Chris Pratts Great Day

By L Stone

Published on Apr 6, 2020


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Chris Pratt's Great Day

Chapter 3

Chris with Tom's cock still buried in his ass, "That was a huge load, Matt. Why don't you join us for some more fun?" Asked Chris with a lustful look in his eyes.

Matt righted himself and moved toward the entangled pair on the bed. Thinking to himself, 'who am I to turn down such an offer.' As he approached the bed, Tom turned his head toward Matt with a warm smile. Tom then pulled his cock out of Chris' ass and gave the ass a gentle slap. Chris winced as it was on the red spot from the earlier spanking. The pair rolled on to their sides and waved Matt to join the middle of them. Matt laid down on his back in between the two actors and they started a hot make out session.

Matt leaned over to Tom and they began to kiss, Matt's arm pulling the more slender actor closer to him. Their tongues were flashing between each other's teeth. Matt located the pert nipple with his fingers and soon Tom was moaning in his mouth.

Chris was not to be left out, he slid down between the kissing pair and began to lick and kiss the hard cocks of the men. Chris put his lips on Tom's dick and bobbed a few time, then he would move his mouth to Matt's dick to do the same. He kept this rhythm up as the pair continued to kiss and explore each other's bodies. Chris was licking and sucking the leaking pre-cum from each cock.

Chris moved further down the bed and pushed Matt and Tom's cocks together. Still between the men's legs he began by lifting Tom's upper leg giving him access to the pale actor's hole. The dark hair around the pucker was matted, but Chris' tongue swirled around it before entering the hole with his hardened tongue tip. Chris heard Tom's responsive moan above him. Chris left a hand teasing Tom's hole while he lifted Matt's upper leg. Matt's limb was closer to Chris' own in size and took a little bit more of a lift, but he was rewarded with access to a tight pucker of the massage therapist. Chris bent his head deeper and was licking and teasing the hole making it wet. Chris' tongue pierced the hot pucker and slid it in and out.

Chris replaced his tongue with a wet finger in Matt's ass. Now he had a finger in each man and his finger fucking motions were making the men thrust their leaking cocks against one another. Chris could hear the moans increase as he played with their asses. Chris helped roll Tom to be more on top of Matt's body and pulled their bodies to the edge of the bed. Chris dropped to his knees and resumed licking and teasing the men's puckers and balls.

Chris began to focus on Matt's pucker now, working a wet finger in and pushed up to his knuckle. He then used the finger to fuck in and out in a widening circle motion, stretching out the therapist's hole. Chris worked in a second finger and continued the motions. After a short time, Chris added a third finger and heard Matt's grunt that was muffled as Matt was still in a deep kiss with Tom.

When Chris felt the muscles start to relax some around his fingers, he withdrew them. Pushing up to his knees, Chris lined his cock up to Matt's pucker. Chris pushed forward and up, easing his cock up Matt's hole. He continued until he was resting against Matt's balls. Matt had moaned as Chris began to move back and forth.

Tom looked and felt what was going on, so he reluctantly stopped kissing Matt, but only so he could pivot and they could 69 each other. Tom was bobbing up and down on Matt's cock, as Chris was now pounding Matt's hole. The room was filled with grunts and moans as the three of them were wrapped up in providing pleasure for one another.

Tom sensed he was getting closer to climax than he wanted. He pulled his cock out of Matt's mouth and slid forward some. With this new access, Matt was able to spread the white cheeks apart and dove his face into the actor's exposed hole. Matt was working his tongue in the wet hole and soon slipped a finger in. As Matt added a second finger, he could feel the actor's prostate gland and began to massage it. Tom was driven wild by this internal massage. Chris was still pounding away at Matt's tight hole, tipping only slightly to miss hitting Tom's head with each thrust.

Matt felt Tom lift up and off his body, he would have tried to notice more but Chris took the opportunity to start to long dick Matt's hole. Matt closed his eyes and was enjoying the hot actor working like a piston in and out of him. It was a small shock when he felt Chris lean back with a change of position. It was more of a shock when Tom settled down on top of Matt and slid down towards his leaking cock. Tom lifted Matt's cock up and lined it up with his wet hole. Chris had paused his hard pounding while Tom mounted Matt's cock, then resumed as he tipped Matt's legs up. Chris thrusts were now making Matt's cock pound into Tom's stationary ass.

Chris began hard jackrabbit style pounding, moving Matt to and fro. The sensation was getting intense, the heat was pouring off the three men and sweat was flying with each movement. Matt opened his eyes to see that Tom had a lubed hand around his own cock and was jerking it in time with Chris' thrusts. Only a short while later did Matt feel hot cum jet and land on his chin, then chest and finally belly. Tom's climax struck and caused increased friction against Matt's cock with each twitch. Matt was then unable to hold back on his climax as he started shooting jizz deep in Tom's ass, still being bounded by Chris' thrusts. Matt's body started quaking around Chris' cock and it tipped Chris into his climax. Chris continued to pound for a few more strokes before he plowed deep and felt his cock twitch in Matt's ass.

The fresh breeze coming through the open doors was just barely cooling the hot men and the smell of sweat and cum was not abating. The trio untangled themselves to lay side by side each other, legs and arms were still draped over each other as they rested. They were still breathing hard from the exertions. They started to calm down and breathing resumed normal, but switched to shallow breaths and an occasional snore as they fell asleep together. The sound of the waves in the distance was the loudest noise for sometime.

Matt awoke to the feeling of warm bodies pressed against his and the sounds of some distant gulls. It was dark in the bedroom but he could see Chris' eyes open and gazing at Matt and the still dozing Tom. Chris got up when he saw Matt wake and motioned to get up quietly. Matt followed Chris outside, both getting off the bed without disturbing Tom. The two walked back out to the chaise lounges that they sat in earlier in the day.

"I am glad you enjoyed Tom and I's play." Chris opened, "We have worked on a few projects now and have become quiet close. I thought you would enjoy the mix."

"By gods, yes I did." Matt replied, "It was so hot to see Tom taking your ass. It was pretty incredible feeling with the three of us together. That was awesome."

"I knew that you would like it." Chris replied, "With the travel and the meetings coupled with out sex play Tom is quite tuckered out. He will surface most likely in the morning. Are you hungry?"

"Now that you mention it I am." Matt replied, "All that physical exertion is getting to me. What sounds good?"

"I have some salad makings and some chilled shrimp in kitchen." Chris offered, "It is light but has protein."

"Now you are talking." Matt said as he rose from his chair.

Chris joined him and they made their way to the kitchen. The night air seemed perfect against their nude forms as they made their way inside. Matt was thankful for the opportunity to continue to be without clothes, it was a treat he was already coming to enjoy. Chris pulled a bottle of wine out of the chiller and handed Matt a wine opener. He then starting pulling food stuffs out for their meal. In a quick time they were seated at some of the kitchen bar stools sipping some vintage chardonnay and eating the light and tasty fare.

"I am so glad you came out to California." Chris started, "My production company senior members are excited to meet with you tomorrow. We can discuss what if any part you might want to have in joining the team. So many actors are too reluctant to use individual contractors for body services as there have been too many opportunistic individuals trying to hold something over an actor's head."

"That is appalling, but I could see that sort of thing happening. I hope you know that is never something that I would ever consider." Matt replied, "It upsets me to think that people will call themselves professionals and then act so utterly opposite of that."

"I had a feeling that was your take on it. I am generally a good read of people." Chris confided, "Your words and your actions match, that is always a strong indicator of a person with integrity. I think I knew that as soon as we met in Oklahoma."

They both smiled and ate some more.

"I believe I knew for sure as we continued to talk and email after I got back to California." Chris went on, "I think that is what to leading me to this opportunity for you. You have great skills, a discreet nature, and sexy as hell and good in bed to boot."

Matt snorted a bit of the wine with the last comment. He grinned widely as he wiped up the few drops of wine that spilled with a napkin.

"I love California, the weather has been great. The views from this place are outstanding, oh and the nature views are great as well." Matt said with a chuckle, "No, I have really enjoyed it so far. I think that I am ready for a change. This might be exactly what I am looking for."

"That is great to hear. I was afraid that I pushed too fast and might have scared you away." Chris said as he moved closer. "It has been nice having you here. You are refreshingly honest and with a purely sexy vibe. It is just nice."

"I understand what you are saying. I do not put expectations on anyone if I can. There is much to be said to live in the moment." Matt said, "It is embracing the now that I am excited about. I agree it is nice"

Matt reached out and took Chris' hand as they pushed the empty plates and glasses away. He looked into the actor's eyes and met the electricity that he felt as well. Matt leaned in and met Chris' open lips with his and they shared a quite and full kiss.

Matt broke the kiss as he stood up. "Let's get these plates cleaned up and you can join me in the shower again." Matt said grabbing the discarded kitchen items, "Maybe we can get clean this time too."

"Let me go close the drapes for Tom and I will meet you in your suite." Chris offered after they had cleaned up from their meal.

Matt nodded and headed toward his suite. He stopped to grab a few items he brought from home, including some custom incense oils and a warmer. He took them into the bathroom and set it up. Shortly the light scents of jasmine, pine, lemons and sandalwood were filling up the bathroom.

Chris walked in just after and took a deep breath. It was a calming and meditative scent, that relaxed Chris more with each breath. Matt had started the water and was standing with an inviting look. Chris was feeling excited and oddly centered. He thought to himself, 'I could get used to this.'

That was the last thought he had for a while as he and Matt used the water to wash and explore each other more. It was well after midnight as they towel dried each other off and walked into the suite. Matt pulled back the sheet and climbed into the bed, beckoning Chris to join him. Chris took him up on the offer and they fell asleep in a deep embrace.

Next: Chapter 4

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