Chris Pratts Great Day

By L Stone

Published on Jun 25, 2021


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Chris Pratt's Great Day

Chapter 17

Matt stood up and moved close to kip. kip looked up at Matt's face before pushing his into Matt's crotch, taking in several deep breaths. kip sighed with a stutter like gasping as he took in his Master's scent. Matt brushed his hand against kip's head for a few minutes.

Matt looked over to the bed to see Chan with his arm around Chris like the buddys that they are. It made Matt smile to know that Chris had such good friends, even happier that he had been able to play with both of them. Chan smiled back to Matt as his hand moved to rest on Chris' nipple and started to play with it. Chris' body twitched as Chan's fingers lightly circled and tweaked Chris' nipple.

Matt made eye contact with Chan again and saw the lusty look in Chan's eyes. Chan had not had a chance to play with them so far, as he had just come over for the exercise program. Matt decided that need to change. Matt was now petting kip's head making kip purr.

"Monkeyboy, I need some of my silk ties from the closet. Chan, I need a bar stool brought in from the dining area." Matt said quietly but with authority.

"Yes, Sir." they each replied.

Matt stood with kip still taking deep breaths with his head buried in Matt's crotch. Matt was starting to get firm again, kip noticed and nuzzled his face against his Master's hardening cock. Chan was walking back into the bedroom carrying one of the bar stools. Matt pointed to the open space at the foot of the bed. Chan moved it into place and then stepped to the side. Chris came out of the master closet with a handful of ties, seeing Chan standing near the stool he went there and waited.

"Until my other supplies are delivered we are going to make due. kip you are to crawl over to the stool. Once there you will stand and then bend over the stool." Matt ordered.

"Yes, Master." kip replied as he pulled away from Matt's crotch.

kip crawled from the doorway over to the stool. He stood up and then draped his body over the seat of the stool. kip positioned his ass towards his Master. Matt smiled as he walked over to his night stand, pulling on his gloves. Chris and Chan looked at each other with smiles as well after Matt had gloved up.

"Monkeyboy, I need you and Chan to tie kip's wrists and ankles to the stool. If there are any extra ties, place them on the bed." Matt requested.

"Yes, Sir," Chris answered automatically.

"Oh! Yes, Sir," Chan replied quickly after.

Chris handed two of the silk ties to Chan and he kept two for himself. The others Chris tossed on the edge of the bed. The two quickly knelt to secure kip's ankles and wrists as requested.

Matt walked into the closet and got into one of his bags that came from Oklahoma. Matt walked back out with a small riding crop with a leather patch on the end. He used the crop against one of his gloved hands with a sharp report. Chris and Chan jerked their heads up at the sound.

"You two, on your knees over here." Matt pointed to a spot a few feet to the side of the restrained kip on the stool.

"Yes, Sir." they replied in unison as they moved in place.

Matt walked over to kip who was bent over and restrained on the stool. kip shivered as Matt used the leather patch on the riding crop to trace up and down on kip's legs and arms as he checked how securely Chris and Chan had tied them. Matt nodded to himself that the guys had done well in securing, but not so tightly that they would cut off circulation or leave marks. Matt turned to Chris and Chan smiling.

"Thank you both. Now sit and watch. Be ready to assist as I request it. You may help each other stay hard, but stay focused on what I am doing." Matt praised then ordered.

"Yes, Sir!" Chris and Chan replied.

Matt turned back to kip. Matt took a gloved hand and rubbed from the nape of kip's neck down his spine. Matt's hand continued down past the tailbone and over kip's ass cheeks. Matt reached down and under to grip kip's cage and balls. kip offed as Matt increased the pressure of his gloved hands. Matt released kip's balls and cage, happy with the placement of kip's body on the stool.

"How do you feel, kip?" Matt asked in a whisper right near kip's ear.

"Fine, Master." kip replied.

"Good. We are going to work on a focusing exercise that will help your training with me and with Chan. Also Monkeyboy will have some reaffirmation of his and my relationship. I want you to relax and ride within the experience." Matt explained.

"Yes, Master." kip answered.

"I have my crop that can serve as a focus of your attention." Matt said as he slid the crop over kip's body. Then he lifted it and swatted it back on kip's skin. "It will also serve as a reminder."

"Yes, Master!" kip replied after he sighed from the swat.

"Now I am going to blindfold you. I want you to allow your other senses to heighten your experience. Use the restricted vision as a way to clear your mind of distractions and focus on the pleasure and pain." Matt instructed.

Matt picked up a dark, wide tie from the bed. Quickly he secured it around kip's head. Matt used a gloved finger to trace around kip's ears, then down to kips face to trace kip's nose and lips. Matt circled his finger around and around kip's mouth, pushing it open wider with each circle. kip was breathing deeply, getting the strong leather scent in his brain. Matt pushed his finger in and out of kip's mouth, sliding it across kip's tongue. kip moaned.

Matt glanced over to where Chris and Chan were kneeling. He smiled as each man was slowly stroking each other's cock. Matt returned his attention to kip. Matt stood up and began to slide the leather pad from the crop over kip's body. Matt drew the crop down each of kip's ribs, then back up. When the crop went over kip's nipple, kip moaned and his hips twitched. Matt lightly swatted the nipple and kip grunted and lustily sighed.

Matt leaned his lips to rest right over kip's ear, "Some pain can be pleasure." Matt whispered huskily.

"Yes, Master" kip sighed in an erotically charged voice.

Matt lightly licked kip's ear down to kip's earlobe. Matt nibbled on kip's earlobe and kip moaned with a buck to his hips. Matt chuckled as he resumed tracing with the crop. kip continued to grunt and groan as the crop glided and swatted in turn. Matt was cataloguing different 'hot' zones that he would be using later with kip.

"Chan, I need you to come here." Matt ordered and pointed in front of kip.

"Yes, Sir." Chan said as he stood up and walked to where Matt pointed.

Chan's cock was jutting out and had a gleam of pre-cum on the piss slit. Matt had Chan positioned just out of reach of kip's face. kip was breathing in Chan's strong masculine scent. Chan's musk was stronger from the workout before, it was cloyingly smelling, heavy with pheromones. kip licked his lips as he continued to breathe in and out.

Matt reached up and pulled Chan into a hard kiss, quickly forcing his tongue in and around Chan's mouth. Chan grunted from the forcefulness and pulled in towards Matt. Matt used his hands to position and then push Chan's hard cock into kip's open mouth. Chan moaned as kip's lips settled around the large member. Chan then gasped as Matt pulled his mouth away from the kiss. Matt then pushed Chan's hips forward, sliding Chan's cock deeper into kip's mouth. Both men moaned.

"Keep a slow, steady pace." Matt instructed Chan.

"Yes, Sir." Chan answered.

Bending close to kip's ear again, "Focus on Chan's scent. Let it enter your brain and calm you. When you smell it when you are training, it will act as a focus to calm your distractions." Matt whispered as Chan was pumping his cock in smooth, steady strokes. kip moaned in reply.

Matt stood up and traced up and down kip's back, going lower and lower each time, The crop tip was making circles around kip's ass cheeks. As the leather patch would cross kip's crack, kip would moan and flex his hips back. Matt turned over to where Chris was kneeling and stroking his own cock. Matt just pointed to a spot behind kip's ass and Chris crawled over to it.  

Matt used a gloved hand to spread kip's ass cheeks apart. He looked down at Chris and nodded. Chris pushed his face in kip's ass crack and started to lick and suck on kip's ass lips. kip moaned and jolted as Chris' tongue started to flick in and out of kip's pucker. Matt moved around and bent down by kip's ear again.

"Monkeyboy is getting you wet and preparing your hole. He is going to be pushing his cock in there soon enough. Relax and open yourself to him." Matt huskily whispered again while stroking kip's ear. kip moaned and sighed in pleasure.

Matt allowed Chan to continue to work kip's mouth and throat and Chris to rim kip's ass. Matt resumed using the crop to trace on kip's body, giving some of the hot spots a swat now and again. Matt then started to expand his crop usage on Chris and Chan. Matt knew Chris' hot spots, but he was exploring Chan's. The three men were moaning and groaning as Matt slowly pushed them into a heightened erotic headspace.

"Stand." Matt said as he crossed behind Chris rimming kip.

"Yes, Sir." Chris said as he stood, his leaky cock jutting forward.

Matt walked behind Chris and pulled him into a tight hug. Matt's hard cock was nestled in Chris' crack. Chris sighed and turned his head towards Matt's, meeting in a kiss over Chris' shoulder. Matt kissed Chris deeply, again with an aggressive tongue taking possession of Chris' mouth. Matt then manhandled Chris' hips and cock in position behind kip's spit soaked pucker. Using his hands to line up Chris' cock, Matt forced his hips forward, pushing Chris' cock head into kip's hole.

kip moaned loudly around Chan's still sliding cock as with Matt's guidance Chris' cock was starting to sink deeper into kip's pucker. Chris was moaning into Matt's mouth as Matt continued to press their hips forward, inch by inch. Matt had moved his hand around to play and tease Chris' nipples into hard points. Chris gasped and broke the kiss with Matt as Matt used the crop to swat Chris' abs and then chest. Matt still held Chris close as they finally slid Chris' full cock into kip's chute. Matt held them in place as he nuzzled behind Chris' ear and ground his hips into Chris' ass.

kip was breathing deeply around Chan's rocking cock as he became used to the fullness of Chris' cock. Chan pushed closer so kip's nose was being forced into Chan's pubes with each stroke, filling kip's brain further with Chan's musky scent. kip was being pushed into a deeper erotic zone with each thrust.

Matt kept moving the crop up and down on Chris' body while he was grinding his crotch into Chris' crack. Matt reached up and pushed two gloved fingers into Chris' moaning mouth. Matt nuzzled against Chris' ear as Chris began to suck and wet the fingers. Matt looked up and into Chan's half lidded eyes that were filled with lust. The combination of kip's mouth on his cock and watching Matt and Chris together were making Chan more horny than he had been in quite some time. Matt moved the crop from Chris' body across kip's back and then up Chan's chest. Matt flicked his wrist and the crop swatted one of Chan's darkening nipples.

Matt moved the crop and swatted Chan's other nipple and got a lusty moan from Chan's lips. Chris was watching Chan's face as Matt was using the crop on Chan's chest, it was making Chris' cock swell in kip's hole. Chris was sucking and wetting Matt's fingers trying to get them as wet as he could.

Matt pulled the crop back to Chris' body as he removed the spit soaked fingers from Chris' mouth. Matt pulled his body away from Chris' as he traced the wet fingers down Chris' spine and then into Chris' crack. Chris cried out in passion as Matt pushed the two fingers up to the knuckles in Chris' pucker. Matt started to push his fingers in and out of Chris as he resumed rubbing the crop on Chris' chest.

Matt stepped back pulling his fingers from Chris' pucker and gripped his cock. Matt spit in the gloved hand a few times and pumped his member to full length making it slicked up. Matt stepped back up closer to Chris' ass and lined his cock head up at Chris' entrance. Matt just held his cock head right in place as he pulled the crop horizontal across Chris' abs. Slowly Matt pulled back on the crop, guiding Chris to push back and impale himself on Matt's cock. Matt let Chris move back about half the length of his cock before he paused the motion of the crop.

Chris was moaning from kip's tight ass around his cock, gripping it as Chris pulled back and the fullness from Matt's cock sliding in. kip sighed at the motion which caused Chan's cock to pulse and deposit some pre-cum on kip's tongue. Matt then pushed Chris forward, sliding Chris' cock back into kip's hole and Chris' ass off of his cock. Chris and kip were both moaning now.

Matt pushed his hips forward as he motioned for Chris to begin to slide back on his cock. Now Chris was pulled back to Matt's pelvis with Matt's full cock in his ass. Chris' cock head was just inside of kip's outer ring at this point. Chris made an earthy groan when Matt's crop brushed along his cock from his pubes to kip's pucker. kip shuddered at the extra sensation as well.

Matt hoarsely whispered into Chris' ear, "Ride my cock now!"

"Yes, Sir!" Chris moaned as he started to rock his hips forward.

Now Chris was thrusting into kip's ass and then riding back on Matt's cock. Chris' rocking pace was steady and his moaning was being echoed by kip. Chan started to match Chris' thrusting pace so kip was being filled at both ends in a slow and sensuous pace. The sounds of gasps, sighs, and slurps were punctuated with moans from all four men. Matt let Chris keep the pace for several minutes as he slowly stroked Chris' and kip's legs and sides with the crop.

Matt waited for Chris to push forward into kip's ass the next thrust in. Before Chris could pull back, Matt thrust his cock hard into Chris' ass which forced Chris' cock deeper in kip's. At Matt's guidance and control, the pace changed and the force with it. After only a few of Matt's thrusts Chan changed and matched pace as well. Now kip and Chris were being pummeled together by Matt's and Chan's pace.

Chris threw he head back with a loud moan and rested it back on Matt's shoulder as the group fucking contiued. Matt dropped the crop and used his hands to grip kip's hips as he started to slam hard into Chris' ass and resulting in Chris slam hard into kip's. kip might have cried out but his mouth was being stuffed with Chan's cock who was just barely pulling back to allow kip to gasp in air between thrusts.

Matt was now grunting loudly, letting his full body slam harder into Chris'. In reaction the stool that kip was restrained on was bouncing forward. Chan's cock was now punching into kip's throat with the aid of Matt's thrusting. kip was gagging and sputtering, but Chan grabbed the back of kip's head and kept kip in place.

The new power thrusting by Matt's cock was hammering Chris' gland. kip's body was pulsing on Chris' cock from the fuck thrusting and Chan's skull fucking. Chris started to growl deep in his chest as he felt his climax start to rise.

"Sir, I am about to cum. Please let me cum!" Chris cried out almost in a shriek.

Matt was still pounding harder and harder, he reached one hand up under Chris' arm and grabbed onto Chris' neck pulling Chris back into his chest. Matt found and began chewing on Chris' ear lobe. Chris was writhing as he was so close to shooting and trying to hold back. The pressure was almost too much for Chris, he started to tense his body as tightly as he could to control it.

"Shoot!" Matt whispered in the ear he was nuzzling before he bit down on it firmly.

"Aaaaiiiiiiieeeeee!" Chris screamed as he let go of his control.

Chris' body was quaking as his cock was unloading jet after jet of cum inside kip's hole. Chris was still yelling as Matt pushed Chris' body forward onto kip's and he started to jackhammer into Chris' spasming ass muscles. Matt's cock was hammering Chris' still hard cock deeper into kip's hole.

kip was now struggling with Chris' weight on top of him and Matt's forceful thrusting edging him closer to his own climax. Chan was still skull fucking kip's mouth, so even if kip wanted he would not be able to ask permission to cum. kip was too far into the zone sexually to really understand anything more than pleasure at this point.

Chan started to breathe more heavily. Between his hard panting he looked up and caught Matt's hazel eyes which were sharp and focused. Matt's eyes seemed to bore into Chan's as Chan started to feel his balls churn. Chan's panting turned more like grunting, a harsh animalistic sound.

"Now." Matt said quietly, but firmly staring straight into Chan's eyes as in piercing Chan's sole.

"GRAAAWWWW!" Chan yelled as he started to unleash a torrent of cum into kip's throat.

kip was now hardly able to breathe as Chan's cock was filling and pumping ropes of cum into his belly. Chan shot seven or eight pulses before he pulled back and let the rest of his boiling cum fill kip's mouth. kip was gagging and sputtering as he was trying to get a breath in, cum was spilling out the sides of his mouth and onto the floor.

Matt watched Chan start to come down from his climax still with his cock in kip's mouth. Matt felt his own climax start to build, but it was still some ways off. Matt hooked his hands under Chris' armpits and pulled Chris back with him. Chris gasped as his firm cock was popped from kip's hole. Matt stepped back and pushed Chris off of his cock, Chris slid to the floor at Matt's feet.

Matt looked up and made eye contact with Chan again. Matt pointed to a spot right by Chris at his feet. Chan nodded and pulled his deflating cock from kip's mouth. Chan walked around and dropped to the floor where Matt had pointed. Matt stepped back up to where kip still bound to the stool. Matt lined up his slicked up cock head at kip's pucker entrance and thrust his hips forward going balls deep in the one thrust. kip grunted and then started to moan.

Looking over his shoulders as he started to pump his cock in and out of kip's ass, "Lick and suck our balls." Matt ordered.

"Yes, Sir!" replied Chris and Chan.

Matt leaned over kip's body holding onto kip's hips firmly as he continued to piston in and out of kip's hole. Not sure which man it was, but Matt soon felt a hot tongue begin to lick his ball sack. The tongue swirled around and licked from back to front, brushing his hard shaft as it punched in and out of kip's ass lips.

kip was moaning in pleasure as the other mouth and tongue were licking and slobbering on his balls under the caged nub. kip whimpered as the tongue made its way to his cage as well, flicking in between the openings. kip's lusty moan was again punctuated by grunts as Matt was pounding hard into his ass.

There was a brief cessation of sucking before it resumed, Matt had to assume that the two men switched. The licking started back up and it included some fingers tracing his man-hole. Matt knew that this was Chris as it was a favorite teasing technique. Chris was doing his best to stimulate Matt completely. Matt started to growl deep in his chest.

"Master, please fill my hole. Coat my insides with your hot seed. Breed your DNA as deep as you can." kip pleaded through the grunting.  

Matt snarled as he moved his hands to the bottom of the stool and started wailing his hips into kip's spread ass cheeks. The loud reports of their slapping flesh were echoing throughout the room. kip's moaning has mostly stopped and was replaced with squealing. Matt was still snarling and yipping as he pounded away more and more deeply.

Matt started to feel his leg muscles tighten travelling from his ankles up to his quads. His growl was deeper and more urgent. His thrusting into kip's well used ass was now bouncing the stool forward with each thrust. Chris' finger that had been circling Matt's pucker lips now was pushing into Matt's entrance. Matt could feel his climax build with vigor now.

Roaring Matt started shaking as his cock was now pumping his hot cum deep in kip's chute. Chris' finger was punching Matt's gland as Matt was shooting his huge load, making sure to milk all of Matt's seed. Matt was almost in a full muscle spasm as his cock pulsed, making it larger and expanding against kip's ass walls.

"BREED!! ME!! FUCK!! MEEE!!!!! OHHHH!!! GODDDDD!!!!! MASTER!!!!" kip was yelling as the scorching liquid was loading him up.

"Take it all!!!!" Matt shouted as he thrust the last jets of cum deep, laying his body down against kip's back.

Matt whispered into kip's ear, "Now!"

kip screamed as he began to climax with his ass still full of his Master's pulsing cock and two loads of cum. kip's body was contracting and pulsing as his nub was spraying cum onto Chan's face as Chan had been the last to lick kip's balls at Matt's demand. His Master's body weight and cock filling him made kip shoot more times than normal until the last twitch finished. kip was now limp, draping like a towel over the stool with Matt's sweaty flesh covering his.

Matt was drained from the session, he was using his body weight and sweat to infuse kip's brain even more. Matt glanced back to see that Chris was licking kip's cum off Chan's face and chest, then start to kiss, sharing the sub's seed. Chris caught Matt's gaze and the kissers separated, Chris moving to Matt's face and Chan to kip's. They then all started kissing, sharing tastes of kip's load between them all.

Clap Clap Clap

The men jumped at the sound. Chris separated from Matt's lips as they turned towards the doorway. Matt's mouth turned into a feral grin. He pushed back and withdrew his cum soaked cock from kip's ass. Standing he faced the person clapping.

"Congratulations Master Matt. I can see a job is being well done." Mai said as she pointed to kip bound to the stool and Chris and Chan still on their knees.

Matt walked over to Mai and gave her a hug and a peck on the cheek. If Mai was uncomfortable with Matt's nudity or tumescence she did not show it. She patted Matt's harness.

"Leather suits you nicely." Mai purred softly before she turned her gaze to the trio still in the bedroom. "I believe the equipment I am delivering now will make it easier to accomplish your task at hand. Where would you like the bench and the cross?"

"The guest suite for both. I believe it will be easier to convert to my playroom for the time being." Matt answered as he settled his arm around Mai's shoulders.

"That is an excellent space for a dungeon. I mean, a playroom." Mai replied with a laugh. "I will take care of that. I also brought some other tools that you might enjoy using. See you in about thirty minutes for lunch by the pool - I brought food as well."

"You do think of everything Mistress Mai." Matt answered, then continued, "Yes we can meet you for lunch. Monkeyboy and Chan can use the gym showers to clean up and get dressed. kip and I will use this bathroom. We will meet up by the pool."

"Yes, Sir." Chris and Chan replied.

"Yes, Master." kip answered as he was still tied to the stool.

Matt and Mai smiled at each other before separating. Mai followed the naked Chris and Chan out of the room and Matt thought he heard a quip about nice tight asses, but one looked a bit used. Then there was laughing sounding from their exit.  

Matt walked back and ran his hands over kip's body. Slowly Matt loosened and removed the ties from kip's legs and then wrists. Matt took care to gently rub the flesh that was secured to make sure there were not any tears in the skin or excess bruising. Matt lifted kip's body up into his arms before pulling the tie used as a blindfold.

kip had tears dripping down his face, but his eyes were shining with happiness. Matt hugged kip close to his body, allowing his stability for kip to cleave to. Matt's lips met kip's and they began a warm, leisure kiss. Matt allowed his hands to rub up and down all over kip's body. kip was cooing into Matt's mouth and melting into his Master's body.

kip shrugged out of Matt's holding hug and sunk down to his knees at Matt's feet. kip bent his head and kissed the tops of both of Matt's feet. kip then looked up into Matt's face from his kneeling position.

"Thank you Master." kip said in the calmest voice that Matt had heard yet from him. kip continued, "I do not deserve what you are doing for me, but I thank you with all of my soul."

kip lowered his head, baring his neck in subservience to his Master. Matt took a moment to wipe his own eyes from the moisture gathered there as he stroked kip's head. Matt then bent down to a squat in front of kip's face, using the gloved hands to push up kip's chin.

"You do deserve this and you are worth it. I would not have agreed to do this if I did not feel that was so. We will work together to build you a solid base to work on and coping techniques when you feel yourself start to go out of control. Some will be fun and rewarding exercises like the one this afternoon. Others you will find more challenging. All that I require from you is that you try your best and trust the process. Can you do that?" Matt said softly as he looked into kip's eyes.

"Yes, Master. Thank you, Master." kip answered directly.

"Good. Rise and follow me to the shower. We need to wash the sex off of us before we eat." Matt ordered.

kip stood up and was pulled into a side hug by Matt. Matt led them into the ensuite and started the shower. Matt made kip sit as he removed his leather harness and gloves. That done, he pulled kip onto his lap while on the shower bench. Matt took the time to slowly shampoo and soap kip's body, cleaning each part in time. kip cooed and snuggled into Matt's body as Matt worked. Matt chuckled when kip playfully ground his ass into Matt's firm cock. Matt stood up and kip slid down to his knees again.

kip was now looking right at Matt's cock. kip was about to move forward to touch it when he heard a 'tich' sound. kip looked up sharply to his Master's face.

"Clean me first, then we will see." Matt commanded.

"Yes, Master." kip replied.

kip stood and first shampooed Matt's hair, taking the time to keep the suds from getting in Matt's eyes. Then kip got the soap and suds up his Master's body. kip did lean in and licked Matt's pits before soaping them up. kip then worked down Matt's torso and worked on Matt's legs. kip lifted one of Matt's feet up on the shower bench. kip carefully washed from Matt's toes up to his groin, just short of touching Matt's member. kip then repeated this with Matt's other leg.  

kip had Matt turn around as he then washed Matt's back from the shoulders down to Matt's heels. Working back up Matt's legs, kip took soapy fingers and pushed into Matt's crack. kip made sure to wash all around Matt's pucker and even pushed a soapy finger in Matt's hole. Matt sighed and flexed his hips backward. kip used this motion to reach under and begin to soap up Matt's balls and taint.

Matt moaned more loudly as kip's fingers teased and washed his body. Finally kip had Matt turn back forward, Matt's cock was now hard from the touching and teasing. kip bent forward and licked up the strand of pre-cum from his Master's cock. kip then started to soap up Matt's shaft and cock head. Matt's cock was getting even more hard at the tender motions of kip's hands.

Slowly standing up, kip guided Matt under the streaming water and began to wash all the shampoo and soap from Matt's body. kip gently made sure no soap was on any part of Matt's body before he lowered down in front of Matt.  

Still standing in the running water, Matt felt kip's mouth engulf his cock head and then slowly push all the way down to Matt's trimmed pubes. Resting his nose in his Master's intimate skin, kip used his mouth, tongue and throat to massage Matt's turgid member. kip was not moving his lips up but he was forcing his head down on the cock, pushing it in and out of his throat. kip increased his pace as he heard his Master moan.

kip was now throat fucking himself on his Master's cock, the cock head and part of the shaft plunging in and out of the tight confines. In a few short moments, Matt dropped his hands on the back of kip's head and started to pound his hips forward into kip's face. It only took a few hard strokes and Matt was pumping another load into kip's throat. Matt pulled back before he was finished and let the last bit fill kip's mouth.

kip just held Matt's cock in his mouth until Matt released his hold on the back of kip's head. kip allowed the cock to pull from his mouth, sucking with his lips to ensure all the cum stayed in his mouth. Matt reached down and lifted kip up and kissed him deeply. The kiss was like before with forceful authority, Matt's tongue plunging deep in kip's mouth. They shared Matt's seed in this manner.  

Matt reached and turned off the water. kip pulled away to grab a towel and dry Matt's body. Handing another one to Matt to dry his hair, kip continued down lifting and drying each leg. Matt finished and used the towel in his hands to dry kip's hair. kip finished by drying off his own body. They walked into the closet and Matt chose shorts for them to pull on and loose tops. They dressed and headed towards the poolside.

It was a short walk down from the master bedroom down to the pool. Mai was sitting looking off into the afternoon sun towards the ocean. Her dark hair flowing in the light breeze. She was wearing a stark white tank style top and a pebble grey colored pair of shorts. The leather around her shorts could have been mistaken for a belt, but there were a pair of restraint leathers twisted together and tied in an elaborate knot. Food was on the table for the five of them.

When Matt and kip arrived, Matt again hugged and kissed Mai on the cheek. kip came forward and then dropped to his knees, bending to kiss the tops of each of Mai's feet. He then stood and accepted her hug.

"Welcome to my Master's home, Mistress Mai." kip said quietly.

"Thank you for the hospitality Master Matt and sub kip." Mai said as she nodded her head.

About that time there was a holler and the other two men were sprinting towards the pool from the gym. Matt and Mai shared a knowing smile as Chris and Chan came racing to the pool. Chris was just ahead of Chan and he cheered when he reached the edge of the pool. Then he and Chan started laughing before they came and gave Mai a hug and a kiss.

"Sit, we need to eat. I still have to get back to the restaurant before the dinner rush starts." Mai chided.

"Yes, mam!" Chris said with a cheeky smile.

Each man filled a plate as Mai dished the food up. It was some of her delicious, healthy and light fusion cuisine. Mai made a small plate for herself and put her plate down. She was about to say something when kip slowly pushed back his chair and then sat at Matt's feet. He was holding his plate in his lap, kip started eating. Mai looked at Matt and shared a nod.

"I see kip is progressing well. You will have to know what you think of the equipment I have for you in the playroom." Mai said.

"Thank, Mai. You are a lifesaver. It will keep our training more discrete. I am sure your selections will be outstanding as with everything else you bring to this home." Matt said reaching out to touch Mai's hand.

"You can keep it as long as it is needed. Even if you finish kip's training." Mai said with a chuckle.

Chris blushed slightly at Mai's comment and Matt's gaze in his direction. They started a quick conversation about the upcoming projects the company had. Matt knew about some of them due to his part in working with some of the clients. It always astounded Matt the scope of Mai's knowledge about the business and her shrew comments about each project.

The group finished eating and all stood to hug Mai as she took her leave. Chan took the opportunity to leave as well. He gave each man a hug and kiss before heading up the hill. Matt, Chris and kip were left poolside and had moved over to the chaise lounges. kip had settled on his knees in between the chairs Matt and Chris were reclining in. Matt was stroking kip's hair as they relaxed, letting the ocean breeze brush over them. Matt smiled at Chris as they heard kip give a contented sigh.

Next: Chapter 18

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