat

"Nineteen!..... Sir!......Twenty!....... Sir!" Chris yelled between his gasping breath as Matt had picked up is fucking pace and had swatted each cheek inbetween thrusts.

Matt changed his grip on Chris' upper body, holding just Chris' bound wrists, he leaned Chris forward. This had Chris' upper body jutting forward about halfway from the table to upright. Matt also changed his thrusting strength, now fully plunging into Chris each time. These hard thrusts were slowly inching Chris' body forward on the table, including his bound legs. With each thrust, the bindings became a bit tighter making Chris' ankle through hip start to feel the tightness.

Matt could feel his climax building with each thrust. The discomfort and pleasure that he was inflicting on Chris' bound body was pushing his sexual peak to a higher level. Every tremor and shake or grunt and squeal was turning Matt on more than he had ever experienced. Sweat was flinging off both of the men as Matt kept up his relentless pace.

"Are you ready for some Man Seed, BOY!" Matt yelled between thrusting collisions.

"Yes! Sir! Hurry! SIR!" Chris was yelling back.

Chris was feeling every hard thrust into his body, his legs were starting to tingle as they inched further up the table away from his restraints. His balls were pulling up and his cock was jutting hard as could be, spraying the leaking pre-cum. He was not sure he could hold back his climax even if he wanted to at this point.

"There is your Man Seed! BOY!" Matt almost screamed.

Matt's cock had been on the edge of going off and in the last thrust Chris' inner muscled pulsed against his cock head while it was pulling out. Matt could hold it back anymore either, his cum was not spurting deep in Chris' chute. Rope after hot rope was pumping in the actor.

"Thank you! SIR! OH SIR! I CUMMING SIR!!!!" Chris was squealing.

Chris' climax held just until he felt the first jet of Matt's hot cum splash his inner walls. His cock started letting out a torrent of cum, jetting all over the massage table linens below him.

Both men were now grunting and pulsing out their essence. Matt with a final large push, drove his cock deep in Chris' ass. Matt toppled forward, pushing both men crashing down onto the table. The slump forward did release some pressure on Chris' legs as his hips falling forward, pushed his knees more towards the foot of the table. Both Matt and Chris were winded, breathing hard on the table.

Matt pulled himself up and then back, dislodging his cock from Chris' ass with a popping sound. Matt reached down and undid the restraints on Chris' wrists before sliding back off the table. Then he knelt and loosened the straps on both of Chris' legs. Chris was exhausted from the explosive completion, he was still just laying on the table.  

Matt reached over and began to rub some oil on Chris' ankles and lower legs. Then he reached up and began to rub the oil around Chris' wrists that were not really needing it, but continued up to Chris' shoulders. Reaching for some lotion, Matt applied it directly to Chris' now beet red ass cheeks. Twenty combined swats on Chris' inexperienced postier was evident like a beacon. The lotion had cooling properties as well as some pain relieving qualities. Chris began to softly moan when Matt spread the cooling lotion over the radiating red globes.

"Thank you SIR!" Chris said quietly but intently, "This BOY needed that!"

Matt leaned down and brought his lips to Chris', they started kissing with tongues flashing between each other's mouths. Chris' arms encircled Matt, pulling Matt on the top of him as Chris turned over onto his back. They continued to makeout on the massage table, spreading the oils and cum over their bodies.

Chris broke their kiss, looking down at himself and then to Matt.

"We need to clean up, Sir!" Chris said with a chuckle, "And we need to eat. I was hungry before now I am starved."

"Oh no! Not a starving BOY!" Matt quipped back. "You are right though we do need to get cleaned up. How about this, I will reset the studio and you go and start the shower in the office. I will be there shortly."

"Yes, Sir!" Chris said with a mischievous smile as Matt got up and helped Chris to his feet.

Matt took a slight swat at Chris' walking away ass.

Over his shoulder, "Twenty-One! Sir!" Chris yelled as he headed into the office to start their shower.

Matt chuckled as he stripped the table and then collected his clothes as well. He put the soiled linens in the washing machine in the supply closet, he added the other linens from the hamper. Setting the machine and putting the detergent in he started the wash. He headed back into his office to hear Chris singing in the steaming shower.

Matt walked in and stepped into the shower area, pulling Chris into his arms. They did resume the makeout session that they paused earlier. Chris helped Matt wash his hair and body as they stayed mostly entwined. Soon they were both clean. Matt grabbed Chris by the hand and led them out of the office area, back into the massage area to enter the pre-warmed sauna. In the sauna, they allowed the heat to help them dry off mostly without the towels.

Satisfied that they were at least ready to be presentable when they dressed, Matt pulled them out of the sauna. He led them back to his dressing area in the office.

"Food from Mai's sounds really good tonight." Matt said.

"Oh that does sound good. Let me send Mai a text and we can pick it up on our way out." Chris said. He sent the text and got a quick response back. He replied and then, "Mai is doing us one better. She is bringing food over to the house for all three of us."

"That is great." Matt said as he finished dressing. "I can't wait. Can you Boy?"

"Just barely, Sir!" Chris replied.

Chris and Matt headed home after Matt switched the laundry to the dryer and he had reset the linens in the massage studio. Matt confirmed his phone was able to connect with his studio files, but only have a two level security process. He wanted to make sure if his phone was lost or stolen, it could not provide personal information on the company's clients. The two were smiling at each other on the drive home, holding hands. They were content.

They arrived back at the house and put away their work stuff. They decided to be casual with dinner - in this house that usually meant that they were nude, but with Mai coming over they decided on clothes. Chris grabbed an older, but still nice t-shirt and some loose lounge shorts and was going barefooted. Matt decided to be a bit more dressy, he chose a loose raw silk in a deep solid red color and a mid length sarong with a strong graphic in reds, blacks and grays. He found a pair of his leather sandals that went well with it. He walked into the kitchen to hear a wolf whistle from Chris.

"Damn dude. That is a hot outfit." Chris said as Matt came closer. "It is so soft and the colors are great on you."

Matt had the dignity not to blush but enjoy the praise. His dress had been quite eclectic and sometimes a bit out there for Oklahoma, but here in California it seemed natural. He was grabbing the proffered glass of wine from Chris when he heard a gasp and then a long whistle coming from the door. Turning he saw Mai coming in with bags of containers. He and Chris both went over to offer help bringing the food in.

"Matt, I love you in that outfit." Mai started, looking Matt up and down. "It compliments your coloring and your body very nicely. I can see why Monkeyboy is smiling like a jackal."

"That is not fair. I could just be smiling like a Monkeyboy!" Chris countered.

"You just look pretty and help me set out the food. We need plates. And where is my wine?" Mai ordered Chris.

Chris chuckled as he poured a glass of wine, handing it to Mai. Then he got out some serving dishes and plates and serving utensils. Then all three of them began pulling food out of containers and putting them in open serving dishes. All of the food was freshly made and especially fragrant. Mai pointed out different dishes that were traditional and which ones were her fusion inspired dishes. They loaded their plates, refilled their wine and headed to the patio to eat.  

Matt got a chance to see Mai in a more relaxed environment. He came to appreciate her more each minute. Mai was practical, logical but had a creative mind and biting wit. They talked all throughout the meal , Mai deftly leading the conversation to both allow both guys a chance to share background and childhood details. Mai was impressed with Matt's travels knowing that he had lived in Oklahoma. Matt had commented that he had spent several years abroad in a journeyman's process of learning different massage techniques to supplement his traditional training required in the US. Flourishing his hand at his outfit he told Mai and Chris how he became accustomed to wearing the sarong during his time in Bali. He said that the heat and climate dictated a more flowy dress and it was convenient when he had to undress to use water techniques or swim.  

Mai gave him a questioning look, "There are massage techniques for water, other than just having water poured or sprayed on you?" She asked.

"Yes, there are some active manipulation techniques that are used while the client is in the water. It is a form of Watsu. It can be a benefit for someone with mobility or recovery issues that need to be addressed. Some of it I have learned and studied with massage technicians and with physical therapists. Other techniques are my own fusion, using some a la carte offerings from multiple styles." Matt explained, "I would love to show them to you sometime. They can be especially beneficial for those who have to stand for large stretches of time."

"I would love that as well." Mai concluded. She continued. "I could use it tonight, but I did not foresee this and did not bring a swimsuit."

"Well it can be done with a swimsuit, but it is best in the nude." Matt said.

"I know that I am lucky if this one has clothes on at all when he is home." Mai said as she pointed at Chris, who gave her a 'who me' shrug and chuckle. She looked back at Matt, "I imagine that you are comfortable in your own skin as well?"

With that Matt stood up and lifted the hem of his shirt up and pulled it over his head, the red silk seemed to ripple as it moved. Matt laid it on the just vacated chair. Then his hands went to the knot of the sarong, quickly it uncoiled from his waist and joined the shirt on the chair. The evening sunlight was starting to cast a warm glow before it lowered to a sunset, that light was now bathing Matt's tanned skin. The light was reflecting off the pool as well and it caused a shimmer to bounce off Matt's skin as he moved to sit down.

Mai looked Matt fully up and down as he undressed and when he sat down. She turned her head to see Chris was also entranced by the impromptu show. Chris finally noticed where Mai's attention was and he gave her a bright smile.

"I am glad that Matt is not a woman or you would have competition my friend." Mai said to Chris in a low voice.

"Thank you Mai. I am flattered." Matt said in the same tone which caused Mai and Chris to chuckle. "Would you like to get some water therapy time in tonight Mai?"

Mai sat and contemplated Matt's inquiry. She looked into Matt's hazel eyes with her light green ones that seemed to alway glow with intensity.

After a brief moment longer, she nodded and stood up. Since she had come from the restaurant, she still had part of her chef jacket on, it had been opened up some, and some tapered loose fitting chef pants. Mai stood up and opened the rest of her chef jacket revealing a bright red cami top, almost the same color as Matt's discarded shirt. The cami came off next and she bent and dropped her pants. Mai had on a brief thong covering her womanhood and had not been wearing a bra. One more bend and she stepped out of her thong as well. Mai was now a nude as Matt was.  

Matt looked at Mai, she was about about 5'3", leith frame, her limbs were very proportionate to her frame. Her breasts were small and perky and her crotch was bare of any hair. She had her mid-back length hair down when she came in, she grabbed an unused pair of chopsticks and used them to quickly put her hair up. Then Mai said down and picked up her wine glass.

"Hell Yea! This is my type of party!" Chris hollered loudly and he was throwing his clothes off of himself in a flurry.

As Chris sat back down, all of them nude now. He had to dodge a fortune cookie that Mai had slung at him. Then another, before one hit him in the head. He looked up to see Mai smiling and Matt laughing.

"You can party later, you goofy frat boy." Mai laughed, "This is for therapy."

"Mai if you will join me in the pool, maybe Monkeyboy can get us some towels for after?" Matt said as he stood and offered Mai a hand up.

"I knew he was a gentleman." Mai said as she looked over at Chris, then broke her tone when she stuck her tongue out at him.

Chris was laughing as he headed back up to the house for towels. Matt and Mai walked over and got in the pool. They went until they were in water that was up to Mai's shoulders. Matt started by doing some centering breathing techniques before he started the water therapy. Matt worked on Mai for about thirty minutes, he had worked out some tension in her upper back and legs before he ended again with some deep breathing exercises. When they concluded Matt reached out and held Mai's hand as they exited the pool.

While they were in the pool, Chris had cleared the food dishes and refilled their wine in addition to having towels from them to dry off with. He handed Mai and then Matt the towels when they exited the water. Matt moved over and took his refilled glass of wine for a drink as they sat down again. Matt noticed that Mai's clothes were folded on a lounge chair near the table, but that his clothes were not to be found.

"You are really lucky that I like women at this moment." Mai said to Chris, "If I thought it would work, I would even dabble. But I can see it would not work out if I am reading signs correctly."

Chris smiled almost sheepishly and started to say something, but Matt interrupted him.

"I think, Thank You, is all you need to say tonight. Isn't that right Boy." Matt said softly.

"Yes, Sir!" was the same quiet response from Chris, now with a deeper glow to his cheeks.

"You boys are wonderful." Mai said as she stood up, "Food was great." Ha Ha, "but I need to head home. I have work in the morning."

"Thank you for the food Mai. It truly was special." Matt said.

"You are special, the food was adequate for our group. Your massage technique is beyond special, you are a talented young man." Mai said as she started to rise. "You two stay where you are. I know my way out. Enjoy the wonderful night air."

With that Mai came and gave each of them a kiss on the cheek, grabbed her clothes and headed into the house. Chris stood up and pulled Matt to him. Chris' skin was warm against Matt's still slightly damp skin. Chris encircled Matt in his arms and leaned into a kiss. They let their hands explore, rub and tease each other while their tongues were lazily flashing between each other's mouths.  

Chris brought them over to one of the lounging chairs by the pool, he sat Matt down then climbed on top of him. Chris moved his body up against Matt's as he did, brushing their naked flesh against each other. When they started kissing, each of them were starting to get hard, now that they were laying down and rutting together their hardons were more pronounced.

Chris slid down Matt's body again, trailing kisses as he went. One behind Matt's ear, several on his neck, one at the base of his throat before moving to Matt's chest. Chris moved his face to one nipple and a hand to the other. Matt moaned loudly as Chris began to nibble and suck on Matt's now pointy nipple with his mouth and pinch and rub the other with his fingers. Matt arched his back crying out and thrust his crotch out when Chris sucked in Matt's nipple deeper and then ground his molars on it. Chris moved his face to the other nipple and repeated his process. Matt was now starting to gleem with sweat as he was heating up from Chris' actions.

Chris let Matt's nipples be as he moved further down the massage tech's body. Chris kissed down each of Matt's abs and licked in and around his belly button. Matt started panting when Chris went lower and was kissing along his waistline. Matt's cock had been hard and dripping, a pool of pre-cum was above his trimmed pubes.

Chris grabbed Matt's hard cock by the base and moved it to the side as he bent his head down and licked up the pool of pre-cum. Using his hand to jack Matt's cock a few times, then squeezing it up to push another pearl of pre-cum up to Matt's cock head, Chris pulled the cock head into his mouth and swiped his tongue around collecting the sticky sweet liquid. Chris pulled his mouth off Matt's cock and leaned back up to kiss Matt's open mouth. Matt could taste his pre-cum on Chris' lips and tongue as he sucked it in his mouth.

Chris had continued to hold Matt's cock in his hand while they were kissing. Chris was stroking it in long, slow strokes, making Matt's unit harder still. Chris broke off the kiss and leaned back down over Matt's crotch. Taking a deep breath, Chris opened his mouth wide and took Matt's cock all the way down to pubes in one shot. Matt flung his head back as Chris began moving his mouth up and down on Matt's cock. The pace was slow and pleasurable, Chris kept changing his sucking pressure, licking and lip seal as it progressed. Matt had brought his hands to hold onto Chris' head as he bobbed up and down.

Chris angled his neck up and connected his eyes with Matt's. There was raw heat between them at that moment. Chris bobbed up and down a few more times, before he lifted his mouth off Matt's throbbing meat. Chris quickly moved down lower and using his strong arms, lifted Matt's legs up opening Matt's ass up. Matt cried out when Chris moved his face down and brushed Matt's exposed pucker with his scruffy face. Chris opened his mouth and began to lick and kiss all up and down Matt's crack. Chris then stuck his hardened tongue in Matt's pucker, moving it in and out.

Matt was moaning when Chris began his serious rim job. He felt his legs quiver as flashes of pleasure were radiating out. He let his hands come up and play with his own puffy nipples from Chris' play earlier. The combinations of Chris' strong tongue work and Matt's nipple play were making it difficult for Matt's hips to stay still.  

Matt cried out again when he felt Chris slide two wet fingers into his hot opening. Chris kept moving them in and out, twisting and stretching Matt's pucker with each motion. Matt was moaning again when Chris added the third finger, filling him up even more. Chris was lightly brushing past Matt's gland, not wanting Matt to go off before they were ready.

"Fuck me! Chris, Fuck me now! I need you filling me up!" Matt moaned loudly.

"Yes, Sir!" Chris said in a low sexy voice.

Chris pulled his face back and pushed Matt's legs up closer to Matt's chest. Chris positioned his hard leaking cock right at Matt's entrance. Chris pushed just his cock head in, feeling Matt's pucker muscles swallow it and pulse. Matt had reached his arms down and gripped Chris' hips, slowly he began to pull Chris deeper into his ass. Matt did not stop pulling Chris in until he felt Chris balls come to rest right on his ass lips.

Slowly Matt began to ripple and grip Chris cock buried deep in his ass muscles. Chris threw his head back to moan when Matt added small pubic circles in with the pulsing and gripping around Chris' cock. Matt was pulling Chris in tighter with his grip on Chris' hips, now able to reach further back around Chris' ass. Chris moaned as Matt's fingers began to slide down his crack. Chris yelped when Matt sunk a finger tip in Chris' pucker, making his body jolt, even his buried cock pulsed in Matt's chute.

Chris began now to grind his hips back and forth, moving his cock slowly in and out of Matt's tight ass glove that was still pulsing. Chris was enjoying the sensation to fucking Matt's ass and Matt's finger plunging deeper in his own ass. Chris could feel his climax starting to build, he started pulling further back with each new stroke. Matt had to release his finger as Chris was getting too far away now.

Matt then reached up and pulled Chris' face towards his. As their lips locked, Chris began speeding up his thrusting, their bodies were slapping together with the force. Chris was continuing to feel his climax rise, his change in pressure was now making Matt's start to build quickly as well. Chris pushed his entry angle of his thrusts just a bit and was now pummeling Matt's gland with each movement.  

Matt was just moaning into Chris' mouth with the change, his feet were starting to curl as he felt his climax begin. His ass was clamping hard against Chris' thrusting cock as Matt started shooting ropes of cum between them. Chris broke their kiss as he began to yell, the hard clamping against his cock pushed him over the edge. Chris was now pumping cum deep in Matt's ass as Matt was still shooting ropes of his cum covering them. Chris pushed hard one last time and then collapsed into Matt on the chair.

They rejoined the broken kiss as they were coming down off their mutual orgasams. As their bodies relaxed, Matt was able to lower his legs down and Chris' cock when it softened, finally slid out of Matt's ass. They laid in each other's arms, cuddling and kissing as the night air cooled them off. Matt had rolled slightly so they were both on their sides, relaxing in the moonlight. Chris laid his head down on Matt's chest, and Matt laid his on top of Chris'. They were feeling content and sated tonight.

Matt started to feel drowsy and knew that Chris' breath had slowed down indicating he was probably out or close to it. Matt shook Chris slightly and helped him stand. Hand in hand they walked up to the house, going into the opened master suite. Matt pulled back the sheets and they climbed in bed. Matt pulling Chris in to be the little spoon. Chris pulled Matt's arm around him and laid his head down to drift off to sleep.

Matt hugged them tighter together as he kissed the top of Chris' now unruly hair. He took in a deep breath, bringing the strong masculine scents to fill him. He let out a sigh and he relaxed back and dozed off to sleep himself.

Next: Chapter 9

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