Chris Pratts Great Day

By L Stone

Published on May 10, 2020


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Chris Pratt's Great Day

Chapter 4

Matt awoke the next morning with Chris' arms around him. As Matt was still on Central time, it was 5:30, Chris was still sleeping hard in the guest suite bedroom that he let Matt use. The bed was comfortable and it was relaxing to wake up in a hot man's arms. Matt tried to go back to sleep, but was unable to and did not want to disturb Chris' sleep. He decided he wanted to get up and go swim some laps in the pool.

After a quick stop in the luxurious bathroom in his suite, he padded barefoot and nude down the hall and to the living areas. The sun was showing signs of rising and the temperature was great. Matt opened the glass door out to the backyard where the pool was. He had snagged a towel while he was in the bathroom, but it was just around his neck as he walked outside. It was a glorious feeling of freedom to be able to be natural in the outdoors, Matt loved to swim nude and took any chance he could to do so.

Setting down his towel he walked over to the water. He dipped his toe in and the water was just right. The water was a little cool, but that would help him maintain his temperature as he was swimming laps. Matt stepped in the pool and sank into the water. He let the water caress his skin as he lowered body completely in, including his head. He rose up and took a nice cleansing breath. He pushed off the bottom and began warming up with an even paced freestyle stroke. The water coursed over his body as he fell into his training rhythm. Some people talk about a runner's high, well Matt experienced a swimmer's high, a kind of moving meditation. Strokes and breaths were the only things on his mind as he worked out.

Matt was nearing the wall to make a turn when He noticed it darker where there was light before. On his next breath he looked and saw a naked Tom standing at the end of the lap pool, watching Matt as he swam. Matt slowed his strokes and glided in to a stop, judging from how far the sun had rose, he determined that he had swam for 30 minutes or so. With a shake of his shoulders and a flip of his hair he stood up in the waist deep water by the edge.

"You have wonderful form. Did you ever swim competitive?" Tom inquired, still admiring Matt wet body with the rivulets of water still running down his chest.

"Thank you. Yes, I did swim competitively in my youth. Since then I use it for cardio and for relaxation." Matt answered, "Do you swim as well?"

"I can swim, but it is for recreation really. I enjoy watching the swimming events during the Olympics. You know the skimpy swim suits and the smoking hot bodies." Tom replied.

"Well I have never been close to Olympic levels of competition. I do enjoy it though." Matt told him.

"I just grabbed some coffee. Would you like some?" Tom asked, as he was holding a cup. He pointed to the table near by where there was another cup of steaming liquid.

"That would be great." Matt said as he lifted himself out of the pool. The water ran down his lower body, revealing that he was also naked. He watched Tom's eyes as he walked over to grab the cup of coffee. He took a sip before he grabbed the towel to dry off some.

"I assume that Chris had a good time last night in your suite? Since he was not in the Master suite this morning." Tom smiled while he asked. Chuckling he went on, "I know that Chris is not an early riser. He should still be sleeping like a rock."

"Well, he did not seem to complain. You had already fallen asleep and he did not want to disturb you. I offered and he took me up on my offer of my room." Matt explained.

"I do not mind. Chris and I have been friends for some time and very close friends at that." Tom offered. His eyes sweeping, he continued, "I am glad you are here and not just because you are wonderful to look at."

Matt blushes slightly.

"No, really. Chris was very excited that you were coming out. He thinks that you would be a great fit for our production company. Your massage skills were what he needed to stay grounded in Oklahoma." Tom explained, "He said he would not have been able to complete that assignment without the relaxation that you provided. Chris thinks that is exactly what our team needs. He said the sex was just a wonderful extra, which he thought you both enjoyed."

"If you don't stop with compliments like that I may never be able to put clothes on." Matt said still blushing slightly, but pointed to his rising cock.

"That is partly the point." Tom said as he stepped closer.

Matt could feel the warmth from Tom's body as he stepped closer and brought their bodies together. Matt looked down into Tom's eyes as their mouths opened and they began to kiss. Matt's hands were wrapping over Tom's head and shoulders, while Tom's were exploring Matt's waist and back. As their tongues were battling, Matt pulled them closer together, his wet body making Tom's dry body considerably less dry. Both men's cocks were getting hard as they were grinding into one another. Tom's hands caressed Matt's ass cheeks before his hand stroked down Matt' ass crack. Matt shivered as Tom's finger brushed against his tight pucker.

Matt was surprised when Tom lowered to his knees and brought his open mouth upon Matt's hard cock. Tom's lips sealed around the hard cock as they lowered down Matt's cock shaft. When Tom had reached Matt's balls he began to bob up and down on the cock in his mouth. Matt could feel his cock head brush the entrance of Tom's throat with each bob. Tom started a nice easy pace with his bob, Matt was relaxing with this hot actor's mouth on his dick.

Matt had a second surprise when he felt Tom's fingers make their way back to his ass crack, while he was still sucking on Matt's cock. Tom's fingers began to trace around Matt's pucker causing a shiver to run down Matt's body. Tom's finger tip entered the naked massage therapist's hole, It slid in steady until it reached Matt's p-nut, causing Matt to throw back his head and gasp. Tom started to move his finger in and out of Matt's hole, all while his lips and tongue were sucking and playing with Matt's cock. Tom added a second finger and pushed them in deep. When the fingers got to Matt's gland, Tom started to rub it hard. It was hardly any time before Tom felt the gland harden. Matt grabbed Tom's head as he began to pump his dick in and out of Tom's mouth. Tom kept punching his fingers on the sensitive gland. Matt gripped Tom's head tighter as he started to face fuck the actor. Matt's cock was pushing deeper into Tom's mouth and entering the tight throat as his fucking pace was mirroring Tom's finger fucking. Tom felt the gland turn stone hard and felt Matt's balls rise quickly when Matt began to yell.

"Oh Fuck! I'm going to cum!!!" Matt yelled as he began shooting ropes of cum down Tom's throat.

Tom pulled back a bit and the last part of Matt's load were shot in his mouth. Tom stayed still on Matt's cock to allow it to desensitize some before pulling off and standing up. Tom pulled Matt into a kiss, sharing Matt's load between them. Their bodies were entwined as they continued the kiss. Tom's cock was jutting out and dripping pre-cum. While their hands were still groping each other's body, Matt latched on to Tom's cock and balls, he began playing with them. Tom's hands grabbed Matt's ass again, slipping a finger tip in the hot pucker that he had finger fucked Matt's climax out of.

Matt knew what Tom needed. Matt broke off the groping and separated from Tom, but kept his grip on the actor's hard cock. Matt stepped over to one of the lounge chairs, the one that he had laid his towel on. Matt released Tom's cock as he crawled on all fours onto the chair. Matt looked over his shoulder and gave Tom a nod, while he lowered his shoulders and exposed his hole. Tom settled to his knees behind Matt and spread the ass cheeks in front of him. Tom leaned his face in and began to attack the pucker with his wet tongue. Tom was wetting and soaking all around and in Matt's pucker. Matt was moaning and got louder when Tom's tongue began to spear into the exposed hole. Tom's spit was dripping from Matt's pucker down his taint before reaching his balls.

Tom rocked back on his heels and stood up. His cock was still leaking pre-cum like a faucet, he spit in his hand and began to jack it to spread the liquids all over it. He lined up his cock head to Matt's still exposed pucker, wet from his rim job. Matt cooed as he felt the hot flesh touch the entrance of his slicked hole. Tom pushed his hips forward making his cock head enter Matt's pucker. Wet as the entrance was, Tom's cock head pushed past both rings with ease, he could feel his cock be enveloped in a steamy, tight chute. Tom continued to push until his pubes were touching Matt's hole.

Matt kept issuing low moans as Tom began to pull back and then Matt grunted as Tom forced his cock back in. Tom started a quick pace, pulling back a bit further each time before slamming his cock back in. Tom's balls were slapping against Matt's with the force of each slam. Matt gripped the sides of the chair to keep from being pushed off. Tom kept up the full strokes both men were grunting and sweat was pouring off of them. Tom pulled his hard cock out and took a step back. Matt glanced back with a questioning look.

"I want you to ride me." Tom told Matt, "Trade me places."

Matt took a moment to stand up. Tom sat down on the chair, his cock pointing up. Matt turned around and moved to where he was straddling the chair and Tom's body. Matt reached back and grabbed Tom's cock to position it as he lowered his body. Tom's cock slid right back up in Matt's tight hole. Matt dropped his weight down and took Tom's cock all the way in, causing Tom to grunt. Matt used his ass muscles to grip and clamp on the cock in his ass before he started to lift and drop back down. Matt added a hip sway when Tom's cock was buried deep. His pace on Tom's cock was lift, drop and sway; lift, drop, and sway; lift, drop, and sway. Matt felt Tom's warm breath on his back as Tom's arms reached around his body. Matt was getting higher with each lift until he was just keeping Tom's cock head in his hole.

The next lift Matt paused at the top, using his ass muscles to ripple and squeeze around Tom's cock head. Tom was panting and moaning with this twist. Matt returned to his pattern and kept the new squeeze at the top. Tom's arms had been holding on to Matt's hips, but he reached further around to start jerking Matt's cock. Tom's jerking was bringing Matt closer to his next climax, especially with the tricks Matt was using on Tom's cock. Tom was getting closer as well as he began to pump his dick upwards into Matt as Matt was pushing down.

Matt changed to just straight bouncing up and down on Tom's cock. Tom's hands were still jacking Matt's cock & he increased the speed as the fucking speed increased. The sounds of bodies slapping and moaning men increased. Matt felt his balls begin to tingle, in short order his cock was shooting ropes of hot cum over his and Tom's legs. Matt's ass muscles were quaking on Tom's cock as Tom began to unload his climax in Matt's ass. Matt collapsed down on the chair with Tom, both spent from the active sex.

"My God!" exclaimed Tom when he got his breath back, "I do not think I have every felt my cock massaged like that before. Fuck those are some super massage skills."

Matt was blushing a bit before he replied, "It is a specialty that not everyone gets to experience for sure. I only treat special people with that particular method."

"Well, I do feel privileged for sure." Tom replied with a chuckle. "Damn, I do not want to leave, but I need to get ready to go. I agree with Chris, you are definitely what our team needs. I hope you take us up on the offer to stay."

"You guys are making it harder and harder to stay no for sure." Matt answered.

"Will you join me in a shower before I head out?" Tom inquired.

"That sound great." Matt said as he was disentangling from Tom and the chair.

He offered Tom a hand up when he stood. They walked the short distance to the master bedroom that Tom was staying in. The shower and bath were larger versions of the ones in the suite that Chris put Matt up in. Soon the shower was steaming and the two men entered, they shared the shampoo and shower gel. Suds rinsed off and a few more chances of kissing and groping, they finished the shower. Matt followed Tom to the bedroom as they dried off. The chatted about Tom's flight plans and his next project. They continued to connect on a deeper level as they shared some each other's stories. Tom had finished dressing and was putting the last items he brought in his luggage. He glanced at his phone, the car service was pulling up to the neighborhood.

"I have to be on my way, but I cannot wait to return in a few short weeks." Tom started as he pulled Matt in for a last hug and kiss.

"That is if I am still here." Matt teased, "Kidding I am loving this idea. Hopefully I will have a better idea of what the company needs and will be able to contribute soon."

Matt walked Tom to the gate and bid him farewell. He returned to the house and entered to the kitchen to find that Chris had woken up and was pulling food out for breakfast.

"Damn, did I just miss Tom? I always oversleep." Chris said as Matt walked in. Chris looked Matt over as he was still nude. "Not planning on wearing clothes today, dude?"

"Is that a problem?" Matt replied as he leaned over to look that Chris was just wearing boxer briefs. He smiled, "I kept talking with Tom and did not want to go into the suite and wake you. I can go get dressed now?"

"No dude, you are cool. Just teasing you some." Chris replied, "We have another principle of the production company coming by today. He should be here about 10:30 or so, we plan to do a workout and then lunch."

"That is great, I have enjoyed meeting Tom." Matt said again with a smile, "Who is it that is coming today?"

"It is my friend Channing. We do a circuit cardio workout together." Chris said, "It would be great if you could workout with us. You OK with that?"

"I love working out. I have already done some cardio, but I look forward to the circuit part." Matt replied, "You said Channing, as in Channing Tatum?"

"The one in the same. I think you will really like him." Chris said, "He is very personable and a great guy."

"I cannot wait." Matt said as he shook his head. He realized he was a long way from Oklahoma.

The pair finished breakfast and took their coffee to the patio by the pool. They were sitting just soaking in some sun. Matt glanced over and Chris was starting to chub up in his boxer brief. He also noticed that Chris kept glancing over at Matt and finding a reason to touch his arm or chest when he was talking with Matt. Matt appreciated the attention he was getting from the actor and was glad that he was the cause for the stiffening in Chris' briefs.

Matt and Chris discussed more details regarding the open position at the production company for the massage therapist. Chris reiterated how the focus was to help actors in preparing for challenging roles that included the actors having to make drastic changes to weight and muscular build. The company focus for these role transformations through direct, targeted, & focused attention to diet and exercise. The position for Matt would be working in coordination with other professionals to help the actors achieve the transformations, as a massage therapist he would provide therapeutic and diagnostic massages as the primary. In addition he would be available for relaxation massages as time permitted. Chris also mentioned that compensation would be a salaried position at a premium rate, with supplies and license costs included. The company also provided a facility that was similar to his studio set-up in Oklahoma. It also had some potential for travel, both domestic and international, for on-site client needs.

"I hope that you will take this position." Chris confided, "I know that you would be a great fit. I can vouch for your massage skills. I can feel that we are bonding more and more each day."

"This keeps sounding like my dream job." Matt went out, "I have been interested in a change. This could be an exciting venture. I know that this is like a trial, but I am stoked."

"The trial may be more for show. I knew that you would be the right fit. We only needed you to be here to meet the other principles for confirmation. That is part of our vetting process. Tom already passed you and you meet Channing today." Chris said, "I am sure that he will pass you too. We had better get ready, because he is due in almost any time."

"Great. What do we need to get ready?" Matt asked.

Chris stood up, hooked his thumbs in the waist band of his boxer briefs and lowered them. Once off he tossed them on the side table and sat back down.

"Now we are ready." Chris said smiling. Then went on, "Here at my house we do the workouts in the nude. Thought you might like that. I know that I do."

"Well I will not complain about the uniform here." Matt said laughing.

They were both chuckling while enjoying looking at each other's bodies. Matt was close to the same height, but weighed at least 20 pounds lighter and his muscled were not as dense. Chris had a tightly muscled body, looking more like a competitive athlete. Chris smile was infectious, always seeming like he is telling a joke, his green eyes sparkling. Matt had lighter body hair and kept his crotch trimmed, where Chris' hair was thicker and his bush was more wild. Their cocks were close to the same size and were just chubbing up.

There was a wind chime sound that made Chris look up. He tapped Matt on the shoulder as he stood up.

"Looks like Chan is just getting here. We should head to the gym and meet him." Chris explained.

Matt stood and they headed toward the opposite wing of the house from the bedroom suites. As they made a turn around the corner, the large floor to ceiling doors that made up the gym wall were starting to turn and open. When they got closer they saw Channing Tatum pushing the glass partitions to the side.

"Hey Chris, you guys just got here after I did the heavy work." Channing laughed. As he extended his hand, "You must be Matt. Tom and Chris both keep going on about you. Nice to meet you."

Matt shakes Channing's hand while he is looking the man over. Where Chris is muscled more like a foot ball player, Channing is built more like a wrestler. Even is the open sides t-shirt you can see his muscles are sleek and cut. His dance background is evident with the fluidity of his movements. His skin is tanned and his green eyes have a moody, sultry look over his bright smile.

"It is nice to meet you as well." Matt answered.

"Great, please call me Chan. Are you ready for a good workout?" Chan said.

"Sure, I will at least try to keep up." Matt laughed. He was fit but did not have tight muscles like either of the guys. His build was more of a swimmer's build, his limbs were lanker than either of them.

The gym was set up with several stations with various weights or equipment, in addition Chan was taping up some pictures showing exercised in a few other locations around the room and now on the attached deck since the window wall was opened up. Once the stations were set, Chan went over to a bench along the back wall by the shower / changing room area. He pulled off his opened sides t-shirt and kicked off his shoes. He tossed them into a bag next to the bench, then he undid his cargo shorts and slid them off. Smiling he glanced over at Chris and Matt as he hooked his thumbs in the jock strap waist band and pulled them off. Both items made it to his bag as well.

"Now I'm in uniform." Chan said laughing, "Since you are new Matt, let me walk through the stations before we get the music pumping and start up."

"Great!" Matt replied, "Please don't kill me on my first workout with you guys."

"Not at chance, dude." Chan answered back, "Chris would kill me if that happened. Ha Ha!"

Chris just smirked back at Chan, as Chan went and showed Matt the different stations. Chan pointed out and in some cases demonstrated the desired exercise at the stations. He had Matt go through each exercise as well to check on form and safety of movements. Matt had been discreetly checking out Chan in his nude form, trying not to have his dick get hard in doing so. There was some touching between them to ensure that the proper form was being used. Matt was becoming more comfortable and though with the exercises he could stay focused. Chan nodded as they went through the last station.

"OK dude, I think you are ready." Chan said as he walked over to the media station. Selecting a hip hop song set with a good BPM and heavy bass. "Pick a station to start, Chris knows, so Matt we will switch stations every two minutes, moving directly to the next exercise. Any questions? No. Good."

Chan and Chris moved to stations in spots just ahead of Matt. Matt looked over at the two actors getting loose and ready to start, their bodies were tight and toned. Each was exuding masculinity and appeared completely relaxed and poised in their nude states to begin the exercise training. With a count off from Chan they started, that was the last time that Matt had a moment to think as they worked out. They continued to work out for 30 solid minutes, each man was returning to the first station they started with and Chan held up his hand to stop them.

Dripping with sweat and a bit winded, "Damn, guys. I am not sure I have done a workout this intense." Matt said while he was still breathing hard. "I feel great, but wow!"

"You did great and you kept up. That is more than this guy can say the first time he did this workout." Chan said as he slapped Chris in the chest.

"Yea, yea, yea." Chris laughed about the kidding that Chan was dishing out, "That was a good workout. Good job Matt. Oh crap, is that really the time? I have got to shower and head to a meeting. I will be back around dinner time. You guys can do the cool down, but I got to go."

Matt and Chan watched Chris grab a towel but instead of going to the shower / changing room, he headed toward the master bedroom suite. Matt was more relaxed around Chan now. They were both sitting on the floor in the gym. Chan rolled up and walked to the media panel. He changed the music from the booming hip hop music to some spa music, heavy on the Tibetan singing bowls. He walked back over to Matt and offered a hand to stand up.

"Come on, dude" Chan started, "We need to stretch out our muscle after a workout like that."

"Thanks, Chan." Matt replied as he stood up.

Chan smiled and then walked out to the outside area, when he passed by he grabbed two yoga mats. He stopped and flipped open the mats and laid them down, close to each other. His body was slicked with sweat still, dripping off of him in places. It was hard for Matt not to stare.

Chan stood on the front yoga mat and pointed for Matt to use the other. Chan began a fluid yoga series, he kept glancing back at Matt to see if he was following along alright. Matt did yoga daily as a way to keep limber and centered for his massage work. Chan noticed that Matt was altering some of the poses into the more advanced forms and he smiled. It was a slow and purposeful routine, where Matt was limber and flexible, Chan was fluid and flowing - you could truly see his dance background.

They finished the moving set and settled down to a breathing set. Matt moved into a full lotus position for the deep breathing. Chan moved into a half lotus and had turned to face towards Matt. Matt had closed his eyes to focus on the breathing and was surprised to feel Chan's exhaling breath. Matt opened his eyes to look into Chan's intense gaze. They matched their breathing patterns and kept staring into each other's eyes. Matt could not turn away even if he wanted, he felt like a rabbit caught in a cobra's eyes.

Chan chose that time to close his eyes, so Matt did the same. After a few more breaths Matt felt a firm kiss on his lips. Chan had opened out of position and leaned over to place his lips on Matt's. Their lips parted and tongues were flashing back and forth. Chan pushed back on Matt's shoulders and he moved forward lowering his body on top of Matt's. The men's bodies were rubbing against each other, chest to chest; hip to hip; dick to dick. Chan began a rhythmic and sensual grind of his crotch against Matt's - both cocks were hard as rocks. Chan's hands were exploring Matt's face, sides and hips. Matt's arms were wrapped around Chan's chest, pulling them closer.

Chan lifted his body away, only to spin and position his face in Matt's crotch to start licking at Matt's cock. The change in position moved Chan's cock towards Matt's mouth. They moved to be on each other's sides. Matt let his hands explore the tight, sinuous body next to him as his lips took Chan's hard cock in. Chan began to bob his head back and forth on Matt's cock while Matt was mirroring the action on Chan's. Matt's hands moved up and then down on Chan's legs, his fingers got closer to Chan's ass. When Matt's finger's traced down Chan's ass crack Chan lifted his leg up to provide more access to Matt's hand, as well as giving Matt a dollop of pre-cum when the fingers brushed the exposed pucker. Chan's hands started playing with Matt's balls, before running his fingers lower to Matt's taint. Both were moaning as each were playing with each other's hole.

Matt pulled his mouth off Chan's cock and then shifted his weight to roll them on to his back with Chan on top. Matt moved his face up and started to lick and suck on Chan's pucker. Chan still sucking on Matt's cock, positioned himself on his knees tucking his ass more towards Matt's probing tongue. Matt grabbed and spread Chan's muscled ass cheeks apart and speared his tongue in deeper to Chan's hole. Matt was alternating poking his tongue in Chan's hole and then having his tongue make circular laps around the hole.

Chan was taking Matt's hard cock deep in his mouth, he relaxed his throat and on his bobbing down forced his head deeper to push Matt's cock head into his throat. When Matt added a wet finger and entered Chan's hole, Chan gripped Matt's hips and pulled his face deeper in Matt's crotch. Matt's cock was now further down Chan's throat, whose throat muscles were massaging the hard cock. Matt added a second finger in and slid them in pushing against Chan's prostrate. The gland was firm but not hard yet, Matt moved his fingers in and out, while still licking the sensitive ridges around Chan's pucker.

Chan was moaning, but it was muffled as his throat had Matt's cock still in deep. He raised his head off Matt's cock that was not spit soaked and dripping. He lifted his ass away from Matt, only to slide his body down Matt's. Looking over his shoulder, Chan lifted his ass up and reached back to stand Matt's hard, throbbing cock into position. Slowly Chan lowered, impaling himself on the rigid cock. He sank lower and lower, taking it slow until he felt Matt's trimmed pubes against his ass ring. Chan straightened up and started to undulate his hips with Matt's cock buried deep in his ass.

Matt looked up to see the dancer's body ripple while riding his cock. Chan's inner muscles were milking Matt's cock. The pace was slow and fluid, Chan would grind harder every now and then which caused Matt to moan. Chan leaned his chest back and reached a hand down on to Matt's chest. Chan's fingers found one of Matt's nipples, he began to knead and tease the nipple to a hard nub. Matt gasped as Chan lifted his body up and then dropped it down. Chan continued this lifting and dropping pattern, getting higher on Matt's cock each time.

When Chan had lifted up to where just Matt's cock head was in his rings, Chan dropped his other arm and just suspended his lower body with an inch of Matt's cock in him. Matt began to push his pelvis up to Chan's body, sliding his cock back in and then lowered. Matt took over the fucking motions, with his hips bucking up and down.

A short time later Chan began to push down to match Matt's thrust up. The resulting collision of their bodies caused a loud slap, which repeated as they both continued the motion. Matt balls were bouncing and banging against his spread thighs. Matt began to feel his climax build, his balls began to tighten and rise up.

On the next clash of their bodies, Matt grabbed Chan's hips making them stationary. Then he started to jackhammer his cock up into Chan's tight, hot hole. The piston like motion was jabbing Matt's cock directly into Chan gland. The repeated assault of his gland, pushed Chan over the edge. His body climaxed and ropes of his cum were shooting from his bouncing cock sending them over his and Matt's legs. Chan's ass muscles were quaking as he climaxed, adding extra friction to Matt's thrusts. Matt yelled as he began to shoot his cum into Chan's ass. Matt continued to thrust several more times before his final thrust. With that last thrust, he dragged Chan's body with his to the floor.

Both men were spent from their hard climaxes, Chan was sprawled over Matt's body, Matt's dick still lodged in his ass. Matt reached his arms around and hugged Chan into him. When Matt's cock slipped out of Chan's ass, trailing some cum, Chan turned over and leaned into Matt for a kiss. Matt and Chan were making out, groping and feeling each other's sweaty and sticky bodies.

"Fuck dude, that was hot." Chan said as they broke their kiss. "I have not shot hands free like that is some time."

"Are you kidding, with my cock in you and your whole body rippling - inside and out. Oh my god that was awesome." Matt said.

"We need to get cleaned up." Chan said as he disentangled himself from Matt and then offered a hand to help him stand. "We can use the showers in here."

Chan lead the pair back inside the gym to the shower / changing room. The room was open with two pole showers with multiple shower heads on each pole. The one wall had open cubbies and a bench for changing and storing clothes and other items. There was a large display of towels as well. Since they had exercised nude, they did not have any clothes to worry about. Chan took them into the tiled shower area, then turned on several of the shower heads. Soon the steam was billowing from the hot water.

Chan pulled Matt under the running water. Using shampoo from a mounted dispenser Chan started to lather and wash Matt's hair. He took a quick swipe of the shampoo over his short hairs before he washed the suds from each of them. Matt saw the soap dispenser and began to lather up both of them. They were soaping and lathering each other all over, not surprising it was making both their cocks rise. Water washed the suds away, Matt sank to his knees and took Chan's cock in his mouth. Chan's cock was fully hard again and Matt's mouth and tongue were swiping up and down on it. Matt relaxed his throat and began deep throating the large cock. Matt's hands were rubbing up Chan's legs and then found his balls.

Chan widened his stance when Matt's hands dipped lower and his fingers made it back to Chan's ass crack. Still bobbing on Chan's cock, Matt slipped two fingers in and pushed them in until he felt Chan's p-nut. Matt began to massage the gland, feeling it turn from smooth to rock hard. Matt kept massaging as he was sucking Chan's second load. Chan grabbed Matt's head to keep it still after he sent several volleys of hot cum down Matt's throat.

Matt stood up after Chan had a chance to catch his breath. He leaned in and kissed Chan to share the load that Chan had just shot. They necked and grouped in the streaming water for a little bit more. Satisfied that they were cleaned and rinsed off, they turned off the shower water. They walked to grab some towels and dry off.

Matt sat on the bench while Chan pulled his bag out of one of the cubbies. Chan pulled out clothes and started to get dressed. He put on some socks and then pulled on a black jock strap. Chan stood adjusting the fit, carefully settling his cock and balls in the pouch. Matt reached over and straightened one of the leg straps. Chan smiled and winked, as he grabbed his shorts and bent over at the waist to set into them. This displayed his hole to Matt before he pulled the cargo shorts up. Chan turned around and grabbed his shirt and ball cap, putting them on. He sat down next to Matt as he put on his shoes.

"Damn, dude. Chris was right you will be a great fit for us all. I am stoked you are coming on." Chan explained. "The last massage guy was so uptight and always nervous when he was not doing massage. You are a laid back and hot dude. We are lucky to have you."

"Thanks Chan, that is great to hear. I am very excited, meeting you all, but then having the chance to work with you as well. It is cool to think I was just another therapist in Oklahoma not that long ago." Matt exclaimed.

"You are a great fit and a great guy." Chan said standing up and grabbing his bag. "You walk me to the gate? My car is out front."

"Sure thing." Matt replied.

They walked around to the front walk headed toward the gate. Matt was impressed with Chan's ride. Chan just smiled. They hugged and gave each other a quick kiss. Matt waved as Chan pulled away. Matt walked back to the gym and shut the glass doors before heading back to the pool area. He sat down and laid back for a few minutes.

Matt woke when Chris had sat down and started stoking Matt's cock.

"Looks like someone is happy to see me." Chris chuckled.

Next: Chapter 5

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