Chris Pratts Great Day

By L Stone

Published on Aug 3, 2021


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Chris Pratt's Great Day

Chapter 18

Matt looked out in the distance, letting his mind wander as he gently ran his hand over kip's head. kip was kneeling between Matt and Chris on the chairs by the pool. Chris was sipping on some of the wine from the dinner that Mai brought. He had been quiet since the three of them had settled by the pool. It had been a big day for all of them.

Matt turned and found Chris looking at Matt's face. There was a light in Chris' eyes that had been there before, but only for brief moments. It was a look of love. Even though they had been together for some time, Chris had only let himself have the flickering moments where he let his love shine out. When he and Matt mutually professed their love for each other earlier in the day, it was like a shield had been removed. Chris was feeling both excited and vulnerable at this change. Matt connected his eyes with Chris and Chris shivered as he felt as if they were touching.

The pair had a burning desire that was in full flame. It was blocking out the beautiful surroundings and the kneeling kip between them. Chris and Matt were in a stasis of yearning and desire. The feeling made each man feel a completeness that neither had experienced before. Their breathing had become synchronized as they continued to look deeply into each other's eyes.

Matt felt a stir under his hand and he broke eye contact with Chris. Chris sighed and looked out over the horizon. Matt looked down to find kip staring down at the ground, with a few wet drops on the tile from teardrops. Matt knew that part of this was torture for kip, to be in the presence of the connection that Matt and Chris had and to desire that type of connection so greatly.

Matt had an idea of how to handle both men. He turned in the seat of the chair and moved his legs to be on either side of kip's body. kip turned and leaned his face into Matt's crotch almost mindlessly before inhaling a deep breath in. Matt's movement caused Chris to turn his head.

"You are still tense." Matt started, "It is not a question it is a statement. I can read it in your body. I will give you a massage. I think it will be nice out here. I will get my portable table and supplies to set up. I need you to do something for me."

"What can I do?" Chris inquired.

"First I will need you to strip. I understand that is not a problem for you. Next I will need to have you start to relax. I want you to allow kip to help with that. Can you do that?" Matt asked.

"Yes, sir." Chris said quietly.

"Wonderful!" Matt said as he leaned over and gave Chris a kiss.

Chris was receptive to the kiss and leaned over as well. Matt gently rubbed his hand along the side of Chris' head down to his chest. Playfully Matt tweaked a nipple through the shirt that Chris had on. Chris gave a little moan. Matt broke the kiss and stood up. Chris stood up as well, but away from where Matt was now straddling kip.

Chris started to comply with Matt's first request. Slowly Chris removed his shirt, which he flung onto the ground. Next Chris ran his hands down his chest and belly making his way to the waistband of the shorts he had on. Tucking his thumbs in the top of the shorts, Chris lowered them inch by inch. Chris' cock had been filling up since they kissed, now it was three quarters of the way hard. As Chris lowered the shorts, his cock flung outward and a drop of pre-cum glistened on the tip. Chris dropped the shorts then and stepped out of them. He took a moment to run his hands up and down his nude body. Shyly looking through his eyelashes, Chris reached down and collected the pre-cum droplets in his fingers. He then brought the sticky fingers up to his mouth and sucked them clean.

Matt was smiling at Chris' sensual display of unrobeing. The sharpness of Matt's gaze took on a hawklike quality. A hungry look crossed Matt's face as he let Chris display his body for Matt. Matt pointed to a spot right by where he was standing, directly in front of kip's kneeling form. Chris let a shudder ripple through his body as he walked and stood in the spot Matt pointed to. Matt waited as he let Chris stand and be observed.

kip's face was in Matt's crotch ever since Matt stood up. Matt reached down and positioned kip's head towards Chris' body. Chris' cock was jutting out just beyond kip's reach, another drop of pre-cum was forming. kip licked his lips and inhaled, trying to get some of Chris' scent, before he looked up into Matt's waiting eyes. Matt nodded and kip shuffled forward, opening his mouth and sucking in Chris' hard cock. Chris moaned as kip began to work his mouth and lips over Chris' unit.

"Not to cum, just to relax." Matt ordered quietly.

"Yes, Sir!" kip replied as he withdrew Chris' cock for a second.

Matt pulled Chris' face to his own and planted a deep kiss on Chris. Chris swooned some at the intensity of Matt's kiss. Chris then moaned as kip was working his hard tool. Matt broke the kiss and stepped around Chris and kip.

"I will get what I need now. I'll be right back." Matt advised as he walked up to the house.

Chris lowered a hand down to kip's head and helped set a slow pace. kip followed Chris' lead and softened his jaw to allow Chris' full cock to slide in and out of his mouth. Chris settled into a relaxed stance as kip bobbed his head on the full cock. Chris let out a lusty sigh as kip's lips and tongue were caressing his cock with each stroke.

The evening breeze was blowing gently as the light started to glow as the sun was getting closer to setting. Matt easily gathered and brought the massage table and oils down to the pool area. Chris was holding kip's head steady and was making long, steady strokes of his cock in and out of kip's lips. Matt could see that kip's eyes were looking up into Chris' as Chris controlled the speed of the thrusting. Matt set up the table and arranged the supplies, then he turned to the other men.

"The table is ready, Chris you can crawl on it face down." Matt said.

Chris nodded as he slipped his cock from kip's lips. He walked over to the massage table now set up near the pool edge. Chris passed by Matt as he climbed on the table, taking time to position his cock as he laid flat. Then Chris waited.

"Just close your eyes and let the breeze and ocean noises be your focus." Matt said as he whispered into Chris' ear.

"I need to be undressed, kip attend me." Matt said as he straightened up.

"Yes, Master." kip breathed as he crawled over to where Matt was standing.

kip stood and removed Matt's shirt. kip stroked Matt's firm chest and back as he did. kip folded the shirt and placed it on the foot of one of the chaise lounge chairs. kip returned and dropped to his knees, looking at his Master's face he reached up and undid the shorts closure. Placing his hands at Matt's hips, kip pushed the fabric down Matt's legs. kip was close enough that Matt's semi hard-on slapped him in the face as the shorts cleared Matt's cock. A shiny streak smeared kip's cheek as he lowered the shorts for Matt to be able to step out of them. kip folded the shorts and placed them with the folded shirt. He returned to Matt's side.

Matt pointed to a towel that he had placed just past the foot of the massage table. kip crawled to the towel and was about to kneel.

"Sit in half lotus like we did the other day. First you need to strip though." Matt said.

"Yes, Master." kip said as he pulled off his shirt and then his shorts.

kip collected his clothes and then folded them, placing them next to Matt's on the chair. kip then crawled back to the towel and folded his legs into half lotus. Matt walked over and corrected kip's position a little and then leaned down next to kip's ear.

"Good boy. Now close your eyes and clear your mind. Let the outdoor noises wash over you. Let the massage noises register, but not bother your focus. I will tap your head when you can get up." Matt whispered softly right at kip's ear, his lips almost touching them.

"Yes, Master." kip sighed almost in ecstasy as he followed his Master's orders.

Matt stood and walked over to his massage oils. He slicked up his hands and rubbed them together as he took in a deep, cleansing breath. Matt viewed Chris' naked form on the table, tight flesh that was touched by a hint of sunlight. Matt had a flashback to the first massage that he had given Chris in Oklahoma. Matt had to quickly think of something else as that memory filled him with lust and excitement. Matt closed his eyes again and took in a few more breaths.

Chris sighed as Matt's hands began to rub and knead his muscles. Matt took his time and worked from Chris' neck and shoulders, down his back and hips, before going and working from toes up Chris' legs. Matt then spent extra time working Chris' thighs and glutes before spreading Chris' ass cheeks. Matt leaned his face in and began to lick and tease Chris' pucker. Chris was moaning in appreciation and trying to buck his hips upward to get more of Matt's tongue in him. Matt nibbled and sucked all around Chris' ass lips, still tender from the earlier play.

Chris let out a long sigh as Matt pressed a long finger in Chris' hole. Matt's slicked finger moved in and out multiple times as Matt kissed and nibbled Chris' ass cheeks. Chris was lifting and flexing his hips to make the finger go deeper with each thrust in. Chris let out a disappointed sigh as Matt removed his finger. Chris then yelped as Matt gave Chris' ass cheek a hard swat - it left a red hand mark.

"Flip over Monkeyboy!" Matt said as he stood back.

Chris turned over with a goofy grin as he rubbed the swatted ass cheek. Chris' cock was fully hard and slapped against his belly as he settled down on his back. Matt pushed Chris' head and shoulders down as he resumed working on Chris' muscles. Chris gave a couple of moans when Matt's fingers and hands brushed over his nipples. Matt again worked Chris' upper body and then moved to his feet and legs bypassing his groin area. As Matt worked on each leg individually he set them down wide on the table, creating an open space between Chris' legs.

Matt took a moment and then climbed up on the table in the space between Chris' legs. Matt moved his hands upward from Chris' ankles along the inside of Chris' legs. Chris' cock was standing almost straight out now, it was pulsing with his heartbeat and leaking strands of pre-cum. As Matt's hands got closer to Chris' crotch, Chris started breathing faster.

"Relax and enjoy. Breath slowly. Follow my voice. Breath in. Hold. Now release. Breath in. Hold. Release." Matt instructed in a slow pattern.

Matt modeled the breathing as he finished working on Chris' legs. Chris now was doing the deep breathing exercise as Matt had instructed. Chris let out a warm sigh as Matt's mouth closed on his cock head and licked up the pre-cum. Chris tried to keep the breathing pattern, but it was punctuated with moaning as Matt started to slide his lips up and down on Chris' cock in rhythm with the pattern.

Matt gave Chris a long and slow blow job. He took time to swirl his tongue around the base of Chris' cock when he was holding in the pattern. In turn Matt was swirling his tongue around Chris' tender cock head at the hold time when he was at the top of the pattern. Chris tried to move a hand to Matt's head, but Matt swatted it away. Then Chris just relaxed into Matt's oral care.

Matt would bring Chris right to the brink of a climax and then would back off or stop. Chris would whine and whimper between his moans as Matt was controlling when he could release. When Matt had to stop sucking, he would rub and caress Chris' body - playing with hot spots he knew would keep Chris fully engaged but not able to climax. Now Chris was having to rely on the breathing to center himself from the interrupted highs. If Chris looked down he would see Matt giving him a feral grin while either sucking or caressing Chris' body.

Matt had edged Chris at least seven times. It was less and less time sucking that brought Chris close each time. In addition it was longer for Chris to calm down enough for Matt to resume the oral attention. After the last time that Matt brought Chris just short of shooting, Chris legs were drawing up, his hips tightened, and his back was arching - his body was strung as tightly as it could be. Chris was panting and gasping for breath as Matt lifted his mouth from Chris' angry looking cock. As his body started to slowly unclench, Chris was making whining noises, such was his need for release.

Matt allowed the time for Chris to untighten and relax back, this time not touching any of Chris' hot spots for fear that Chris would shoot his load. It took almost ten minutes of deep breathing for Chris to fully calm down. The whole time of edging Chris had been pumping loads of pre-cum that either Matt would swallow or would splatter down Chris' cock and into his pubes when Chris' cock was not in Matt's mouth. During this calm down period, Chris' cock had been pulsing heavily so his belly and thighs were now covered in strands of the sticky sweet liquid.

After Chris had relaxed down and he had resumed the breathing pattern, Matt started to lick the pre-cum from Chris' body, but not touching Chris' cock. Several minutes of licking and cleaning Chris' body, Matt smacked his lips and made a growling sound. The sound made Chris' body start to react: his nipples hardened and his balls began to tingle. Matt leaned his face closer to Chris' cock, still making the growling noises.

The vibrations were making Chris' cock react, Chris was whimpering. Matt touched his growling lips to Chris' balls, Chris yelped and cried out. Matt slowly moved his lips up Chris' cock shaft, the vibrations were driving Chris more and more crazy. Matt stopped just short of Chris' cock head and nibbled gently on Chris' shaft. Chris was moaning loudly, his body started drawing tight again.

Every so slowly, Matt moved his lips up to Chris' cock head. Matt sealed his lips around the leaking member and swirled his tongue around Chris' corona. Chris was starting to shake and was whimpering. Then Matt relaxed his jaw and plunged his head down swiftly, sucking down to the base of Chris' cock.

"HOOOLLLLYYYY FUUUUUUUCCCCKKKK!" Chris screamed as he started shooting.

Matt kept his mouth in place as Chris' body began bucking and humping as jet after jet of cum was racing down Matt's open throat. Chris kept screaming as the pent up and edged loads were now being released deep in Matt's belly. Chris' body was flailing and shaking as the torrent of cum was exiting his cock, had Matt not been on the table and anchoring Chris' crotch, Chris would have fallen off the massage table. Eight or nine pulses of jizz were released before Chris fell back, exhausted down on the table - still unable to form words.

Matt then started to slowly bob his head up and down, milking the entire load from Chris' still hard cock. Any touch to Chris' cock head sent a jolt of energy throughout his body making him twitch. As Matt finally pulled his lips tight and lifted off Chris' cock, Chris made an exhausted sigh and a final twitch.

Matt crawled up and over Chris' body, lowering his on top of Chris'. Chris looked up and met Matt's mouth in a kiss. Matt shared part of Chris' explosive load with him as they shared the deep kiss. Chris was moaning as Matt's body was grinding against his. Chris gasped for air as Matt broke the kiss.

"Was that worth waiting for, Monkeyboy?" Matt said looking deeply in Chris' eyes.

"Yes, Sir. My love." Chris replied in a breathless manner.

Matt smiled and gave Chris another brief kiss. Then Matt slid off of Chris, leaving him on the table. Matt retrieved a towel and wiped Chris' body down. Matt leaned down and kissed Chris again on the forehead.

"Rest my love. Close your eyes and drift off." Matt said quietly as Chris' eyes started to droop.

"Yes, Sir." Chris replied sleepily.

Matt brushed Chris' head, running his hands lightly through Chris' hair. Matt stayed until Chris started to breathe more deeply as he drifted to sleep. It was nice enough that Matt did not need to cover Chris up. Then Matt walked over to where kip was sitting.

Matt brushed a hand on kip's shoulder, causing kip to open his eyes. kip's eyes were sparkling blue and more focused. kip's face and body were more relaxed than they were before. kip looked down from Matt's eyes and took in Matt's nude form with a tumulsent member. kip looked over and saw that Chris was napping as Chris snored on the massage table not far away. Matt smiled at kip when kip turned his attention back to his Master.

"Follow me into the water." Matt said quietly.

"Yes, Master." kip said in a calm, quiet voice.

Matt turned and walked to the end of the pool. He pulled some pool noodles as he entered the water and walked into water that was just past his hips deep. kip unfolded himself and followed Matt's nude body into the pool. Matt pointed to a spot near the deeper end for kip to stand.

"This is a trust and relaxation exercise." Matt explained. Then asked, "How was the meditation sitting?"

"It was nice Master. I was quite deep until Chris screamed out." kip answered, then his face blushed and he gave a slight grunt as his cock was trying to get firm but could not due to the cage.

"He can be noisy at times. And quite sexy as well." Matt said. "He needed the exhaustive release after this morning's activities. You were able to settle back into the meditation though?"

"Yes, Master but I had to focus very hard to block out your sounds. My cage was aching until I got back in control." kip said.

"That is excellent work." Matt praised kip who grinned. "This exercise is done in water. I know that you are as comfortable in water as I am. It is a good vehicle for what we will be doing. I want you to float on your back. I want you to be able to release completely, so I will bolster your floating with the noodles."

"Yes, Master." kip said as he lowered down into the water and stretched out on his back to float.

Matt came closer and put a noodle under kip's shoulders and another under his knees. Matt then pulled the floating actor closer to his body in the water. kip was staring up into the twilight sky and then to Matt's face. Seeing his Master's warm hazel eyes beaming trust and caring made kip's body relax more into the float.

"I want you to close your eyes and focus on my voice. I am going to guide you through some movements. I just want you to trust in me." Matt said.

"Yes, Master." kip said as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Matt lightly placed his hands on kip's floating body and moved the two of them deeper in the water. When the water was close to the middle of Matt's chest he stopped and let kip's body float out. Then speaking softly right in kip's ear, Matt guided kip through some stretching and relaxation exercises. Matt used the exercise to create strengthened bonds between kip's body and mind. It took almost an hour to complete the full set that Matt wanted to do.

Gently Matt maneuvered the kip's floating form into shallower water. Matt stopped them when the water had just cleared his cock and balls. Matt touched and moved kip's head to the side. Matt then moved his hips closer and his slowly firming cock head brushed kip's lips. kip opened his mouth and sighed as Matt pushed his cock head into kip's opening. kip sucked and licked his Master's cock, making it quickly fully rigid.

Matt then placed a hand on the back of kip's turned head and began to push his cock deeper in kip's mouth. The gentle thrust pushed about half of Matt's length past kip's lips. With the grip on kip, Matt then pulled his hips back until just the tip was in kip's lips. Matt then started a slow, sensual thrusting pattern of his cock sliding in and out of kip's mouth. Matt was allowing his cock to sink in more each time, slowly working until kip's nose was touching Matt's wet pubes.

Matt continued this pace now with full strokes of his cock in and out of kip's hungry mouth. kip was fully turned on, even as he was still floating, his nipples were hard points and his caged dick was leaking. Matt pushed his cock in deep and then just held it there with kip's lips resting at the base of his cock. Matt stroked kip's face and throat, tracing his cock form showing in kip's throat. A moan escaped kip's lips at the feeling of his Master in him and touching him as well.

Matt then slowly withdrew his fully engorged cock from kip's mouth. A gentle push moved kip's upper body towards the deeper water and his lower body closer to Matt. Matt then used a hold on the noodle under kip's knees to glide them to where Matt could sit on the steps.

Matt then used a finger to trace up kip's inner thighs. When the finger reached where kip's balls were. kip moaned as Matt traced around the sack and then each ball. Matt then traced around the closure of the cage and then followed by tracing the flesh left exposed on the cage. kip was gurgling at the sensation of his Master's fingers touching his dick. Matt let his fingers work lower now following the taint down to kip's crack.

kip softly cried out as Matt's fingers began tracing around and then pushing inside his pucker. Matt used a light touch as he pushed a second finger in kip's pucker. kip let out a low moan as Matt's finger were thrusting in and then spreading apart when Matt pulled them out. A ripple of pleasure went through kip's body. Matt reached up and began to tease one of kip's nipples while he was working the fingers in and out. kip cooed as he was being stimulated.

Matt pinched the nipple in his hand hard causing kip to gasp. When Matt released the pinched nipple he added a third finger into kip's hole. kip moaned deeply as the three fingers were starting to work in and out of his pucker. Matt was careful not to put too much pressure on kip's p-gland. kip was becoming more horny and needing a release.

"Master, please fuck me. I need your cock in me to be complete. Please!" kip pleaded as his sparkling blue eyes looked into Matt's eyes.

Matt stayed silent but continued to work the three fingers in and out of kip's hole and had resumed teasing the previously pinched nipple. kip let out several whimpers of desire as he stared up longingly to his Master's face.

"On all fours on the lounge chair." Matt ordered softly as he removed his hands from kip's body.

"Yes, Master!" kip said breathlessly as he struggled briefly to stand in the water.

kip hurried out of the pool, over to the lounge chair. There was a towel on the lower half so kip mounted the chair on hands and knees. kip lowered his head and chest down to the chair while pushing his ass up and out.

Matt slowly made his way out of the water, letting it run off his skin. Matt grabbed some of the lube that he had brought down with the massage supplies. Popping the lid Matt spread the lube on his cock and gave it a few long strokes ensuring good coverage. Matt then put more lube on his fingers which he then pressed into kip's waiting hole. kip moaned as the slicked fingers slid all the way into Matt's knuckles.

Matt pulled his prepping fingers out of kip's waiting hole. Matt positioned himself and then moved his cock head up and down in kip's crack. A shiver of lusty desire ran through kip's body, a gasp left his mouth as the hot cock head touched his pucker. kip arched his back trying to give his Master a better position, ready to be plowed.

Matt placed his hands on kip's hips and lined his cock head right in kip's ass lips. kip took a deep breath, but before he could exhale Matt had thrust his cock balls deep, resounding in a loud slap. kip let out a ragged breath and tried to hold on as Matt started a hard, long dicking pace. kip was grunting as Matt was pummeling the prepped hole. Matt's balls were slapping kip's with each jarring impact.

Matt kept this hard and fast pace for several minutes. kip did his best to relax and take his Master's cock. The steady and strong thrusts were pounding kip's p-gland, causing zips of electrical energy pulse through kip's body. kip's mouth was open and drooling spit on the tile below the chair, his caged cock was leaking pre-cum constantly onto the towel below.

kip was unprepared for Matt to pull out, reach under kip's open legs and flip kip onto his back. kip oophed as he landed and had Matt pull kip back down to the edge of the chair and lift kip's legs wide open. Matt used the leverage to tip kip's ass up, then plunged his cock back in kip's hole. kip moaned, looking upward through his blond eyelashes to his Master's face. A predatory look crossed Matt's face as he plowed into his sub's hole.

Matt used his weight and flexibility to pound and thrust into kip's upturned ass. kip felt Matt's cock push past his second ring, causing him to pant and moan. kip was feeling wave after wave of pleasure, his toes were curling as Matt worked his ass. The pace was steady enough that kip was now starting to pulse his ass muscles around Matt's cock as Matt was pulling out. Matt growled in appreciation and kept up his pace.

kip felt his climax start to build. He was beginning to panic as he did not want to cum before his Master did, with permission or not. kip started to clamp his ass muscles harder around his Master's cock. Matt noticed the change and the panicked look on kip's face.

kip should not have been worried, Matt had been steadily building up to his climax. As kip's toes had started to curl he knew that kip was getting closer as well. When kip was using his ass muscles to clench and tighten as much as he could to get Matt closer, Matt gave kip a ferocious smile. Matt was preparing for his massive unloading, he was just extending the sensation of pleasure and pain for as long as he could stand. This in turn was making kip try harder as he did not want to disappoint his Master.

Matt watched as kip's toes tightened even more and his legs began to tighten muscle by muscle. kip's face was ruddy and he had screwed his eyes closed trying with all his might not to shoot his load first. kip's breath was coming in small gasps, almost hyperventilating. Matt watched closely as he continued to pound into kip's hole, bringing the sub closer and closer to release.

"OH NO! OH NO! OH NO!" kip started to cry as he could feel his resistance to his climax fade with each thrust.

Just as kip started to sob, crying for the fact he could not back no longer Matt gave an animalistic snarl. Matt's grip tightened on kip's legs as Matt then shouted and began to pump rope after rope of boiling cum deep in kip's chute. In panic and relief kip screamed as he felt the first splash of hot cum coat his hole.

kip could hold back no more as his cum started to spurt out of his caged dick, splattering his face and chest with his seed. Matt was still huffing and plowing into kip's ass, his seed being deposited as deep as ever. A slight push of kip's legs forward made each of Matt's new thrusts right against kip's prostate gland.

kip cried out again as his already empty balls were churning trying to give another load, but was dry cumming instead. Matt kept up with the hard thrusting even after his load had been blasted as he was watching kip writhe and cry from the dry cum. kip looked up and found Matt's eyes staring at his face.

When their eyes met up, it was like a final spark zapping kip. His body quaked and then kip's eyes rolled back in his head. Matt saw and felt the change and stopped his thrusting directly. Taking several deep and hard breaths before he pulled his cock from kip's hole. Matt slowly released the position of kip's legs and arranged kip's body to be flat on the lounge chair. With the aid of the towel, Matt pulled kip's body up to be fullon on the chair and resting.

Matt walked over and got another towel to clean kip's body while kip was out. Once he had both kip and himself cleaned up of spilt cum, Matt tossed the towel with the other used ones. Matt checked on both of his sleeping men and was satisfied they were both doing fine, just exhausted. Matt smiled at his work.

Matt then waded back into the water of the pool. He pushed towards the deeper water, letting the cool liquid run over his skin. Matt rolled over and began to stretch out to float. Limbs extended and arranged like a starfish, Matt stared up at the night sky and began to relax.

It had been an eventful Saturday from start to finish. Matt had professed his love and had it returned by Chris. He, Chris and Chan had an exciting exercise with kip to further his training and centering after an exhilarating work out session with Chan. Mai had provided Matt's needed supplies and dinner. Then Matt relaxed both Chris and kip with his skills and abilities.

Matt thought this was going to be an even better Sunday as he now had some of the tools he needed for training. A shiver rippled through Matt's body and sent small waves to the side of the pool. Matt laughed as his cock started to rouse again. Thinking to himself, "Maybe it will be an exciting night as well."

Next: Chapter 19

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