Chris Pratts Great Day

By L Stone

Published on Jun 17, 2020


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Chris Pratt's Great Day

Chapter 5

"Hey, that is one way to wake up." Matt said as Chris was stroking his cock.

Chris chuckled and winked, before lowering his head down and taking Matt's cock in his mouth. Matt moans as he feels Chris' lips seal around his cock head and tongue flick around. Chris lowers his mouth more, sliding down Matt's shaft. Matt feels Chris' lips down at the base of his cock, while Chris' tongue is swirling around. Chris begins bobbing on the waking massage therapist's cock, smoothly adding his hands to jack the lower part of Matt's cock and focusing his sucking on the upper half.

Matt lifts a hand and starts playing with his chest, rubbing one of his nipples into a hard point. He squeezes and kneads the erect point, sending sparks down his body, his cock spurts some pre-cum in Chris' mouth. Chris hums as he swallows the sticky sweet substance. Chris moves his hands down and spreads Matt's legs apart. Chris' hands begin to play and tease Matt's balls and taint. Matt tilts his hips up, giving the actor more access to him. Chris is letting his spit drip down as he continues to bob his head on Matt's cock. Taking some spit on his fingers he begins to wet and tease Matt's hole.

Matt groans as first one then a second finger slips in his pucker. Soon Chris' fingers touch his prostate and it causes Matt's hips to push forward. Chris took his mouth off Matt's leaking cock as he continued to finger the prone man's ass. Matt rolled his legs up to his chest, allowing Chris' fingers to plunge deeper in his hole. Matt's head was flung back as Chris continued to tease and thrust his fingers in and out. Matt gasped as a third finger was plunged in, his ass muscles getting use to the fuller feeling. Chris had added a deep circle of his fingers in Matt's ass as he let them brush against Matt's prostate.

Chris took his other fingers and scooped up a pool of pre-cum off Matt's belly and presented it to Matt's mouth. Matt opened up and sucked in Chris' fingers to lick the pre-cum clean. Chris continued the finger fucking and the feeding of pre-cum. Matt was moaning, pushing against Chris' fingers plunging in him. Matt looked up and caught Chris' face in a slight smile.

With a wink, Chris pulled his fingers out of Matt's hole. Chris pulled his body up and leaned onto Matt's chest, forcing Matt's legs tight between them and tilting them up towards the top of the lounge chair. Matt felt Chris' hot cock head at his pucker entrance. Just a slight push and Chris' cock started to slide in, as the finger fucking had warmed Matt up. Chris continued to push until his balls brushed Matt's hole. When Chris bottomed out, Matt was moaning into Chris' mouth as they were locked in a deep kiss.

Chris pulled his hips back and then pushed forward in a smooth, easy rhythm. Matt was putting pressure on Chris' cock as he was pulling out each time, now it was Chris' turn to moan. They continued the slow and leisure pace, letting each other's hands explore while they were still kissing. Matt began tracing his fingers around Chris' ear, lightly rubbing and teasing. Chris moaned when Matt's finger tip dipped in and out of his ear canal. Matt then used his hands to trace down Chris' head and neck, alternating between light, feathery touches to firmer rubbing When Matt's hands reached to Chris' sides and ribs, the touches were sending sparks throughout Chris' body.

The pace of their union started increasing as the need for climax was building in each man. Matt locked his hands around Chris' neck as Chris was adding more force with each push. Chris' cock was now pounding directly into Matt's prostate gland, causing Matt to have waves of pleasure ripple through his body. Matt felt his climax begin to build from the continued pounding, almost suddenly he felt his body spasm. Cum began shooting from Matt's dick, the rubbing of their bodies together were adding extra friction, causing him to shoot six jets of hot semen over them.

Matt's body was still constricting from the orgasm, his feet were curling and his ass muscles were gripping Chris' cock as it was still pushing in and out. Chris could hold back no more, with a grunt he began to breed Matt's ass. Jet after jet of his cum was shooting deep in Matt's ass, with his thrusts. Finally sated, Chris dropped his weight on Matt, his dick still buried deep.

Chris and Matt stayed joined and briefly rested as they recovered. They were both now covered in the sticky mess that Matt had shot between them. Chris cock had softened enough to slide out of Matt's ass, trailing more stickiness. Chris lifted enough for Matt to lower his legs down to where Chris' were. They were still hugging their spent bodies together.

"I was considering going out for dinner tonight, but damn you were too hot not to enjoy." Chris said as they laid entwined.

"It was a great way to wake up." Matt confided. "I am sure we can pull something together for dinner here."

Chris and Matt wandered into the kitchen. After looking in the refrigerator and the pantry goods they threw together large Caesar salads with grilled prawns. As Matt was finishing mixing the salads together, Chris poured some wine. They took the food and drinks and went back out on the porch - enjoying the night air on their still naked bodies. The two men had an easy conversation regarding where they grew up and schooling.

Having finished their meal and polishing off the bottle of wine they shared at dinner, they stood up and took the dishes back to the kitchen. They worked together to load the dishwasher and pick up.

Chris leaning against the counter, "I have us scheduled in the morning to go into the offices so you can check out the facilities and meet some of the office staff." He said, "We can go in early, well early for me, around 9:30. Then after the visit we can catch some lunch in town. Sound good?"

Matt wiped his hands and replied, "That sounds great. I am looking forward to seeing the office and the suite for my body work. It will be exciting to see it all."

"That is excellent. I know you will like it." Chris said as he started to yawn and stretch up. His chest expanded as he inhaled, his nipples started to harden - a truly hot sight. He unconsciously reached down and scratched his low hanging ball sack. His cock was still hanging down, but started to plump up.

Matt watched the actor be completely at ease in his own skin and thought of how lucky it was to have crossed paths. With a smile, "Hey how about we shower tonight to save time in the morning. I know you like your sleep." Matt suggested.

Chris nodded his head while he was looking through his eyelashes to Matt with a smug look on his face. Matt walked around the counter and pushed Chris towards the master suite, with no other guests in the house they could use either suite, but Matt wanted to wake up seeing the ocean. Chris slowly made his way to the bedroom, acting sluggish but when they got to the bathroom he suddenly perked up and pulled Matt toward the shower. Matt chuckled at Chris' antics.

Chris had started the water and adjusted the temperature before he pulled Matt to him under the warm water spray. Water running down their bodies, Matt leaned closer and started to kiss Chris' face, starting with his forehead, then his cheeks, followed by his nose and chin before planting on Chris' open mouth. Chris was running his hands up and down Matt's body while they lightly battled tongues. Matt broke the kiss after a few minutes and leaned his mouth over to the side of Chris' face. Chris moaned when Matt began to nibble on his earlobe, Matt felt Chris' cock jump when he flicked his tongue in Chris' ear. Matt continued to lick and nibble on the ear and Chris was slowly rubbing their hard cocks together.

Matt lifted one of Chris' arms up and moved his mouth to the exposed pit. Matt began to lap his tongue around the fuzzy pit, taking in the slight musky smell. Matt then ran his tongue across Chris' chest and latched onto the hardening nipple. Matt nuzzled the nipple until it was a hard point, he could hear Chris' breathing getting more shallow and feel the actor's body flush. Matt used his teeth to grind on the hard nipple point, Chris let out a low moan.

Matt slowly dropped to his knees, kissing and licking Chris' chest and abs on the way. Matt gripped Chris' hard cock and gave it a short tug. Pulling the hard cock up, Matt started kissing Chris's balls, licking and sucking on them, taking them one at a time in his mouth. Matt popped a ball out of his mouth and then swiped his tongue up, continuing on the underside of Chris' cock shaft. As Matt's tongue reached the corona on Chris' cock, he settled his lips around the hot spongy head. Matt swirled his tongue around the cock head, sucking the salty sweet pre-cum that had oozed out. Chris groaned as Matt's lips slowly worked down his rigid cock shaft - continuing until his lips stopped at the base of Chris' cock. Matt began to slide his lips up and down on Chris' hard cock, going up to the tip before working back down. Matt worked Chris hard, changing his pace and suction power, swiping his tongue on the sensitive flesh. Chris would get close and Matt would back off, before resuming his ministrations, edging Chris several times.

Chris was keyed up from the continual edging, his cock was oozing pre-cum which Matt was slurping down. Matt began to stroke Chris' legs while he was blowing him, fingers were exploring from the backs of Chris' knees, up the inner thighs, and brushing Chris' taint. The stimulation was causing Matt to need to slow down his oral attack in more frequent intervals. Chris' body was vibrating with sexual energy, with each pause he would whimper.

Matt pulled off Chris' cock and grabbed Chris' hips turning him around. With a strong hand pushing Chris' back forward and his legs further apart, Matt pulled open the tight ass cheeks - stopping a moment to admire the hairy pink hole. Matt leaned in and began to lick the tight hole. Chris would shiver every time Matt's tongue would brush over his tight pucker. Matt pushed his face in closer and began to spear his tongue in and out of Chris' pucker. Tremors of sensation were making Chris shake, making his muscles contract, he went to reach for his cock, only to have Matt swat his hand away.

Matt was making Chris' hole sloppy wet, when he brought his fingers up to Chris' wet pucker and pushed, they slid right in. Chris uttered a groan as the fingers pushed in his rings and brushed his prostate. Matt felt the gland was mostly hard, so he did not stop to massage it. Matt started to move his fingers in and out of Chris' waiting hole. With his other hand Matt reached through Chris' legs and grabbed on to Chris' balls, pulling them down and manipulating them. Chris was moaning as Matt was finger fucking him, the ball play was only adding to his excitment.

Matt released Chris' balls and moved his hand down to his own rigid cock. He spit on his cock and jacked his hand to cover his member with the slick substance. Chris let out a gasp as Matt quickly removed his fingers from his ass and stood up. The gasp turned to a moan, as Chris felt Matt's hot cock head push into his wet hole. Chris was groaning when Matt bottomed out and then began to pump back and forth. Matt set a slow, long stroke rhythm, going from the tip of his cock just barely in, then pushing balls deep. Matt hooked his arms under Chris' and grabbed Chris' nipples in each hand. Matt kneaded and tweaked the hard nipples while he stroked his cock in and out of Chris' hole. Chris leaned his head back and rested it on Matt's shoulder - Matt nuzzled Chris' neck and began to lick in his ear. With Matt's arms under Chris' he could not reach down to stroke his cock. That blockage with Matt's fucking, teasing his nipples and playing with his ear was pushing Chris closer and closer.

Matt was teasing and fucking Chris hard, he picked up the pace of his piston action in and out of Chris' ass. The change in pace caused Matt's hard cock to pound Chris' p-nut harder with each push. As Matt snaked his tongue down Chris' ear canal he felt Chris' body tense and contract. Chris had finally edged the last time, his cock began to shoot rope after hot rope of cum on to the shower tile. Chris yelled as his body released the pent up energy.

The tightening and quivering of Chris' ass muscled around Matt's buried cock caused Matt to begin to shoot his load. With a yell of his own, Matt pounded harder forcing his jets of cum deeper in Chris' chute. Chris' body was slumped on Matt's as the last of his load pulsed into Chris' ass. Both men were spent and breathing heavy while the water continued to spray on them. Cock still hard and buried in Chris' ass, Matt reaches over and grabs some shampoo. He soaps his own hair before starting on Chris'. Shampoo in, Matt reaches for the body wash and begins to suds up both of their bodies. Chris sighed when Matt's cock popped out of his ass, he turned and pulled Matt into a hug and a hard kiss as their lips touched.

Matt turned off the water for the shower and they separated as Chris grabbed towels and began to dry off.

"Fuck Dude!" Chris chuckled as he dried off, "I do not think I have ever shot hands free quite like that before. My body is still tingling and I feel sparks of energy twitch all over."

With a smile Matt answers, "It is fun to push edging to the limit sometimes. It makes release that much more pleasurable. Having you quaking on my cock was one of the hottest things I have felt."

Chris stifled a yawn, as they walked towards the bed. He pulled back the covers and settled down on the bed. He beckoned Matt to join him. Matt settled next to Chris and they embraced. Matt kissed Chris' cheek and brushed the hair off his forehead. Within moments the sounds of the ocean included the light snoring as they drifted off to sleep.

Morning found Matt waking up before 6:00, his body still not acclimated to Pacific time. In his arms Chris still was sleeping, face relaxed with slow even breathing. He held onto Chris for a few minutes just looking into the strong resting face. Matt quietly got out of bed and stepped out on the porch, taking in the coolness of the morning air. Grabbing a towel he spread it out and settled down to meditate. Matt used the familiarity of the meditation routine to bring him back to a centered place. He focused on his breathing and the quiet sounds of the surf to set his mind adrift.

The smells of coffee wafted up to Matt's nose as he opened his eyes, readjusting his senses after his meditation. Chris was sitting on a chair nearby holding a cup of coffee, a twin to the cup resting next to Matt by the towel. Matt lifted the cup and folded his fingers around it as he brought the cup up to his lips.

"The coffee is wonderful." Matt said, "I love it to help re-engage after my quiet time."

"Glad you like it. One of my favorites, Yergicheff from Ethiopia, rich and subtle not bitter." Chris shared with a smile both on his lips and his eyes. "We should probably get ready to go into the office. I have some smoothies ready for us to drink on the way."

"That sounds great, thanks." Matt said as he got up. He collected the towel and laid it on the chair as he helped Chris stand. They just stood a moment holding hands and smiling.

They headed inside, Matt went to the guest suite where he had his clothes, while Chris headed to the master. Taking a few minutes to get dressed they arrived in the kitchen in short order. Chris was dressed in casual elegance - dark grey t-shirt, tight in the right places, black jeans and black loafers. Matt had chosen to go with an ocean blue button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, medium color khaki pants and brown loafers.

"Wow, you really clean up when you wear clothes." Chris laughed as Matt came up to grab a smoothie.

"You are one to talk, Mr. Nudity-is-my-home-uniform." Matt chuckled and they headed to the garage with Chris still chuckling.

They got in one of Chris' sports cars and headed into town to the production company's offices. While it was only 10 miles away from Chris' house, it took them over 30 minutes with traffic. The temperature was still nice, so they had left the top down on the car on the trip in. As they pulled into a medium parking lot in front of a large three story building, Chris hit a remote and a large gate opened at the back of the parking lot, giving access to the private parking garage. Chris pulled into one of the spaces and turned off the car.

"Are you ready for the tour?" Chris started.

"As ready as I can be, I am still pretty excited. It still seems too good to be true." Matt confided as they exited the car.

"Well, it is as real as it gets. Tom, Chan and I all are in agreement, you are a perfect fit and we are lucky to have you." Chris said as they neared the doors.

Chris opened the door and walked in, a pleasant but effective looking security guard was sitting at a desk just inside. He nodded to the pair as they walked past.

"Samson, this is Matt. He is going to be the new massage technician for us." Chris said as an introduction.

Matt reached out and offered a hand, as they shook hands Matt was impressed at the calm but intense feeling that Samson was projecting. In his mind Matt wondered what an opponent would feel when that focus was directed on them in duress.

"Glad to have you with us Matt. I look forward to working with you." Samson said quietly.

"Thanks Samson, we have got to get going with the tour of the facilities." Chris said as they continued into the building.

The office building was modern and quietly masculine in decor and design. Chris pointed out different points of interest as they went around. The first floor consisted of mostly administrative and support offices: accounting, contracts, legal, and public relations. The second floor was set up with direct client support spaces, including a gym and workout facility, separate studio spaces that could be facilitated for specific training, a nutritionist, a physical training complex and the massage facility. Standing at the door to the massage studio, Chris allowed Matt to enter first.

"I figure that you have been waiting to see this space the most." Chris said with a twinkle in his eye.

Matt walked into an open waiting room in relaxing, cool shades of green. There were a few chairs, a low table between them, the lighting was subdued and indirect. There were pieces of black and white landscape artwork on the walls. Past the waiting area there were two doors that lead further into the studio. Both doors were currently open, Matt walked to the office space first - it was a large comfortable office with a desk set-up, a reading chair with a tall light and side table and a large leather couch. Another door opened to a private bathroom with a large open shower and closet. A door on the joining wall leads into the back of the massage studio.

Matt walked into the massage studio, it was a large open room with an extra large teak wood massage table in the middle. To one side there was a hall to a private dressing and shower room. On the other side was an entrance to a small sauna. Along the back wall was another door that went to a laundry supply room, having a washer and dryer, linen storage, and supply storage. With the addition of office and the sauna, it was almost twice the size of his studio back in Oklahoma.

"Damn, this is a fucking awesome facility. I can tell that it was well designed and functional." Matt exclaimed. "It is unreal. I love it."

"I thought you might. When I visited your studio it felt so much like the one here that was almost instantly comfortable. You, though, were so much better than the person we had here, it seemed like it would be the right fit. I was excited when you agreed to come out to visit." Chris said. "Let me tear you away from it for now and let's go up to my office upstairs."

With that Chris led the way back out to the main hallway. They rode the elevator up to the third floor that had the executive office suites. The elevator opened up to an executive reception area with an assistant sitting behind an impressive desk.

"Hey Nelson! This is Matt, our soon to be new massage technician." Chris introduced as Matt shook Nelson's hand, "We will be in my office. Did Sid send up the contract?"

"Nice to meet you Matt." Nelson greeted, then to Chris, "Yes, it is on your desk. I can have it sent down when it is signed. Will you need anything else?"

"Thanks Nelson. I can't think of anything at the moment." Chris started, "If you will take a look at my calendar and make sure everything is updated, I would appreciate it."

Nelson nodded and sat back at his desk. Chris led Matt into his office. It was a large and oversized room, with comfortable, masculine decor and furniture. There were momentos from his films scattered throughout the room. A door went to a private bathroom. The back wall was all glass and had a balcony with glass railing to not block the view.

Chris grabbed a folder off his desk and brought it to a small conference table where he ushered Matt to a chair. When they both sat down he opened the folder and passed it to Matt.

"OK, here it is. The snapshot of the contract is for you to be the production company's primary massage technician on a salaried basis, you have direct control and use of the massage suite downstairs, you will have a seperate business account with debit and credit cards for business expenses including licenses and additional trainings , and access to housing options that are all covered. Business travel and lodging, of course, are covered as is daily travel options." Chris explained.

"The main goal is for you to be available to work with our clients in coordination with our nutrition and physical therapy specialists in achieving the necessary physical goals for the roles that they are needing. We want to take this as a holistic approach getting our actors in the physical condition they need for roles without causing permanent damage or harm." Chris continued, "This approach is the focus for our company and why Tom, Channing and myself decided to found it, we have each done drastic things to our bodies for roles sometimes with, but most times without healthy supervision of the process."

"We place a good deal of focus on the physical, we value and compensate our specialists. Take a look at the figures, if something needs to be updated or corrected, we can have it fixed." Chris went on, "If you decide to accept, which I hope that you will. I want you to know that the guest suite at the house is and will always be available for you - even if you get another living situation. Oh, and the use of the cars in the garage are also included."

Chris stopped talking and looked over at Matt. Matt had been reviewing the documents while Chris was talking and had already decided, but was waiting for a chance to say so. He waited for Chris to settle down before he gave Chris a big, warm smile.

"Yes, I want in! This is a fantastic opportunity. I can not wait to get started." Matt said.

If possible, Chris' smile got even bigger.

Next: Chapter 6

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