Chris Pratts Great Day

By L Stone

Published on Jul 6, 2020


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Chris Pratt's Great Day

Chapter 6

After having said yes and signing all the paperwork, a trip to HR for more paperwork, Matt and Chris walked back into the massage studio. Well, now his massage studio, Matt walked around touching things trying to get a tactile anchor to all the changes that he had been through. California was a long way from Oklahoma.

"How about lunch now?" Chris asks. "Then we can swing back by here. I have some calls and paperwork to approve. You can get all logged in and check supplies that you may need."

"That sounds wonderful. I am so excited to get started with this." Matt said. "What do you have in mind for lunch?"

"There is a place just down the block that does outstanding small plates for lunch. The food is awesome and Mai is a wonderful chef, we use her for catering events when we can."

"Great, let's go." Matt said.

Chris and Matt went down and exited the building, making the short walk to Mai's restaurant. If Matt was not with Chris he would have missed the entrance as it was close to unmarked. As they walked through the reflective glass doors, Matt stopped and gasped. The restaurant was chic and modern, it was bathed in light, with a refined Asian motif in decoration and design. The open design carried over to the kitchen, where you could see several cooks working. The layered and delicate fragrances were wafting out of the kitchen. A young Asian in a chef's uniform looked up and saw the pair at the door. Handing off the items she was preparing to a sou-chef, the chef made her way towards them with her face beaming.

"Chris! I was not expecting you today, what a wonderful surprise." The chef exclaimed, turning to Matt, "You have to be Matt the new massage tech that Chris has been bragging on since his return from Oklahoma."

"Guilty." Matt said with a smile.

"I am Mai. Welcome to my place!' Mai said as she gathered them together in a hug and then she swatted Chris' backside. "This lout should have brought you in sooner than now. Come! Follow me!"

Mai released them and turned to head toward the kitchen, expecting the pair to follow her with no thought that they would not. Matt chuckled as they followed the shorter, young chef. Mai led them to a chef's table directly connected to a portion of the open kitchen. As they settled in and a server brought over green tea and lacquered chopsticks, Mai motioned to another cook to bring over some ingredients. She began preparing food while they continued talking.

"So you have been to the office now. Can I assume that you are now part of the team?" Mai inquired of Matt. Matt had only time to nod before she continued. "Chris, why did you wait until now to bring him, he is smart if he signed on. That means he is a thinker and would not have made an instant decision, so he has been in town for at least a few days. So again, Why Have You Not Brought Him In Until Now?" Mai said with emphasis on each word.

Chris could only sheepishly smile, "Mai I did not want you to unduly influence his decision. I know that you are a deal closer."

Mai replied, "Well at least that is true. Here, enjoy." Mai had slid a few dishes of fresh fusion dishes that included fresh fish, vegetables and fragrant rice. Matt noticed that there was more than enough for the two of them. With a nod, a server brought over another place setting and Mai came around to join the boys.

After filling their plates and eating through a first course, Matt turned to Mai. "This is fabulous food, Mai. It is perfect."

"Thank you." Mai replied with a smile.

"See if I brought him in too early, I would never be sure if he wanted the opportunity or just your food!" Chris chuckled again.

"I will take compliments where I can, even if they are from a goofy guy like you." Mai laughed, "So, Matt how do you like the company so far? I have to assume that you have already met with Tom and Chan?"

"I do love the opportunity that the company has to offer. I cannot wait to get started." Matt answered, "Yes, I have met with Tom and Channing both, I think they are great. I think our meetings went well." Mai looked at both Matt and Chris together before she spoke again, "I imagine that the meetings were quite well indeed."

Matt and Chris both got colored cheeks. Matt smiled, "You are correct. Which I have to believe is mostly often."

Mai to Chris, "You choose well indeed. I think this one will work out quite well for you." Mai smiled and Chris turned a deeper shade of red with a smile.

"Welcome to the company, Chris most likely just said that I did some catering." Mai said then paused, Chris again smiled. "I am also a silent partner of the production company. I have to let you know that I am only teasing, we have been in discussions since Chris came back from his time in Oklahoma and we knew that our current therapist was on the way out."

Matt turned to Chris and punched his shoulder, "You were holding out. Mai was to be your save if I decided I wanted to wait, right?"

"Dude!" Chris exclaimed, "Yes, but I knew that she would not be necessary for that. Since the day you arrived, if I have to tell you."

"At least I will have plenty of pleasant surprises like this one here." Matt said nodding to Mai, "Yes, I think I will love it."

They all laughed and finished their meal together.

Chris and Matt returned to the office after their meal and with a round of hugs from Mai. Matt had told Chris how much he liked Mai, and Chris had to agree it was like Matt and Mai had been friends for years. It would not have been a deal breaker if they did not get along, but it was definitely a load off Chris' mind that they clicked. They rode up the elevator and Matt got off to go to his office as Chris needed to go up to his. They made arrangements to work for a few hours and Chris would come down to collect Matt to go home.

Matt walked into his waiting room, using the card key to open up his office. He had booted up his computer before they had left for lunch and was surprised to see a text from Chris 'Check your email." Matt walked over to his desk and keyed his passcode, once in he opened the email program. He had several emails, but one was marked higher priority.

The priority email was from Chris outlining the timeline for a new client. The new client was scheduled for a consultation and massage from Matt in two days. Only a first name was included in this email, Ryan. The email did have a basic stats bio attached. Ryan was just over 40, 6'2" and 190lbs. The notes on the consultation request was a conditioning status update for an upcoming film. Matt opened the scheduling app that he liked to use and input the info he had from the email and made some notes for himself for the initial meeting.

Having completed that and not having any other pressing email issues, Matt decided to take stock of the supplies and make sure he had everything he needed. He exited his office through the back door into the massage room corridor near the small sauna entrance. He entered the utility storage room, there were stacks of fluffy white towels on wire shelving. Next to the towels were a stack of table linens, draping towels, and robes. There was a pair of washer and dryer as well as a folding table and hampers for soiled items. The shelves also had a selection of massage oils and lotions, all high quality and nicer than what he normally used. Also there were a selection of essential oils and available containers to make custom blends. This all appeared to be in order.

Matt walked out and looked over the sauna. This was truly a treat, he enjoyed the benefits that the sauna would offer for his clients, and for himself as well. He knew the massage room was in order and stocked from his visit earlier in the day. Matt glanced at the time - he had over an hour before Chris would be done. That in mind, Matt turned the sauna on, entering the preferred temperature. The control panel gave an estimated time of 10 minutes to be ready.

Matt walked into the massage room and closed the door before going back to his office. He closed the front office door as well, before he entered the ensuite private closet and shower. Sitting down on the dressing bench, he removed his shoes and socks. He stood up and took off his shirt and pants. Matt glanced over to the dressing mirror as he stood in his jockstrap, he could tell the new exercise routine that Chris and Chan had him doing was making some difference in his appearance. It did not disappoint him. Matt shucked off the jockstrap and made a mental note to bring some additional clothes to keep here at the office. He did see a stack of light weight tops and shorts in an almost scrubs style and weight, but made of a lux soft fabric in shades of cool greens and with the company's logos on them. He nodded that would be excellent for his work and the sizes were correct.

Matt exited the ensuite with his waist wrapped in a towel and stopped briefly at one of the control panels, adjusting the lighting and starting some relaxing instrumental jazz music. He left his office door open as he stepped over to the sauna, showing it was up to temp, and entered. The sauna was done in light colored wood, room for about four comfortably and the music and reduced lighting carried through.

Matt smiled as he removed the towel from his waist and laid it out on a bench. He sat down and swung his legs up for him to recline. The heat was just what he needed, soon he was dripping in a sheen of sweat. He relaxed and let his mind roam. It did not take long for him to picture Chris, his thoughts were highlighting the actor's sexy body and cock. Matt's cock was responding to his thoughts by quickly thickening up from his semi flaccid state to be almost fully hard. He chuckled as he reached down and gave his cock a playful tug.

About that time, a drip of sweat ran down his balls and down his crack, directly over his pucker. Matt moved his hand down below his balls and moved his fingers into his crack. Spreading his legs wider, he began to trace and tease his hole. His other hand was now on his cock, moving in a slow leisure jacking pace. His fingers in his crack began to focus just on his pucker, he was able to slide the tips in and out due to his sweaty lubricant. Matt lifted his hand to his mouth and sucked and wet his fingers. Returning them to his crack, he started to slide them in and out in earnest.

Matt began to moan when his sunk fingers brushed his gland. A slight pressure caused a drop of pre-cum to spurt from his lightly jacked cock, making a pearly like strand fall to his abs. He shifted his legs a bit wider and was able to move his fingers deeper and at an increased pace. He moved his jacking hand up to his abs, scooping some of his pre-cum he brought it to his mouth, sucking it off. His hand returned to his chest and he began to tease one of his hard nipples with his damp fingers. He moaned as he pinched and teased his nip while his other hand was still finger fucking himself. He threw back his head with his eyes closed.

Matt did not hear the door to the sauna open, so he was surprised when he felt lips seal around his cock and a tongue start to lap up the dripping pre-cum. His eyes shot open, but then relaxed as he saw the top of Chris' head over his crotch. Chris touched the arm that was servicing his crack for Matt to resume. Matt returned his head to the bench and resumed his fingers rubbing and stretching his hole. Matt moaned loudly when Chris' lips went down his cock shaft and touched his trimmed pubes. Chris began to slide his lips up and down on Matt's cock, swathing it with his tongue. Matt kept rubbing his gland and it would feed Chris more of his pre-cum.

Chris pulled off Matt's cock and licked down the shaft, swallowing the massage tech's balls one at a time, sucking and licking them. Chris then lifted the balls up, putting his hands under Matt's thighs he lifted Matt's legs upward as well. Chris then lowered his face to Matt's exposed pucker, as Chris had swatted Matt's hand away from the hole. Chris tongue started flicking and plunging into the opened hole, sliding it in like he was french kissing Matt's pucker. Chris reached his hands under Matt's legs pushing them higher and giving Chris access to play with Matt's nipples while he was rimming him. Matt's moaning intensified at the dual stimulation.

Matt felt Chris raise his head up from Matt's crack. Chris pushed his face upward, licking Matt's balls, cock, and abs before coming to rest face to face. Chris kept Matt's legs still lifted and he sealed his mouth on Matt's and they began to kiss deeply. Matt had felt Chris' body drag up against his as Chris had moved upward, but now he felt a hot hardness press against his pucker. Both men moaned as Chris slid his hard leaking cock into Matt's slicked hole. Chris kept pushing in until his balls were resting on Matt's ass. Matt used his muscles to grip and release against Chris' hard cock as Chris kept pushed in deep.

Chris began to pull back and then thrust forward in a slow even pace, pulling out more and more each time. Chris continued this until he just had his flanged cock head inside Matt's outer ring. Chris moved his hands from Matt's chest to either side of him on the wooden bench. Tilting upward, Chris began to thrust hard into Matt, before pulling back slowly with Matt using his ass muscles to grip the hard member sliding out of him. Chris had a shiver pass through him due to warm silky vise holding onto his cock with each stroke out.

Chris could not hold out any more with the slow strokes, he started to speed up, using gravity to drop his weight down harder on Matt with each thrust in. With the change in tempo they were unable to keep their deep kiss, so the sauna was filled with their grunting and moaning. Chris moved the tempo faster still, almost jackrabbit like into Matt's upturned ass. With a yell he started pumping his hot cum into the waiting hole. Matt tightened his ass muscles even tighter as Chris began to shoot, feeling the hot cum splash deep within him. Chris was just grunting, thrusting and moaning until he collapsed down on Matt, every so often twitching from his sexual release.

Laying his face next to Matt's Chris releases the positions of his arms, allowing Matt to lower his legs down around Chris' back. Matt rested his legs briefly pulling Chris in tighter before lowering them down. Chris was spent from his climax and the additional heat of the sauna. They chuckled when Chris' cock popped out of Matt's ass. Matt pushed up to lift them both into a sitting position. Then he stood, reaching out he pulled Chris to his feet and led him out of the sauna. The cold air hit their super warmed skin and caused both men to shiver slightly. Matt stepped over the clothes that Chris had shed right at the door of the sauna and led them back to the ensuite in his office.

Turning on the water, Matt turned and embraced Chris as the water washed away some of the sweat. The water had revived Chris who was now rubbing and teasing Matt all over. Matt pulled their crotches together and was rubbing his hard cock against Chris' mostly semi cock. Chris reached around and grabbed some shower gel before taking his hand down to his crack. He slicked up his hole and then taking more gel, began rubbing it on Matt's hard cock. With an impish grin, Chris spun around and bent forward and pushed his slicked hole back towards Matt's hard cock.

Matt lined up his cock head at Chris' entrance before grabbing onto Chris' hips. With a firm push in and a quick pull back on Chris' hips, Matt buried his cock balls deep with a moan. Chris was grunting and continued as Matt began thrusting his slicked cock in and out of the hot hole. Matt's balls were hitting against Chris' ass with each thrust, adding more wet slapping sounds. Matt knew that his climax was not far off, as the sauna play had keyed him up. Matt moved his pace faster making the slapping noises louder as their bodies collided.

Matt felt his balls pull up in a flash, he grunted as his climax washed over him like a wave. He was thrusting hard into Chris as his cum was jetting out of his cock deep in Chris' belly. After multiple ropes of his jizz was deposited in Chris, Matt came to rest still deeply embedded.

Chris stood up and lifted off Matt's prong, he turned and again they hugged together. Their mouths met and they continued a long slow makeout session under the warm water of the shower. They slowly started to wash each other, soaping up and rinsing off the sweat and cum. Matt reached over and turned off the water after they finally rinsed off all of the suds. Chris grabbed towels and they started to dry off. Matt walked out and grabbed Chris' clothes and brought them into the dressing area.

"Were you in a bit of a hurry?" Matt asked with a smirk.

"Well, yes! The sight of you jacking and with your fingers going in and out of your hole and glistening with sweat with your eyes closed made me instantly hard and dripping. There are probably pre-cum stains on the pants." laughed Chris, pointing down "You are one hot and sexy dude. Fuck just this taking had revived him."

"Horn dog!" Matt chided him with a laugh.

They chuckled and got dressed. Matt checked out the time, it was just now about the time to head out. He walked into the sauna area, making sure the auto timer was set to cool it down, and grabbing his soiled towel to take it into the utility room hamper. He returned to the office to find Chris ready to go, looking very dashing until you reached his crotch, where he was trying to hide the quickly fading cum stain.

With a cheeky smirk, "Shall I walk in front of you to help cover?" Matt asked.

Chris playfully slugged his shoulder, "Nah, I'm good dude. Just leave them thinking." he said.

"Home then?" Matt said.

"Yes please, that way we can be naked and not have to worry about getting clothes spotted." Chris laughed as they headed out of the office.

Matt made sure the studio was locked up before they headed to the elevator down to the garage. Soon Chris was driving them to his house, holding Matt's hand as they drove. A happy smile was on his face.

Next: Chapter 7

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