Chris Pratts Great Day

By L Stone

Published on Aug 6, 2020


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Chris Pratt's Great Day

Chapter 7

Matt still woke up early with his body not completely on California time. He moved his arm down and placed it around Chris' head that was resting on his chest. Matt listened to the breeze and ocean noises while his fingers played in Chris' hair. Chris was still soundly asleep and snoring softly, his head moving up and down with Matt's breath.

Matt was taking time to reflect before they had to get up and get ready for the morning workout with Chan in a short while. It still seemed unreal that he was here in this bed, with this incredibly hot guy, starting this adventure. It was like walking down the Hollywood sidewalks and instead of seeing the stars in the cement, he was meeting them in person.

While Matt was lost in thought, Chris had woken up with Matt's arm around him and idly messing his hair. Chris brought his hand up and began to lazily trace Matt's abs and belly. Matt chuckled when Chris' light play made his cock wake up, it went from just plump to hard in a very short time. Matt dropped his head back and moaned as Chris slid down and put his lips around Matt's cock head. Chris sucked lightly then used his tongue to swipe around Matt's corona, collecting a drop of pre-cum.

Lifting his head up, Chris then lowered his mouth down on Matt's shaft. Matt's moaning got louder as Chris' lips reached the trimmed pubes and Chris wiggled his tongue along the underside of Matt's cock. Matt by this time was fully engorged and was filling Chris' mouth, bushing against Chris' throat. Chris began to trace his fingers down around Matt's balls and under, all the while keeping his mouth around the base of Matt's cock, sucking. Chris' hand slipped further down and brushed Matt's pucker, Matt's body reacted by pushing up. Chris was ready and swallowed, bringing Matt's cock head into his throat briefly before popping out.

Chris continued to play with Matt's pucker causing the massage therapist's body to flex up and enter Chris' tight throat muscles. Chris next pushed his finger up in Matt's hole with enough pressure to sink up to the knuckle. Matt's reaction was to punch his cock hard into Chris' waiting throat. Chris for his part thrust his face forward trying to swallow as much as he could. The tight, wet constrictions on his cock was making Matt get close. Chris pulled his finger back and eased off Matt's cock to breath, in hard gasps.

Chris thrust his finger back in and found Matt's gland, starting to flick it. Matt put his hands on Chris' head and began to thrust in and out of Chris' lips, his head pushing in and out of the tight throat. Chris used his buried finger to massage the gland while Matt was thrusting. Chris felt the gland firm up like a rock, but kept rubbing it. Matt gripped Chris' head tighter and forced his hard cock further into Chris' throat than before, now his thrusts were just barely coming out of the throat before punching back in.

Matt started to yell as he crammed his cock deep down Chris' throat and began blasting his morning load of cum into the actor's stomach. Chris started to gag from no air, but was trying to swallow the hot semen as fast as he could. Matt pulled just out of his throat, but was still shooting ropes of cum. Chris was sputtering and gasping, while trying to continue to swallow. Cum was starting to leak out of Chris' lips as he could not contain Matt's load.

Spent Matt released his tight grip on Chris' head and flung back onto the bed. Sweat was dripping off them both from the exertions. Chris pulled off Matt's cock and slid up Matt's body. Matt looked down to see Chris' face and lips red and puffy, his hair sticking out all over, and dribbles of cum in the corner of his mouth. Chris smiled and leaned his face down to meet Matt's, mouth open. They kissed deeply, Matt's tongue was sucking up his own seed from Chris lips and mouth.

Lips still locked, Matt reached over and grabbed some lube from the nightstand. He grabbed Chris' hard cock and started to coat it, then he used more to coat his hole. Matt brought his legs up around Chris' back and used his hands to line up the hard cock to his opening. From the combination of the fresh lube, the fingering he had before and his climax, Matt was relaxed enough for Chris' cock to slide all the way in. Chris pushed and held his cock deep in Matt's tight ass, slowly he began to pull back and push forward.

Each stroke Chris pulled further out, they maintained deep kissing the whole time. As Chris pulled back with just the tip of his cock in Matt's hole, he released the kiss. Leaning back he pulled Matt's legs out wider and then thrust his hips forward, pushing his cock to the hilt. Chris held the legs for leverage as he continued to long-dick Matt's hole. They were both grunting and moaning as Chris picked up his pace.

The change in pace and position was now causing Chris to rub Matt's gland on each stroke. Even though Matt had climaxed already, he felt his cock harden and flop around with each pound that Chris was giving him. Soon Matt felt his toes start to curl and his breath started to get short. While he had not touched his cock, the flopping and the consistent pounding of his gland pushed Matt into his second climax. Matt was yelling as his cum was shooting rope after rope on his face and then chest. Chris was close by that time as well, and when Matt's ass clinched against his invading cock he too started shooting.

"Dude, I'M CUMMINGG!" Chris yelled as he flailed around, thrusting in and out while he was pumping hot cum into Matt's receptive ass. A final thrust in and Chris collapsed on Matt's cum streaked chest. They found each other's face and began to kiss. Arms closed around each other as they glowed from their love making.

They must have dozed off as the next sound they heard was from the door to the suite.

"I see you were up early. Damn wish I had been here sooner." said Channing.

"Sorry Chan! Maybe next time." Chris teased.

"Stop that." Matt said as he slugged Chris on the arm. Then to Channing, "Sorry man. We can get started on the work out, just as soon as this lunk gets off me."

"No problems, man. I get you!" Chan said as he turned towards the door. He then hooked his thumbs in his waistband and lowered his basketball shorts he had on. He was commando so Matt and Chris got a great view of his tight ass and swiftly filling cock. He continued with an evil smile, "You just set the dress code for our workout now."

"No arguments here Dude!" Chris piped as he stood up and offered his hand to Matt.

"We will be right there." Matt said as he took Chris' hand and stood up. He grabbed a towel and wiped his chest off before handing it to Chris who wiped up as well.

The pair followed Channing to the workout room, where Channing had already set up the stations and had the music playing. He tossed his shorts and his tank top into his bag in the locker room area before coming back out to the main room. He waited for Matt and Chris to put on their shoes and get ready. As soon as they did, he queued up the playlist he had set for their work out and they started moving through the stations he had laid out.

The workouts were getting easier for Matt now that he was doing them four days a week with Chris and Chan. Soon they were all sweating and huffing and puffing between each station. Matt was doing well keeping his body in control until he was doing a set of isometric exercises where he had to focus to stay in position and Chan was doing a squat series in Matt's line of sight. The dancer turned actor's body was smoking hot, gleaming with sweat and flexing his toned body. That was all ok, but when Matt noticed that he could see Chan's rosebud when Chan was at the bottom of the squat, Matt's body started to react. Matt tried to shift focus anywhere else, but kept coming back to Chan's tight ass and inviting hole. Matt's cock started to plump up, even though he had already shot twice this morning already.

" Hey Chris! Looks like someone is perving on me!" Chan yelled over to Chris who was working out next to him. "I see that hot piece growing there. Dude, didn't you two get enough already today?"

Matt started to blush, but that did not stop his cock from getting harder still. It did not go down when both Chris and Chan were chuckling at him.

"Windows act like mirrors!" Chan said teasingly, "I saw you looking and wanted to get you heated up. Hey look, even I am getting wood."

Matt shared the laugh as he was done with that station and had moved on like the other two did. They completed the workout, but all three were more than soft when they finished. Chan came over and grabbed Matt in a tight hug, bumping their hard cocks together.

"Dude, you are getting hotter by the day." Chan told Matt, then to Chris, "Hold on to this one, he is smoking hot!"

Matt jumped when Chan broke the hug and slapped his ass hard. Looking over his shoulder he could see Chan's hand imprint. Chan was already headed to the locker room shower to get cleaned up before heading out. Chan had quite a smile, but Chris was looking like the Cheshire Cat.

"Come on Dude!" Chris said loudly as he gathered Matt up, "Hurry before he tries to smack the other cheek!"

Chris led Matt back to the master suite for them to shower and get ready. Chris had some meetings in the office and Matt had his first client to work with "Ryan" today. With minimal playing and touching, they managed to get showered and cleaned up. Chris was putting on a blue button up shirt and light colored chinos with loafers. Matt chose a light pink polo style shirt and khaki pants, also with loafers. Matt had also packed up a few sets of clothes, some casual and some formal, plus an array of undergarments including a new package of jock straps they had found shopping earlier in the week.

Everything was ready and they set out for the office. The smoothies they had prepped the night before were waiting for them to grab on the way out the door. They chatted as Chris drove them in. Pulling in the parking lot and going into the parking garage. Chris parked and they got out of the car. Matt grabbed his bag and they headed in. Samson greeted them with a warm smile and nod. Up they headed, Matt got off on two and Chris headed up to his office on three.

Matt entered his suite using his keycard to open it up. He set the door to remain unlocked from the hall into his waiting room. Going next into his massage studio space and made sure that lighting and temperature were set correctly. He continued through and turned on the sauna before entering the back door to his office. He was early so he took the time to empty out his bag and store his clothes and bag. He went and turned on his computer, and answered a few emails that needed attention. He saw that "Ryan" was still his only client today, but the block was extended. Looking at the notes in the scheduling system, it included a request for sauna time. Matt smiled as he had already anticipated that.

Looking at the time, Matt decided to get up and go change into his new work clothes - the cool green colored top and shorts. He looked at himself in the ensuite mirror when he was dressing and agreed that he was toning up more with Chan's workouts. That and he agreed he looked hot in just a jock. He stepped into his shoes, but did not bother with socks as he knew that he worked better barefooted. He nodded to himself and ducked into the massage studio to turn on the oil warmer and he decided on the ambient music that he preferred while doing body work.

Matt heard the door to the waiting room open and glanced up at the time. That should be Ryan and it was just a few minutes early. Matt checked the massage room over and was satisfied with how he had prepared. With that he headed towards the door to the waiting room, he opened it up to find his client Ryan... Ryan Reynolds.

"Hi I'm Ryan. You must be the new massage specialist, Matt?" Ryan said as he walked over with an extended hand.

Matt shook the offered hand and replied, "Yes, I'm Matt the new guy."

Matt looked Ryan over. Thinking damn he is hot. He was about the same height as Chris, built leaner and toned, so it appeared he was about 10 pounds lighter than Matt. Ryan was wearing a tight black t-shirt and jeans, looking classic. Short light brown hair and shining hazel eyes above his bright smile. Matt returned the smile.

"Come on in." Matt said as he ushered Ryan into the massage studio.

"Thanks, Man!" Ryan answered as he walked into the studio.

Matt waited for him to pass, he confirmed that the entrance into his office was closed before he turned to follow the actor. He closed the door to the waiting room and looked up to see Ryan standing by the massage table.

"So I did not have a file to review for you Ryan. What are you needing or looking for?" Matt inquired as he picked up his tablet so he could make notes.

"Well, I have an upcoming project that I can't even mention here. The studios are crazy with how discrete we have to be these days with all the speculation and rumors." Ryan started, "The film will be very physical for my role and I have upped my workout routines, but I need to stay flexible and in good physical condition. I need to have deep tissue massage and assisted stretching."

Matt made his entries in the tablet while Ryan was talking. Ryan had leaned against the massage table with his hip, very relaxed. Matt looked up from the tablet and had the feeling that he had been looked up and down. Ryan's eyes were warm and sparkling when they connected with Matt's.

"Great, I can definitely help with that. Any health concerns or injuries that I need to be aware of?" Matt inquired.

"Well, let me just say several injuries in the past. My doctor wrote me a prescription to use stuntmen." Ryan said as he laughed. Then continued more seriously, "No current injuries or concerns. I do not gain and keep muscle naturally, so I have to be pretty hard core in my conditioning. That is why your part is so important."

"Great that gives me enough to start with today." Matt said as he set the tablet down, "You can get ready in the dressing area behind you. Come on out when you are ready and we will get started."

"Cool." Ryan said as he turned towards the dressing area. He looked over his shoulder and caught Matt checking him out a bit. Ryan just smiled as he continued in to get ready.

To himself, 'Get a grip man. He is just here for the massage.' Matt turned and went to make sure the sauna was heating to temp. He also grabbed a few of the yoga implements that he wanted to use for the stretching. He closed his office door and headed back to the main part of the massage room. He was just past the sauna wall when he looked up and saw a very naked Ryan walking to the massage table.

"You could have used one of the robes or a towel from the dressing room." Matt chided Ryan with a smile on his face and in his voice.

"I could have..." Ryan started and he raised his shoulders in a shrug and a fake apologetic smirk, "but I know that the company is discreet and I prefer being naked. Is that all right?"

Chuckling and shaking his head, Matt replied, "As long as you are comfortable. Hop up on the table, face down if you please."

Ryan hopped on the table and settled down. Matt got prepared for the massage. Taking a deep breath and centering himself, he walked closer and pumped some warmed oil in his hands.

Starting at Ryan's toned shoulders and back. Matt glided his hands down the smooth skin in long stroking patterns. Matt made mental notes of knots that he came across as he worked. He decided to use a more flowing pattern to tie in full spine as well as shoulder to hip massage. As Ryan was fully nude, there was not a towel or draping sheet to contend with, Matt made continuous strokes. When Matt's hands stroked down Ryan's lower back to his glutes, Ryan tensed them up tight in a playful manner. Matt raised his hand and slapped the tightened flesh.

"Hey!!" Ryan shouted and acted if he was going to get up.

"You deserved it and you know it." Matt scolded with a smile in his voice. Using his hands he pushed Ryan back down on the table, "Besides it was not that hard any way. If you continue to be naughty, they will be more forceful."

"Ohh!" Ryan started, but Matt pushed his head down into the table opening.

Matt had completed the relaxing part of the back work, now he was ready to work on the knots that he had made mental notes about. He brought his hands up to Ryan's upper back, finding the first on he applied the deep pressure on it with both thumbs. As he was working it out, Ryan was groaning, but did not say to lighten the pressure or to stop. Matt continued to work and release the knots in Ryan's upper and middle back.

He next went to work on the knot in the lower back, right at the top of Ryan's glute. Matt repeated his process of the hard, deep pressure and to his surprise Ryan issued a moan that was different from the groans he had issued from the work on the upper back. Matt was repositioning his hands and his fingers lightly stroked Ryan's ass cheek near his crack. Ryan moaned again and his ass flexed, opening some. Matt worked out this knot, but added in some extra flutter strokes. Ryan continued to moan, more deeply when Matt's fingers dipped lower in the ass crack (on purpose).

Matt moved down to focus on Ryan's hips and legs now. He was able to do mostly all the deep pressure relaxing strokes, only finding one knot in Ryan's calf which released with minimal work. Matt was now working in long strokes connecting foot to hip strokes. Ryan was mostly quiet again, but started moaning when Matt's hands would near his ass or up his inner thighs.

Matt smiled as he began his next focus on the upper thigh and glute area. The strokes were shorter as the area he was working on was smaller and the focus more intense. Ryan was moaning almost constantly now and as Matt moved his hands around in the area, Ryan's ass was flexing and quivering. In his movements, Ryan's hips were coming up from the table. Matt grabbed an ass cheek and applied pressure to lower Ryan's hips back down. Ryan's moan was more pronounced and his hips fluttered when Matt's fingers grazed his pucker. Ryan tried to raise his hips again after the graze, but Matt kept his hand firmly on the ass cheek to keep Ryan stationary.

Matt took his other hand and began to trace up and down Ryan's crack from the top, going down to Ryan's taint and then back up. Ryan was moaning more loudly and whimpered when the finger went directly on his pucker. Ryan's hips were now grinding into the table as Matt was limiting the range of motion to lift up.

Matt now used his hands to spread Ryan's ass cheeks apart exposing his crack and pucker. Matt leaned over and blew a stream of air right over Ryan's hole. Ryan quivered and his pucker winked at the stimulation. Ryan again moaned loudly and ground his hips down. Matt leaned closer and swiped his tongue flat over the exposed pucker.

"Oh Fuck! Yes!!" Ryan moaned and sighed as Matt's tongue continued to lick and explore.

Spurred on by Ryan's comment and body reactions, Matt played on. His hands were gripping and mashing the ass cheeks while keeping them apart. His tongue was swirling around, over and when pushed into a point, poked in. Ryan was muttering softly as Matt's tongue was pushing in and out of his hole, like french kissing it. The muttering was now louder and Matt could make out, "oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck...." Matt started to get the hole wet with his spit as he licked and played.

Taking a wet finger, Matt placed it right at the entrance of Ryan's pucker. Ryan whimpered as Matt began to circle it around with just the tip of the finger in. Using the finger tip and his tongue, Matt was working on opening Ryan up, the moans and muttering continued. Ryan then yelped as Matt shoved the finger deep forcefully, but soon Ryan returned to louder moans as Matt's finger grazed his prostate gland.

Matt reached under and pulled Ryan's hard and leaking cock out between his legs. Matt's hand was sliding from Ryan's balls, down the shaft and to the cock head. Matt allowed Ryan's hips to raise up as one finger was plunging in and out of Ryan's ass and his other hand was stroking and playing with Ryan's hard cock. Ryan's hips were rocking from the combined actions, his mutterings getting louder.

Ryan had dropped his hand off the table and found Matt's crotch. Ryan was groping and stroking Matt's hard cock that was encased in his shorts and jockstrap. Matt did not stop his pleasure making actions, but he did move his body closer to Ryan's hand. Ryan reached up and found the draw string, untying it he pushed the shorts to the floor. Matt shimmied them off and stepped out of them. Ryan began stroking Matt's hard cock, flicking his fingers over the pre-cum wet spot at Matt's cock head. Ryan reached his fingers around and pulled Matt's cock out to the side of the jockstrap, his hand exploring the freed cock and balls. Matt threw his head back with a moan of his own as Ryan's hand started jacking him.

Gripping Matt's engorged member, "Man, I need this in me. Gods you have to fuck me with this tool." Ryan pleaded.

"Is that what you need? You need to be filled with my hard cock? You need to be stretched with this big tool?" Matt asked in a low, seductive voice.

"Fuck dude, YESS!" Ryan whined.

Matt pulled his hand off Ryan's cock and used it to help spread open Ryan's ass cheeks wider as he pushed two fingers into the actor's hole. Ryan moaned and began jacking Matt's cock again when he got use to the two fingers. Matt then added a third finger and was focused on getting Ryan as loose as he could. When Ryan was pushing his hips up to meet the push in of Matt's fingers, Matt knew he was ready.

Matt pulled his body away from the side of the table. He removed his fingers from Ryan's ass, which caused Ryan to moan. Matt reached down and stripped off the jockstrap, having to be careful of his hard cock. He grabbed his oil and put some on his hands. First he slicked up his cock, but then he added more oil and was lubing up Ryan's hole.

Matt set the oil aside and then climbed up on the table between Ryan's legs. Scooting forward Matt lined up his cock head at Ryan's entrance. Ryan moaned when he felt the hot tool on his ass lips. Matt pushed in slowly to just get his cock head in Ryan's pucker. Matt paused with just the tip in, he started to circle his cock head around in the tight entrance.

"Oh, Dude. It is so hot and so thick." Ryan breathed out with his continual moans. He continued, "I need it, I need it in me. I need it rough."

"Be careful what you ask for my man." Matt said as he continued to circle around with his cock. He started to rock his hips shallowly, moving his cock just barely in and out.

"Fuck dude, give it to me." Ryan pleaded, turning his head with a smile, "I have been a bad boy and I need to be punished."

Matt reached down and slapped an ass cheek hard, Ryan yelped, "You asked for it!" Matt exclaimed as he grabbed a hold of Ryan's hips. Then continued, "Now the bad boy is going to get it!"

Matt had lined his cock up as straight as he could while talking to Ryan, when he said 'get it' Matt thrust forward hard at the same time as he pulled Ryan's hips tightly to him.

"Aargh!" Ryan exclaimed, then "Omph!" as Matt's powerful thrust and pull had buried his cock to the hilt up Ryan's ass.

Matt held onto the actor's hips as he pulled both of them up on their knees, his cock still deep in Ryan's hole. Ryan tried to raise his chest up, but Matt pushed Ryan's chest into the table just leaving Ryan's ass sticking up. With that position in place, Matt started to pull his cock back and then thrust back in hard. Matt started by only pulling half an inch out, but was pulling back a small bit more each time. The thrusting in was hard and fast, causing a slapping sound. By the time it was just his cock head still in Ryan's ass before slamming forward, Ryan was fully acclimated and was pushing back to meet Matt's thrusts.

Matt decided to work Ryan out a bit more, so he pulled his cock out all the way. Ryan started to balk, but Matt slapped his ass cheek again. Matt grabbed Ryan's hips and started to flip him over on his back. Ryan figured out what Matt wanted and helped flipping over. Matt could see a look of lust as Ryan looked over Matt's body, focusing on the shiny, hard cock. Matt lifted one of Ryan's legs up to Matt's shoulder and leaned forward. Lining up his cock, Matt shoved it back in hard. Ryan expelled a gust of air with the initial thrust, but was moaning as Matt started a medium, but hard pounding rhythm.

Matt leaned his chest forward and over Ryan, pushing the upper leg closer to Ryan's body while keeping the table leg down. Matt maintained his measured pounding as he raised and lowered his chest, moving Ryan's leg further up each time. Matt pulled out again and switched the positions of Ryan's legs, before he thrust back in. Matt worked this leg like the first, but his cock was still working hard in Ryan's ass.

Ryan tried to move a hand down to reach his hard cock that was bouncing around from Matt's thrusts, but Matt slapped the hand away with a growl. By that time Matt had stretched the second leg fairly well. He pulled his pulsing cock out expecting a reaction from Ryan, but only got a moan. Smiling down at Ryan, Matt lifted both of Ryan's legs up and placed them on his chest. Again he lined up his cock and thrust in.

The change of direction and force made Ryan moan again. Matt's thrusts were glazing his prostate with each entry, sending shock waves of sensation throughout his body. When Matt leaned forward this time, both of Ryan's legs were being pushed closer to his chest, stretching his glutes and ass muscles. This made Ryan's pucker tighter around Matt's cock.

Matt could feel that he would not last too much longer with this position. He pushed further up, bringing himself up on his toes so his thrusts were almost straight up and down. This was the position that pushed Ryan over the edge, as Matt's cock was punching directly into his gland and the pressure of his cock between his legs and their chests created just enough friction.

"GODS!! OH FUCK YES!!!" Ryan yelled as he started to shoot.

Ryan's body was quaking as he shot rope after rope of hot cum between his and Matt's bodies. Ryan's inside were gripping Matt's cock like a vice. The friction set off Matt's climax. With a roar, he began to unleash his cum deep in Ryan's ass. Matt kept pumping as he continued breeding Ryan. A final thrust in and Matt released Ryan's legs from over Matt's shoulders, allowing them to lower down and around Matt's body. Matt looked into Ryan's hazel eyes to see a sated but sultry smile.

Matt pulled his cock out, dragging a trail of cum that leaked down Ryan's ass crack. He slid back and then off the table. Ryan was starting to recover and his breathing had normalized.

"Well I don't think that we need to do any more stretching on you today." Matt said with a laugh. "Do you think that was enough punishment for a bad boy today?"

"You think! Damn that was fucking hot dude." Ryan said as he took Matt's offered hand to stand up. "I think you are going to do well here. Fuck! I think I am going to feel that for a few days" Ryan continued as he felt his pounded ass.

"Here is a towel to clean up with a little. Then off to the sauna for you. You are going to need to let the heat work on all of those stretched muscled" Matt said as he led Ryan to the sauna. As Ryan walked in, Matt slapped him on the ass again. "Be a good boy now!" Matt quipped.

Ryan was chuckling as he settled into the sauna. Matt wandered back to the massage room and collected the soiled linens and retrieved his shorts and top. He threw his jockstrap and top in with the linens and just put on the shorts and put them in the hamper in the utility room. He pulled out a water bottle and had it ready to go when the 15 minutes of sauna time was finished for Ryan.

Matt picked up his tablet and made his massage notes as well as some private codes to Ryan's file. Ryan was right, he was going to enjoy this job. Ryan was coming out of the sauna with a healthy glow, but an exaggerated gait. He chuckled as he took the offered water, then straightened up. Looking at the clock, Ryan nodded.

"I have time for a shower then I need to head out." Ryan said as he leaned over and hugged Matt. After a brief but hot kiss, he pulled away, "Fuck dude you are a hot one. I will not mind this at all."

Next: Chapter 8

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