Chris Pratts Great Day

By L Stone

Published on Mar 18, 2022


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Chris Pratt's Greatest Day

Chapter 21

Matt walked through from his office to the massage studio. He already had the lights, music, and room temperature to his liking. Smiling, he sat down in the meditation area to relax and prepare his mind for the upcoming meeting with Alex. Matt liked to calm his mind and let himself be open and responsive when he was going to work with a client for the first time. He found it more successful if he swept away any preconceived notions and started fresh.

Listening to the hollow, reedy sounds of his music, Matt went deeper into a meditative state. He allowed his breathing to be slow and easy. Matt could feel the tension release from his body. Slowly he was feeling centered and calm, almost serene. He took in a last deep breath, just as the outer door sounded.

Matt unfolded and stood up. In his current state, he was just short of floating. Taking a few steps through to the reception area, Matt opened the door. Matt looked up sharply and almost recoiled at the excessive negative energy coming from Alex. Matt saw the look of anguish on Alex's face and Matt gasped.

Alex stood just in the doorway, his face was ashen and his neck and shoulders were scrunched in tightly. His breathing was heavy and quick. Alex was looking down at his phone that was being held by swiftly whitening knuckles. He did not realize that Matt had entered the room until he heard Matt's gasp.

Matt's eyes connected with Alex's and there was an anguish in them that was fresh and vivid. Alex lowered his hand that held the phone and started to turn to leave Matt's studio.  

"Stop! You are not leaving my studio in that state." Matt said a quiet, authoritative voice.

Alex tried to sputter a response and allowed his body to try and complete his outward movement.

"Stop, now." Matt said in the same tone, his voice was not raised.

Alex stopped, with a broken sob ripping from his mouth. Matt watched as Alex turned back towards him. Alex's body slumped down to his knees, he started trembling from the pent up tension and emotion. Alex's eyes were now staring at the floor.

"I just got cut from a film. My agent just said the reason was my attitude was too volatile for the filmmakers and backers. What am I going to do? What is wrong with me? Why?" Alex started with pain and continued with anguish matching the look in his eyes.

Alex slumped further and his body was racked with sobs. Matt took another breath to center, before he moved to where Alex was kneeling. Alex's only reaction was to reach around and hug Matt's leg to him. Alex sobbed into Matt's thigh. Matt reached down and stroked Alex's dark blond hair as the man cried. After a few moments, Matt stopped stroking Alex's hair. Gently Matt pushed Alex's face to look up towards his own. The actor's green eyes were puffy, tears were streaking down his face. Matt held his gaze into Alex's eyes for a solid minute. Alex was starting to calm down somewhat.

"You will follow me into the massage studio. When we get there, you will go through and wash your face in the changing area. You will then change into shorts I have laid out for you. Do you understand?" Matt instructed and then questioned in the same quiet voice as before.

"Yes, Matt." Alex said quietly, echoing a dejected emotion.

"Good." Matt replied as he motioned for Alex to stand up.

Alex stood and freed his grip from Matt's leg. Matt led the actor through the entry and into the massage studio. Alex blinked at the lower lighting. Matt pointed around to the changing area's door. Alex nodded and moved to do what Matt had instructed.

"Come join me here when you are ready." Matt instructed.

Alex nodded and entered the changing area. Matt heard the actor step into the bathroom section and close the door. Matt entered the changing area and pulled a pair of loose fitting linen shorts, setting them on the bench for Alex. Then Matt went back to the mediation setting. Matt then closed his eyes as he took in a few more cleansing breaths to refocus.  

Matt was thinking to himself, "Alex is going to be tougher than I had even guessed."

Matt waited with his eyes closed for several minutes. Matt could hear Alex undressing and then putting on the shorts. Alex was not moving quickly. Matt was almost ready to get up and say something when Alex exited the changing area and came to join Matt. Matt opened his eyes and gestured for Alex to sit next to Matt.

"Alex, we are going to work on your emotions. Body and mind are directly connected, so an imbalance between them will manifest in unwanted emotions and negative energy. I will need you to trust me and trust that the exercises and activities that I have are to help you. In the end, you are the one in control of yourself. I know that I may not seem that way now, but even when you are overwrought, you are still the one driving." Matt said quietly and in soothing tones.

Matt paused and modeled some relaxing breathing techniques. Alex followed Matt's breathing pattern, though Matt was unsure if this was a conscious decision or not. Slowly the twitching and agitation in Alex's body was reducing with each breath. Matt kept quiet, letting the breathing and the ambiance do the intended work. Matt was monitoring Alex closely.

"Alex, are you calm enough to speak with me now?" Matt asked after several minutes.

"Yes, Matt. Thank you." Alex answered in a husky voice as he nodded.

"Good, Alex. I wanted to let you know what we are doing today and based on that, how we will proceed." Matt said, Alex nodded, "We will start with a deeper meditation setting. Then we will move to the massage table for body work. I will assist you in stretching and releasing tension. We will finish today in the sauna. Is that clear enough to start with?"

"Yes, Matt." Alex said.

"I am thinking that this will be a rather intense session. The mind and body work will be both challenging and cathartic for you. It will also involve a great deal of body contact between us. Will this make you uncomfortable?" Matt asked.

"Well, I do not think so." Alex started, then "I have had massages before, but I almost always get excited." Alex finished as he looked down into his crotch.

"That is a normal and expected reaction. Does that bother you?" Matt inquired.

"I am not sure. Most of the massages I have had were with females, so I always thought it was more of a sexually attractive response. Though last night when we were all roughhousing in the pool naked, I was getting excited then too. Now I am confused. I have been with many women, but I felt that it was not fulfilling, just a release. They were not very satisfying either." Alex explained.

"I have not really been naked around friends before. My professional career started and I had to distance myself from closer childhood buddies very early. I think that I have missed out. Seeing the guys have fun last night was scary and confusing, but I was very turned on. I think that you are all attractive and my body was responding. The sight of you and Chris kissing and kip sucking you... oh wow." Alex said and then paused, his cheeks blushed.

"Did you jack off to that image? Matt asked.

Alex's cheeks turned a deeper shade of red, it was a moment before he answered in an almost whisper, "Yes." Alex admitted, "I am not sure what that makes me."

"Human, Alex. That is what that makes you. I saw you trying not to stare last night. That is why I winked at you. Part of what you saw last night was the love I have for Chris and a different love that I have for kip. Both are special and with both men I have a different bond." Matt explained.

"I think that we are almost ready to start. Due to our discussion though, I believe that we need change somewhat. Do you trust me?" Matt asked, again being redundant on purpose.

"Yes, Matt. I trust you. You already know more about me than the people who I have been in a relationship with." Alex answered honestly as he looked at Matt.

"Good. We are going to be doing some modified meditation and movement exercises before the massage. To do this we will both need to be nude. Does that bother you?" Matt asked, looking directly into Alex's eyes.

"No, Matt." Alex replied.

"Excellent. Strip." Matt ordered as he stood.

Alex paused for a moment as he watched Matt rise and then lift the shirt over his head. Alex then stood himself and pushed the linen shorts to the floor. Alex then watched as Matt undid the tie on the massage pants which quickly puddled to the floor at Matt's ankles. Now Alex stepped out of his shorts and was unsure of what to do next, but he watched Matt. Matt then thumbed the waistband of his jockstrap down. Matt's attention was on Alex's face as Alex watched Matt's cock being freed from the strap's confinement. As Matt's cock bounced slightly, Alex's eyes bobbed to match the bounce.

Even in the soft, glowing light Matt's body seemed to gleam. The time at Chris' without clothing outside had almost erased any tan lines. Matt's lithe swimmers frame still held the muscle density from his exercise routine. Alex's eyes were drinking it all in.

Alex on the other hand had a more compressed muscular look, sleekly trim. Only about an inch shorter than Matt, but he weighed about twenty pounds less. The muscles were more cut and the proportion of body fat was less. Alex's body hair was sparse but was a light brown dusting at his pits and crotch. Alex's cock was starting to harden, close to the length of Matt's but not as thick. Alex was subconscious about his nudity and tried to cover his hands over his dick.

"No. You do not need to cover yourself around me." Matt ordered as he brushed Alex's hands aside.

"Ok, Matt." Alex said, his voice more husky.

Matt smiled as Alex let his hands fall to his sides. Though Alex's cock was getting harder. Matt walked around and stood behind Alex, moving closer to speak in Alex's ear.

"This will be a very intimate exercise. You will be in and out of an erection. That is normal. The goal is to relax you and to familiarize you with fraternal touching. Just be in the moment. We are going to work on lowering your guard around others." Matt said in a low toned voice, Alex nodded.

Matt started by straightening up, his body almost touching Alex's, he placed his fingertips on top of Alex's head. Slowly Matt began to let his fingertips flow down from Alex's head, then neck, lastly shoulders before flicking them away and starting over. Alex was still tense and looking unsure. Matt leaned his mouth by Alex's ear again.

"Close your eyes. Follow the sound of my breathing. Focus on the touch points of my fingertips." Matt ordered in a quietly firm voice.

"Yes, Matt." Alex replied, as he closed his eyes.

Matt resumed the light stroking and deeper breathing. Alex was following Matt's orders, trying to inhale and exhale as Matt did. Matt watched as slowly some of the tension was leaving Alex's head and neck. Matt used his hands to lift Alex's arms directly overhead. Matt gave a slight tug upward on Alex's wrists as a body command to stay up. Then Matt's fingertips traced from the backs of Alex's hands down the arms to shoulders. It was a few more minutes before Alex's arms started to relax. Matt then positioned Alex's hands down behind Alex's head while his elbows were still pointed upward. Now the stroking went from elbow down Alex's sides to his hips.

Matt lengthened out his breathing by a count each direction. Matt could see Alex adjusting to this change as his rib cage moved up and then down with each breath. Alex's ripped body was taking longer to relax in the trunk. Matt switched to running the fingers from the base of Alex's neck down to just past Alex's waist touching the tops of Alex's hard ass cheeks. The first pass, Alex's ass cheeks clenched and his torso tightened up.

"Breath. Relax. Focus." Matt hissed softly.

It still took a few more strokes for Alex to stop clenching. Matt continued with the stroking and breathing. Finally Alex resumed the focus and followed Matt's instructive breathing. Slowly the tension started to melt from Alex's torso. Matt continued alternating on Alex's back and then sides, going lower on Alex's hips each time. Matt spent over five minutes with just these areas.

Matt reached up and manipulated Alex's arms to rest at his sides. Matt then squatted down, his face right at Alex's ass crack. Now Matt stroked from Alex's hips down the outer leg to Alex's feet. Alex started to tighten up again, but released when Matt hissed lightly. Matt took his time and added another count to the breathing, now very deep breaths and releases. Alex followed Matt's model and stayed in sync.

Matt then moved his fingertips to just above Alex's waistline. The downward strokes went directly over Alex's pert ass cheeks before going down the strongly muscled legs. Alex started to tighten up again, but ceased again with Matt's hiss. The next stroke down, Matt was sure he heard a light moan coming from Alex. These light moans were muted as Matt continued.

Matt moved his fingers closer to the center of Alex's body. The next stroke down allowed Matt's fingertips to brush into Alex's ass crack. There was not a tightening, which Matt was expecting, but instead a louder moan on the exhale. As Matt's fingertips ran just above Alex's pucker, Alex jolted as if he had been shocked. Matt stayed quiet as Alex was trying to stifle his moaning. The strokes continued down the inner thigh as it went towards Alex's ankles. When Matt continued Alex no longer jolted, but as the strokes went lower, Alex's hips flared backward slightly to open himself up.

Matt stood up, moving close behind Alex again. When Matt leaned over to whisper in Alex's ear, Matt's plumped cock brushed against Alex's opened ass crack. Alex let out another moan. Matt smiled to himself as he stayed in place.

"Now I am going to start on your front. Keep your eyes closed and focus on your breathing." Matt said softly right into Alex's ear.

Matt reached his longer arms around Alex's chest and pulled Alex back slightly. Alex's moan again was loud as his backside was in full contact with Matt's body. Matt stayed in place, just breathing in and out for a few minutes, Alex responded by trying to match the breathing pattern. Matt then moved his hands up to Alex's chin. The fingertip strokes went from Alex's chin down to his collarbone and shoulders. Alex slowly relaxed the tension out as Matt worked.

Matt extended the downward stroking to now go over Alex's pecs and chest. The first time that Matt's fingertips stroked over Alex's already hard nipples, Alex gasped and Matt felt Alex's ass twitch against Matt's firm cock. Alex missed the wider grin on Matt's face. Matt was thinking that Alex's nipples were hardwired to his ass, he would find out later if they were hardwired to Alex's cock.

Matt moved his hands down lower and the strokes went from Alex' nipples down his abs to right about the waistline. Alex was not tensing up, but was still twitching when Matt touched his nipples. Matt widened out his pattern to include stroking Alex's sides down to hips, working the outside going to the middle. Matt continued the slow stroking pattern on Alex's front but avoided touching anywhere directly near Alex's crotch.

Matt pulled his hands away and then took a step back from Alex's. Alex gave a little whine as their flesh separated, but a slight hiss stopped any other sounds. Matt walked around to the front of Alex's nude form. As Matt suspected Alex's cock was fully hard and jutting upwards. Matt lowered to his knees in front of Alex and touched his fingertips to the tops of Alex's legs almost at waistline level. Now the strokes went down to the tops of Alex's feet. Alex was following along with the breathing exercise, silently praying he would not shoot his load.

Matt watched Alex's hard cock as he worked, a small stream of pre-cum had been leaking down his circumcised head towards his balls. Even though Alex had not been moving, Matt's exhales were making the slicked cock twitch. Matt moved his hands to be just under Alex's balls as he started the downward strokes on Alex's inner thighs. Alex's cock would jump slightly each time Matt's hands came near his crotch, but Matt kept the slight distance to make the actor even more turned on and unsatisfied. Matt stood up and took a step further back.

"Open your eyes." Matt instructed.

Alex opened his green eyes and looked into Matt's warm hazel ones. Alex's eyes started to lower, but the pursing of Matt's lips to begin a hiss stayed his motion. Standing face to face breathing and looking directly into each other's eyes, Matt and Alex continued for almost a full minute. This allowed Alex's body to relax further and his cock started to soften some, now it was starting to hang downward and still rather plumped. Matt's cock had maintained his semi-hard state and was angling down and away from Matt's body.

"Now you are going to repeat that exercise, but you are going to be touching my body. Are you still alright with that?" Matt said softly, but did not break eye contact.

"Yes, Matt." Alex responded quietly.

"Excellent. I will guide you as you work. Remember your breathing." Matt instructed.

"Yes, Sir." Alex said and Matt smiled as that was the first time Alex used that honorific.

Matt turned around and took a neutral position. Matt began the breathing pattern as he did before. Alex stepped closer, Matt could feel him try and resume the breathing as well.

"In......and out." Matt whispered.

Alex followed Matt's lead and began to match Matt's pattern. After a few repetitions, Matt nodded his head. Lightly Matt felt Alex step closer and lift his hands.The light touch mirrored Matt's start as Alex touched Matt's head and let his fingertips brush down Matt's head and neck. Alex was tentative at first, but soon was picking up the pace. Alex then began tracing down Matt's back.  

Matt raised up his arms overhead and then Alex stroked Matt's arms and sides. Alex lowered and began to stroke from Matt's hips down to his legs. Alex did this several times before he moved inward. Alex paused his strokes, taking several breaths which Matt could feel along his ass crack.

"Now." Matt said softly with a firm voice.

"Yes, Sir." Alex said as his hands began to move downward.

Alex's fingertips were slow again, but by the second stroke down were back to normal speed. Alex seemed hesitant to move his positioning further in. Matt gave a subtle 'tut' when Alex tried to start in the same spot as the stroke before. Alex then moved his hands closer together and slowly stroked downward. Alex's fingertips move over Matt's tight ass globes and then down his legs. Matt let Alex repeat from that position for a few strokes.

Again Matt gave a 'tut' and Alex moved his hands together right above Matt's ass crack. Alex's fingers lowered and lightened to a light brushing touch as they moved along the crack. Alex's breathing started to speed up as his fingertips gently opened the crack and exposed Matt's pucker more before moving down. The next few strokes resumed the speed Alex had with the other strokes.

Matt gently tilted and flexed his hips just before Alex swiped down the next time. Alex was caught off guard when his fingertips now brushed Matt's firm rosebud. Alex moaned as his fingertip contact made the rosebud twitch. Alex completed several more swipes before moving down and getting the inner legs like Matt did for him.

Alex stood up and stepped up behind Matt's body to reach around and do Matt's front. Matt grinned as he felt Alex's hard cock nestle up in his ass crack. Alex reached around and hugged Matt's body to his as he worked on controlling his breathing. When Alex was centered he began to stroke Matt's neck and chest. Alex again moaned as he felt Matt's nipples harden with the stroking. Alex worked down Matt's sleek abs and down to the top of Matt's trimmed pubes.

Alex then separated before he moved around to be in front of Matt. After looking into Matt's eyes, Alex lowered to his knees drinking in the sight of Matt's body as he went down. Alex paused as he was directly in front of Matt's firm cock. Alex's exploration of Matt's body had Matt excited, but not enough to cause him to leak pre-cum. Alex took a deep breath in smelling a heady mix of musk and spice. Matt 'tutted' again and Alex nodded. Alex then began brushing his fingertips over Matt's legs. Alex's hands brushed closer to Matt's balls that Matt's did to him. Matt sighed as the tops of Alex's hands came into contact with his balls multiple times.

Alex stopped and he sat back on his heels, his eyes were captured by a pearlescent glow at the tip of Matt's piss slit. The ball contact had been enough to make Matt produce a small glob of pre-cum. Alex's eyes were mesmerized by the sight so close to his face. He took in another deep breath and picked up a slight saltiness added to the heady melange from Matt's crotch. Unconsciously Alex licked his lips. Alex's eyes then looked up and connected with Matt's.

"Sir, may I taste it?" Alex asked in a hoarse whisper, barely heard over the faint music.

Matt nodded. Alex leaned his face closer still as he opened his mouth. Again Alex took in a deep breath as if to imprint the smell into his brain. Alex's tongue darted out and gingerly lapped up the sticky pearl. Alex pulled his tongue back into his mouth, pulling a small strand from Matt's cock head to his lips. Alex closed his lips around his tongue and he savored the sticky treat - sweet and salty, very masculine.

Matt lowered a hand to Alex's neck.

"Stand." Matt ordered.

"Yes, Sir." Alex replied as he stood with Matt's hand still on his neck.

As Alex stood fully up, Matt pulled the grip of Alex's neck to bring them face to face. Matt then smashed his lips against Alex's open mouth. Alex gave a grunt and tried to pull away briefly, but Matt's grip was strong. As Matt's tongue pushed deep into Alex's mouth, Alex stopped resisting and melted his body into Matt's. Matt's tongue quickly dominated Alex's mouth and tongue, flicking and twisting all over.

As quick as it started, Matt used the grip on Alex's neck and pulled the actor away. Alex was gasping, trying to process what had occured. A confused look passed over Alex's face, but Matt maintained the firm grip on Alex's neck. Matt then led them around to the massage table.

"On, face down." Matt said as he released his grip.

"Yes, Sir." Alex said as he climbed upon the table putting his face in the hole.

Matt turned to grab some of the warmed massage oil and noticed that kip was now by the back entrance to the massage studio by the sauna. He was kneeling just by the door waiting for his Master, but his eyes were also watching Alex's displayed body. Matt cleared his throat to get kip's attention back, then he pointed at a spot right next to where Matt was standing. kip nodded and crawled to the indicated spot. When he arrived, kip bent and kissed the tops of Matt's feet and returned to a waiting position.

"Very good work so far Alex. Now we will work on your massage. Like the touching exercise, you will need to maintain your breathing exercises. I will be working all of your body and will at times manipulate you. Relax and pay attention to my instructions." Matt advised as he slicked his hands with the oil.

"Yes, Sir" came the muffled response from Alex.

Matt walked around and stood at the head of the table. Placing his hands on Alex's back, Matt started the massage. Matt quickly entered into his zone and began working his hands over the actor's muscles. He located and worked out deep knots while Alex was trying to keep with deep breathing. At one point Matt had to use his elbow to work out a very tense knot, Alex started to tighten up. Matt hissed and Alex reflexively tried to relax and match Matt's breathing. Matt worked all of Alex's back and arms before he switched down to work on Alex's feet and legs.

As Matt walked around he glanced at kip who was resting in position. Due to his previous work with Matt, kip was matching Matt's breathing pattern. kip kept his eyes on his Master as Matt worked on Alex's nude form. From time to time, kip was drawn away from his gaze at Matt and was focusing on Alex. kip was unaware that Matt saw the struggle and refocused effort that kip gave each time.

Matt worked Alex's feet over, hitting pressure points that caused a variety of sounds from Alex. Alex had not tensed up as he had done earlier, he was focused on his breathing. Matt lifted Alex's leg to work on ankle and knee mobility, in doing so when he placed each leg down close to the outer edge of the table. Matt began working on Alex's thighs and hips. To be expected, Alex had a few deep knots that again had to be worked with Matt's elbow. Alex did his best to not tense up, but his breath was quick and shallow.

Matt finished with the thighs with the deep work and moved to Alex's glutes. Alex had maintained a firm erection through most of the leg massage, but it had softened when Matt had to use the elbows. The flowing strokes that Matt used as he prepared for the glute warm-up had plumped up Alex's dick again. Matt's hands now were brushing along Alex's ball sack as the strokes continued. Alex moaned and his dick flexed after one pass. Matt smiled as he continued.

Matt turned his attention to Alex's ass now. Carefully Matt kneaded and stroked the firm, rounded flesh. The motions were spreading Alex's ass cheeks apart and Matt got a better view of the pink pucker lips ringed in the light brown fur. Alex jolted the first time that Matt's finger brushed the length of Alex's ass crack. Matt paused and retrieved the oil, he positioned it at the top of Alex's crack and let the warm liquid roll down.

"Ahhhh, fuck!" Alex moaned as the warm oil continued across his pucker, past his taint and onto his balls.

Matt gave one of Alex's ass cheeks a swift rap and a light hiss. Alex muffled a moan and started to breathe deeply again. Matt poured more oil in Alex's crack making sure it was fully coated. Matt sat the oil aside and noticed that kip was in full attention of Matt's actions. kip was unlocked, so his cock was stuffing the jockstrap he was wearing. Matt did notice that he had stripped to just the jock when he arrived.

Matt turned back to Alex's well lubed crack. Matt placed one hand flat on Alex's lower back right above the gleaming crack. The other hand Matt directed two oiled fingers to run down Alex's exposed area. Matt swiped up and down twice before using the fingertips to make a wide circle around Alex's rosebud. Without thought Alex moaned and tried to raise his hips up, which is why Matt had placed his holding hand on Alex's lower back. Alex gave an earthy moan as Matt's fingers traced circles around his hole.

Matt's fingers then dipped lower and put pressure on Alex's taint. Alex moaned again and tried to arch his back, which Matt's hand stayed again. Matt hissed lightly and Alex sank back to the table, breathing deeply again. Matt lowered his hand again and began to fondle Alex's balls. Alex's dark hair that covered them was plastered flat from the coating of oil, the slickness made the movements of Matt's fingers on them more sensual. Alex made a louder, muffled moan as Matt's fingers pulled Alex's shaft down and away from his body.

Matt now was able to run his fingers from the top of Alex's crack all the way down to the tip of his engorged cock. Alex did his best to continue the breathing exercise, but several hotspots made him moan as Matt worked. Matt slowly and gently worked Alex's body, the strokes were slow and fluid. Matt watched as Alex's balls started to pull up tighter to his body. Matt switched and did not go past Alex's balls to keep Alex from going off too soon. When Alex's balls relaxed, Matt changed back and played with the full area.

Matt had gently and slowly edged Alex four times, the relaxing period had gotten longer in between each set. Alex was struggling to keep up the breathing exercise, but he was trying to even without Matt's subtle hissing. Matt was ready for the next part and he believed that Alex was at the right level of hornieness and frustration. Matt glanced back to where kip was still in his resting position. The only thing that had changed on Matt's sub was the fully wet patch on kip's jock and the pool of pre-cum that was still dripping.

Matt returned his attention to the pent up actor he was gently restraining on the table. Matt started the same circuit as before, but instead of going past the taint, Matt's fingers moved up just concentrating on Alex's pucker. Matt's fingers pushed with more pressure as they circled the oil slicked hole. Alex's nerve endings were firing all throughout his body at this stimulation. Alex's moaning now was constant, he was unable to attempt to maintain the breathing pattern.

Matt used just one fingertip to have more pressure as it circled. Alex gave a brief cry as the tip easily pushed into the prepped pucker. Matt gently pushed the fingertip in and out, slowly going deeper each time. Alex's moaning was getting louder as Matt's finger entered and exited his hole. Matt continued finger fucking Alex until his long digit was almost knuckle deep. That was when Matt's finger brushed against Alex's gland. Alex cried out again in almost a sob, his body tried to contract from the pleasure. Matt pulled back slightly and then returned his finger to gently rub the gland.

Alex's moans turned into a whiney sound, so needy for release that he tried to move his hips to get more of Matt's finger in him. Matt's hand kept Alex's hips from moving, a frustrated sob broke through. Matt pulled his finger out which caused Alex to gasp, but it turned into a deeper moan when two of Matt's fingers pushed back in. The fuller feeling and the stretching of his hole almost set Alex off. Matt was closely watching Alex's body responding and would slow or stop if it was making Alex too excited.

Matt slowly worked the two fingers deeper to where they finally brushed Alex's gland. Matt could feel the gland was hard as a rock, so quickly pulled out again. It was accompanied by another frustrated gasp from Alex. Matt returned with three fingers and had to go extra slow as Alex was so keyed up. Small twitches passed though Alex's body as the trio of fingers stretched and drove deeper.

Again it was slow work to get the three fingers further and further in. Alex's moaning was turning hoarse and the volume would fluctuate as stimulation levels changed. Matt was excited that the three fingers were almost to Alex's gland. Alex's body, if not his mind, was also aware of this, Alex was trying to get the fingers in him as much as he could in his position.

Matt felt the hard gland on the next push in. Instead of removing them, which is what Alex expected, Matt left them there and began to massage the rock hard nob. Alex's breathing changed to be rapid instantly, flashes of energy were radienting from Alex's ass, and his body was starting to fully flush. With a loud shout and a bucking body, Alex's pent up climax began pulsing through his body. Alex's cock shot rope after rope of cum on the massage table between his spread legs. Alex's limbs pulsed and flexed as the primal sexual energy was released. Alex's ass muscles clamped so hard around Matt's fingers, Matt was not entirely sure he could have removed them even if he wanted.

Matt waited as the waves of energy started to ebb from Alex's climax. Looking over at kip, the waiting sub was transfixed with a bobbing erection still covered in the now slimy jock. Matt was proud that kip had not moved from his position and even in his excited state, kip had not touched his own cock. kip looked into his Master's eyes and they were sparkling blue and full of emotion, but not loss of control. Matt smiled and kip almost melted.

"Was that the first hand sfree climax you have experienced?" Matt whispered in Alex's ear, still with locked fingers.

"Yes, Sir." Alex panted hoarsely.

Slowly Alex's body relaxed and Matt was able to remove his fingers. Alex resumed deep breathing to help calm himself, he was unsure of what was next, but knew he had never experienced that before. Matt gently rubbed his fingers in the now relaxed ass lips, Alex moaned again. Matt leaned his head back down to whisper in Alex's ear.

"Do you want more or should I stop?" Matt inquired.

"More, Sir." Alex moaned as Matt's fingers continued to stretch and probe.

"Excellent choice Alex." Matt replied then, "On your hands and knees!" Matt commanded.

Alex yelped as Matt gave Alex's ass cheek a solid swat. Alex was too focused on changing into the position that he missed that Matt had motioned to kip. Alex was not fully aware that kip was even there, so he jolted some when he heard Matt issue the next order.

"kip, wet me!" Matt commanded.

"Yes, Master!" kip cried out as he scrambled towards Matt's jutting cock.

Alex tried to turn and look, but Matt swatted his ass again and hissed. Alex stopped trying to look and was unsure if he was afraid or turned on that kip had witnessed his climax and now what was coming next. kip wasted no time and engulfed Matt's raging cock. kip was not sucking, just trying to get it as wet as possible for what was coming. Matt let him work for a short bit, but then pulled kip's face off.

"Climb in front of Alex. I am guessing this will be his first time, so I need you to hold him for reassurance and encouragement." Matt said.

"Yes, Master." kip replied as he shuffled to the front of the massage bed and climbed up to straddle the bench in front of Alex.

Alex's and kip's eyes met as kip settled face to face. kip reached forward and pulled Alex into a hug. Matt nodded to kip to confirm that is what his Master wanted. kip then turned his focus back to Alex. Alex was sweaty and a mix between tired and excited in anticipation. Matt had kept in contact with Alex's body as he climbed up on the table behind Alex. Matt scooted closer behind Alex, slowly pushing Alex's legs a bit wider. Alex swooned as he felt Matt's wet cock slap on top of his ass crack. Matt started to slide his cock up and down the crack and kip pushed his mouth against Alex's initiating a deep kiss.

Matt angled his hard member right at Alex's puffy pucker lips. Matt heard Alex moan as the hard cock head circled around the actor's entrance. Matt waited for a few moments and then pushed forward. Alex's moan was louder in kip's mouth in which kip started more aggressively kissing Alex. Even with the finger play and a climax, Alex's ass muscles were still tight. Matt went slowly forward, making sure to pause as he felt Alex tense, moving on when Alex relaxed. In a short time Alex gasped as he felt Matt's trimmed pubes brush his ass lips and the wider base of Matt's cock stretched him some more. Matt held in place while kip and Alex were still making out.

Matt took a firm grip of Alex's hips and he pulled back a few millimeters and then pushed back in. Alex gasped into his kiss with kip, but kip held him firmly in the hug. Matt repeated the slow withdrawal and then plunged back in, coming further out each time. The previous climax and finger play was enough to keep Alex from having excess pain, Matt was making sure that Alex was experiencing enough pleasure to offset any pain he was feeling.

When Matt pulled back and his flared cock head rubbed solidly against Alex's gland, Alex moaned loudly enough to break the kiss with kip. The thrust back in made Alex squeal in pleasure. kip held Alex's head to his chest, Alex was now moaning and squealing as Matt continued. Alex could only feel the pleasure now and he was giddy when Matt pulled almost all the way out. Alex moaned as the flare of Matt's cock head stretched his all lips wide before thrusting back in.

Matt pulled back and just left the very tip in Alex's pucker. Looking at kip, Matt paused and waited. Alex was at a loss now, he was so horned up and was missing the hard member sliding in and out of him. Alex whined and tried to push back onto Matt's cock, but Matt moved in tandem to push Alex to an even more needy place. kip slowly guided Alex's mouth to his hard nipple. Alex latched on and began to suck, kip placed a hand on the back of Alex's head to keep him in place. Alex finally gave up trying to get more of Matt's cock, he just focused on sucking kip's nip.

Matt then thrust all the way in, his balls slapping against Alex's taint. Alex grunted around kip's nipple and a smothered moan was heard as Matt swiftly pulled all the way out. Again Matt pounded forward, going balls deep then pulling out. kip was watching his Master's face as a drop of sweat ran down, Matt's eyes were filled with a lusty excitement that made kip shiver with excitement. Matt pounded into Alex again with more power, his eyes locked on kip's and kip almost shot a load - the sexual energy was overwhelming.

Matt was now long dicking Alex's hole with his firm grip on Alex's hips and kip's holding Alex's head to his chest. Alex was bouncing into kip from the impact and groaning loudly. Matt was working his cock in and out of Alex's chute with speed and power now, the impact was resounding as the skin slapped against skin. Alex was now pushing back to Matt's thrusts actively, moaning each time Matt's cock brushed his gland.

Matt pulled his cock all the way out and slapped it on Alex's crack and puffy pucker. Alex moaned loudly again, trying to move his ass to be impaled again. Matt moved off the table and looked at the two actors still embraced, Alex's ass in the air. Matt swatted Alex's ass hard enough to leave a handprint. Alex yelped, but stopped moving.

"On your back and turn across the table." Matt ordered, then looked at kip, "Help him out, stand by his head."

"Yes, Master!" kip said quickly and removed himself from Alex's arms.

Alex had not moved yet. Matt reached back and gave Alex's ass another swat, harder this time. Alex jolted and his ass cheek had a bolder handprint of Matt's hand.

"Yes, Sir." Alex yelped as he finally started to move.

kip helped Alex rollover on the table. Alex started to turn so his legs were off the table on Matt's side and his head was leaning over the edge towards kip. kip stepped closer and helped position Alex further off the table on Matt's side until Alex's ass cheeks were just off the table. Matt stepped up, looking down.

Alex's body was flushed under the oily sheen from the massage and play. Alex's cock was raging hard and leaking, it gave little pulses with Alex's heartbeat. At Alex's head was kip, torso smeared with oil and spit from his embrace with Alex and lips puffy from the makeout session. kip's cock was straining in the almost translucent pouch of his pre-cum soaked jock.

Matt lifted Alex's legs up and pushed them towards Alex's chest. Alex's pucker was exposed and was more puffy than before from Matt's taking it before. Matt pushed on Alex a bit more, folding the actor and gently opening the pucker from the stretch. Matt grinned as he looked down on Alex's face, still flushed and laden with desire. Then Matt looked at kip, hands by his sides and focused on his Master's needs.

"Strip." Matt said as he connected eyes with kip.

"Yes, Master!" kip breathed in a husky voice.

kip quickly tugged down the soaked jockstrap, his hard member flipped up and slapped his tight abs. A strand of pre-cum dripped between kip's dick head to the jock as it was kicked to the floor. kip returned to his waiting position right near Alex's face. Alex looked from Matt's face up to kip's, Alex took in a deep breath and breathed in the earthy, masculine scent from kip's crotch. Alex let out a little moan.

Matt pushed Alex's legs further over Alex's body. Looking again at kip, Matt eyed Alex's ankles. kip nodded and moved closer to hold Alex's ankles. The position change moved kip's rigid cock right into Alex's face. Alex took in another breath of kip's musk and he moaned again. Matt reached for his oil again, first wetting his cock with a few strokes. Then Matt poured some more oil over Alex's exposed pucker. Alex shivered in pleasure as the warmed oil rolled into his crevice.

Matt moved closer and placed his cock head at Alex's puffy, but slicked ass lips. Alex sighed at the feeling of the hard flesh against his, this turned into a slight groan as Matt pushed just his cock head in. Alex cooed as Matt just stayed in place. Matt then slowly pushed the rest of his cock in until his balls rested on Alex's ass crack. Alex's eyes were twittering as he was experiencing the fuller feeling and his nerve endings firing off in pleasure.

Matt reached and pulled kip's face to his and planted his lips on kip's. kip moaned as his lips opened and Matt's tongue forced its way in. Matt made out with kip roughly, pulling kip's head in tighter and deftly flicking his tongue in around kip's. kip melted closer into his Master's kiss, bringing his body in tighter to try and touch over Alex's folded and stuffed body. kip's cock and balls rubbed right over Alex's face and open mouth, Alex groaned in pleasure. Matt then pulled kip's face back, making kip gasp in reply.

"boy, feed your dick into Alex's mouth. Alex is going to suck you while I breed his hole." Matt said in a quiet, demanding tone.

"Yes, Master!" kip replied instantly.

kip pulled his hips back, dragging his cock and balls back across Alex's face. Still holding Alex's ankles, kip had to use just his hips to position his cock head towards Alex's still open mouth. The cock touched Alex's lips and Alex tried to lower his head backwards off the table to create more space. kip moaned as Alex sealed his lips around kip's cock head. kip looked up at his Master before moving. Matt nodded and kip slid his hips forward and back in slow motion. Alex had to open his mouth and loosened his jaw to accomodate more of kip's cock. A shudder ran through kip's body but he held his eyes on his Master's face.

Matt then began to pull back and thrust in Alex's ass, first in an initially slow pace for Alex to feel the whole cock moving through Alex's chute. Alex's ass muscles were still tight, but the motion was making them loosen up. kip had been paying attention and had matched his hip thrust to match his Master's. Another shudder ran through kip's body as his balls rested against Alex's face, his cock head just pushing into Alex's throat. Alex was too over stimulated to do more than shudder as the two men spit-roasted him in the deliberately slow pace.

Matt again reached and grabbed kip's head for another deep kiss. Keeping their hips thrusting, Master and sub kissed feeling a burning connection between them. Matt ripped kip's head back and growled as he increased his thrusting speed. Alex gasped around kip's cock at the change in speed and intensity of Matt's thrusts. kip maintained a slow steady pace as he was so keyed up from getting a blowjob he did not want to cum before he had permission.

Matt was now pounding into Alex's hole. The longer preparation had opened Alex nicely, so Alex was feeling pressure not pain. Matt's strokes were pummeling directly on Alex's prostate with each thrust in, shooting sparks of energy through Alex's body. Alex's dick was fully hard and had been slapping around, flinging his pre-cum all over his abs and legs, this was adding to the combined stimulation as the men worked his body over. Matt sped up further, making Alex grunt with each impact, kip was breathing deeply trying to maintain his pace.

Alex started to feel a nexus of sexual energy build from the base of his core, a heat spreading outward. Alex's body flushed, his limbs started to tense up. Matt pounded harder still, bouncing the table with his thrusts. Matt closely watched Alex's and kip's body responses, it was getting close. A low growl started to rumble in Matt's chest, the viral sound with the other sensations were pushing Alex closer to a climax. kip was almost whining as he was trying to hold off his own climax, waiting for permission. Waves of energy were now pulsing outward from Alex's groin, he was so close to shooting and he had not even touched his dick.

Matt's sweat streaked face had a lusty gaise and his eyes bored into kip's, the normally warm hazel eyes were intense with the golden flecks gleaming even in the lowered lighting. kip was rolling in the intensity of his Master's lust, he was having to take quick puffing breaths to calm himself. Alex's toes started to curl and tighten more.

"NOW!" Matt yelled as he pounded into Alex's ass.

Alex was pushed too far, his body contracted further and then his hard dick started exploding jets of cum. A muffled scream from Alex was almost silenced as kip's rigid cock also exploded. Hot spasms of jizz were shot down Alex's throat as kip blasted rope after rope. kip's body was shaking at the intensity of his climax. He yelled wordlessly as his seed was sucked down Alex's throat.

Matt's growling got louder, the quaking of Alex's ass muscles and the passionate release of kip's climax pushed Matt into his own. A savage snarl came from Matt's mouth as his turgid member pulsed powerfully into Alex's chute. The power of Matt's thrusts forced the hot seed deeply in Alex's channel. Seven cum-filled thrusts impacted into Alex's body before Matt gave a final hard thrust. The power caused kip to trip backward and slump to his knees, his cock ripping from Alex's mouth.

Matt pushed Alex's legs apart and forced his chest against Alex's. Bending his face closer, Matt's mouth latched onto Alex's. The last few pumps of cum from Matt's cock still embedded in Alex's ass as Matt's tongue dominated Alex's. Matt continued to deeply kiss Alex as Alex's body started to relax and melt around Matt's. Matt did not stop kissing Alex until his cock had softened enough to pull out of Alex's tender hole. Alex whimpered at the loss of the full feeling and the stream of cum that was leaking out of him.

Matt released the kiss and pulled back up into a standing position. Alex gasped for air, he tried to move upward. Alex's legs moved down and then he slumped down to the floor onto his knees in front of Matt. Matt looked down at his still firm cock that was covered in his cum. Matt then looked into Alex's eyes and then back to his cock again. Alex shuffled forward and opened his mouth. Slowly Alex slid his puffy lips over the cum streaked cock, not pausing until his nose was buried in Matt's trimmed pubes. Then he sucked and licked Matt's cock to get it clean.

Matt gripped Alex's head back and pulled Alex off his cock. His cock was now fully rigid again, gleaming now with Alex's spit. The ruined look of cum, sweat and spit on Alex's face had a clear look of desire from his green eyes. Alex was breathing hard. Matt stood still, but snapped his fingers. kip quickly scuttled around to be on his knees in a waiting position next to Alex.

"kip, you will need to help alex. I believe he will be your new sub brother." Matt said in a low voice.

"Yes, Master." kip replied instantly with a grin, then nudged alex.

"Yes, Master." alex answered and then followed kip's lead in kissing the top of Matt's feet.

Matt smiled down at the pair at his feet. kip and alex then sat back, kip gently correcting alex in positioning. They looked up to see Matt's smile. He reached down and ruffled both men's hair.

"kip, show alex how to take care of your Master's cock." Matt said.

"Yes, Master!" kip said enthusatically as he opened his mouth wide and swallowed his Master's cock to the base.

Matt mused that it would be a while before they made it to the sauna.

Next: Chapter 22

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