Chris Pratts Great Day

By L Stone

Published on Jul 6, 2022


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Chris Pratt's Great Day Chapter 22

Chris and Matt were driving from the house with the top down on the car as the gate closed behind them. Chris was driving but the two were holding hands. Chris looked over and then leaned to give Matt a quick kiss while stopped at a sign. Matt was almost glowing, his tanned skin was a deep color, setting off the highlights in his hair and eyes. He was wearing a low cut, shimmery white silk tank top that showed off his body. Matt's long legs were on display as the pale gray linen shorts were loose and draping nicely. Chris squeezed Matt's hand again.

Chris was wearing a sleeveless tee with deep arm holes showing his side from his pit almost down to his hip. It was a saturated azure color that made his eyes twinkle. He was wearing his classic cargo short in a crisp khaki color. Chris' tight and toned body was screaming overt masculinity. Due to the wind his ball cap was safely stowed in the trunk. Matt smiled as their eyes met, still as much in love as their first meeting. The car drove on the short trip to the office complex.

Chris pulled into the parking facility at the office. He nodded at security as Matt and he got out. Each pulled a weekender bag from the trunk and Chris settled the ball cap on his head, covering his tousled hair. Hand in hand they walked to the elevator. Once in they used Chris' badge to allow access to the roof helipad. Matt leaned closer and locked lips with Chris as the elevator rose. They exited the elevator and took the short hallway to the waiting lounge, but seeing the waiting helicopter they headed straight out.

The co-pilot helped them with the bags and then made sure they were securely belted in before he moved to the cockpit to assist with pre-lift off checklists. Chais held Matt as they lounged on the soft flight couch. The co-pilot had given them the headphones to put on, they had a private channel for their conversation and an overriding safety channel for communication with the pilot. The ping in the ear preceded the captain's announcement for the pending liftoff. Each thanked the crew as they switched over to the private channel.

"Are you excited for our weekend together?" Chris asked.

"Yes, this has been a crazy busy week. I think we both need some "us" time." Matt replied with a smile.

Chris chuckled as he watched his lover's body change in the sunlight as the helicopter took off. Matt's sexy body gleamed in the light changes. Chris smiled and had to shift as his member was growing in appreciation as well. Matt's eyes did not miss the changes in his man, his hand gently brushed Chris' shorts covered bulge and Chris shivered in anticipation. Matt could hear a low moan through the headphone connection, he grinned.

Matt then gently continued to stroke his companion as they rode the short flight to their destination. The pair had a weekend together at a private spa style resort in a secluded section of an island not that far away. The only staff that would be there would be majordomo for the property. He would serve as host and chef for the couple, he would be available as necessary. This was going to be a wonderful time for him and Chris both.

Matt mused over the previous week's changes to their lives. The day following the pool party at the house, Matt had met with alex for a private meditation and massage session. alex had arrived distraught and disconnected, a rudderless ship on a course for destruction. Matt took the time and his skills to work towards the first steps of alex taking control of his life. Deep seeded issues were playing with alex in his physical and sexual life that were causing him loss of control issues and an appearance of unexpectedly volatile or unreliable individual. This image and frustration were the roots of his recent bad luck for obtaining or keeping projects.

Matt used some intense grounding and body awareness techniques with alex. In turn the discovery of alex's attraction towards males was unearthed. The opening and bonding experience had been dramatic and sexually loaded. alex needed more than just exposure, he needed to learn to control himself. He and kip were similar in those end goals, though the level was different between each man. Matt initiated alex's male sexual experience and in doing so set up a power bonding between kip and alex, although that was not his original plan.

The session ended with kip and alex becoming sub brothers together, both attending to Master Matt. Matt instructed kip to be the head sub, beta to his Master. alex was now learning to be a sub from kip and how to obey their Master. Chris was a little surprised to have both actors return home with them. That night was supercharged for kip as Matt was ready kip's next progressive step. Chris retired to the bedroom as Matt led the two subs into the play room.

Matt nodded to kip who began to strip off his clothes until he was fully nude. kip looked at alex just staring, when kip cleared his throat alex then followed suit. Matt left the play room and changed into some of his leathers. The change needed to be dramatic for the needed impact. Matt returned in a shiny black leather jockstrap, boots and mirrored sunglasses. Matt found both actors nude and in a similar kneeling position. Matt heard a gasp from alex and then a subtle tut from kip. The peer training had already begun.

"kip, up on the bench. You are being rewarded and will show what an achieved goal result looks like to your new brother." Matt ordered.

"Yes, Master." kip almost shouted as he scurried over to the padded bench.

kip climbed on the bench, draping his muscular body over it. Matt walked around and fastened kip's arms and legs to the restraints. Matt observed alex's watching of the process. alex looked up and made eye contact with Matt. Matt pointed to a spot right next to the now manned bench.

"Yes, Master!" alex yelped as he crawled over to the designated spot.

Matt had placed alex just far enough away to be out of Matt's easy path around the bench, but close enough. Matt watched alex's eyes dart all around, but kept his body still. alex's face was starting to flush with anticipation, his dick was standing at attention. Matt nodded to himself. Matt then walked to the assorted tools that he had and then chuckled. A new chastity device was there with a tag with Mai's mark tied on with a ribbon. Matt turned the tag over and it had "alex" written on it. Matt smiled as he sat it aside and a p-spot massager.

Matt walked back to the bench, taking his free hand and running it from kip's neck down to his exposed crack and back. kip emitted a low moan when Matt's fingers brushed his pucker lips. A shiver ran up kip's legs as Matt circled his fingers around the puffy lips. Matt let a glob of spit drop right over kip's pucker and kip moaned louder. Matt worked the tips of his fingers in and out of kip's opening. Soon Matt's finger was slipping easily in and out.

Matt took the p-spot massager and inserted it into kip's fingered hole. kip's moan was low and guttural like as the longer tool was inserted. Matt moved the massager slowly in and out, carefully finding the right placement of the massaging tip. When Matt had it just right, he held it in place and then pumped the button which expanded the width of the tool with each press. The massager was a combo with a plug. Now the massager was locked in place, the plug base keeping right where Matt intended it to go. kip was now feeling the concentrated stimulation right on his p-spot, he was letting out an earthy mewling noise as his flesh rippled in pleasure.

"Do you like this treat?" Matt whispered right into kip's ear, his lips brushing his sub's sensitive skin.

"Yes, Master! Thank you Master!" kip loudly croaked through the waves of pleasure.

Matt straightens up and lets his fingertips brush several of kip's hot spots, causing a shiver or squeal each time. Bent over the bench, kip's unbound cock is fully engorged and pulsing. Small drops of pre-cum are being flicked side to side as the massager plug and Matt's fingers work kip over. Matt turned over to where alex was kneeling. Matt's smile froze and then turned brittle. alex had let his hand begin to stroke his hard dick, most likely unconsciously. Matt made a hissing noise towards alex, who then stopped like a deer in the headlights - caught in the act. alex had halted movement, but had not removed his hand from his hard dick. Matt hissed again and alex's hand flung back away from his grip. alex was now blushing with embarrassment at being caught.

"alex, you need to learn to control your impulses. You have to face consequences to your actions and then use them as a catalyst for your positive change. Do you understand?" Matt asked quietly while still manipulating kip's body.

"Yes, Master. Sorry Master!" alex groaned in response.

This aroused alex even more, his nipples were hard as rocks with glowing red areolas against his pale skin. alex's member was still stiff and angry looking. Matt knew that alex would need Mai's gift, he was just not sure how soon it would be needed. Now Matt knew that it would be in place before the evening was over. Matt snapped his finger and then pointed underneath the bench kip was bound to.

"On your back, face here and lay under the bench." Matt said as he motioned for alex to position his body under the area below the bench with his head under kip's cock overhanging.

"Yes, Master" alex spouted and he scrambled on the floor into position.

Matt waited for alex to come to a stop, the younger actor was now on his back under the bench. alex's face was now getting drips of kip's pre-cum stream. Matt reached down and secured alex's wrist to the lower restraints on the bench legs. Walking around the bench, Matt stopped in front of kip's head, stroking kip's hair. kip cooed and arched his head to Matt's hand. Matt then lifted his foot and placed it firmly on alex's hard member. alex grunted as Matt increased the pressure and ground his foot down. Matt moved closer to the bench and pulled kip's face into his leather jock. kip gave a smothered moan.

Matt kept the pressure of his foot on alex's crotch. alex did not complain, but he did groan and grunt for a few minutes. Matt lifted his foot and alex sighed. alex's dick was now just plump, not firm. Matt then took a step back which separated his jock pouch from kip's face. Hooking his fingers, Matt pulled the leather garment down making his cock spring out. kip opened his mouth and took in a deep breath, trying to capture more of his Master's scent. Matt let the jock fall to the floor and then he flicked it aside.

Matt moved in closer, guiding his rigid cock head into kip's open and waiting mouth. kip gulped Matt's turgid length down his gullet in one smooth motion. Matt's balls were resting on kip's chin, he gave Matt's cock a hum as the cock head as it entered his throat. Matt lifted his foot and placed it firmly again on alex's dick as he pulled his cock back, sliding the cock head to kip's lips. alex gasped as the foot ground his dick and balls. Matt started to piston his hips in and out, pushing his cock head from lips to throat at a moderate pace.

kip's moan got louder as the next program on the plug massager started. kip made a gurgling noise as the duration and frequency of the massages on his prostate increased. Matt's cock was moving in and out with a faster pace, Matt held kip's head still as his cock pummeled harder. The thrusting motion of Matt's body was changing the pressure of his foot on alex's crotch, alex was writhing and groaning with the changes. kip's body was close to shuddering as the massager changed to a full vibration for 20 seconds then rest for 10, he was getting very close to climax.

Matt continued for a few more minutes of a steady skull fucking of kip's accepting throat. Waiting until the massager plug cycled off, Matt pulled his spit and throat gunk covered cock from kip's puffy mouth. Matt slapped kip's face with the slicked cock and kip peered up at his Master, his eyes sparkling. Matt stepped back and went behind kip. The absence of pressure on alex's dick made the younger actor sigh and pant for breath. The foot pressure had reduced alex's erection, it had been uncomfortable, not extremely painful. Matt glanced down and alex's face was now covered in the steady stream of pre-cum leaking from kip's ridig cock. alex's eyes were glued to the hard member pointing down at his face.

Matt flipped the switch on the plug causing it to deflate slowly. kip gave an earthy moan as Matt pulled the still wide plug from kip's ass lips. A slow shudder raced through kip's body at the sensation. Matt set the item aside and then walked back in front of kip. Matt rubbed his hand on kip's face and then tilted up his chin.

"Your reward will be in just a few minutes. You will need to assist me and help alex. Are you ready for that?" Matt said softly.

"Yes, Master." kip breathed deeply, trying to control his lust and desire to serve Matt.

"Good boy, kip. Good boy." Matt praised the actor. "Now I am going to undo the restraints, when you are free you will then assist alex to resume your position."

"Yes, Master." kip beamed his reply.

Matt freed kip's limbs from the bench then took a step back. He then watched as kip stood, his cock still raging hard but kip paid no attention to his hard pike. kip bent down and unbound alex's wrists. Once free kip manhandled alex to be draped over the bench. kip then secured alex's wrists and ankles to the bench legs. That being completed, kip turned and dropped to his knees in front of Matt and bent over to kiss the tops of Matt's feet.

"Thank you, boy. Very good job." Matt praised kip.

"Thank you, Master." kip replied as he sat back on his knees.

Matt left kip kneeling where he was and walked over to alex who was draped over the bench. alex's dirty blond hair was plastered to his head and his face still sticky with kip's leaked pre-cum. Matt stooped down and looked into alex's green eyes. Again Matt's hazel eyes were glinting with the gold flecks, alex gasped at the intensity and tried to lower his eyes, but stopped when Matt hissed slightly.

"This will be the next step in your training. Self control and acceptance are your roadblocks. These can be overcome by our work together, but you will have to trust that I will make the right decisions. Are you ready to do that? Are you ready to submit to the full extent of what I can train you for? Is this what you want?" Matt asked in a stern, but caring voice.

"Yes, Master Matt. I submit to your training. Thank you, Master." alex said in a clear and even tone.

"Excellent. Very excellent indeed." Matt replied as he snapped his fingers and pointed by his feet. kip scrambled over to where Matt pointed, kip's face was right by alex's.

"alex you will be experiencing things that may be new to you. I want it to be as positive as possible for you, but there will be some pain involved. Having an understanding sub brother will assist in overcoming the pain." Matt explained, then continued. "kip, alex will need a distraction for the next part of his training. A deep kiss will ease his mind."

"Yes, Master." kip replied and then positioned himself.

Leaning into alex's face, kip planted his puffy lips on alex's. alex was trying to let go of any previous notions as kip's tongue entere his mouth. alex gave a moan as he then started to make out back with kip, both tongues were dueling. Matt smiled as he walked over to the table and picked up some of the special lube that would dampen some of the sensations. Matt returned to the back of the bench and he rubbed his free hand up and down alex's exposed ass crack. alex moaned into kip's kiss.

Matt lubed up his fingers. Then he placed two fingers at alex's pucker entrance. With the massage earlier in the day, there was just a little bit of resistance. Matt started to push and pull the fingers in and out, alex was moaning loudly again. kip doubled his effort in their making out. Matt smiled again. Slowly Matt worked alex's hole open and soon they were slipping in and out with little effort. Matt added a third finger and alex oomped at the widening pressure against his outer ring. alex moaned into kip's mouth as Matt opened him wider.

Matt was now sliding the three fingers with ease. He snapped and kip stopped kissing alex and looked towards his Master.

"Another step in your progress is about to begin for both of you. kip you will get a special reward. alex you will earn a new experience. Do you both understand?' Matt asked.

"Yes, Master." kip and alex replied together.

"Good. kip stand and let alex wet your cock. alex it will be important for it to be as wet as you can make it. you will either have the benefit of that work or the consequences of it shortly." Matt said as he slid the trio of fingers back in alex's prepped hole.

"Yes, Master." the subs replied again.

alex kept his mouth open as wide as he could. kip stood up and lined up his cock head at alex's lips. kip made eye contact with his Master, who nodded assent. kip then looked down into alex's green eyes with his sparkling blue one. kip then pushed his hips forward into alex's mouth. Matt twisted his fingers inside of alex who moaned in turn. The moaning opened alex's mouth some more and kip was able to fit more of his cock in it. alex then started to slobber on the hard flesh in his mouth as kip moved his hips to and fro. Matt watched to make sure kip was not getting too close.

Matt watched kip as he moved his cock in and out of alex's mouth, the fingering was making alex moan harder and keeping his throat open. After a few minutes Matt cleared his throat, kip looked up and his blue eyes connected with Matt's hazel ones. Matt nodded and kip smiled and nodded in reply. kip slid his now spit soaked cock from alex's puffy lips. alex looked up with some concern in his eyes and kip stroked alex's face. kip walked around to where Matt was behind alex on the bench. kip looked and saw alex's pucker lips closing back together when Matt removed the three fingers. Matt grabbed more of the special lube and grabbed kip's hard cock, rubbing it on the shaft, head and then balls. kip sighed as the ingredients that reduced the sensations had a cooling effect as well.

Matt wiped his hands clean on a towel. Then he grabbed a warming gel based lube. He turned to look into kip's eyes again.

"Bend over and spread them." Matt said quietly.

"Yes, Master!" kip replied as he turned and folded over as requested.

A shiver ran through kip's body as his Master's fingers pushed deep in is hole. Matt moved the lube in and around kip's often used pucker. kip moaned as Matt stretched out kip's hole.

"Stand and be ready." Matt ordered.

"Yes, Master." kip said quickly as he stood up, his hard, glistening cock bounced.

"alex, you are going to have a special treat. You will be a part of kip's reward. You will also have a meaningful experience as well. kip is going to have your initial opening. Are you ready?" Matt explained and then inquired.

"Yes, Master." alex almost moaned, his eyes were lust filled, but clear.

Matt walked back around and pulled kip into a position directly behind alex. Matt reached down and positioned kip's raging cock head at alex's pucker lips. Leaning his face closer to kip, Matt pulled kip's head in tight as his lips sealed on kip's. kip moaned as Matt's tongue darted in and sharply wrestled his tongue. Matt's making out was passionate and forceful. kip would have swooned if he was not positioned as he was. Matt then reached behind kip and pushed his fingers in kip's prepped ass. kip gave a guttural moan when Matt's fingers bottomed out and kept pushing forward.

Matt maintained the hard kissing even as his buried fingers pushed kip's cock head into alex's pucker. The fingering and the special lube had done what Matt had desired. alex was feeling the fullness and stretching as kip's flared cock head pushed into his outer ring, but it was not a searing pain. alex moaned in a deep and bleating manner as a shiver ran through his body on the bench. After a pause, Matt pushed kip's hips forward, slowing sinking kip's cock shaft deeper into alex. Matt continued until kip's hips were touching alex's ass cheeks, kip's cock fully inserted. Matt paused his pushing but intensified his makeout with kip.

Matt broke off the kissing and kip gasped for breath. kip's eyes were blazing with desire. kip's body was awash with all of the stimuli of his current position. alex was resting and panting between his moaning as he was becoming accustomed to the fullness of kip's cock. Matt walked behind kip now. Matt withdrew his fingers, but used his other hand to keep kip in place. Matt stepped up closer and pushed kip's torso forward, bending his body over alex's on the bench.

Matt then placed his cock in kip's pucker. Not waiting for kip to adjust, Matt thrust balls deep on the first thrust. kip moaned deeply and it was echoed by alex. Matt's thrust had pushed kip's cock deeper into alex's chute. Matt pulled back until just his cock head was in kip's ass lips and then slammed forward again. Matt continued the long, thrusting fucking for several minutes. kip was moaning loudly again as the warming gel lube was making his insides go crazy. Matt was keeping kip and alex close together on purpose, the cock rocking deep in his ass was opening up alex very nicely. kip was being stimulated beyond his belief, the desensitizing lube was the only thing keeping him from blasting his load.

Matt pulled back again, but only about a third of the way. Leaning down he lifted kip's torso up and slide his sub back onto his cock. kip cooed at the change. Matt stayed in place, but moved his hands to kip's hips pushing them forward then pulling them back hard. kip was gurgling in pleasure. Matt grunted and kip nodded as he then took over the forward and back movement. alex's moan changed pitch as kip's cock was sliding in hard and then pulling back, only three or four inches back and forth. kip picked up speed as Matt began tweaking kip's nipples. Matt moaned in appreciation to kip's work riding his cock. alex's moan became staccato as kip's speed of thrusting increased.

Matt began to lick kip's ear as he squeezed kip's nipples tighter. kip let out a loud groan, his climax was building. Matt continued to tease his middle riding sub. A tremor was racing up kip's legs as his climax was getting even closer. Now kip's grunting became higher pitch, he did not want to climax early and disappoint his Master. Matt nibbled on kip's earlobe making kip whine as he bucked. kip was moving closer to a frenzy.

"Now" Matt whispered as he licked kip's ear again.

"AAAAIIIIIIEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH!" kip screamed as his climax crested.

Matt thrust his hips forward just a bit, so the range of moment for kip was lessened. Matt kept manipulating kip's nipples as kip shuddered. kip shot seven or eight full ropes of hot cum deep into alex's chute. alex was moaning even more as he felt the hot liquid spurt into him. kip flailed for a few more thrusts before he exhausted himself, his ass muscles still clenching against Matt's hard cock. Matt hooked his arms under kip's pits and supported the spent actor. kip rested his head on Matt's shoulder as he was breathing deeply.

"Good boy, kip. Did you like your reward?" Matt said softly.

"Yes, Master. Thank you Master." kip forced out between his deep breaths.

Matt stepped backward, keeping kip still on his cock until kip's deflating cock popped out of alex's now opened hole. alex sighed at the loss of full feeling. Matt touched kip's shoulder with a light touch. kip then stepped forward, slowly easing off of Matt's hard cock. kip sank to his knees right next to the bench and alex. Matt stepped closer, his pike leading the way. Matt positioned his flared cock head right at alex's cum slicked entrance. alex's body shivered as he felt the heat.

Matt gripped the sides of the bench and then threw his full weight behind his initial thrust. Matt grunted loudly as he continued to thrust heavily. alex was bellowing not from pain, but from the force and impact of each thrust. When kip's cock was in him, it was stretching and filling, the force of the thrusts were less. With Matt's bull drilling, alex was feeling every nerve ending come alive, his yells turned to loud moaning and groans - the volume changing with the impact of each thrust. Matt's thrusts became more animalistic and he began to growl deep in his chest. alex almost lost control as he felt the vibrations from Matt's growl inside and outside of his body.

Matt pulled back and ripped his raging cock out. alex gasped at the empty feeling, his pucker was slow to close the gap. Matt pushed his hips forward in a slow pace, lowering his body to cover alex's as his cock filled the actor's hole. Matt was now making long, slow strokes of his cock in and out of alex's hole. alex was now feeling the movement more intensely as the desensitizing lube's action was decreasing. alex moaned and gurgled as the large length rearranged his insides. alex gave a shout when Matt's cock head rubbed against alex's prostate. Now every time the cock brushed the nub alex felt like liquid fire was racing through his veins. alex's moans became unintelligible as he was experiencing pleasure like never before.

"You like that feeling boy? Have you ever felt this way before, alex?" Matt whispered in alex's ear.

"Yes, Master. Oh GAWD! Never before! OH MASTER!" alex was almost screaming in reply.

"It is going to be mind-blowing when you cum. That will be good, too. You will be taking the next step of learning control tonight. This will be the only way that you will climax for at least the next week." Matt explained, "Are you ready for it? Do you think you can handle it?"

"Yes, Master. I am ready! I can handle it!" alex cried as his body started to shiver.

Matt lifted his body and stopped his thrusting, holding his cock head just in alex's outer ring. alex started to whimper when Matt cock was not thrusting back inside of him. alex wanted the feeling so badly he was trying to arch his body back as he could while he was still attached to the bench. Matt moved back, keeping his cock in the same position. alex moved again and Matt responded with a wide handed swat to alex's ass cheek. alex squealed and yelped in reply. alex then stayed in position.

Matt tilted his hips slightly and then made a sharp and powerful thrust in. alex howled in pleasure as Matt's cock was starting to pummel his gland. Matt held alex's hips in place as he continued to pound alex's p-spot. alex was squealing and moaning loudly as pleasure rippled through his body. Matt kept a steady pace as his cock was like a jackhammer in the one area of alex's hole. alex's body broke out in a fine sheen of sweat, he was getting close to release. alex's brain was numb with the pleasure that Matt was administering.

Matt stopped again, his cock head just inside of alex's pucker. alex was breathing heavily, his limbs were twitching. alex though was staying in place, just waiting. Matt looked over at kip who had a lust glazed look in his eyes.

"kip, pick up the cage on the table. Hold onto it and then lay under the bench, face up." Matt said quietly.

"Yes, Master!" kip responded directly and jumped into action.

Matt watched as kip scrambled over to the instrument table. kip quickly plucked the cock cage and made his way back to the bench. kip slipped underneath the bench, making sure he did not get near alex's angry looking dick. kip stopped as his face and chest were under alex. Matt waited until kip was settled before continuing. alex's breathing had evened out a bit, but his body was still flushed with excitement.

Matt again resumed his targeted thrusting. alex was sounding off in a whiney grunt. Matt gripped the bench and started to pump in and out of alex's hole with more power. Matt's pattern changed as well, he had two deep full thrusts and then a quick jab to alex's prostate and repeated it. The full strokes were bringing Matt closer to his climax, his balls swinging and slapping against alex. As Matt continued his balls started to pull up tighter, his breathing became shorter. kip was watching his Master's cock power into alex's pucker, when Matt's balls began to rise up, kip got excited. With a yelp from alex, Matt stopped again.

"I am about to give you my seed. I will mark you as mine. As I will be your Master, you will wait for my permission to release your pleasure. Do you understand boy?" Matt said hoarsely.

"Yes, Master." alex finally said after he had to clear his throat to get his voice working.

"Good sub boy." Matt said as he gave alex another hard swat and alex yelped.

Matt knew they were both close to climax. Matt reached forward and grabbed onto alex's head, lacing his fingers under alex's chin. Matt then resumed the powerful, full thrusting, his crotch slapping roughly against alex's ass. All alex could do was gurgle and moan as Matt began to jackhammer his cock deeper and deeper into alex's chute. Matt's chest was against alex's back so when Matt started to growl low and deep in his body, alex could feel it directly adding another layer of sensation. alex's body began to shake, he was only conscious of the fact that he was on the brink of exploding but did not have permission yet.

Matt could feel his climax start to build deep in his pelvis. His purposeful delays had edged him, though this time he would not back off. His growl became louder and was rumbling his chest. alex was almost crying, the extra vibrations and weight against his skin were driving him crazy. Matt gave three more powerful strokes before he screamed in a deep, primal voice. alex cried out as he felt the boiling seed jet into his deepest reaches. alex was shaking with his need to be released, he was still waiting. Matt's hot jizz was now leaking out of alex's hole, dripping down onto kip underneath. The hot liquid dripping from his ass and down off his balls was almost too much for alex to handle.

"Now!" Matt shouted into alex's ear as he was still pumping cum deep in the actor.

alex let out a strangled yell as his pent up climax was able to explode with his permission to release. Matt kept pumping his still hard cock in and out, tweaking slightly to pound against alex's throbbing prostate. alex's hard dick was spraying jet after jet of cum all over kip's face and chest. This was the first time that alex had climaxed hands free and he was not prepared for the intensity as Matt milked every last drop of cum from his body. alex was almost to the point of passing out from the extreme pleasure he was experiencing.

Matt stopped thrusting and pulled his cock from alex's quaking hole with a pop. More of the hot seed leaked out of alex's ass and dripped out onto kip's jizz covered face. alex let out a pleasureful and needy moan, now with the emptiness with Matt's cock no longer filling him. kip was breathing heavy, very excited at his Master's performance and his coating with cum from both men. Matt walked around to the front of the bench, pushing alex's head upward. alex spread his lips open and Matt pushed his still rigid cock in the actor's mouth. Matt slowly thrust in and out , letting alex suck the hard member clean.

"kip." Matt said quietly.

"Yes, Master!" kip answered from his supine position under the bench.

"You have the task now of putting alex's cage on. I will lock it, but you will get it on and ready." Matt ordered.

"Yes, Master." kip said quickly.

kip still had the cock cage in his hand from when he retrieved it earlier for his Master. Moving slowly enough for the cum not to run compeltely off his body, but fast enough not to get in trouble, kip sat up and got closer to alex's now deflated dick. With his time spent in the device, kip was familiar with how to quickly put it on. It was different putting it on someone else though, it made him plump up some. Matt watched kip as he could with his cock in alex's mouth.

"It is ready, Master." kip answered as he moved to a kneeling position next to his Master.

"Good boy, kip." Matt said as he reached down and patted kip on the top of the head. Then he went on, "alex, kip is your sub brother. As he was my sub first, he will act as my beta in certain instances. He will provide you instruction and tips on how to become a better sub."

Matt removed his cleaned cock alex's mouth. Matt looked down and smiled at the puffy lips and flushed face of the younger actor. Yes, there was still some fire there, but Matt knew that would be worked into better channels so alex would regain the control he needed. Matt walked over and got the small lock that Mai left for him, a second key was on a small silver chain necklace. Matt brough both over to the waiting subs. Matt reached under the bench and secured the lock in place, giving alex's trapped balls and dick a tug. alex grunted and then moaned. Matt knew that working on proper responses would fall to kip's instruction as well.

Matt then walked in front of kip. Taking the key on the chain, he lifted it and placed it over kip's neck. kip sucked in a breath as the cool metal touched his bare chest. He looked up into his Master's eyes, lost with some emotion.

"Thank you, Master." kip said before Matt could explain anything.

"kip, one of your responsiblities will to be to help alex adjust. At times this will include the need to remove his cage. While he will not have any manual release, you will show him the proper care and maintance needed for extended use of the cage. You are given the key for that purspose only. This is a step in your way to earning your further independence. Do you understand." Matt explained and then asked.

"Yes, Master. I understand." kip replied quickly.

"Good boy kip. Next it is time to release alex from the bench. Also he will need to get you cleaned up, tongue only. Then you both will clean and reset the play room. You will sleep with him tonight in here, but no play." Matt instructed.

"Yes, Master" kip and alex answered as Matt turned and left the room.

Matt stood just outside of the door and listened to the whispering and movements as kip and alex followed his instructions. Matt walked down the hall as he heard alex begin to lick kip clean and kip doing his best not to moan. Matt was still smiling and now rock hard again as he entered the bedroom. Chris was nude on the bed, on all fours with his exposed ass to the door. Matt moved to the bed and saw the lube next to where Chris was waiting.

"You ready for me lover?" Matt asked in a low, husky voice.

"Yes, Matt. Fill me up. I need that cock." Chris almost moaned.

Matt took just a moment to slick up his hard cock and then moved into position. Like sliding into a saddle, Matt thrust deeply into Chris' chute causing Chris to moan louder still. Matt pushed his chest down onto Chris' back and used his knees to spread Chris' legs further apart. Matt then nuzzled Chris' ear as he began to slowly thrust in and out of his lover's hole. Chris uttered a low growl as Matt's cock was steadily rubbing his p-spot with movement in each direction.

Matt's hips slowly sped up, Chris was almost vibrating with excitement. Chris was thrusting back into him. Chris was moaning loudly as their bodies were smacking together. Chris was starting to tighten his inner muscles around Matt's cock, bringing Matt closer to a climax. Matt wanted to look at Chris' face. Matt pulled his cock out and leaned back. Reaching down Matt hooked his arm around Chris' legs and flipped the actor over. Leaning back into Chris, Matt slid his cock into Chris' gaping hole.

Matt resumed a moderate pace, but was using more power with each thrust. Chris' eyes were staring deeply into Matt's the mutual love and desire was evident by both men. Bending closer Matt lowered his face to Chris' and began to kiss. A sensual kiss was emphasised by a gentle tongue wrestling only punctuated with moaning. The closeness of their bodies and the motion of Matt's thrusting was grinding Chris' hard cock between their abs. Chris started to feel the combination of sensations between Matt's cock stimlulating his ass and their bodies grinding his sweating cock together. Chris' breathing change broke their kiss, his body started to tremble as he started to mumble.

"Oh Fuck, OH Matt, OHH GAWD, OOHHH OOHHH, IIIIEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Chris ended up screaming as his climax crested.

The quaking and clenching of Chris' body and ass finally drove Matt over the brink as well. Looking deeply in Chris' eyes, Matt shouted wordlessly as he began to pump seed deep in Chris' chute. The pair was pumping and releasing jet after jet of cum, Chris' spreading between their sweaty stomachs and Matt's filling Chris' hole. They were in locked bliss, not sure really how many ropes of cum spurted out from the men. Exhausted Matt dropped down on top of Chris, again their lips locking into a sensous kiss.

They kissed until Matt's cock finally softened enough to fall out of Chris' puffy ass lips. Chris let his legs down and then hugged Matt closer to him. Sleep was now imminent for both men, hugging each other close they drifted off in the solid comfort of the love for each other. Goofy smiles on their faces of contentment as light snores were now the only noise in the bedroom. Thoughts of the quality time they would be spending together soon was the last thoughts they each had.

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