Chris Pratts Great Day

By L Stone

Published on Dec 29, 2021


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Chris Pratt's Great Day

Chapter 20

Chris awoke to an empty bed, looking over at the clock he saw it was close to 11:30. He smiled and thought how Matt knew that Chris liked to sleep in on Sunday. Chris laid in bed and reflected on how much his life had changed since he had stopped in Oklahoma for a massage. Matt was so dear to him now, he was not sure what he would do without Matt. Chris' bladder decided that he needed to take care of business.

Chris rolled out of bed, still smelling of the man-sex from the night before. As Chris was pissing, his cock was starting to firm up with his thoughts of Matt's dominant personality. Chris was not naive, but he had not been as open to have much experience in that world. As Chris shook the last drops of piss from his cock, he gave it a hearty pump as he chuckled.

Chris padded out of the bathroom in search of other people. There was not anyone in the kitchen, but Chris did find a smoothie in the fridge for him. He smiled, as he knew that Matt had thought of him to leave it. Chris then noticed that the door from the living room to the porch was open; the light breeze was fluttering the gauzy drapes. Chris headed outside.

The sunlight hit Chris' nude form as he walked onto the porch. Shading his eyes, Chris saw where the other two were. Chris walked down the path to the swimming pool where Matt and kip were swimming laps. Chris looked closer at the pace they were swimming at - it was not racing speed, but it was quite a bit faster than leisure lap swimming. Chris smiled as he made his way closer to the pool.

"Sixty seconds rest before the next set." Matt said as he pulled to the wall with kip close behind.

kip flushed and breathing heavily as he rested, while Matt was breathing deeply, but not overly taxed from the exercise. kip was unable to reply with words, only nodded. Matt looked up and smiled at Chris.

"Finally woke up? We can have lunch when we are done with the laps here." Matt said as Chris bent down to get a kiss. "Thirty seconds."

"Yes, Master." kipbreathed.

"I will wait and watch you guys."Chris said as he sat done on a lounge chair.

Chris sipped his smoothie as Matt and kip resumed the next laps set in the vigorous pace. It was then that Chris realized that both men were naked in the pool, but kip was caged. Not that it made any difference, as Chris was naked as well. That was part of what drew him to this property, the seclusion and privacy.

Chris watched as Matt and kip completed two more sets of laps. The last one was with as much speed as the swimmers had left. Matt poured on the speed and was at a competitive speed. Matt finished almost a full length of the pool before kip did at the end. kip touched the wall and was gasping in deep breaths of air while he tried to recover. While kip's speed was fast, or at least fast for him, it was nowhere near the speed that Matt had demonstrated.

"Thirty minutes tonight on the cross with the stretcher on." Matt said to kip as he recovered.

"Yes, Master." kip gasped between huge breaths.

Matt pulled up and out of the pool. The sunlight was glinting off the water running off his tight toned body, his time here with the pace and variety of his workouts was evident in his physique and stamina. Matt's cock and balls bounced as he hopped over to give Chris a deep kiss. Chris swooned some as he reached a hand up to play with Matt's cock.

"Later, Monkeyboy!" Matt chided, "We need to have lunch first."

"Yes, Sir!" Chris said cheekily as he gave Matt another peck of a kiss. Then he went on, "I almost forgot; we have company coming over tonight."

"Really! That is great. Who is coming?" Matt asked as kip made his way over and kneeled beside Matt's feet, Matt reached down and stroked kip's hair.

"Channing and Tom are coming. Tom is bringing a friend of his, Alex Pettyer. Mai is also coming and I believe she is bringing her sub, hui." Chris answered.

"Are we cooking?" Matt said, as he looked a little concerned.

"No, it is being catered as it will be a meeting of the production company's leads." Chris explained, then. "Also I think that we may be trying to woo Alex into being a client. Alex has some disenchanted attitudes towards the film industry and Tom is concerned that those attitudes are keeping Alex from booking jobs. He is a great actor, but his comments get him in trouble. Also Tom said that Alex has some aggression issues that may need to be addressed."

"Well that sounds interesting. It will be nice to spend some more time with Mai and Tom." Matt said as kip rested his head against Matt's leg.

"Agreed. The weather should be nice; I think it would be nice to eat on the patio. That way the food can stay in the kitchen once the caterers drop it off." Chris said. "We are a small enough group, we should not need for any of the caterer's team to stay and serve."

"That sounds great, both the location and not having any additional people here." Matt replied, and then looked down at kip, "We can have kip serve us as we need."

"Yes, Master." kip replied as he looked up at Matt's face.

Chris smiled and then added, "I am sure that Mai will have hui help."

"Excellent." Matt answered, then to kip, "If you serve well, we can commute your cross and stretch time."

"Yes, Master. I will serve you well." kip said as he then lowered his head and kissed the tops of Matt's feet before returning to his resting position.

"Very good, kip!" Matt praised his sub.

Matt looked up when Chris' stomach rumbled. Chris grinned and his cheeks darkened a bit. Matt laughed at Chris' reaction. Matt reached down and pulled Chris to his feet.

"Still hungry, Monkeyboy?" Matt inquired with a chuckle.

"Yes, Sir!" Chris laughed.

"Let's go put lunch together then." Matt said, "kip run ahead and pull out the greens and the veggies we prepared earlier."

"Yes, Master." kip answered as he climbed to his feet and started to trot up to the kitchen.

"One moment." Matt said.

kip stopped and turned back towards his Master. Matt swiftly pulled kip's head towards his own and planted a solid kiss on the actor. Matt's tongue was in and dominating kip's while kip could only moan. Matt broke the kiss, used his grip on kip's head to pull kip's head back, and exposed his neck. Matt then sealed his lips forcefully on kip's neck and started to suck hard. kip moaned loudly and his dick was getting as hard as it could in the cage. After a minute, Matt released his suction from kip's neck. kip now had a huge red hickey mark where Matt had been sucking.

"Now people will know you are mine. I have marked you." Matt said.

"Thank you, Master!" kipreplied in a breathless manner.

Matt then released his grip and swatted kip on the bare ass. kip yelped and ran up to the kitchen. Matt turned to see Chris' smile, then looked down to see his cock had become hard too. Matt chuckled as he grabbed Chris' cock and started to walk up too. Chris laughed as pulled closer and put his arm around Matt's shoulder.

The three of the men ate lunch at the kitchen bar. kip handled the dirty dishes and set to clean up in preparation for the caterers later. Matt and Chris moved to the couch and sat up against each other as they discussed who was coming later. Chris was giving Matt what details that Tom had given regarding Alex.

kip kept hearing Alex's name as Master and Sir Chris continued to talk. A flash of excitement went through him each time he heard it. kip knew who Alex was. kip had seen many of his early films and followed Alex's modeling career. The news outlets had not been kind to Alex after his moving to California. Alex's mouth had gotten him into trouble with some negative and offhand comments. Alex was most definitely filling the role of the bad boy.

kip finished the clean up and came into the living room, dropping to his knees by his Master. Matt reached down and stroked kip's hairline letting his fingers trail down over the hickey-reddened patch on kip's neck. kip would let a little moan out each time his Master's fingers brushed the mark. kip's attention was now lost between the sensations from his Master and his infatuation with Alex. kip looked up sharply as his Master was chuckling. kip then looked down to see he was leaking from his caged nub that was straining the cage. kip blushed in a full body manner.

"Uhg!" Chris exclaimed ashis phone rang, looking at it he turned to Matt, "I need to take this. It is a casting director that the production company was trying to set up a reading for Alex."

"Go!" Matt said as he slapped Chris' ass as Chris stood.

Chris moaned as he answered the phone and walked towards the patio. Matt sat back as he could tell from the brief snippets that he could hear from the patio that Chris' conversation was going to be long and involved. Matt spread his legs wider and pulled kip's head towards his crotch. kip needed no instruction as he opened his mouth and began to lick and kiss his Master's growing cock.

kip opened his lips wide as he swallowed the turgid member into his mouth. Taking his time, kip worked the cock into his throat with the second bob down. A light pressure on the back of his head kept kip's nose buried in his Master's trimmed pubes. kip was breathing as deeply as he could through his nose as his Master's cock was expanding in his throat. kip's moan was muffled as he tried to move his tongue along the shaft of his Master's cock. A shudder ran through Matt's body as kip started to swallow hard against Matt's cock head in kip's throat.

kip felt the pressure on his head be removed as Matt laid his head back on the couch and spread his arms out open wide. kip then started slowly bobbing his head up and down on his Master's hard cock, smoothly flowing from the cock head down to the base and back. Matt moaned as kip maintained the slow, sensuous pace of his mouth working his Master's cock. kip added a hum as he raised and lowered his head almost sending his Master into a climax. kip modified and sometimes stopped his pursuit to keep his Master edging for almost thirty minutes.

Chris walked back into the livingroom after securing the reading for Alex with the director. As he stepped through the flowing drapes, Chris heard his lover's low moans and the slurpy sounds of kip's oral attention to his Master. Chris' and Matt's eyes locked as Matt looked up, Chris' cock started to plump. Chris crossed to the couch and settled down under one of Matt's outstretched arms. Matt turned his head as he pulled Chris' body closer to him. Chris opened his mouth to moan as Matt's hand had reached down and pinched Chris' nipple.

Matt pushed his tongue in Chris'opened mouth, quickly dominating Chris' tongue. Chris continued to moan as Matt's fingers on his nipple and Matt's tongue in his mouth were turning Chris on even more. Chris sighed as kip's hand had reached up to fondle Chris' cock as kip was still slowly working his mouth and throat on his Master's cock.

Matt moved his arm down lower on Chris' back as they continued to make out. kip was gently stroking Chris' cock that was becoming fully hard. Matt's fingers reached back and pushed into Chris' ass crack. Chris moaned into Matt's mouth as Matt's fingers traced around his pucker ring. Chris' hips thrust forward as Matt continued to tease and play with Chris' hole. Matt pulled his arm back up as he released the kiss.

Matt pushed two fingers into Chris' mouth. Chris began to suck and wet the fingers. Matt removed the soaked fingers and moved them back down to Chris' pucker. Chris moaned as Matt thrust both wet fingers into Chris' needy hole. Matt took a moment to use his inserted fingers to make circles, stretching open Chris' ass lips. Chris was moaning and now his cock was leaking a steady stream of pre-cum. Matt began to thrust his fingers in and out of Chris' ring. Chris was twitching as Matt's fingers were going deeper and just starting to brush his gland; each touch to it was sending sparks of energy through Chris' body.

Matt reached down with his free handand pulled kip's mouth off his rigid cock. Matt then guided kip's puffy lips onto Chris' leaky cock. Chris shuddered and moaned loudly as kip's mouth swallowed his cock to the base. Matt returned his mouth to Chris' as Matt's fingers were thrusting in deeper and faster. Chris was awash with sensations of pleasure as kip's talented mouth was working his cock and Matt's fingers were fucking in and out of his hole.

Chris' breathing began to get faster and his body flushed. Matt was attacking Chris' mouth and ass with tongue and fingers. kip was bobbing his head in a faster pace coming close to matching his Master's thrusting fingers in Chris' hole. Chris was experiencing the building tension as his body was slowly contracting from his pending orgasm. Chris' moans were almost staccato in Matt's mouth as Chris neared his relief.

Chris was rocking his hips between Matt's thrusting fingers and kip's sucking mouth. Chris' legs began to pull tight and his stomach became taught. Matt's tongue pushed deeper into Chris' mouth and brushed the entrance to Chris' throat. That was the final sensation that pushed Chris over the edge.

"AAAAHHHHHIIIIIIIEEEEE!"Chris screamed into Matt's mouth.

Chris' body was shaking as his cum started to jet down kip's throat. Matt's fingers were trapped in Chris' ass as his climax was clamping down hard on them. Matt could feel the pulsing strongly with each blast of cum that kip was sucking as fast as he could. After multiple blasts of cum and pulses on Matt's trapped fingers, Chris took a huge breathin, breaking the deep kiss with Matt.

"Fuck, man that was intense." Chris said as he was still twitching post climax with kip still lightly sucking Chris' spent cock.

"Now you are ready for me." Matt purred in Chris' ear as he resumed the thrusting of his fingers in Chris' ass.

"Off." Matt ordered curtly to kip.

kip slipped his mouth off Chris'cock and he slid back on the floor.

"Yes, Master!" kip replied as he sat waiting.

Matt then lifted his hand still in Chris' ass and used that connection to maneuver Chris up. Matt positioned Chris facing outward as Chris was now straddling Matt's legs. Matt removed his fingers from Chris' warmed up hole and moved both hands up under Chris' arms to grip Chris' chest. Matt's cock was pointing upward, still showing some glisten from kip's earlier blowjob. Matt latched his hands onto Chris'nipples and he used the grip to keep Chris hovering.

"Wet me!" Matt hissed.

"Yes, Master!" kip replied in a hurry as he crawled between his Master's legs.

kip took his Master's cock in his mouth without using his hands. kip then began to wet the large cock with as much spit as he could. Chris was moaning as kip's head would brush the underside of his balls and cock as kip was bobbing and sucking on Matt's cock. Chris' moan turned into a groan of pleasure as Matt's fingers were grinding on his nipples. Ripples of energy were pulsing through Chris' body and making his legs twitch as he was being held in place.

"Clear!" Matt ordered.

"Yes, Master!" kip replied as he slurped off his Master's cock.

"Position it." Matt commanded.

"Yes, Master" kip uttered as he reached up to hold his Master's cock in place.

Matt used his nipple grip on Chris to slowly lower Chris' body downward. Chris gasped as Matt's flared cock head pushed into his ass ring as Matt lowered Chris down. Matt could feel kip's hands hold his cock in position and move slowly as it was buried in Chris' hole. kip maintained contact with Matt's cock shaft until Matt's balls were forced up to Chris' opening. At that time kip rocked back to his knees and stared up as his Master's cock was fully in his lover's ass.

Chris let out a long moan, as Matt was now balls deep. His climax and finger play had made him open enough that Chris only felt the fullness, not pain from being impaled. Chris was still in a supported squat as Matt lowered his hips and then thrust back up forcefully. Chris grunted from the strong impact, his insides felt jarred. Matt started a steady pace of lowering and thrusting back into Chris' waiting hole.

Chris was being bounced as Matt'scock rammed in and out of his ass. Matt maintained the firm pinch grip on Chris' nipples, causing Chris to moan extra when Matt tweaked them. Matt's pace was about the same, but he used his connection to Chris' chest to pull down as he was thrusting upward. The resulting impact was making a louder smacking noise and Chris had thrown his head back making a gurgling noise. Chris' cock had hardened back up from his climax and was now slapping his thighs and belly.

kip watched as his Master was pounding harder into Chris' ass and using Chris' body weight to mash down harder on his Master's cock. kip blinked as he was splashed with a new stream of pre-cum from Chris' flailing cock head. As his Master's pounding continued, kip was doused with several more doses of Chris' pre-cum. kip opened hismouth as he watched, allowing the sticky sweet liquid to drip into his mouth.

Matt tilted his hips slightly causing his cock to rub Chris' gland as it moved in both directions. Chris started to make a growling like noise deep in his chest. The intense stimulation was driving Chris to another climax quickly. Chris' cock was now rock hard, the cock head was flared and dark purple in color as it slapped against his flesh.

The growling became louder as Matt hammered away. kip still had his mouth open letting drips of pre-cum come in. The increased noise of Chris' growling caught kip's attention; kip's eyes were opened and tracking Chris' angry looking cock. kip watched as Chris' body started to quake and Chris' balls shot up tightly to his body.

Chris roared as his cock started to spray cum in a hands free climax. kip was now splattered with rope after rope of cum, covering his hair and face. kip had to blink to try to clear a jet of cum that landed on his eye. kip let out a needy moan as he watched Chris's climax and he had been denied one.

Matt yelled as Chris' ass muscles were clamping and clenching against Matt's pummeling cock. The climax that kip had edged from the long edging session blowjob was now cresting. Matt began to howl as he started to pump his boiling cum deep in Chris' chute. kip saw his Master's balls pulse as he pumped seed into Chris' ass. kip shuddered in frustration at being in such close proximity to the display of raw and potent sexuality, but still not satisfied himself. A tear ran down kip's face.

Matt collapsed back against the couch, taking Chris down with him, his cock still buried in Chris' ass. Both men grunted as they landed, which was followed by a whimper from Chris, as his ass was raw from the power fuck he had received. The two snuggled closer on the couch, their bodies melting into each other. Chris turned his head to face Matt, and he began another deep kiss with his lover.

kip stayed in his place. Now he was watching the close post-climax bond that his Master and his Master's lover were sharing. It was overwhelming. kip had been close with his sexual partners in the past, but he had never experienced this deep of a bond before. kip was at the same time frustrated and proud.

As off as it was, he felt as a part of his Master and was sharing a portion of his Master's bond. Taking a deep breath in, kip was now even more determined to be a good sub for his Master and to let this newfound strength in the process to become better in controlling himself. With pride, kip held vigil over the entwined men as they fell into a light slumber.

Matt woke a short time later; Chris was snuggled close and sprawled over Matt's body. Chris was still lightly snoring as they laid on the couch. Matt looked over to see kip, Matt smiled. kip was in the same position he was while Matt was fucking his lover.The streaks of pre-cum and cum were still covering kip's hair and face, though some had dripped down onto kip's body. kip was awake and awaiting his Master's needs or wants. There was a certain glow to kip's eyes that had not been there before he came into that first massage and meditation session with Matt. Matt could have sworn it looked like pride in kip's posture and if Matt was correct it was pride in his position as a sub.

Matt noticed a change in the man in his arms. Looking down he saw Chris open his eyes and peer into Matt's. There was a look of contentment and passion mixed. Matt tipped his head closerand kissed Chris on the forehead. Chris sighed and hugged Matt tighter. Matt chuckled as Chris blew a raspberry on Matt's chest. Even kip chuckled softly at the display.

"We need to get cleaned up before our guests arrive. The caterers should be arriving shortly after as well." Matt said as he slapped Chris' ass.

"Ok, Ok!" Chris said as he felt Matt's hand raise again to swat him.

"Showers both of you!" Matt said as he stood up.

Chris chuckled and walked to the master suite. kip stayed in place a moment and Matt turned his attention to his sub. Matt arched an eyebrow in question.

"Master, as it will be just our party, may I stay as I am to serve your guests?" kip said quietly, his eyes averted.

Matt stayed in place and pondered the request. Matt looked up to see that kip was staring at Matt's feet on the floor. Matt was still contemplating the request, but snapped his fingers and then pointed at his feet.

"Yes, Master." kip breathed as he crawled the short distance and lowered his face to kiss his Master's feet.

"You may keep your honormarkings and I will add to them shortly." Matt said, "I want you togo to the playroom after I am done. When the caterers are gone you will be able to come out and serve us."

"Yes, Master! Thank you Master!" kip answered as he continued to lick and kiss his Master's feet.

Matt's cock was getting hard again. Reaching down, Matt pulled kip's head up and guided it onto his cock. kip opened his mouth and engulfed the firm cock head as Matt pushed down. kip's lips were touching Matt's trimmed pubes as Matt's cock engorged to fullsize, pushing deep into kip's throat.

kip was breathing through his nose while he was sucking and licking his Master's cock. Matt kept a firm grip on kip's head as he started to pump his hips in and out of kip's mouth. kip loosened his jaw and was just sucking on the hard cock as it passed in and out of his mouth. Matt varied his tempo; sometimes he would thrust in fast and then pull out slow. Next, he would push in extra slow, going deep into kip's throat and mashing kip's nose hard into his pelvis.

After five solid minutes of oral service, Matt was starting to get close to a climax. He started a smooth, long-dicking pace where he pulled his cock back so just the tip of his cockhead was in kip's mouth before reversing and sliding his full length back in to rest his pube on kip's nose. kip let out a moan as his Master maintained this pattern, the vibrations were making Matt's cock engorge to be even harder. kip was now swiping his tongue on his Master's cock shaft as it went in and out of his mouth.

Matt stood up the next time his cock was fully buried in kip's mouth. kip repositioned his body, but his Master's hand stayed the movement of kip's mouth from his Master's cock. Matt used the handhold to begin a fast, deep throat fuck. The oral work so far had relaxed kip's jaw and throat, so his Master's balls were slapping his face as his Master's cock was plunging in and out of his throat.

Matt reached down and grabbed kip's right nipple. kip gave a low moan, which caused his throat to vibrate around his Master's cock head. Matt kneaded and pinched the nipple to continue steady moaning from kip and vibrations on his cock. Matt's thrusting was becoming faster as he was getting closer still. kip could feel the higher intensity of thrusting to his face, but his Master's balls were pulling up and were no longer slapping his chin.

"OOOOOHHHHHFFFUUUUUUCCCCKKKKK!" Matt screamed as his cock began to pulse out ropes of cum.

Matt let the first two shots of cum jet down kip's throat, and then he ripped kip's head back and shot the remaining shots of cum on kip's face and hair. kip's eyes were locked on his Master's face in the mask of orgasmic pleasure as cum splatted on him. Matt shuddered finally as the last drops of cum were emptied from his balls. Matt took his cock head and rubbed his cum deeper in kip's hair, matting it in.

"Thank you, Master!" kip uttered as his breath was still ragged and his voice filled with emotion.

Matt used his cock to move some of the dripping cum across kip's face, leaving it shiny all over. Then Matt pushed just his cock head into kip's mouth. kip sealed his lips around his Master's cock head and cleaned it up. Matt sighed as he pulled his slightly deflated cock from kip's mouth.

"You can wear this as my mark this evening as you serve. Now, you need to go to the playroom and put on the leather jockstrap I have set out. Then you will stay there until after the caterers have dropped off the food." Matt ordered.

"Yes, Master!" kip said as he then started to crawl to the playroom.

Matt smiled as he looked to the hallway to watch Chris leaned against the entrance to the hall, Chris' cock hard and just barely contained by the cargo shorts he had put on. Chris' look was close to a lusty leer, as he opened his mouth to say something the gate alarm sounded, the caterers had arrived.

"I will let them in and get the food situated in the kitchen, Babe." Chris said as Matt walked closer, still naked and more than semi hard.

"I will shower and get dressed. Do you need a shirt, Monkey Boy?" Matt asked as he pulled Chris close to him.

"No, this is an informal meeting. The two of us being topless will not be a problem. Maybe a thrill for the caterers, but not a problem for the dinner." Chris replied.

Matt gave Chris a quick kiss and then headed to the master bathroom for a quick shower. Matt cleaned up and was drying off as he walked into the closet. Quickly he decided on a pair of dark tan linen, drawstring shorts and pulled out his leather sandals. He glanced into the mirrors and watched his reflection as he smoothed out thefabric.

Matt opted to go commando, as he knew Chris was. Matt marveled at how his body had changed in the time he had been in California. He had toned and just short of ripped muscles on his lean frame. Matt tugged the waist down just a bit more, until you could almost see the top of his trimmed pubes. Smiling, Matt headed into the kitchen to check on things.

Matt walked into the kitchen and up to Chris, who was standing on the outside of the kitchen bar. Mai had arrived and had taken control of the kitchen and the catering delivery staff. Mai barked orders and people moved. Matt smiled as he hugged Chris' body to his own. Chris turned as the feeling of skin on skin as their torsos touched, it was his turn to smile at Matt.

About that time, Mai finished giving her orders and the caterers' crew was leaving. Mai was wearing a summer weight white sleeveless dress with a dark leather knotted belt. Her hair was up and secured with a pair of leather covered hair sticks. She smiled at the pair as her attention turned to them. That was when a younger woman came back around into the kitchen. Mai turned at Matt's glance away.

"Matt, I would like you to meet hui." Mai said as the younger girl came forward and stood directly to Mai's right, head slightly bowed.

"hui, you know Chris, but this is Master Matt, who is Chris' partner." Mai said to hui.

hui dropped to her knees and kissed the tops of Matt's feet before she stood up and bowed to first Matt and then Chris.

"Hello, Master Matt and Sir Chris." hui said in a surprisingly alto voice.

"Hello hui, nice to see you again." Chris greeted her.

"Nice to meet you, sub hui." Matt said as he nodded to Mai with a smile.

Mai smiled at Matt and then looked to hui. Matt got a full look at the younger girl. hui, which waspronounced huuwee, was at least two or three inches shorter than Mai. hui's frame was petite and her skin was very pale, almost translucent. hui's strikingred hair was pulled back in a long braid that went down her back and went past her knees. Matt stepped closer and lifted hui's head up with a feather softbrush to her chin. When hui's eyes were lifted, they were a bright, glowing green.

Matt smiled as he released his touch and hui's face lowered. hui was wearing a soft gray leather halter bra type topand slightly darker gray, banded skirt in a gauzy, flowy material. Matt noticed that hui had a small tattooed white rose with a knotted, thorny stem on her right inner bicep muscle. He smiled at her and then again to Mai with an approving nod.

"I thought kip was joining us tonight. You have not left him bound up, have you?" Mai said with a grin as she glanced around.

"Yes, he will be joining us. Due to his training I did not want wandering eyes and looser lips of the caterers to start rumors." Matt stated.

"Well, those caterers had better not start anything like that. I own that company and they are my employees. I do understand your concern and appreciate your discretion with kip's career in mind." Mai answered.

"Excellent. Then kip can join us now. May I?" Matt inquired to Mai's nod. Then he to hui he issued an order, "hui, you may retrieve kip from the guest bedroom. That is our playroom for the moment."

"Yes, Master Matt." hui said in her husky, quiet voice as she performed an Asian martial arts style bow which Matt replied with a matching head nod.

hui then backed a few steps and then turned to go down the hallway towards the bedroom. Matt chuckled and Chris turned to watch her go. Matt swatted Chris playfully on the ass cheek with agrowl "Monkey boy!" Chris laughed as he turned back to Mai who smiled as well. It was only moments later that kip and hui had returned. Mai raised an eyebrow to Matt as kip was clad in only the leather jockstrap and was covered in the drying seed on his face and hair.

"kip's choice to display his obedience tonight." Matt answered Mai's unvoiced question.

Mai's smile became wider and she nodded to Matt. kip moved closer and kneeled to Mai, kissing the tops of her feet. Then he scooted back to sit on his knees at Matt's right hand.

"Welcome to Sir Chris' and my Master's home, Mistress Mai." kip greeted Mai.

"Well done, kip. You are doing very well with Master Matt." Mai replied.

kip only smiled as his Master's hand had come down and was resting on kip's head. Mai did not miss the gesture. There was a sound of the door opening as Channing and Tom entered with Alex Pettyer in tow. Chan and Tom knew everyone already and made introductions of Alex to the group. Alex's eyes widened when he recognized kip kneeling at Matt's feet. A look flashed across Alex's face as ogled the near naked flesh of his secret crush. Alex's cheeks brightened as he realized that dried cum was on kip's face and hair.

Matt and Mai's eyes locked as they watched kip and Alex interact, they passed a subtle nod. Chris invited everyone out to the patio. Matt advised that kip and hui would be serving food tonight. Chris sat at the head of the patio table and Mai sat opposite. Chan sat with Alex between him and Tom on one side and Matt sat on the other leaving two open spots for kip and hui to join them.

The group chatted lightly as kip and hui brought out plates and served the group. When everyone had food and drink, kip and hui got nods from Matt and Mai to join the table with their food. As they sat down kip was seated directly across from Alex. Both men were taken with each other and were making glances at each other as the meal continued. Tom, Chris and Chan were all discussing with Alex the benefits of working with the Production Company.

Matt turned to Mai, "I like hui's tattoo. It is your mark, correct?" Matt inquired.

"Yes. My sub's wear it as they are with me. The petals are unfilled when they are active with me. I have them colored when they exit my service." Mai explained.

"I believe that kip is ready for my mark. Do you have a preferred tattoo artist?" Matt asked.

"Yes and he is a retainer for the Production Company. How soon?" Mai asked.

"Anytime is fine. It is not a large tattoo and it will be in the same location that hui has her's." Matt answered.

"Great, I can have him at the office tomorrow. Sounds like Alex will meeting you for a session. I will coordinate the same time if kip is available." Mai said.

"He is working with Chan tomorrow, but that should not be a problem." Matt answered.

The pair nodded and then joined back in with the dinner conversation. The meal was over soon after; kip and hui got up and began to clear the table. Alex was asking questions and getting some answers from each of the principles. When the table was cleared, Chris offered to move down to the pool area and finish their drinks. Mai declined the invitation as she had a busy schedule the next day. She and hui left, taking the catering dishes with them.

Chan, Tom, Chris took Alex down to the pool area. Matt stayed to ensure that Mai and hui got out ok and to monitor kip's clean up. kip finished quickly and he then followed his Master down to the men at the pool. Matt heard the gate tone to let them know it was just men left, so he stopped before leaving the house and dropped his shorts. Stepping out of them and kicking his sandals by the door, he nodded to kip. kip pulled off the leather jock strap and was now just wearing his cage. The two walked to the pool, Matt's hand possessively on the back of kip's neck.

Chan was facing the direction of the house as Matt and kip came down the path. Seeing how both were nude, Chan stood up and began to push his heather gray sweatpants to the ground. There was a small gasp, most likely from Alex as the other men had been naked together before. Chan next pulled his t-shirt over his head and tossed it with his sweats. Chan's chiseled body and symmetric muscles were nice to see, his cock had been flaccid but was starting to plump up as he watched Matt and kip come down. It also helped that he liked being watched, so the attention from Alex was turning him on.

Chris glanced up and saw his lover and the sub. Chris undid the snap and zipper of his cargo shorts, as he stood, they pooled at his ankles. Another small gasp that definitely came from Alex as Chris' full body was now on display. Chan and Chris nodded and they both headed for the pool, diving in. Alex had his back to the house and did not notice Matt and kip until they walked by. This time Alex let out a moan as he saw kip's tight ass go past. Matt stopped and turned his head towards Tom and Alex, keeping his grip on kip's neck.

"Looks like it is pool time fellas." Matt said as he watched Alex's eyes sweep up and down his nude form.

"Sounds great to me." Tom said as he started to strip, then turning to Alex, "You are joining us, right?"

"Ye.. Yea, sure." Alex said as he then pulled off his clothes.

"kip; gather the clothes into stacks for later. Then you can join me in the pool." Matt ordered.

"Yes, Master." kip answered.

Alex was still getting undressed as kip collected the clothes of the guys in the pool. Tom had entered the water just after Matt and the four were playing around some, Chan and Chris being the most adventurous. kip had all the other stacks done and Alex was just finishing. kip dropped to his knees to collect Alex's clothes. Alex reached down and felt the dried matter in kip's hair and then touched the flaking patch of cum on kip's forehead.

"Is that cum?" Alex asked kip very quietly.

"Yes, Sir." kip said plainly as he waited on his knees.

"Is that a cock cage you are wearing?" Alex inquired again.

"Yes, Sir. It shows that my Master has control of me. I am able to focus on his desires." kip answered in a clear voice that was full of pride.

"Fuck that is hot." Alex swore under his breath as he walked to the water.

'Hot, indeed!' kip thought as he watched the younger man enter the pool.

Alex was a few inches shorter than the other men with the exception of Tom, who was several inches shorter than Alex was. Alex's physique was not as defined as Chan's, Chris' or kip's. He was closer in frame with Matt, which drew Alex's attention repeatedly.

Alex was checking out the hot cocks that were bouncing about in the water. Alex was not lacking in that department, being slightly longer than average, but not as thick as some. kip passed by Alex as he entered the water and moved towards Matt, stopping just in arm's reach of his Master. Alex was looking between the two, while kip was easily the taller of the two; it was Matt that was in control. Alex's eyes could not settle on which of the two he was more attracted to.

Alex was not sure what that made him. He was very attracted to these men, but he had only fooled around with some early school buds in the past. He had dated and slept with many women, but was left mostly unsatisfied. The constant feeling of dissatisfaction was making Alex go crazy. Alex thought is why he would lose control and either act out or make some stupid comment.

Those stupid comments were often made to the press, which made him edgy and irate anyway. The result was his public image was not great and his reputation of being a problem was circulating through the industry. That is the reason that he let Tom try and convenience him that the Production Company could help. At this point, he would take whatever help was available.

These deeper thoughts were pushed aside as his cock started to plump up and he had to move into deeper water to cover up. Soon all the men were roughhousing in the water. The tension has been broken and they were all feeling like teens as they played around. Matt noticed that as Alex was participating, he seemed to be drawn to give lingering touches to kip and his bodies. The play stayed mostly just juvenile - a specialty of Chris', not sexual but all the men were sporting somewhat plumped cocks. Well, all but kip who was filling out his cage.

Soon it was time for Chan, Tom and Alex to leave. The men all exited the pool and kip was quick to hand towels to each man. Matt smiled, as he did not even have to ask. Matt and Chris only used the towels to dry off their faces and hair some. kip was standing at rest next to Matt's right hand and Chris was holding Matt on the left hand side as they watched the men get dressed.

Chris turned his head towards Matt. Matt faced him and they began to kiss. Alex could be seen trying to be discrete in watching, but was not successful. Matt snuck a hand behind Chris' back and ran a finger up Chris' crack. Chris let out a deep moan as Matt's finger circled his pucker. Matt broke the kiss, but continued to tease Chris' hole. Matt reached down his right hand and pushed a finger into kip's ass crack. kip moaned as Matt inserted a finger and pulled kip closer.

"Wet me." Matt said quietly.

"Yes, Master." kip said as he dropped to his knees, turning to take Matt's cock in his mouth.

Matt sighed and turned back to Chris' face to begin kissing deeply again. Chris shivered as Matt's teasing finger had entered his hole and was slowly pushing in and out. Matt's head tilted slightly as he looked over into Alex's eyes. Matt winked and Alex almost jumped a being caught watching. Matt chuckled as he waved to the departing men, Alex struggling to conceal his hard cock filling the crotch of his shorts.

Matt turned his attention to his sub and lover as the gate sound confirmed they were alone. kip had been slowly getting Matt's cock up to full staff and soaking wet. kip's eyes were closed as he focused his attention on his Master's cock. Matt's finger had been joined by a second as it moved in and out of Chris' hole. Chris was cooing and grinding into Matt's hip as Matt's fingers were stretching him out. Matt reached down and pulled kip's mouth off his cock with a grip to kip's hair. kip grunted softly at the continued holding.

Using the fingers in Chris and the handhold on kip, Matt maneuvered the pair up to the bedroom. It was an awkward pace as kip was crawling and Chris shuffled up the walk. When they reached to bedroom, Matt walked them to the bed.

"On the bed, head off the end." Matt ordered with a slight shove of kip's head.

"Yes, Master!" kip replied as he scurried onto the bed.

kip spread out on his back, with his head just off the bed as it tipped backward. kip waited with his hands by his sides, being patient for his Master's next command. Matt smiled at the immediate compliance and demeanor of kip. Matt then used his finger hold on Chris to then straddle kip's head. Pushing down with his fingers, Matt moved Chris to squat down some with Chris' leaking cock now inches from kip's mouth. kip relaxed his jaw and opened his lips open wide. Matt again smiled at kip's compliance without direct commands.

"Fuck!" Chris moaned as Matt pushed Chris forward sending Chris' cock into kip's open mouth.

Matt pushed until all but a few inches of Chris' cock was nestled in kip's mouth. Matt then started to jab the fingers in and out of Chris' hole while holding Chris' hips from moving forward. Chris moaned as Matt's fingers stretched his ass lips and the tips were punching his gland. kip was moaning around Chris' cock, not sucking just holding it in his mouth. Chris gave a brief gasp as Matt pulled his fingers out, but it turned to an oof as Matt pushed Chris' back forward, making Chris bend over kip's body.

Matt slid his still wet cock headup and down Chris' crack. Chris placed his hands on either side of kip's hips as he shivered and moaned. Matt smiled as he pushed his cock head into Chris' opened pucker lips. Chris sighed deeply as Matt's cock slid deeper into his ass. Chris' cock was pushed deeper into kip's throat as Matt bottomed out in Chris' ass. kip moaned around Chris' cock causing the vibrations to shoot sparks of sexual energy all over Chris' body.

Chris was moaning loudly from kip's mouth and Matt's cock. Matt pulled his cock back while he restricted Chris' hip movement, only allowing Chris' cock to move a few inches in and then out of kip's throat. Matt set the pace of his thrusting into Chris and Chris' thrusting into kip. All three men were grunting and moaning.

Chris could feel his building climaxas he muscles began to tense up. Matt felt the change and picked up his thrusting pace. Reaching out, Matt grabbed Chris' hair and yanked Chris' torso up sharply. Chris gasped for air as the change positioned Matt's ramming cock head right against his gland. Chris' hands moved from beside kip onto kip's chest. kip moaned as Chris' fingers latched onto his nipples and began to squeeze. The harder that Matt pulled on Chris' head made Chris' nipple pinching harder on kip's nipples. kip could not moan aloud as Chris' cock was not moving out of his throat now with the change.

A tremor started running up Chris' legs, his body quaking as he was responding to Matt's cock and kip's mouth. Matt kept plowing into Chris' ass as Chris rose up on his tiptoes. Chris grip on kip's nipples was now crushing, kip let out a muffled scream from the increased pressure.

"AAIIIIEEEE!FFFFUUUUUUUCCCCKKKK!" Chris screamed as he climaxed.

Chris' body was convulsing from his climax as Matt still pounded away in Chris' twitching ass. kip was gulping and swallowing Chris' load as he could when each jet shot down his throat. Matt was getting close as well; Chris' clamping hole on his cock was pushing Matt higher and higher in his need for release.

"GGGGRRRRRRIIIIIIIRRRRRR!"Matt growled, as he could not hold back any longer.

Matt started shooting his seed deepin Chris' hole. Matt pulled Chris' back by his handhold on Chris' hair and now gripped Chris' shoulders. kip yelped as the change of Chris' body, ripped Chris' grip of kip's nipples. Chris was mostly like a rag doll as Matt power thrust eight or nine blasts of cum into Chris' body. The final thrust for Matt, he pulled both his and Chris' bodies back away from the bed. Chris' semifirm cock slipped from kip's sucking mouth, a trail of spit and cum dripped down on kip's face.

Matt pivoted and pushed Chris down on the bed, moving them forward so Chris could get on his knees and his head slumped down on the bed. Matt's cock was still rock hard even though he had just climaxed, he resumed thrusting in and out of Chris' used hole. There was a sloshing noise with the slaps as Matt was swiftly thrusting in and out. Matt looked down at kip, still laying off the end of the bed with his lips puffy and his face covered is sex slime.

"Up." Matt ordered.

"Yes, Master!" kip almost yelled as he scurried to stand up.

When kip was standing, Matt reached out and pulled kip's face to his. kip was surprised as Matt's tongue forced its way into kip's mouth. kip moaned into his Master's mouth as Matt's tongue ravaged kip's mouth and tongue. Chris was groaning as Matt hammered his cock deeper in Chris' ass. Matt pulled kip's face away from his, leaving kip gasping. Matt then pushed kip's open mouth down to his own chest. kip began sucking his Master's nipple; Matt dropped his head back in an earthy moan.

Matt varied his thrusting speed and power as he plowed his lover's ass. Chris was starting to recover from his shattering climax and was now pushing back into Matt's thrusts. kip had moved to the other nipple on Matt's chest, looking up at his Master's face as he did. Matt could feel that Chris was pulsing his ass muscles around Matt's plunging cock, Matt moaned. Matt was starting to get the tingling feeling, but he wanted a bit more play.

"Roll over, Monkeyboy!" Matt said as he pulled his cock out of Chris' ass.

Chris was smiling as he rolled over onto his back. Matt stepped up and lifted Chris' legs up to his chest as he slid his cock back in. Chris gave a happy moan. Matt started to pump back again as he looked over at kip who had dropped to his knees, waiting.

"Crawl up on Chris and swallow his cock." Matt ordered, then "Monkey boy, I am going to give you an ass to eat." Matt said.

"Yes, Master." kip answered.

kip crawled up on top and straddled Chris's body on all fours, quickly swallowing Chris' cock. Chris moaned loudly as his hard cock was pushed deep in kip's mouth. Chris reached up and spread kip's ass cheeks wide, seeing the pink pucker ringed with the dark blond hair.kip's turn to moan when Chris blew a jet of air across the exposed pucker. kip then bucked as Chris pulled kip back with a hand hold of each ass cheek and then buried his face in kip's crack. Chris' tongue speared into the stretched hole, causing both he and kip to moan.

Matt had been making long, easy strokes in and out of Chris' ass as kip and Chris got into a rhythm. Soon kip's bobbing head and Chris' wet, sloppy rimming were revving the pair up. Matt then picked up his pace and was slapping his body against Chris' ass cheeks with aloud report as he thrust his cock in deep. Now each jarring impact was bouncing all three men. Matt was groaning with each thrust, while Chris and kip were both making muffled moaning noises.

Matt paused on his next inward push and held his cock lodged deep in Chris' chute. Reaching down he pulled kip's head up and off Chris' rigid pole. kip's eyes were slightly glazed and his lips were puffy and streaked with spit. Matt kept pulling kip's head upward, making kip slide down Chris' body. kip ended with his knees on either side of Chris' hips and his chest was up by his Master's with Chris' legs between them. Matt then started to slowly slide his cock in and out of Chris' hole again.

"Mount him." Matt said looking directly into kip's eyes.

"Yes, Master!" kip breathed huskily.

kip then reached behind him and grabbed Chris' angry looking cock, using a hand to guide it to his hole. kip raised up slightly as Chris' cock head touched his rim soaked pucker ring. Matt reached and pulled kip's mouth to his in an urgent and powerful kiss as kip lowered his body onto Chris' rod. Chris let out a low moanas his cock pushed into kip's velvet like gloved hole. kip was moaning into his Master's mouth as Matt was aggressively using his tongue to dominate kip's mouth. kip continued to sink down on Chris' dick until he felt Chris'pubes touch his pucker ring and the stretched feeling as the base of Chris'cock opened him wider.

"Ride him." Matt said as he pulled his tongue out of kip's mouth just long enough to say it before resuming.

kip tried to reply but Matt's mouth was working kip's too hard for the response. kip began to lift and drop on the cock in his ass. Chris was moaning even more loudly as kip's riding and Matt's thrusting were increasing in speed and intensity. Matt knew that Chris would not last too long in this position; Chris' body was working up very tightly.Matt felt Chris' toes start to curl as Chris began to make a gurgling noise.Matt pumped his cock harder into his lover's ass.

"YAHHHIIIIEEEE!!! FFFFUUUUCCCCCKKKK!!!"Chris screamed as his body did a full spasm.

Chris' orgasm rocked his full body, his arm and chest were seized while his feet and legs were trying to tighten into curls. Pulses of cum were now jetting up into kip's hole as Chris was fountaining. Chris was now wordless as his still was shaking and rocking in his climax.

Matt could feel Chris' ass muscles clamp in vise like grips as each of load of cum was released. Matt started growling into kip's mouth, but he knew that he was not ready for his climax so he continued to pound into Chris' hole. Chris was just twitching now as kip continued to ride his cock and Matt pounded his hole.

kip was breathing huskily as he felt the warm seed splash in him and now begin to drip out of his hole. Matt had not let up on the forceful kiss and kip was whining with increased sexual need. Chris now was making gurgling noises before he went mostly limp due to his body relaxing from the tensed state. kip bumped around as Chris' deflating cockpopped from his ass, Chris' load dripping out made a squelching noise.

Matt broke his kiss with kip and pulled his raging hard cock from Chris' ass. kip was breathing hard as he held onto his Master's body. Matt let Chris' legs drop down as he glanced around to see Chris start to drop off to an exhausted slumber. Matt then pushed kip's head and shoulders down towards the floor, turning his ass upward.

kip yelped as Matt's hand slapped the exposed ass cheeks and the seed dripping hole. Matt pushed kip's body over so kip was no longer straddling Chris' now sleeping form. Matt stepped a leg upon the bed behind kip. Using one hand to open kip's crack wider, his other was guiding his bulging member towards kip's gaping hole. kip gurgled and purred as his Master's cock lowered into his ass. Matt's flared cock head brushed hard against kip's gland, sending jolts of energy through kip's body.

Matt continued to thrust in, then pull up and out making a popping sound as kip's cum soaked hole was trying to stay tight around his Masters' cock. kip could only moan in his folded over position as his Master's cock plunged deep and hard each time. Matt reached down, latched a firm grip on kip's balls, and gave them a firm yank. kip made a mewling noise after an initial yelp from the grip. Matt would tug and squeeze kip's balls as he pulled out from thrusting into kip's ass.

The strong thrusts and the ball play was driving kip's climax closer and closer as his Master worked his body. kip was whining and whimpering as he tried to hold it back. Matt could feel kip's balls try to pull up closer to kip's body. Matt circled his hand fully between kip's body and kip's balls, making a tight ring. kip made a strangled groan as his Master made the ring tighter and tighter. Matt could feel kip's body try and shoot, but the tight ring kept any discharge from leaking from kip's cock.

kip squealed as his body started convulsing. Matt kept thrusting in, but only pulled out as far as his cock head before dropping down. Matt cock head was pummeling kip's gland, sending sparks through kip's convulsing body. Matt could feel kip's ass muscles contract and release with each wave of the contractions. Gibberish noises were coming from kip's mouth as his Master pounded into him and had a tight enough grip to keep his from ejecting any sperm.

Matt continued working kip's body until kip was no longer convulsing. Matt pulled his cock out as he stoodup straight, but he kept his grip on kip's balls. kip moaned again as Matt reached down, hooked a hand under kip's armpit, and began to lift kip up. When Matt had pulled kip up to standing, still with the circle grip on kip's cock, Matt then started to walk kip out of the bedroom. kip groaned and shuffled as his Master pulled him along.

The pair entered the playroom and Matt flicked on the lights. Matt led kip over to the padded bench. kip drooped his chest over the bench, spreading his legs wide and his arms over by the restraints. Matt had snatched a leather thong, as they got closer; taking the finger width wide leather, he began to wrap it around kip's collected balls. As he could, Matt pulled the leather tight enough that he could release the ring-like grip to let the thong do the job.

Matt stooped down, connected the leg restraints, and then moved to do the arm ones. kip had a glazed look on his face that was marred slightly at the uncomfortable feeling of the leather strap. Matt stepped back and selected a small ball gag from the kit that Mai had provided. Moving back closer, Matt lowered himself to be looking directly into kip's eye, pulling kip's chin up some to ensure his sub's attention.

"You have done very well tonight. I am proud that even though your body climaxed, you did not cum. For that, I will finish my breeding of you after I get you set the rest of the way up. You will remain here for most of the night afterwards, but not all night as your good behavior has decreased your time." Matt explained.

"Yes, Master. Thank you Master!" kip whispered hoarsely.

"Good boy. You are progressing very well indeed. Tomorrow during the day, you will get my mark. It is discrete, but you and I will know its meaning." Matt advised.

"Thank you, Master!" kip exclaimed as a tear leaked down his cheek.

"You are gaining your self-control back. I see the spark in your eyes and the calmness as you have served me. I think that you will be able to have some day-to-day restrictions lightened as a privilege. We will see tomorrow. Right now I am needing to breed my sub hole and make it swim with my cum." Matt said.

"Yes Master, fill this sub's hole with your seed!" kip exclaimed and then yipped as his Master stood and swatted the upturned ass cheeks.

Matt took the ball gag around kip's head. kip opened his mouth wide to accept the gag, biting down slightly to hold it in place as his Master secured it. Matt then retrieved a small weight that he then connected to the leather strap still circled around kip's balls. kip gave a sloppy groan from around the ball gag as his Master released the weight and it bounced a few times.

Matt grinned darkly as he walked around his bound, gagged and ball-stretched sub on the fuck bench. His cock had remained very firm, but now was back to an aching full mast and was dripping some pre-cum. Matt stroked his cock that still had some of Chris' cum from earlier play. The bench left kip's rosebud exposed, Matt leaned over and spit just above the puffy pucker. kip cooed as the liquid dripped down.

Matt positioned himself behind kip's spread ass cheeks. One hand moved to place his cock head right at kip's pucker entrance. The other hand reached forward and pulled back kip's head with a handhold of hair. When kip's neck was arched back, Matt plowed forward inone swift motion. kip screeched as his Master's cock went balls deep in the one thrust. Matt took a step closer and pulled kip's head back as far as it could before he pulled all but his flared cock head out and then rammed it back in.

kip oofed as his Master was long dicking his ass with a hard pounding pressure. Each impact from the thrusting made the weights dangling from kip's balls move that caused an extra moan from kip. Matt maintained a steady pace of this hard pounding, keeping kip right on the edge of discomfort from having his head pulled backward. kip was beginning to use his ass muscles to pulse on his Master's cock, Matt moaned in appreciation.

Matt released kip's head and moved both hands to hold on either side of kip's neck. Now Matt's ass pounding became more percussive, jarring the bench even with kip's weight on it. Matt's breathing started to get short. Matt's cock was only sliding about three inches out before pummeling back into his sub's pulsing hole. Matt was getting so close to his climax, he was willing himself to hold off as long as he could. A deep rumble was shaking Matt's body; his grip on kip's neck became tighter.

"GGGRRRRAAAAAHHHH!!!! OOOOOHHHHH!!! FFFUUUUUCCCCKKK!!!!" Matt growled at the top of his voice.

Matt's body was in full spasm with each jet of cum spraying deep in kip's inside. Matt was grunting with each pulse, his grip on kip's neck was increasing. As the air had been blocked for some time now, kip's body started to thrash as Matt bred the last jets in kip's chute. Right when kip's vision started to dull and fade, Matt released his hold.

The rush of air to kip's lungs and the still pounding of his Master's cock against his gland caused a full body climax. kip's limbs tightened instantly as his muscles did a complete contraction and then shook at the release. A loud screech and then moan sounded out from around kip's ball gag as he experienced the most complete orgasm without any issue.

kip felt like lightening was racing through every nerve with each breath he took. kip's mind seemed to release from his physical body and enter a deeper plane of existence. kip could still feel his body and his Master's body, but there was an absence of any pain, just wave after wave of pleasure. kip missed that his Master's cock had been pulled from his still pulsing ass and a trail of cum dripped from his gaping hole down over his bound balls and caged cock.

kip did feel the insertion of a smooth butt plug that his Master had inserted. kip was just about to come backdown from his sexual high when the plug pulsed four or five times, rubbing directly on his bloated p-gland. kip was thrown back into the high feeling from the stimulation. kip felt when the ball gag was removed, spit spewed out of it onto the covered floor below.

"The plug is set on a repeat setting to go off every four minutes. It will last until I come and release you." Matt whispered in kip's ear.

"Thank you, Master" kip slurred as his body began to ripple with pleasure again.

Now only mumbles and moans could be heard from kip's mouth. Matt smiled as he watched another stimulation from the plug and kip's reaction. Matt's cock was starting to get hard again just from the sight and sounds of kip being in almost continual pleasure. Matt slowly stroked his cock as he backed out of the playroom.

Matt stalked down the hallway back to the master bedroom. As he opened the door, Chris could be seen dozing on the middle of the bed. Chris had rolled over onto his stomach, so his ass was turned up and exposed. Matt walked closer and he could see the slickness still showing around Chris' pucker from their earlier play. Matt crawled up on the bed, taking a moment to position himself; he lowered his weight down as his cock sunk into his lover's ass.

"Ah! OOOHHHH SSSSHHHIIIIITTTT!" Chris jolted awake and moaned as Matt's cock entered and continued in until being fully inserted.

"My Monkey Boy like this?" Matt whispered lowly in Chris' ear.

"Yes, Sir!" Chris was able to moan back in reply as Matt started to lift and thrust back in.

Matt was aggressively pounding and growling in Chris' ear as he nibbled on the lobe. Chris was moaning and thrusting back up into Matt's pounding. Matt spit on his hand and then snaked it under Chris' hips. Chris moaned louder as Matt's fist closed around Chris'cock and started to pump in time to Matt's thrusts. Matt was keyed up and very close, his fist started to pound faster on Chris' cock. Chris' moaning was more staccato as Matt's thrusting gained power and speed. Matt flicked his tongue deep in Chris' ear canal and growled that was enough with the other stimulation to push Chris over.

"FUCK! ME! FUCK! ME! FUCK!ME!" Chris screamed as he started to shoot his load into the mattress below him.

Matt kept fisting Chris' cock even as his own climax started. As Chris' last pulse of cum shot out, Matt then used Chris' cock as an anchor point as he yanked Chris' body back into his thrusting cock, forcing his seed deep in Chris' chute. Seven or eight jets of cum spewed into Chris' hole before Matt gave a final thrust and collapsed on top of Chris'body.

Both men were exhausted now and fell off to a deep sleep, still intimately joined. Light snores were heard as the lovers snuggled against each other. Matt's grip had relaxed but not released even as they slept. The sleep was interrupted a few hours later due to a quiet alarm on Matt's phone. Chris grumbled and only slightly stirred as Matt pulled out of Chris' ass and the sweaty, sticky skin that separated the two.

Matt stood as he silenced his alarm. He smiled as his lover rooted around before settling back into his sleep, laying on his side. Matt quietly padded out of the bedroom and down the hallway. Entering the playroom, Matt could hear kip's low moaning and see ripples of muscles through kip's body as the plug just stimulated him again. Matt waited until the plug stopped before he came closer.

"Did my sub enjoy his pleasure punishment?" Matt whispered right into kip's ear.

"Yes, Master! Oh, I love you Master!" kip replied as his eyes shot open at the sound of his master's voice.

"Good boy!" Matt praised kip.

Matt reached and pulled the plug from kip's hole. Looking at kip's puffy pucker, his ring was trying to pulse around the no longer inserted plug. There was still a gape for several seconds before it started to contract back. Matt then reached down and removed the weights from the leather strap. kip sighed, but was unable to reply aa the absence of the weight made his balls feel like they were floating.

kip moaned more loudly when the leather strap was removed from his bloated looking balls. Matt had moved a collection cup under kip's caged cock head and as the obstruction was released a steady drip of cum leaked from kip's cock. kip shuddered and sighed as the sticky liquid continued to leak out.

"Thank you Master!" kip said with a rough breath.

Matt held the collection up steady until the last drips of milky white fluid pooled up. He set the cup aside for the moment. Reaching under, Matt unlocked the cage from kip's cock. Now even free it stayed flaccid as kip was fully spent. kip sighed at the removal, but did not have any other reaction. Matt then went around and released kip'sarms and then legs from the restraints, briefly rubbing each limb to insure no damage or bruising had occurred.

Matt then helped kip off the bench. Even though kip could have stood, he lowered to his knees and bowed over Matt's feet - kissing each and remaining folded over.

"Thank you, Master!" kip said in a calm, quiet voice.

"Sit up and drink this." Matt ordered as he held the collection cup.

"Yes, Master." kip replied before he opened his mouth for Matt to pour the sticky, white liquid into his mouth.

Matt tipped the full contents into kip's mouth before removing the cup. kip swallowed after he swished his juice around in his mouth. Matt looked into kip's eyes that now shone with a serene, content look. kip smiled as his Master peered into his sparkling blue eyes. Matt nodded his head in satisfaction, thinking to himself that the true kip was back and in control.

"Follow me." Matt ordered as he turned. "You will clean this up in the morning, but for now bed."

"Yes, Master." kip replied as he crawled behind Matt.

"Stand and walk." Matt said quietly.

"Yes, Master!" kip answered as he stood now behind his naked Master, grinning with pride.

Matt followed by kip reentered the master bedroom. Matt placed a finger in front of his mouth as he then motioned for kip to crawl on the bed. Matt then crawled between the two men and laid on his back. Chris still asleep turned over and settled against his lover's body. kip curled up to mirror Chris' body posture. Matt sighed as he lowered an arm around each man who snuggled to his chest. Matt drifted off to sleep after placing a kiss on each man's head.

The following morning came all too quickly. As they all had to go into the office, each man showered alone. kip had to clean up the playroom and prepare the morning smoothies for all of them. Chris took his time getting around, but emerged from the shower and dressed for his meetings that he had. Matt showered last and only pulled his massage clothes as he packed a change of clothes for later.

kip was waiting for his Master and Chris to come into the kitchen and was feeling the strangeness of the clothes touching his skin. They had spent so much of the time nude or almost nude that the clothes now felt odd. He grinned. Then he realized that his cock was still not locked up, but it was not raging or being his focus of attention. kip reflected on how much that his Master was helping him. kip felt a level of calmness that he had not since he was a child running around with his brothers.

Matt entered hand in hand with Chris into the kitchen. kip's now self-assured stance, that was still an obedient one, made Matt smile greatly. kip handed each man a smoothie.

"Chris has meetings all day today. You and I have a meeting with Mai's tattoo artist then you will be working with Chan today. I will be meeting with Alex for a session after your tattoo. We will be busy today." Matt said.

"Yes, Master." kip said as they walked to the door.

The drive to the office building was uneventful. Matt and Chris held hands as Chris drove the three of them in. kip scurried to open the door for Matt as he exited the car, which made Matt smile. The couple kissed in the elevator before Matt and kip exited and allowed Chris to continue to his office on the executive floor. Matt tabbed the door to the massage suite open and then he and kip went into Matt's office.

Matt settled down at his desk and booted up his computer. Matt read the few emails that came through, kip dropped to his knees next to the desk, he was looking at his phone reading his email from Chan regarding the workout for the day. Matt reached over and rested a hand on kip's shoulder, kip leaned closer. Matt got to Mai's email and found out that the tattoo artist would be coming to the massage suite to do kip's tattoo. Glancing at the computer's clock, Matt realized that it was almost time.

"It is almost time for the tattoo artist to come. My mark will be in an exposed place, but it will be unrecognizable for the most part. My mark is a small nautical knot, about the size of your thumbnail. It will be placed on your right inner bicep. Once it is healed it will be easy to be covered with body makeup if necessary for filming." Matt explained.

"Yes, Master. I understand andI will be proud to wear your mark, Master." kip said clearly.

Matt smiled and leaned down to give kip a solid kiss. Matt's tongue pushed deep in kip's mouth, forcing it almost to kip's throat. kip melted against his Master's leg as the kiss progressed. Matt released the kiss, but kip stayed leaning against his Master's leg. They continued to read their respective emails.

There was a knock at the office door a short time later. In walked a short man with shockingly white hair that was buzzed short on one side, but the rest was long - past his shoulder. His eyes were a deep jade color and his eyebrows and eyelashes were a pale blond, almost white but looked darker due to his hair. He wore a sleeveless shirt exposing his arms and part of his chest as it scooped low in the front. His legs were mostly exposed as his shorts were very brief and he had on sandals. The skin exposed was riddled with detailed and vibrantly colored tattoos from his neck down to his feet.

He walked closer as Matt and kip stood. As he reached out his right hand to shake Matt's was when Matt noticed a rose tattoo that matched hui's. This rose tattoo though was colored with neon red ink that coordinated with his other tattoos. Matt smiled as he recognized Mai's mark of a former sub. They shook hands but then the man lowered to his knees and kissed the tops of Matt's feet before returning to standing.

"Hello, Master Matt. I have been instructed that you need assistance with a mark for a fellow brother." The man greeted them and nodded towards kip. He continued, "I am louis,but most call me lou, Master."

"Greetings to you sub lou." Matt replied with a nod of his head, "This is kip. As you correctly described, he is your brother in spirit."

kip then reached out and instead of a handshake, lou gave him a brief hug. Both men smiled as they parted. kip lowered himself to his knees as was appropriate now. Matt nodded again.

"I need to place my mark in a similar spot to Mistress Mai's mark on your arm. The design is a knot that some call a triskelion knot and will be mostly an outline for the time being. It will be added to later with light gray shading upon graduation. I have a picture of it for you to copy." Matt explained.

"I would be pleased to see your mark, Master Matt. A picture would be great and then I can copy up a pattern that can be placed for correct alignment on my brother's arm." lou replied.

Matt reached for his phone and pulled up the picture. Then he handed the phone to lou. lou looked at it, taking a moment to enlarge the photo and moving it around to get the fine details. Matt then swiped to show the next photo.

"The second is a completed mark." Matt explained as he showed lou how the negative spaces on the first tattoo were shaded with ink.

"Thank you, Master Matt. If I may, I will now sketch up the form. May I confirm where it will be placed, Master?" lou inquired.

"Yes, lou. kip stand and extend your right arm with your palm facing upward." Matt said.

"Yes, Master." kip said ashe unfolded and then extended his arm as requested.

"Right in this area." Matt said as he pointed to a spot on kip's inner bicep about four inches from the crease from kip's elbow.

"Wonderful, Master Matt. I will be done in just a few minutes." lou advised.

"You may use the desk if you need. I will need to prepare for my sessions later today." Matt offered.

"Thank you, Master Matt. I would prefer to use the coffee table if that is suitable to you, Master." lou said.

"That is fine, lou." Matt said as he walked into the massage studio area.

When Matt was out of the room, kip watched lou set up a sketchpad on the coffee table as lou knelt on the floor beside it. lou also pulled out his other equipment and from his rollerbag, including his sterilizing supplies and his ink and tattoo gun. Then lou returned to the pad of paper. Slowly lou recreated a tattoo pattern from the image that he had from Master Matt's phone.

The pattern was completed quickly, but was about hand sized. lou set that one aside and then swiftly did two smaller replicas of his first pattern: the first about the size of a nickel and the next about the size of a dime. lou took a pair of scissors and trimmed both smaller patterns out from the paper. By that point Master Matt had returned, lou moved from behind the coffee table and knelt on his knees waiting.

Matt crossed to where lou was waiting. lou reached down and passed the large pattern to Matt hand. Matt pulled the paper up and then picked up his phone from the coffee table. He looked between the phone image and the pattern that lou had completed for afew minutes. Matt mussed to himself, that lou had done a better job than the original tattoo artist had - this pattern was exactly what Matt had envisioned for his mark. Matt handed the pattern back to lou's hand.

"Well done, lou. I wish I had you to create my original. This is perfect. You have this in smaller sizes, correct?" Matt praised and then asked.

"Yes Sir, Master Matt." lou proclaimed as he retrieved the two smaller cutouts of the pattern.

"kip stand and display your arm again. lou let's look at placement." Matt ordered.

"Yes, Master." was the reply from both kip and lou.

kip stood next to his Master as lou stood up and began placing one then the other in different spots on kip's inner bicep. lou moved kip's arm, as he needed to see the changes in the arm as kip moved and flexed. In the past if kip had been handled this intimately his body would have responded; both his brain getting foggy and his cock would plump up. kip noticed that he was still focused and in control and his cock was staying in its flaccid state. kip grinned both internally and externally at this improvement.

lou kept moving the smaller of the two patterns and having kip manipulate his arm is several positions. When kip had come to a rest, lou held the dime sized pattern in place. Then heturned to face Master Matt's face.

"I think that is would be an appropriate size and placement, Master Matt." lou said.

"That does look correct." Matt confirmed, and then went on. "How long for you to get ready and for it to be completed?"

"Thank you, Master Matt. It will only be a moment or two to get set up the rest of the way. The tattoo will only take fifteen or twenty minutes to complete, Master." lou advised.

"Great. Get started. I will return in just a moment. kip follow lou's instructions and help as needed." Matt said.

"Yes, Master." kip said.

"Yes, Master Matt." lou replied as well.

Matt returned to his desk as the two got things set up. From the looks of it, lou would sit on the couch and kip would sit on the floor next to the couch with his arm out. Matt smiled to himself as he toggled the outer suite door to be locked - only his badge and Chris' would open it with this setting. Matt then watched as lou sterilized the work area and then kip's arm. kip had to remove his shirt so it would not be in the way, so he was currently sitting in just his shorts, bare chested as he waited. lou placed the pattern on kip's arm again, making micro adjustments before he looked up.

"Master, please approve of the final placement." lou said.

Matt stood up and walked over, standing directly in front of kip's body. He leaned over and viewed the placement. Nodding he straightened up.

"That is exactly where I want it." Matt said.

"Thank you, Master." lou said as he made a few marks and began to adhere the pattern.

Matt took his hand and pushed kip's chin up so their eyes could meet. Matt let they sit like that for a few moments, staring deep into the now sparkling blue eyes.

"I am about to have you marked as mine. This is the final step before it is proclaimed that you are my sub, your first Master. Is this your wish?" Matt asked quietly without breaking eye contact.

"Yes, Master. I will be proud to wear your mark. I will gladly serve you in any way you wish. I am yours." kip said with frank honesty.

Not breaking his eye contact with kip, "lou you may begin." Matt ordered.

lou placed kip's arm and began the first line of the tattoo. kip winced but did not jerk or make a sound. Nor did kip break the intense eye contact with his Master.

Matt pushed his massage pants down,once past his hips they fell to the floor. He stepped out of them and took a step closer to kip. kip inhaled deeply as his Master's cock was right at his lips under his nose. Matt nodded slightly and kip opened his mouth and waited. Matt stepped closer still and slid his cock into kip's open mouth. Matt pushed in until his cock was just short of going into kip's throat. He held his cock there and kept eye contact still strong.

"Suck only, no other movement." Matt whispered quietly.

kip blinked once, but did not try to reply with his voice, only with his action of sucking his Master's cock. Soon Matt's cock went from semi firm to be fully hard at kip's actions. Matt stood still and let kip's mouth and tongue slowly suck and touch the hard flesh. Matt moaned as kip's tongue brushed along the more sensitive bottom part. Still the pair stayed with eyes locked.

lou tried to work as efficiently as possible. His mind was racing as he was working on the actor's arm, which made lou's cock swell in his very tight jock strap anyway. Added to that was the ultra-hot Master Matt with sun golden skin and the most beautiful hazel eyes standing right next to him was causing lou's cock to get rigid. When Master Matt dropped his pants and kip swallowed his Master's cock, lou had to take a deep cleansing breath to stay focused, though his rock solid cock was now leaking like a hose. lou redoubled his focus and took another deep breath, this time he caught a strong whiff of Master Matt's masculine scent. lou could not help but let a little moan out, that moan was not missed by Master Matt.

"It is complete Master Matt." lou finally said as he made the last bit of shading and wiped kip'sarm.

"Wonderful work, lou. Wrap kip's arm as he has to go to work with Sir Chan shortly." Matt praised and then ordered.

"Thank you, Master Matt." lou said as he began to spread the after treatment and then wrap on kip's arm.

The extra movement of wrapping kip's arm allowed lou to brush against Master Matt's bare leg. lou moaned and could not keep it quiet. Matt grinned. When lou finished he turned towards Master Matt and kip with Master Matt's cock still being sucked in his mouth. Matt reached down and grabbed a handhold of the shockingly white hair on lou's head. lou dropped into a receptive sub pose; again Matt smiled.

Matt pulled his cock from kip's mouth and twisted his hip towards lou. Matt then used his grip of hair to guide lou's mouth to his spit soaked cock. lou moaned as the flared cock head pushed past his lips and continued until it was resting right at his throat's entrance. Master Matt pulled back slightly then thrust hard, popping his cockhead deep into lou's throat. lou started breathing through his nose as Master Matt's cock only retreated an inch before ramming back down his throat. lou was proud he did not gag, but it was rough just like he enjoyed it.

Matt growled as he made a deep plunge into lou's mouth. lou felt the large cock head flare wider and pulse, sending ropes of cum into his belly. Matt shook as his cock pumped a few more ropes of cum. Then Matt pulled all the way out and the last few ropes of cum sprayed on lou's face. Matt looked down to see his seed now dripping down the blond tattoo artist's smiling face.

"Thank you for your seed, Master!" lou exclaimed as Matt released the grip on lou's hair.

lou bowed and kissed the tops of Matt's feet before setting back up. The blond hair was askew and there was still wet cum on his puffy lips, but lou went into the full submission waiting to serve pose. Matt tasseled lou's hair as he reached down and tilted up the deep jade colored eyes to his.

"That was a tip for excellent work. I will congratulate Mai when I see her next, you are extremely well trained." Matt said.

"Thank you, Master." lou said still maintaining his position.

"You may want to clean up; there is a bathroom in the back of the suite here. If you get the feeling that you need more of this, have Mai get you my info." Matt said.

"Yes, Master. Thank you,Master." lou breathed.

Matt looked over at kip, sitting and trying to obtain the same position as lou had modelled. Matt smiled with genuine love. Matt leaned down and pulled kip's head to his as he began to force his tongue all in kip's mouth. kip melted into the hungry attack with a satisfied moan. Matt broke the kiss as he pulled kip up to standing. Glancing at kip'scrotch, it was only semi firm. kip's eyes were clear and sparkling in their blue color. Matt grinned as he planted a peck of a kiss on kip's lips.

"You need to get to the exercise facility to meet Chan. You just have enough time. Come back here when you are through. Use your card key to enter if the outside entrance is locked." Matt explained.

"Yes, Master." kip replied as he headed to the door, he looked back over his shoulder to his Master and sighed before heading out.

lou had not moved yet. Matt stooped down and retrieved his pants that he had stepped out of. lou let out another moan as Matt's cock was still firm and was outlined in the massage pants. Matt's movement broke lou's stasis, he began to pack up his tools and clean up. Matt moved back and sat at his desk. He noticed a new email had comethrough.

Matt read the file as it was for Alex, who was to be his next appointment. He was starting to get into the details when lou returned and dropped to his knees by Matt's side. lou bowed again and kissed Matt's foot before raising back up.

"Thank you, Master. I will consider your option. Again thank you, Master." lou said then glanced upto see the smile on Matt's face.

"You do that. You are good and I am sure your training is outstanding due to Mai. I may be able to use you or if need be help train you to be a Master yourself one day." Matt said.

"Thank you, Master." lou said in closing as he left Matt's massage suite.

Matt returned to Alex's file. As he read more and looked at some of the supporting documents, including files and news stories that were stopped from being published or leaked to the media. Matt shook his head; this was going to be a tough one. kip only had to regain focus and confidence. Alex was going to need much deeper work and it was not going to be easy for Alex.

Matt was shutting out of the file when he saw a private note from Mai to him. Matt read it and laughed. Mai said that lou was almost beside himself at the prospect of working with Matt. Mai said that lou had been stuck in only the sub role, but would be ready for the next step. She had only been waiting for lou to realize this himself. Mai then noted that it might work out that Matt would need some extra help when it came to Alex. This might be beneficial for both lou and Alex.

Matt again chuckled; there was no getting away from Mai's network of information. Matt sent back a note that they would chat later. He then got up and made sure everything else was ready for Alex.

Next: Chapter 21

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