Chris Pratts Great Day

By L Stone

Published on Mar 30, 2020


Thank you for reading my stories. Questions and comments are welcome at This story is fiction regarding intimate relations with a celebrity. Other than public identity, all other locations and parties are fictional, any similarities are coincidental. Again special thanks to readers with suggestions!

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Chris Pratt's Great Day

Chapter 2

Matt is excited as he gets to the airport. It has been several weeks since he met Chris Pratt at his massage studio in Oklahoma. After their wild time together, Matt sent Chris a text. Since then they have been texting and calling each other almost daily. They had been getting to know each other better.

It was about 10 days ago that Matt mentioned that he wanted to get out of Oklahoma for a while and was considering taking Chris on his offer to come to California. Through their further conversations, it was decided that Matt could actually come and stay at Chris' house. Chris still had the large home with plenty of bedrooms since his Ex had moved out. He was more than willing to have Matt spend some more in person time together.

Matt made arrangements for his clients who were scheduled out and let them know he was taking a sabbatical to California. He arranged his flight out and scheduled payments for utilities and such. He began packing what he needed.

The day came, bags packed and ticket in hand, Matt took a rideshare to the airport. He breezed through security and made it in plenty of time to grab a latte. In no time he was boarding the plane.

Matt spent the time on the flight remembering he and Chris' first meeting. He thought about the man's hot ass and nice cock. He looked down to his lap to notice that his own cock was responding. He had to shift in his seat to not be too noticeably turned on.

Matt decided to take a nap to pass the time. He awoke as the flight attendants were preparing for landing. The landing was uneventful and he collected his bags. Chris gave him the address and entry code for the gate, so Matt went to the rideshare lane.

The car ride took longer than he expected, but this was to be the new normal with California traffic. Matt noticed that the properties were getting larger and more expensive looking. They arrived at the address, the circle drive had a gated entrance in the middle. He collected his things and went to the gate.

After entering the code the door unlocked, he went through. The property was surrounded in the front and sides in a tall hedge that masked the 10 foot fence walls. The view past the gate entrance was spectacular, the modern glassed house with a stunning view of the ocean below.

Matt walked his bags up the short path to the front door. He was about to set his bags down to ring the doorbell when Chris came to the foyer. Chris must have been working out as he was wearing a sweat soaked tank top that was cling to his muscular chest. That was the second thing that Matt noticed, as the workout shorts were very short and contouring to the actor's lower body like a tight glove. Matt could tell the jockstrap Chris was wearing was working overtime to keep him in place.

"Hey Matt! I am so glad you made it out here." Chris said as he came in for a hug. Then realizing he was covered in sweat, "sorry about that. I was doing some circuit training this morning."

"No problems about the sweat. I am used to that." Matt replied with a smile. Then continues, "I am glad I am here too."

"Here let me show you to your room." Chris started, "It is right down the hall from the great room."

Chris grabbed one of Matt's bags and started walking in the house. He pointed to the open concept great room that was just past the foyer. The back wall had the vista view of the ocean Matt had seen from outside.

Pointing down the hall to the right, Chris said, "Here is your room. It has an ensuite bathroom with garden access to a private outdoor terrace. My room is just down to the left." He pointed to a double door entrance that was almost across the hall. He continued chuckling, "Sorry my room has the ocean view with the direct pool access."

Chris opened the door to Matt's accommodations. The room turned out to be a suite with a small living room that lead into a large bedroom sporting a California king sized bed in the middle of the room with floor to ceiling windows behind it showing a walled terrace. To one side was a large walkin closet. The other side was the ensuite with a large soaking tub and a glassed in garden shower that was able to be open to the terrace. Matt placed his bags on a dressing table in the closet and returned to where Chris was standing by the bed.

"Holy this suite is huge. I can't wait to use that shower." Matt said as he came in to give Chris another hug. This time he leaned in and gave the actor a wet kiss.

Chris melted into the hug with Matt. Their hands were running up and down their bodies. Matt found an hard nipple and began to twist and pull it. Chris started to moan in his kiss. Matt snaked his other hand down lower, passing the waistband in the back and grabbed a full hand of Chris' ass. Matt pulled them closer together as they were grinding against the other's crotch. Matt's finger probed deeper in Chris' crack, causing Chris to shudder when the finger brushed his pucker.

Chris began pulling at Matt's clothes, desperately needing to feel the man's skin against his. Matt raised his arms as Chris lifted his shirt. Matt snagged Chris' sweat soaked tank and pulled it up and over Chris' head. Chris' hands were working on Matt's pants, as the zipper went down so did Chris. Chris licked and kissed Matt's chest and belly leading down to the newly opened pants. Chris tugged the pants down and Matt's semihard cock flung out. Chris licked the cock head by his face a second before he lifted each leg to remove Matt's pants.

Chris looked up as his lips wrapped around his guest's cock and he began to suck it. Matt threw back his head with a sigh when Chris' lips reached the base of his shaft. Matt placed a hand on the back of Chris' head as the man began to bob up and down on his cock. Chris ran his hands up Matt's legs as he sucked on Matt's swelling cock. Chris worked his hands to Matt's ass and pulled Matt deeper into his throat, feeling the cock head go in and out.

Matt began to feel his balls start to rise and knew he was getting close to climaxing. He reached down and pulled Chris' mouth off of his cock - Chris was gasping a bit from the deep throating. Matt pulled Chris up, but pushed him over to the bed as soon as Chris was standing. As Matt bent over his host, he hooked the waistband of the workout shorts and pulled them off. Leaving Chris in just his jockstrap, Matt leaned in between Chris legs and lifted the up exposing the reclined man's strap framed hole.

Chris gasped as he felt Matt's tongue swipe the bottom of the jock pouch and the drag down to his opened pucker. Chris grabbed his legs as Matt began to tease and suck on his hole. Matt spread Chris' ass cheeks wider as he drove a hardened tongue into the tight pucker in front of him. Matt's tongue speared and explored the hole making it sloppy wet.

Soon Matt placed a finger at the wet entrance of Chris' hole, with a glob of spit directly on the hole Matt slid the finger smoothly up to his knuckle. Chris moaned as Matt began sliding the finger in and out, brushing the prostate gland each way. Chris' moaning increased as Matt slipped a second finger in, stretching his pucker wider. Matt continued to work his digits into the ever relaxing hole. He reached up his other hand and began rubbing Chris' cock straining in the jockstrap pouch. He grabbed the jockstrap and pulled it off.

Matt stood up and lined up his hard cock at Chris' pucker. Leaning forward his cock head slid past Chris' ass rings. Matt pushed all in and Chris gives a loud moan as he feels incredibly full and lustful. Matt rested his balls on Chris' ass waiting for the actor to acclimate to his large cock.

Chris started to wiggle on Matt's huge prong. Matt gripped Chris' legs and began to pump his cock in and out. He leaned down and sucked one of Chris' nipples. Chris was groaning and grunting as Matt pounded his ass. When Matt's mouth released Chris' nipple, Chris pulled the hot mouth up into a kiss. Tongues battling as Matt feels his climax building, he broke the kiss to focus on the long dicking he started on the actor.

Matt felt his cum begin to boil, gripping Chris' legs his pace changed to jackrabbit. The balls that has been slapping Chris' ass shot up tight to his body. His cum jettisoned into Chris' ass. Chris felt the boiling jizz sear his inner places as Matt pounded his final push and spurted the last of it deep.

Matt pulled his cock out and dropped to his knees. He separated Chris' legs gaining access to the actor's cock. Opening his lips and jaw he swallowed the large cock to the base. Matt sucked and bobbed on the hard cock in his mouth. He pushed his head further down and felt Chris' dick head enter his throat. Matt used his throat muscles massage Chris' cock, lifting quickly for catch breaths, before plunging back down.

Chris gripped Matt's head and began to face fuck the massage therapist. Matt relaxed his jaw, but puckered his lips tight providing friction on the shaft as his throat was on the cock head. Chris started grunting as his climax began to jet down Matt's throat. Chris released his grip and Matt lifted up to let the last jets of cum land in his mouth. Matt lifted the rest of the way off Chris' cock, with pursed lips.

Matt climbed up on the California king bed next to Chris. They hug and kiss, sharing Chris' load between them. They bask in the post coital glow. The sweat is still pooled on them, Matt pulls Chris up and they went to the shower. Chris opened the garden glass door which opened the shower to be able to use the outdoor shower as well.

The two shared a wonderful, hot shower taking turns washing each other's bodies. Feeling refreshed and sated they grabbed towels to dry off. Even though the house was mostly glass, it was nicely private due to the high hedged walls. They decided to skip clothes as Chris showed Matt the rest of the house.

They settled on the porch by the pool to enjoy some drinks. The sun was just past noon and the rays were kissing the nude men's skin.

"I am so glad you came out. I think you will love it." Chris tells his visitor as they lounge. He continues, "We will have another visitor this weekend."

"Really, who is it?" Matt asks.

"It is my buddy, Tom Holland." Chris explained, "He is in for the weekend to do a reading for a new project. I know you will both get along well."

"Oh, I think that he is hot." Matt answered, "I can't wait. When does he come in?"

"He is due in after lunch sometime." Chris replied. They decided to grab food from the kitchen and eat poolside.

They continued to chat, Chris indicated that there were some service opportunities with a production company he and a few other actors had started. He said the main goal was to support the actors as they had to go through the process of changing their bodies for individual roles. That support included nutrition, exercise, specialty skills training and mental / emotional support. Chris said they had a talented physical therapist who did some massage, but they really needed a full time massage therapist. They were starting to talk some details when Chris had a phone call he had to take.

Matt cleared the dishes back to the kitchen. He returned to the pool side. The sun was warm and since eating he was feeling the jetlag catching up with him. He laid out on one of the lounge chairs.

Matt awoke some time later. Realizing he fell asleep, he was glad his skin tone was not red with sunburn, thanks in part to his Mediterranean heritage. He noticed that Chris was not in sight. He began to recognize that there was some sounds coming from not too far away. It was a very familiar sound.

Matt got up from the lounge chair and followed the sounds. As approached Chris' open glass doors to the master suite, the sounds got louder. Not only had the volume increased, but now Matt could hear two male voices - one being Chris' and the other was Tom Holland.

As Matt stepped closer he could clearly see Chris on all fours on his bed and to Matt's surprise Tom was behind Chris and was mounting him with abandon. The noise that most likely woke Matt was the moaning and grunting as the two were having sex. The actors bodies were slapping loudly together as Tom was plowing Chris' ass hard.

Matt was instantly hard from the view and his hand reached down to start stroking his cock. He was taking in the sight. He was turned on by Chris' body, which was close to his own in height and weight. Tom's body was new to him.

Tom was about a head shorter than Matt and his frame was more slender. His dark hair was short, his skin was most white, just a hint of color on his arms and legs. His body was toned like the dancer that he is. His legs and ass were tight, though his ass was moving piston like in and out of Chris' ass.

Tom pushed Chris' chest to the bed causing Chris' back to arch and providing deeper access in the hot ass. Chris was grunting more now as the change in position had moved Tom's cock to pound directly on his prostate.

"You like that, huh? You like my dick pounding out your ass? You like riding my dick Monkeyboy?" Tom asked as he fucked away. Then he continued, "Tell my how you like it. Tell Me!"

Tom had picked up his pace. Matt could hear Tom's balls slapping Chris' ass. Chris looked back over his shoulder to answer Tom and our eyes met. There was a singeing look of lust from the actor before he locked eyes with Tom. Chris had not answered him yet, so Tom raised a hand and swatted Chris hard on the ass between pounding strokes.

With a mischievous look, Chris still did not answer. Tom swatted him a few more times. Matt could see a red welt start to appear on the targeted ass cheek. Tom was clearly turned on and getting close, Matt saw Tom's balls start to rise.

"Yes, Brother! Monkeyboy likes riding your dick. Fuck me with that cock!" Chris said loudly. "I'm getting close, fuck me harder Brother!"

"I know you like it. Yell it out! Tell me what you need!" Tom yelling as he pounded harder, getting closer himself.

"I need my Brother to breed my ass!" Chris yelled and apparently clamping his ass muscles around Tom's cock.

"I'm going to cum. I am going to breed that ass!" Tom starts to yell.

"Do it, breed my ass Brother!" Chris yells. "I'm CUMMING NOW! SHOW MATT HOW YOU BREED ME!"

Chris body convulses around Tom's dick. Tom hears the last part of Chris' yelling and realized that they were being watched. Too surprised and turned on, Tom starts shooting his load, pounding away before thrusting deep in Chris' ass.

"Take that you dirty Monkey, take my seed!" Tom yells as he climaxes. His body shaking he slumps over onto Chris' back.

Matt had been stroking his cock watching the two fuck. After seeing and hearing the actors both shoot their loads, his cock started shooting his. Ropes of cum were spraying on the polished hardwood floor as he slumped back against the door jab for support.

Chris laying with his friend and costar still buried cock deep in his ass. "That was a huge load, Matt. Why don't you join us for some more fun?" Chris said in a breathless voice, lust still in his eyes.

Matt walked over to the bed, who was he to turn down two hot men.

Next: Chapter 3

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